I kind of hope she goes though, if nothing else than just to stick it to China. People around here have been trying to say that China is one of the good guys, but they simple aren't. President Trump knew that and he routinely pissed them off. Some think they're good for supporting Russia, but their support is half-assed at best. They're only looking out for themselves.
Oh, and they're literal communists in case you forgot.
There definitely is and I'm glad you pointed it out.
Visiting Taiwan would be a blow more to the CCP than to China. I don't think the average Chinese person cares if anyone recognizes Taiwan, but the CCP sure does. Not all Chinese are part of the CCP, but many, many are. The dividing line between the two is not clear or clean.
She has no purpose in Taiwan. She needs to take care of the slum she represents and her minions in the house. We don't need her help screwing around in other countries and pray to God she never makes it to Dimentia Joe's desk.
Nothing. There have been Presidents who served as VP for two terms and then President for 2. Its never happened in reverse but the 22nd Amendment doesnt prohibit it. Obama could serve out the remaining 2 years of this Presidential cycle if Kamala became President and named Obama VP after January 2023.
OK, first time i heard this potential scenario. It makes some sense to me that they might try this strategy. I think Obama and a team of advisors have been handling puppet Biden, but the optics recently look like they want to oust Biden because they don't have enough control over the dementia aspect and too many voters/US pols/world leaders are getting teed off. Kamala doesn't really want the job of POTUS because she knows she doesn't have a clue what to do besides cackle. If Obama were RIGHT THERE near her as an advisor in VP slot, this might give her the confidence to pose as president.
History - Spiro Agnew resigned for corruption charges, Ford was picked by Nixon became VP under Nixon, Nixon had Watergate, resigned Ford became President then picked Rockefeller VP who was a Drat ... sick bastards all ... Ford was also on the Warren commission. https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/ford-nixon-letter
If they removed Biden or he died, Kamala could make Obama VP. And if she was removed the 22nd Amendment only says he cant have more than two terms and max is 10 years. So If Kamala were removed in say January 2023 Obama would then be President.
Although it would be stretching the purpose of the amendment I believe that this could happen, obummer would then be limited to 2 years and could not run for President. That is an ugly vision of what could happen. I bidet admin can screw things up this bad in just over a year just imagine the damage that could be done in 2.
Nobody wants Pelosi as drunken POTUS, not even Pelosi. She enjoys the power she has now, anyway. She would eat vodka laced ice cream and ask Obama what to do if she ascended the throne. So they have to have some kind of work around if they want to oust Biden now, as they seem to want to do.
12th Amendment: "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."
Anyone who is barred from serving as POTUS due to the 22nd Amendment, therefore is ineligible for VP under the 12th Amendment.
This is simple constitutional law. Whoever down voted me for pointing this out, must have run out of crayons to eat and is hangry...
You just brought something important up. What would be her purpose going there? Well what are her or her husband’s stock investments or where is his overseas investments? Maybe it’s where Pelosi or her peeps launder her money? San Francisco is connected to China deeply. Remember at the onset of Covid, she invited everyone to come to Chinatown to eat and shop. What are her connections there, over to Taiwan Anons?
Counter-Chinese pizza crane, 1964 they began research on how to adequately transfer heavy materials to build a brand new pizza system in Taiwan. They succeed... and now Taiwan is a no-go zone for any Chinese Communist Party members. Open season for western Pizza lovers though
I wonder if her testing "positive" is comms in relation to this..? Have those that tested positive recently had any other recent news about them prior to testing positive..?
For instance, China threatened the US about Piglosi visiting Taiwan, then it tests positive.. Is that like the DS saying "we're not going"..? Idk.. Just throwing thoughts out there. They're definitely either comms, or trying to open the eyes of the normies by using canned responses on every positive test announcement..
Lots of different exotic kinds of alcohol. She's gotta get her blood alcohol level back up to 0.5 or higher or she might go into a coma, and she can't use vodka right now because it looks bad.
This one isn't a mystery, they have most of the world's top-end electronic chip fabrication plants, needed from PC's, Phones, Laptops, Servers, Gaming consoles all the way to automobile and aviation electronics.
My guess is the tech industry. Taiwan didn't have a cultural revolution and maintains a fairly (as in bizarrely far more) moral culture than most places. I.E. you can leave your iPhone on a bus and someone will return it to you, people don't graffiti, it's a polite and safe society. It's highly unlikely culturally due to the standing in the UN, lack of diplomatic ties, and Confucian values that you'd see them doing some of the shady government stuff that X-22 is saying. Although it is very surprising she of all people is coming, I would wager her ties to the tech industry through insider trading are far more likely to be the culprit if there is nefarious purpose.
Thought she just tested positive for the rona.
Yes and will be the excuse for not going
I kind of hope she goes though, if nothing else than just to stick it to China. People around here have been trying to say that China is one of the good guys, but they simple aren't. President Trump knew that and he routinely pissed them off. Some think they're good for supporting Russia, but their support is half-assed at best. They're only looking out for themselves.
Oh, and they're literal communists in case you forgot.
There’s a difference between China, and the CCP.
Qoobs haven't figured this out yet..
Q already told us, China and Russia are HELPING us defeat the ds.
There definitely is and I'm glad you pointed it out.
Visiting Taiwan would be a blow more to the CCP than to China. I don't think the average Chinese person cares if anyone recognizes Taiwan, but the CCP sure does. Not all Chinese are part of the CCP, but many, many are. The dividing line between the two is not clear or clean.
CCP= dnc= rino
And Piglosi is a good guy? What a dumb comment
Not at all, but tension and disunity among our adversaries is to our benefit.
Maybe 9 biolabs where bioweapons targeting the Chinese have been developed.
9 biolabs you say?
The Fox bit 9 people..... hmmmm
She has no purpose in Taiwan. She needs to take care of the slum she represents and her minions in the house. We don't need her help screwing around in other countries and pray to God she never makes it to Dimentia Joe's desk.
If Kamala had to give up VP slot ...could obuma get it? And then when Joe Biden impeached or dies could he be one president?
Nothing. There have been Presidents who served as VP for two terms and then President for 2. Its never happened in reverse but the 22nd Amendment doesnt prohibit it. Obama could serve out the remaining 2 years of this Presidential cycle if Kamala became President and named Obama VP after January 2023.
OK, first time i heard this potential scenario. It makes some sense to me that they might try this strategy. I think Obama and a team of advisors have been handling puppet Biden, but the optics recently look like they want to oust Biden because they don't have enough control over the dementia aspect and too many voters/US pols/world leaders are getting teed off. Kamala doesn't really want the job of POTUS because she knows she doesn't have a clue what to do besides cackle. If Obama were RIGHT THERE near her as an advisor in VP slot, this might give her the confidence to pose as president.
History - Spiro Agnew resigned for corruption charges, Ford was picked by Nixon became VP under Nixon, Nixon had Watergate, resigned Ford became President then picked Rockefeller VP who was a Drat ... sick bastards all ... Ford was also on the Warren commission. https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/ford-nixon-letter
Ofuckinbama already has it.
The order is vp kamala, speaker pelosi. Obama can never be president again.
Not true.
If they removed Biden or he died, Kamala could make Obama VP. And if she was removed the 22nd Amendment only says he cant have more than two terms and max is 10 years. So If Kamala were removed in say January 2023 Obama would then be President.
Although it would be stretching the purpose of the amendment I believe that this could happen, obummer would then be limited to 2 years and could not run for President. That is an ugly vision of what could happen. I bidet admin can screw things up this bad in just over a year just imagine the damage that could be done in 2.
Nobody wants Pelosi as drunken POTUS, not even Pelosi. She enjoys the power she has now, anyway. She would eat vodka laced ice cream and ask Obama what to do if she ascended the throne. So they have to have some kind of work around if they want to oust Biden now, as they seem to want to do.
A former president who already served the maximum presidential term would be ineligible to be VP because they'd be ineligible to be POTUS.
The 22nd Amendment is silent on this but you may be right. But what if it happened in the last two years?
12th Amendment: "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."
Anyone who is barred from serving as POTUS due to the 22nd Amendment, therefore is ineligible for VP under the 12th Amendment.
This is simple constitutional law. Whoever down voted me for pointing this out, must have run out of crayons to eat and is hangry...
Nope, impeach Biden and Harris on day one .new speaker of the house will take charge..hint, it will be a republican.
You just brought something important up. What would be her purpose going there? Well what are her or her husband’s stock investments or where is his overseas investments? Maybe it’s where Pelosi or her peeps launder her money? San Francisco is connected to China deeply. Remember at the onset of Covid, she invited everyone to come to Chinatown to eat and shop. What are her connections there, over to Taiwan Anons?
Same shit that it's Ukraine. Pizza and adrenochrome.
Counter-Chinese pizza crane, 1964 they began research on how to adequately transfer heavy materials to build a brand new pizza system in Taiwan. They succeed... and now Taiwan is a no-go zone for any Chinese Communist Party members. Open season for western Pizza lovers though
They don't even pretend they HAVE a lane anymore, let alone try to stay in it. "Nancy, you are a LEGISLATOR (supposedly). EES NOT YOOR YOB!"
Why would the guy at my Chinese take away be calling Pelosi....?
How convenient she just tested positive for COVID.
Weird how the Dems are getting covid now. Only republicans were previous years.
I heard that there are underground tunnels under the whole country and it is the hub for the trafficking of children from Japan and Asia.
where did you hear that?
I read and watch truther stuff half the day. I can't remember who said what. Sorry! I'm not an autist and I have an old brain ;)
That’s ukraines catacombs
Bitch needs to be behind bars, not traveling the globe as a representative of the USA. I stand with China on this issue.
Taiwan probably is another piggy bank for the elites.
I wonder if her testing "positive" is comms in relation to this..? Have those that tested positive recently had any other recent news about them prior to testing positive..?
For instance, China threatened the US about Piglosi visiting Taiwan, then it tests positive.. Is that like the DS saying "we're not going"..? Idk.. Just throwing thoughts out there. They're definitely either comms, or trying to open the eyes of the normies by using canned responses on every positive test announcement..
Interesting theory
X22 is an idiot.
If the "Vice President" of another country we are having issues with, visited Florida... wouldn't that be a sleight to DC?
That is how Beijing would see a visit by OUR VP, to a place that China does not recognize as a separate entity.
What does this poster’s theory have to do with X22?
So.....more bioweapons labs? Is that what we're doing with? What are the theories?
We have midterms coming up. And they need something else released for vote by mail fraud
Xi still isn't taking the potato's phone calls is he not?
As I recall, Xi has been ghosting Biden and refusing his phone calls for months, much like the Saudis.
Becuz patriots in control.
Lots of different exotic kinds of alcohol. She's gotta get her blood alcohol level back up to 0.5 or higher or she might go into a coma, and she can't use vodka right now because it looks bad.
Moar biolabs, one would presume.
This is extremely interesting! Why wouldn't they want her coming to Taiwan???
Because China is going to make their move on Taiwan. If she's there the CCP will be blamed for her convenient demise.
X22 is an idiot.
If the "Vice President" of another country we are having issues with, visited Florida... wouldn't that be a sleight to DC?
That is how Beijing would see a visit by OUR VP, to a place that China does not recognize as a separate entity.
This one isn't a mystery, they have most of the world's top-end electronic chip fabrication plants, needed from PC's, Phones, Laptops, Servers, Gaming consoles all the way to automobile and aviation electronics.
Any biolabs?
That's the mystery part. I don't know. I just want the chips they produce.
I want chips to be produced here in the U.S.A.
If I had to guess: Offshore bank accts, More Biolabs, Maybe even a human trafficking org stationed somewhere over there as well
100% this.
X22 is so far off the mark, as usual.
Let’s hear your analysis instead of dissing Dave.
Biolabs everywhere.
Yes they are, and I keep building them in the Bay Area. Good money, but nothing above level 2, or secret.
This US citizen authorizes China to prevent that plane from landing by any means necessary.
But...but....but...she HAS ...COVID!!! LOL
Something evil, if Nancy is involved, fer sure.
Bio labs in Taiwan? Rich in minerals? Was Pelosi going to try to set this up as the next money laundering country?
“Try to set this up”? My money is it’s already there.
My guess is the tech industry. Taiwan didn't have a cultural revolution and maintains a fairly (as in bizarrely far more) moral culture than most places. I.E. you can leave your iPhone on a bus and someone will return it to you, people don't graffiti, it's a polite and safe society. It's highly unlikely culturally due to the standing in the UN, lack of diplomatic ties, and Confucian values that you'd see them doing some of the shady government stuff that X-22 is saying. Although it is very surprising she of all people is coming, I would wager her ties to the tech industry through insider trading are far more likely to be the culprit if there is nefarious purpose.
You're saying you want $ to keep her? Is that yuan or rubles?
Feel free to take her while she is there. Helicopters ride. Please film.
Adrenochrome. Duh!
Was it Taiwan or china where Tim Cook had been allegedly been spending time with underage boys?
Good question. I didn’t see that news. Will dig.
I saw it come up on 8chan quite a long time ago.
I know there was some research done into it but these days it’s really hard to find half the stuff that’s been found over the last few years.
I agree with CCP China. It does severely impact relations. The damage this house drinker can do....
Technology. Taiwan is super society as well.
Biden is to Urkaine as Pelosi is to Taiwan