u/Cyberhawk While I respect your opinion, these little reminders of how utterly retarded these woke fokes are is never a bad thing. I had a good laugh as I had forgotten "that" stupidity!
Yea but that word (Awoman) is so dumb, it’s insulting. I’m a big dry humor kinda guy. But saying that is like being that one guy who tries to be funny, after everyone is laughing together, so he says something that just pisses everyone off, and ruins the moment.
Now if a disclaimer was added like ..
“And Awoman. 😂 <<This people are so dumb!”
I would totally upvote. 👍 But I pray a lot, and say Amen every day, to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, many times. Saying the other is just insulting to me. And so my response, is right on target. For me.
Part of the Great Awakening is the realization that EVERYTHING is being weaponized against us by globalists. That includes the communist (woke) takeover of language. Being cutesy with blasphemy doesn't make it less perverse.
I bet if one vote would have made the difference he would have been the one to cross making it 50/50 allowing Harris to push it over the edge. He's not going to throw himself under a bus unless he gets a win out of it.
True, but I think that was personal. Romney hates Trump. And I bet he regrets that vote too, even if he won't admit it.
Pure politics... whatever leverage they have on Romney would have been put into play if it would have allowed them to remove the filibuster and proceed with their agenda in its totality. Instead we got a lot of bloviation.
As depraved and disgusting as the Demonrats are, it's absolutely astounding that 48 of them voted to NUKE the filibuster- something that has kept the Senate as a sober, rational institution for over 150 years.
Why would you assume anyone who frequents this site would have ever voted FOR the 48? My guess is that people on this board who live in those states voted for the other guy and their candidate lost either to a bat guano crazy populace like in CA or to vote rigging (or both).
Thought so. Hmmmm. Not a good advertising campaign, when more than half the polls show support for the elephant in the room: since when can we not talk about it?.
It really makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Murkowski, Romney, Collins could’ve crossed over and screwed republicans yet again but they didn’t. Why? I think this is all a lot more orchestrated than we realize
A rule which has been in effect for over 100 years requires 60 votes to pass legislation. However, any rule can be changed with a simple majority. On many occasions over the years each party has been tempted to erase the filibuster rule, but fear of retaliation after the next election has prevented it. (Mutual Assured Destruction)
The Dems could have killed the filibuster just now, but dem senators Manchin from WV and KS from Arizona voted with the Repubs and saved the filibuster from being erased.
Note that our side previously modified it for supreme court nominations, so we could approve all those judges during Trump's first term.
Man that was a really close margin… I wouldn’t call it much of a victory. All it would take is 2 people to swing the other direction to tie the vote and then the drunk would be the tie breaker
Yes. I wrote to Senator Rick Scott on Saturday and told him very clear you better vote against Democrats’ agenda with the filibuster. He answered he will fight as a Senator for free and fair elections. Although, i do not even trust him but at least he tried to answer.
I still don't know what to make of these two. Manchin I feel is like an oldschool democrat, back when they somewhat cared about the country. Sinema, who the hell knows.
Thank God. And I mean that literally, not as an exclamation. Thank God.
And awomen. 😂
No, you can keep your woke words.
u/Cyberhawk While I respect your opinion, these little reminders of how utterly retarded these woke fokes are is never a bad thing. I had a good laugh as I had forgotten "that" stupidity!
Yea but that word (Awoman) is so dumb, it’s insulting. I’m a big dry humor kinda guy. But saying that is like being that one guy who tries to be funny, after everyone is laughing together, so he says something that just pisses everyone off, and ruins the moment.
Now if a disclaimer was added like ..
“And Awoman. 😂 <<This people are so dumb!”
I would totally upvote. 👍 But I pray a lot, and say Amen every day, to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, many times. Saying the other is just insulting to me. And so my response, is right on target. For me.
I laughed too bc I had forgotten about it and that one comment thread was hilarious.
Man, some people can't take a joke.
Kek! The downvotes must be new here… I’m old enough to remember when busting balls on a funny thread didn’t hurt someone’s feelings. Awomen brotha! 🤣
Part of the Great Awakening is the realization that EVERYTHING is being weaponized against us by globalists. That includes the communist (woke) takeover of language. Being cutesy with blasphemy doesn't make it less perverse.
But it reminds us of the absurdity of the woke takeover of language!
I don't need to see a poster for "Cuties" to be reminded of the satanic pedophile cult running Hollywood. It's kinda like that.
wooogie boogie
Sista? I'm not a girl. I am a meat popsicle.
Fixed it.
I'm surprised fucking Mitt Romney didn't vote with the Dems
Like he did for Fake Impeachment #1
He's trying to save his ass. He knows he's likely screwed after 2024.
He’s still screwed in 2024 but me thinks “strings cut”
He likes when his ass gets screwed.
Most people who live here in Utah can't stand him. He will lose big time..
Imagine what it would've looked like if he and Cheney had voted to nuke the filibuster. It would've been game over for those two.
There's no way the Dems actually thought this would work. If any of [them] did, then [they]'re dumber than Q said.
Cheney is not a Senator. She is a traitor and a moron, but still not a Senator.
This comment should be in all caps.
I bet if one vote would have made the difference he would have been the one to cross making it 50/50 allowing Harris to push it over the edge. He's not going to throw himself under a bus unless he gets a win out of it.
He did with Fake Impeachment #1, and that required 67 Senate votes to convict.
True, but I think that was personal. Romney hates Trump. And I bet he regrets that vote too, even if he won't admit it.
Pure politics... whatever leverage they have on Romney would have been put into play if it would have allowed them to remove the filibuster and proceed with their agenda in its totality. Instead we got a lot of bloviation.
Respect to Manchin and Sinema for withstanding the democrat/media hate machine.
That's assuming they actually have a choice...
As depraved and disgusting as the Demonrats are, it's absolutely astounding that 48 of them voted to NUKE the filibuster- something that has kept the Senate as a sober, rational institution for over 150 years.
Astounding? How? None of [them] have been hiding [their] intentions for this nation since Trump announced his candidacy in '15.
Chuck Schumer went to great lengths to appease the lunatics trying to hold off a primary challenge by AOC.
Translation= 48 United States Senators that YOU voted for will destroy the US. Constitution because Soros/schumer said so.
Why would you assume anyone who frequents this site would have ever voted FOR the 48? My guess is that people on this board who live in those states voted for the other guy and their candidate lost either to a bat guano crazy populace like in CA or to vote rigging (or both).
Exactly we didn’t but we may know some who would, we in Colorado know who voted in Howdie Doody and Marble Mouth, (Hinky and Bennie)
Provide proof that any of these fuckers were VOTED IN. Inside scoop: they weren't- the elections have been rigged our entire lives.
Need a list. We need to know.
It's every D senator, minus Manchin and Sinema.
Thought so. Hmmmm. Not a good advertising campaign, when more than half the polls show support for the elephant in the room: since when can we not talk about it?.
I'm thinking more and more every day that Manchin and Sinema are really DINOs.
We can have sleepers too
It really makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Murkowski, Romney, Collins could’ve crossed over and screwed republicans yet again but they didn’t. Why? I think this is all a lot more orchestrated than we realize
Those two would easily beat Pence in a red primary.
Along with the 50 repub senators who voted to keep the filibuster ... I also want to THANK Manchin and Sinema for STANDING UP FOR OUR CONSTITUTION!
Democrats are so fucking bad at their jobs how does anyone have confidence enough that they can change anything for better or worse
Most of the deep south Drats I know only vote for the free checks.
Explain like I’m 5.
Seriously. I’m mentally 5 years old, so help
Dems try to pass their Voting Rights bill. They need 51 Senate votes.
Republicans filibuster. Now the Dems need 60 Senate votes to end filibuster.
Dems try to change rules to get rid of the filibuster. They need 51 Senate votes.
Dem Senators Manchin and Sinema side with Repubs. Dems fail with 48 votes.
I think that's right. 🙋
A rule which has been in effect for over 100 years requires 60 votes to pass legislation. However, any rule can be changed with a simple majority. On many occasions over the years each party has been tempted to erase the filibuster rule, but fear of retaliation after the next election has prevented it. (Mutual Assured Destruction)
The Dems could have killed the filibuster just now, but dem senators Manchin from WV and KS from Arizona voted with the Repubs and saved the filibuster from being erased.
Note that our side previously modified it for supreme court nominations, so we could approve all those judges during Trump's first term.
This is the good stuff! Thank you for such a detailed, yet concise explanation.
God bless you
Question, is that rule modification for judges going to bite us now that dementia patient is in office?
So there's two patriots among the Democrats, a bold move in voting against their party
Trump and Q team are probably keeping eyes on them now
This is good.
Best Birthday present ever!
Happy Birthday! Glad you were born.
I don't know when your birthday is, but I'm glad YOU were born.
Man that was a really close margin… I wouldn’t call it much of a victory. All it would take is 2 people to swing the other direction to tie the vote and then the drunk would be the tie breaker
I thought you actually need 60 votes (2/3 majority) to break the filibuster.
You’re probably right, still too close for comfort
But not to change rules.. That takes a simple majority. This was the situation here.
Hopium in arm.
Bitch Biden can put his head in his hands and start pouting again like he did after the mandate overrule.
I saw this before I went to bed last night (early this morning), I thanked God, and I slept a little better.
Pretty scary that only two Democrat Senators are willing to stand up for freedom and go against the socialist Democrat party.
Manchin and Sinema's pet rabbits will be found boiling in a pot of water when they get home.
90s movie shoutout. Love it.
WHAT IS A FILIBUSTER? https://www.senate.gov/about/powers-procedures/filibusters-cloture.htm
60 out of 100 Senate members needed to vote on a Bill.
Yes. I wrote to Senator Rick Scott on Saturday and told him very clear you better vote against Democrats’ agenda with the filibuster. He answered he will fight as a Senator for free and fair elections. Although, i do not even trust him but at least he tried to answer.
Thank you Manchin and Sinema.
I still don't know what to make of these two. Manchin I feel is like an oldschool democrat, back when they somewhat cared about the country. Sinema, who the hell knows.
Manchin and Sinema are white hats?
When do the public floggings begin?