Patel Patriot - Everything Is Timed, Military Planning, Trump Will Most Likely Return Before 2024
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When these guys do digs that is great
When they start date fagging, that is not great
A little date-fagging-hopium, in moderation, is a great supplement to any patriot's diet. 😎
One is either a datefag or not, period.
Like calling someone a "bisexual"... Nope, still ghey 🙃
I'm withya on the hopium... exactly why most of us are here, tryin' to get that teensiest peek into exactly "what" is coming, which nothing can stop?
"A man can build 1000 bridges, and in a moment of weakness he sucks 1 dick, and he's no longer a bridge builder but a cock sucker." - ancient proverb
5D math!
OMG dying!!!!
Beyond being food for trolls, date fagging doesn't hurt anyone.
I defy anyone to come up with a description of how the Q movement is harmed by people date fagging.
If someone is wrong interpreting Q's posts, that doesn't mean Q was wrong, it means the person speculating is wrong.
Our purpose is to speculate on the possible meanings of Q's posts, and it's ok if we're wrong ... because Q told us outright that they provide disinformation sometimes.
Q is proven right with hindsight, future proves past.
The problem is too many normies jump off the train or the red pilled with no discernment and little time for research get black pilled and stop being a help to the awakening.
at this point I have zero expectations with regards to dates.
Tbh, there’s no difference between datefagging & digging. Both end results are made after research that no one has 100% certainty on. To say “so and so will be arrested” is no different then saying “sometime before 2024 Trump comes back.”
Everyone needs to stop being so sensitive to predictive analysis. We sound like libtards when we can’t “handle” datefaggjng.
and before then....
i don't even think it's going to be this year either honestly. I think given the current prospects we are doomed for another year. democrats have fucked us for another year.
that could be what is actually happening. i do admit the resignations are not without question.
Please post sauce when Patel Patriot said 2022.
He was guessing it would happen last year, but he has never "date fagged" because he has always admitted he doesn't know.
It's in the video
Still is.
I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it to 2026.
Patel is one of my favorite follows, it's good to know someone who has never researched Q posts came to a similar conclusion as us.
I think the talk of him not ever following q posts is just for the normie types to not get turned off because of it. But I could be wrong.
I think you are spot on..
He must have done some research by now though.
This is good but we are about to be forced to relocate from our home due to stupid fucking healthcare worker mandates. How do we fight this shit? Our own SC has upheld this and now hospitals face no repercussions for forcing employees to get vaccinated. It is truly horrible to live in the USA and be forced from your home for refusing to disclose medical information that was deemed private under Clinton's HIPAA act. Thanks again to the man I had no choice but to support for the shit they forced him to go through. Nice to know he had my back afterward. Fuck you, Kavanaugh. I can only imagine I am but 1 of many, many people who are in the same situation. I will not bow, but I have to live and that now means relocating the life we have worked so hard to build. This shit is not happening fast enough, hate to say it, but it's true. Durham started work in 2017, that's a long fucking time ago now, and I could give a shit about how the DS has taken generations. Fuck them, it's time for justice 3 years ago. Rant done. ~sigh~
This is my vibe. Thanks for putting words to it.
Are we going to keep waiting when our countries descend into Weimar Germany 2.0? Or the bolsheviks start rounding us up into death camps?
They arent? Weimar Germany would be PEOPLE ARE ASLEEP UNTIL AFTER.
The world is waking up. Even hard left is seeing things.
Patriots are in control
Ultimately I think we need to see the possibility that current system cannot be salvaged. The corruption is top to bottom. It might need to get really bad before a majority of people willingly accept that the system needs to be purged. If we can’t agree to that, any efforts to fix is just a temporary bandaid.
Considering that the president is limited to 10 years in the WH, and Trump has served 4, I don't see him returning to the WH before 2023.
Unless the government counts years differently than we do.
This guy gets it
Trump is no idiot. He knows exactly when to do what and to whom. He deserves his Constitutional 10 years.
Exactly. Why would he/they miss the opportunity to be in office for the full/maximum 10 years - and REALLY stick it to the DS/swamp/globalists/elite - by jumping the gun now?
Indeed, MANY are suffering personal hardships, but WE ARE IN A WAR AND THERE ARE CASUALTIES ASSOCIATED WITH WAR. The alternative of not doing things "legally" or putting PDJT back in now/too soon (i.e., basically going back to "the way things were" where NOTHING REALLY got done to drain the swamp because of hindrances like "Russia, "Russia, "Russia" media disinformation/propaganda, ENDLESS witchhunts/impeachments and stonewalling by the uniparty) would cost EVERYONE FAR MORE (AND MOST LIKELY WOULD COST EVERYONE "EVERTHING" THEY HOLD DEAR) than the relatively LESSER suffering incurred by pursuing a legal/strategic route.
Unfortunately, FAR too many are either too wrapped up in personal strife, or simply unable, to think strategically.
Undoubtedly, Chinese military strategist Sun-Tzu's "The Art of War" supports the current approach. Even Dr. Spock would say, "The good of the many outweigh the good of the few."
Where have you read a 10 year limit. I have only seen a 2 term / 8 year limit
If you become president two years into another presidents term, ie if a president were to be assassinated, it does not count as a full term. VP would finish the term and be eligible for two more full four year terms, 10 years total.
Why would it be beneficial to have the huge economic crash under Trump rather than Biden? Why would Q not offer Biden a deal to play the role of the crappy President during the storm.
Exhibit A.
Exhibit B.
we've been led to believe that he was coming back really soon, starting right after the so called election.....
we will not have a country by 2024...we barely have one now....
either nothing is going to happen and the military was just a big ol lie to keep us satisfied for a while or something MUST happen NOW...not "before 2024'..
are we just fools?
What if he never left...
Then explain the massive illegal invasion, citizens being murdered w/ vents, poisoned and harmed with vaccines, kids being victimized and brainwashed, the media & Govt still getting away with using propaganda against us, and the many many crimes still being committed against the American people with very few criminals being charged for their roles in it all?
This guy gets it.
This is deliberate disinfo by Patel, it is imminent.
Edit:- Durham will probably be dropping shit for ages, but the menticide of the normies is imminent and will be well progressed by summer.
From what we've seen so far, it is more likely that the military would be used against patriotic Americans.
yes.....what military.....military brass are corrupt....the only thing possible is if space force can control all of the other military....then maybe we have a chance...
otherwise, we might have to beg Mother Russia to take us least Putin stands up for his country.
Yes, comrade. Praise mother Russia and spit on the American flag.
So are you a Russian patriot or an American one? Asking for a friend :)
Neither, we're all Canadians now
"Trump will most likely return before 2024" From your keyboard to God's will!
I've come to the conclusion it's over when it's over. In the mean time we are in survival mode. Not good.
All we got to do is wait two more years, woo hoo!
There was a theory or prophetic word about Biden dying & Kamala stepping in only for a couple of weeks. Then she would Say it’s too much for her & want the Senate to decide- I forget what it’s called but it’s been done before in our country- anyways supposedly Hillary thinks this will be her opportunity to step in- only the Senate votes & Trump actually wins. Hillary’s head explodes 2.0 😆 idk- but it sounds good & sounds like something they would try.
I would think if Biden and Kamala are both gone then Pelosi would take over, wouldn’t she? Isn’t that the technical order of things? If Crazy Nancy gets her selfish mitts on the country we are doomed
Well I think the theory was she’d refuse & petition congress or senate to a vote for an interim President. Some rare article in the constitution she’ll pull out.
It’s called a referendum to the Senate it what fancy pants is supposed to put forth. I think it’s only happened once in our history.
I enjoy a little date gagging but I don’t wind my watch to it. Finally learned my lesson on 1/20/2021.
When the helicopters didn’t show with special forces fast roping in carrying assault rifles and concussion grenades, I lost a lot of hope that day. I’m back now though because that day is still coming and I want to be here when it does. It should be Nov 23, 2022
Patel never said 2022, he said he thought when the first county decertifies and /when they show the clear winner was Trump through the audits. Which none had happened. He mentioned many times that it was his belief but never said it would definitely happen even then. His belief and hope is 2022 by midterms.
Not to be sorta the Debbie downer of the bunch.
But at this point.... if he returns with like 6 months left... then pretty sure the system would fuck him out of a 3rd term.
I realize he never got a 2nd term, but they don't give a fuck, would actually be a really slick way to get him out and gone.
let him come back for 1 year or 6 months as a lame duck, then he's ineligible to run again.
I hope the plan covers this.
Ppresidents can serve a max of 10 years. Though the assumption was most likely 2 years or less to complete a dead president's term + 2 - 4-year terms, the Constitution doesn't say it has to be that way. So 4 years + 2 years (or less) + 4 years should be fine.
Ok, so Trump returns on 2023? Then what? Might as well wait for 2024.
From what I heard, Patel Patriot said before the midterms and the year is 2022...why is everyone saying 2023?
It would give him the ability to serve the Constitutional maximum 10 years as President if he were also to run and win again in 2024 (4+2+4).
Returning before 1/20/2023 would limit him to under 7 years (4+2.x, where x=[months over 2 years/12] and since 4+2.x+4=10.x, the additional 4 would not be allowable)
To return... Or not to return that is the question ❓
From what I hear trust the PLAN
Trump needs to return sooner. And Patriots need to push everyone to make it happen sooner.
If it doesn't happen in 2022 it's not going to happen. I want to hear him announce he's running for Congress.
seriously. it's been theorized on many occasions biden has one year. then it's 2
just like when one of the dems stops talking, or stops showing up and it's a big stink...then they show up. such as hilary.
And then never mention it again after pumping it up. Not that anything like that would ever happen here.
Name checks out.
who says that is not happening and is the reason things are as crazy as they have been?