Gotta love our mods here....they take no shit! For all you shills, you can't hide, you people glow! We're not like other places you go, here.....your out of your league. Best if you just slither away.
I laughed at this at first...and then thought- considering the alphabet people and glowfags we are up against- this may actually encourage them! These people are sick!
You are right. It's your own personal opinion. But I think you're projecting to the max.
Without trying to put you down, wouldn't you say its contradictory to eat meat on the one hand, but be disgusted where it comes from n the other? Like someone who wants to have babies, but cannot stand doing diapers or feeding them, etc.
I'm the opposite. More and more I reflect on the fact that for millenia, our ancestors ate and lived by directly handling the things they ate. When they ate lamb, or beef, or pork, they killed the animal, gutted it, dealt with it blood and guts and all. And, the more honorable civilizations appreciated the life the animal was giving them. They weren't disgusted by what God had created.
Modern, corporate urban life has created massive disconnects between people and the world in which they live. The anti-meat, you will eat bugs or factory made meat people want to make that disconnect even greater. But, as we disconnect from God's creation, we disconnect further and further from ourselves, imo.
BTW, if you can spot pedophiles by what they look like, wow. I don't think 99.98% of the human population can do that. Most of us recognize pedophiles by their actions, not by what they look like!!!
Soooo, have ever you considered, now just hear me out, that instead of commenting on something you find distasteful in a meme that resonates with everyone else to maybe....I dunno...move along?
Sure fire way to not get down voted and eliminates the need to vomiting additional justifications to defend the indefensible. Just a pro-tip. But only the tip.
Seriously. This board has no mercy to that sort of "muh feels" BS. Save that tripe for twatter or fakebook.
That’s OK I removed all my comments because everybody was getting butt hurt. Get it lol butt hurt.
I thought for a moment I got it all wrong. Because I thought maybe he was shoving his hand down the neck/throat area, but once I re-examining the picture, I was right - he has his hand shoved down the chickens ass.
Anyway resoundingly everybody seems to love this meme, so I removed my negative comments. But whatever, not everybody has to like everything that everybody post here. And if people want to download me I have no problem with that. I’m not here for the votes. I’m here for the friends.
And as rooftop Tendie was so kind to reply to me in a more positive manner, because I think we have a good rapport. But I do have a thick skin and I don’t allow others to bring me down. I just see things different in the world than some people, and I’m OK with that.
Thank you for being kind yourself. God bless you and have a great day!
Wow, that man is a legend! His name is Edward Blom and he's Swedish. My favorite clip with EB is when he gives us his best hang-over tips: Put 500 g cheese in the microwave owen for 5-6, stir and add some left-over drinks from the night before and voila, you'll soon feel better.
Wow, I apologize for my supreme ignorance and I am thoroughly ashamed. Can you believe I have 10+ years in restaurants, cooking? Jesus, I can't....
Anyhow thanks for checking me. You are clearly correct just look at all that skin. My problem was likely that I didnt actually look at the photo for long enough.
For instance, I also just noticed the dude's expression, looking right at the camera. Amazing!
You can tell that chicken is a leftist groomer too, I mean look at the size of that guy! He just fit his huge mitten in there like nothing though! That chicken is a power bottom queen obviously.
That chicken was definitely in the middle of that orgy in Spain and now its probably got monkey pox. Siiiiick.
Ahahhahahahhaaa…oh man. That’s hilarious! Saved.
(read in Julia Child's voice) ...and then what you wanna do is massage the bird's insides, just get in there and jiggle those giblets.....
😂. I cant stop laughing at that…. Sorry YT.
Memba when SNL was funny?
I'm just picturing Julia fisting a turkey elbow deep
Yes, lurker here but freaking awesome.
Budget Penn and Teller
So disappointing Penn switched teams.
Edit: Or... now that I think about it, he could've been playing the conservative role in the past. Just another clown infotainment actor.
They were always atheists, so they were always on wrong team.
I too thought they were good guys when I was younger. They didn't change, I did.
Perpetual lurker here, pass the wine.
Gotta love our mods here....they take no shit! For all you shills, you can't hide, you people glow! We're not like other places you go, here.....your out of your league. Best if you just slither away.
This guy knows how its done!
I have no words to express the joy I received from this
Perhaps the funniest thing I’ve ever seen
Surely there should be a turbo updoodle function, one that pedes could use say, once a month, or once a week.
Coz this post needs about 1000 updoots, fast. And this pede has only one. :(
I laughed at this at first...and then thought- considering the alphabet people and glowfags we are up against- this may actually encourage them! These people are sick!
Chicken pox outbreak incoming?
Yeah don't threaten them with a good time lol
OMG I'm crying
Updated image with the most crucial element!
Lurker here
updoodle for bona fide lurking
Damn it, I just spit my beer out laughing at this!
Well said. 😎
obligatory "I don't get it?"
Have you never cooked a turkey, a goose, or a chicken?
He's gutting it and stuffing it. Strange that you would think of this in any other way.
How do you gut a shill (or turkey) and prep it for cooking in the oven? Like this.
You may want to check your projection skills here... As a home-based chef, I resonate with the meme. And NOT (ew) in the way you describe it!!!
You are right. It's your own personal opinion. But I think you're projecting to the max.
Without trying to put you down, wouldn't you say its contradictory to eat meat on the one hand, but be disgusted where it comes from n the other? Like someone who wants to have babies, but cannot stand doing diapers or feeding them, etc.
I'm the opposite. More and more I reflect on the fact that for millenia, our ancestors ate and lived by directly handling the things they ate. When they ate lamb, or beef, or pork, they killed the animal, gutted it, dealt with it blood and guts and all. And, the more honorable civilizations appreciated the life the animal was giving them. They weren't disgusted by what God had created.
Modern, corporate urban life has created massive disconnects between people and the world in which they live. The anti-meat, you will eat bugs or factory made meat people want to make that disconnect even greater. But, as we disconnect from God's creation, we disconnect further and further from ourselves, imo.
BTW, if you can spot pedophiles by what they look like, wow. I don't think 99.98% of the human population can do that. Most of us recognize pedophiles by their actions, not by what they look like!!!
Ya, no. Pedo never crossed my mind. I think you missed the point.
One key word you are missing. The mods aren't "cooking" a bird they are ROASTING it!
Soooo, have ever you considered, now just hear me out, that instead of commenting on something you find distasteful in a meme that resonates with everyone else to maybe....I dunno...move along?
Sure fire way to not get down voted and eliminates the need to vomiting additional justifications to defend the indefensible. Just a pro-tip. But only the tip.
Seriously. This board has no mercy to that sort of "muh feels" BS. Save that tripe for twatter or fakebook.
That’s OK I removed all my comments because everybody was getting butt hurt. Get it lol butt hurt.
I thought for a moment I got it all wrong. Because I thought maybe he was shoving his hand down the neck/throat area, but once I re-examining the picture, I was right - he has his hand shoved down the chickens ass.
Anyway resoundingly everybody seems to love this meme, so I removed my negative comments. But whatever, not everybody has to like everything that everybody post here. And if people want to download me I have no problem with that. I’m not here for the votes. I’m here for the friends.
And as rooftop Tendie was so kind to reply to me in a more positive manner, because I think we have a good rapport. But I do have a thick skin and I don’t allow others to bring me down. I just see things different in the world than some people, and I’m OK with that.
Thank you for being kind yourself. God bless you and have a great day!
I was not expecting to see Edward Blom and his wife here. Blom is a swedish tv-star known for his big appetite and jovial nature.
I had no idea who either of the two were I just thought it was a meme. Interesting
There needs to be a label of "Sauce" somewhere in this picture!
Ask, and you shall receive.
Or just comment.
Nice !!
Looks like Jovan Pulitzer searching for watermarks.
Ain't that the bunghole?
Eeeww gonna get monkey pizza
Edit: POX
Tippy top right here.
Wut? Washing hands loudly
It sounds like punching your fist in a jar of mayonaise repeatedly.
That is terrifyingly accurate.
Damn straight !
Lol, what a way to start a Wednesday
I need this meme base. Lmao.
Remember when people said this was a serious Q research board? I dont
I found this post helpful back when I was "new". Wayshuba if you are still here under a different account...Thank you.
Wow, that man is a legend! His name is Edward Blom and he's Swedish. My favorite clip with EB is when he gives us his best hang-over tips: Put 500 g cheese in the microwave owen for 5-6, stir and add some left-over drinks from the night before and voila, you'll soon feel better.
I'll add the clip, sorry about the TY-link:
Chicken looks pretty good tho!
Wow. Dude(tte), that ain't a chicken. That's a turkey or a goose. Chickens ain't got that much neck.
Now the guy doing the stuffin. He's prolly a chicken.
signed, foodieanon
Wow, I apologize for my supreme ignorance and I am thoroughly ashamed. Can you believe I have 10+ years in restaurants, cooking? Jesus, I can't....
Anyhow thanks for checking me. You are clearly correct just look at all that skin. My problem was likely that I didnt actually look at the photo for long enough.
For instance, I also just noticed the dude's expression, looking right at the camera. Amazing!
I feel the wine needs to be box wine though. Would give it just the perfect dash of extra cringe.
You can tell that chicken is a leftist groomer too, I mean look at the size of that guy! He just fit his huge mitten in there like nothing though! That chicken is a power bottom queen obviously.
That chicken was definitely in the middle of that orgy in Spain and now its probably got monkey pox. Siiiiick.
Nah you’re just projecting
Oh, dost thou disapprove so much? Ain't seen you round here for the better part of a year.
Or is that you with the wine glass?
Maybe the chicken...😂
Could be. Keks.
Wine glass was an allusion to "lurker". The Narwhal hasn't posted or commented in about 10 months!
The shit eating grin makes it
Where do you guys find this stuff? 🤣