Did the same thing only over the phone talking to the nurse at an ENT's office, I called to ask if they still expect patients to wear a mask. She said yes, and I told her I won't wear one, they don't work as you and the doctor should know, and that it would be nice if doctors actually stood up For their patients rights. So I cancelled my appointment.
Yes, thank you. And you know what? Suddenly they are working for me again. For a few days I tried to use my favorite, and it wouldn't work. And when other people were posting, I couldn't see them so thought they weren't working. Maybe it was just me or my computer, I don't know. But they are working again for me now.
Thank you very much for the list. That was kind of you.
Gymnema Sylvestre is nature's Metformin. In Ayurvedic medicine:
"Gymnema sylvestre is a medicinal plant that is indigenous to India, where it grows wild. The Hindi name is gurmar, “destroyer of sugar". Please share, this is going to save someone's life.
It's pretty amazing. Read up on it.....Watch out for the naysayer though. We bought three pairs I put them on and practice with it. And its amazing how it focuses the eyes.
Except that's not the purpose of these glasses. So yes, you shouldn't drive a vehicle wearing these. They're strictly for exercising your eyes and forces the eyes to focus without peripheral obfuscation. It works.
I had to drive from Chicago all the way to Iowa to find an optometrist that would see me without a mask. I was actually in Texas and called a bunch down in the DFW area last summer and they all said the same thing "We're a medical facility, of course we require masks!"
My spouse and I were just talking about this a few minutes ago! My doctor’s office sent out a little newsletter saying masks DO work, but they are now making them optional. Here in Oregon, there are still way too many stupid people wearing masks even in their cars alone. I have lost respect for so many during this time—none for my doctors, none for schools that are firing teachers who didn’t get the jab and teaching abnormal garbage to our kids and forcing masks on kids (all of this is child abuse), and none for the average Joe on the street walking around with a stupid mask over his face. It’s all insanity,
I just got back from the YMCA and saw some idiot on an aerobic machine wearing a mask. It's actually worse than smoking a cigarette on a treadmill. It's such an absurdity I just shake my head in disgust.
Just as an FYI: My sister in law works at an optometrist office and the only reason they still require masks is because the American Optometric Association and the state Optometric Association abide by the CDC guidelines. The state association just had a vote on it and it masks remained mandated simply citing that they are still abiding by CDC guidelines. So until that changes, the medical associations will continue to just follow them.
I know the staff said it was the because the doctor is close to your face but in reality it is because the mandate stems above. The doctor in her office in particular is quite anti mask but is required to wear one and force patients to wear one or lose their license.
Told CVS minute clinic to go fuck themselves. Had an infection under my thumb nail. Went to see if they could atleast give me antibiotics. Was told I have to wear a mask while I'm standing in the store talking to the same person who's gonna be in the same room with me. Told her I'll just go home and slice it open with a fuckin razor blade and walked out. Store was silent.
I went home and called my veterinarian. He was more than happy to look at it and hook me up.
I've known my vet for 30 something years.i was one of his first customers when he opened up. I've worked on his and his families cars and shit for years. I knew he would do it.but felt weird about asking. Figured it shouldn't be that difficult to see a regular doctor, riiiiiiiiiiight.
I grew up in small town. Family was good friends, and neighbor with the only pharmacist in town. If one of us needed something and could not get to doctor, he would provide it, and I'm talking about the good stuff like percocet if needed pain pill.
Tried to make an appointment at a local Dr office. Would not see me because I wasnt vaccinated. Told them that tells me all I need to know and to cancel my appointment. Would never trust that Dr anyways.
I tell anyone that asks if I'm vaccinated or not that "it's rude to ask people that" or "Excuse me?! You are NOT supposed to be asking people that" like it's someone asking a woman how much they weigh.
As I understand it, the Health Insurance Portability and Accuntability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) protects the disclosure of your health information to anyone without a legal permission to know. So "you are NOT supposed to be asking people" is the right complaint.
Unfortunately though that reaction pretty much answers their question too because the only ones with sense enough to say such a thing are those of us that distrust the shots. Those that do trust them would gladly answer their question without hesitation.
Excellent, question your doctor's credentials if he's still demanding masks IN SPITE OF the fact that they are useless. It's magical thinking to believe that masks protect you.
Dropped my barber for it. This bitch is a friend of the family and literally vacations/parties with our most wealthy members of the family, but since her old ass dad wants to sit on her couch while she works I gotta wear a mask? Nah I'll just look like a hippie instead.
Just go somewhere else and if she asks about it, (which she won’t), just shrug and say you aren’t comfortable wearing a mask for that long and you found a place that respects you.
A while back, my doctor was only doing Telehealth like appoints for anyone that had sore throat, a cough. They told me I had to install WhatsApp to do it.
I read the entire WhatsApp privacy policy where it disclosed the app would have full access to all my contacts, and I refused to install it. Fuckum. It's just like websites that won't load because I have blockers enables. Fuckum too.
In defense of WhatsApp, it is a very inexpensive way to make long-distance or international calls. I have family members in the UK and Africa, so it can be an attraction. Every traveler has his baggage...
That is one cheap ass doctor you have/had. The telehealth thing I used was basically a web portal that did it all. No zoom/whatsapp/facetime. Just a link and a code and a digital waiting room.
It's getting pretty sad at this point that they still keep pushing it. It's like the party is over, the lights are off and the janitor is telling them to get the hell out already so he can close up and go home, but here they are, still trying to "party".
Here is the most factual statement as someone who has family members in the medical field (nurses and doctors) and I work for a medical device company that has thousands of surgeons as customers. Doctors are literally taught to memorize. Many are incapable of critical thinking unless it’s directly in their field, and even then it’s difficult for them. They are educated in such a way that it’s nearly impossible for them to think outside the box and they simply accept what other, more “intelligent” people like scientists, Big Pharma, CDC, CEO’s, etc tell them. Effectively people who come from more authority or power than them.
The doctor’s “God” complex is really the heart of the issue. They literally think they are the smartest people alive and would never fall victim to “conspiracy” theories because they are just so damn “smart”. Yet, they can’t rational simple logic if it conflicts with their medical education because they’ve spent so much money getting an education, too long being brainwashed that they wouldn’t dare question it.
Most doctors aren’t directly to blame about COVID, they are just more conditioned to believe it’s true and frankly too stupid to admit it.
Lastly, many are fucking morons about markets & investments. They react & listen to Jimmy Cranmer for their financial advice.
I read a post from an old friend on FB acknowledging to her “friends” that she was fine if people she knows are still “terrified” and want to continue to wear masks. And today I saw a 50-60ish guy walking his dog down the street, mask plastered across his face. Why don’t people realize how bad this is for our immune systems? After two years they still play the sheep game. I don’t think some will ever stop. But I had a thought: remember the mask-nazis who yelled and cursed and shamed anybody not wearing one? I bet we won’t see anti-maskers now yelling, cursing and shaming those who still choose to wear them. Will anybody notice and wonder how all that was justified? I doubt it.
Prior to the "Covid scare", there was this guy who would walk around the block for exercise, I assume because his belly is quite big and I'm guessing he's trying to walk it off or something. Anyways, he looked like a low-T guy because of his sloped back and he looked "fragile" as if someone tried to knock him over, he'd be on the ground fast.
Fast forward to now, I see him walking around the block still and he's wearing a mask... He's literally by himself and no one else is around him, ever and he's wearing a mask?! Yeah guess my observation of him is on target -- a low-T cuck.
Lmao. Love it. I’m one of the few that held out in the face of being fired and my company could never make firing me justifiable. I often get interview requests on LinkedIn. I almost always schedule an interview solely to ask about their vaccine policy. Just to remind them, we will not comply.
I have to see my doctor tomorrow for my yearly checkup. I have to because I need my Rx's to be refilled. So far they haven't told me or reminded me in any way that I need to wear a mask so I'm hoping the 2nd time around, I will not be required to wear a mask (the first time, I showed them that I'm exempted due to my deafness and they honored it).
I have this feeling this time around, they won't honor it because "things has changed" but I'm prepared to go in with some info like "Didn't you hear the CDC said surgical and cloth masks didn't work this whole time? The only 'viable' mask to wear is the N95 ones, but honestly, the P100 will do a better job than the N95" and they probably will make me wear a N95 mask.
I will probably tell them that per the CDC, deaf people can wear a mask with a transparent guard on the mask itself so people can see my lips and vice versa. They probably will say that's fine and to get one, but I will tell them it's not my responsibility to get it, they are since they're the one who's requiring me to wear one.
I'm hoping at that point, they will say forget it and just go in.
I'm somewhat nervous because I really hate confrontations but I know I need to do this because 90% of the people in this town isn't wearing a mask so why bother wearing one at this point if we're already exposed to everything prior to coming in to see the doctor?
Thanks, I'm collecting what I can find on here to see if I can use them against the doctor's office, if they actually makes me wear one this time around...
Yeah we drive hours into the country now for pediatric appointments and the dentist. We called around until we found a place that wouldn't force a mask. Worth it.
Had tickets to a Symphony concert this past Saturday. Had been looking forward to it for months. It's been 2 years since we've been to a concert. Despite ALL "mandates" having been lifted, mind you, in this SHITHOLE blue state, the venue and Symphony still enforcing stricter policies than those of the TSA/FAA etc. Can go to a basketball game 2 miles down the road, no vax, no negative tests, no masks, but not to the damn symphony.
They sent my an email reminder about their policies. I responded that they are breaking state and federal law by enforcing discriminatory policies and denying equal access to goods and services. They responded with "we're sorry but but but bla bla bla SaFeTy FOr oLd PeoPLe! You can get a refund." I told them they could fuck themselves and will be seeking legal remedy...
Of course, again this is a shithole blue state, so there's no chance we'd get any legal authority to do anything.... so I'll be getting refunds for the 3 concerts we've now missed and the 2 left already paid for. Unlikely to renew our subscription, after doing it for 3 years until these idiots went full retard.
We stayed home and watched a movie. I can listen to my John Williams scores on Youtube anyway. Their loss. No money for you faggots.
Response: Good on you. I love seeing people stand their ground on liberty.
Did the same thing only over the phone talking to the nurse at an ENT's office, I called to ask if they still expect patients to wear a mask. She said yes, and I told her I won't wear one, they don't work as you and the doctor should know, and that it would be nice if doctors actually stood up For their patients rights. So I cancelled my appointment.
Well there's your issue. Optometrists are barely doctors. Especially those that work in a Target.
Not an MD ergo I’ll never fucking call them “Dr.”
Improve your own eyesight with pinhole glasses. They work.
Keto fixed your vision? Diabetes is known to fuck with your vision. Have you tested for it?
Excuse me, fren. Are you THE Bill Curtis?
Musician or software guru, either way seems to be better than the bad Bill.
Were you the one looking for the GIFS?
(If not, just ignore this,).
Yes, thank you. And you know what? Suddenly they are working for me again. For a few days I tried to use my favorite, and it wouldn't work. And when other people were posting, I couldn't see them so thought they weren't working. Maybe it was just me or my computer, I don't know. But they are working again for me now. Thank you very much for the list. That was kind of you.
True, there are many causes, but diabetes is a big one. I just wanted to mention it just in case you didn't know.
Gymnema Sylvestre is nature's Metformin. In Ayurvedic medicine:
"Gymnema sylvestre is a medicinal plant that is indigenous to India, where it grows wild. The Hindi name is gurmar, “destroyer of sugar". Please share, this is going to save someone's life.
You’ll have to figure something out now that you can’t get those glasses from targay
It's pretty amazing. Read up on it.....Watch out for the naysayer though. We bought three pairs I put them on and practice with it. And its amazing how it focuses the eyes.
And have zero peripheral vision....
Except that's not the purpose of these glasses. So yes, you shouldn't drive a vehicle wearing these. They're strictly for exercising your eyes and forces the eyes to focus without peripheral obfuscation. It works.
I had to drive from Chicago all the way to Iowa to find an optometrist that would see me without a mask. I was actually in Texas and called a bunch down in the DFW area last summer and they all said the same thing "We're a medical facility, of course we require masks!"
My spouse and I were just talking about this a few minutes ago! My doctor’s office sent out a little newsletter saying masks DO work, but they are now making them optional. Here in Oregon, there are still way too many stupid people wearing masks even in their cars alone. I have lost respect for so many during this time—none for my doctors, none for schools that are firing teachers who didn’t get the jab and teaching abnormal garbage to our kids and forcing masks on kids (all of this is child abuse), and none for the average Joe on the street walking around with a stupid mask over his face. It’s all insanity,
I just got back from the YMCA and saw some idiot on an aerobic machine wearing a mask. It's actually worse than smoking a cigarette on a treadmill. It's such an absurdity I just shake my head in disgust.
Chicago to Iowa is like 3 hours
Yup. Join me on c/NoNewNormal lol. We go to great lengths to maintain normalcy even if it involves travel.
Driving three hours isn't maintaining normalcy
Mic drop
Love the logo.
Just as an FYI: My sister in law works at an optometrist office and the only reason they still require masks is because the American Optometric Association and the state Optometric Association abide by the CDC guidelines. The state association just had a vote on it and it masks remained mandated simply citing that they are still abiding by CDC guidelines. So until that changes, the medical associations will continue to just follow them.
I know the staff said it was the because the doctor is close to your face but in reality it is because the mandate stems above. The doctor in her office in particular is quite anti mask but is required to wear one and force patients to wear one or lose their license.
This is a good example of a model citizen. Nice reflexes. 😎
Told CVS minute clinic to go fuck themselves. Had an infection under my thumb nail. Went to see if they could atleast give me antibiotics. Was told I have to wear a mask while I'm standing in the store talking to the same person who's gonna be in the same room with me. Told her I'll just go home and slice it open with a fuckin razor blade and walked out. Store was silent.
I went home and called my veterinarian. He was more than happy to look at it and hook me up.
I've known my vet for 30 something years.i was one of his first customers when he opened up. I've worked on his and his families cars and shit for years. I knew he would do it.but felt weird about asking. Figured it shouldn't be that difficult to see a regular doctor, riiiiiiiiiiight.
I grew up in small town. Family was good friends, and neighbor with the only pharmacist in town. If one of us needed something and could not get to doctor, he would provide it, and I'm talking about the good stuff like percocet if needed pain pill.
The good ole days, when crap was less complicated...
iodine for washing it
BNP ointment to apply to wound after
nutritionally, you could take lactoferrin and zinc to help your immune system
You can order antibiotics online
Tried to make an appointment at a local Dr office. Would not see me because I wasnt vaccinated. Told them that tells me all I need to know and to cancel my appointment. Would never trust that Dr anyways.
I tell anyone that asks if I'm vaccinated or not that "it's rude to ask people that" or "Excuse me?! You are NOT supposed to be asking people that" like it's someone asking a woman how much they weigh.
As I understand it, the Health Insurance Portability and Accuntability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) protects the disclosure of your health information to anyone without a legal permission to know. So "you are NOT supposed to be asking people" is the right complaint.
Unfortunately though that reaction pretty much answers their question too because the only ones with sense enough to say such a thing are those of us that distrust the shots. Those that do trust them would gladly answer their question without hesitation.
Have you had a Vasectomy / Hysterectomy? Have you recovered from Syphilis?
I just walk in like this and no one says shit to me, even though they're all wearing masks u/#vincewalk
I've had the same experience. I'm also 6'4".
6'3-1/2, retired mil and a resting "fuck you" face (as my wife calls it)....so prolly has something to do with it too🤣
Same here. I'm 5'7". Gets them every time.
Excellent, question your doctor's credentials if he's still demanding masks IN SPITE OF the fact that they are useless. It's magical thinking to believe that masks protect you.
We dropped our dentist for this crap. You’re about to dig in my mouth AND you’ve worn a mask for years anyway. Wtf man.
Dropped my barber for it. This bitch is a friend of the family and literally vacations/parties with our most wealthy members of the family, but since her old ass dad wants to sit on her couch while she works I gotta wear a mask? Nah I'll just look like a hippie instead.
Just go somewhere else and if she asks about it, (which she won’t), just shrug and say you aren’t comfortable wearing a mask for that long and you found a place that respects you.
I'll wear a mask if you wear this see through lingerie!
A while back, my doctor was only doing Telehealth like appoints for anyone that had sore throat, a cough. They told me I had to install WhatsApp to do it.
I read the entire WhatsApp privacy policy where it disclosed the app would have full access to all my contacts, and I refused to install it. Fuckum. It's just like websites that won't load because I have blockers enables. Fuckum too.
In defense of WhatsApp, it is a very inexpensive way to make long-distance or international calls. I have family members in the UK and Africa, so it can be an attraction. Every traveler has his baggage...
That is one cheap ass doctor you have/had. The telehealth thing I used was basically a web portal that did it all. No zoom/whatsapp/facetime. Just a link and a code and a digital waiting room.
It's getting pretty sad at this point that they still keep pushing it. It's like the party is over, the lights are off and the janitor is telling them to get the hell out already so he can close up and go home, but here they are, still trying to "party".
Shame and ridicule is the way.
Want to know who else is a couple of inches from face during doctor appointments?
A dentist. It's he or she wearing the mask, NOT the patient.
How's the doctor supposed to work on the teeth if the patient is wearing a mask.
It’s like a restaurant—you wear it in, then take it off when you get in the chair. 🙄🤡
And the virus is like, “yeah no, they are safe, not infecting them.”
Ding! You win a Dewey pin.
Here is the most factual statement as someone who has family members in the medical field (nurses and doctors) and I work for a medical device company that has thousands of surgeons as customers. Doctors are literally taught to memorize. Many are incapable of critical thinking unless it’s directly in their field, and even then it’s difficult for them. They are educated in such a way that it’s nearly impossible for them to think outside the box and they simply accept what other, more “intelligent” people like scientists, Big Pharma, CDC, CEO’s, etc tell them. Effectively people who come from more authority or power than them.
The doctor’s “God” complex is really the heart of the issue. They literally think they are the smartest people alive and would never fall victim to “conspiracy” theories because they are just so damn “smart”. Yet, they can’t rational simple logic if it conflicts with their medical education because they’ve spent so much money getting an education, too long being brainwashed that they wouldn’t dare question it.
Most doctors aren’t directly to blame about COVID, they are just more conditioned to believe it’s true and frankly too stupid to admit it.
Lastly, many are fucking morons about markets & investments. They react & listen to Jimmy Cranmer for their financial advice.
I salute you!
It's non-negotiable. Help them lose as much money as they see fit.
Tell them that if they are unsure whether of not they have a virus that could be transmitted to their patients, they should not be seeing patients.
I read a post from an old friend on FB acknowledging to her “friends” that she was fine if people she knows are still “terrified” and want to continue to wear masks. And today I saw a 50-60ish guy walking his dog down the street, mask plastered across his face. Why don’t people realize how bad this is for our immune systems? After two years they still play the sheep game. I don’t think some will ever stop. But I had a thought: remember the mask-nazis who yelled and cursed and shamed anybody not wearing one? I bet we won’t see anti-maskers now yelling, cursing and shaming those who still choose to wear them. Will anybody notice and wonder how all that was justified? I doubt it.
Prior to the "Covid scare", there was this guy who would walk around the block for exercise, I assume because his belly is quite big and I'm guessing he's trying to walk it off or something. Anyways, he looked like a low-T guy because of his sloped back and he looked "fragile" as if someone tried to knock him over, he'd be on the ground fast.
Fast forward to now, I see him walking around the block still and he's wearing a mask... He's literally by himself and no one else is around him, ever and he's wearing a mask?! Yeah guess my observation of him is on target -- a low-T cuck.
Fuck yeah.
Side note: your battery is at 33%
Of all numbers too. Lol.
Never fails lol
I like how it went from the standard automated texting to someone hopping on to try to explain lol.
2 years ago it didn’t matter. So if he wants to wear a mask let him, but don’t force your patients to do so.
Lmao. Love it. I’m one of the few that held out in the face of being fired and my company could never make firing me justifiable. I often get interview requests on LinkedIn. I almost always schedule an interview solely to ask about their vaccine policy. Just to remind them, we will not comply.
Great response. I have used:
"I really appreciate that you are letting me know that my former provider failed Virology 101."
The receprionist/scheduler still didn't understand & asked if I was going to make the appointment still or reschedule.
I wish I would have made a screen shot.
I have to see my doctor tomorrow for my yearly checkup. I have to because I need my Rx's to be refilled. So far they haven't told me or reminded me in any way that I need to wear a mask so I'm hoping the 2nd time around, I will not be required to wear a mask (the first time, I showed them that I'm exempted due to my deafness and they honored it).
I have this feeling this time around, they won't honor it because "things has changed" but I'm prepared to go in with some info like "Didn't you hear the CDC said surgical and cloth masks didn't work this whole time? The only 'viable' mask to wear is the N95 ones, but honestly, the P100 will do a better job than the N95" and they probably will make me wear a N95 mask.
I will probably tell them that per the CDC, deaf people can wear a mask with a transparent guard on the mask itself so people can see my lips and vice versa. They probably will say that's fine and to get one, but I will tell them it's not my responsibility to get it, they are since they're the one who's requiring me to wear one.
I'm hoping at that point, they will say forget it and just go in.
I'm somewhat nervous because I really hate confrontations but I know I need to do this because 90% of the people in this town isn't wearing a mask so why bother wearing one at this point if we're already exposed to everything prior to coming in to see the doctor?
good luck!
Thanks, I'm collecting what I can find on here to see if I can use them against the doctor's office, if they actually makes me wear one this time around...
Lmao......good for you!
All a racket, round and round. Follow the money.
YES!!! ABSOLUTELY THIS👍👍👍👍 GREAT JOB PATRIOT!!! This only ends when WE say it ends....and its way past time!!! THANKS FOR STANDING FOR LIBERTY!!
Yeah we drive hours into the country now for pediatric appointments and the dentist. We called around until we found a place that wouldn't force a mask. Worth it.
There's the office number... It's an optometrist's office and thus NOT a doctor.
Sign them up for telemarketing.
Had tickets to a Symphony concert this past Saturday. Had been looking forward to it for months. It's been 2 years since we've been to a concert. Despite ALL "mandates" having been lifted, mind you, in this SHITHOLE blue state, the venue and Symphony still enforcing stricter policies than those of the TSA/FAA etc. Can go to a basketball game 2 miles down the road, no vax, no negative tests, no masks, but not to the damn symphony.
They sent my an email reminder about their policies. I responded that they are breaking state and federal law by enforcing discriminatory policies and denying equal access to goods and services. They responded with "we're sorry but but but bla bla bla SaFeTy FOr oLd PeoPLe! You can get a refund." I told them they could fuck themselves and will be seeking legal remedy...
Of course, again this is a shithole blue state, so there's no chance we'd get any legal authority to do anything.... so I'll be getting refunds for the 3 concerts we've now missed and the 2 left already paid for. Unlikely to renew our subscription, after doing it for 3 years until these idiots went full retard.
We stayed home and watched a movie. I can listen to my John Williams scores on Youtube anyway. Their loss. No money for you faggots.
Compliance - https://youtu.be/QP3zRBtgvJo
I was denied my dr appointment because I wouldn't wear the mask (made in China of course) she handed me.
Then I get a $50 bill for a "No Show" minus the copay I paid in cash. Noodle that logic.
They really are corrupt
Not to mention how many patients do they see? Either quit or stfu.