Kazakhstan is a weird/fake authoritarian country with a creepy occult themed capital city called Nur-Sultan. The city is mostly empty despite being finished out with large modern buildings and roads that were centrally designed by British and Japanese architects. So of course like any fake creepy town it contains occult symbolism and a large Masonic temple and pyramid. One tower appears to be a sun worship monument. It's like the Denver airport of capital cities.
Thanks for this. I thought it was Kazakhstan that had this stuff. I was looking at it years ago with Google earth and thought WTF is this place. I encourage everyone to look it up.
Very interesting. Thanks for the link Fren. Very bizarre city. I'm sceptical of the construction dates. Tartaria anyone? The leaders of the world's religions gather at that pyramid every 3 years?- What?
Article was a great read. This part was eyebrow raising, “It is a globe signed by representatives from seventeen religious denominations.”
You can tell by my user name that I am aware of the Sun worship. I don’t worship the Sun though.
I once visited the Philadelphia Masonic Temple. The guide was evasive when asked questions, but the interesting thing is he did volunteer one thing. He pointed up to the ceiling of one room and said it represented the Sun.
Yes, I do recall some major bad stuff was centered there. Been awhile since it was a topic, but pretty sure it involved child trafficking. Like it's some sort of hub.
I was just surprised to hear it in the first place, cuz who thinks of these far off weird obscure (to US) countries? Which I guess is rather their point.
Switzerland is where the cone heads live ..it's where David Rockefeller is hiding according to ben fulford geopolitical news if you can believe what he says
On subject of believe Charlie ward said that there is no gesara nesara ...that was the deep state he said. Clif High right again. So Charlie's white hats are black! Is the quantum financial system from them too. Sounds like
This sort of thing happens in certain Parliamentary governments.
The entire government "resigns" if the commanding party loses majority of the legislative houses and things are thrown back to a legislative-only election processes until a majority party is firmly in charge.
This is to avoid 50-50 splits always cropping up and preventing legislation from passing. Parliaments don't have filibusters and they don't have tie-breakers in the same fashion the US has.
The US is different because it (used to) rejoice in 50-50 splits because it meant no legislation could pass. The filibuster is the spirit of such a political philosophy.
In American politics, nothing happening is a feature and the intent, not an issue. The more stuff ends up changing, the more confused the average person is gonna be, and the more opportunity for someone to abuse people during the confusion.
It's best to keep things exactly as they are as long as possible so people fully begin to understand what is best and worst in the system and change only what is absolutely necessary. If you re-invent the wheel every year, you end up with the "wheel" becoming a literal cube and classified as a progressive "trans-wheel" with dildos glued all over it...
The Founding Fathers knew this and that's why we don't have a Parliament, we have a slow-as-hell grind of a Three-branch Government protected by checks and balances that made sure nothing whimsical and sweeping gets passed without going through one hell of a long trek and vetting to do so.
It's taken 250 years for the Cabal to chip away at the Government our Founding Fathers created.
No other Government in the history of man has ever been as durable.
The 2nd Amendment is probably a big factor in its resilience as well...
Nice explanation. Con- is the opposite of Pro- so naming our deliberative body of representatives and senators Congress rather than Progress was intentional. And still funny. Kek!
Perfect opportunity for the Antichrist to step in -have a Nuke go off & all governments agree to disarm in the name of peace & safety. Then the real shit hits the fan.
I saw that on disclose and came straight here lol
I think you are confusing with Washington DC.!
Kazakhstan is a weird/fake authoritarian country with a creepy occult themed capital city called Nur-Sultan. The city is mostly empty despite being finished out with large modern buildings and roads that were centrally designed by British and Japanese architects. So of course like any fake creepy town it contains occult symbolism and a large Masonic temple and pyramid. One tower appears to be a sun worship monument. It's like the Denver airport of capital cities.
This article is about ten years old but describes it well: https://vigilantcitizen.com/sinistersites/sinister-sites-astana-khazakhstan/
EDIT: Remember Q post 4888.
Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records?
Death blow?
Pandora's 'political elite' box?
That link is dead but was obviously about Hunters business in Kazakhstan.
Thanks for this. I thought it was Kazakhstan that had this stuff. I was looking at it years ago with Google earth and thought WTF is this place. I encourage everyone to look it up.
Halfway through this travel video, the dude is like "BTW the absence of people here is creepy." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_KggFQGy74
Very interesting. Thanks for the link Fren. Very bizarre city. I'm sceptical of the construction dates. Tartaria anyone? The leaders of the world's religions gather at that pyramid every 3 years?- What?
Joe Biden meeting with Kenes Rakishev, his son Hunter's alleged business partner in Kazakhstan.
An interesting connection, perhaps..
Article was a great read. This part was eyebrow raising, “It is a globe signed by representatives from seventeen religious denominations.”
You can tell by my user name that I am aware of the Sun worship. I don’t worship the Sun though.
I once visited the Philadelphia Masonic Temple. The guide was evasive when asked questions, but the interesting thing is he did volunteer one thing. He pointed up to the ceiling of one room and said it represented the Sun.
Thank you for the information. I had no idea about Kazakhstan.
Isn’t Kazakhstan supposed to be the seat of the NWO?
No that's Israel
Nope. Kazakhstan.
Yes, I do recall some major bad stuff was centered there. Been awhile since it was a topic, but pretty sure it involved child trafficking. Like it's some sort of hub.
Jeez...how many "hubs" are out there?
I was just surprised to hear it in the first place, cuz who thinks of these far off weird obscure (to US) countries? Which I guess is rather their point.
Research the capital city of Kazakhstan.
Astana is supposed to be one of the nwo central cities along with Atlanta, Denver, abu Dhabi, a few others.
Toronto and Malmo
Switzerland is where the cone heads live ..it's where David Rockefeller is hiding according to ben fulford geopolitical news if you can believe what he says
On subject of believe Charlie ward said that there is no gesara nesara ...that was the deep state he said. Clif High right again. So Charlie's white hats are black! Is the quantum financial system from them too. Sounds like
Just Charlie was all about nesara & gesara a short time ago. He promoted it constantly, interesting he's changed his tune.
He's a grifter (or worse)
Charlie Ward is a con artist.
Used to be in Time share....
If Charlie Ward said it. Then it's fact......He is a Dr. for fucks sake.......
Saw something posted on r/wallstreetsilver of all places about that. They have some very overt symbolism at what I presume is their capitol.
My first thought too. I thought Astara was in Kazak but it's about 1000 miles away.
Correction: Astana, Kazakhstan is the cabal city. https://editions.thediscoverer.com/126/images/feature.jpg
Yes, Astana
Pretty sure Kazakhstan has nukes - hope they’re safe and sound..
They do not officially, but they may have inherited some Soviet era nukes that were in the country when the USSR broke up.
I’m sure FEMA getting feedback on nuclear preparedness this week is merely a ~coincidence.~
Don't get too excited.
This sort of thing happens in certain Parliamentary governments.
The entire government "resigns" if the commanding party loses majority of the legislative houses and things are thrown back to a legislative-only election processes until a majority party is firmly in charge.
This is to avoid 50-50 splits always cropping up and preventing legislation from passing. Parliaments don't have filibusters and they don't have tie-breakers in the same fashion the US has.
The US is different because it (used to) rejoice in 50-50 splits because it meant no legislation could pass. The filibuster is the spirit of such a political philosophy.
In American politics, nothing happening is a feature and the intent, not an issue. The more stuff ends up changing, the more confused the average person is gonna be, and the more opportunity for someone to abuse people during the confusion.
It's best to keep things exactly as they are as long as possible so people fully begin to understand what is best and worst in the system and change only what is absolutely necessary. If you re-invent the wheel every year, you end up with the "wheel" becoming a literal cube and classified as a progressive "trans-wheel" with dildos glued all over it...
The Founding Fathers knew this and that's why we don't have a Parliament, we have a slow-as-hell grind of a Three-branch Government protected by checks and balances that made sure nothing whimsical and sweeping gets passed without going through one hell of a long trek and vetting to do so.
It's taken 250 years for the Cabal to chip away at the Government our Founding Fathers created.
No other Government in the history of man has ever been as durable.
The 2nd Amendment is probably a big factor in its resilience as well...
This guy has a VERY good understanding of why our government was setup the way it was...
I cringe every time I hear the words "Come together to do the peoples business"
Dasting. Thanks
Nice explanation. Con- is the opposite of Pro- so naming our deliberative body of representatives and senators Congress rather than Progress was intentional. And still funny. Kek!
Oops... I think my Shitpost may have begun a domino effect: https://greatawakening.win/p/140voOOrhw/what-the-actual-lol/
Kazakhstan sure does have a SHIT TON of URANIUM!
And potassium, I'll see myself out. XD
Interesting. Wasn't that place going to be where the NWO was going to put down roots?
That appears so. It looks like the model for future occult-themed cities of the NWO.
Perfect opportunity for the Antichrist to step in -have a Nuke go off & all governments agree to disarm in the name of peace & safety. Then the real shit hits the fan.
Isn't this where the NWO headquarters is???
In Astana? Isn't Pindars handprint in the top of three pyramid there?
And, correct me if I'm wrong, the khazarian mafia (its early here and am probably mixing shit up)
No more Borat?