Yesterday the first time I ever saw a storm come in so dark it made the day look like night, with winds over 80 miles per hour and and moving through so fast. Took out trees and power lines. I’ve been through a tornado and it was nothing like this. Electricity still out here and it’s never been out in this neighborhood for over 3 hours as long as I lived here. Also took out cell connectivity for awhile. My first time seeing this type weather in 60 years. And last week it was the weird weather killing cattle. Something is up.
Comments (74)
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Totally believe that the weather is being heavily manipulated for all sorts of reasons, but I don't believe weather killed the cattle. People with actual herds of cattle are saying their temps can get over 106 and the cattle still don't drop dead like that.
Can confirm; we live in an area with both cattle and occasional 106 degree heat. Cows don't drop dead when the heat gets that bad for a few days.
I think something in the water, feed or medications
See Yellowstone.
Lack of access to water could cause it.
I believe the H.A.A.R.P. program is worth a look.
And how about this - Snow in Afghanistan. That’s really weird too!
And an earthquake killing 1000
naturally... the gubment fucks with everything and everything they touch turns to complete shit......
Oz gov etc have admitted to weather manipulation Being going sine at least the wars
Yep. First official govt legislation in Victoria, 1967 Rain Making Control Act.
They've been fucking with the weather for a LONG time. At this point in reality I wouldn't be surprised if the controllers can not only tweak and amplify storms/rain and create drought, but also trigger earthquakes and volcanoes...
Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP...
I made the same post a few days ago.
We need to stop this if we can find out where it is coming from.
Unseasonably hot in Southern states and no rain. My garden is mostly dead.
This sucks.
We need to enlist the help of GOD.
It was like that here in the Northwest last year. Temps 100+ for a couple weeks in a row. Usually if it gets that warm it'll be 3 or 4 days and then cool down. This year we had cool & rainy weather up until just a few days ago. We're finally getting some seasonable temps.
Yes, we had our first "Junuary" since 2012. But, even this one is different, a typical wet June is a heavy mist, we've had literal cloud burst throughout this spring. The weather is not cooperating with Inslee's plan for blackouts and water rationing, he's resorted to his typical lies for excuses.
No rain and one of the hottest summers I've witnessed in Indiana.
we had a storm just like that about a week ago here. Lightning that lit up the sky for several miles like a fireworks show. Hail, and sustained winds at 100 mph. Devastated property and infrastructure. But was NOT a tornado. This is not normal weather here.
That's hurricane force winds. In the midwest.
Fuckery is afoot, yes.
Or, it is the pole shift.
Check out Suspicious0bservers on youtube. This guy developed techniques to predict earthquakes and is a very loud and dedicated voice against established "science" regarding space, weather and physics.
He's been tracking the erratic poles for literally years and has talked extensively about what will happen when they finally do flip. Which they have done many times before.
We had TWO tornado emergency’s within the same 10 day span at the beginning of the month here in northish Missouri. I’ve lived here my entire life and I don’t recall that happening ever. The first storm had more damage, but the second one had higher winds. Crazy scary hearing the trees “scream” in my tree line from such high winds 😳
Do we?
Yes, we do. It's about gravity. There are plenty of conspiracy theories and bad science, but gravity is reality. What it really is and how it does what it does can be debated, but in the end the results are always the same. Tides are primarily driven by the gravity of the moon affecting the water on the surface of Earth. There are other minor factors like temp differentials and convection, but these are relatively minor.
I question everything now.
Good. That is the whole point. Take nothing at face value without due diligence.
We don't know, what it really is, but we know it's real. Is that correct?
Something seems off for storms like this. Not sure what is going on, but it would have to be confined to a small number of really devoted adherents to destroy your own country and be responsible for deaths of fellow citizens. It would have to have been developed by a military branch research facility to have an unquestioned expense budget. Enough large scale funding to design, build and prototype a device for weather alteration. It would be very large and consume a lot of power. Hard to keep something like that hidden for too long, at least I would think so. Government employees gossip like highschool girls. The top engineers and phd's would be involved, but the top technicians are the ones that would be actually building it. That is a relatively small community with TS-SCI clearance with the technical skills to build it well. Not that it couldn't happen, it would just be hard to keep whispers of this from getting out within the community.
We had highs close to 100 several days last week and a derecho hit ft Wayne, IN (98 mph). Totally not normal. Same storm took out phones, power. Then strangely, the internet a week after the storm.
Hey, a derecho hit Eastern Ontario at the end of May. Power was out for almost a week for many, many people. My parents lost cell, cable, landline, internet, and power for 8 days.
It's the first time we've ever had a storm like this or heard the word "derecho". That seems to be what OP's talking about, too. Were derechos heard of in Ft Wayne before this year?
Not in the twelve years we have lived in the area.
In NJ I feel for the last 6 or 7 years, we've been getting hammered by strong wind storms which we never had before. There's even been tornadoes a few miles down the road. Definitely huge uptick considering all my life we never even worried about high winds unless a noreaster came through.
Now it's every other week high winds blowing through with gusts in the 70mph range
I live in Michigan. We've had a very late spring and now we are having late summer temps? It's been raining alot more than usual. We are also experiencing power flickers. Sometimes multiple times a day for no weather related cause. I definitely believe they are messing with everything not just weather.
Donning my conspiracy hat…
Considering the 100s of meat processing plants and farms destroyed this year Chicken culling Baby formula “shortage” Gates and China the two biggest farmland owners Gates “BIOMILQ” company to replace baby formula and God only knows what else fake food wise they have in store…
I believe that something bad is happening. I don’t know if it is weather manipulation or something they are seeding in the clouds but my garden and my goats all hurting this year and it is not just the heat. My goats have always been healthy but this year they are not thriving and they don’t want their hay which they normally love.
My heirlooms are coming in, but they are spindly and sparse. Nothing like normal years. It is definitely hotter than normal here but I’ve been through that before and not seen this effect.
Just sayin.
Oh, one more thing… I am suffering from crazy allergy symptoms and I have never had allergies before except once, when the “Sahara dust” cloud came through a few years back. I’ve heard the same from a few others. I just have a bad gut feeling about all of this
This. Why can't the plane fags find out who, why and where. Pilots need to go to prison. They know what they are doing. I think it's related to food production. Too much rain, crops die. Too little, crops die.
I live in Northern Europe where normal summer weather is around 21°C/70°F and since 2018 each and every summer has had a month-long or longer heatwave. I was hoping this summer would be different but now it'll ramp up to 28°C/80°F and stay there yet again. This is statistically impossible, I don't even remember a cool summer anymore. There's no AC here and the well-insulated buildings turn into ovens so it's pure torment year after year.
I don't believe in catastrophic CO2 based global warming, it's clearly a cabal power grab, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were helping it along somehow.
They are definitely manipulating this crap.
Don’t know where you are but here in western NC we went through the same type storm last Friday. Hail as big as a silver dollar. My garden took a beating. Thought I was going to have to replace a few windows. Never like that since we moved here.
I'm not certain of the weather manipulation. I believe that there can be some influence on encouraging rain and localized heating of air to create temperature differentials to instigate changes, but widescale weatherfronts are massive on a scale that is difficult for most people to even grasp. The magnitude of energy contained is hard to even imagine and creating that would require a huge investment of energy. It is possible that a small "control" can trigger a cascade of effects that result in an "avalanche" of energy being released to create a huge storm front. My issue isn't that it is impossible, my issue is the amount of resources and people involved that would have to be zealous and discrete. They would have to be willing to participate in mass indiscriminate murder and destruction. While a small group of zealots can be used to operate some sort of technology, it is unlikely that all the personnel involved in the manufacturing, maintenance and logistics of systems like this would be able to be discrete and willing to keep this a secret without leaking the information. Like most complex military electronic systems, there are a huge number of people involved that are not apparent and the actual effectiveness and capabilities are generally far oversold. Just an opinion, but I tend to error on the side of government incompetence and mediocre performance and effectiveness.
Nope, like everything in conspiracy fact world, everything is compartmentalized and held in secret by NDAs. Once a whistle-blower comes out they have no avenues when the media will refuse to help and disinformation paid actors start their attacks. Many have come out with facts that this exact thing has been going on for many decades. Check out Dane Wiggington
NDA's do not cover illegal activities. They have attempted to have these included, but every Clearance holder signs an Oath to the Constitution. All illegal orders are null and void, NDA's notwithstanding. The Official regulations state that any knowledge of illegal activities must be reported. Failure to do so makes you complicit. We actually have to take training every year that covers this.
HAARP maybe?
Weather wars, It may not be our government thats mucking with the weather...
Yes I totally agree they have been manipulating the weather for years but I feel like this year they amped it up. Oklahoma weather has not been normal this year. Winds have been almost nonstop since february.
Where are you?
Virginia off 66. We actually made Washington DC news as our county was hit the worst.
God uses weather for all kinds of reasons. There will be an uptick in winds, storms, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc. He did all of these things and more before the first Exodus.
plus Lake Meade water being lowered. 'watch the water'
That sounds like the derecho that hit Eastern Ontario at the end of May. I've never heard of that before. In about 5 minutes it managed to knock out power, cell, internet, cable, and landlines to about 200,000 homes. It took over a week to get back power to many, many customers.
My family in Holland even saw the Eastern Ontario derecho on the news there, that's how bad it was.
One more “a”
Haarp look it up.
What State are you in? I'm in VA just outside of DC and we had some fairly bad storms too. I don't think any where near 80MPH winds, but at times it was like night and some very powerful thunder.
Edit: I see your name is DCGRITS, so you may be in the same general area as I.
Yep I in Faquier County, Va
Ah, yeah I'm in Fairfax County. Bad storms yesterday and still in the tail end today. I don't watch any news let alone weather, only look at my phone's forecast so no clue how widespread it was or degree in other areas.
"Hey alexa, tell HAARP to bring a bit more rain!"
That is no shit...I have been noticing irregularities with increasing regularity as well. That crap coming thru the Great Lakes region yesterday...extremely violent and from the north. This time of year, the shit always comes from southwest moving to northeast. I’ve seen old posts on Reddit or Voat identifying atmospheric heating anomalies around the globe above HAARP antenna array locations. The D-A-R_P-A arrays in AL are “supposedly no longer in use....I call bullshit...I think they are amping this shit up to push the climate thing a the CNN producer admitted 6 months ago to a Project Veritas plant. Climate change lockdowns likely coming in hot after the monkey pox narrative fails...
It's been in the high 80's to mid 90's where I'm at nothing unusual about that but I have been telling everyone it feels like I am under a magnifying glass when I step outside. I can feel my skin burning just from walking from the house to the car. I have been outside in the triple digits many times and don't recall getting sun burnt in a matter of minutes.
Why do you guys get all the cool weather
Utah is boring 😒
They have had weather weapons since the aliens invaded here..look at book of ezekiel ..hesxnot only describes a space shuttle NASA copied a teacher's ago but said when he was taken up he was shown how they controlled the weather.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles. Used to be Vatican publishers translator but in the end they couldn't publish the truth