DAS WHAT IM SAYIN!!! The whole thing is so meticulously prepped and organized, and there has been NO pantyfa bullshit or any other bullshit for almost 2 weeks, and I don't know if civvies really know how to peacekeep like military do.
we don't know what's in those trucks. we don't know who is driving them all. Alls Im sayin is my tinfoil gets hot whenever I think about it.
Our friends in Antifa are cowards. They will not show up with this many Patriots around. They only show up to bully weak individuals, or when there is little to no resistance. Since Justin ran, they know that they are not protected.
You can see that the trucks are empty. They are dump trucks. There's no place to hide troops except the cab. You could bring in more troops in regular autos.
yes aspie but not all the trucks going to this thing are dumptrucks, and we don't actually know what's inside them all. THESE trucks are clearly for transporting globotrash to the choppers that will take them to Gitmo.
You have to actually take the hit of hopium first, and hold it in your lungs for at least 5 seconds. And then you have to squint. I bet you looked at those dumptrucks without doing either of those things first, didn't you.
There was nothing said about anything but dump trucks. That's all I referred to. I've seen a lot of heavy equipment, and there's nowhere to hide troops in any of it. It's a lot of metal structure, engines, hydraulics, etc. That's why it's "heavy" equipment. Duh.
I was originally responding to the guy who said there were troops hiding in the trucks.
I never said a word about whether or not the truck drivers were civilians or not. Or anything about what the trucks might be carrying in the back when they finally leave town.
As far as taking hits, here's my favorite song on the subject:
Give the Canadian truckers, their farming and mining allies, their other allies, and freedom fighters everywhere their daily bread and the other essentials they need to endure these crises.
The fringe group is growing bigger meanwhile ottowa is sending riot police from other areas. The govr is definitely doubling down on tyranny. Is this the standoff they are leading up to?
I think OP just googled for the biggest truck he could find. Some trucks are even heavier than 500 tons. But these are not those. These are, at max, 50 tons.
loving all this toxic masculinity and the women who support it. (y'all know toxic masculinity is the new term for standing up for what's right, don't you?)
they take diesel. there's lots of places that have special commercial vehicle gas stations. most times these rigs don't even fuel up at the same places as normies at all.
They refuel those directly at fuel transfer stations where the trucks that actually bring the gas to the gas stations fill up. They have special company credit cards they use which I'm sure this demonstration is fully supported by the company that owns those trucks and are paying for the gas.
Why is it we're all just sitting back and watching this happen in Canada? Why aren't we doing this right now in the US??? What has happened to this country?
Canadians are farther along on the tyranny timeline. The flip side of your argument is "Why is it that Canadians let it get so bad? Why didn't they develop pockets of strengthened resistence like the US did???"
"We monstered up in them monster trucks
Rollin' in heavy machinery
We all believe in protectin' what's ours
If you fuck with us, we got that heavy machinery"
I feel like there was a missed opportunity with those mining trucks. If they were full of dirt and dumped in the right place, that could really put things to a standstill. Dirt can't be towed or ticketed, or run out of fuel. To take it one step further, one could say "eliminate the mandate or else" sounds of hydraulic dumper increases
Those trucks are normally used to deliver Stacey Abrams' doordash orders.
stacey's the only member of the DNCCP that when she orders 50k worth of hot dogs... she actually means literal hot dogs.
Omfg. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Judging by that photo she likes mayonnaise on her hotdogs.
Hilarious. Please make a meme of the truck filled with fries and Stacey Abrams running toward it!
So what's the meme? Her running? 😆
By run you meant rolling? Stacy hasn’t run anywhere since she started learning how to walk.
fatties dont run, fatties hustle.
Put her in a Walmart motorized scooter/buggy.
she will need one scooter for each ass-cheek, but it might work, if pulled by a team of clydesdales.
and Georgia ballots.
If you take a hit of hopium and hold your breath and squint, this almost looks like some kind of military op.
Tastes like Nitrous Oxide.
That's what i think.
A big ass Trojan horse.
Imagine, inside all the trucks are troops...
DAS WHAT IM SAYIN!!! The whole thing is so meticulously prepped and organized, and there has been NO pantyfa bullshit or any other bullshit for almost 2 weeks, and I don't know if civvies really know how to peacekeep like military do.
we don't know what's in those trucks. we don't know who is driving them all. Alls Im sayin is my tinfoil gets hot whenever I think about it.
It also explains why BLM/PANTIFA were allowed to run amok: selective prosecution.
It's effectively career suicide to bring charges against these guys.
Our friends in Antifa are cowards. They will not show up with this many Patriots around. They only show up to bully weak individuals, or when there is little to no resistance. Since Justin ran, they know that they are not protected.
I totally agree, way too smooth and organized for a rag tag group of truckers. Almost like military precision. BTW, hot tinfoil comment is hilarious.
imagine all the swamp creatures that they could cart off in those things..
like 100 congress members... or jerry nadler.
You can see that the trucks are empty. They are dump trucks. There's no place to hide troops except the cab. You could bring in more troops in regular autos.
yes aspie but not all the trucks going to this thing are dumptrucks, and we don't actually know what's inside them all. THESE trucks are clearly for transporting globotrash to the choppers that will take them to Gitmo.
You have to actually take the hit of hopium first, and hold it in your lungs for at least 5 seconds. And then you have to squint. I bet you looked at those dumptrucks without doing either of those things first, didn't you.
There was nothing said about anything but dump trucks. That's all I referred to. I've seen a lot of heavy equipment, and there's nowhere to hide troops in any of it. It's a lot of metal structure, engines, hydraulics, etc. That's why it's "heavy" equipment. Duh.
just take a few steps back. see this as part of a bigger picture being painted. and then take the hopium hit, hold it, and squint up your brain.
can't you see it like the secret picture in the 3-D poster art where you have to de-focus your eyes sort of to see the hidden image?
Well instead of doing that with your eyes, do it with your brain.
We are in a dumptruck thread talking about more than just dumptrucks, you see. We're talking about possible potential implications of the dumptrucks.
I was originally responding to the guy who said there were troops hiding in the trucks.
I never said a word about whether or not the truck drivers were civilians or not. Or anything about what the trucks might be carrying in the back when they finally leave town.
As far as taking hits, here's my favorite song on the subject:
exactly... he just said "the trucks"
we were discussing the meta of it all. Like as in "the trucks in the freedom convoy"... not the pic.
You have to take three big hits to break through. Once you start seeing Pepes you are on the right track.
This guy hopiums 😉
Ex military getting some Afghanistan payback? These convoys look are super in line and disciplined.
Give the Canadian truckers, their farming and mining allies, their other allies, and freedom fighters everywhere their daily bread and the other essentials they need to endure these crises.
Thank you
Good luck towing THOSE babies away.
Most tow trucks couldn't tow a tire from one of those babies!
And by "coincidence" the inventor of the PCR test died before the pandemic began.
wow they can mine a lot of salt with those!
Pure Ottowa pink (hair) rock (head) salt blotting out the sun.
The fringe group is growing bigger meanwhile ottowa is sending riot police from other areas. The govr is definitely doubling down on tyranny. Is this the standoff they are leading up to?
Fringe minority
Answer of the year
...more like 3 gallons to the mile
LMAO, hope the traitors have fun trying to tow THAT away.
500 hundred tons?
I think OP just googled for the biggest truck he could find. Some trucks are even heavier than 500 tons. But these are not those. These are, at max, 50 tons.
Even so. If they're going... HONK HONK!
Edit: Just checked. the CAT 740 weighs 36.2 tons.
Also, why the fuck is my handshake back?
if Justin Trudeau thinks a bunch of minors are headed to Ottawa he may just reappear.
^^ Best comment ^^
Lol! The more the merrier. Safety in numbers. Hopefully they get some doctors, lawyers, businessmen out there for support too.
loving all this toxic masculinity and the women who support it. (y'all know toxic masculinity is the new term for standing up for what's right, don't you?)
Tow truck operators, you're going to need a bigger boat!
Geez, at this rate I expect to see a whole squadron of C17 Globemasters landing on the streets in Ottawa next week.
Amazing days
Idk where all these vehicles are getting their fuel.
Id imagine every gas station is empty along the way
they take diesel. there's lots of places that have special commercial vehicle gas stations. most times these rigs don't even fuel up at the same places as normies at all.
I know they take diesel lol
I meant gas stations (most have diesel)
They refuel those directly at fuel transfer stations where the trucks that actually bring the gas to the gas stations fill up. They have special company credit cards they use which I'm sure this demonstration is fully supported by the company that owns those trucks and are paying for the gas.
Good luck finding a tow truck within 100km to tow those.
Now that is friggin awesome!
Although, I am curious what their top speed is and what kind of MPG they get as their not really designed to be street vehicles lol
Id imagine there would be bridges alone the way that they can not cross???
They should have been half full of gravel to crush anything in the way.
Truckers version of, " oh shit, they brought in tanks!"
Why is it we're all just sitting back and watching this happen in Canada? Why aren't we doing this right now in the US??? What has happened to this country?
They're organizing a freedom convoy for here too, there are many threads on it.
Canadians are farther along on the tyranny timeline. The flip side of your argument is "Why is it that Canadians let it get so bad? Why didn't they develop pockets of strengthened resistence like the US did???"
patience, young jedi
"We monstered up in them monster trucks Rollin' in heavy machinery We all believe in protectin' what's ours If you fuck with us, we got that heavy machinery"
This made me bust out laughing. That stupid bastard Trudeau did not see this coming.
I feel like there was a missed opportunity with those mining trucks. If they were full of dirt and dumped in the right place, that could really put things to a standstill. Dirt can't be towed or ticketed, or run out of fuel. To take it one step further, one could say "eliminate the mandate or else" sounds of hydraulic dumper increases