Elons latest tweet
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Hahaha the conservative in 2021: “LOL”
So true.
Nailed it.
Yes he did.
Nailed it so hard the wood will start warping from the pressure
kek this guy wood-works
As soon as he announced his intention to purchase twitter, that board sounded like it split in two. Time will tell if it really split or just separated.
This one hits a lot of true liberals right in the keegles.
The liberal dudes for sure.
Go check the replies!
Only problem is the right has, in fact, moved left as well.
The politicians maybe… probably… but not the base.
Not the base. 👍
Then take it to the base!
Can confirm. Kicked it to what was considered libertarian in 2012.
It comes with waking up to massive lies and tons of research.
Truth is most of us aren’t right - we hate both sides and just want what makes sense. Call it Constitutionalist.
I’m sick of people overthinking it. The Founding Fathers didn’t half ass thinking up a decent system.
What’s wild is they each voiced that if it wasn’t replaced within 200 years it would make them worried.
They wanted us wild for Liberty.
The tree of Liberty is getting thirsty. I don’t want to water it, I just hope it rains, soon!
I can live with reasonable liberals like Elon. He knows the debate is still happening. The far left pretend they've already won the debate and we're just in denial.
Good for you, Elon. Now keeping coming further to the right.
I think his point isn't that he's going toward the right at all. It's that the left is sprinting so far crazy further left that it makes him look like he's on the right.
Now that I look at it again, you are right. But, it doesn't hurt to coax him anyway : )
I think that Elon may be waking up to conservative values...thanks to the sprinting lefties.
Well its kind of both for most people...at first its just that “feel” like theyre more right because the left has gone crazy...then they realize that since they feel that way they get curious and start realizing hey conservatives actually have better ideas
I can see that
Sounding a little doomerish there buddy you ok? You running a fever?
Maybe the thing is that he's not on the side of evil but also isn't super conspiracy-minded.
Edit: obviously don't mean to make "conspiracy-minded" sound negative in any way.
I’ll be he also has the power to disable those capabilities. Besides, many of those kinds of features can be disabled by removal of a fuse. Learned that from experience (long boring story I’m not going into)
Me on map: not pictured➡️➡️➡️
So, the wrong question would be "where does 'person x' fall on the map?".
The right question of the second order is "who plots the points?".
The deeper question is "who is the map?". In a world of plotted points, who is the line between them?
I have my own opinion of (((who))) the map is.
I'd like to hear the opinions of others.
I’m sure the same division principles of the JIDF would be applicable here as always.
ICYMI: ...in 2018 he tweeted "By the way, I am actually a socialist..."
...this wouldn't happen to be a CNN source would it? :)
He is going to come to a certain realization soon. Socialism does not equate with personal freedom, which happens to matter to him.
So I can't use a socialist to further my agenda?
Yeah, you're about 35 years late there pal
Your black and white world has proven to be a catastrophic failure. Again and again.
Keep clinging to the same old tropes as you sink into middle aged malaise
At least he’s not a Fabian.
I've been a centrist for a long time, but people call me a far-right person now. It's funny, and this picture sums it up
Everyone is "alt right" in a leftists view right now.. if you are not one of them, you are a far right bigot :P
As a person matures, they typically grow wiser and hence more conservative or libertarian, less susceptible to the emotional manipulation of left-wing media, academia, etc.
Or, Algorithms…
The lol on the right nails it
Difference between a smart and analytical person changing their ways, and an outright moron that doubles down on their own BS. This is what the graphic shows, to me.
I dunno. I know there's a heap of skepticism over Elon, much of it very well justified. No daggers thrown here, I agree with almost all of it. Point is, someone who thinks for themselves and has the cognitive ability to analyze things is able to change. Is he changing or pandering to be with the cool kids? This is a question that will pan out in the future.
Well if you notice the person in the middle never moves...its the scale that moves because of the left moving
Yep noticed that but didn't really jump out until you said something.
So, it's Showing Elon hasn't changed positions, but just how far left the tards have stretched the scale. Puts a new meaning on it.
Notice that "me" didn't move one bit....
Thanks for pointing that out i missed it. But the centerline moves.
center is stretched further left because left moved so far, everyone else is just same spot there have always been. (according to that meme) imo.. "conservative" has actually taked a step left as well that would have them shaking hands with Libertarian and Constitutionalists.
Thanks good explanation !
That's how I was also. Obummer woke me.
Exactly how I picture Elon's enlightenment
I mean... He's not wrong, lol
A fourth cell featuring the AZOV Battalion, then a fifth showing its all a circle and the woke progressive is right next to AZOV...
he may as well be talking about me
What a coincidence. Everything is lining accordingly because Our President is back. Even Pompeo is telling we better get Our President back before it is too late.
Kinda nailed it, only the far left stick figure is clearly male, not ambiguous enough to be a "they"
The way it's going there might be a workplace shooting at Twitter or people jumping from windows.
You’re getting closer & closer to the truth, my friend! Don’t stop the search!
I like it!
The guy is in favor of UBI. I don’t trust him.
Who cares?
The guy isn’t running for president. He provides some daily comedy and occasionally gives some crazy people a few nuggets to ponder.
Glad to know I’m down the same path as a genius ;)
The “lol” cracked me up!
I've had conversations with people and concluded they're conservative only to discover they consider themselves to be left of center and vote Democrat. I think many otherwise intelligent people don't understand what they are. I'm not saying Musk is like that. But I've known people who are.
I know one man who is as conservative as I am but has voted Democrat his entire life because he grew up that way.
The more the left push the more they wake the sheep up.
That's exactly how I feel.
Well, that meme is not totally correct, I feel the new "conservative" movement has actually taken a step toward the "center" and is shaking hands with Libatarian/Constitutionals and the likes but, the left has gone soo far left, can't see it. lol.