I couldnt agree more. All the trump hate over the vax saying we "worship" Trump is completely refuted with this poll. Trumps stance convinced literally no one who didnt want the vax to get it anyway.
Seems to sync with the poll data in this post. From another post yesterday—
Qasar 1 day ago +7 / -0
Consider a recent poll that basically states the “vaccine-hesitant” (aka “experimental drug created by psychopathic marxist eugenicists - averse” by sane individuals) are pretty well dug into their positions. This article states that only 7% of the un-jabbed would consider getting jabbed if Trump told them to. (Is this the same as “they’re safe, but no one should be forced to take anything”? Depends on interpretation, I suppose). Most non-jabbed say they would be looking at data/stats (and that includes those, like us, who have been looking at data that msm has been deliberately censoring).
So, based on the fact (or premise) that probably 93% of the non-jabbed will still refuse to take this drug, I’m thinking POTUS’s “endorsement” in the Owens interview was a safe (as in wartime safe to minimize casualties) strategy to provide their (the Q-team’s) desired optics for the next steps.
Exactly. Trump plays dumb better than anyone we have ever seen. He knows the answer to every move he makes before he makes it. Nothing is left to chance.
Its not just about polling. Its game theory. Even if he was going to take a hit in the polls, he would still balance that against whatever strategic needs he had. The calculus is probably far more complex than just one or two factors.
His in the middle stance I think also has to do with this:
Pain is coming.
When the pain comes (soon) and Trumps political opponents go down one by one, Trump has now manoevred himself out of the way to a certain degree by taking this pro-vaccine stance.
I have been devastated by Trump's vax shilling. I think I have just grown weary and I just cannot play these speculation games any longer. That being said, I can really dig on what you are saying here except one part:
Trump said he got the jabs/booster. Did he lie? Did he do it?? Ahhhh as mad as I am about the whole thing I hate to think he is a liar and I hate even more to think he will be harmed by the poison jab. Ugh.
If Trump is anti-vaccine, the normies would still hate him for that. And with pain coming for Trump's political opponents, it's best that they have a more positive view of Trump which is what we've been seeing in the past weeks. The normies are happy that Trump is pro-vaccine and have adjusted their negative attitude towards him.
Everyone on GA.win pushing this narrative that Trump no longer deserves our support is a shill.
I have noticed the last few days that we are over run with shills on this issue and many others. I am mashing the deport button and calling out posts as shill posts. Entire threads are almost all shills. Old shills and new handshake shills and even deep cover shills who try real hard not to look like shills. Right p8triot?
I guess, but most “regular” Trump supporters don’t even know who the hell Patel Patriot is. So what’s the sample of this poll? Plenty of Trump supporters I know have abandoned him, and not just because of the vaccine stuff. I voted for him twice and would do it again. I would argue that if you set this poll up on most of the normie Trump/Repub/right wing sites the numbers would look different.
I will say this, though, even most of the ones who said they no longer support him would absolutely vote for him if he were to go back up against Biden or Hillary or whomever the Democrats throw out there. They at least understand the urgency of the situation and understand that Trump is the only real candidate that could beat them. Some of them might prefer DeSantis, in a primary, but switch back to Trump in the general as soon as he won.
Ultimately? I don’t think his return is going to involve an election. If there is anything to the plan, it’s going to involve Durham - and Trump might not have to seek office anymore, I believe his role would be vastly different from what we can imagine.
It might even involve him stepping aside because of all of the slings and arrows he has taken on our behalf of the years. And his role would have been helping to open the door to free elections for the first time in decades. To me that’s a much more likely scenario than him running for office again. Which is why I think whatever the timeframe is, most of this will happen before 2024.
Putting UV up your ass would kill pathogens. There is also UV blood treatment and it is not a new technique, it was just abandoned so Pharma could make more money.
Did you see the part where 8% said Trump no longer has their vote? How can your conclusion be that he is not losing support, when by the poll he lost 8% of voters?
Then who will those 8% vote for? A democrat? A RINO? During the primaries, Trump would still win, and during the Pres. election, Trump would still be the obviously better candidate than whatever Demoncrat puppet gets put on a pedestal.
Sorry, but unless that 8% decides to not vote at all, at the end of the day, they’ll still be voting Trump.
I hate this answer so much. My mom says it to me on the daily. Just stop with this. It is cult-like excuse making. There is no way to prove this. It is speculative, hopium fantasy talk.
Questions: What does "lost" mean? Temporary or permanent? 8% out of how many total? Is that total a representative sample of " the base"? No.
PatelPatriots readers are a hyper informed, very niche, very small segment of "the base" and/or potential allies in our war against real saurons and orcs.
if trump is playing samson, it would probably help out the plan if we act like we're mad at him anyways, thats the key to waking up the normies right? prove we can think for ourselves and not follow blindly
I'd be lying if I said I didn't already consider this and that perhaps this would be to soften the blow if he were the "first arrest to trigger mass pop awakening"...
It may be just all 'optics' now but I think Trump should just be silent about the vaccines. The criminal pharmas have already dug their own graves. As more and more people start dropping dead and/or becoming disabled b/c of this mRNA crap, the people will start turning on big pharma..and if Trump is still pushing the vaxx then vaxx victims will turn on him too.
Devils advocate here. Everyone should take this poll with a grain of salt.
This is the equivalent of CNN polling a sample of sheeple that already agree with CNN to begin with.
Im not saying Patel Patriot is fake news like CNN, however, I surmise most people who have participated in this poll already share similar beliefs to Patel Patriot.
8% of 75 mil voters who voted for him last time is approx 6 million voters. That is still a huge deal regardless, I just assume there is no easy path forward. By far the path of least resistance is what he is currently doing. However people like me don't want this vaxx shit sweapt under the the rug and acted like a conspiricy theory for the next 30 years and the next generation finds issue reproducing.
His wife has cancer. He said he’s not going to run, while she’s in cancer treatment? Would any of you force your wife to not have you while you do The president thing?
They’ve been trying to make Covid vaccines since CoV-1 in 2004. That’s why we have that ferret study. I wouldn’t doubt they would have prepared and kept it secret. Coronavirus was listed as number one viral biowarfare threat on and off. Keep it secret so an enemy doesn’t choose a different route.
It's not wrong to question things sometimes. It helps one gain insight, and re analyze what we THINK might be happening. I am not a supper Trump supporter. After stepping away a couple days I understand why he said what he said on Candance Owens. In the moment I reacted, instead of thought. Shit happens...we are humans trying to deal with the most stress inducing plot in the his- story of mankind. While simultaneously trying to just fucking live...KNOWING what is about to happen.....WHILE also trying to wake as many people the fuck up as possible :D:D Shit is a bit hectic lol
They say we worship Trump here. We do not. We are just more informed than 99% of the public and are capable of seeing below the surface.
They say no one is allowed to question Trump here. That is false. We are just more informed than the general public and if they are gong to come here with accuse Trump and say he is evil or is DS or has turned on the American people then your going to have to actually provide some evidence other than his stance on the vax. There are obviously WAY bigger things going on than what is on the surface.
When emotional booze poison has been triggered and psyop malevolents are pushing me to go on a bender, I've learned to timeout until I've sobered up and recovered. Thank God.
I disagree. If those voters are truly Trumps base then they will come back when the truth is main stream. Right now every asset is deployed to separate the base from Trump over the vax. If they got less than 10% to consider moving on then thats a major win for Trump.
Even if they pick Desantis he touted the vaccine efficacy as well. It’s antivaxxers doing what they do. I believe they just won’t vote. Vaccines literally control every aspect of their lives, it’s unhealthy. I’m not personally afraid of a vaccine either. I believe in freedom to choose and against mandates because I support the American way. I’m sure there are vaccine injuries. Some people shouldn’t take them.
Not gonna fuck around with not voting for Trump though. As a nurse I believe his stats. I see them myself. Also, more of his voters over three years will get vaccinated. It’s slowly coming up. But feel free, have opinions and do research. I don’t know anyone who vaccinated to have a bad health outcome yet. I’m gonna pass on third hand accountings.
Emotional drunks on a bender will hopefully recover by 2024. Since I've been on Trumps Wild Ride since 2015, I don't take these psyop pushed episodes of hysteria too seriously. However I do enjoy these episodes and always gain insight into our sides vulnerabilities and how the psyop script writers, media and politicians try to exploit those vulnerabilities.
Because we can disagree, and not be butt hurt about it. Act accordingly. Leave the temper tantrum’s for the children. And then discipline them accordingly.
Right... well patriots and purebloods aren't going to be swayed by anyone's opinion on the gene therapy, 45 or otherwise, for or against... we will not cave and Trump knows this. As for me, I worship only the Lord!!
Reasons to trust Trump versus reasons not to are about 100 to 1 respectively, not rocket science just inductive reasoning. And these polls are anonymous so I really don't care about statistics based on Anonymous polls
Thats because we are smart and use our brains rather than following personalities.
I couldnt agree more. All the trump hate over the vax saying we "worship" Trump is completely refuted with this poll. Trumps stance convinced literally no one who didnt want the vax to get it anyway.
This is the real litmus test for who is the cult and who is following science. I am glad for this!
Based on what I had seen from the pro politicians, it seems to me that Trump had this polled internally before he started to talk about the vaccine.
He knew that he wouldn't change the minds of his own base, but this would appeal to the dems and normies.
Seems to sync with the poll data in this post. From another post yesterday—
▼ Qasar 1 day ago +7 / -0
Consider a recent poll that basically states the “vaccine-hesitant” (aka “experimental drug created by psychopathic marxist eugenicists - averse” by sane individuals) are pretty well dug into their positions. This article states that only 7% of the un-jabbed would consider getting jabbed if Trump told them to. (Is this the same as “they’re safe, but no one should be forced to take anything”? Depends on interpretation, I suppose). Most non-jabbed say they would be looking at data/stats (and that includes those, like us, who have been looking at data that msm has been deliberately censoring).
So, based on the fact (or premise) that probably 93% of the non-jabbed will still refuse to take this drug, I’m thinking POTUS’s “endorsement” in the Owens interview was a safe (as in wartime safe to minimize casualties) strategy to provide their (the Q-team’s) desired optics for the next steps.
From September 2021:
Updooted to bring you into the positive from the one faggot downvoting on this thread. It's too cowardly to post though.
Thanks, man!
Probably one of the same stupid assholes spewing despair and cynicism over what Trump's doing.
Furshur. And they are not all handshakes... many sleepers. Shows their panic.
Exactly. Trump plays dumb better than anyone we have ever seen. He knows the answer to every move he makes before he makes it. Nothing is left to chance.
Its not just about polling. Its game theory. Even if he was going to take a hit in the polls, he would still balance that against whatever strategic needs he had. The calculus is probably far more complex than just one or two factors.
His in the middle stance I think also has to do with this:
Pain is coming.
When the pain comes (soon) and Trumps political opponents go down one by one, Trump has now manoevred himself out of the way to a certain degree by taking this pro-vaccine stance.
I have been devastated by Trump's vax shilling. I think I have just grown weary and I just cannot play these speculation games any longer. That being said, I can really dig on what you are saying here except one part:
Trump said he got the jabs/booster. Did he lie? Did he do it?? Ahhhh as mad as I am about the whole thing I hate to think he is a liar and I hate even more to think he will be harmed by the poison jab. Ugh.
If Trump is anti-vaccine, the normies would still hate him for that. And with pain coming for Trump's political opponents, it's best that they have a more positive view of Trump which is what we've been seeing in the past weeks. The normies are happy that Trump is pro-vaccine and have adjusted their negative attitude towards him.
Everyone on GA.win pushing this narrative that Trump no longer deserves our support is a shill.
I have noticed the last few days that we are over run with shills on this issue and many others. I am mashing the deport button and calling out posts as shill posts. Entire threads are almost all shills. Old shills and new handshake shills and even deep cover shills who try real hard not to look like shills. Right p8triot?
I guess, but most “regular” Trump supporters don’t even know who the hell Patel Patriot is. So what’s the sample of this poll? Plenty of Trump supporters I know have abandoned him, and not just because of the vaccine stuff. I voted for him twice and would do it again. I would argue that if you set this poll up on most of the normie Trump/Repub/right wing sites the numbers would look different.
I will say this, though, even most of the ones who said they no longer support him would absolutely vote for him if he were to go back up against Biden or Hillary or whomever the Democrats throw out there. They at least understand the urgency of the situation and understand that Trump is the only real candidate that could beat them. Some of them might prefer DeSantis, in a primary, but switch back to Trump in the general as soon as he won.
Ultimately? I don’t think his return is going to involve an election. If there is anything to the plan, it’s going to involve Durham - and Trump might not have to seek office anymore, I believe his role would be vastly different from what we can imagine. It might even involve him stepping aside because of all of the slings and arrows he has taken on our behalf of the years. And his role would have been helping to open the door to free elections for the first time in decades. To me that’s a much more likely scenario than him running for office again. Which is why I think whatever the timeframe is, most of this will happen before 2024.
Exactly. We know not to seek medical advice from businessmen like Trump and Gates.
I don’t know, have you ever tried to put sunshine in your butt hole? Refreshing!
Putting UV up your ass would kill pathogens. There is also UV blood treatment and it is not a new technique, it was just abandoned so Pharma could make more money.
Lol, I'd have burnt cheeks for weeks!
Household bleach is a 5% sodium hypochlorite solution, a strong base with a pH of 11-13. The less dilution the higher the pH.
Chlorine Dioxide is a strong oxidizer similar to the more familiar hydrogen peroxide.
Two completely different classes of chemicals.
& Trump knows that
Did you see the part where 8% said Trump no longer has their vote? How can your conclusion be that he is not losing support, when by the poll he lost 8% of voters?
Especially considering that US national elections are decided by razor thin margins. 8%=landslide loss. It's not even close.
Only Dominion selections are decided by a razor thin margin.Trump won. By a lot.
Then who will those 8% vote for? A democrat? A RINO? During the primaries, Trump would still win, and during the Pres. election, Trump would still be the obviously better candidate than whatever Demoncrat puppet gets put on a pedestal.
Sorry, but unless that 8% decides to not vote at all, at the end of the day, they’ll still be voting Trump.
That's exactly how Hillary lost. If your base is not excited about you, that can mean a loss.
They might decide not to vote.
"Lost" due to being on an emotional drunk and/or throwing tantrums about Daddy Trump?
"Lost" for how long? 2024 is in the far distant future. We might not even survive that long.
Hopefully the currently "lost" will quickly sober up and/or grow up so they can start helping out again.
I still support Trump but telling people that the vax doesn't kill people is simply wrong despite whatever his motivations are.
Depends on which "vax" he's talking about.
Literally no one understands this be a reference to anything other than Pfizer, ModeRNA and J&J. NO ONE. The mental gymnastics here are astounding.
I hate this answer so much. My mom says it to me on the daily. Just stop with this. It is cult-like excuse making. There is no way to prove this. It is speculative, hopium fantasy talk.
Doesn't the last question show he just lost 8% of his base by being pro-vax?
Questions: What does "lost" mean? Temporary or permanent? 8% out of how many total? Is that total a representative sample of " the base"? No.
PatelPatriots readers are a hyper informed, very niche, very small segment of "the base" and/or potential allies in our war against real saurons and orcs.
God bless Gandalf Trump.
if trump is playing samson, it would probably help out the plan if we act like we're mad at him anyways, thats the key to waking up the normies right? prove we can think for ourselves and not follow blindly
I'd be lying if I said I didn't already consider this and that perhaps this would be to soften the blow if he were the "first arrest to trigger mass pop awakening"...
Just a theory. Or a cope. Whatev.
I don't care if trump is pro vaccine or not. He told me that I had the choice to get it if I want it.or not get it. He's not forcing me to get it.
He knows what he is doing.
It may be just all 'optics' now but I think Trump should just be silent about the vaccines. The criminal pharmas have already dug their own graves. As more and more people start dropping dead and/or becoming disabled b/c of this mRNA crap, the people will start turning on big pharma..and if Trump is still pushing the vaxx then vaxx victims will turn on him too.
Merck pedals Ivermectin.
I'll just leave this here:
Devils advocate here. Everyone should take this poll with a grain of salt.
This is the equivalent of CNN polling a sample of sheeple that already agree with CNN to begin with.
Im not saying Patel Patriot is fake news like CNN, however, I surmise most people who have participated in this poll already share similar beliefs to Patel Patriot.
Try checking out Patel Patriot’s Devolution series. Very informative and he backs everything up.
I mean, polls, right? But this is great if true!!
Any polls a goal.
8% of 75 mil voters who voted for him last time is approx 6 million voters. That is still a huge deal regardless, I just assume there is no easy path forward. By far the path of least resistance is what he is currently doing. However people like me don't want this vaxx shit sweapt under the the rug and acted like a conspiricy theory for the next 30 years and the next generation finds issue reproducing.
could the sample be biased?
Well it's all people who listen to Patel Patriot, so yes, obviously those demographics aren't representative of Trump's whole base.
I believe many are angry and/or confused from his ridiculous jab rhetoric (greatest feat of mankind).
However, most think he is our best chance so will get our vote.
a second however, if nothing is done about 2020, 2024 may not be the slam dunk Trump thinks he will have. It will depend on the landscape at the time.
Imagine bothering to vote if 2020 isn't resolved.
Watch desantis beat him in the primaries.
The world will keep spinning frens.
His wife has cancer. He said he’s not going to run, while she’s in cancer treatment? Would any of you force your wife to not have you while you do The president thing?
He can win later and I bet he knows that.
Operation Warp Speed IS arguably "the greatest feat of mankind".
" RiDiCuLoUs jAb rHeToRiC". 😂😂😂
how is it arguable the greatest feat of mankind? They had these jabs ready before covid. Fauci has a patent deal with Moderna and NIH in 2019.
They’ve been trying to make Covid vaccines since CoV-1 in 2004. That’s why we have that ferret study. I wouldn’t doubt they would have prepared and kept it secret. Coronavirus was listed as number one viral biowarfare threat on and off. Keep it secret so an enemy doesn’t choose a different route.
Ignoring all the 64d chess stuff,
So maybe I think Trump all in to getting vaxed and believes the vax works…
He’s against mandates so that’s good enough for me, that I can disagree with him on one issue and still support him.
It's not wrong to question things sometimes. It helps one gain insight, and re analyze what we THINK might be happening. I am not a supper Trump supporter. After stepping away a couple days I understand why he said what he said on Candance Owens. In the moment I reacted, instead of thought. Shit happens...we are humans trying to deal with the most stress inducing plot in the his- story of mankind. While simultaneously trying to just fucking live...KNOWING what is about to happen.....WHILE also trying to wake as many people the fuck up as possible :D:D Shit is a bit hectic lol
They say we worship Trump here. We do not. We are just more informed than 99% of the public and are capable of seeing below the surface.
They say no one is allowed to question Trump here. That is false. We are just more informed than the general public and if they are gong to come here with accuse Trump and say he is evil or is DS or has turned on the American people then your going to have to actually provide some evidence other than his stance on the vax. There are obviously WAY bigger things going on than what is on the surface.
"Stepping away for a few days". Kudos. 😘
When emotional booze poison has been triggered and psyop malevolents are pushing me to go on a bender, I've learned to timeout until I've sobered up and recovered. Thank God.
I mean it shows you right there that 8% have changed their mind.
Yeah but if you just ignore all those people whose support he lost then he hasn't lost any support! 5d chess.
8 percent claim to have changed their minds. At least 6 percent of them are liar sh8lls.
Thank you... I updated the poll it now has over 40k votes.
Shitty questions....any one who isn't mentally insane would pick Trump over Biden today.
How about rephrase these to voting for Trump or Candace Owens...who wins??
Candace? Lol. Not Constitutionally eligible. If she was? Still a definite nope. Reals over feels.
Exactly. Trump may be shilling the vaxx, but Brandon and every other democrat is shilling for mandates and passports.
You’d have to be a straight up idiot to vote for a democrap over Trump on the vaxxxine issue.
-Insecure doomers running out of excuses
This might be a dumb question, but does Patel Patriot have anything to do with Kash?
No. He said he took Kash's name because he admired him but that he has no connection to him. This was back before devolution came out.
from what I can tell here Trump has lost almost 10% of his base. Look at the last question.
I disagree. If those voters are truly Trumps base then they will come back when the truth is main stream. Right now every asset is deployed to separate the base from Trump over the vax. If they got less than 10% to consider moving on then thats a major win for Trump.
Even if they pick Desantis he touted the vaccine efficacy as well. It’s antivaxxers doing what they do. I believe they just won’t vote. Vaccines literally control every aspect of their lives, it’s unhealthy. I’m not personally afraid of a vaccine either. I believe in freedom to choose and against mandates because I support the American way. I’m sure there are vaccine injuries. Some people shouldn’t take them.
Not gonna fuck around with not voting for Trump though. As a nurse I believe his stats. I see them myself. Also, more of his voters over three years will get vaccinated. It’s slowly coming up. But feel free, have opinions and do research. I don’t know anyone who vaccinated to have a bad health outcome yet. I’m gonna pass on third hand accountings.
great answer!
Emotional drunks on a bender will hopefully recover by 2024. Since I've been on Trumps Wild Ride since 2015, I don't take these psyop pushed episodes of hysteria too seriously. However I do enjoy these episodes and always gain insight into our sides vulnerabilities and how the psyop script writers, media and politicians try to exploit those vulnerabilities.
Unless those 8% straight up do not vote, they’ll vote Trump during the election.
You don’t reject the vaccine because Trump tells you to get it, then go vote for a Democrat
No, but you do stay home.
Because we can disagree, and not be butt hurt about it. Act accordingly. Leave the temper tantrum’s for the children. And then discipline them accordingly.
Right... well patriots and purebloods aren't going to be swayed by anyone's opinion on the gene therapy, 45 or otherwise, for or against... we will not cave and Trump knows this. As for me, I worship only the Lord!!
Think for yourself research for yourself,make decisions for yourself, live for yourself then and only then can you truley help others.
And Trump knows this. He knows his supporters. He's playing the Left.
Yaaaay smart fish we are!
Voter fraud is treason.
Reasons to trust Trump versus reasons not to are about 100 to 1 respectively, not rocket science just inductive reasoning. And these polls are anonymous so I really don't care about statistics based on Anonymous polls
Take the same "poll" again after the Winter of Death.
UPDATED POLL: Over 40k votes. https://i.imgur.com/Qqq7ITk.png
8% say otherwise. wtf is this even..?