Whelp... It's time to WELCOME our DOUBLE- and even TRIPLE-UNVAXXED new frens! Are you one of our "got vaxxed but are now done with this bullshit" lurkers? Please introduce yourself here! We kmow. You sincerely thought you were helping society. Now you're see what we see! JOIN US!

I will go out on a limb here and say almost no freedom loving patriot is gonna give you shit for making adult decisions and standing by them. I dont fault anyone for feeling the need to get the jab. The problem begins and ends with the lies upon lies upon lies from the govt and pharma and the idea that these fucks think they can mandate we take it whether we want to or not. I know tons of people who took it and they are all totally fine as far as i know.
Yes to all, please dont forget the media lies, which are the biggest lies. The media lies allow all other lies. The fourth estate has become the fifth column.
Yes of course. If i tried to list all the institutions that are lying to us it would be an essay. MSM is THE enemy of the people.
Media lies and govt lies are one in the same. Reminds of the line from the TV producer in ‘V for Vendetta’ “we don’t make up the news, that’s the governments job”
Q did point many times to President Trump's speech where he said that the media FUNDS the Swamp.
Makes sense when you think on it and if Trump said it? It's true. Cabal-owned corporations give huge sums to the Cabal-owned media, who in turn hand over a share of it to the Cabal's Deep State.
Boy does that line ring true!
More like a leather-bound encyclopedia
Does anyone know of any institution that isn't lying to us now?
Perhaps the AHA..? They tried to post the heightened risk of myocarditis with CV19 vaccines on Twatter and had their account suspended/removed. But they did post it - that’s gotta count for something.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day ;) They seem to be headed in a good direction with these warnings. Hey, even the crap NY Post tried to put out the truth about Hunter Biden's laptop and all of the $$$ chicanery going on with the Bidens (and the CCP).
Hey fren, sounds like you made an adult decision based on the information available to you - which you probably realize by know was heavily skewed. Many of us on this board cannot fault you for living your own life. That is was freedom is all about. I do not necessarily have to agree with you, but I sure as hell are going to defend your right to have an opinion different from mine. Thanks for poking your head up and daring to get hit by the few inflexible.
By the way, do you and your misses a favor and get a D-dimer test just to make sure you have not got a clotting issue lurking. Peace
Yep - I've seen a few "I hope they get jabbed and die" idiots. Really, THEY are the ones who do not belong here. That attitude is so contrary to the message and mission of Q. Divisive, ugly.
Most folks here just want to know the truth so it can be propagated to those who might be endangered for LACK of truth.
I only just found out about something last week that everyone who WANTS the injections should know about. They are deliberately NOT doing needle aspiration. Why not? I don't know. Not doing it can be INSANELY dangerous. Goes into the fat? Great! Muscle? Well...okay. Goes into the bloodstream? Now we have problems. And that may well explain why some have IMMEDIATE heart attacks and strokes. I know one massive stroke/death (thin as a rail, not a healthy woman), one heart attack (a bit of a fatty and he recovered), and two myocarditis in very fit and healthy people who have hardly any extraneous tissue on them to inject into! I can see how accidentally getting it into the bloodstream would be more likely on thin people.
Why would this general order/instruction be given to those administering these shots? And was everyone told to do it this way? Or just some? It makes no sense.
They are fine for now. My concern for those that have taken it is the long term effects. I’m reading more and more that the spike protein is effecting those pre-existing conditions and killing people of those things they have had other issues with or maybe recovered from in the past. That way no one can ever blame the jab for their death. I have a family member that had bronchitis for years from smoking. She got the jab and is in ICU because her lungs are crystallizing and she now needs a lung transplant. Scary 😧 devious shit they are pushing.
My father got jabbed and went downhill fast afterward. After many visits to the hospital for scans and scopes they diagnosed him with kidney cancer and removed part of a kidney. He just got boosted. SMH
Start loading your dad up on Fenbendazole.
Look up Joe Tippen protocol.
The lie of omission is the biggest lie of all.
I'll never throw shade at someone who woke up to the con around the effectiveness of the covid vaccines. You are fortunate they caused you & yours no harm, and I thank God for this being the case.
I'm praying for all y'all. Most of my friends are vaccinated, and despite my own cautionary tale they probably still will get boosted.
Really? After what happened to you? I'm almost out of pity for these people.
True. There are remedies.
Some thing that they’re testing the real vaccine. I don’t know if I agree with that or not but I’d say it plausible. Maybe you got the saline shots.
Just remember, worry can have a negative effect on your health, too. So manage that part.
If it's in your general direction, look up praying medic on telegram; he's currently got a heavy focus on healing and prayer, and I think this is one area that might really help in terms of long term impacts...
PS. kudos on the comment.
I haven't read up on it much but someone here said that most of the adverse events reported come from a very small percentage of the vaccine lots, something like 5%. If you think about it that method would be in keeping with the mentality or methodology of gangsters, which is what these people are. You don't get the clot shot the first time around you feel like you are winning and you keep playing. The population control, if that's what they are doing, would be effective over time as there are more and more boosters being administered. The chaser is probably some long term infertility built into most of the shots that have cumulative effect.
What you are trying to say is the very bad adverse events (incl. many deaths) came from 1 in 200 Lot Numbers (or 0.5%). There was a video where a man conducted that analysis.
Yes, what you say is true. Only certain lots, less that 5%, are the deadly clot shots. We have been able to speculate, because we can only go by our own statistical data and analysis, that there were at least 5 different formulas in the initial rollout. That is not to say that they will be the same continuing forward. This is still an experiment and under an EUA they can, and do, change the formulations not only in dosage but also in ingredients such as adjuvants. This is all in conjunction with what also appears to be placebo controls only known to the manufactures. The scenario looks just as you stated. The majority of people will not be affected thereby continuing to reinforce the narrative and people continue to play. However, they may not be able to escape the later consequences that will in no doubt be blamed on other conditions rather than the inoculations that underlie those conditions and were the trigger.
In addition, there also seems to be certain peaks of adverse reactions in time depending on the manufacture. It appears that they coordinated their introduction of particularly dangerous deadly batches with each other. There does not appear to be crossover so as to confuse their own internal data - data that they sure as hell are not going to share with us. Someone had done an excellent breakdown analysis just based on the existing data bases and it clearly shows the spikes of adverse events based on time and manufacturer. It is quite chilling.
The bottom line is that those that have been unfortunate enough to buy into the lie are not going to be out of the woods for over a decade. The health effects fallout is what is going to affect the majority. This is a bioweapon on both ends - the pathogen released and then the subsequent inoculation - both containing the same active poison.
I think dr Martin touches on the lots and the percentage of harmful batches compared to majority in this episode. https://rumble.com/vrhuks-patented-genocide-dr.-martin-exposes-fauci-as-mercenary-of-death.html
Way to put yourself out there! I pray that you at least follow the Zelenko protocol.
Ditto! & Happy Birthday!🎂🐸❤
Hey friend! I kept trying to respond to our thread but I kept getting an error message stating that messages can't go that far.
Ha! We broke the system🐸
Where did the idea that we would still be on lockdown without the depop shot originate? Was it in a Qdrop I am not aware of? It doesn't play out logically to me at second glance so Id love to know the source of this belief set. Without sauce all we have is fantasy!
I took one Moderna jab. I lined up at the time thinking I was taking a biowarfare rescue drug. I did it because of my elderly parents. Big mistake and a serious wake up. It will be one year this month and I have acquired a list of MDs (rheumatologist , cardiologist, neurologist). One doc told me to continue with the 2nd scheduled shot because “it’s better than dying!” What a wake-up statement. No, there are MANY things worse than dying and that doc was not deciding that for me. Since then, I found this site and have red pilled ALL the nurses in my department and most of my family.
One family member lined up for it all and got Covid after the booster. I never thought I’d see her flip, but that was her wake up. I’m expecting a mass hysteria from people like her. She is pissed.
My kids are double vaxxed and got pissed when they started talking about the booster. They didn't get the booster but they did get COVID. I have not yet gotten it. Unvaxxed and taking recommended prophylactics but I do know unvaxxed that took some of the supplements and got it anyway. For what it's worth, I have been taking Benadryl every night for years because it helps me sleep and seems to stave off sinus infections for me. I have yogurt every day. There's a study that shows Benadryl and lactoferrin (milk derivative) combined reduce viral replication by over 90%. Just throwing it out there.
Oh interesting about the yogurt and Benadryl! I had heard about Benadryl and lactoferrin - but I bought the lactoferrin pills by Airborne. I didn’t realize that yogurt has lactoferrin as well. I would rather just eat the yogurt than take supplements
Most food products are not going to contain enough active ingredients to reach therapeutic levels. In addition, most store bought yogurt is highly processed with all kinds of added ingredients that in the long run are going to be more harmful than what little effect you think you will achieving from the small amount of lactoferrin it may contain. The biggest down side to most store bought yogurts is the added sugars - which by itself is one of the biggest cause of chronic disease. Yogurt is good, but it must be organic plain yogurt or home made from organic or fresh dairy, which most people do not have a palate for because it is not sweet. Add berries to the unsweetened yogurt. This will add some sweetness plus the antioxidant benefits of the berries. Other than this, there are no healthy yogurts out there. For specific purpose, supplements are better. For overall health condition, good nutrition is best.
I have been treating my mother and auntie that are both in their late eighties with the protocol. My auntie has a bad heart. Her grandkids especially are pissed at my mother and myself for keeping her from getting the jab. I knew if she took that shot she would be dead. I was sick a couple of months ago. I was really sick, but got over it. Now I have immunity. My mom and aunt both have gotten over what appears to be a cold - hopefully it was the less serious strain that is making the rounds. At least for there sake I hope it is. The protocols worked. They do not keep you from getting sick, they keep you from being hospitalized and dying. So keep doing what you are doing - especially if you are in contact with vaxxed people.
You may be able to avoid getting sick, but if you are going to have any immunity against whatever they are throwing up against the wall trying to make it stick, having it cross your path may not necessarily be a bad thing. Natural immunity is far superior than any fake so called immunity they claim is from these inoculations. Just a caution, there are some unwanted long term side effects from Benadryl that can be permanent - such as low blood pressure leading to palpitations, impaired mental cognition, and tremors, not to mention dependence. My experience with patients taking diphenhydramine for sleep is that they develop a nasty dependence and an inability to get natural sleep. There are also studies that have shown a correlation between long term use of diphenhydramine and an increased risk of dementia. All drugs have side effects and should be used with caution especially if they are to be taken over time. There are more natural alternatives for sleep you should look into that do not come with a basket full of side effects.
The nicotine patch! Nicotine prevents the ace inhibitor from getting into the cells. Only 7% of smokers get Covid. China admitted this early on and the Deep State here did everything they could do to keep this quiet and bury it. I’m not saying that no smokers ever get Covid, but a lot don’t. I wear the patch everyday and so far so good.
Read that in 2020. I was plugged into the situation in China before anyone was even paying attention. There were several things that the Chinese were doing or noted before all the crap hit the fan and the censors had a chance to clamp down. Chaga, Vit C, and nicotine were huge. In fact, I have a good friend that is a smoker and I believe it is the only reason she did not get ill after the jab when all her co-workers got really sick. She has since been convinced not to get any more shots thank God.
By the way, the ACE2 is a protein on the cell surface that acts as a cellular doorway – a receptor. It is an receptor enzyme that generates small proteins – by cutting up the larger protein angiotensinogen – that then goes on to regulate functions in the cell. ACE2 is a vital element in a biochemical pathway that is critical to regulating processes such as blood pressure, wound healing and inflammation. Downregulation of ACE2 contributes to more ANG II-mediated injury, in particular, reducing ACE2 will increase susceptibility to inflammation, cell death and organ failure, especially in the heart and the lung. This is part of the mechanism that makes people so sick when they do become infected with the Rona.
Nicotine, by competing for the same site, stops the spike protein from binding to ACE2. Thereby, reducing the ability of the virus to get into the cell and replicate, and at the same time, stopping the spike proteins produced by the inoculations from also binding. But there is a downside to what seems like good news. There are complications that can arise over ACE2 downregulation. Caution must be taken when using nicotine as a long term measure to prevent infection or spike protein adherence. It does have its own nasty side effect profile if used long enough. If there is a decrease in ACE2 activity because nicotine is binding to ACE2, then ACE2 can't break down the ANG II protein, which means there is more of it to cause inflammation and damage in the body. Keep in mind that the inactivation of ACE2 is believed to increase the severity of symptoms when a person does become ill due to infection - especially in the lungs and the heart. So, even though it sounds logical and compelling, I would not recommend nicotine when there are so many other options out there that do not come with side effects.
It is amazing at the number of things out there that seem to interfere with this bioweapon. The evil powers will not unleash something that they do not already have the antidote for that is widely available and cheap. They give all the useless eaters the ineffective and expensive so called cures. The best immunity against this bioweapon is natural immunity.
Praying for you, friend. I hope whatever issues that were triggered in you from that first jab are healed. Keep using your voice!
I feel it was from God, bad enough to wake up a department of nurses, mild enough to survive and keep working. He has a plan. I feel I’m part of it.
Thanks for sharing your story AND dropping the red bombs all over that department. Nurses are absolutely instrumental in this. I know, and you know, all those classic jokes about Nurses doing all the work have deep roots in reality.
"Better than dying!" indeed. 🙄
Welcome. There are a whole lot of us medical frens hanging out in this space. I am starting to see the tide turn, but it is still going to take time to undo the conditioning. I was redpilled years ago and it has been an uphill battle ever since. I am vaxxine damaged from Influenza and Hep B. Hopefully, when this fraud is finally exposed it will open that can of worms they have been trying to keep a lid on for years - the whole fraud involving vaxxines. It is not what we were taught. The TRUE History of Vaccination and Infectious Disease
Agree with you. I didn’t have near the mistrust I should have before this Covid mess. I’ve seen meds come and go which lifted my eyebrows, but nothing like this. HCQ really opened my eyes. It’s been around and saving lives way too long. That did not change overnight. The rhetoric did.
I actually went into practice because of my own struggles, all caused from either vaxxines or procedures. So, I have been astutely aware of the many cracks in the facade of what is more akin to disease management than real health care. I have always tried to steer my patients to more natural alternatives - but it was always a tightrope in these days of corporate medicine. Anything not promoting the established narrative of big pharma is met with opposition. Most of my colleagues bailed with the ACA or shortly afterwards and with them went their private practices. That has taken away a great deal of autonomy that practitioners once enjoyed. I really hope and pray that this is the beginning of trying to get back to a place where we can actually help our patients rather than harm them. God bless.
There are protocols.. do a deep dive on Zinc / L Lysine / D3 / C / Quercetin / Magnesium / etc
Thank you. I’m doing much better thanks to this site. I did exactly this except L Lysine, I’m taking NAC. I’m trying to get everything from food sources as well.
The L-lysine will help with keeping down any onboard double stranded DNA viruses like herpes. We have had an explosion in shingles post jab, so using L-lysine to keep those critters in check would be advisable. 1000mg at bedtime on an empty stomach, or 500mg twice a day also on an empty stomach. It is an amino acid so it will compete with other proteins, thus the need to take on an empty stomach.
The NAC is a precursor for glutathione - a major antioxidant. The problem taking just straight glutathione is that it is hard for the body to take up in any quantity that is useful. Besides being a glutathione precursor, the NAC also has the benefit of having its own antioxidant properties - especially in the lungs.
Just a note. Vitamin D levels are critical and should be kept at least 80-90ng/ml. Whenever someone is challenged, either by severe illness or trauma, vitamin D levels can be diminished by 50% in less than 24 hours. That means a person with a so called normal level of 30-40ng/ml in less than a day can now be deficient. D is critical for immune function and tissue healing.
Good luck and thank you for be a part of the solution. We have a tough road ahead fren waking up those around us - especially those on the front lines of health care. I truly believe it will be the nurses that turn this ship around. God bless.
Thank you so much for this. God bless you.
You are most welcome. Any time. Pass it along.
I sure will.
They know poor vitamin d levels are responsible for people ending up in hospital .. symptoms same as non existent covid. You need a test to determine your level and then large amounts to get up to 90 Ng. If you have been sick your level will be about 15 unless you're in the sun five hours a day with most of your body uncovered you are not getting vitamin d from the sun to reach a good level. Hospitals have provided this info.
Welcome new frens
We have been waiting for you; a warm hug, and a wholesome beverage offered.
We are all converts - some earlier and some later. It was 2018 when I realized there was a glitch in the matrix. Serious awakening (rabbit hole adventures) started a couple years ago. Some have been awake for decades.
General broadcast: For those out there who think there are no more to red pill - you’re wrong. As we continue winning the field becomes less white for harvesting, but potentials are out there.
Yes. I thought I was over trying to convert ppl, the other day someone came to me with worries and comments asking questions. I was so happy they have a chance!
I pointed them here (again) I hope they come this time
My adopted view is that the process, while painful, is continuing and in fact increasing in uptake. The awakening process. My belief is that more and more are waking up all the time.
Not certain what "white for harvesting, but" means - I'm guessing it means 'ripe for harvesting, but'.
Turning point for me in this belief: in recent months, massive numbers of my society have shown up in the street demonstrations (close to maybe 7% of our whole population of 6.5 million), plus also meeting those who have woken up just recently, after having the shots.
Scripture reference. Means the field is ready to harvest (I guess wheat looks white when it’s ready).
Hmmm. Surprised I'm not familiar with that turn of phrase.
Say not ye, ‘There are yet four months and then cometh the harvest’? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest.
Guess I'm saying, as far as I can see, they are white, white indeed.
We’ve also got coats and bricks! 🧱
Know to all of you lurking - we don't care that you got the shot. Most of the world (supposedly) has. We do however care and congratulate you for realising it is a con you were sold, before the rest of society figures out they were turned into Guinea pigs, and who will likely be the spearhead for the coming resurgence of the Nuremberg trials.
Legal theories, precedents and personnel for the Nuremberg 2.0 trials are being assembled as you read this. Please save whatever evidence you have and record your memories of the most outrageous events. In addition to the horrifying court cases, there will be histories, novels, and movies based on this for the next 75 years. We want to keep them as authentic as possible.
Mine is simple. My wife died 10 days after her second jab. Took over 12 weeks to get a pathology report, and the pathologist from Barts' at UCL claimed it was a DVT in her right leg due to her "sedentary lifestyle" and claimed that he "couldn't prove one way or the other" if astra caused the DVT. This came just as things started heating up on the "need" for lock downs here again.
My presumption now is the entire medical profession under the NHS is compromised. I have zero faith in any doctor towing the line as a result, and consider 90% of medical professionals as oath breakers.
😩 Sorry, fren. That sucks.
Is what it is, u/catsfive.
I knew all the institutions must fall to ash before they can be reborn, but even I didn't want to believe it was this bad, or that all major professional services are broken. What it took for me to accept that "yep, it's exactly as bad as the worst case scenario you wanted to believe wasn't the case" is well known to you and the others here.
A shame I had to have my worst fear realised to actually believe what I knew, but as a plus, now I have no real fear. If I die or live tomorrow, I couldn't care less. If I live, I can keep doing good here and in my own way in RL. If I die, I'll be reunited with my beloved once more. Either way is a win for me.
Your words are already helping to stop this evil. Thank you. I know she will be a very proud woman when you see her again.
Take care fren.
So sorry for your loss. I think moderna killed my dad & was basically laughed at by one of his docs. I agree that almost all of them are criminals towing this line. And it's a hill they should die on. Also to add on, this is the only place where I am even taken seriously w my thoughts on it....esp regarding my dad. My own vaxxed brothers & mom wont even hear it. They still get mad. My mom even demanded i not talk about the vax in regards to dad's death in their house or don't come there. (Not that she would actually go thru w that) but thats what we are up against folks. I was so shocked she even said it.
You have to understand that these people are afraid of fear and anxiety. Taking away their precious vaccine would throw them right back into the fear state that they cannot bare.
If you want to wake them up ignore the vax for now, and find something MORE scary that's happening to show them. Like that the government is going to enslave them.
Big hugs from Texas, my friend.
You will be. Amen, God bless you fren.
Wow…..disturbing, to say the least about this situation. The fact that y’all advocated, loudly, is why he has survived. The doctors/nurses/medical professionals are having their hands tied by bought off administrators! Totally criminal. Pharmacists too. Love AFLDs for their commitment to truth and I’ll say “holistic” care. Patriots should definitely support them. Praying for your dad and family.
Have you considered having that doctor that wanted to help write the request for blood work for your Dad and taking it to an independent lab, one NOT associated with the hospital he was in? It may be expensive (if not covered by insurance) but well worth it, even for peace of mind.
I also suggest getting a copy of your Dad's hospital record (before the blood work). Evidence gathering.
I suggest HE requests them, otherwise they can refuse giving them to you. They would need something in writing from him (a release) according to HIPPA. Oh, wait, are they still applying that?
We had the hospital go behind our back and claim our mom had "given consent" herself to Remdesivir when my sister wasn't there. Sis was healthcare POA and had already told them not to put her on a ventilator. Hospital claimed Mom was "of sound mind" at the time, which was baloney. They killed her. We are keeping the evidence for the inevitable class action lawsuits/Nuremburg II trials.
I can only speak to England here. The NHS has a death grip on medicine here, and to me it looks like the British love this sacred cow enough to die for its lies, alas. I hope to be proven wrong, but doubt it.
The hospitals, doctors and nurses are all (with very few exceptions) in on this evil genocide. Their greed and evilness has, as you have said caused them to violate their oath. There must be accountability in the medical profession if we are to ever avoid a repeat of this in the future.
My understanding is that the oath was changed. They removed "first, do no harm." I researched that a while ago and it is NOT in the oath.
Wow! They really thought of everything when preparing our demise. From all angles they hit.
I believe it was changed in 2011
So, they are not going against their oath correct? Unless their is another clause to which people are referring.
It was removed from the Hippocratic oath. I guess they technically aren’t if they became doctors after it was removed but they all know better.
I'm terribly sorry fren :(
I know a pharmacist that knows Ivermectin is perfectly fine & will tell you so unofficially but got an IN STORE visit from the board of health about it & doesn't want to risk losing his business. I would bet anyone in any medical position has been warned one way or the other. So know they can't say but by telling you it was thrombosis is almost like telling you. Thrombosis is almost certainly the jab, especially if it was just 10 days out. I am really so sorry
We are slowly learning more about how this poison works in the body and what is the underlying mechanisms that cause such a variety of presentations. Here is a PDF that shows what most autopsies are missing - because they are not looking for it on this histological level. The makers of these kill shots are fully aware that these findings for the most part will continue to go unnoticed by the majority of examiners. On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination
I remember your story fren, and if I did not say it before, my prayers and thoughts are with you. God bless you.
Some people care... but most of us are adults and know the power of Gov lying to people.
Very well said!
My ultra Trump hating neighbors who are, outside of that, decent loving people, have taken the jab because they cannot get advanced medical treatment, are ready. I am getting all my stuff organized for final presentation to start today. I have been practicing how for three years.
They are not my first, but socially most important. PS, I live in Socal, near Palm Springs, where people have already started to listen. I always include .win on my list of sites to visit, when I think it won't do us harm. My Aunt of 89 years lurks here. She converted two years ago with all your help and words of wisdom and humor. She is from Queens New York and is a kind and brutal red piller.
Write a post about what happens 😊
I want to point out that, Trump supposedly coming out in favor of the vax with Candace's interview, frees us up to red pill our Trump hating friends. More & more, I think that was brilliant of him. Nevertheless, good luck fren!
Here is something you may want to add to your repertoire when they are ready to go down the rabbit hole on the whole vaxxine hoax. But, not until they are ready. Our biggest mistake in waking up the sleepers is overwhelming them back into sleep. Good luck fren and thanks for being in the fight.
The TRUE History of Vaccination and Infectious Disease
Nothing triggers mass population awakening like a never ending procession of vaccine boosters!
Welcome all new frens! We welcome you to join the storm:)
Not me, I'm not vaxed, but I have this: I have many friends and family in Israel (every single one huge Trump supporters btw). All of them except for one 'conspiracy theorist' got vaxed. They trusted their government, believed their government had their best interests at heart. They thought Israel was at the forefront of positive medical breakthroughs, instead they are now realising, Israel was chosen to be the worlds' first human experimental laboratory. Now almost all of them are pissed. Incandescent. Several of them are joining in the weekly protests in Tel Aviv, others have refused booster and now even the elderly amongst them don't want the 4th jab. They are angry, and rightfully so.
What will be really sad is the sequela of consequences that lay ahead for them down the road because of the lies they trusted in. Probably one of the biggest effects may be on fertility. Funny, many of the Palestinians did not get jabbed. Do you think there may be something to this? Don't really know, but I have considered the ramifications.
That siren they play in Israel for the 6 million and everyone comes to a total standstill...do you know about this? Does Israel still do this? That is trauma programming. "Never forget" is the same tactic used in the USA on the blacks, "never forget slavery" because the shared trauma molds the people into little groups that can be manipulated into performing action - pan and his flute, sirens singing ships to shipwreck, etc.
I always thought it was incredibly cruel to do to a people. Trauma based mind control. The deep state has trauma based mind control for all nations and in Israel, that siren sticks out the most to me.
I have a very smart former Navy fren, expert in nuclear power, IQ off the chart, 60 years of life experience. He got vax'd at the start "bekuz we all got the Anthrax shots and a million other shots in the Navy, wtf is the big deal?"
He has covid right now.
When you use the word VACCINE it comes with preloaded expectations and assumptions.
Combine that with a total hold over doctors and hospitals and media and government and you have total dominion over people's mindsets.
They know what they're doing.
IQ? Indoctrination Quotient? LEL 😷
Hes smart.
Smart is as smart does. Not so smart. Known a lot of very high IQ folks over the years and I will tell you, they are some of the blindest most idiotic people I have ever run across, absolutely zero common sense. It's like the definition of specialist: Someone who knows more and more about less and less till they know absolutely everything about nothing at all. Extreme ability in one area generally comes at the detriment to many others.
We have a Navy Reserve friend who got it for the same reason. Dunno about his IQ though. He got his voluntarily outside of the military. And my husband red-pilled him with Q after the election.
Same exact excuse my brother gave. He’s retired army but only age 46 with a six year old daughter. My husband told him “yeah, but big difference is that you AREN’T in the military any long and you don’t have to.” Didn’t make any difference. 🤷♀️
Welcome, your stories are valuable to stopping the madness.
Welcome my friends to the show that never ends, we're so glad you could attend come inside, come inside!
HOLY SHIT!!! That song just got a lot more meaningful in my brain... Thanks Fren... ☕☕☕
Hotel California is another one. I was always puzzled by its lyrics when younger but just figured my left-brain couldn’t comprehend. I understand it better now!
Agreed... Cheers Fren and Happy New Year... ☕☕☕
Man I still remember when there were like 5 users on GAW and you always maintained high energy. You're the best, catsfive.
Since we’re all simping for catsfive here, I’ll third this motion. Thanks for all you do, friend.
Idk if it's a guy or a girl, but they're the leader we need haha
lol, 'its'
Autocorrect, but thanks for the fix. Now it's my turn to fix YOU 😆
updoodle for effective use of italics
Thats fuck8ng gold! 🤣🤣🤣
I have no problem with vaccines when adults make an informed decision. Since there was only abbreviated testing before this vax was rolled out, all of the side effects were not know. That's a problem. I could see if we were facing a pandemic like Ebola where you bleed out in 4 hours that you do everything humanly possible to stop it. But not with C19. Pfizer and the CDC knew that C-19 was a 2 stage disease where initially it was very treatable.
I have never seen such a turbo charged PR campaign against drugs like HCQ and Ivermectin which had been in use for many years with known safety profiles that were excellent. As soon as Trump mentioned HCQ the media, the FDA, CDC, etc. all went into hyper mode to say NO, NO, NO. Dangerous, Dangerous. The same with Ivermectin. The knee jerk hysteria surrounding the banning of even mentioning them was to me, a confirmation that this was NOT about the virus but about making sure there were no drugs that could be used which would block the approval of emergency use authorization for the vaccines.
None of the official government watchdogs cared that these drugs were showing amazing results when given early. They shortened C19 symptoms and greatly reduced the chance it would worsen to the second stage where hospitalization and ventilators were needed. It was this refusal to look toward early treatment that was the first crime. By completely blocking the public's access to a safe and effective alternative they limited doctor and patient choice. Then they used incomplete data to falsely claims the vaccines were safe and effective.
As patients, we were not given the information needed to make an informed decision on anything. They wanted us to believe their narrantive or risk death. Then, the government and media used everything in their power to coerce the public to conform. Bribes, non-stop ads (at taxpayer expense), death counters on the news, videos of people dropping in streets, article after article slanted, biased, or outright lying to get people to take the vax. Nothing about any of the safe and effective early treatments that people could have tried, nothing about the usefulness of Vit D, C, zinc, Quecetin, etc. to boost immunity and when used with HCQ or Ivermection that could completely solve the problem before it became a crisis.
But who better than the DS to create a crisis? They could create wars, topple governments on a whim. Surely Rahm Emmanuel's quote to never let a crisis go to waste was in play. They rushed whatever is in those vials directly into peoples arms with 100% assurance everything was good to go with the vax, just do it. And people did by the millions. But like the cash cows we are, it's time for another milking with part 2, then booster 1, then booster 2, on and on.
I don't blame people for doing what they thought was right based on deceitful information. But for those of us who did the research and informed ourselves on the matter, it's quite different. The murmurs and whispers suggesting rounding up unvaxxed and either quarantining us or forcing the jab to save our jobs or ability to function in society is where things are downright criminal. A day of reckoning is coming that will make the French Revolution look like child's play. The people behind this virus and jab assault will see justice soon. The world is demanding it and will not be denied. The window is closing for people with inside info to blow the whistle. Anyone involved with these crimes against humanity are the ones that need rounding up
Can’t undo all the things we’ve learned and seen the last 2-6 years.
A small group of pedes have been aware of this stuff for decades.
I really do think a reckoning and mass awakening is inevitable. The million dollar question is what will be the straw that break’s the camel’s back? When is the singularity?
I was the first shot (J&J) because I wanted to be able to have holidays with my family, and I have members of my fam who are at risk, so I thought it was the best thing to do. I, and all my family, who got the shot(s) had no adverse reactions whatsoever, and I thank the Lord Jesus Chtist everyday for that. If something happena to any of us 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 years down the line then will do what we've always done, come together as a family and deal with as best as we can. All of knew the risks, and we made our decisions. This past Christmas was rough cause COVID went through my whole family, we're all fine now, but my mom still has no taste or smell, but now two-thirds of my family has "super-immunity" and we are thankful that we can go anywhere without fear of getting or spreading the virus. Most of my family, thanks to subtle redpilling by me and my bro are not going to get boosted. Thanks for this post, fren. I feel like a weight has been lifted of my chest. I'm gonna go back to lurking now.
No taste or smell = zinc deficient
Welcome Lights. So glad you could speak up.
And thanks for Cats for raising this most, most important of topics.
There is no judgment here: only freedom, sovereignty, and mutual support. THAT is the influence of the Holy Spirit, imo.
I took it, and so did my immediate family. I have two disabled kids (both adults) that live with us. One is severe. Our granddaughter lives with us as well. We held out for the J&J only because at the time they were trying so hard to keep it from becoming available. Phizer and Moderna were never on the table for us. We made a decision that we thought was best at the time for our kids and their situations. That was back in May. No boosters, nor will there ever be. Our granddaughter was never jabbed nor will she be. That being said, so far so good but who knows what the future will hold. We're confident in our salvation so if the worst happens, so be it.
My entire smallish family took it except for my husband, our 2 daughters, and my 2 cousins. Same on my husband’s side of the (huge) family with about 2/19 cousins opting out. Many of the older on his side are opting for the boosters. My parents got smart and are avoiding the booster.
Fortunately no one has had any problems yet. My mother is boosting her immune system as much as she can. She got pretty ill from the second Pfizer shot (fever) and as a retired RN realized that what I was telling her was true and that the shots degraded her immune system. She is also not taking any more (other) shots until this craziness is over.
My stepmother has also woken up and is on board with no more shots for the 2 of them. She told me at Christmas that she now realizes that the elites have been trying to kill us and it is so apparent to her now. (She worked at a tobacco company when young.)
I pray everyone will come out of this intact and those who got health problems can get fixed by the hidden healing treatments when those become known.
Fever is the body screaming and making a demand for calcium.
Calcium is needed to fight the virus so the body will take from the bones (ever got leg bone pain before during an infection/flu/virus?)
Calcium lactate for a fever.
That meme is absolutely amazing 😂
Yep! It may be my new favorite. Succinct visuals that are on point are good brain-opening red pills.
Welcome to all new Frens. Welcome to seeing the light. WWG1WGA
I thought I’d be keeping my grandma safe (diabetic neuropathy, heart issues, and arthritis), saving lives, ending the restrictions, etc., so I chose to get the two shots. When they said there were going to be more shots, I realized that this wasn’t ordinary for a virus. I thought I had the virus over the Christmas break, but only experienced a mild headache, and loss of taste and smell (which came back within a week or two). Fortunately, I haven’t noticed any side effects… so far. Gonna start with the Zelenko protocol and build a diet plan. I can only pray that I survive the spike proteins and blow the whistle on the side effects.
Wife and I got the first two pfizer shots early on, and got them early due to being “essential workers”. Didn’t really want them, but at the time the narrative was that you couldn’t spread the virus if you were vaccinated, so I thought I needed it if I wanted to be around my mother who is taking the cancer medication that fucks your immune system. No side effects to name, other than my wife’s previously very irregular menstrual cycle becoming regular.
I’m lucky in that only one nephew and one niece’s husband in my direct family have taken the first jabs with no problems so far. I did learn recently that not only did one of my uncles take it and was dead within a week, but one of my mother’s niece’s husband also got jabbed and also dead with a week or two. Just depends on which batch you get and how susceptible your system is I guess. I’ll be getting my jab as soon as they pry my 2A boom boom stick from my dead fingers. Oh yeah, I guess I won’t need it at that point. They’d probably jab me anyway so they could list me as dying WITH covid. 🙄
I was loosely an "anti-vaxxer" before COVID. I studied vaccine studies, literature and side effects starting 20 years ago, and the information was so disturbing that I decided to err on the side of not participating until evidence come forward to prove them valid. Enter COVID, and what I just saw took place has now made me an anti-vaxxer x100. Never in a million years and over my dead body, yeah. I'm also thoroughly convinced that my current autoimmune illness was caused by a tetanus booster vaccine in the late 90's. Alix Mayer, President, Children's Health Defense, California Chapter, said: "Autoimmunity - to my knowledge, there is NO other cause of autoimmunity aside from vaccines in the medical literature. Vaccines force our B-cells to make antibodies. Antibodies are the hallmark of allergies and autoimmunity."
If you have been jabbed, you will benefit from the protocol set out in a number of places on GAW no matter what jab from what company. But if you're interested in seeing just how many adverse effects have been attributed to your particular batch of vaccine, you can look it up at howbad.info.
Welcome new Frens. Hope you all are as happy as I am to be amongst such amazing pedes.
I like this meme! Welcome to all. May this be a great year.
I am Transvaxed - I am not Vaxed but I Identify as vaxed
What drives me most insane is arguing with people who won't admit that the vaxx is experimental. They learn something new about this shit everyday...how is that not an experiment...leading to an extinction level event if they're wrong? Think the movie 'Children of Men'
They will all be dead in a year or too what is the pownt?
There are many things the clot shot is - but the globalists’ reaper of souls it is not. That was planned for after years of lockdowns. Pushing this clot shot out fast made for a shot that was weak - weak at “protecting”, weak at depopulating.
If it was hypothetically effective at depopulating though, it would look very much like it does right now imo.
Exactly. Eugenics at its finest.
not what i been herin