All of Biden's 80 mill supporters can form a circle around him as he goes out and makes good on his threat as worded above. With that much support I am sure they can all get Winter very Dark indeed.
But tell me...what if he finds that support is not there? What if the dementia patient had a circle of people around him telling him "Go get em Joe!" "Our patience is running thin, Joe! Us and the 80 million votes you had who all decided collectively that showering with your Granddaughter was ok!"
What if you get a start on Dark Winter and find out the support isn't there? He will get to find out soon!
Fakebook won't allow me to post pics anymore, guess I pissed someone off lol. But I can post to my story. Put it up, saying this is a threat from the highest OFFICE in America. I know, I know get off FB. But it allows me to put this out there. Sure I'll be banned now. Please no haters.
Well, I have family out of state is my first reason. And that's how I keep up with them.
But, since I've been posting memes, and or other news about let's go Brandon they have taken away my privaledge to post pics. And I see more and more how awful they are. I will be getting off there.
I also in my head thought it was a way to kinda red pill. But I just get censored. And that's why.
And yet God commands His followers to engage, to help save others. Bring them home. Spread Jesus like wildfire. Fighting on their battlefields. Some are better than others at this. So spreading information, in the danger zone is recommended, and rewarded.
I lost both my facebook accounts in the past month. Mostly I just posted artwork, photos and nostalgia with the occasional meme. I'll miss my friends and the business contacts I'd made. GAB is alright, and growing daily.
Hopefully that Truth Social will really take off and people can use it in a similar way that they use Facebook now. Everyone migrated naturally from Myspace to FB. They can migrate to Truth Social if the product is good.
Agree with you 100%, I was off FB for years, but when school mask mandates started up, all the local folks who were fighting them were still on FB. I had to join back up just to communicate with like-minded people. We did start a mirror Gab Page, but we only got a few people to join it... sad, but we keep waking more by keeping a presence on FB.
No hospitals are being overwhelmed unless they've fired all their staff for being intelligent enough not to take poison
If you get coronavirus, just take some zinc and either HCQ or ivermectin, and you'll be fine in a matter of hours.
In the belief that billions fewer humans will be better for the planet and the "overburdened" healthcare system—and easier to control—governments and health officials worldwide have conspired to conduct a mass depopulation event called a "viral pandemic". Filling people with fear is part of it, to make them willing to give up their hard-won freedoms and go along with the scheme.
You can still get horse paste online. There are also lists of doctors published on this site who will prescribe the correct meds.
Fortunately for all humankind, the mass-murderers have inexplicably chosen an illness with a 99% survival rate to use as the pretext for creating their dystopian fascist nightmare society based on biomedical tracking and control of every remaining human for the rest of their markedly shortened lives. You can do NOTHING and just get over the coronavirus. It isn't any worse than the flu—especially true of the "morOnic" variant.
They choose a 99.99% survival rate virus because finally you don't need a real new virus .... you just renamed the common flu. For all of what we seen in the last 2 years can be blamed only on few people! All the rest just follow the orders. Where is the proof of this virus if no laboratory in the entire universe has found one? If people is so asleep to believe in news media is not their problem. If news media just repeat a script is not their problem. If people follow unconstitutional rules is not their problem. You can just can say is not your problem if you need to provide some food for your family. Everybody have a good excuse for turning their neck and don't complain.
I hate to correct, but it isn’t the normal flu. Influenza is a very separate type of virus than the Corona virus. They may cause the same symptoms because the body’s response to each is the same. But you can differentiate them in a viral panel based on respiratory secretions. Even if a “normal” corona virus is what the cause is - it is completely different than an influenza virus.
I’ve been saying this since August of 2020 when my wife got COVID. She started digging down the rabbit hole, & I mean deep. All 3 letter agencies sites CDC, WHO etc all of them. The first weird ah-Ah moment… why if so deadly were they calculating these deaths in the same category as influenza phenomena, bronchitis? Anyone can go fact check this, Go Look at the last 3 years data and someone explains to me, even more now since there is time since this so called “Outbreak” and tell us where is the single data for this COVID & Why is it that the flu has just disappeared? Second, why is all the opposing information blocked.? Any intelligent human Looks ALL information before they can consciously make a good healthy decision! Third, why is it that on the websites it shows that the masks absolutely do not help.? This is just the tip of the iceberg with contradicting info..
lastly anyone find it funny after the 2 doctors Robert Malone & McConough came out with their Damning emergency statements and interviews that now the sitcom White Nuthouse Makes this announcement 😂 Come On,this is getting Waaay To Predictable
The following seems becoming more relevant by the day:
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security."
There is a thread on r/meddit talking about how the entire hospital system is imploding.
We are set up for catastrophe if anything happens. And it's top down. Admin refuses to pay medical professionals enough to keep facilities staffed. They are quitting to return to their college service jobs.
Doctors are complaining because people are trashing them in reviews, because they are having to start IVs and other tasks beneneath them, and are being abused by us "Covidiots" who ask for Ivermectin and refuse Remdesivir.
It's a total shitshow that I recently witnessed first-hand. And that was in Florida where Covid is currently manageable.
I pray for anyone who needs medical attention. The fallout from these evil practices will ensure their projected death rates!
Other tasks that are beneath them? You said it, arrogance can be your worst nightmare driven by ignorance. Nobody is above anyone, that is the problem & I can say this as a Nurse, those are the docs that do not have any care or business being in a position caring for patients. They are the breed that has to be told what to do rather than act on good faith. Bizarre choice of words there sir
So my options are one of two; I can either get vaccinated, or get severe illness and death. The left was right after all. I must be non-binary because I identify with alternative options.
Update. They let the pic stay on my story. But have I guess shadow banned my comment to it. I even shared my comments to my page, nowhere to be found. Best I get are 2-3 day old posts. As I did put let's go Brandon at end of comments. Kek.
I also found one from the day before from the Resident. It's quite enlightening.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.
mmhmm. Ok Joe, one more time. This time use proper sentence structure.
Fifty-seven -– excuse me –- five hundred and seventy –- excuse me –- I don’t want to read -– I’m not sure I got the right number. The — the total number of boosters is what?
Everything a democrat says, it's always the opposite. Proven over time. Everytime.
I'm going to go on a limb and say, it's going to be a deadly winter for those without pure blood.
Why does this read like it’s from a guy that just made a whole bunch of people drink the kook aid. Your gonna all die because we’re all dying first and you need us so join us.
Sounds like something a child would say. Education no higher than middle school in that brief. Having served in 3 different wars and actually been trained in chemical and biological warfare. Pft... Idle threats. Bring it on.
What a bunch of losers!!!
I don't think a threat like this is just foot stomping loser tantrum. They may have deaths planned and are setting up the story.
I think they've just about run out of plans.
It is forecast that one of the symptoms of omicron death is jagged, gaping exit wounds.
Mileage may vary when omicron is used as a tool of oppression.
Well I just meant they were losers for saying such a thing. I do hope there are no deaths for whatever they may be planning.
Except in their own camp
Well, according to election results 80 million people love these losers. /s
And we know how the election was won.
It's not about who votes, it's about who COUNTS the votes. As Biden himself stated.
All of Biden's 80 mill supporters can form a circle around him as he goes out and makes good on his threat as worded above. With that much support I am sure they can all get Winter very Dark indeed.
But tell me...what if he finds that support is not there? What if the dementia patient had a circle of people around him telling him "Go get em Joe!" "Our patience is running thin, Joe! Us and the 80 million votes you had who all decided collectively that showering with your Granddaughter was ok!"
What if you get a start on Dark Winter and find out the support isn't there? He will get to find out soon!
And Merry fucking Christmas to you too, Joe.
Fakebook won't allow me to post pics anymore, guess I pissed someone off lol. But I can post to my story. Put it up, saying this is a threat from the highest OFFICE in America. I know, I know get off FB. But it allows me to put this out there. Sure I'll be banned now. Please no haters.
Well, I have family out of state is my first reason. And that's how I keep up with them. But, since I've been posting memes, and or other news about let's go Brandon they have taken away my privaledge to post pics. And I see more and more how awful they are. I will be getting off there. I also in my head thought it was a way to kinda red pill. But I just get censored. And that's why.
Q told us to fight on THEIR battlegrounds, too.
Q isnt God. You can make decisions that are best for your life without having to consult Q.
And yet God commands His followers to engage, to help save others. Bring them home. Spread Jesus like wildfire. Fighting on their battlefields. Some are better than others at this. So spreading information, in the danger zone is recommended, and rewarded.
Amen. I love your spirit. The zeal of the Lord shall do it.
Facebook is a cesspool and i can spread the word even to those who use it without using it myself
I lost both my facebook accounts in the past month. Mostly I just posted artwork, photos and nostalgia with the occasional meme. I'll miss my friends and the business contacts I'd made. GAB is alright, and growing daily.
Your welcome. They banned or shadow banned my comments today ( this am) family or not. I'll be getting off it soon. I appreciate you not hating.
Hopefully that Truth Social will really take off and people can use it in a similar way that they use Facebook now. Everyone migrated naturally from Myspace to FB. They can migrate to Truth Social if the product is good.
I'm hoping so.
Agree with you 100%, I was off FB for years, but when school mask mandates started up, all the local folks who were fighting them were still on FB. I had to join back up just to communicate with like-minded people. We did start a mirror Gab Page, but we only got a few people to join it... sad, but we keep waking more by keeping a presence on FB.
Great work continuing the fight on mainstream social media. Hope you are slowly continuing to wake up normies!
LOL what naked garbage
No hospitals are being overwhelmed unless they've fired all their staff for being intelligent enough not to take poison
If you get coronavirus, just take some zinc and either HCQ or ivermectin, and you'll be fine in a matter of hours.
In the belief that billions fewer humans will be better for the planet and the "overburdened" healthcare system—and easier to control—governments and health officials worldwide have conspired to conduct a mass depopulation event called a "viral pandemic". Filling people with fear is part of it, to make them willing to give up their hard-won freedoms and go along with the scheme.
You can still get horse paste online. There are also lists of doctors published on this site who will prescribe the correct meds.
Fortunately for all humankind, the mass-murderers have inexplicably chosen an illness with a 99% survival rate to use as the pretext for creating their dystopian fascist nightmare society based on biomedical tracking and control of every remaining human for the rest of their markedly shortened lives. You can do NOTHING and just get over the coronavirus. It isn't any worse than the flu—especially true of the "morOnic" variant.
They choose a 99.99% survival rate virus because finally you don't need a real new virus .... you just renamed the common flu. For all of what we seen in the last 2 years can be blamed only on few people! All the rest just follow the orders. Where is the proof of this virus if no laboratory in the entire universe has found one? If people is so asleep to believe in news media is not their problem. If news media just repeat a script is not their problem. If people follow unconstitutional rules is not their problem. You can just can say is not your problem if you need to provide some food for your family. Everybody have a good excuse for turning their neck and don't complain.
I hate to correct, but it isn’t the normal flu. Influenza is a very separate type of virus than the Corona virus. They may cause the same symptoms because the body’s response to each is the same. But you can differentiate them in a viral panel based on respiratory secretions. Even if a “normal” corona virus is what the cause is - it is completely different than an influenza virus.
I just want to clarify to bring knowledge.
Then we need to ask ourself where the 0,1% of population that die every year for common flu has gone
I’ve been saying this since August of 2020 when my wife got COVID. She started digging down the rabbit hole, & I mean deep. All 3 letter agencies sites CDC, WHO etc all of them. The first weird ah-Ah moment… why if so deadly were they calculating these deaths in the same category as influenza phenomena, bronchitis? Anyone can go fact check this, Go Look at the last 3 years data and someone explains to me, even more now since there is time since this so called “Outbreak” and tell us where is the single data for this COVID & Why is it that the flu has just disappeared? Second, why is all the opposing information blocked.? Any intelligent human Looks ALL information before they can consciously make a good healthy decision! Third, why is it that on the websites it shows that the masks absolutely do not help.? This is just the tip of the iceberg with contradicting info.. lastly anyone find it funny after the 2 doctors Robert Malone & McConough came out with their Damning emergency statements and interviews that now the sitcom White Nuthouse Makes this announcement 😂 Come On,this is getting Waaay To Predictable
Bring it bitch
All I saw when I read that
The following seems becoming more relevant by the day:
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security."
There is a thread on r/meddit talking about how the entire hospital system is imploding.
We are set up for catastrophe if anything happens. And it's top down. Admin refuses to pay medical professionals enough to keep facilities staffed. They are quitting to return to their college service jobs.
Doctors are complaining because people are trashing them in reviews, because they are having to start IVs and other tasks beneneath them, and are being abused by us "Covidiots" who ask for Ivermectin and refuse Remdesivir.
It's a total shitshow that I recently witnessed first-hand. And that was in Florida where Covid is currently manageable.
I pray for anyone who needs medical attention. The fallout from these evil practices will ensure their projected death rates!
Other tasks that are beneath them? You said it, arrogance can be your worst nightmare driven by ignorance. Nobody is above anyone, that is the problem & I can say this as a Nurse, those are the docs that do not have any care or business being in a position caring for patients. They are the breed that has to be told what to do rather than act on good faith. Bizarre choice of words there sir
is that a fucking threat??
Yes it is.
..because we are going to unleash holy hell on you for not accepting our mark of the beast vaccine.
There I said the "unsaid" portion of the comment.
Is that a threat? We The People don't respond to threats, Mr. Faggot.
That's Mr. Pedophile Faggot to you...
So my options are one of two; I can either get vaccinated, or get severe illness and death. The left was right after all. I must be non-binary because I identify with alternative options.
Update. They let the pic stay on my story. But have I guess shadow banned my comment to it. I even shared my comments to my page, nowhere to be found. Best I get are 2-3 day old posts. As I did put let's go Brandon at end of comments. Kek.
I like how they pretend natural immunity doesn't exist.
Leave it up to tyrants to attempt to rewrite the science!
An act of war. See you in the gaffes
Looks like communist propaganda to me.
please archive whatever link this is
I am fairly certain we will ALL survive, I can't say the same for the vaxxed.
Thank You!!! When this passes I wonder how energetically tired people will be
Why aren't they celebrating the birth of Christ? Why does Brandon and his losers spew hatred and satanic curses?
Sounds like a threat. What fake virus will they release onto us now?
Do not call 911 and do not go to the hospital unless you absolutely need to.
IXXI is a death cult.
IXXI = 911
Is there a source for this? A search brings up a great deal of noise.
Thank you.
I also found one from the day before from the Resident. It's quite enlightening.
mmhmm. Ok Joe, one more time. This time use proper sentence structure.
Try for Dec 17
So the Monty Python troupe are now in control of the White House. Finally some sanity.
It's almost as if we're being pushed to the precipice
Everything a democrat says, it's always the opposite. Proven over time. Everytime. I'm going to go on a limb and say, it's going to be a deadly winter for those without pure blood.
Is pathetic evil what I'm seeing?
Simple question. How can the unvaxxed overwhelm the hospitals if most of the country is vaccinated?
I'm shaking in my boots
Dear Mr. Biden. Go fuck your daughter again. Or is she too old for you now?
But they are trying to cover up the jabbed future death or what?
Dead hospitals. Kammen Kore grammar strikes again!
Why does this read like it’s from a guy that just made a whole bunch of people drink the kook aid. Your gonna all die because we’re all dying first and you need us so join us.
do you have the link? I sent this to my Biden Brainwashed sister (who is cracking) but she won't believe it unless it is from the actual .gov website.
EDIT: here it is --
Update on sister's response?
Liberals, paragraph 1. Conservatives, paragraph 2.
Sounds like something a child would say. Education no higher than middle school in that brief. Having served in 3 different wars and actually been trained in chemical and biological warfare. Pft... Idle threats. Bring it on.
Biden is a modern day Brutus... surely an honorable man.
This is what a government who works for the people looks like.