How ALL women don't see this as an attack on their sex is beyond me. It's literally a form a sexual abuse; the direct opposite of empowering women.
Agreed. Gotta love the crushed, forlorn looks on high school and college girls' faces when some dude breaks another one of their records. A great awakening occurs in that moment.
Statistically at least a third if not more of those females are swallowing the SJW kool-aid and parroting the party line that men having sex with other men, men getting pregnant, and men wearing dresses and heavy clown makeup while reading to toddlers at story time are just THOOPER DOOPER!
Then one of them annihilates a women's sports record that has stood for 50 years, and suddenly they're like "Hey wait a fair! This is SEXIST and MISOGYN—oh wait... [::instant switch to robotic monotone, eyes glaze over, thousand-yard stare::] "Trans women are women...trans women are women...trans women are women..."
Yeah man, the year the Jenner missing his dick, won woman of the year, I dont know how anyone didnt look around and be like "hey, we are being replaced by men!"
It frustrates me so much when I hear about a "first" female game dev or something, and its a fucking tranny pretending to be a girl.
All these "firsts" made by women who arent actually women, and they celebrate it.
Brainwashing propaganda has that effect apparently. Also considering an unborn baby as a human instead of property infringes on their "women's rights" or something...🤡 🌎
Unless it's having yourself injected with an experiment toxic serum that has had very limited human trials (still ongoing), with no data on long-term effects, then you must have it or you're against science or something.
I like Jeopardy, but the heshe they have on now is really repulsive, so I only watch to see if he has a chance of being beaten, and no games since he has been on have been close enough, except maybe one (I don't check all the time; need limit those images :) ), for him to lose in final jeopardy.
All girls or all boys schools, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, women’s sports, men’s sports, etc. are there for a reason. It helps with identity, freedom to talk about subjects and develop skills critical for both sexes. But we all know how the woke mob wants to blend the sexes, destroy religion, destroy family, destroy the Constitution, destroy freedoms, destroy races, etc.
95% of these "women only" women are unhinged psychopathic bitches that thrive on being unpleasant to other people. Including other women. They don't want men around to rein in their horrible behavior.
The worst thing for them is a mentally ill man dressing up like one of them trying to get in their little club.
If they cut their dick off, they get to be a woman in society, with full recognition from the government. Rights and all.
That means you cant play "gay on Sunday" and go back to work as a man on Monday.
How many men are really willing to participate in a fringe social movement if they have to cut their dick off as a requirement? Ends the transgender movement real quick, doesn't it?
Cut your dick off, take hormones, register with the government and show full medical documentation. I'll only accept them if they go all the way.
I think it requires even more commitment than that. Take Blair White as a great example of going all the way, still being able to acknowledge she is biologically a male and pushing back against wokeness.
She's one of the only trannies I'll refer to as she/her
I agree, there's people that won't accept them no matter what. Look above for proof.
Call it for what it is, its a lifestyle, with a small minority, and it shouldnt be politicized or be advertised to children in any way. That being said, they also shouldnt be barred from working a regular job. Unfortunately, there's no way to close Pandora's Box at this point (which technically has been opened long before 2015). So its best to mitigate the situation legally. This way you can't abruptly show up as a man in a dress at a funeral without any reprocussion.
Glad to find a fellow pede that thinks outside the box.
I am just now learning about them; suppose they are more based than other feminists? But still feminists nonetheless and I am a woman trying to walk in Christ. He says every man and woman was created equal so 🤷🏼♀️ going to go with that
TERF was invented by a dumbass who simply got tired of writing
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
Over and over and over and over...
And so you have to wonder, WHY would anyone in their right mind write that even ONCE, let alone so many times that they felt the need to make it into an acronym
100% of the organic lesbians ive met had sexual trauma that kind of galvanized their outlook on life. A high fraction of those women are addicted to meth or are on perscribed Adderal imo for depression. These folks need love more than anybody. Id assume same goes for organic gay men.
Organic is a term I use to seperate gay people who came out when they were "kids/teens" vs older folks who are just expiramenting and whores.
What we all should be doing is calling out the pedos like the pedo hunters on Youtube. The one guy even had a PS5 shirt. Just need to hand out antiparasitics.
This is how you make a real difference. Confront the evil children fuckers. Give them ivermectin. We literally need to purge these inner demons that they have.
Same for me!! ALL the women I have met that willingly pursue other women have SOME form of sexual trauma that hinders them from actually having a relationship with a man. It makes sense now, but in all honesty, I still don’t see why they would reject a male physically and be “content” with a female. TWO FEMALES CAN NOT BECOME ONE FLESH.
I will never for the life of me understand what lies they tell themselves to keep up the facade. :||
Btw I’m a chick so I understand some of the metal side, but DEAR GOD being around another female for extended amounts of time makes us want to slaughter each other eventually. The physical abuse in female/female relationships is very high.
Women are catty, and get queen bee syndrome incredibly easy.
Abuse in those relationships are because they are usually both controlling and gaslighting, while also being emotionally unstable from past trauma, and victims sometimes repeat their abuse, as its the only thing they know.
Its almost like they cant have a normal gay relationship, just because of how women are built.
The earnestness to get intona relationship is the yearning for imtimacy while negating the natural path in front of them.
The reason is because a part of their mind is literally PTSDd when it thinks about touching a male. Hard to get a lady boner in that circumstance. Females dont give them that instant repulsion and they carry out their intamacy needs. Its a defense mechanism enabled by truamatic emotions that prevent the logical mind from fixing itself.
Have you ever seen a dog that liked males more than females or vice versa? Its like that. Get burnt by hot stove dont touch hot stove again.
Side note, it would be fun to create an ooen source dating site where very simple astrology concepts are used to match based off of a small amount of attraction criteria: physical (mars), emotional (moon), pleasure(venus) communication (mercury). Have a large non liabilty contract to sign. Use at your own risk etc.
Also make it not so soul destroying. Dont sell out to match/chelsea clinton. If it becomes popular id suspect a child trafficking case to magically appear to negatively attract attetuon to try to take the site down.
Why does match own all the dating apps. Weird AF. My guess is they have a network kf most attractive people which makes controlling simps easier if you can find talent and beauty easier? Also prevent dissent by said talented folks. I hate american idol
I still don’t understand how the trans people can be part of the LGBT community given that the B in LGBT is for Bi-Sexual people who by definition only accept that there are 2 sexes...
Someone try Big Mike.
Ewwww... not like that fren! His face. Try a picture of his face.... Ewww....
You two... :D :D :D
I'll just leave this 40 sec clip here.
Amazon's gender recognition software positively identifies Michelle Obama as male
You are awesome fren!
Joan Rivers did and she was dead within a couple of weeks. Go figure.
Oh zhit....hahahajaja
I puked a little.
How ALL women don't see this as an attack on their sex is beyond me. It's literally a form a sexual abuse; the direct opposite of empowering women.
Agreed. Gotta love the crushed, forlorn looks on high school and college girls' faces when some dude breaks another one of their records. A great awakening occurs in that moment.
Statistically at least a third if not more of those females are swallowing the SJW kool-aid and parroting the party line that men having sex with other men, men getting pregnant, and men wearing dresses and heavy clown makeup while reading to toddlers at story time are just THOOPER DOOPER!
Then one of them annihilates a women's sports record that has stood for 50 years, and suddenly they're like "Hey wait a fair! This is SEXIST and MISOGYN—oh wait... [::instant switch to robotic monotone, eyes glaze over, thousand-yard stare::] "Trans women are women...trans women are women...trans women are women..."
2 + 2 = 5
The ulitmate abusive slap in the face: men make better women than women do.
Yeah man, the year the Jenner missing his dick, won woman of the year, I dont know how anyone didnt look around and be like "hey, we are being replaced by men!"
It frustrates me so much when I hear about a "first" female game dev or something, and its a fucking tranny pretending to be a girl.
All these "firsts" made by women who arent actually women, and they celebrate it.
Excellent post, CQVFEFE.
Ah, now all the in-your-face trans BS makes sense.
It does?
It’s a white hat operation to wake up the Leftist women?
+1 = 0....
Brainwashing propaganda has that effect apparently. Also considering an unborn baby as a human instead of property infringes on their "women's rights" or something...🤡 🌎
"Muh bodily autonomy" honk fucking honk
"My body my choice" -
Unless it's having yourself injected with an experiment toxic serum that has had very limited human trials (still ongoing), with no data on long-term effects, then you must have it or you're against science or something.
Not even that it's experimental. It actually does harm and has recorded doing harm.
I like Jeopardy, but the heshe they have on now is really repulsive, so I only watch to see if he has a chance of being beaten, and no games since he has been on have been close enough, except maybe one (I don't check all the time; need limit those images :) ), for him to lose in final jeopardy.
All girls or all boys schools, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, women’s sports, men’s sports, etc. are there for a reason. It helps with identity, freedom to talk about subjects and develop skills critical for both sexes. But we all know how the woke mob wants to blend the sexes, destroy religion, destroy family, destroy the Constitution, destroy freedoms, destroy races, etc.
(newfags, that was sarcasm)
woke mob = Zionist indoctrination
without social media and MSM, all this bullshit goes away
Yes! Social Media was a cancer on society.
Social media IS a cancer on society.
You are right. My phone auto corrected me or I didn't proof read my post lol.
Future proves past, I believe 'was' will be true soon enough.
Easy there, goyim!
Oy vey ... time for a new ff gender and/or race incident
Anyone that uses facial recognition app is CIS STUPID.
Wish I could upvote twice
No man ever said "men only"
Well not many in the last 50 years.
95% of these "women only" women are unhinged psychopathic bitches that thrive on being unpleasant to other people. Including other women. They don't want men around to rein in their horrible behavior.
The worst thing for them is a mentally ill man dressing up like one of them trying to get in their little club.
Here's my opinion -
If they cut their dick off, they get to be a woman in society, with full recognition from the government. Rights and all.
That means you cant play "gay on Sunday" and go back to work as a man on Monday.
How many men are really willing to participate in a fringe social movement if they have to cut their dick off as a requirement? Ends the transgender movement real quick, doesn't it?
Cut your dick off, take hormones, register with the government and show full medical documentation. I'll only accept them if they go all the way.
Think bigger. No dick, no reproduction. No reproduction, no sex. No sex, no pleasure.
Ends the transgender LARP, and turns the libs against big government. All while giving them what they want.
Not a chess player, are you?
Actually ive taught dozens of people how to play chess, and every single one of them has checkmated me...
and i dont throw games. I make em earn it.
To set a proper trap, you have to play by their logic. Not yours.
How can you be into the Q plan and not comprehend this?
And before you waste your breath, my original post is in jest.
This place is for Q supporters. What exactly u here for?
Not just dick, balls gotta go too. IMMEDIATELY.
You don’t get to tuck those up somewhere inside your body cavity as part of your faux vagina reconstruction.
I know, I’m nitpicking.
Agreed. The beans don't stay if you're that level of gay.
Poet 😂
Im glad you noticed that! 🤣🤣🤣
Gotta make room for that other set of balls to clobber their psuedo-vag while engaged in turd hockey from behind.
Pseudo-vag. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I think it requires even more commitment than that. Take Blair White as a great example of going all the way, still being able to acknowledge she is biologically a male and pushing back against wokeness.
She's one of the only trannies I'll refer to as she/her
I agree, there's people that won't accept them no matter what. Look above for proof.
Call it for what it is, its a lifestyle, with a small minority, and it shouldnt be politicized or be advertised to children in any way. That being said, they also shouldnt be barred from working a regular job. Unfortunately, there's no way to close Pandora's Box at this point (which technically has been opened long before 2015). So its best to mitigate the situation legally. This way you can't abruptly show up as a man in a dress at a funeral without any reprocussion.
Glad to find a fellow pede that thinks outside the box.
i guess the downvotes are the gay contingency. I like your idea, got legs lol
Yes. Being pro trans is anti-woman. It’s almost like being Muslim.
Looks like TERFs are back on the menu boys!
The definition of bigotry is ?
Ooooohhhh wow what is giggle? Sounds like fun Im in! Great technique, guys 👍🏻
Oh nvm its super feminist lol they don’t want my maga butt on there
Don't you just love the TERFs... :)
I am just now learning about them; suppose they are more based than other feminists? But still feminists nonetheless and I am a woman trying to walk in Christ. He says every man and woman was created equal so 🤷🏼♀️ going to go with that
Equal rights, equal lefts.
Equal innies and danglers 👍🏻
TERF was invented by a dumbass who simply got tired of writing
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist
Over and over and over and over...
And so you have to wonder, WHY would anyone in their right mind write that even ONCE, let alone so many times that they felt the need to make it into an acronym
And thus the terf war begun has
100% of the organic lesbians ive met had sexual trauma that kind of galvanized their outlook on life. A high fraction of those women are addicted to meth or are on perscribed Adderal imo for depression. These folks need love more than anybody. Id assume same goes for organic gay men.
Organic is a term I use to seperate gay people who came out when they were "kids/teens" vs older folks who are just expiramenting and whores.
What we all should be doing is calling out the pedos like the pedo hunters on Youtube. The one guy even had a PS5 shirt. Just need to hand out antiparasitics.
This is how you make a real difference. Confront the evil children fuckers. Give them ivermectin. We literally need to purge these inner demons that they have.
Pedo vs Pred Sony Executive
Same for me!! ALL the women I have met that willingly pursue other women have SOME form of sexual trauma that hinders them from actually having a relationship with a man. It makes sense now, but in all honesty, I still don’t see why they would reject a male physically and be “content” with a female. TWO FEMALES CAN NOT BECOME ONE FLESH.
I will never for the life of me understand what lies they tell themselves to keep up the facade. :||
Btw I’m a chick so I understand some of the metal side, but DEAR GOD being around another female for extended amounts of time makes us want to slaughter each other eventually. The physical abuse in female/female relationships is very high.
Female on female abuse is the highest.
Women are catty, and get queen bee syndrome incredibly easy.
Abuse in those relationships are because they are usually both controlling and gaslighting, while also being emotionally unstable from past trauma, and victims sometimes repeat their abuse, as its the only thing they know.
Its almost like they cant have a normal gay relationship, just because of how women are built.
I like to think of lesbian relationships as therapy.
Theres a saying in the community, "second dates a uhaul"
The earnestness to get intona relationship is the yearning for imtimacy while negating the natural path in front of them.
The reason is because a part of their mind is literally PTSDd when it thinks about touching a male. Hard to get a lady boner in that circumstance. Females dont give them that instant repulsion and they carry out their intamacy needs. Its a defense mechanism enabled by truamatic emotions that prevent the logical mind from fixing itself.
Have you ever seen a dog that liked males more than females or vice versa? Its like that. Get burnt by hot stove dont touch hot stove again.
I think I accidentally just joined a gay app checking this out 🤣
Accidentally... riiiiiight... 🤭
Even a dumb computer can tell the difference between a man and woman.
Side note, it would be fun to create an ooen source dating site where very simple astrology concepts are used to match based off of a small amount of attraction criteria: physical (mars), emotional (moon), pleasure(venus) communication (mercury). Have a large non liabilty contract to sign. Use at your own risk etc.
Also make it not so soul destroying. Dont sell out to match/chelsea clinton. If it becomes popular id suspect a child trafficking case to magically appear to negatively attract attetuon to try to take the site down.
Why does match own all the dating apps. Weird AF. My guess is they have a network kf most attractive people which makes controlling simps easier if you can find talent and beauty easier? Also prevent dissent by said talented folks. I hate american idol
I still don’t understand how the trans people can be part of the LGBT community given that the B in LGBT is for Bi-Sexual people who by definition only accept that there are 2 sexes...
username checks out
This is an attack of men as well. Men are no longer born they are grown in the Soy fields.
Interestingly enough the left insists in separating gender from sex, and though there are many genders there are male and female.
It should not be offensive to make a female only app that only allows actual biological females, and it also shouldn't be offensive for the reverse.
And as someone who knows a good few trans people myself, precisely 0 of them care about this app or this "grave offense" perpetuated against them.
I'm tired of the propaganda trying to force us to participate in someone else's mental illness.
Identity politics is such an abject failure, I love seeing them fight each other like this
The computer and every cell in your body cries “MALE” but you won’t listen
"but . . but . . but . . " Identifying as a moron will NOT get you into MENSA, dummies!