He never actually said the names of the three vaccine makers when he said "All three vaccines". Interesting that in this tweet, they felt the need to put the names in the bracket, as if, perhaps, even they realised he might have been referring to something else? Just thinking aloud.
What's interesting is he is confirming openly that under his watch. You were not getting the lab rat jab. As those Corporations tried so fucking hard for you to be poisoned with. Sacks of shit. You almost have to hide all this truth from the public. Many are too ignorant to handle the news responsibly. They will kill all people who EVER walked into the doors of these Scientific Bastians.
Holiday means Holy day. So saying either Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays is fine. As my preacher said, “to many are worried about taking Christ out of Christmas, when they should be worried about taking Christ out of Christians”.
I sure as hell don't remember Trump being down with fucking our troops over in Afghanistan, giving our enemies billions and billions of dollars of military equipment, or mandating a shot that will kill civilians.
But what kind of optics? Many of his supporters are normies, even if they don't want the vaxx. What do you think, how will this affect them? The recent CNN praise is aimed to divide us. This was going on for some time now on various forums and boards, and now even the mass media jumped on it.
Again, the master troll has set them up. We provided a truth platform for Patriots which has been heavily suppressed, excoriated even. And here we have Psaki thinking she's being snide but in fact directing the curious our way.
Note to self: keep your hair on, we're in the thick of it.
its what the "humane" society uses to kill cats and dogs.
from what i was told many years ago, it works by removing all the oxygen from the blood, so its almost like suffocating to death, without all those pesky extra gasps for breath.
Back on Voat I speculated that the only way to wake up normies and force them to see the crimes against humanity would be for their arch-enemy (Orange Man) to be arrested for the crimes of the deep state.
Imagine how the entire pandemic bioweapons operation would come to light if Trump were to be blamed for the deaths.
Funny how they would write articles detailing his "lies" and how nothing he ever said was true; yet now they believe him about the "vaccines".
I envision him being tried for crimes against humanity, during which trial every perpetrator is exposed. And let the sealed indictments rain down.
Trump is a gangbuster who goes in under cover and roots out the perpetrators. He has to play a role in order for the operation to work.
When we find out the true extent of the threat that we are under, the deaths will be a small price to pay. It's possible that many of the publicized deaths are faked. It's likely that there is an antidote to the vaccines.
Remember, back at the beginning of the pandemic, Trump's military order a huge amount of syringes? What was that all about?
I agree, I think DJT is a lightning rod, to get people to look/pay attention. I also think some of the blackhats are really on our side, but their nefarious roles are necessary for the plot to move a long. DJTs character needs someone to argue against, to get the info out there.
exactly^ espionage has been around forever, have to assume things are not what they appear to be. & speaking of spies, Q is fond of George Washington/he was a master spy, used codes a lot! And his spy name was Agent 711;)
YES!!! The OG GW was multi-talented as were so many of our Founders. I often imagine their anger at the crown trying to maintain control over them. I’ve had words with Brits who think it’s funny to call us their colonists. I have several British friends, I just don’t think it’s funny.
He's done everything he can to take ownership, so that must be part of the strategy. Which is what? And suddenly it is going his way, why? And what will the switcheroo be, because he always has one.
If they're trying to convince me to take something by telling me people aren't dying when they take it, for me that's a good indication not to take it...
My opinion/ I’m Convinced White Hat Military - produced the ‘Antidote’ for the gene therapy experimentations these evil fucks have been doling out to the sheep 🐑… Operation Warp Speed had two objectives / throw off the deep state and keep the masses calm… Meanwhile behind the scenes: the military wasn’t producing a vaccine - they were producing the cure ….
I have been wondering when “they” would start this strategy. I mentioned this to friends back in the April or May. I kept wondering when are they gonna use Trump’s words against us. Well it literally took Trump repeatedly saying some of these comments, to finally get them to do this. And that only tells me one thing. That they have lost the narrative, and are grasping for straws. I mean they are supporting Trump now....whose winning here? So easy. 😂
When Trump starts saying he’s in agreement with “this administration” and esp people like Peloski, Biden, and Psaki...then we can start discussing if Trump is supporting them. This will never happen.
What if-and this is purely speculation, something far worse than covid 19 is coming and they know it? I’ve tried so hard to rationalize why Pres Trump would support the jab and haven’t come up with anything other than he HAS to, even if I’m wrong. If he didn’t, he’d be really unpopular. People would claim he’s reckless and irresponsible. So much brainwashing about how horrible the virus is-people afraid, so if he said “nah, the jabs are worthless” he’d have that weight in his shoulders. He’s always one step (or more) ahead. What if he knows they’re going to unleash something worse? Why wouldn’t they? Not saying I’m going to take it but I’m concerned.
Which is why maybe the current jabs aren’t effective at all-because they aren’t for c19?
The only way to wake the masses who believe in the jab from their slumber is to ‘SHOW THEM…’ At which point, they will experience a cognitive breakdown - thinking I can’t be seen to agree w/ Trump!?
Then they will begin not to believe the narrative
Trump is definitely playing a role - the greatest role of his life!
Now I have been debating this scenario with myself for a time, figuring out the possibilities levied here.
Now, the first one is optics, obviously. But for me that's not enough context, what are the optics aimed at? Who's watching this move other than us? Why is saying this that important?
Now reason suggests that, if this is optics, the puppet masters need to feel safe for their next move, or feel that Trump may not have a move. So what's the best way to do this? What play can make them feel like their winning?
Well, what's the purpose of pretending to lose? What's the purpose of feigning death or defeat in common animal kingdom? Have you target let their guard down. Many animals do this when they're spotted or they're camouflage fails.
Let's apply that to this scenario. What would reveal Trump's moving? What else may be moving that Trump would need to be seen to do so? Would feigning the fight against vaccines distract media and the administration to finally harp on a course victory against the "Trumpian" threat? What else is moving that they seemed very focused on that was alerting others to recently that a Trump "defeat" is the perfect shift of focus?
Setting Trump up as compromised by Bigpharma would do it so there is no energy for ' Trump will save us', selling the inevitable aspect of the great reset. So yes, it could provoke the emergence of the killer corporatists.
Even their lying statistics show otherwise. People are dying in unprecedented numbers following the jabs and they are the ones getting sick and spreading the spikes.
He’s perpetuating the lie that these “vaccines” protect people, which is leading to the lie that “the unvaccinated” are somehow disease carriers that need to be separated . .
Strategic use of words can play 5D chess tricks on unsuspecting people's brains... especially those who are of the liberal lefty mindset. Great work President DJ Trump!
It's a stupid tactic to plan blaming Trump when the public realizes the vax is dangerous. They've been pushing it in every way conceivable for a year and even the fleeciest of sheep can't deny that, they were roped into participating in it. (against us).
The bigger question isn't why Trump endorses it....it is why NOW does he do a full court press to push it and take credit. He had the same year as Biden to come out like this and waits until now?
These people think we are that stupid? She thinks that since Trump said it, that we will now do what they want? Trump said this, so the media wouldn’t be able to ramble on about Trump being anti- vaccine. He flipped the script on them. They are too stupid to see that.
Still wondering why he received the vax, he had covid already so has natural immunity, he knows about the therapeutics and that they work. Only reason for gim to take and tout the Vax is part of the plan. He knows his supporters won't just take it because he said so, this is for those who are not yet awake I believe.
The sooner the Biden Admin 'thinks' people are getting their vaccinations the sooner Covid/Omnicron goes bye-bye! Trump knows this. He's playing his weakest small Trump card. (These people are stupid!)
He never actually said the names of the three vaccine makers when he said "All three vaccines". Interesting that in this tweet, they felt the need to put the names in the bracket, as if, perhaps, even they realised he might have been referring to something else? Just thinking aloud.
He was talking about measles, mumps, and rubella 😂
Perhaps they have created vaccines for stupidity, brainwashing and ignorance!
This is why I think we should play along (but never get jabbed).
MMR is the leading cause of autism but I digress
Digress away.
What if the three vaccines are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
It brings an entirely different meaning to what Trump said.
All 3 HCQ, IVM, and regeneron
Haha yeah, or there might be 3 different military vaccines - proper ones. (Q did say some vaccines are good).
all vaccines are bioweapons.
Or a mitigation to bioweapons?
By the way, the u.s. military is primarily vaxx3d against the bioweapons we ourselves deploy. Khe San was won with a bioweapon.
Brother, do tell? I’ve read a lot about the battle(s) at Khe San. I hadn’t heard that??!
gulf war syndrome
What's interesting is he is confirming openly that under his watch. You were not getting the lab rat jab. As those Corporations tried so fucking hard for you to be poisoned with. Sacks of shit. You almost have to hide all this truth from the public. Many are too ignorant to handle the news responsibly. They will kill all people who EVER walked into the doors of these Scientific Bastians.
was referring to different brands, as opposed to 3 shots of same brand
I wonder if he was referring to the 3 he took. The first, 2nd & booster.
Strike anyone else as strange she says Merry Christmas? The woke have spent years insisting we say Happy Holidays.
She works for Donald Trump now, apparently.
...always did
Holiday means Holy day. So saying either Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays is fine. As my preacher said, “to many are worried about taking Christ out of Christmas, when they should be worried about taking Christ out of Christians”.
Wow, nice eye! I didn't notice that, but you're right. Weird.
Trump hacked the firewall to their feeble minds
Confirmation that patriots are in control. She reports to Trump, not Biden.
IMO...President Trump is busy with "Optics"...
They're playing right into it. Priceless.
It's like he never left...
hmm its like hes still president....
I sure as hell don't remember Trump being down with fucking our troops over in Afghanistan, giving our enemies billions and billions of dollars of military equipment, or mandating a shot that will kill civilians.
Always do.
But what kind of optics? Many of his supporters are normies, even if they don't want the vaxx. What do you think, how will this affect them? The recent CNN praise is aimed to divide us. This was going on for some time now on various forums and boards, and now even the mass media jumped on it.
There is no other reason to start focusing on Trump and the vaccine other than to shift the blame to him when people start getting ADE.
Makes me slightly delirious to wonder what card he has up his sleeve for that moment.
"How do you introduce evidence [legally]" comes to mind.
Maybe he can take credit for a cure as well.
The facade of protection is definitely crumbling as the new wonder anti COVID pills are being rushed out.
If [they] are the ones starting to shift the blame, why is Trump the one freely saying the vaccines are safe?
yeah, like how would Trump know?
Again, the master troll has set them up. We provided a truth platform for Patriots which has been heavily suppressed, excoriated even. And here we have Psaki thinking she's being snide but in fact directing the curious our way.
Note to self: keep your hair on, we're in the thick of it.
Like when typos in Trump tweets made the MSM push it out to “shit” on Orangeman lol
when you are trying to make a serious point, but the clown you are talking to is distracted by spelling or grammar errors.
"People aren't dying when they take the vaccine" (they are dying AFTER they take the vaccine, but not WHEN they take the vaccine.)
Even a lethal injection takes some time. I mean, find me an injection that kills someone before they take it
sodium pentobarbital will kill you before the syringe is empty.
Sounds like a decent way to go.
its what the "humane" society uses to kill cats and dogs.
from what i was told many years ago, it works by removing all the oxygen from the blood, so its almost like suffocating to death, without all those pesky extra gasps for breath.
if you are curious, check out a few documentaries
earthlings documentary
Sounds like how 5G works at 30Hz.
Back on Voat I speculated that the only way to wake up normies and force them to see the crimes against humanity would be for their arch-enemy (Orange Man) to be arrested for the crimes of the deep state.
Imagine how the entire pandemic bioweapons operation would come to light if Trump were to be blamed for the deaths.
Funny how they would write articles detailing his "lies" and how nothing he ever said was true; yet now they believe him about the "vaccines".
I envision him being tried for crimes against humanity, during which trial every perpetrator is exposed. And let the sealed indictments rain down.
Trump is a gangbuster who goes in under cover and roots out the perpetrators. He has to play a role in order for the operation to work.
When we find out the true extent of the threat that we are under, the deaths will be a small price to pay. It's possible that many of the publicized deaths are faked. It's likely that there is an antidote to the vaccines.
Remember, back at the beginning of the pandemic, Trump's military order a huge amount of syringes? What was that all about?
I agree, I think DJT is a lightning rod, to get people to look/pay attention. I also think some of the blackhats are really on our side, but their nefarious roles are necessary for the plot to move a long. DJTs character needs someone to argue against, to get the info out there.
In EVERY major Intel Operation there’s always double-agents 👍🏽
exactly^ espionage has been around forever, have to assume things are not what they appear to be. & speaking of spies, Q is fond of George Washington/he was a master spy, used codes a lot! And his spy name was Agent 711;)
YES!!! The OG GW was multi-talented as were so many of our Founders. I often imagine their anger at the crown trying to maintain control over them. I’ve had words with Brits who think it’s funny to call us their colonists. I have several British friends, I just don’t think it’s funny.
I was thinking the same. Seems he really pussed out on J6. He needs to make some kind of huge sacrifice and I’ve yet to see it.
Something wicked this way comes, they are shifting the optics to Trump owning the vaccine and the upcoming effects of ADE or something worse.
He's done everything he can to take ownership, so that must be part of the strategy. Which is what? And suddenly it is going his way, why? And what will the switcheroo be, because he always has one.
If they're trying to convince me to take something by telling me people aren't dying when they take it, for me that's a good indication not to take it...
Yes, but you are clever.
a twist...psaki the white hat candy cane? strange mental pic...
Me as well but, I'll take it as long as we get Trump back
My opinion/ I’m Convinced White Hat Military - produced the ‘Antidote’ for the gene therapy experimentations these evil fucks have been doling out to the sheep 🐑… Operation Warp Speed had two objectives / throw off the deep state and keep the masses calm… Meanwhile behind the scenes: the military wasn’t producing a vaccine - they were producing the cure ….
Optimistic, I hope and have prayed daily that is the case though.
I have been wondering when “they” would start this strategy. I mentioned this to friends back in the April or May. I kept wondering when are they gonna use Trump’s words against us. Well it literally took Trump repeatedly saying some of these comments, to finally get them to do this. And that only tells me one thing. That they have lost the narrative, and are grasping for straws. I mean they are supporting Trump now....whose winning here? So easy. 😂
Or maybe Trump is supporting them.
When Trump starts saying he’s in agreement with “this administration” and esp people like Peloski, Biden, and Psaki...then we can start discussing if Trump is supporting them. This will never happen.
Merry Christmas EVE EVE
V=5 (Roman Numeral)
What if-and this is purely speculation, something far worse than covid 19 is coming and they know it? I’ve tried so hard to rationalize why Pres Trump would support the jab and haven’t come up with anything other than he HAS to, even if I’m wrong. If he didn’t, he’d be really unpopular. People would claim he’s reckless and irresponsible. So much brainwashing about how horrible the virus is-people afraid, so if he said “nah, the jabs are worthless” he’d have that weight in his shoulders. He’s always one step (or more) ahead. What if he knows they’re going to unleash something worse? Why wouldn’t they? Not saying I’m going to take it but I’m concerned.
Which is why maybe the current jabs aren’t effective at all-because they aren’t for c19?
Just throwing it out there.
The only way to wake the masses who believe in the jab from their slumber is to ‘SHOW THEM…’ At which point, they will experience a cognitive breakdown - thinking I can’t be seen to agree w/ Trump!?
Then they will begin not to believe the narrative
Trump is definitely playing a role - the greatest role of his life!
Now I have been debating this scenario with myself for a time, figuring out the possibilities levied here.
Now, the first one is optics, obviously. But for me that's not enough context, what are the optics aimed at? Who's watching this move other than us? Why is saying this that important?
Now reason suggests that, if this is optics, the puppet masters need to feel safe for their next move, or feel that Trump may not have a move. So what's the best way to do this? What play can make them feel like their winning?
Well, what's the purpose of pretending to lose? What's the purpose of feigning death or defeat in common animal kingdom? Have you target let their guard down. Many animals do this when they're spotted or they're camouflage fails.
Let's apply that to this scenario. What would reveal Trump's moving? What else may be moving that Trump would need to be seen to do so? Would feigning the fight against vaccines distract media and the administration to finally harp on a course victory against the "Trumpian" threat? What else is moving that they seemed very focused on that was alerting others to recently that a Trump "defeat" is the perfect shift of focus?
Why would that let their guard down?
Setting Trump up as compromised by Bigpharma would do it so there is no energy for ' Trump will save us', selling the inevitable aspect of the great reset. So yes, it could provoke the emergence of the killer corporatists.
So if this theory is correct, leaves me with another question.
If Trump's actions were intended, what else is moving?
Us. The normies are migrating to the conservatives thanks to Trump's vaccine statements.
Even their lying statistics show otherwise. People are dying in unprecedented numbers following the jabs and they are the ones getting sick and spreading the spikes.
Brilliant! Trump hacked their firewall! I think it's more like 7D chess if you ask me
He’s perpetuating the lie that these “vaccines” protect people, which is leading to the lie that “the unvaccinated” are somehow disease carriers that need to be separated . .
Lmao. I wonder if he's playing their game knowing his base knows how to think for themselves. Could go 2 ways. Either way we still win!
Also. The VP did say if Trump said to take it she wouldn't. Now what do they do?
Hcq, ivermectin and quercetin
Generally speaking… things that cause confusion are of Satan.
And trump and his whole fucking plan is confusing as fuck.
Christ really confused the Pharisees. Does that make him evil?
He didn't confuse them. He spoke truth from Scripture against their man-made rules and contrary to their hard hearts.
He also claimed to be God.
They hated him for it and constantly plotted His murder.
The first born Son of God the Father=Jehovah taking on human form=The Christ; He was not boasting... and He Lives...
Amen! He lives!
Strategic use of words can play 5D chess tricks on unsuspecting people's brains... especially those who are of the liberal lefty mindset. Great work President DJ Trump!
It's a stupid tactic to plan blaming Trump when the public realizes the vax is dangerous. They've been pushing it in every way conceivable for a year and even the fleeciest of sheep can't deny that, they were roped into participating in it. (against us).
The bigger question isn't why Trump endorses it....it is why NOW does he do a full court press to push it and take credit. He had the same year as Biden to come out like this and waits until now?
Yea, Trump wasn't talking about Covid gene therapy shots.
These people think we are that stupid? She thinks that since Trump said it, that we will now do what they want? Trump said this, so the media wouldn’t be able to ramble on about Trump being anti- vaccine. He flipped the script on them. They are too stupid to see that.
Still wondering why he received the vax, he had covid already so has natural immunity, he knows about the therapeutics and that they work. Only reason for gim to take and tout the Vax is part of the plan. He knows his supporters won't just take it because he said so, this is for those who are not yet awake I believe.
Typical media, takes a statement and re-engineers it to their liking.
i like how Jen Psaki gets invited to the meeting about which vaccines i need to take,
but yet i wasn't invited
The sooner the Biden Admin 'thinks' people are getting their vaccinations the sooner Covid/Omnicron goes bye-bye! Trump knows this. He's playing his weakest small Trump card. (These people are stupid!)