I'm kind of with you. Why would the dot be there if this was really the marker? The guy/group that says spellings matter, while I understand its not a spelling, its still not correct.
It was posted 11.1 so by saying 11.3 you make people think something will happen in 2 days, not 4 years later. I would say more than dual meanings this is could be layered with information and disinformation for many meanings and events as all Q posts seem to be. The convincing thing for me is how often current events reveal context to old q posts.
Holding that the imposition of different imprisonment terms under different, but partially overlapping, firearm-possession statutes does not violate equal protection
Looks like strikedown of just passed gun law on deck after Biden signs it. Very well could be 11.4. Looks like Law of War section 11.4 may also coincide with rioting activities.
410 U.S. 113 is such an obscure, remote reference. If you're going to pick a number so obscure, then why bother with the dot? It's 11 POINT 3 not 113, and I have to think that little dot has a meaning.
#2 that dot could be worthless for one meaning and necessary for another
DOUBLE Meaning is when something has a common root but the intent is opposite.
If a woman in the south who clearly doesn't like you says "Well, bless your heart!" she doesn't mean that she wants to bless your heart, she means "Fuck off and die." which is a double meaning for the same phrase.
DUAL Meaning is when the same thing can mean two totally different, unconnected things.
It's like the word 'Bow', it can mean like six different things based on the context, but none of them are double meanings, they are 'dual' meanings.
So either Q is ignorant of the difference, or it's 11 POINT 3.
Maybe 113 activates 11.3? Quite a coincidence that Q started up on the same day. Something has occurred. Unless Q account is compromised. I can't see ds, even if they compromised Q acct being smart enough to start posting on the day Roe overturned. They are all probably crying on the alter of moloch/baal.
I am SO loving this!! Thank you to the bakers who kept the fires going. Couldn’t have been easy, keeping the faith. I for one, appreciate it more than you know. The dark was bleak, I know there’s a ways to go. But I see the Light coming.
12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
What are things you do in the water? Roe and wade? Watch the water 1700 days after the first post. How many coincidences before it is mathematically impossible?
We’re going to need God a lot… and while it’s not quite sack cloth and ashes… Hobbs on the Feast Day the the Sacred Heart of Jesus… and on the Vigil of St. John the Baptist (who leapt in his mother’s womb in the presence of Christ) is a good good start.
That's a big one. Worth noting!
Yes. It has always been about all the children.
Yes but it's still highly possible 113 =/= 11.3
That pesky dot!
I'm with you - maybe a convenient coincidence, but not the specific marker referenced by 11.3.
I'm kind of with you. Why would the dot be there if this was really the marker? The guy/group that says spellings matter, while I understand its not a spelling, its still not correct.
Dual meaning can apply.
113 could be the marker that indicates everything is going public, and 11.3 is the mechanism by which everything is achieved.
It was posted 11.1 so by saying 11.3 you make people think something will happen in 2 days, not 4 years later. I would say more than dual meanings this is could be layered with information and disinformation for many meanings and events as all Q posts seem to be. The convincing thing for me is how often current events reveal context to old q posts.
Thank you for being critical.
Cheers anon
I'm with you as well, CQ. It's convenient, but I can't bring myself to just assume that they're the same.
But at the same time, difficult to believe that RVW being overturned and Q returning on the same day is coincidental. But coincidences do happen.
I agree...seriously? The speculation is getting ridiculous to boarder line insane! Are we so hard up for a WIN that we sink this low in analysis?
Where you been???
All we been doing is WIN WIN WIN
I don't know that it's that low
At least the digits are in the right order, and it wasn't necessary to multiply or subtract to get them :)
I honestly thought it was Law of War (still could be) but hindsight is 2020
I'm down with both 🤣
Double meanings
Same, still do
Theres more than one meaning. Which explains the period.
I wonder if biggest advanced drop is referring to kash & declass.
exactly what I was wondering
Wasn't he supposed to drop some stuff yesterday? Did anything happen?
Perhaps it's a "[They] thought it would be last week" situation
Not that I've heard. Perhaps saving it for another day since yesterday was pretty epic.
I thought Kash said next week in one of the very recent videos from a few days ago.
Something is wrong with my eyes, the display is all blurry.
I have Q tears of joy seeing Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) dismantled.
Sad that it took almost 50 years, but better late than never. RIP little ones.
That is true.
US 114, miraculosuly, has to do with guns!
Looks like strikedown of just passed gun law on deck after Biden signs it. Very well could be 11.4. Looks like Law of War section 11.4 may also coincide with rioting activities.
Chapter 11 is “Military Occupation” 11.4 is “Legal Position of Occupying Power”
I have my doubts on this one.
410 U.S. 113 is such an obscure, remote reference. If you're going to pick a number so obscure, then why bother with the dot? It's 11 POINT 3 not 113, and I have to think that little dot has a meaning.
#1 double meanings exist
#2 that dot could be worthless for one meaning and necessary for another
#3 enjoy the show
Q has a 40,000 ft. view. we don't, so we need to trust the plan
DOUBLE Meaning is when something has a common root but the intent is opposite.
If a woman in the south who clearly doesn't like you says "Well, bless your heart!" she doesn't mean that she wants to bless your heart, she means "Fuck off and die." which is a double meaning for the same phrase.
DUAL Meaning is when the same thing can mean two totally different, unconnected things.
It's like the word 'Bow', it can mean like six different things based on the context, but none of them are double meanings, they are 'dual' meanings.
So either Q is ignorant of the difference, or it's 11 POINT 3.
That's my take as a linguist.
Don't question the science
Maybe 113 activates 11.3? Quite a coincidence that Q started up on the same day. Something has occurred. Unless Q account is compromised. I can't see ds, even if they compromised Q acct being smart enough to start posting on the day Roe overturned. They are all probably crying on the alter of moloch/baal.
It's been my belief that we'll never be able to decode until after the fact and Q shows us.
Noice catch.
Wow! Great job OP
We'll know if this is right if something happens militarily I guess
Again for the normies sleeping in the back of the room... THERE ARE NO SUCH THING AS COINCIDENCES!!!!
ho lee chit
I am SO loving this!! Thank you to the bakers who kept the fires going. Couldn’t have been easy, keeping the faith. I for one, appreciate it more than you know. The dark was bleak, I know there’s a ways to go. But I see the Light coming.
All these brilliant minds scrutinizing every dot…and still we see through a glass darkly. No question we are accelerating now - g-suit required
12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
What are things you do in the water? Roe and wade? Watch the water 1700 days after the first post. How many coincidences before it is mathematically impossible?
That's certainly a creative way to interpret "watch the water". Haven't heard that before
I’m just gonna say..... there are a lot more 11.3 possibilities than I ever would have thought possible.
So interesting! If the military is required then are the pro-abortion riots going to get huge?
I mean, Satan is big mad right now, so…
Bride of Satan is shaking she's so mad! https://youtu.be/n35fAShFLts?t=10
It's possible. We had proof that guns are safe via SC shooting down the NY concealed carry issue, RvW overturned and Q returned on that very same day.
We kicked them in the nuts . Took their most cherished act of evil and look closely at the date..symbolism will be their downfall 6 (2+4=)6(2+0+2+2)=6
You SOB! I’m in!!!!
We’re going to need God a lot… and while it’s not quite sack cloth and ashes… Hobbs on the Feast Day the the Sacred Heart of Jesus… and on the Vigil of St. John the Baptist (who leapt in his mother’s womb in the presence of Christ) is a good good start.
My bet on 11.4.
1+9 = 10 7+3 = 10
So, then what is 11.4? (Podesta arrested)
What a joyous day that will be.