Conservatives hate you because they realized long ago the porn industry was created to break up families and it did a good job. No one needs that shit in their lives.
Porn industry is litmus test of new technologies and legal porn is 100% free of trafficking, the top porn companies run very tight businesses no pun intended
Men breaking up their families will do it without porn, at the bar, at work, or even just in their minds. If some smooth brain whose only value is her genitalia can't handle her husband looking at anonymous titties and uses Jesus as her justification for her anger, she is as cucked as her beta husbsnd for watching it
As a 40 year old consuming porn since idk 10? Molested at 5, 7 and 12. Ya porn is awful. Going down to the bottom of the well looking around finding nothing but godless whores until you realize you yourself are a godless whore.
Throw your pain and misery at the feet of Jesus. Picture yourself as the Roman hammering the nails into his hands. Know that it was your voice that cried out for him to be crucified.
Then repent. And the grace of God will fall upon you. He is mighty to Save.
Picture yourself as the Roman hammering the nails into his hands. Know that it was your voice that cried out for him to be crucified.
This sounds emotionally masochistic and needlessly self-hating. It doesn't seem righteous to accept responsibility for other people's sins against God.
Correct. That's why I repent for my sins. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. You should hate yourself. The only good in me comes from Jesus and Jesus alone. To him be all the glory. Him alone. Die to self. Hate what you were
The Bible taught me this. Everything I think I learn I check to see if it matches up w the word of God. If it does its worth knowing. If it doesn't its only worth remembering.
Pride is the greatest sin. We pride ourselves on our capacity to comprehend parts of it all. We all think, we all think we know, and we know nothing.
The body is a place for the holy spirit to dwell in. Our bodies are on loan. It's why I've never had a tattoo. But I've certainly defiled my body in other ways. It doesn't make either right. We will stand for it and be made accountable for it.
Your words, actions, thoughts, prayers, proclamations are important but the most important in my life is worship. Who you worship matters. He is a jealous God. He's jealous when you worship falsely.
Your sin matters threefold. It proves you're unworthy. It proves that God is good. And it proves that you need a savior.
He wants the glory for himself. Be the herald. He is the master I am his servant. But there is great power in slavery. Your slave master protects you. You speak w his authority and not your own. You speak on his behalf and you repeat the message he tells his people over n over throughout his story.... repent.
None of that teaches to hate oneself. Are you called to hate others? Are you not simply another of Gods creation? How can you be called to love others but hate yourself? God does not hate you, but you think you should hate yourself? Becoming less is no different than Jesus becoming less to become man, but Jesus did not hate or despise himself becoming man.
Hate your sin, but do not hate yourself. You are a child of God.
Exactly. Might as well blame the beer brewer in your neighborhood as well.
The real problem is men and women buying into the feminist agenda; strong independent women don’t need men and weak men follow women. The foundation of families are thrown upside down and it’s rare any modern marriages last more than a decade or 2. Porn has fuck all to do with it. Women have forgotten how to be feminine and men have forgotten how to be masculine. Will it ever correct? Who knows? If shit gets bad enough it might.
Yep, it’s a symptom. Exactly. Porn is the response of men (and many women) not getting what they need from their spouse. Porn came about as an answer to a missing piece, and feminism was what caused that piece to go missing
geez, can't one have a very happy and healthy marriage with kids and just have a frequent urge that is assisted by a video? my wife loves me and having sex with me but she can't jump to everytime I'm worked up. once upon a time i had to remember the hot girl a saw walking around the mall, or watch Gilligan's Island or snag the Frederick's catalog. was all this evil too? without a strong libido we are much less likely to reproduce. there's a reason we're not all priests and nuns
I agree with you to a degree. A big part of this is also learning and exploration. As a Christian, I know the church has done more harm than good in promoting a strong and healthy sex life within a marriage. Couples have to learn and experiment, and there is some big value in essentially having someone “teach” you new things, which porn can do. How else can you learn from watching what others are doing? Go to a live sex show?? Lol
I've come to realize the best sex life in marriage. Sex prowess is irrelevant to 90% of Christian women. Love a woman truly and completely. And that means that she's not your cum rag if she doesn't want to have sex .... try making love ... making love should take about 3 min of penetration. You shouldn't need oral. You shouldn't require anal. Love her. The way you want your daughter loved.
That post nut clarity should dissolve the demons away
You're such a horny fucker you can't wait? You're so animalistic that you cannot contain yourself? You cannot wait? You cannot have restraint? You just have to HAVE TO cum?
I write this as a divorcee having fallen for the trap.
you seem to be very jaded. what do i need to wait for ? what trap? it's of no harm to my wife. she's well aware and we live a life that involves pure honesty about everything which i believe would cure many if not all of the world's problems
Porn existed before feminism. There was plenty of 19th century snuff literature for the fellas. And brothels have been in existence since forever. Besides if feminism were the real issue then why do so many men in traditional churches with submissive wives who put out still looking at porn? Reality is they don’t love their wives and are cheaters at heart. Ditto with women looking at porn.
Nahhh there has never been an abundance of pornography in all of history like what we have now. It has increased with the decline of society, but porn is not the problem. Neither is the “cheating men” who don’t “love their wives” lol.
Glad you have a nice husband and/or father. My “Christian” father was a porn addict who lied to my mom about himself to entrap her in marriage thinking marrying would solve his porn addiction. It did not. He was a faithless cheater his whole life. Escalated to real affairs with women and I swear he was seeing prostitutes. So yes from my life experience where my mom was definitely NOT a feminist, my father had zero excuse. As another poster said here, it’s about instant gratification, no matter who gets hurt. Supreme selfishness is at work.
And for those of you here justifying your porn addictions here, why don’t you just cut to the chase and visit a brothel for the real thing? You might as well. It’s no different. Those are human beings you’re objectifying made in God’s image.
I can only imagine how screwed up someone would have to be to want to be a porn star. You should be helping these women and men out of these “careers” by sharing Jesus, not using them up more.
Sorry having grown up in complemenarian churches where women submit and men lead, I can tell you this isn’t the solution to fixing marriages. It’s love. People have to live one another just like Jesus said. Without love the marriage you describe will be nothing but tyranny. Radical feminism simply reverses who gets to be the tyrant.
On that note, It never ceases to amaze me the people screaming 1776 whenever the government does something they don’t like, but those same people have a problem when a wife resists her tyrant husband and dares to expect love from him instead of a man-child barking overbearing orders and being irresponsible with money etc. Those wives are labeled a rebellious Jezebels. Very hypocritical if you ask me.
Ok. Let’s discuss. In generalities, of course. There will always be outliers.
God, Man, Woman, Child. That is the natural order. In my experience, any deviation from this ends in misery. Although, as you pointed out, mate selection is critical in choosing a partner capable of love.
Now, you what you’ve described as men aren’t men, they’re pussies. Or to put it more succinctly, they are men trying to play as women. Is that a dig at women? No. In the natural order, women are most secure, most happy, and most fulfilled when the male is the head of his family. So what does that mean? It means he puts God first and his wife and children above himself. He is the provider. This is part of what’s known as “the burden of male performance”. It’s the male who will sacrifice himself without a thought to protect his family. Not the other way around. Again, is that a dig at women? Not at all. A woman will do whatever she needs to do in order to protect her children, including killing if need be. But I digress, the point being whenever a man attempts to pass the burden of male performance onto his woman, pain and suffering will soon follow.
The tyrannical man in your example is simply an abusive asshole. Most likely due to never learning the natural order or how to truly care for a wife.
I agree with you. I just wanted to make sure love was in the equation. I see so many MRAs out there who want to play king of the castle but don’t realize that in Jesus’s kingdom the husband’s crown is a crown of thorns.
Well said! It’s a crown of thorns. Exactly. And any married man worth his salt will wear a crown of thorns with a smile on his face and joy in his heart knowing his wife and children are provided for. A woman can wear the crown if she chooses, but I’ve yet to meet one that finds any long-term joy in doing so. Raising children? Totally different story. In fact, I imagine an argument could potentially be made that motherhood is where the woman wears her own crown of thorns.
Oh I wish I’d had a dad like that. 😢. I saw other kids growing up who had such great dads and I felt so jealous. Glad to see your win family will be in good hands. 🙂
Wow, you're getting hammered for that one. Unpopular opinion,but you're right. The porn doesn't shove itself onto someone's screen, force them to watch it, and screw with that someone's perfect marriage, and there is a difference between consenting adults filming themselves and selling to willing legal buyers and human trafficking. You have to admit though, it is hard to keep the two separate and consumers can't know for certain if what they are seeing is truly consenting or coerced in many cases.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Matthew 5:27-28
Jesus said that so it seems to be a pretty good justification for anger about a spouse watching porn.
Wow, you couldn’t be more wrong. Play Satan games, win Satan prizes.
Almost speechless after reading your post. Using Jesus as an
If these are the people in the “winning side”, then no side deserves to win. And no one will. No way God is going to bless this country or any country, and it’s people if this is our beliefs. You need to wake up. And not “that” wake up, the real wake up to our Father in Heaven.
Sucks to find out those you have been fighting along side turn out to be as bad as those you are fighting. Thought about this a lot yesterday. Seeing it more and more on here. And if we are to be a beacon to help others. We, you, better clean it up.
I suggest we meet people where they are at & help them grow from there. I agree with the sentiment that our nation needs to turn toward God & his son Jesus Christ, and porn/self gratification is a huge reason families are torn up.
Many may disagree with some parts of u/axrevolutionai comment, though after consideration I couldn't down or upvote. The root cause is a drive for short term self gratification based in a lower critically functioning/lack of foresight mind. I believe that is the core of their comment.
I cannot imagine a world where my lord & Savior supports or approves of porn. That said, I also know he wants each individual to rise above those primal instincts, as well as helping each other to do so through love & compassion for those whom have such a weak will that they fall into these traps that is low hanging fruit for those who struggle with delayed gratification.
Lord knows I need all the help I can get for my short comings & weaknesses. Infighting will only give the adversary a tool to destroy our sides ability to work together to conquer this global problem.
I think the main issue is the hardline belief that Christianity is the only way, and not just that, but it's a specific form of Christianity that is the only way. I consider myself a Christian, but to be honest, I have a lot of personal beliefs that most Christians would disagree with.
I agree that for a lot of men porn is a problem, but for a lot of men, it isn't anything more than entertainment. There are also couples who consume porn together, and porn specifically for women is a growing genre. We can't, as a political group and as patriots, expect everyone to live their lives according to one single religious doctrine.
For what it's worth, I don't consume porn. I watched a little as a teen (curiosity, hormones) and never kept watching it. I think actual porn is pretty boring and needless. I don't understand the actual sexual pleasure people get out if it.
However, lots of people here would say looking at pictures of pg13 bikini models is the same. They'd quote a million bible verses (as people here already did) and feel the need to condemn me not knowing where I stand. I don't fap, I don't lust, I like aesthetic pictures and don't think there is anything dirty or sinful about the female form.
Frankly, I think the downvotes are people so insecure in their faith and afraid of their own potential for sin that social piety is the only way they can keep on the straight and narrow
I see where you are coming from & try to live my life based on principle & even avoiding the very appearance of evil. That said, I too have beliefs that are outside the mainstream of my church, though the core is always consistent with the correct/eternal principles we claim to try & follow.
I have helped open minds & have had some great discussion where at times my wives have elevated/changed & at other times I have been able to educate others on knowledge they didn't have.
I figure most of these individuals are well intentioned Christians who are repeating the traditions & rules set up to keep them safe, which is a good thing for anyone who has not looked deeper to figure out why the rules are there.
Thanks for being a part of the great Awakening & your voice in this discussion.
Nope. For me it’s your misleading comments, helping Satan right along his hedgerow path. Not willingly, I don’t think. But your opinion is, “God wants us all to be happy”. And with that, sure it may be sinful, but I’m a good person, I don’t hurt anyone, and I know I sin....and this is what is terrible. God does want you to be happy. But He hates sin. And we all sin. You say you don’t lust. Yes you do, you already admitted it. Do I, sadly yes, and I hate it. You should hate sin. Every Christian should, as God hates sin. And all sin is the same. There is no big sins and little sins. A hateful thought about your brother, is the same as murder to God. So why embrace some sins as ok? Hate them. Do better, we all can. And as Christians, we have to point out sins, so we can help each other. Not to fall for Satans traps.
In one instance Satan will tell you, “look, God wants you to be happy, you’re not Jesus, your not perfect”....and then once you do your act(s). “Your despicable, God hates what you just did. How pathetic are you? Your a terrible Christian.” See how that works? Don’t give excuses for these shortcomings. Don’t give Satan an opening. Fight! Sin is wrong, period. God still loves you, but if you can’t even try to get better, if you can’t even hold out for a day. How much do you obey God in the first place? It kills me to hurt Him. And I still do. Not nearly as bad as I used to. But thank goodness for Jesus, because none of us would have had a chance.
Yes let us help each other. But all this is more serious than your leading on with. Take God’s word serious. He doesn’t work for you, you work for Him. How good of a servant do you wanna be? Try. Fight against Satans evil works. I don’t want me, or you, or anybody to have any excuses when we stand before judgement. Know what your doing. And if you don’t know what to do, read, seek out God’s word. It’s all in one book.
But this, your words
“We can't, as a political group and as patriots, expect everyone to live their lives according to one single religious doctrine.”
Ain’t gonna cut it. With God, fence walking is vomit in His mouth. It’s all in, or nothing. And all in means trying. Doing your best. Working for God. And sometimes that best is severely lacking, I understand. But we have to try.
WOW … I was just reading about the “Metaverse” today and fukerbergs plans to infiltrate and dominate. VR is hyper-dangerous. They can, and will target minors without impunity. Its already started. They do their psychological grooming through desensitization, communal acceptance, steering, and other means. Several users have described their experiences as something approaching satanic feeling.
This shit is dangerous as hell. These kids strap on their virtual reality goggles and parents have ZERO clue what their kids are viewing. The kids dont know they are being targeted. They just think its an awesome new gaming experience. Pedophiles never had it so easy.
This shit needs to be withdrawn from the markets and shut down until rock solid safeguards can be put into place
Unfortunately most parents have zero idea about the dangers of these problems with online & especially virtual content.
I have not found a perfect solution for my family, though we refuse to allow electronics/screens in bedrooms & all computers are in high traffic areas of the home. It is at least a start. General rules include no YouTube unless mom or dad are watching new videos & channels with them. This has helped to prevent some of the worst stuff.
To help my children understand the dangers they don't know about, I teach them the lesson of a child who loves to swim. A two or three year old who can swim may see the water in a pool & safely rush into the deep end. That same child may see the ocean & rush into the water to swim without noticing the sharks waiting to eat them alive.
You are 100% correct. VR is so new, and the platforms are so ‘fungible’ (kinda like forums), its easy as hell for a pedoscumfuk to slide in and out of hangouts probing for low hanging fruit. Parents have zero clue what sits on the other side of that kids Oculus.
VRchat isn't even a drop in the ocean, how many people even have hardware or gear for VR?
ZentaiFantasy is just larping to advertise his business model. Cuckerberg's iteration of VR CHAT will be nothing like current VR chat. It will be a clout chasing walled garden where people only talk to people they know IRL (so same shitty web 2.0 we have already)
Vr chat as it is right now is a lot like the internet in the mid 90s, people goofing around, and a handful of furries making it weird and awkward for everyone. We can't run and shout "Child grooming!!!!" everytime a 15 year old is friends with a 20 year old on the internet
$5 & a smartphone gets you foot in the door. Not a great setup, though 5 years ago I started checking stuff out with VR apps & was impressed with the novelty of it.
Figured it wouldn't be too hard to get anyone involved with a couple cameras set 3" apart. My kids & I visited many places virtually in the world & they have fun with the roller coasters.
The added (maybe overpriced, idk) hardware is just top tier stuff. Though I am not heavily involved with the tech, so take it for what it's worth.
Let me put this as bluntly as possible to you guys! These mfs have tech to control your mind using wifi and they using people like avatars and making them do shit they would not normally do! These mfs are evil! They watching through your eyes! Those who know cannot sleep!
I really think they have technology to read what you’re thinking. Sometimes I’d think of a person or a thing and it would show up as an ad (if it was a thing) or the picture of the person would show up on my camera roll. And no I did not say the word or discuss it with anyone. It happened so many times that I pay very close attention to whether I actually discussed the topic or not.
More likely that first you subconsciously see it, later you start thinking about it, and finally you consciously see it and feel like they're reading your mind.
I'll pray for this person as they are in deep in demon world and sounds like they aren't quite realizing this fact. Nothing good comes from being involved in porn of any kind.🙏
Interesting. VR Chat is fully 3d if I'm not mistaken, and the only thing passing over the internet is your voice and movements, so the VR Chat platform must be the gateway for pedos to connect with children.
This could be a litmus test for any one with big platform. Tim, or Rogan whoever it is - this is how you prove that you are not just a controlled opposition.
Weird, this guy is exposing a pedo ring and warning us this push for the Metaverse might have very fucked up ulterior motives. And yet all we're talking about in the comments porn and Jesus. I can understand thinking the porn industry is abominable, but what about the topic? Shoot the messenger and move along I guess.
In the big scheme of things, porn is a social constraint. It takes something that we know very little about (others sexual preferences) and makes it public. Social constraints are good because they put values on contracts (marriage/commitment)and tempt us to test our values.....which places value on our values.
Imagine if wild animals with fewer social constraints were having group sex in public....actually, that's how they do it.
This whole topic is one of no correct answers. We can say it's wrong in the eyes of the lord, of course that would be placing judgment which is also a sin. We can argue that it's only looking and not touching....that's covered as well.
The only thing everyone should agree on is that every single piece of shit who touches a child or defenseless person should be fed to the wolves....alive.
The only thing everyone should agree on is that every single piece of shit who touches a child or defenseless person should be fed to the wolves....alive.
But that’s a judgment too which you said is a sin! Which way is it?
Conservatives hate you because they realized long ago the porn industry was created to break up families and it did a good job. No one needs that shit in their lives.
Porn industry is litmus test of new technologies and legal porn is 100% free of trafficking, the top porn companies run very tight businesses no pun intended
Men breaking up their families will do it without porn, at the bar, at work, or even just in their minds. If some smooth brain whose only value is her genitalia can't handle her husband looking at anonymous titties and uses Jesus as her justification for her anger, she is as cucked as her beta husbsnd for watching it
As a 40 year old consuming porn since idk 10? Molested at 5, 7 and 12. Ya porn is awful. Going down to the bottom of the well looking around finding nothing but godless whores until you realize you yourself are a godless whore.
Throw your pain and misery at the feet of Jesus. Picture yourself as the Roman hammering the nails into his hands. Know that it was your voice that cried out for him to be crucified.
Then repent. And the grace of God will fall upon you. He is mighty to Save.
This sounds emotionally masochistic and needlessly self-hating. It doesn't seem righteous to accept responsibility for other people's sins against God.
Correct. That's why I repent for my sins. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. You should hate yourself. The only good in me comes from Jesus and Jesus alone. To him be all the glory. Him alone. Die to self. Hate what you were
Can you point me to the verse in the Bible where it says to hate yourself? Who taught you this?
My understanding is we are all sons and daughters of God, our bodies are His temple. God is in all of us, so hating yourself is hating God.
The Bible taught me this. Everything I think I learn I check to see if it matches up w the word of God. If it does its worth knowing. If it doesn't its only worth remembering.
Pride is the greatest sin. We pride ourselves on our capacity to comprehend parts of it all. We all think, we all think we know, and we know nothing.
The body is a place for the holy spirit to dwell in. Our bodies are on loan. It's why I've never had a tattoo. But I've certainly defiled my body in other ways. It doesn't make either right. We will stand for it and be made accountable for it.
Your words, actions, thoughts, prayers, proclamations are important but the most important in my life is worship. Who you worship matters. He is a jealous God. He's jealous when you worship falsely.
Your sin matters threefold. It proves you're unworthy. It proves that God is good. And it proves that you need a savior.
He wants the glory for himself. Be the herald. He is the master I am his servant. But there is great power in slavery. Your slave master protects you. You speak w his authority and not your own. You speak on his behalf and you repeat the message he tells his people over n over throughout his story.... repent.
Ephesians 4:22-24
2 Corinthians 5:17
Romans 13:14
Luke 14:28-33
Luke 9:24-25 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.
John 3:30 He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less
God is holy and good. We are not. Your greatest achievements are but filthyvrags.
None of that teaches to hate oneself. Are you called to hate others? Are you not simply another of Gods creation? How can you be called to love others but hate yourself? God does not hate you, but you think you should hate yourself? Becoming less is no different than Jesus becoming less to become man, but Jesus did not hate or despise himself becoming man. Hate your sin, but do not hate yourself. You are a child of God.
Exactly. Might as well blame the beer brewer in your neighborhood as well.
The real problem is men and women buying into the feminist agenda; strong independent women don’t need men and weak men follow women. The foundation of families are thrown upside down and it’s rare any modern marriages last more than a decade or 2. Porn has fuck all to do with it. Women have forgotten how to be feminine and men have forgotten how to be masculine. Will it ever correct? Who knows? If shit gets bad enough it might.
It's a symptom and we all know those are easier to target than the actual root causes.
Yep, it’s a symptom. Exactly. Porn is the response of men (and many women) not getting what they need from their spouse. Porn came about as an answer to a missing piece, and feminism was what caused that piece to go missing
geez, can't one have a very happy and healthy marriage with kids and just have a frequent urge that is assisted by a video? my wife loves me and having sex with me but she can't jump to everytime I'm worked up. once upon a time i had to remember the hot girl a saw walking around the mall, or watch Gilligan's Island or snag the Frederick's catalog. was all this evil too? without a strong libido we are much less likely to reproduce. there's a reason we're not all priests and nuns
I agree with you to a degree. A big part of this is also learning and exploration. As a Christian, I know the church has done more harm than good in promoting a strong and healthy sex life within a marriage. Couples have to learn and experiment, and there is some big value in essentially having someone “teach” you new things, which porn can do. How else can you learn from watching what others are doing? Go to a live sex show?? Lol
I've come to realize the best sex life in marriage. Sex prowess is irrelevant to 90% of Christian women. Love a woman truly and completely. And that means that she's not your cum rag if she doesn't want to have sex .... try making love ... making love should take about 3 min of penetration. You shouldn't need oral. You shouldn't require anal. Love her. The way you want your daughter loved.
That post nut clarity should dissolve the demons away
Self control. Self discipline.
You're such a horny fucker you can't wait? You're so animalistic that you cannot contain yourself? You cannot wait? You cannot have restraint? You just have to HAVE TO cum?
I write this as a divorcee having fallen for the trap.
you seem to be very jaded. what do i need to wait for ? what trap? it's of no harm to my wife. she's well aware and we live a life that involves pure honesty about everything which i believe would cure many if not all of the world's problems
Porn existed before feminism. There was plenty of 19th century snuff literature for the fellas. And brothels have been in existence since forever. Besides if feminism were the real issue then why do so many men in traditional churches with submissive wives who put out still looking at porn? Reality is they don’t love their wives and are cheaters at heart. Ditto with women looking at porn.
Nahhh there has never been an abundance of pornography in all of history like what we have now. It has increased with the decline of society, but porn is not the problem. Neither is the “cheating men” who don’t “love their wives” lol.
Glad you have a nice husband and/or father. My “Christian” father was a porn addict who lied to my mom about himself to entrap her in marriage thinking marrying would solve his porn addiction. It did not. He was a faithless cheater his whole life. Escalated to real affairs with women and I swear he was seeing prostitutes. So yes from my life experience where my mom was definitely NOT a feminist, my father had zero excuse. As another poster said here, it’s about instant gratification, no matter who gets hurt. Supreme selfishness is at work.
And for those of you here justifying your porn addictions here, why don’t you just cut to the chase and visit a brothel for the real thing? You might as well. It’s no different. Those are human beings you’re objectifying made in God’s image.
I can only imagine how screwed up someone would have to be to want to be a porn star. You should be helping these women and men out of these “careers” by sharing Jesus, not using them up more.
Sorry having grown up in complemenarian churches where women submit and men lead, I can tell you this isn’t the solution to fixing marriages. It’s love. People have to live one another just like Jesus said. Without love the marriage you describe will be nothing but tyranny. Radical feminism simply reverses who gets to be the tyrant.
On that note, It never ceases to amaze me the people screaming 1776 whenever the government does something they don’t like, but those same people have a problem when a wife resists her tyrant husband and dares to expect love from him instead of a man-child barking overbearing orders and being irresponsible with money etc. Those wives are labeled a rebellious Jezebels. Very hypocritical if you ask me.
Ok. Let’s discuss. In generalities, of course. There will always be outliers.
God, Man, Woman, Child. That is the natural order. In my experience, any deviation from this ends in misery. Although, as you pointed out, mate selection is critical in choosing a partner capable of love.
Now, you what you’ve described as men aren’t men, they’re pussies. Or to put it more succinctly, they are men trying to play as women. Is that a dig at women? No. In the natural order, women are most secure, most happy, and most fulfilled when the male is the head of his family. So what does that mean? It means he puts God first and his wife and children above himself. He is the provider. This is part of what’s known as “the burden of male performance”. It’s the male who will sacrifice himself without a thought to protect his family. Not the other way around. Again, is that a dig at women? Not at all. A woman will do whatever she needs to do in order to protect her children, including killing if need be. But I digress, the point being whenever a man attempts to pass the burden of male performance onto his woman, pain and suffering will soon follow.
The tyrannical man in your example is simply an abusive asshole. Most likely due to never learning the natural order or how to truly care for a wife.
I agree with you. I just wanted to make sure love was in the equation. I see so many MRAs out there who want to play king of the castle but don’t realize that in Jesus’s kingdom the husband’s crown is a crown of thorns.
Well said! It’s a crown of thorns. Exactly. And any married man worth his salt will wear a crown of thorns with a smile on his face and joy in his heart knowing his wife and children are provided for. A woman can wear the crown if she chooses, but I’ve yet to meet one that finds any long-term joy in doing so. Raising children? Totally different story. In fact, I imagine an argument could potentially be made that motherhood is where the woman wears her own crown of thorns.
Oh I wish I’d had a dad like that. 😢. I saw other kids growing up who had such great dads and I felt so jealous. Glad to see your win family will be in good hands. 🙂
Wow, you're getting hammered for that one. Unpopular opinion,but you're right. The porn doesn't shove itself onto someone's screen, force them to watch it, and screw with that someone's perfect marriage, and there is a difference between consenting adults filming themselves and selling to willing legal buyers and human trafficking. You have to admit though, it is hard to keep the two separate and consumers can't know for certain if what they are seeing is truly consenting or coerced in many cases.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Matthew 5:27-28
Jesus said that so it seems to be a pretty good justification for anger about a spouse watching porn.
Wow, you couldn’t be more wrong. Play Satan games, win Satan prizes.
Almost speechless after reading your post. Using Jesus as an
If these are the people in the “winning side”, then no side deserves to win. And no one will. No way God is going to bless this country or any country, and it’s people if this is our beliefs. You need to wake up. And not “that” wake up, the real wake up to our Father in Heaven.
Sucks to find out those you have been fighting along side turn out to be as bad as those you are fighting. Thought about this a lot yesterday. Seeing it more and more on here. And if we are to be a beacon to help others. We, you, better clean it up.
I suggest we meet people where they are at & help them grow from there. I agree with the sentiment that our nation needs to turn toward God & his son Jesus Christ, and porn/self gratification is a huge reason families are torn up.
Many may disagree with some parts of u/axrevolutionai comment, though after consideration I couldn't down or upvote. The root cause is a drive for short term self gratification based in a lower critically functioning/lack of foresight mind. I believe that is the core of their comment.
I cannot imagine a world where my lord & Savior supports or approves of porn. That said, I also know he wants each individual to rise above those primal instincts, as well as helping each other to do so through love & compassion for those whom have such a weak will that they fall into these traps that is low hanging fruit for those who struggle with delayed gratification.
Lord knows I need all the help I can get for my short comings & weaknesses. Infighting will only give the adversary a tool to destroy our sides ability to work together to conquer this global problem.
I think the main issue is the hardline belief that Christianity is the only way, and not just that, but it's a specific form of Christianity that is the only way. I consider myself a Christian, but to be honest, I have a lot of personal beliefs that most Christians would disagree with.
I agree that for a lot of men porn is a problem, but for a lot of men, it isn't anything more than entertainment. There are also couples who consume porn together, and porn specifically for women is a growing genre. We can't, as a political group and as patriots, expect everyone to live their lives according to one single religious doctrine.
For what it's worth, I don't consume porn. I watched a little as a teen (curiosity, hormones) and never kept watching it. I think actual porn is pretty boring and needless. I don't understand the actual sexual pleasure people get out if it.
However, lots of people here would say looking at pictures of pg13 bikini models is the same. They'd quote a million bible verses (as people here already did) and feel the need to condemn me not knowing where I stand. I don't fap, I don't lust, I like aesthetic pictures and don't think there is anything dirty or sinful about the female form.
Frankly, I think the downvotes are people so insecure in their faith and afraid of their own potential for sin that social piety is the only way they can keep on the straight and narrow
I see where you are coming from & try to live my life based on principle & even avoiding the very appearance of evil. That said, I too have beliefs that are outside the mainstream of my church, though the core is always consistent with the correct/eternal principles we claim to try & follow.
I have helped open minds & have had some great discussion where at times my wives have elevated/changed & at other times I have been able to educate others on knowledge they didn't have.
I figure most of these individuals are well intentioned Christians who are repeating the traditions & rules set up to keep them safe, which is a good thing for anyone who has not looked deeper to figure out why the rules are there.
Thanks for being a part of the great Awakening & your voice in this discussion.
Nope. For me it’s your misleading comments, helping Satan right along his hedgerow path. Not willingly, I don’t think. But your opinion is, “God wants us all to be happy”. And with that, sure it may be sinful, but I’m a good person, I don’t hurt anyone, and I know I sin....and this is what is terrible. God does want you to be happy. But He hates sin. And we all sin. You say you don’t lust. Yes you do, you already admitted it. Do I, sadly yes, and I hate it. You should hate sin. Every Christian should, as God hates sin. And all sin is the same. There is no big sins and little sins. A hateful thought about your brother, is the same as murder to God. So why embrace some sins as ok? Hate them. Do better, we all can. And as Christians, we have to point out sins, so we can help each other. Not to fall for Satans traps.
In one instance Satan will tell you, “look, God wants you to be happy, you’re not Jesus, your not perfect”....and then once you do your act(s). “Your despicable, God hates what you just did. How pathetic are you? Your a terrible Christian.” See how that works? Don’t give excuses for these shortcomings. Don’t give Satan an opening. Fight! Sin is wrong, period. God still loves you, but if you can’t even try to get better, if you can’t even hold out for a day. How much do you obey God in the first place? It kills me to hurt Him. And I still do. Not nearly as bad as I used to. But thank goodness for Jesus, because none of us would have had a chance.
Yes let us help each other. But all this is more serious than your leading on with. Take God’s word serious. He doesn’t work for you, you work for Him. How good of a servant do you wanna be? Try. Fight against Satans evil works. I don’t want me, or you, or anybody to have any excuses when we stand before judgement. Know what your doing. And if you don’t know what to do, read, seek out God’s word. It’s all in one book.
But this, your words
“We can't, as a political group and as patriots, expect everyone to live their lives according to one single religious doctrine.”
Ain’t gonna cut it. With God, fence walking is vomit in His mouth. It’s all in, or nothing. And all in means trying. Doing your best. Working for God. And sometimes that best is severely lacking, I understand. But we have to try.
WOW … I was just reading about the “Metaverse” today and fukerbergs plans to infiltrate and dominate. VR is hyper-dangerous. They can, and will target minors without impunity. Its already started. They do their psychological grooming through desensitization, communal acceptance, steering, and other means. Several users have described their experiences as something approaching satanic feeling.
This shit is dangerous as hell. These kids strap on their virtual reality goggles and parents have ZERO clue what their kids are viewing. The kids dont know they are being targeted. They just think its an awesome new gaming experience. Pedophiles never had it so easy.
This shit needs to be withdrawn from the markets and shut down until rock solid safeguards can be put into place
Bad parents, that’s all
Unfortunately most parents have zero idea about the dangers of these problems with online & especially virtual content.
I have not found a perfect solution for my family, though we refuse to allow electronics/screens in bedrooms & all computers are in high traffic areas of the home. It is at least a start. General rules include no YouTube unless mom or dad are watching new videos & channels with them. This has helped to prevent some of the worst stuff.
To help my children understand the dangers they don't know about, I teach them the lesson of a child who loves to swim. A two or three year old who can swim may see the water in a pool & safely rush into the deep end. That same child may see the ocean & rush into the water to swim without noticing the sharks waiting to eat them alive.
You are 100% correct. VR is so new, and the platforms are so ‘fungible’ (kinda like forums), its easy as hell for a pedoscumfuk to slide in and out of hangouts probing for low hanging fruit. Parents have zero clue what sits on the other side of that kids Oculus.
Careful, everybody!
Don't follow links that could get you in trouble.
Sorry, OP. We get lots of visitors that aren't friendly...UV for the topic, though.
Yup. At the very least, this could be some clever scumbag that thought of a brilliant way to get free advertising for his "cinematography."
Can’t tell if this is a PR/marketing stunt or a genuine call to action…
Saw this on Reddit, thought the exact same thing. Feels like bait to get someone to ask "Hey, link me to your porn bro".
I mean... Q fucked your momma.
Don't need belief to do basic pattern recognition.
Always Follow The Money
The root of all evil. No joke.
The love of money is the root of all evil. The flawed human in that equation is key. Money itself is amoral.
usury is the root of all evil
Circling back... The love of money...
The root of all kinds of evil
"without women, money would be meaningless" ~ aristotle onasis
I have 2 words for this person... Project Veritas...
Or Rogan
Yup although PV I think would get more serious results...
Well, maybe they're just trying to get free advertisement for their channel. Viral marketing campaign?
Could very well be...
VRchat isn't even a drop in the ocean, how many people even have hardware or gear for VR?
ZentaiFantasy is just larping to advertise his business model. Cuckerberg's iteration of VR CHAT will be nothing like current VR chat. It will be a clout chasing walled garden where people only talk to people they know IRL (so same shitty web 2.0 we have already)
Vr chat as it is right now is a lot like the internet in the mid 90s, people goofing around, and a handful of furries making it weird and awkward for everyone. We can't run and shout "Child grooming!!!!" everytime a 15 year old is friends with a 20 year old on the internet
That type of thinking is the reason the 90s turned into the present day
$5 & a smartphone gets you foot in the door. Not a great setup, though 5 years ago I started checking stuff out with VR apps & was impressed with the novelty of it.
Figured it wouldn't be too hard to get anyone involved with a couple cameras set 3" apart. My kids & I visited many places virtually in the world & they have fun with the roller coasters.
The added (maybe overpriced, idk) hardware is just top tier stuff. Though I am not heavily involved with the tech, so take it for what it's worth.
Let me put this as bluntly as possible to you guys! These mfs have tech to control your mind using wifi and they using people like avatars and making them do shit they would not normally do! These mfs are evil! They watching through your eyes! Those who know cannot sleep!
I really think they have technology to read what you’re thinking. Sometimes I’d think of a person or a thing and it would show up as an ad (if it was a thing) or the picture of the person would show up on my camera roll. And no I did not say the word or discuss it with anyone. It happened so many times that I pay very close attention to whether I actually discussed the topic or not.
I’ve had that happen to me.
More likely that first you subconsciously see it, later you start thinking about it, and finally you consciously see it and feel like they're reading your mind.
I'll pray for this person as they are in deep in demon world and sounds like they aren't quite realizing this fact. Nothing good comes from being involved in porn of any kind.🙏
I believe in freedom of speech and choice, but porn isn’t something I’m willing to go to bat for.
You’re either making society a better place or your adding to its degradation.
u/popcultmember, why are you calling this a 4chan repost when the original post was to reddit not 4chan?
Interesting. VR Chat is fully 3d if I'm not mistaken, and the only thing passing over the internet is your voice and movements, so the VR Chat platform must be the gateway for pedos to connect with children.
This could be a litmus test for any one with big platform. Tim, or Rogan whoever it is - this is how you prove that you are not just a controlled opposition.
Wow.. also, did you mean Reddit? Or did 4chan recently redo their interface to look like Reddit?
u/bgny, show me on the doll where this was reposted from 4chan?
Or here where ZentaiFantasy has page after page of reddit porn related posts -
The real question is why you posted "Understand now?" when you clearly don't.
( u/ApplesOrangesLemons, ignore this moron. )
I found the 4chan thread:
4chan thread reposting the reddit original post.
Ah ok. Thanks for clarifying. This is still pretty alarming
Dude needs gab. And God.
Weird, this guy is exposing a pedo ring and warning us this push for the Metaverse might have very fucked up ulterior motives. And yet all we're talking about in the comments porn and Jesus. I can understand thinking the porn industry is abominable, but what about the topic? Shoot the messenger and move along I guess.
In the big scheme of things, porn is a social constraint. It takes something that we know very little about (others sexual preferences) and makes it public. Social constraints are good because they put values on contracts (marriage/commitment)and tempt us to test our values.....which places value on our values.
Imagine if wild animals with fewer social constraints were having group sex in public....actually, that's how they do it.
This whole topic is one of no correct answers. We can say it's wrong in the eyes of the lord, of course that would be placing judgment which is also a sin. We can argue that it's only looking and not touching....that's covered as well.
The only thing everyone should agree on is that every single piece of shit who touches a child or defenseless person should be fed to the wolves....alive.
But that’s a judgment too which you said is a sin! Which way is it?