We're on MMR. Any thoughts/suggestions/experiences that I could get as part of my knowledge journey? Wife and I are knee deep in side affects, lawsuits, fetal cells etc... We've dodged quite a bit, trying to stick to the 1983 schedule for vaccinations, however this one has us nervous.
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I told our pediatrician there will be no vaxxes of any kind for any of our children ever again. They have shown themselves to be untrustworthy. Their your kids, not any doctor.
There are many families for decades that have never vaxxes any of their children. The long term data now shows they are healthier and even less obese. No more vaxxes ever!
Same and we did this prior to covid; last vax son received was when he was in 3rd grade and I wish I would have stood up MUCH sooner and said no to EVERY SINGLE ONE. There is no need for them; God already provided us with a healthy immune system and it is THEIR interference that is causing medical issues of ALL kinds that require their seriously messed up treatments, medications, vaccines, etc in order to keep their money laundering system going while destroying humans from the inside out, just like they plan to do to our society overall.
I HIGHLY advise every parent out there to look into the vaccine exemption regulations in their state and make full use of them as possible, if available. If none are available, start working to change the laws inyour state so they ARE available.
Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
They will see our products used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effects.
When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it’s for their help.
From: The Secret Covenant
While it has been accused of being a hoax it accurately describes the world we now find ourselves in.
Agreed. We are homeschooling but TX has exemptions both for religious and even philosophical reasons (example: you think they are poison).
Should look into parasite and heavy metal detoxes it has helped some autistic kids
Could be brain inflammation from heavy metals. You can detox.
Agree. Friend had non verbal autistic and she switched to my pediatrician and they loaded him up with supplements to cleanse the brain. He is 12 and social smiles (doesn't look lost/glazed over) in pics now but speech 2 year old level.
Read about clostridium
Your child did not develop Asperger's from any vaccine. You labeled him "perfect" and "highly intelligent" up until he was 2 years old, but children younger than 2 have very few developmental milestones by which to judge them as "highly intelligent" and signs of being on the spectrum don't develop and show until AT LEAST 2 and usually more like 3-4.
What you described is the standard process of ASD manifestation; that's how the condition develops and presents. Vaccines had nothing to do with it.
The reason you can't prove it is because there isn't a single, solitary shred of evidence to support the claims of links between vaccines and ASD. None. The entire "movement" was started by a discredited charlatan of a physician who eventually recanted and has been continuously debunked in the decades since.
I've worked with children with ASD for years and I feel a great amount of empathy for parents like yourself who struggle to find a reason or something to blame for their child being on the spectrum. No one wants to believe their child was born with any genetic issues, so it's easier and more comforting to blame it on an evil vaccine.
Ya, when you get your kids vaccinated and one minute later their eyes glaze over and they become non verbal the rest of their lives its just coincidence.
That sounds like the exact script my pediatrician gave me. Why did autism rates spike after 1984? When did vaccine manufacturers add a bunch to the schedule? Why did they do this? Maybe because their liability was removed???
Looking at all your comments and the extreme reactions to the bullshit you spew Im thinking you are just a pedo looking to start trouble. Your kind isn't admired around here.
You sound like you came from reddit. Go back to reddit with your mainstream beliefs. We're out here trying to prove the mainstream lies and you're over here pushing the lies further because you have a superiority complex and think if it's mainstream it must be right....
Hmm, are you a part of Biden's new Ministry of Truth? You likely wouldn't tell us if you were anyway.
Much more logical assume to these disorders just magically appeared after being next to non-existent 100 years ago. It's just a mystery of the universe. This definitely sounds like the educated scientific approach.
Why are those who worship science as dogma unwilling to actually apply science practically and try to discover the reasons why things happen in our world? Maybe it is vaccines, maybe it's diet, maybe it's pollution but to just dismiss something as "debunked" especially just taking someone else's word for it is just plain ignorant. If it really isn't vaccines than that fact should stand up to scrutiny no matter how much is applied. Let people question things all they want it's how society advances.
Why is it a battle? Can you not just say no?
It's a funny thing the pressure comes from the school, and then the doctor's office. Sometimes work too. Yes, you can say no, but it means consequences.
For us, the consequence was homeschooling, which meant only one of us could work. That meant harsh budgeting in the early days.
It's 100% worth it. I'd sell my house and downsize if necessary to make homeschooling work.
I don't have kids but I would never EVER send them to public school based on my own experience there.
And I didn't even go to a "bad" school. I went to one of the top rated high schools in the country, wasn't bullied no one really was, teachers were basically polite.
It's broken from the ground-up.
Sure you can take over the school board and stop them from teaching bullshit.
But you can't really get away from the structure of the whole thing.
Homework assignments that don't give you ANY real life skills. No real analysis on writing - just can you pump out a meaningless but we'll formatted and organized A+ paper. There's no CONTENT in today's schools. It's totally devoid of meaning.
YES YOU NEED THESE SKILLS. Including things you don't want to do and completion of projects and goals.
But school is about the stupidest way you could teach them.
Teach kids to learn with their heart passion driving their brain. Don't just teach them a bunch of brain skills totally devoid of heart or they'll destroy the world with those skills, even with 'good' intentions.
Teach kids to dream of greatness and to make the world great too!
And building it yourself with a community of things you can involve your family and friends in will only make your entire life and every aspect of it stronger and closer to God too (even if you don't believe in God I think you can see a point in this).
Maybe I'm talking out my ass because I don't have kids like I said. But if I did I'd do ANYTHING to not send them to school.
Not unless they already seemed prepared for the shit storm of depressing beuracracy and WANTED to go for some reason. But even then I'd basically tell them I don't give a shit if they do what they're supposed to. I ABSOLUTELY care that they make a commitment to be successful at some aspect of it though and follow through until it's done. I just wouldn't make them okay the schools game if they didn't want to. And really I'd do anything to give them a life and friends and learning so they wouldn't want this.
A traditional school will kill this God passion. Even a good one without CRT or Bill Gates Math.
** omg lol the sp errors ... hahaha I'd Blake my phone but also you want spell check pay me
Same here. And my teachers were generally pretty good or at least not too inefficient. None of them felt the need to parade their political views or sexual preferences, but now, it's just too scary.
Thanks so much for taking the time to write this comment.
What’s a D.O, If you don’t mind me asking?
Doctor of Osteopathy. They’re just as much a physician as other doctors, it’s just that their education precludes them to being functional medicine doctors or a hybrid of allopathic and traditional/functional.
Thank you!
This is not true
BS. BCBS gives bonuses based on percentage of kids that are fully vaccinated. Fall below the threshold and lose out on the whole bonus.
Home school your children. No need to produce an ‘immunization record’ if you home school.
Tell your Dr. you are changing health plans and he/she isn’t part of the new plan. After changing, do not go to the new Dr with your children.
I only had 2 or 3 vaccines as a child. It’s amazing I lived isn’t it. It’s amazing anyone lived through childhood before the late 50s when vaccines started.
It is a good thing that people are challenging vaccines. We need to take a close look at EVERYTHING that an authority tells us is true.
WTF that’s disturbing, they are obsessed with shooting our kids up with toxic substances!
Holy Jesus.... please don't let your precious child become a statistic and government Big Pharma victim. Contrary to what the commies try to tell us, our children do not belong to them. I'm a parent. I can speak of these things.
That’s one reason why sending your kid to public school is child abuse. Period. If you can’t home school your child or find alternative arrangements, you should have thought about that before.
Every day I am more and more thankful my parents raised me to question everything.
There are still other options. If you must get your child vaccinated, wait as long as possible. Giving the MMR at 2 seems to be the cause of many vaccines injuries.
wrong; A LOT of states provide exemption status. And if they don't, work to change that. After all, "my body, my choice", right???
No its not, you can get religious exemptions
The amount of vaccines my local schools want is considerably lower then CDC recommends.
You can say no but the doctor won't let you schedule another appointment untill you get the shots he recommends. Happened to me.
My son (now 15yo) had a febrile seizure 10 days after MMR vaccine when he was little. I was not anti vax to any major degree at the time but both my husband and I felt it was caused by the vax. Pediatrician told us no way. Too long after vax to have been the cause. Fast forward a few years and MMR vaccine handout at doctors office has seizures up to 2 weeks post vax as a side effect. Our son was laying on his stomach in his crib with his face down when we heard something odd on the monitor. He vomited after seizure and could hardly hold his head up. To this day I wonder what would have happened if we hadn’t stayed up very late that night and heard the small noises. Normally would have been sleeping.
God, or one of his angels, was watching over you.
That’s hilarious that the pediatrician said it was too long after the MMR shot for it to be the cause of the seizure when they literally tell you that your child can and usually does develop a fever from the shot 10-14 days after the inoculation. If you can develop a fever from the shot at 10 days, which your son did, then it would stand to reason that the seizure was from the shot b/c the shot caused the fever. The two go hand in hand. 🤷🏼♀️
Exactly what this study says: https://www.nature.com/articles/ng.3129
Personal anecdote, research group of (n=1).
MMR vaccine caused terrible crying for three nights, Febrile seizures - convulsions on the first night and high fever, that required paracetamol. Husband had no sleep as was carrying hysterical child all night, for three nights in a row. We were like zombies, snatching twenty minute naps when he did.
Then the green shits. These carried on for nearly three months. Tried all sorts of stomach soothing remedies. Had a line of nurses recommending anything from dill water to chicken bones.
Child survived, but is on autism spectrum. As a toddler he would need to walk vigorously in circles while talking, or singing songs that he had made up. Imagine forcing him onto a chair to read quietly! So, the luck of genetics was high IQ, but the vaccine made his mind into one that had very pronounced quirks.
Have since homeschooled all my kids, partly because of this experience. There was no way we were gonna let any vaccine in again, for anything. So 'vaccine mandates' for school were just a hard no.
The child in question would also have been abused by teachers and bullied in school. He has a very active mouth and has no social filters... So, any why? question will have to be discussed at length, with critical to-and-fro, complete with mobile reference library and long-form podcasts to prove it. He even talks openly about autism, and how the mind works. Also he was vociferously anti-vax at work, and had to change jobs three times in the last couple years. But, needs must. He feels strongly that any vaccine is a lie and a threat.
But imagine the damage (((they))) could have inflicted with the mob-mentality and the fake science, at school. Such walking, talking libraries are totally unsuitable in an institutional environment.
Actually, he's had to have jaw surgery after being decked out in a bar for talking too much. So he doesn't go to bars anymore. Society sucks sometimes.
Why are you 'talking to' a paediatrician? Find a school that will take your child without a vax. Get a private tutor, a few times a week. Maybe investigate home-schooling until this thing blows over. You might like it. I did. Also give the child a computer, so that they can learn to touch type, read, and research. Make it fun to watch math and science. Add some hands-on stuff like calligraphy pens or art supplies, so that they can get away from the keyboard. TBH, I do not respect what is being passed off for an education nowadays.
Wow, what a journey. Why is it that the most valuable lesson seem to come with the highest price, paid for by the most innocent?
May God Bless you and yours. :-)
As a homeschool parent veteran, how do you teach subjects you’re not skilled at? Im not a math person, or a science person really. I’ve had trouble teaching my 16 year old Algebra II and had to get my brilliant sister to help her. But that’s not working too well either because of schedules and she’s fallen behind task, drastically.
Online videos. Khan academy.
Try searching each topic within algebra 2 on youtube. My favorite find this year is Eddie Woo, an Australian that lights up the classroom.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjIHB8WzJek
Try his basic algebra algebraic techniques series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAyI-yiXaek&list=PL5KkMZvBpo5BTbgTCHTkwxUqfvg6MvNuJ
Checkout local homeschool groups near you! We know several families who school in groups, so the knowledge and workload is divided up amongst several other parents.
I had fully vaxxed my two kids, I got in heated, HEATED, arguments with anyone who said vaccines were dangerous. I fully believed all the bullet points, 1) there is no threats of diseases BECAUSE we vax, 2) if we don’t vax, immune suppressed kids will be the ones to suffer, 3) doctors go to med school, this is one of the most fundamental advances in modern medicine and your going to refuse?!?
Then Covid happened. And I watched every doctor (family/friends who are doctors included) toute every safety measure against Covid like it was gospel. Shut downs, quarantines, social distancing, masks, locking up senior citizens etc. All things that absolutely were ludicrous according to basic germ theory or common sense. But the doctors were all in agreement, they were all experts, and they all lashed out at dissenters.
Then I watched all the doctors, nurses, experts in unison shout from the rooftops that HCQ and ivermectin were worthless poisons that only idiots would take. The real medicine was the ventilator and remidisvior
Then the Covid Vax , I watched all the doctors, nurses “experts” shove that needle down everyone’s throats with absolutely no qualms about the side effects, the rushed trials, the ethics of payouts, etc etc etc. YOU HAD TO HAVE THE SHOT if you wanted to survive.
After all that I started to think about the Autism debate. Doctors will lie to your face, they will fudge the numbers, they will turn a blind eye, they will go scorched earth on dissent when it comes to Covid questions. What’s to say that wasn’t the same formula used against vaccines and autism but on a slower metric. Covid put their methods on the fast track for all to see. It’s the same game.
I prayed and prayed, cried and cried because I have an infant this year and what or who was I supposed to trust? I asked God over and over who do I trust. And to me he said “Trust Me” so I took a deep breath and have refused all vaccines for my third child. I’ve put my child’s health in God’s hands, we make our best decisions on personal hygiene and nutrition we can personally make and have put our health completely in the hands of the creator of all things. I am at peace with my decision and I hope you can pray for the Lord to Guide you to an answer that will also bring you peace and health for you and you’re whole family.
Thanks for sharing. I have a newborn and will have to face the same situation soon. I don't think this will be a something that my marriage can weather since my wife and I on opposite ends on many things--including this and she previously brought up divorce because of our differences are too difficult for her her (although, pregnancy hormones probably played a factor). COVID, too, was my wake up that made me go from 99% trust in the medical industry to 3% trust.
Was your spouse on board with how you went forward with no vaxing? Any tips for me?
You know your wife best. For my husband, I felt I had to threaten divorce since he wanted to get our baby vaccinated. I'm the feisty one and he's a go with the flow kind of guy so this method ended up working out. Plus women hold all the cards in a divorce. Nowadays he's had a total change of heart and has told me how thankful he is that I never backed down. He's totally anti-vax now after all this covid bs.
For your wife, it sounds like you have to use a different approach. Try to convince her to wait until your child is school-aged. If you can get her to agree to waiting, you can slowly work on diminishing her trust of vaccines. I don't know your wife, but if she is like most women, emotion plays a big role in their decision making. There are plenty of horror stories of vaccine damaged children out there. My advice is to do this gradually. You're not going to change her mind overnight, but persistence is key. Good luck.
Thanks for the listening ear and the tips! I think delaying could possibly be a workable approach.
I'm weak at addressing her at the emotional level... I guess this is the next thing on my heart to think about and pray about!
I’ve had similar trouble convincing my wife to avoid all vaccines for our kids not just the covid ones. Here are some points/links/books that helped convince her: https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/history.html (CDC admits improvements in sanitation were the main driver of the massive decline in infectious diseases in early 1900’s, before vaccines were widely used) https://nationalvanguard.org/2020/12/ten-year-study-unvaccinated-children-far-healthier-than-their-vaccinated-peers (Ten year study shows that unvaccinated children are far healthier than vaccinated children) https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674 (Ten year study shows that unvaccinated children are far healthier than vaccinated children) https://youtu.be/3vIcrFOT8pc (taped deposition of Stanley Plotkin MD, a leading authority on vaccinology, on vaccine ingredients containing animal viruses, aborted fetal tissues, etc.) https://sharylattkisson.com/2019/01/dr-andrew-zimmermans-full-affidavit-on-alleged-link-between-vaccines-and-autism-that-u-s-govt-covered-up/ (Dr. Zimmerman affidavit on link between vaccines and autism) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2536523/ (Dr. Andrew Zimmerman - Developmental Regression and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Child With Autism Caused By vaccines) https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/425061-how-a-pro-vaccine-doctor-reopened-debate-about-link-to-autism (Dr. Zimmerman - How a pro-vaccine doctor reopened debate about link to autism) https://www.icandecide.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/ICAN-VS-CDC-LAWSUIT-PR.pdf? (CDC couldn’t provide proof that certain vaccines don’t cause autism) https://www.immunizationcoalitions.org/content/uploads/2017/01/Timeline-for-CDC-Whistleblower.pdf (Timeline - William Thompson CDC whistleblower - link between MMR vaccine and autism) https://legislature.vermont.gov/Documents/2016/WorkGroups/House%20Health%20Care/Bills/H.98/Witness%20Testimony/H.98~Jennifer%20Stella~William%20Thompson%20Statement~5-6-2015.pdf (William Thompson testimony on 8/27/14 re: CDC cover up of link between MMR vaccine and autism) https://sharylattkisson.com/2021/06/read-cdc-senior-scientist-we-trashed-data-showing-vaccine-autism-link-in-african-american-boys (CDC whistleblower William Thompson’s testimony re: autism link to vaccines) https://translationalneurodegeneration.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/2047-9158-3-16 (Brian Hooker - Measles-mumps-rubella vaccination timing and autism among young african american boys: a reanalysis of CDC data) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25057632 (Polio vaccines from 1955-1963 were contaminated with cancer causing monkey SV-40 viruses) https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cancer-causing-simian-monkey-virus-polio-vaccines (How a cancer causing SV-40 monkey virus ended up in polio vaccines) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6121585/pdf/ijerph-15-01755.pdf (See page 3 of 7: Over 490,000 people in India developed paralysis as a result of the oral polio vaccine between 2000 and 2017) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28188123 (DTP vaccine (whole cell) increased infant 3+ month all cause mortality) https://academic.oup.com/jpids/article/8/4/334/5359449 (The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines - Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future, DTaP vaccine causes increased lifetime susceptibility to Pertussis) https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf (CDC vaccine excipient summary) https://www.nj.gov/health/eoh/rtkweb/documents/fs/0062.pdf (Aluminum Phosphate is a known hazardous substance but it’s in many vaccines including TDaP) https://ijme.in/articles/deaths-in-a-trial-of-the-hpv-vaccine/?galley=html (Gates funded HPV vaccine trial in India that recruited poor malnourished girls, many died) https://youtu.be/o7A_cMpKm6w (Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the world, damage caused by polio and HPV vaccines in India and meningitis vaccines in Africa) Vaccine injury cover up: https://learntherisk.org/ (Merck whistleblower Brandy Vaughan vaccine truth organization) https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27023738 (Vaccine-associated inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system: from signals to causation) https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10210810 (Magnetic resonance imaging findings in 22 cases of myelitis: comparison between patients with and without multiple sclerosis) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24514081/ (The spectrum of post-vaccination inflammatory CNS demyelinating syndromes) https://ccandh.com/vaccine-injuries/transverse-myelitis-tm/ (Vaccine Injuries > Transverse Myelitis) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19880568/ (Transverse myelitis and vaccines: a multi-analysis) https://www.cdc.gov/acute-flaccid-myelitis/cases-in-us.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Facute-flaccid-myelitis%2Fafm-investigation.html
Relaaaaaax, so many people survived without vaccines. It's a snake oil gimmick.
I have unvaxed children. No diseases thus far.
Research Blood-brain barrier. They need to have this developed first, then its safer for some of these vaccinations. My daughter explained this to her pediatrician and they agreed. So, basically, just waiting until they are older.
I also agree with find another pediatrician, general, natural medicine type or even some midwives groups can help with this.
Look up the Dr. Sears schedule. It spreads the shots out over a long period of time. Haven't noticed any problems so far. At the end of the day, if you don't want your kids getting the shot, say no and fire the doc if necessary. Every state has exemption forms and they're simple to fill out. It's our choice, our kids.
MMR causes autism in boys. Don't let your kids get it. Watch the movie Vaxxed by Del Bigtree. That'll give you all the ammunition you need.
Also find a pediatrician that is ok with no vaccines
Del is doing incredible work. I wish he was getting much more exposure.
To anyone wanting to watch him, you can see him on the highwire.com or Roku channel of same name.
Del needs to get the point across that viruses dont exist. Until then hes CIA shit like Malone and McCullough
The normies, even the crunchy mamas who are huge supporters of him, would immediately turn away from him if he said such a thing. I dont think his purpose in this is to make people aware of that side of the equation; his role is to wake as much as he can to the dangers of vaccines and how every single manufacturer of them has LIED, with the Govt covering it up, about vaccine safety trials.
What's the issue...it's YOUR kid. Not the doctor's, not the school's, not the government's, etc. Say no, move on. That's what we do. I don't take any if, ands, or buts from the pediatrician. Period.
I would back up and think about why you go to the pediatrician to begin with. Nary an appt scheduled except well baby visits that typically only coincide with vax schedule? If your child is healthy and growing normally you hardly need a Dr. or nurse to measure head and length, weigh, and interpret growth charts. Many common child illnesses like pinkeye can be diagnosed via telemedicine, too. Just some food for thought. If you plan on public school and vax exemptions are allowed, consider that, too. You pay their mortgage when you take a healthy child in for no real reason.
As for research, liked Dr. Tenpenny and of course Wakefield.
I know almost for certain I read recently one of the CDC scientists that did their MMR trials admitted their internal studies showed an association with autism.
Also, make sure you research about the CDC being obligated to do long-term studies on their vaccine schedule (which they still haven't done decades later).
And find the 10-year study released late 2020 from one of the largest pediatrician clinics in the PNW showing more vaccines results in more chronic health conditions. That was posted on Children's Health Defense IIRC.
Don’t be afraid to shop docs until you find one that will do what YOU wanna do. It is a free country after all.
In my area you can’t just “dr shop”. If you have a pediatrician and you decide to go to another office, you have to show proof you have moved. I was told the local pediatricians got together and decided on this to prevent parents from leaving a practice because they disagreed with the dr.
I tried to leave mine. Didn’t go well.
Uh, say what?? Where is this a law?
Yes please explain
There is no law.
I tried to move my daughter to a different local pediatrician and was told that unless we had moved, they wouldn’t take her because she already had an existing local pediatrician. When I told them I didn’t like him and wanted to book a consultation to interview a new pediatrician to take my daughter, they refused. They said it is common local practice to not allow dr hopping of local patients.
My daughter has special needs and I didn’t like the lackadaisical approach my current pediatrician had at that time.
I tried one other practice before I gave up because what a damn racket. I get that they don’t want parents leaving doctors simply because they don’t like the diagnosis but at least give me a chance to talk to another local dr about it as a consultation.
I’ve fought a ton of battles including my own state for her cannabis oil. I had about enough and let that battle go.
Try to get them to hold it off. Just tell them you're waiting. Ask about individual vaxxes altho I'm sure they will say they're not available
We were told they couldn't get the single vaxes which was probably a lie
That is a lie. We broke our kids shots sort and spread the time apart as well. My pediatrician argued with me saying that vaccines don't cause autism. I said, ok, then what does? She said they don't know. My response was that she couldn't say say it wasn't the vaccines then, if they didn't know. I would avoid as many vaxxes as possible if I were to do it over again.
If the "science" doesn't involve logic, it ain't science. Good job, NotATeamPlayer. Keep not being a team player. The team is run by assholes.
Yep. This is what we do. The multiple vaccines at once cause problems.
Please dont even do this. Viruses dont exist, so why why why why why why the poor children
My wife knows someone who didnt get polio vaccine and got polio. I don't feel like having a crippled kid
Lol right. Even though no one has ever seen or found a "polio". But there sure is a link between DDT and whatever toxic chems they moved to to continue to give people those symptoms
There is no need to use a pediatrician. Their only purpose is to keep our kids on the vax schedule. They are also there to target parents who will not comply.
Instead, hire a family physician who honors your wish to never vaccinate. These physicians can treat your children as well as any pediatrician.
I have a vax injured child. We suffer every day because I allowed the pediatrician to bully me five years ago. Now I am awake.
You pay them for their advice and that's that. They dont reign over your children. I've found the less I say, the less they say. I tried stating my concerns and religious beliefs- they dont care. I then just firmly and politely declined. I didnt give them a conversation. They ask if I have questions and I say no. With our first kid, they really didn't care much after age 2. It gets brought up at most appointments but just a "we usually do this at their age I see you declined, of course we recommend it so let me know if I can answer any questions you have.." i say okay thanks. That's it. We move on and its not even a stressful thing anymore. Our schools here have waivers but we homeschool anyway.
Go to Bitchute and watch the documentary "Vaxxed". Then watch "Vaxxed 2"
Wow! Thanks. I was just going to ask if anyone knew of some documentaries to watch for information on vaccinations.
I know autism rates for boys are like 1 in 40. Up from like 1 in 100,000 a few years back before they added all the vaccines.
and then watch the viral delusion please. it gets so much worse when you realize viruses dont exist
Trust your instincts. Don't do it.
Tell them no. No means no.
One thing I did just kind of out of instinct, before I knew more (like 2 decades ago) was to make the appt for the next shot how they want you to .. then, closer to appt, call and reschedule due to ..whatever.. could stretch it out another month or 3 depending on your willingness to accept what they had avail. Same with the dentist.
Informed Consent Action Network is a great source for honest info on vaccines. Their weekly program, The Highwire, has been exposing the lies about vaccine safety for years. https://www.icandecide.org/white-papers/
They traded EVERYTHING to go ALL IN with Covid. They can't be trusted and never should have been.
We followed a delayed vaccine “schedule” so they never received more than one shot at the same time.
For years that seemed ok to me as a clueless parent.
However both of my kids are now teenagers and my oldest most dramatic teenager claims that both of them (and practically everyone else in the world) is autistic.
So, not sure if vaccine are at play in this. What I do know is the Amish don’t seem to have the autism problem and they don’t have the vaccinations or the electronics.
Can you keep unsupervised phone and tablet access away from your child until they are 16 or even 18?
If you are serious about protecting your child and want to save yourself a whole other rabbit hole of problems, consider doing BOTH the things that the Amish do by avoiding the electronics and the vaccines.
Same here. We fo one at a time, delayed them and only follow public school requirements which is alot less shots then cdc and delayed.
Go to another pediatrician. Wake up. Man-made injections directly into arm of child is never healthy. Bodies were made to be exposed, process naturally, then have immunity.
There are plenty of pediatricians who are awake to vaccine corruption. Find one who resonates.
Please please please read my comment and my 17 year old sons story. It’s not the vax it combining all of them at once that screws up most kids. https://www.opposingviews.com/health/the-peanut-allergy-epidemic-is-a-man-made-epidemic-caused-by-vaccinations
I registered my son and myself to a legitimate control group, If you’d like I can provide the information to become members as well.
What is the purpose of said group?
To compile a database of health events of non vaccinated, to be compared to the vaccinated population, control groups serve as a relative point to observe post vax issues. Hope that made sense, been a long work weekend
Certain legalities of being a part of the control group explicitly protect the unvaxxed status
Get this book: The Vaccine friendly plan by Dr.Paul Thomas
It helped me navigate the medical bulshit for my child.
Thomas has recently said that he thinks his book didn’t go far enough as well. He has some very interesting new videos and interviews (not on his YouTube channel which is vax talk free, can search for him on Rumble.)
I love his videos! I wish he did more nutrition panels.
Second this recommendation! We ended up spacing out all the vaccinations and I rejected all the ones I could, including for myself during pregnancy. His book really opened my eyes with its rational and sensible approach.
I recently shut down the Karen receptionist at the doctor cause she was trying to take my pic and scan my drivers license, I feel you pain for having been there but my kids who are teenagers now were young I told the pediatrician with a strait face, if you inject any mercury based preservatives into my children with a vaccine and you will have regrets from that decision, Of Course my wife runs her mouth about stuff but she would get them vaxxed behind my back. What I am saying is what makes you trust the satanic doctors
What did the receptionist plan to do with that information
Probably sell it to Zuckerberg.
well they say they required the ID scan so if I skipped on the bill. then she had the phone in her ear when she told me they didnt need the pic but the boss said they had to scan the license. I told her to tell her boss that his boss (me) said hell no and left
We vaccinated our first up to 4 years (she is 12 now)... she ended up having multiple seizures (one resulting in some minor brain damage). Since then, no more for her, and our two younger ones have never been vaccinated (2 & 4 yo), at all. They are both unbelievably bright & healthy.
Highly recommend reading Dissolving Illusions, by Suzanne Humphries as a good starting point. Will make your decisions much easier I think. Best of luck!
Viruses don't exist. Therefore, all vaxes are worthless poisons. Watch this film and all your questions will be answered.
The Viral Delusion - https://paradigmshift.uscreen.io/programs/episode-one-narrated-18-no-perth-2-72011-a0209a?categoryId=112764
dude thank god i had to scroll to the bottom of the page. the viruses not real shit has been easy to find for a year now yet all of great awakening believes in them?? this site is controlled big time
Yep, peeps are sleeping through the obvious. Most are trapped in middle-land, where folks like Zelenko, McCullough, Malone, Mikovits, Mercola, Kennedy, Bigtree, Tenpenny, Madej, etc. are all holding sway in the "alternative health" space. Not a one has even made an attempt to discuss, let alone disprove the work of doctors Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey, etc.
The blocker/veil is pretty obvious to me now after shouting this from the rooftops for nearly 2 years now. Everybody's had a situation where multiple family members came down with the flu at the same time, or attended a chicken pox party when they were a kid, etc. And they don't like the real explanations for these diseases, preferring the victim consciousness explanation instead.
C'est la vie. All we can do is to continue dropping the truth into their threads...
Im sure youve seen this gem from Malone when confronted with germ theory being fake. Um. Drr. Is clear viruses exist we have the evidence. There are tests. https://www.bitchute.com/video/t0QXBWfoYStZ/
How could anyone see this and be like hell yea you showed us viruses are real thank god
Yep. He's either in denial, afraid for his life/career, or most likely, completely brainwashed.
Not a single person has even made an ATTEMPT to explain why Dr. Stefan Lanka's findings are incorrect. We're coming up on the 2 year anniversary of his paper "The Misconception Called Virus", and not a single peep from anybody.
It's all so painfully obvious...but alas, a high percentage of our fellow man is still unable to discern truth from falsehood due to their past traumas....sigh..
Well ... the ulitimate "Trump Card" here is that no vaccine has ever been proven safe or effective against viruses because viruses do not exist.
The way to play this in a legal case is to put the burden of proof on the other party making the claims that you "must" do this or that.
If a law or regulation or policy exists, but it is based on fraud, then it is not valid and cannot be legally enfored.
Get them to show evidence that their claims are valid. If you are using an attorney, then the problem is that an attorney will "stipulate" to certain things that they don't think are worth arguing. Once stipulated, a thing will be considered a fact for the purpose of that particular lawsuit.
If you and I were in a lawsuit against each other, and we stipulated that the Moon is made of cheese, then for the purpose of that lawsuit, the it would be considered a fact that the Moon is made of cheese.
We could stipulate that (a) vaccines are required because (b) vaccines are effective (c) against viruses that exist and do harm. All of these things would be considered facts for this case. If we stipulate to (b) and (c) but not (a), then it becomes a fight over whether or not they are required. And you will lose that fight.
But if we do NOT stipulate to (b) and (c), then the burden of proof is on the party making the claim.
If you are not up to speed on the April 2021 research that proved that viruses do not exist, this is a good start:
If you choose to go down this road, you will have to become more of an expert than the lawyers, the judges, and any supposed "experts" that the other side will attempt to bring into the case. Just keep in mind that you (or attorney) have the right to voir dire any witness as to their expertise, and they will crumble once you ask them to show you any paper that shows that any virus has ever been isolated and proven to be transmissible and harmful to others. No person on Earth has ever done that. And they never will -- for the same reason that I will never ride a unicorn.
Find a different pediatrician who is more compatible with your views.
In my years of researching this, I’ve never heard of a parent who regrets not vaccinating their child, but I’ve read countless sad and tragic stories from parents who wish they never gave their children a shot. No safety studies have ever been done. The shots are toxic and unnecessary. It’s good to see so many on this thread are awake to the horrors.
I’ll post some links to research when I get a chance later today…
Edit: here's a link to an older post asking for info on vaccines.. good info in here! https://greatawakening.win/p/12hl5FqP7m/need-evidence-on-vaccine-dangers/
Read the book “To Vaccinate or not to vaccinate” and you’ll decline every shot they have. The author uses data from pharma and goes shot by shot per chapter - the conclusion for all of them is that the shot is worse than the disease. I wish I’d never gotten any of mine vaccinated, ever.
So that book is still full of shit then because viruses are not real. wake up please this is great awakening
Consider gettingt a new pediatrician! Or stop depending on doctors. Humans didn't need doctors for 100s of 1000s of years. My wife was the same until she met me. Now she's fixed. Doctors are for when your arm is falling off, that's it. My kids eat healthy and limited screentime means they use their bodies. Therefore, they are healthy and not fat disgusting freaks like most kids. We go to the park, not the mall.
If you are having to battle your pediatrician about this, find a new pediatrician. We woke up and stop giving our daughter any vaccines after 3 and my daughter on the way will receive none. Their Pediatrician gives me zero pushback about it.