Uh, remember the USAF pilots relieved from duty after drawing penis-shapes in the skies? WELL, THIS is the current situation in the skies over Crimea. There is much laughter on the ground, and the penises are, uh, no joke, big morale boosters for everyone on the ground... They're getting PROMOTED!

Ok, I'll say it: CUMTRAILS. Discuss.
Turning those friggin frogs back to being straight
Gah! That made me laugh.
You are gey.
absolute classic.
"Should I call you Mister?" I cannot stop laughing at this clip.
Kamala Harris was wiping her mouth in Ukrainian shortly after this happened.
Cum on C5 Don’t you know!? The exists bro!!! Do some RESEARCH!!!
Because the government is putting semen in jet fuel!
Probably makes for a fine organic lubricant… go green amma right!?
It's the #1 job requirement around here.
I think the Evergreen tanker did a better job, I'll give it 7/10.
Evergiven is better 8/10 (testicle swirly get an extra point)
It had far less manoeuvreability, deserves 10/10.
I fourth this ....😂
Maybe the swirly represents pubes?
These comments are how I know the majority on this board are MALES! LOL. You guys never grow up when it comes to your genitalia or bodily noises. ;-)
Well I’m a female patriot and I love and appreciate a good genitalia joke...but I’m also fairly immature, eternally a teenager even though I’m 55 😂
I'm 56. Been married for 37 years and our son is 34. Very used to it. LOL
I’m 58, I was an Air Force officer when the ratio was 13 to 1 men to women, plus I was an engineer on a launch pad where it was almost all men. My husband is an eternally immature (😉) ex-helicopter pilot who also hangs out here. Let’s see if he sees this 😁 If so, I’m kidding, sweetie! ❤️
I am still almost always the only female wherever I work. I worked with some very immature but whip smart millenials years ago. One of them would walk around saying “suck a dick” all of the time, and swear, and he knew it didn’t bother me and that he could trust me. I still point some friends here to GAW and they’ll say that they like it, except for some of the language. I laugh and explain the message board mentality.
Yep, I have two sons 31 and 28, been outnumbered for decades. 😂
Nice, I can’t imagine being married at 19 … I was a clueless fool at that point :)
We were both young, but not stupid. LOL God put us together. ❤️❤️❤️
I'm 48. I think my humor froze at age 16 or so.
Yes!! Great comment! 😂😂 I wonder what percentage of us here are female?
Female Patriots ROCK!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
👋 me too!
Female 😊👋
I am 👋🏻
We need a special flair for the ladies! Like a Higgs Boson
Ok. I'm dumb apparently. What is a Higgs Boson?
A very very special (and expensive) particle that was only recently proven to exist. 🤣👌
I am!
ME! I love this board. 54
Count me!!! Count me!!! I love this board and all the crude comments!!! Makes me giggle all day long!!! Love all my fellow Patriots here!!!
Did you just assume their gender??? REEEEEE
I'm a woman and I find it very funny, there are a lot of us here. Lol looks like at least in this thread we're in the same age group. I've been 29 for 27 years.
Oh man, that happened to me too!
I was thinking the same thing about the age range- age of wisdom?? 😁Something about our generation? I usually tell people if they ask my age at my birthday that it’s the x anniversary of my 29th birthday. I’ve been 29 for 23 years.
US Navy pilots*
Air Force isn’t creative enough, unless I missed an Air Force penis story.
Sailors are notorious for being fans of penises lmao
Torpedo for the ship-mate!
♪ In the Navy
You'll never leave your friends behind ♫
(apostrophe optional :)
Go out a thousand men come back 500 couples.
"It's not gay if you're underway/ It's not queer if you've left the pier"
I'm like yeah,...yeah it is, faggots.
They pushback as hard on accusations as they do their lovers lmao
I think there were multiple incidents
Me: 8========3
Shouldn't it be 8=====D?
This penisfagging movement is really cumming to a head, penisfags be like u/#toldyou
He's getting fancy with the tip, indicating the indent at the hole. Crafty!
More like:
It was Navy aircrew that drew the sky penis over the Okanagan valley in WA state. They "got in trouble" for optics, but nothing really happened to them discipline wise from what I heard. They had to go explain themselves to an admiral in San Diego. Fun fact: Their CO was an instructor of mine when I was going through the RAG. Last name Stickles, call sign Tess 😆😆😆😆.
🐸 👍
Impressive length kek
It is a strong signal that President Putin has already got a no fly zone and he doesn't need another one, thank you any way.
Dick flairs are the bomb
That's a beaut!
The dicks are getting sticky
Message to the DS
has the war coverage really cum to this???.................... i'll see myself out... thank you and good night!
Sort of optimistic on their part. 😐
We all know that Russian and Ukranian penises are mid point between Asian and European in size. In reality, they should have drawn 3 conjoined circles in the sky. It would be more accurate.
In all fairness, it is relatively cold in Russia.
Based on my research I must question.....
You guys be crazy!🤣
now thats funny
Definitely a no fly zone