I have to admit... there is nothing to enjoy about this show.
If the plan is real and I pray to God that it is, and that it's His plan... but my goodness. It's like Christians wishing for Revelations to occur.
I am an empathetic person, I don't like seeing people suffer. All of this suffering, all of these lies, they're all based on one thing alone: Human greed.
It doesn't even matter if God is real or not because human greed certainly is. What people have become is disgusting.
There is nothing here that is enjoyable to watch, I'm looking forward to it being over, justice being served. I sure pray we're not all getting played.
"The end won't be for everyone" Unfortunately we are in a new style of warfare where people don't even understand we're at war. There will be casualties and those casualties will be the vaxxed.
I'm not disputing that. I'm not even disputing the need for an event like this to occur, to wake people up to how evil some humans can be.
I'm just saying that there is nothing to enjoy about watching it play out and there is no honor in being smug about someone else's failure or suffering.
That's all I'm getting at.
Now, there is a part of me that finds this whole thing fascinating to observe. I almost can't avert my gaze.
Exactly. I still pray for the children. Just help the children. I have a mind now to fend for myself, family and community. Save the damn children! We are living in hell.
I don’t think there will be any smugness. There will be happiness for the lives we’ve been able to save and mourning for those we may potentially lose. We’ve been telling people, and telling people, and telling people. Some see it. Some don’t. Some will live to fight another day. Some won’t. It’s almost as if life itself is playing out quickly along with the plan of those evil bastards pulling the strings. Whatever may happen, we can say we fought with everything to expose the ones we care about to it in an effort to help them see with us. Our consciouses are clean.
Lots of crime victims too- homicides up. Some education- indoctrination-migration-economic problems SEEM irreparable. But they say The Best Is Yet to Come. I Can't Wait!
Exactly. What are we meant to do with the 4-6% who will never wake up? We cant ever move forward with braindead liberal Communists fighting us all the time. Giving them option of the vax to take themselves off the board via there own ignorance and choice solves the problem nicely.
this is the one topic that sets me off. LOTS of people just simply DON'T DESERVE to be affected from this. the people that are not liberal maniacs, but also not an AWAKEN PEDE, or a PATRIOT. You have your ignorant yet innocent people that go and take this shot for themselves, and end up with their lives ruined. People like Kyle Warner, just a mountain biker with an outdoors lifestyle. took the vaccine and his fun is about ruined. He had no clue what was happening. Look him up. Do guys like that honestly need to suffer? Or should Trump just shut the fuck up about the vaccine constantly? I see what you're saying, but I don't think we need to have such a harsh blanket statement.
No one is actually innocent. And the information is in abundance and accessible to anyone. People choosing to relegate their information to mainstream media reap what they sow. Not participating is simply not an option. I understand why people want to blue pill, but that doesn't excuse their decision to be willfully ignorant.
That said, I don't quite agree with my own dissertation because at the end of the day, evil simply should not be allowed to influence the way it has. So I would also add that those who led those people like Kyle Warner astray will have to atone for what happened to him and others they lied to...
how is it abundant when they try to do a search on Google, and it's filled with harmful vaccine propaganda? Abundant is a stretch, you almost have to know where to look; THEN it's abundant.
I want so bad to witness Justice while here on earth. I get caught up in all the happenings sometimes but I know that is my flesh. My spirit yearns for Jesus to return and rapture us out more and more. I’m a young man and I feel like I haven’t got to live out a decent life but the further I walk with the Lord the more that I can’t wait to see all the splendor that awaits. We will witness the tribulation from afar I just pray that these people would turn from their wicked ways and submit to God. The Bible says man shall wax worse and worse so I know many will not be saved. I’m just glad the Lord had given me some clarity. The half has not been told my frens!
It's amazing how our perspectives change as we move along. A week ago, before my husband's stroke, I was doing my usual research and updating here in all my free time. Now I'm just glad my husband is alive and the daily grind towards justice seems a little less frustrating as my time has shifted to getting to the hospital twice a day.
That whole inauguration was filmed multiple times over and poorly spliced. I still have video of Biden's swear in where the two gals behind him disappear when the camera changes. I also have the video of Jill walking into the building with blue heels, walking through the building with tan heels and then back to blue when they get to their seats. It's all a movie folks.
Totally! Every once and a while, I have to re-watch the stuff I archived offline from that day to remind myself that something behind the scenes is going on that we aren't privy to yet.
You are the hero - with a free run and all that ammunition you mentioned.
I know that's flippant, and I get what you are saying, but all must see as you so clearly do. The media and the corrupt Washington machine gives Biden his legitimacy, they are doing all that stuff.
Trump is just waiting for everyone to see where ignorance leads them because coming back before that awakening would just be 4 more years of hell and a slow death for everyone when he eventually goes. Extraordinary measures are needed.
I know what you mean though, I have lost weight, friends, and my career is in tatters, but I never wore that mask, or took their drugs, and I will never surrender.
I said any follow on comments, sparky. Also, I am not a mod and can't ban you. I just follow the rules. You should do the same. Whether or not I like what you said is irrelevant. If you break the fucking rules you get deported.
Do yourself a favor, read up on Devolution or watch this and remind yourself of who is actually to blame here. Trump did not cause this. The cabal did. Stop dooming against Trump because he's not doing HIS plan YOUR way.
Agreed. Real people are getting killed real dead. It's well past time to end the DS and stop excusing the misprision of "showing people". Some will have to learn later, not before.
I'll spell it out for you, faggot. From the sidebar:
"No doomers or shills: If you can't use common sense, you'll get banned without hesitation. If you're a shill, you fall under this rule. If you're a doomer, you fall under this rule as you just add garbage to the site like the other two. This includes forum sliding."
17minutes before noon, Lopez came out to sing "this land is your land"
at the transition to 17minutes after noon, Garth Brooks was singing the words "I once was lost but I'm found, was blind but now I see" from amazing grace.
it was definitely a show! I couldn't believe how blatant they were with lady gaga performing, all the theatrics. I remember texting my friends, and they couldn't 'see' what I did, like such an inauguration was normal😳
This reminder is no joke. Those of us who watched that "inauguration" should remember it, and all the weirdness that went along with it (foreigner gun salute down to the scared rabbit feel of the entire audience). It's a good thing to remember. Thanks, because sometimes I forget too.
Well that certainly explains why the DS pushed for (and got) a second impeachment trial. How many people asked what was the point of holding an impeachment trial for a former president? Lots! My question is, would biden, piglosi, et al know about this swearing in on AF1?
I heard Trump say in a recent interview, "We were at Mar-a-Lago or as we like to call it, 'The Southern White House'." It stood out to me and I think we all know why.
When things get bad enough the media will have to consider saying he won the election but isn't running the country properly! But then they admit theyve subverted the country by pretending Biden won!
He has them in a double bind. They can't do anything - so all they do is bullshit virus talk all day long.
Interesting thought for sure. Which Supreme Court Justices were NOT at Xiden's inauguration? Trying to figure out which Justice was most likely swearing in DJT at 12:01pm?
^^^^THIS - Details Matter. For example, insurance claims, to be valid, must occur within the specified dates (to the minute). Outside of the time window, even by one minute, is legally null and void. The Presidency is exponentially more significant. The time discrepancy of Xiden's swearing in, together with the editing anamolies (appears it was not a live event), the sullen funeral-like mood of the few in attendance, and the glaring lack of visiting heads of state, strongly suggest Xiden's inauguration was not legit. It was for optics.
You are correct. I was watching and noted it was 8 to 12 so I knew I'd have time to get a snack. When I got back the 'swearing in' was done and I saw it was 5 to 12.
Remember when Roberts screwed up Obama's and he was pissed. O made sure it was redone with the right words at the WH shortly after.
The swearing in HAS TO BE DONE exactly as indicated or its null and void.
If Biden is just the resident and not the President, that means any bills passed by Congress and signed by the resident are not valid.
My question is, “where are all the children and human trafficking victims being kept?” Strange that no one has let slip anything. Remember when Trump said a girl was rescued and it would be divulged later? Was it Madeline McCann or Natalie Holloway? It had to have been someone who had been in the news because look at all who have been rescued and nothing was said by a Trump. This teaser was especially pointed out.
Good one, yes I remember that.
My view is that Trump retains the power of a US president in control of his military. This is defacto control of the entire world. The US is more powerful than understood and the president has that power. He is watching and taking action daily.
The media does not report and operators never divulge. So you see nothing. Maybe you see an "tornado" or "lightning strike" but the media, crucially, cannot report it. To report it means legitimising Trump, admitting he retains the power. That means he "becomes" the president. The media control the perception, Trump knows that and is using it.
I believe there are people being saved, as they are discovered. The war rages unseen.
The enemy are desperate to have just a single focus, the virus, and distract us from their otherwise powerless state.
You weren't told that, people on 4chan/8chan/8kun were told that, you got it second hand if you want to nitpick. How many 4chan autists do you think are letting their families take the vax? none of my inner family are.. harsh maybe but true enuf.
The inauguration is pretty much under the responsibility of the Honor Guard especially the 21 gun salute.
Wrinkled flags on caskets and sloppy gun salutes may go unnoticed to the untrained anti-military liberal dipshit, but you, Anon, must open your mind to a broader perspective. Research military traditions and then look back at this year's "inauguration". It will vastly change your perspective
I guess I am at a loss for words here. You think trump is still president? If that was true then what a shithead he would be, for allowing all of this clownworld shit to go on.
Clown world was going on before Trump, and during Trump, and would have deposed Trump if he attempted assert a win in 2020. Even with proof, without the media it was going to be clown world again, they would have tried to unseat him the entire time, and probably would have succeeded. Ousting Trump would have given them legitimacy, whereas if he doesn't overtly fight it, while retaining some legal powers, then they remain illegitimate and hobbled. It just gamed out better, even though it sucks, it is still better, more effective strategy.. They are twisting in the wind and yes it is going to hell... they either admit they cheated or they are left to struggle-on without their main supply line, the US presidency powers.
His final address to the nation where he had 17 American flags behind him and said we’d be seeing him again soon in some form then got onto AF1 to fly to Florida.
I really hate posts like this. Not because we all don't want to believe it's true, but because you offered ZERO evidence that it is. Why bother? Is it just to get some attention for yourself and karma points?
And let's just pretend for a minute that it is true. Then what? Then tens of millions of normies know, finally know they've been played. But not by Fauci and big pharma, et al, but by Trump - who allowed thousands upon thousands of people to die needlessly and for our country to go through turmoil and hell .. and then what? No, this is not what's happening.
Well, I did offer more than zero, I offered a screenshot, it's not much but it's not zero.
You seem to think there was a path for Trump to take that would have avoided all strife, even though you experienced the first term like everyone else with the media on 24/7 hatefest clown world.
It's no good comparing to an ideal and finding the situation lacking, you have to compare it to the alternatives, then it might seem preferable. Anyway, there is benefit in you thinking the way you do, you're animated against clown world, I hope, more than ever.
It would be nice to see a video, or picture, of Trump being sworn in at noon during biden's inauguration--I would feel a lot better about the plan. But there isn't video or pictures of that event, so it really didn't happen.
Well thats if it was live. Notice the sun in his face. It was cloudy that day all day and the inauguration was well lit the whole time. Just like this p resident, it was staged.
Incorrect premise. There is an actor pretending to be in a white house, and who knows which version of Hillary is showing up occasionally.
Everything has to be done legally and constitutionally. If Trump just had been grabbed and executed, millions of people would die in the riots and fighting. A simple military coup was the other plan choice.
I have to admit... there is nothing to enjoy about this show.
If the plan is real and I pray to God that it is, and that it's His plan... but my goodness. It's like Christians wishing for Revelations to occur.
I am an empathetic person, I don't like seeing people suffer. All of this suffering, all of these lies, they're all based on one thing alone: Human greed.
It doesn't even matter if God is real or not because human greed certainly is. What people have become is disgusting.
There is nothing here that is enjoyable to watch, I'm looking forward to it being over, justice being served. I sure pray we're not all getting played.
"The end won't be for everyone" Unfortunately we are in a new style of warfare where people don't even understand we're at war. There will be casualties and those casualties will be the vaxxed.
I'm not disputing that. I'm not even disputing the need for an event like this to occur, to wake people up to how evil some humans can be.
I'm just saying that there is nothing to enjoy about watching it play out and there is no honor in being smug about someone else's failure or suffering.
That's all I'm getting at.
Now, there is a part of me that finds this whole thing fascinating to observe. I almost can't avert my gaze.
Enjoy the fact the show isn't a thermo-nuclear exchange which was clearly one of the contingent strategies they were fucking about with.
"Enjoy the fact the show isn't a thermo-nuclear exchange..."
I think the only reason the DS hasn't tried this is because the space aliens won't allow it.
It's the only thing I can think of to explain it.
Hum.. space aliens or God. I think we can agree that one of the two would have the power to stop such a thing...
God goes without saying. :-)
Yeah the aliens have been critical of us using nukes for a long time now. I'm sure God would feel the same.
Yeah i just got off the phone with Zerphlac, he said the same.
Not unlikely given how badly Pelosi wanted the launch codes and how many of the faggots were preparing their doomsday bunkers.
We MUST trust God, pray and do what we can to reach other people
Exactly. I still pray for the children. Just help the children. I have a mind now to fend for myself, family and community. Save the damn children! We are living in hell.
I don’t think there will be any smugness. There will be happiness for the lives we’ve been able to save and mourning for those we may potentially lose. We’ve been telling people, and telling people, and telling people. Some see it. Some don’t. Some will live to fight another day. Some won’t. It’s almost as if life itself is playing out quickly along with the plan of those evil bastards pulling the strings. Whatever may happen, we can say we fought with everything to expose the ones we care about to it in an effort to help them see with us. Our consciouses are clean.
" I almost can't avert my gaze."
Train wrecks are like that.
Lots of crime victims too- homicides up. Some education- indoctrination-migration-economic problems SEEM irreparable. But they say The Best Is Yet to Come. I Can't Wait!
Exactly. What are we meant to do with the 4-6% who will never wake up? We cant ever move forward with braindead liberal Communists fighting us all the time. Giving them option of the vax to take themselves off the board via there own ignorance and choice solves the problem nicely.
It's actually quite ingenious.
this is the one topic that sets me off. LOTS of people just simply DON'T DESERVE to be affected from this. the people that are not liberal maniacs, but also not an AWAKEN PEDE, or a PATRIOT. You have your ignorant yet innocent people that go and take this shot for themselves, and end up with their lives ruined. People like Kyle Warner, just a mountain biker with an outdoors lifestyle. took the vaccine and his fun is about ruined. He had no clue what was happening. Look him up. Do guys like that honestly need to suffer? Or should Trump just shut the fuck up about the vaccine constantly? I see what you're saying, but I don't think we need to have such a harsh blanket statement.
No one is actually innocent. And the information is in abundance and accessible to anyone. People choosing to relegate their information to mainstream media reap what they sow. Not participating is simply not an option. I understand why people want to blue pill, but that doesn't excuse their decision to be willfully ignorant.
That said, I don't quite agree with my own dissertation because at the end of the day, evil simply should not be allowed to influence the way it has. So I would also add that those who led those people like Kyle Warner astray will have to atone for what happened to him and others they lied to...
how is it abundant when they try to do a search on Google, and it's filled with harmful vaccine propaganda? Abundant is a stretch, you almost have to know where to look; THEN it's abundant.
They've had 20 years+ to wake up. We have - what's their excuse?
Time's up.
you don't get it. there are people not involved...in anything.
The Hope of Christ return is a reality everyday. From now until it happens.
Because we are spared from the wrath to come
I want so bad to witness Justice while here on earth. I get caught up in all the happenings sometimes but I know that is my flesh. My spirit yearns for Jesus to return and rapture us out more and more. I’m a young man and I feel like I haven’t got to live out a decent life but the further I walk with the Lord the more that I can’t wait to see all the splendor that awaits. We will witness the tribulation from afar I just pray that these people would turn from their wicked ways and submit to God. The Bible says man shall wax worse and worse so I know many will not be saved. I’m just glad the Lord had given me some clarity. The half has not been told my frens!
I know, I could have typed that myself yesterday. Just trying to find some positives, some hope.
It's amazing how our perspectives change as we move along. A week ago, before my husband's stroke, I was doing my usual research and updating here in all my free time. Now I'm just glad my husband is alive and the daily grind towards justice seems a little less frustrating as my time has shifted to getting to the hospital twice a day.
Real Life still goes on outside of the movie theater. Q is talking about the show going on behind the scenes.
Beautifully said, and I completely agree with this statement.
If Trump was getting secretly sworn in, it will have been filmed, and must eventually be shown.
Darkness to light after all.
That whole inauguration was filmed multiple times over and poorly spliced. I still have video of Biden's swear in where the two gals behind him disappear when the camera changes. I also have the video of Jill walking into the building with blue heels, walking through the building with tan heels and then back to blue when they get to their seats. It's all a movie folks.
Totally! Every once and a while, I have to re-watch the stuff I archived offline from that day to remind myself that something behind the scenes is going on that we aren't privy to yet.
have any links to these vids? would love to see them.
You are the hero - with a free run and all that ammunition you mentioned.
I know that's flippant, and I get what you are saying, but all must see as you so clearly do. The media and the corrupt Washington machine gives Biden his legitimacy, they are doing all that stuff.
Trump is just waiting for everyone to see where ignorance leads them because coming back before that awakening would just be 4 more years of hell and a slow death for everyone when he eventually goes. Extraordinary measures are needed.
I know what you mean though, I have lost weight, friends, and my career is in tatters, but I never wore that mask, or took their drugs, and I will never surrender.
Agree vapourface. It occurred to me this morning, "we are the storm," gradually building and shaping.
You probably live in a good governed area.
Give us your solution? Thr movie sucks but the ending will be great. Some won't make it.
It is about the solution. If you have a better one present it. If you aren't happy, then get involved in your local offices.
But if you proceed with another doomer tier response, I'm deporting you. You've called issue to the problem, now do something about it.
I said any follow on comments, sparky. Also, I am not a mod and can't ban you. I just follow the rules. You should do the same. Whether or not I like what you said is irrelevant. If you break the fucking rules you get deported.
Do yourself a favor, read up on Devolution or watch this and remind yourself of who is actually to blame here. Trump did not cause this. The cabal did. Stop dooming against Trump because he's not doing HIS plan YOUR way.
Agreed. Real people are getting killed real dead. It's well past time to end the DS and stop excusing the misprision of "showing people". Some will have to learn later, not before.
It isn’t for everyone. But the pains are necessary for the awakening.
I'll spell it out for you, faggot. From the sidebar:
"No doomers or shills: If you can't use common sense, you'll get banned without hesitation. If you're a shill, you fall under this rule. If you're a doomer, you fall under this rule as you just add garbage to the site like the other two. This includes forum sliding."
Lighten up, Francis.
No one is allowed to doomfag. We have rules. Read the side bar.
17minutes before noon, Lopez came out to sing "this land is your land" at the transition to 17minutes after noon, Garth Brooks was singing the words "I once was lost but I'm found, was blind but now I see" from amazing grace.
Enjoy the show.
it was definitely a show! I couldn't believe how blatant they were with lady gaga performing, all the theatrics. I remember texting my friends, and they couldn't 'see' what I did, like such an inauguration was normal😳
It was definitely weird. They all kept looking around too, like they were expecting something.
This reminder is no joke. Those of us who watched that "inauguration" should remember it, and all the weirdness that went along with it (foreigner gun salute down to the scared rabbit feel of the entire audience). It's a good thing to remember. Thanks, because sometimes I forget too.
Did you see the size of the Bible Joe Biden put his hand on? It looked like it came from a Witches pantry.
Must avoid all traps that will get me needlessly in trouble.
Nice new account. You seem to have a habit of defending a specific religion. Hmm 🤔
It was thick print since he’s old and can’t see good anymore 😝
As if he actually reads it.
Solving an embarrassing issue from tje get go. God bless America.
Well that certainly explains why the DS pushed for (and got) a second impeachment trial. How many people asked what was the point of holding an impeachment trial for a former president? Lots! My question is, would biden, piglosi, et al know about this swearing in on AF1?
I heard Trump say in a recent interview, "We were at Mar-a-Lago or as we like to call it, 'The Southern White House'." It stood out to me and I think we all know why.
When things get bad enough the media will have to consider saying he won the election but isn't running the country properly! But then they admit theyve subverted the country by pretending Biden won!
He has them in a double bind. They can't do anything - so all they do is bullshit virus talk all day long.
Interesting thought for sure. Which Supreme Court Justices were NOT at Xiden's inauguration? Trying to figure out which Justice was most likely swearing in DJT at 12:01pm?
Breyer, Alito, and Thomas. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/3-supreme-court-justices-didnt-attend-inauguration-covid-19
Three Justices... Like the original Supreme Court...
Lmao at all the doomers!
Praying fervently that this is true
^^^^THIS - Details Matter. For example, insurance claims, to be valid, must occur within the specified dates (to the minute). Outside of the time window, even by one minute, is legally null and void. The Presidency is exponentially more significant. The time discrepancy of Xiden's swearing in, together with the editing anamolies (appears it was not a live event), the sullen funeral-like mood of the few in attendance, and the glaring lack of visiting heads of state, strongly suggest Xiden's inauguration was not legit. It was for optics.
Except that "inauguration" didn't happen in DC at 12.
You are correct. I was watching and noted it was 8 to 12 so I knew I'd have time to get a snack. When I got back the 'swearing in' was done and I saw it was 5 to 12.
Remember when Roberts screwed up Obama's and he was pissed. O made sure it was redone with the right words at the WH shortly after.
The swearing in HAS TO BE DONE exactly as indicated or its null and void.
The "conspiracy" at the time was that he had one swearing in in public, and another in private using a koran.
Probably true.
Don't TEASE me.
If Biden is just the resident and not the President, that means any bills passed by Congress and signed by the resident are not valid. My question is, “where are all the children and human trafficking victims being kept?” Strange that no one has let slip anything. Remember when Trump said a girl was rescued and it would be divulged later? Was it Madeline McCann or Natalie Holloway? It had to have been someone who had been in the news because look at all who have been rescued and nothing was said by a Trump. This teaser was especially pointed out.
Good one, yes I remember that. My view is that Trump retains the power of a US president in control of his military. This is defacto control of the entire world. The US is more powerful than understood and the president has that power. He is watching and taking action daily.
The media does not report and operators never divulge. So you see nothing. Maybe you see an "tornado" or "lightning strike" but the media, crucially, cannot report it. To report it means legitimising Trump, admitting he retains the power. That means he "becomes" the president. The media control the perception, Trump knows that and is using it. I believe there are people being saved, as they are discovered. The war rages unseen.
The enemy are desperate to have just a single focus, the virus, and distract us from their otherwise powerless state.
Looks like you need some time away
You weren't told that, people on 4chan/8chan/8kun were told that, you got it second hand if you want to nitpick. How many 4chan autists do you think are letting their families take the vax? none of my inner family are.. harsh maybe but true enuf.
Wrong. Trump has always emphasized the importance of choice.
Lol what?
The inauguration and very early swear in of Bidan was a fake scripted event.
That too!
Yet another example of why military customs should be required learning in school.
Honor Guard is extremely OCD when it comes to pomp and circumstance. That's not something to brush off as "strange"
The inauguration is pretty much under the responsibility of the Honor Guard especially the 21 gun salute.
Wrinkled flags on caskets and sloppy gun salutes may go unnoticed to the untrained anti-military liberal dipshit, but you, Anon, must open your mind to a broader perspective. Research military traditions and then look back at this year's "inauguration". It will vastly change your perspective
What proof do you have of that?
...they literally included a link to a video...
Everything is scripted, fake and illegitimate.
? thanks for that marvellous contribution to the wonders of living.
I guess I am at a loss for words here. You think trump is still president? If that was true then what a shithead he would be, for allowing all of this clownworld shit to go on.
Clown world was going on before Trump, and during Trump, and would have deposed Trump if he attempted assert a win in 2020. Even with proof, without the media it was going to be clown world again, they would have tried to unseat him the entire time, and probably would have succeeded. Ousting Trump would have given them legitimacy, whereas if he doesn't overtly fight it, while retaining some legal powers, then they remain illegitimate and hobbled. It just gamed out better, even though it sucks, it is still better, more effective strategy.. They are twisting in the wind and yes it is going to hell... they either admit they cheated or they are left to struggle-on without their main supply line, the US presidency powers.
How do you k kwnhe was on AF1
His final address to the nation where he had 17 American flags behind him and said we’d be seeing him again soon in some form then got onto AF1 to fly to Florida.
Which no follow up has been made on its whereabouts.
I still remember the last time the swearing in was done on AF1.
twas reported, although of course I do not know first hand. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-mar-a-lago-inauguration-biden-b1787712.html
Let's not forget the salute that was for a foreign dignitary
I really hate posts like this. Not because we all don't want to believe it's true, but because you offered ZERO evidence that it is. Why bother? Is it just to get some attention for yourself and karma points?
And let's just pretend for a minute that it is true. Then what? Then tens of millions of normies know, finally know they've been played. But not by Fauci and big pharma, et al, but by Trump - who allowed thousands upon thousands of people to die needlessly and for our country to go through turmoil and hell .. and then what? No, this is not what's happening.
Well, I did offer more than zero, I offered a screenshot, it's not much but it's not zero.
You seem to think there was a path for Trump to take that would have avoided all strife, even though you experienced the first term like everyone else with the media on 24/7 hatefest clown world.
It's no good comparing to an ideal and finding the situation lacking, you have to compare it to the alternatives, then it might seem preferable. Anyway, there is benefit in you thinking the way you do, you're animated against clown world, I hope, more than ever.
Go read devolution and then come back and try again.
Stop it
I think you're required to keep shilling until WE deport your account. You can't just quit, unless of course you're hopping off to find a real job.
Great post!
sorry, but if Trump is still pres, he's doing a really ass job of it
It would be nice to see a video, or picture, of Trump being sworn in at noon during biden's inauguration--I would feel a lot better about the plan. But there isn't video or pictures of that event, so it really didn't happen.
You know this for a fact?
No, I don't know anything for a fact about what is going on in this country at this time--I wish I did know.
He didn't get a 21 gun salute. The inauguration was nice and sunny yet DC was wet and rainy all day.
Well thats if it was live. Notice the sun in his face. It was cloudy that day all day and the inauguration was well lit the whole time. Just like this p resident, it was staged.
Yea… keep dreaming
Read devolution.
Well if this is the show, and he is our president, he’s doing a crappy job
Compared to what?
You never had faith to begin with.
Incorrect premise. There is an actor pretending to be in a white house, and who knows which version of Hillary is showing up occasionally.
Everything has to be done legally and constitutionally. If Trump just had been grabbed and executed, millions of people would die in the riots and fighting. A simple military coup was the other plan choice.
Very discerning, I reread and agree, total shill.