He's been promoted to scumbag. He conveniently thumps the bible and quotes scripture out of one side of his mouth, then says stupid shit like this out of the other. If there's anything the Lord hates, it's being lukewarm.
LW and his like can only thump limited selections of the bible to do it convincingly.
For example, if you read the entirety of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, which is a thorough description on the ethics of his kingdom and those who enter his kingdom, he wraps it all up at the end by reminding his listeners to not misuse these teachings as a way to judge others and exalt oneself -- do not judge lest you be judged, take the log out of your own eye before the speck in your brother's eye, etc.
Oh and the most misunderstood saying: "do not cast your pearls before swine, nor give what is holy to dogs, lest they trample it underfoot turn around and attack you." This is called literary irony -- Jesus is saying if YOU assume that you are the bearer of priceless pearls of wisdom and holiness, and those other sinners are not even human they're swine and dogs, then don't be shocked when others sense your condescending attitude, they'll reject your "pearls" of wisdom and attack you mercilessly. You'll get what you deserve in your hypocritical self-righteous hubris.
Jesus knew how many of his self proclaimed followers would publicly speak and behave, and called it out way ahead of time.
Why do people blindly follow someone they know nothing about and attack those who question it? Is it easier to fool someone or convince someone they were fooled?
Is Dr. Robert Malone trustworthy? Is Steve Bannon trustworthy? Is Joe Rogan trustworthy?
There are many more than two sides. How many sides are on a black cube?
It is very simple. They must control all sides, otherwise people might be looking for the real Truth and exposing something like the Root, gateway and model for the entire Agenda - Racine, Wisconsin.
If any of them really wanted to discuss slavery, they would know all about Racine, Wisconsin where it is claimed that slavery “ended” with Joshua Glover and the formation of the modern GOP in Wisconsin. Slavery never ended, it evolved.
You must not know the history and connections of Dr. Malone, or Joe Rogan, or Elon Musk, or Alex Jones, or Peter Doocy, or Steve Bannon, or any of the others who attempt to control the other sides of the narrative.
Ron Johnson is a perfect example of this on the legislative arm. Do you believe he is trustworthy? He absolutely is not, yet most believe him to be the leading voice against the vaccine mandates in the Senate.
You may be lost forever. Not everyone can be Saved.
The Truth is not political. All parties are corrupt. Most religions are also corrupt. What are the Interfaith Alliance, Unitarianism and One World Religion? You may be as ignorant about American history as you are about religion. It is your choice. Steve Bannon claims to be Christian, yet will never share The Truth that needs to be shared. What about Pope Francis and Tim Dolan?
There are enough bad actors trying to fool you. There is no need to fool yourself.
Kabbalah > Qabalah
Repent before it is too late. Or share The Truth and help others get Saved.
As far as I remember, he never claimed otherwise. Sure he sold his own but he told you what was in it and that you could get the ingredients on your own without much trouble at all.
Lynn has been so far off his rocker that there are times I wonder if he is part of some kind of psyop working with white hats to throw off the DS while they quietly work on other things. Kind of like a smoke screen so they don't know who the real players are? Idk he just has gone so many different directions it seems intentional
It is classic misdirection. For example there are news reports (alt sites) saying that London is a Russian target, but I doubt that.
As for Lin Wood, my advice is to not pay attention to him because he is on the outside looking in just like us. If there is one person he is right about, it is Mike Pence.
So now he's going after the guy who had him on his thrivetime radio show too...? Lin Wood has lost all credibility. He's just going after everyone now, just cuz. What a douche. Screw him
Agree...I couldn't stand his speech about saving the children and talking about God. He sounded like a Televangelists just saying what people wanted to hear. Bet if we did a dig on him it would be full of faggotry.
Lin’s haircut is stupid…and he has that weird drawl to his voice…not genuine. I thought he was on our side, but he rambles on and on and on and on. Just another fake actor.
He was not a "character", he was a genius doctor who, alone amid "baffled" others, came up with a life-saving protocol that probably saved millions of lives. What did Lin Wood do that was equal to the work of Dr. Zelenko?? I'm waiting........
It's possible that some of the stuff Lin has said is true..... But I just don't like listening to anyone who can't pass a mirror without stopping to adore themselves. He just comes of as someone who is a stealth narcissist....
IMHO, Flat Earthers are part of a CIA disinformation pysops. Someone tells me they're a Flat Earther, I run the other way. FE refuse to answer basic questions about their model, and only know how to deflect. I truly believe the FE movement was an attempt to infiltrate and discredit MAGA, so outsiders can say: "That MAGA person over there is loopy. Stay away from them. They believe in Flat Earth."
Consider that the z stack ingredients were public information he provided long before he sold any kind of product. He sold the product because people asked him for an all in one.
I used "z stack" protocol without ever purchasing from him one time.
Other all in ones are products like Centrum who is partially produced by...you guessed it. People wanted to give their money to Dr Z instead of Pfizer. Let them be.
Sorry to hear Dr. Zelenko is gone.
May he now rest in peace
People don't like being reminded just out how deep the infiltration may actually be in this psyop, but it would be a disadvantage to not consider these things.....
What a douchebag.
He's been promoted to scumbag. He conveniently thumps the bible and quotes scripture out of one side of his mouth, then says stupid shit like this out of the other. If there's anything the Lord hates, it's being lukewarm.
LW and his like can only thump limited selections of the bible to do it convincingly.
For example, if you read the entirety of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, which is a thorough description on the ethics of his kingdom and those who enter his kingdom, he wraps it all up at the end by reminding his listeners to not misuse these teachings as a way to judge others and exalt oneself -- do not judge lest you be judged, take the log out of your own eye before the speck in your brother's eye, etc.
Oh and the most misunderstood saying: "do not cast your pearls before swine, nor give what is holy to dogs, lest they trample it underfoot turn around and attack you." This is called literary irony -- Jesus is saying if YOU assume that you are the bearer of priceless pearls of wisdom and holiness, and those other sinners are not even human they're swine and dogs, then don't be shocked when others sense your condescending attitude, they'll reject your "pearls" of wisdom and attack you mercilessly. You'll get what you deserve in your hypocritical self-righteous hubris.
Jesus knew how many of his self proclaimed followers would publicly speak and behave, and called it out way ahead of time.
Guess we can see why his kids don't talk to him. Seems over more than differences in politics.
What religion did Zelenko practice?
Why do people blindly follow someone they know nothing about and attack those who question it? Is it easier to fool someone or convince someone they were fooled?
Is Dr. Robert Malone trustworthy? Is Steve Bannon trustworthy? Is Joe Rogan trustworthy?
There are many more than two sides. How many sides are on a black cube?
Your statement is ridiculous. Listen to what they recommend and do research.
There is only one statement here. The rest are questions.
Prove your worth and attempt to answer them.
We know what you could never possibly comprehend.
It is very simple. They must control all sides, otherwise people might be looking for the real Truth and exposing something like the Root, gateway and model for the entire Agenda - Racine, Wisconsin.
If any of them really wanted to discuss slavery, they would know all about Racine, Wisconsin where it is claimed that slavery “ended” with Joshua Glover and the formation of the modern GOP in Wisconsin. Slavery never ended, it evolved.
You must not know the history and connections of Dr. Malone, or Joe Rogan, or Elon Musk, or Alex Jones, or Peter Doocy, or Steve Bannon, or any of the others who attempt to control the other sides of the narrative.
Ron Johnson is a perfect example of this on the legislative arm. Do you believe he is trustworthy? He absolutely is not, yet most believe him to be the leading voice against the vaccine mandates in the Senate.
We don’t speak from speculation or conjecture.
That’s a black pill but yep
You lost me at religion. When you guys paint Jews with one brush it reveals an untrustworthy political dogma.
You may be lost forever. Not everyone can be Saved.
The Truth is not political. All parties are corrupt. Most religions are also corrupt. What are the Interfaith Alliance, Unitarianism and One World Religion? You may be as ignorant about American history as you are about religion. It is your choice. Steve Bannon claims to be Christian, yet will never share The Truth that needs to be shared. What about Pope Francis and Tim Dolan?
There are enough bad actors trying to fool you. There is no need to fool yourself.
Kabbalah > Qabalah
Repent before it is too late. Or share The Truth and help others get Saved.
As far as I remember, he never claimed otherwise. Sure he sold his own but he told you what was in it and that you could get the ingredients on your own without much trouble at all.
He wouldn't come out and say there is no virus ..COVID is a lie etc ..what could they have done to him?
Well, one things for certain: Lin can't brand like Trump can.
Brand? Lin Wood seems like a person to avoid at all costs. He is starting to remind me of Fred Phelps. Just there to sue people.
Does Lin ever have a nice word for people? Seems like even if he does he burns you later.
Lin Wood's 15 mins of fame were over months ago.
Even Avenatti lasted longer than that...
Ugh. Don't remind me. Oops, too late! Another over-hyped loser.
And they were Beto-izing him, preparing for but another genius pick in the running for prez...simply amazing...
Lynn has been so far off his rocker that there are times I wonder if he is part of some kind of psyop working with white hats to throw off the DS while they quietly work on other things. Kind of like a smoke screen so they don't know who the real players are? Idk he just has gone so many different directions it seems intentional
It is classic misdirection. For example there are news reports (alt sites) saying that London is a Russian target, but I doubt that.
As for Lin Wood, my advice is to not pay attention to him because he is on the outside looking in just like us. If there is one person he is right about, it is Mike Pence.
He lost all credibility.
What a nice Christian. He can't even wait 12 hours after the guy dies to cast doubt on him with his followers. Still doing his "imperfect best" I see.
Ugh what horrible things he says!
So now he's going after the guy who had him on his thrivetime radio show too...? Lin Wood has lost all credibility. He's just going after everyone now, just cuz. What a douche. Screw him
You know I was going with this - but no link and no account title. Until I see proof I’m calling bullshit
This is a fake account.
Unfortunately it is his actual account.
Actually his account
Is that a diss to General Flynn? Umm...yea I don’t care for that at all. Flynn is awesome.
Agree...I couldn't stand his speech about saving the children and talking about God. He sounded like a Televangelists just saying what people wanted to hear. Bet if we did a dig on him it would be full of faggotry.
Lin’s haircut is stupid…and he has that weird drawl to his voice…not genuine. I thought he was on our side, but he rambles on and on and on and on. Just another fake actor.
I've thought that before. Like a wig and a mask.
He was not a "character", he was a genius doctor who, alone amid "baffled" others, came up with a life-saving protocol that probably saved millions of lives. What did Lin Wood do that was equal to the work of Dr. Zelenko?? I'm waiting........
Those that preach the loudest...
Poor taste. Lin isn’t gaining any fans dissing a hero who passed away.
It's possible that some of the stuff Lin has said is true..... But I just don't like listening to anyone who can't pass a mirror without stopping to adore themselves. He just comes of as someone who is a stealth narcissist....
No.... Because he's a huge self promoter...
What an asshole.
He's a flat Earth idiot.
IMHO, Flat Earthers are part of a CIA disinformation pysops. Someone tells me they're a Flat Earther, I run the other way. FE refuse to answer basic questions about their model, and only know how to deflect. I truly believe the FE movement was an attempt to infiltrate and discredit MAGA, so outsiders can say: "That MAGA person over there is loopy. Stay away from them. They believe in Flat Earth."
Consider that the z stack ingredients were public information he provided long before he sold any kind of product. He sold the product because people asked him for an all in one.
I used "z stack" protocol without ever purchasing from him one time.
Other all in ones are products like Centrum who is partially produced by...you guessed it. People wanted to give their money to Dr Z instead of Pfizer. Let them be.
And it's true in this short post he said:
Sorry to hear Dr. Zelenko is gone. May he now rest in peace
People don't like being reminded just out how deep the infiltration may actually be in this psyop, but it would be a disadvantage to not consider these things.....
I have been following Lin for a while now but I don't understand why he's going after his best friends Jarrin Jackson and Professor Clements.
And earlier General Flynn and Sidney Powell
Jumping in on your camp. Sorry not sorry