So you make an "untouchable" class (unvaxxed). You make a privileged and "special" class who gets told they're better than everyone else. Now you're stripping the privileged of those privileges.
I feel like a real life version of this experiment on children by a teacher is playing out on a global scale.
The famous "Blue eyed vs brown eyed" experiment that turned students on each other:
Later she flipped the roles. All the blue eyed children suddenly became the "untouchables" and the brown-eyed children became "privileged". The brown eye immediately relish their revenge on the blue eyed.
Then all privileges are removed. Slowly the kids start to reflect on how they behaved the instant they were called "better than someone else".
It's human nature for people to let it go instantly to their head when they get told "you're better than this person". We love it. Many will do anything to keep it. Taking away a privilege that's given can make a person go nuts.
Yup. The best way to divide people is by handing out "privilege".
"You are better than the people with a B and an E in their name. They are evil and gross."
Impose painful restrictions on people with a B and E in their name. Suddenly everyone rushes to change their names
Now do it on something that can't be changed like skin. Watch as white people try to tan in the sun and darker skin try to bleach their skin.
You'd think people would realize how stupid it is and protest the ones imposing the unfair rules, but no, too many want to be "privileged" instead of equal.
That's how the British managed such a large empire. When they came into an area, they would exploit the existing tribal divisions and privilege one tribe at the expense of the others and would control everyone by playing the tribes off of one another. Pretty genius if you're a psychopath.
The British didn't invent that.
The ROMANS perfected it to an art form.
Julius Caesar was especially good at it. Read how the Romans dominated the Celtic lands. Playing one tribe off of another, dividing the spoils unfairly among the victors (intentionally) to start jealousy and hostility among tribes, etc... .
Never even thought about that angle. I am expecting the day when thevaXXXed are the shunned. We should not participate in the shunning. Those who survive will need support.
Use whatever words you want. If those people who have been vaxxed don't admit to the genocide that they fell for, then I want nothing to do with them. It will not be enough to simply say that Fauci, Gates, etc. were mistaken. They need to understand that they fell for one of the most dangerous hoaxes in human history.
Not only did they fall for it, but good friend and family tried desperately to give them good information, and our information was shunned.
Going forward, if they want to lecture about global warming, or talk about how everyone needs to be nicer to the trans community, I will not be spending any time with them. If that's shunning them, then ya, I'm not going to waste my time on these people.
Last month an entire half of my family decided that the unvaxxed side of the family are no longer wanted and disowned us. They didn't mince words either. THey were fucking nasty about it. After everything we have been through together and all the good times, sad times, etc they threw it away because of our vax status.
Well good fucking riddance. I am done with them as well. I can't make excuses for friends and family who behave this way. Feminists, pro trans, pro abortion, pro government control, pro gun control. Fine fuck you. These people do not deserve what the Founding Fathers made possible. They aren't american and they have 100% been compromised.
These people do not deserve what the Founding Fathers made possible. They aren't american and they have 100% been compromised.
Maybe that's what "The end won't be for everyone" really means: That some simply can't function in a true Constitutional Republic and will fight/complain about it for the rest of their lives, begging for the return of the heavy control they found so comforting.
I think that is pretty close to home. They like the structure in their lives. Teachers are a prime example of this. Is it any wonder that people who have basically been in school their entire lives are so progressive? They have literally never left the institution.
So many people nowadays are simply complicit to almost anything as long as they can just continue their daily routines and lives like a fucking zombie.
I am so sorry to hear that. I know you know this, but you will be better off in the end. I know I will refuse to politely listen to their talking points. I have one relative who kept informing us that another relative died of covid, when he actually had cancer. When you tried to correct the record, then we were talking politics. sheesh.
Now, if somebody brings up covid, I just say, I think the whole things a scam. Same with global warming. No need to give them info, make them prove their point instead. It pretty much nips that discussion in the bud.
If they want to tell you about the netflix movie with alyssa mylano, I don't want to hear about some actress who has made it very clear she doesn't like me.
I am 100% done with all their talking points, covid commercials, NFL, anything trans or pronouns. I'm just done.
Sorry but the Branch Covidians do need to be shunned. They are just as guilty as the cabal. Brainwashing is not an excuse. Their cult DESTROYED MILLIONS OF LIVES cause they are too stupid, lazy and narcissistic to analyze data and read peer reviewed documents. Fuck them.
The Amish use a form of shunning in order to encourage the excommunicated to change their ways:
"Amish base this practice upon numerous passages from Scripture, including 2 Thessalonians 3:14 (“And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed”).
Shunning is intended to encourage the excommunicated to return to the church.
In practice this means a change in social behavior towards the individual in the Bann (in other words, an excommunicated member). Amish can still speak with and offer aid to a member in the Bann, but do not accept any form of assistance, nor eat together in certain situations, nor conduct business with the excommunicated member."
It's not about connecting it to David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. It's more because somebody said Branch Covidians at some point and it resonates with Gen X like me especially.
If they are spreading deadly variants then they most certainly should be. See Marrk’s disease. Put them in the same camps with the elite politicians. Send them all to San Francisco
Same lol. And it's difficult not to be combative whenever I interact with a vaccinated person and they implicitly hint at being more intelligent for getting jabbed
Yup they can get fucked for all I care. If you give into the jab so you can go to a bar or restaurant you’re weak sauce. Tired of these self righteous prick Branch Covidians.
Maybe I am wrong, but I keep seeing these type of demands that we be nice to those who took the jab And, when we don't agree, all of a sudden that "nice" attitude goes out the window towards us. It reminds me of the left demanding tolerance and in the same breath saying they hate Trump and his supporters. They really can't see the irony. I am getting a little suspicious of these type of comments
You don’t fren. These people’s ignorance and arrogance led to mass suffering. I am not gonna be nice. They must fully repent and apologize and accept the fact that they allowed so much destruction to happen.
Certainly not in total but can we really contemplate alienating and shunning 60 70% of the population? Q told us they would always be some holdouts on the political front. You are correct but that percent of the population is maybe 10 or 20%. 80% of the country waking up is enough to call a unified.
yes that 4-6% that can't be saved. you got me, i am in a red state though we do still have plenty of tards to fight. i have fam in wash state, i can understand how you're angry fren.
They're angry because they need to go back to work and their communist marxist utopia dreams where they thought they could not work and be more creative (which never works out like that in communism) is falling away like sand through their fingers.
I read that fast and thought it said " Bears in the rain." Having had a lot of experience with black bears, I couldn't understand it. Tears in the rain!!
The irony is, if these "vaxxed" assholes just listened to us from the beginning, they wouldn't had to get jabbed in the first place. To me, the coof jabs represent chains around the Normie's necks. Had they just listened, they'd still be free.
Voluntarily gave themselves AIDS. Even though they were tricked, those evil people who are responsible for this will try to tell them that it's all their fault.
No, they're furious because they know, deep down, that the swift and sudden abandonment of the vaccine narrative indicates that the non vaxxed were right and the whole thing was a scam.
Gotta feel bad for them for all the micro aggressions they are suffering through every time a dirty unvaxed, unmasked peasant gets near them. On 2nd thought, I don't think I will.
And here "WE" are able to do as we always did and be able to continue holding our heads up knowing we didn't fall for all the bullshit... It has to be infuriating to those that bent the knee to the cabal and I'm loving every second of it... LONG LIVE THE ANONS FOR WE ARE THE GREAT AWAKENING!!!
Funny (in an ironic sense) the down-votes this Reddit poster received. S/He is on target with the motivations for many of the individuals who embraced the “vaccines”. Right now the sheep are still in denial and down-voting statements like these, trying desperately to push out reality from their thought process, but eventually some of this will start to sink in to their brainwashed grey matter.
The sheep need to start developing some introspection if they’re to move forward in life at all. They won’t be able to correct how easily they’ve been to manipulate all these years until they understand themselves a whole lot better. It won’t be a pretty exercise for them, but they need to do this.
I’m of the impression that white hats are stripping off sheep (mostly from the left) from the brainwashing. Every time they sow doubt in a sheep’s mind, get them to question the narrative, this gets the sheep closer to turning their backs on the evil, seeing through the miasma created by those trying to obfuscate the truth.
Like everything else in life, we need to use this as a learning experience and grow stronger with lessons learned. In the future we’ll be able to teach better critical thinking to youth starting from birth and continuing all throughout their lives.
As far as the current group of people I personally know, there are people, all ages, who will want to understand why and how they were misled (and by whom, etc) while others will, sadly, just belligerently lay blame, play victim and never accept responsibility for their own words and actions.
I suspect the elites have reached their percentage of vax thresholds and the trap is set in their minds.
Whether depopulation or total track and trace control… we will see.
Imagine having a life so empty and devoid of meaning that you're upset about no longer being able to wallow in the false sense of superiority that you achieved by being a sheep.
Things like this are why I'm skeptical about a full unification of our country. These people are broken inside and they definitely constitute more than 5%.
So you make an "untouchable" class (unvaxxed). You make a privileged and "special" class who gets told they're better than everyone else. Now you're stripping the privileged of those privileges.
I feel like a real life version of this experiment on children by a teacher is playing out on a global scale.
The famous "Blue eyed vs brown eyed" experiment that turned students on each other:
Later she flipped the roles. All the blue eyed children suddenly became the "untouchables" and the brown-eyed children became "privileged". The brown eye immediately relish their revenge on the blue eyed.
Then all privileges are removed. Slowly the kids start to reflect on how they behaved the instant they were called "better than someone else".
It's human nature for people to let it go instantly to their head when they get told "you're better than this person". We love it. Many will do anything to keep it. Taking away a privilege that's given can make a person go nuts.
ZIMBARDO!!! he's the Stanford prison experiment guy.
Yes. Wilkow was talking all about it yesterday.
Yup. The best way to divide people is by handing out "privilege".
"You are better than the people with a B and an E in their name. They are evil and gross."
Impose painful restrictions on people with a B and E in their name. Suddenly everyone rushes to change their names
Now do it on something that can't be changed like skin. Watch as white people try to tan in the sun and darker skin try to bleach their skin.
You'd think people would realize how stupid it is and protest the ones imposing the unfair rules, but no, too many want to be "privileged" instead of equal.
That's how the British managed such a large empire. When they came into an area, they would exploit the existing tribal divisions and privilege one tribe at the expense of the others and would control everyone by playing the tribes off of one another. Pretty genius if you're a psychopath.
The British didn't invent that.
The ROMANS perfected it to an art form. Julius Caesar was especially good at it. Read how the Romans dominated the Celtic lands. Playing one tribe off of another, dividing the spoils unfairly among the victors (intentionally) to start jealousy and hostility among tribes, etc... .
Omnia Gaul est divisi in tre parte. That's Latin II. Schoolmarm.
Dang Romans.
Still at it.
Gotta take down the Vatican; that's where they are hiding.
I would love to see all that is in the Vatican vaults.
Which they were and are.
And they "paid" for the privilege and that "payment" cannot be refunded.
wow, excellent take. more relatable to normies than the stanford prison experiment.
Sounds like the whole BLM and CRT movement. Turn one group of people into the undesired that can be blamed for all of their problems.
Never even thought about that angle. I am expecting the day when thevaXXXed are the shunned. We should not participate in the shunning. Those who survive will need support.
Use whatever words you want. If those people who have been vaxxed don't admit to the genocide that they fell for, then I want nothing to do with them. It will not be enough to simply say that Fauci, Gates, etc. were mistaken. They need to understand that they fell for one of the most dangerous hoaxes in human history.
Not only did they fall for it, but good friend and family tried desperately to give them good information, and our information was shunned.
Going forward, if they want to lecture about global warming, or talk about how everyone needs to be nicer to the trans community, I will not be spending any time with them. If that's shunning them, then ya, I'm not going to waste my time on these people.
Repentance, confession THEN forgiveness.
None of this "I was right even if I was wrong", Scott Adams crap.
Great reference. His response to Shelly should make meme status. What a little weasel he is.
Someone memed it into a dilbertesque cartoon
Last month an entire half of my family decided that the unvaxxed side of the family are no longer wanted and disowned us. They didn't mince words either. THey were fucking nasty about it. After everything we have been through together and all the good times, sad times, etc they threw it away because of our vax status.
Well good fucking riddance. I am done with them as well. I can't make excuses for friends and family who behave this way. Feminists, pro trans, pro abortion, pro government control, pro gun control. Fine fuck you. These people do not deserve what the Founding Fathers made possible. They aren't american and they have 100% been compromised.
Maybe that's what "The end won't be for everyone" really means: That some simply can't function in a true Constitutional Republic and will fight/complain about it for the rest of their lives, begging for the return of the heavy control they found so comforting.
I think that is pretty close to home. They like the structure in their lives. Teachers are a prime example of this. Is it any wonder that people who have basically been in school their entire lives are so progressive? They have literally never left the institution.
So many people nowadays are simply complicit to almost anything as long as they can just continue their daily routines and lives like a fucking zombie.
I am so sorry to hear that. I know you know this, but you will be better off in the end. I know I will refuse to politely listen to their talking points. I have one relative who kept informing us that another relative died of covid, when he actually had cancer. When you tried to correct the record, then we were talking politics. sheesh.
Now, if somebody brings up covid, I just say, I think the whole things a scam. Same with global warming. No need to give them info, make them prove their point instead. It pretty much nips that discussion in the bud.
If they want to tell you about the netflix movie with alyssa mylano, I don't want to hear about some actress who has made it very clear she doesn't like me.
I am 100% done with all their talking points, covid commercials, NFL, anything trans or pronouns. I'm just done.
And most obvious.
Sorry but the Branch Covidians do need to be shunned. They are just as guilty as the cabal. Brainwashing is not an excuse. Their cult DESTROYED MILLIONS OF LIVES cause they are too stupid, lazy and narcissistic to analyze data and read peer reviewed documents. Fuck them.
The Amish use a form of shunning in order to encourage the excommunicated to change their ways:
"Amish base this practice upon numerous passages from Scripture, including 2 Thessalonians 3:14 (“And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed”).
Shunning is intended to encourage the excommunicated to return to the church.
In practice this means a change in social behavior towards the individual in the Bann (in other words, an excommunicated member). Amish can still speak with and offer aid to a member in the Bann, but do not accept any form of assistance, nor eat together in certain situations, nor conduct business with the excommunicated member."
Fauci uses the same tactics as Jim Jones and Jonestown, not sure how people get the Branch connection
Waco: FBI killed the Branch Davidians.
Branch Covidians just has a nice roll to it.
It's not about connecting it to David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. It's more because somebody said Branch Covidians at some point and it resonates with Gen X like me especially.
If they are spreading deadly variants then they most certainly should be. See Marrk’s disease. Put them in the same camps with the elite politicians. Send them all to San Francisco
They will need support and I am happy to offer it.
But don't come around here no more.
Don't want spike cooties.
Funny thing is, I've never considered vaccinated people as being superior. If anything, I feel superior to them cause I was smart enough to avoid it.
Same lol. And it's difficult not to be combative whenever I interact with a vaccinated person and they implicitly hint at being more intelligent for getting jabbed
I just kind of laugh and say, "i've been walking around unmasked and unjabbed for two years and i'm still not dead. I must be doing something wrong".
Murder them. I see you lol
Lol you said "or worse".
Enjoy VAIDS!
Yup they can get fucked for all I care. If you give into the jab so you can go to a bar or restaurant you’re weak sauce. Tired of these self righteous prick Branch Covidians.
Maybe I am wrong, but I keep seeing these type of demands that we be nice to those who took the jab And, when we don't agree, all of a sudden that "nice" attitude goes out the window towards us. It reminds me of the left demanding tolerance and in the same breath saying they hate Trump and his supporters. They really can't see the irony. I am getting a little suspicious of these type of comments
We’re in a war. This Kumbaya shit doesn’t fly. The Covid cult destroyed millions of lives. I have zero sympathy for them.
me too, and i'm tired of getting lectured that I need to be nice to them on this forum.
You don’t fren. These people’s ignorance and arrogance led to mass suffering. I am not gonna be nice. They must fully repent and apologize and accept the fact that they allowed so much destruction to happen.
I think "nice" is the wrong term. We can be civil. That's about it for me.
How about Q prioritizing unifying nation?
Certainly not in total but can we really contemplate alienating and shunning 60 70% of the population? Q told us they would always be some holdouts on the political front. You are correct but that percent of the population is maybe 10 or 20%. 80% of the country waking up is enough to call a unified.
sure, keep playing into the cabal's hands and let them keep us turned on each other. u/#Trumpnope
The Branch Covidians are the minions of the Cabal.
The normies who got coerced I will help. Also let me guess you live in a red state.
yes that 4-6% that can't be saved. you got me, i am in a red state though we do still have plenty of tards to fight. i have fam in wash state, i can understand how you're angry fren.
They're angry because they need to go back to work and their communist marxist utopia dreams where they thought they could not work and be more creative (which never works out like that in communism) is falling away like sand through their fingers.
Like tears in the rain.
I read that fast and thought it said " Bears in the rain." Having had a lot of experience with black bears, I couldn't understand it. Tears in the rain!!
They tried growing gardens in CHOP/CHAZ during Seattle's Summer of Love. We saw how that turned out...
Probably good news for them. The useful idiots are the first in the shallow ditch.
Deceived by their elected leaders? Say it isn't so!
It's like what the feminists said years ago, "Equality and not being able to oppress people is oppression to the oppressors."
The big irony is that lots of those feminists likely became those same oppressors and still refuse to see.
Start with the Karens: Oppressors.
The irony is, if these "vaxxed" assholes just listened to us from the beginning, they wouldn't had to get jabbed in the first place. To me, the coof jabs represent chains around the Normie's necks. Had they just listened, they'd still be free.
Then when they find out their immune systems are kaput, and may always be, imagine the rage.
They will be too weakened to do anything about it though lol
Voluntarily gave themselves AIDS. Even though they were tricked, those evil people who are responsible for this will try to tell them that it's all their fault.
Half of them are Chinese bots speaking to a mostly empty echo chamber.
What the hell kind of retarded shit is this?
No, they're furious because they know, deep down, that the swift and sudden abandonment of the vaccine narrative indicates that the non vaxxed were right and the whole thing was a scam.
"Do you know who I am?"
(sigh) It is Dr. Seuss and "The Sneetches" in real life.
Let them rot and wither. They deserve what they get.
These people would clap if you were thrown into detention centers and left to die for being unvaxxed. They can all burn.
Sucks to suck mutha fuckas!
So vaxx people how are to have privileges? Why?
Gotta feel bad for them for all the micro aggressions they are suffering through every time a dirty unvaxed, unmasked peasant gets near them. On 2nd thought, I don't think I will.
And here "WE" are able to do as we always did and be able to continue holding our heads up knowing we didn't fall for all the bullshit... It has to be infuriating to those that bent the knee to the cabal and I'm loving every second of it... LONG LIVE THE ANONS FOR WE ARE THE GREAT AWAKENING!!!
Forgive but don’t forget.
Haha morons
Next time, if there is a next time for you, think for yourselves.
From where I'm from, we call those people "Jackasses".
They’re literally the Sneetches
What's the sub, need to go upvote that shit...
i think this dudes trollin can't be fr lol
It's not the times. People have always been that foolish.
Any clue which country we are talking about here?
Probably England given that it happened yesterday.
That's the part that threw me.
This is the truth. They think they’re smarter than the unvaxxed. Wait til they realize they’re the stupid ones.
Funny (in an ironic sense) the down-votes this Reddit poster received. S/He is on target with the motivations for many of the individuals who embraced the “vaccines”. Right now the sheep are still in denial and down-voting statements like these, trying desperately to push out reality from their thought process, but eventually some of this will start to sink in to their brainwashed grey matter.
The sheep need to start developing some introspection if they’re to move forward in life at all. They won’t be able to correct how easily they’ve been to manipulate all these years until they understand themselves a whole lot better. It won’t be a pretty exercise for them, but they need to do this.
Many won’t. Unfortunately, you’re right.
I’m of the impression that white hats are stripping off sheep (mostly from the left) from the brainwashing. Every time they sow doubt in a sheep’s mind, get them to question the narrative, this gets the sheep closer to turning their backs on the evil, seeing through the miasma created by those trying to obfuscate the truth.
Like everything else in life, we need to use this as a learning experience and grow stronger with lessons learned. In the future we’ll be able to teach better critical thinking to youth starting from birth and continuing all throughout their lives.
As far as the current group of people I personally know, there are people, all ages, who will want to understand why and how they were misled (and by whom, etc) while others will, sadly, just belligerently lay blame, play victim and never accept responsibility for their own words and actions.
The end of the control of everything in this world by Satan and his minions is not near. In a way, the war has just begun.
I suspect the elites have reached their percentage of vax thresholds and the trap is set in their minds. Whether depopulation or total track and trace control… we will see.
God help loved ones that took the mark.
Vaxxed = Karens
Link to that subreddit?
Imagine having a life so empty and devoid of meaning that you're upset about no longer being able to wallow in the false sense of superiority that you achieved by being a sheep.
Things like this are why I'm skeptical about a full unification of our country. These people are broken inside and they definitely constitute more than 5%.