The chemtrails have been ridiculous in my area today. I've seen hooks, Ss, Xs, tic tac toes, diamonds, helixes and enough planes flying at once to completely fill the whole eastern sky. This is insane. This is sick.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Australia with biblical flooding. Weather warfare is real.
Omg that is A LOT of water 😶
RICARDO BOSSI shows proof that the lethal storms in Australia are man-made and deliberate.
Bossi starts talking and showing satellite proof about 12:11. Squares and trapezoid shapes of chemicals are in the air where the storms are originating from. This storm is planned and deliberate. More premeditated mass murder like Covid.
Wow great time time lapse!
I got a 3 day ban for suggesting chemtrails are real.
badge of honor for spreading the truth!
apparently one of the high altitude "crop dusters" didn't like my comment!
I got that and chastised by a mod. It was a while back. I figured it would be ok. We all got our shit that bugs us etc. Now look. Pretty crazy. We’re redpilling each other to new depths of awareness of the fakery we have been living for decades. Very cool!
There are some queens who work here...
I got 6.
I’ve always wondered if I could track them! I live in an area that sees a LOT of air traffic. Super sus if they aren’t on a tracker.
We should start an open-sourced WeatherMod watch post here on the greatawakening. Something Like US_Weathermod
I'm in south central PA. I've been sprayed on since 7 am.
That’s what she said.
She must have slept through the first couple
Time to write a new definition of "chemtrails" on Urban Dictionary...
I’m in Eastern Pa and I have the same. What freakin weather is coming???
Same. You know its bad when you can see it at night.
South Jersey here, across from Philly, the sky was clear and sun was bright 8am. Went out around 10am and trials started. By 4pm, trails formed into clouds and sun was blocked by a haze.
Not certain what it is but condensation trails never stayed in the sky for more than an hour max and definitely never formed clouds.
Does anyone recall if this was happening during Trump's time on office?
Would be nice to get some drones to capture samples.
In the last few years, have recorded pics over time travelling between ny and the west coast. During trumps time in office, I have seen these patterns, however less than the prior presidency. If you watch the clouds over a few minutes, you may notice that the trails will start to have a pattern of a comb. Wait further and you can view basically how the process works. It is almost as if canisters are released in the trails to expand sideways.
I just posted a comment similar to yours. Same thing happening in my area. Definitely has been happening more since Biden’s been the resident. I noticed some times the chemtrails don’t take. Perhaps because of the wind. I think they’re trying to block the sunlight even if it doesn’t rain. Why? Vit D kills Covid. Sunlight kills molds and improves peoples moods.
I’m in the same location and noticed the same trails in the sky. No wonder we’ve gone from 25 to 60 degrees, and tomorrow it’s supposed to be almost 70…
Yes, contrails can linger for hours. It is a fact of life. I've lived in the approach / departure corridor for a major international airport and they come in all sizes. The long term ones clearly expand with time and dissipate.
But to think these have any effect on sunlight is ridiculous. I also live in a very cloudy region of the U.S. and contrails are piffle compared to normal low-altitude cumulus.
I work outside and take note of the sky. There were 0 trails in Trumps first year in office. ZERO in my area of the sky. The clouds looked different. Started seeing those disappearing contrails. We had a normal springtime where the temps gradually increased to summertime. The trails came back the second year but very minimal until Bidan and went full sky again.
Funny thing is for the last 4 days we’ve had 0 in my area in Texas and clouds are looking different again. They look puffier when they aren’t spraying.
Damn I'm in Jersey, haven't looked at the sky or anything but that is concerning.
I was watching a plane spray a very dark gray cloud from it around 630pm leaving streaks in thr sky
Near sunset? Does it occur to you that ordinary clouds become grey towards dusk?
Not sunset and I was watching it come out the back of the plane
Well, I have seen plenty of grey clouds in my time, and contrails are only clouds. Not a thing to worry about.
I don’t believe these chem trails are bad but I am 100% on board with your attitude. [THEY] are on their way to Gitmo or hell. We know God wins.
Here's a taste of the research going back to 1999. https://www.transitieweb.nl/mirror-carnicom-institute/research-library-listing/index.html That website has several libraries worth of research on geoengineering.
They've been on the west coast since the 90's. They've been analyzed and contain strontium. barium and aluminum. Barium for sure sequesters water and keeps it aloft. Sources have been Clifford Carnicom, Rosalind Peterson and now Dane Wigington.
Ok I wasn’t clear earlier, I agree the chem trails have been terrible and worldwide, but I am hoping they have stopped and some white hats are spraying something like HCQ to help wake people up, hopefully for a big reveal or disclosure event soon.
It's probably a good idea to be prepared for some weird weather.
And will you look at that white sun! It's been white like that for months. No yellow at all except on rising and setting, so there's something going on that's even affected the sun.
Grand solar minimum.
I'm old enough to have been through a few solar minimums, and I never before saw the sun look like this. Nor do we know for a fact that this is an effect of a grand solar minimum, especially as even from the Maunder period none of the astronomers mentioned the sun being white.
That and the poles shifting is causing all sorts of weird atmospheric effects.
The orange glare this morning in my commute would beg to differ.
I've repeatedly had an intense white glare, the likes of which I've never seen before the past several months.
Like the one pictured right? I noticed it tends to be more orange shortly after rising or near setting, so perhaps the angle at which it shines can reveal more about the atmospheric tampering.
Exactly like the one pictured. It is yellow or red for about an hour at sunrise and sunset, but beyond that it's intensely white. The worst experience I had was at around 9 in the morning when I was driving east.
Yeah man idk if it's because we moved forward an hour, but this morning at 7:30 was brutal on the eyes.
In a clear sky, the color of the sun is white. That is how our sense of vision works. Maybe your sky is now clearer than it used to be.
I've looked around the sun for years during the middle of the day and historically it had a yellow tone to it. Read books from 20 or 30 years ago and if they mention the sun they all talk about a yellow sun, not a white sun. Plus which, I've never before seen such whiteness blinding me at 9 in the morning as I drove east. Even the sunshine on the grass and my porch looks different...it, too, has a white tone and not the warm yellows I'm accustomed to seeing.
I know if you use a search engine they'll tell you the sun has always been white, but search engines are notorious for saying what they want us to believe.
You get it overhead in a clear sky and it is white. The solar spectrum is the template of our own visual sensitivity. It defines what we see as white. There can be no white if the sun is not already white. What can happen is that aerosols (dust) can get in the sky and interfere with clear transmission of the entire visual spectrum. And there is Rayleigh scattering that produces the blue sky by making the sunlight slightly yellow---which is the cause of orange and red sunrises and sunsets.
I know a photographer who's had to alter the equipment he uses for outdoor shots, not indoor, just outdoor.
You can spout scientific jargon at me all you want, but I know what I see now versus what I used to see.
Just a possibility here. Have you, by chance, had a refractive lens exchange operation to correct a cataract? A cataracted lens will gradually grow yellow as it dims. The synthetic lens will restore the color value of sunlight back to its whiteness.
The Sun hasn't gotten any whiter. That would require the emission temperature to increase, which would result in an increase of sunlight intensity...which we haven't experienced. Ask your local weatherman. He may have an answer. Maybe formerly dust-producing farming operations have ceased because of business downturn and the air has fewer particles to dull the light.
Is there any chance there is white hat involvement spraying something like HCQ ? My main source of truth ( Charlie Freak ) mentioned that bad chem trails had stopped a while ago. Also that the good guys have already won this battle, it’s just the ending still playing out. My advice ( should u choose to accept it ) is to remember that God wins, and the evil cabal is on its way out. It is an amazing time to be alive to find out some truth, after being lied to about so much.
I've heard that too about healing chemtrails and believed that under Trump. And chemtrails had decreased to almost nothing during his term. They clearly have ramped up hugely in my area the last few months, but today was spectacular. And I don't have much confidence that Biden is spraying anything healing on us.
Aerosolized crack cocain
how did he back his claims? he didn't. the spray program is a global gordian knot. the evidence is that it is ramping up. don't soothe your anxiety with snake oil.
Faith and snake oil, two very different things. 🙏🏽
Someone please explain to me how spraying a bunch of crap in to the air is not supposed to affect the people that are supposed to be paying to have it done? That always has been the sticking point with me on the supposed chem trails theory.
I haven't, no. I kinda stopped watching movies and TV for the most part like 20 years ago.
When it is not crap but condensed water vapor...which is all that it is.
Breakaway civilization
secret space program
The fleshbag elites containing the Level 5 demons will eventually be sacrificed as useful idiots
The first three don't really address my question, but feel free to go in to detail on them since I'm not familiar with them.
Transhumanism might, if you've got sufficiently advanced technology.
Demons or hostile aliens would work.
That's the crucial question.
Covered all day in SW Missouri!
In STL they have been spraying all afternoon. Clouds moved in and air temp dropped.
“We didn’t get enough uptake with the vaccine, so we need to go with the plan where we blot out the sun”
Bill Gates
Michigan here and they’ve been spraying for days.
At dusk tonight you could see the trails being laid inside and on top of complete cloud cover.
Don’t recall ever seeing that done before.
Something’s definitely up.
Mother F#%*ers! 🤬
They've been in the air too here in Eastern Missouri today. We had a break yesterday. Every time I see them I get mad and call them bastards murderers and pray God takes them out. They are sick fucks.😡
Truck driver. They've been busy lately!
https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ for further info
Yuck! That’s a familiar sight ):
What are they spraying us with? I have a brother in-law that said aluminum. Does anyone know?
It's mostly nanoparticles of aluminum, but lab tests of the spray (collected behind aircraft doing it) have detected levels of barium and strontium as well.
The metal particles are mostly intended to react to microwave energy from the NEXRAD system.
What collection? Where is it documented? I am inclined to call this one out, because any such maneuvers would be prohibited by the FAA. This would not be the first "chemtrail" hoax I have seen.
Also realize that about 14 tons of meteoric dust falls to Earth every day. Can you tell the difference?
Here is the documentary, The Dimming: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-dimming-full-length-climate-engineering-documentary/
The lab collection was done by a specially-outfitted jet, flying behind the military jet doing the spraying. All described in detail in the documentary.
Sorry. I've seen some of Wiggington's stuff. Sheer paranoid fantasy. A video is not a document. I'd like to see what aircraft he supposedly followed (tail number) and whether he obtained permission from the Air Force to conduct such a maneuver. I'd like to see the flight profile, where the collection airplane was located with respect to the supposed chemtrail-producing airplane, at what altitude, temperature, relative humidity, and airspeed. I'd like to see the design of his collection equipment and what he did to validate its design and verify its performance. All his argument rests on "it could be" or "it might be." I have seen firmer basis for the existence of sasquatsch, than for "chemtrails." The mineral elements? Meteoric dust. It comes down by the tons every day. Or it might be erosion phenomena from within the engines. Or from the paint on the fuselage. If any of this was real and credible, he would write a book and be a sensation...but he hides out on the internet and produces breathless videos. An easy gig. No hard questions to answer.
You still don't seem to bat an eye at normal, day-in/day-out overcast. I know what it means to have the sun blocked out---but it doesn't add up to a damn thing. Where this happens we have the lushest forests and excellent farming.
Someone doing that behind a supposed military aircraft would be threatened with being shot down.
They weren't directly behind the aircraft...far enough to still be in the dense cloud and do their collections.
Even if it was 100 miles, they'd still go ape shit and threaten to shoot the plane down.
What can I say...they had the cameras running in the documentary, and they did it with measurable results.
Central Intelligence Agency Director John O. Brennan:
"Another example is the array of technologies—often referred to collectively as geoengineering—that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.
An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. The process is also relatively inexpensive—the National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly.
As promising as it may be, moving forward on SAI would raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community. On the technical side, greenhouse gas emission reductions would still have to accompany SAI to address other climate change effects, such as ocean acidification, because SAI alone would not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
On the geopolitical side, the technology’s potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions at the expense of others could trigger sharp opposition by some nations. Others might seize on SAI’s benefits and back away from their commitment to carbon dioxide reductions. And, as with other breakthrough technologies, global norms and standards are lacking to guide the deployment and implementation of SAI.
I could go on, and on, and on, but rather than talk about the things that I find fascinating, let me stop here"
CIA's original "charter" notwithstanding, what would the CIA have anything to do with geoengineering?
And talk is cheap, especially coming from John Brennan. Somebody's bullshitting remarks are not proof of anything. The people who propose these ideas generally have no conception of the massive quantities needed to create global effects. All these ideas eventually are round-filed.
You seem particularly vested in this thread without providing a shred of evidence backing up your opinions while calling this a “paranoid fantasy.”
https://files.catbox.moe/z8ql5u.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/59m1k7.jpeg
Keep pushing your globalist master’s narrative glowie. 😂😂
For anyone else who like to see California’s weather engineering playbook from the 1960s, here is a link to it:
I've been an aeronautical engineer for 40 years, working for a company that makes jet airliners, living under the approach corridor to an international airport. I have seen contrails since I was 5 years old. Contrails are a natural phenomenon dating from the 1940s, when aircraft could fly high enough for them to form. Established facts are not opinions, whereas "chemtrails" are a total paranoid fiction without any hard evidence. And at least one total hoax that I have viewed. Wiggington knows less than he lets on, by virtue of his self-inflated and ignorant pronouncements. It is no surprise to me that he conceals himself on the internet and does not publish any book that can be torn to shreds by informed critics.
I can vouch for your claim.
At my work, I saw the trails spread out from thin to thick as the hours went by, later that evening it started raining.
Source: me.
I've seen claims it's barium and aluminum, and a picture of the elements as depicted on the periodic table spelling out Ba Al or Baal.
Barium + Aluminum
Ba + Al
Great vide, here’s an alt link. Also see ‘Why in the world are they spraying’
Off the charts in Mid TN this morning. Saw half a dozen trails converging kind of like the pic. Saw a rainbow/chemical haze cloud, all at sunrise. Was like the Tholian Web. Flight tracker app said there weren't any planes up there.
We had a couple this morning in N. Wyoming. On a normal day we see about 3 planes a day. I seen 3 at once this AM.
Was same in east central Indiana in the A.M.
Same in Southern Indiana, huge X’s all over the area. Also saw the same early in the morning on my way into town.
Indiana, central. Same here. Early AM was horrific.
The number of blue-sky days we have in a year anymore could be counted on one hand.
Northern California near Tahoe got the worst I've seen in months, I have a panoramic view of the hills with tahoe mountains in the distance and I have seen it this bad for a long time
I'm close by. It's because we are finally expected to get some rain tomorrow. They diminish it.
Saw the same all day in East Tenn.
Overhead here it was so bad that it looked like a highway in the sky. Atleast 20 all grouped together headed the same direction. Lots of others that were not part of the highway in the sky. Probably over 40 in total. On a very nice day when tons of people were outside.
Yep. Same here. Always a few days before forecasted precipitation. TBH, this is my metric good wins. When project Indigo Skyfold is shutdown.
Me too - in CA (US).
Maybe they are anxious for The Storm !
South East Ohio same here, all day
This requires us to educate our neighbors who work to advance these activities...on the dangers. Some participants think they are just doing work for our govt. Those defense contractors, cia , pilots, who we may have influence over need to be addressed by us in person, church, and social media to stop taking part in this.
There is one in this very thread trying to assuage the guilt he is feeling over his compartmentalized part in the widespread torture and abuse of humanity.
Although judging by his username he felt some sort of twisted pride over the part he has played.
Same thing is happening in Colorado.
There hasn't been much in L.A. CA since the plandemic. People are still walking around wearing masks, so maybe the poisoners figure "we're good!"
I see them all the time. I work outdoors and am pretty aware of my surroundings. I’m about an hour south of LA, inland.
We recently moved from an area that got sprayed so much, we rarely had any blue sky days. It got so depressing to never see the sun. Now we live in sunny Florida and rarely see these anymore. My belief is they are trying to hide what’s above the clouds. Military aircraft? Satellites? Aliens? Lol… 😜
In my area the early morning sky is usually clear bright blue then by 9am the chemtrails start and the rest of the day is hazy. More than creating weather they just want to keep the sun out. They want to keep people in a solemn mood. They never spray chemtrails on Sundays.