Fauci wins the retirement jackpot! Being among the highest salaried federal employee, he’ll get one big fat honking mondo pension! Then just think of all those drug kick backs, and grant kicks & Gates Foundation kick backs! Lucky fascist!
Well, should we take a look at last week’s “suddenly died” list posted on Citizen Free Press now?
Do you really believe that? How many people have apparently been gitmo'd that are still out there running their mouths with same globohomo rhetoric they always have. Stop being so gullible.
It has also been rumored that he's prerecorded thousands of videos advising the public about viruses. In some, the date is in the future. So they can cover their asses if he's not around.
We may NEVER KNOW the absolute truth about some of these issues.
Fauci operated in the shadows for most of his 38 years as the Director of NIAID. But once COVID was released, President Trump put him front and centre for the whole world to see just how corrupt he & the infectious disease institutions were...
We experienced firsthand that the taxpayer-funded institutions that were supposed to be protecting the public, are in fact actively working to harm us through bioweapons & dangerous vaccinations...
We have President Trump to thank for exposing all of this...
The degree of corruption is almost unbelievable. I don't even know if they're teaching how to heal people in medical school anymore. Perhaps they're teaching ways to treat people that will lead to disease and death.
Look at how many downvotes you got for using logic, and reason. This place is a cesspool of retardation who are fixated on things like flat earth, and body doubles. It's sickening actually, I used to really like this place what a bunch of fucking dipshits here.
You know, that's interesting. I hadn't thought of "stepping down" into the gallows. Wonder if all these people lately saying they're "stepping down" are actually saying they're exiting stage left?
I personally think it’s just rats jumping off a sinking ship. Lawsuits are incoming, and winning. If all goes correctly, midterms will be a disaster for the DS. And people like Fauci will mostly likely know what persecution feels like soon. Taste of his own medicine. So how long can he run and hide might be a good question?
Because even with Republicans winning the elections it will take some time to put hearings on the House and Senate agenda. He's fleeing but trying to do it without looking suspicious.
I didn't realize he was an advisor for Reagan. Reagan signed the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act in 1986. This is the act that gave vaccine manufacturers liability protection. Fauci has been shilling for big Pharma for a long time.
I think we will find out they/the Presidents have all been puppets and no good, treasonous shit bags. Otherwise why would they allow the CIA and FBI to remain in place. The only one that appears to have U.S.A. interests in mind is DJT: grew the economy, brought businesses back, lowered taxes a little, energy independence, began prison reform, unclassified documents, respected and tried to upgrade the military, as well as their benefits (pay raise, doctor and hospital of choice if V.A. took to long, visited them on holidays), etc. He wasn’t perfect, but who is. At least we haven’t seen any criminal or economic gains on his part while President to this date.
Fauci will suddenly walk away sooner than expected, but that's not the last you will see of him. Someone has all the proof they need to take him out once and for all. Fauci, you are finished, saith the Lord.
Wow, this motherfucker is just getting away with murdering people since the 1980s when he pushed the AIDS propaganda in order to collect all $$$ funding and now he’s cashing in after convid. People aren’t angry enough for this criminal to be able to do what he’s about to do.
I mean he did the job. Operation completed. He got millions no doubt. Now it’s time for him to retire. And have fresh babies delivered and relax, watch the sun set while he rapes kids.
Nah, flights to non-extraditing Morocco are hard to come by.
Fauci wins the retirement jackpot! Being among the highest salaried federal employee, he’ll get one big fat honking mondo pension! Then just think of all those drug kick backs, and grant kicks & Gates Foundation kick backs! Lucky fascist!
Well, should we take a look at last week’s “suddenly died” list posted on Citizen Free Press now?
Fauci ain't steppin' nowhere. Not lately.
WAAAYYYY too little - Way too Late....
this is arresting news
Rumors in the conspiracy circles that he was Gitmo’d a while ago
Do you really believe that? How many people have apparently been gitmo'd that are still out there running their mouths with same globohomo rhetoric they always have. Stop being so gullible.
I don’t know what to believe, and I didn’t say it was true - just that it’s been rumored.
It wouldn’t shock me if it was true, and it wouldn’t shock me if it wasn’t true.
Do you believe with 100% certainty that McCain died of cancer? Have you seen the slip ups by Kasich about it? Still, we have no conclusive proof.
Keeping an open mind is not being gullible.
It has also been rumored that he's prerecorded thousands of videos advising the public about viruses. In some, the date is in the future. So they can cover their asses if he's not around.
We may NEVER KNOW the absolute truth about some of these issues.
Fauci operated in the shadows for most of his 38 years as the Director of NIAID. But once COVID was released, President Trump put him front and centre for the whole world to see just how corrupt he & the infectious disease institutions were...
We experienced firsthand that the taxpayer-funded institutions that were supposed to be protecting the public, are in fact actively working to harm us through bioweapons & dangerous vaccinations...
We have President Trump to thank for exposing all of this...
Yes. Thank you President Trump.
The degree of corruption is almost unbelievable. I don't even know if they're teaching how to heal people in medical school anymore. Perhaps they're teaching ways to treat people that will lead to disease and death.
They "work" these people do only works in the shadows. A Spotlight is problematic for them.
Don’t you think it would have been more helpful to let everyone know by firing his ass instead of allowing a potential genocide?
The guys been running things for decades and now gets to retire , surely with a nice pension. How tf is this good news
What did Kasich say I missed that one?
"It's like 24hr hours since John McCain was put to death"
Wow thanks didn't know that.
No name's daughter also stated on TV - they can't kill him again (or to that effect)
I didn't hear that either.
You are correct!
Ok then, we'll report back when CNN, NYT, WaPo, or some other "credible" news source reports it! 🤣
Dude, why are you here?
You seem very intent on calling every theory and POV delusional, gullible, dumb shit, etc.
In fact, your commitment to it appears to be very strong.
If you don't believe something, then don't. It's pretty simple.
Body double
"you are watching a movie"
"Patriots are in control"
"What makes a great movie? Great actors"
"Biden is shot,he's shot, not the same guy"
And you can clearly see from his facial features it's not the same guy at all. And legs look like young guy...etc.
Thank you for pointing out the legs
When he fell off the bike, all I could focus on was how his legs and arms didn’t look like any 70 or 80 yr old man
You participating in this forum is counterproductive if you believe it will EVER have credibility.
In other words, you'll always look retarded to those who subscribe to the MSM version of events. Kek.
Look at how many downvotes you got for using logic, and reason. This place is a cesspool of retardation who are fixated on things like flat earth, and body doubles. It's sickening actually, I used to really like this place what a bunch of fucking dipshits here.
How many C list actors does the CIA employ?
How many twit accounts does the CIA run?
Trillion bucks buys a big pile of doo doo.
Nice play on words I hope to see him hung.
You're late.
Why would Fauci "step down"? That's not an efficient way to hang someone for their crimes.
Most hanging scaffolds had a trap door at the base.
At the very least, have him stand on a chair and kick it out from under him.
You know, that's interesting. I hadn't thought of "stepping down" into the gallows. Wonder if all these people lately saying they're "stepping down" are actually saying they're exiting stage left?
I personally think it’s just rats jumping off a sinking ship. Lawsuits are incoming, and winning. If all goes correctly, midterms will be a disaster for the DS. And people like Fauci will mostly likely know what persecution feels like soon. Taste of his own medicine. So how long can he run and hide might be a good question?
I had a thought… I wonder what docs the FBI found at Mar-a-Lago, and if we’re going to see more resignations and “retirements” soon? 😄
Doubt there is any connection
I came here to say yesterday at the latest!
Because even with Republicans winning the elections it will take some time to put hearings on the House and Senate agenda. He's fleeing but trying to do it without looking suspicious.
I didn't realize he was an advisor for Reagan. Reagan signed the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act in 1986. This is the act that gave vaccine manufacturers liability protection. Fauci has been shilling for big Pharma for a long time.
People still cling to Reagan being a good president when he did shit like this.
I think we will find out they/the Presidents have all been puppets and no good, treasonous shit bags. Otherwise why would they allow the CIA and FBI to remain in place. The only one that appears to have U.S.A. interests in mind is DJT: grew the economy, brought businesses back, lowered taxes a little, energy independence, began prison reform, unclassified documents, respected and tried to upgrade the military, as well as their benefits (pay raise, doctor and hospital of choice if V.A. took to long, visited them on holidays), etc. He wasn’t perfect, but who is. At least we haven’t seen any criminal or economic gains on his part while President to this date.
I remember when Reagan became president. Work went from being tolerable and sometimes pleasant, to feeling like you got hit by a train.
Many other things got worse too. And have stayed that way. Life got harder.
Reagon also attended the Bohemian Grove. I don't have good memories of him.
"My damage here is done."
Getting out before a reckoning results
why wait beat the xmas rush..............
Bye den
I'm sure Joe will appoint a transgender unicorn person with no qualifications to rubber stamp everything anyway.
Likely so
Lets see if Biden pulls the trigger on Ru Paul as a replacement.
"Dr." Jill
"Dr Jill's a helluva doctor"
The demon’s full statement https://www.niaid.nih.gov/news-events/statement-anthony-s-fauci-md
Ty for the sauce!!
I got 50 bucks says he gets his Christmas bonus
Hoping more than just his stockings will be hung by the chimney, but with zero care
Serious question: who is this Julie Green person? I've seen this link shared on lots of posts (maybe by you?), and I have no idea who she is
Bye troll - don't let the door hit you in the arse on your way out!
Just in time for the red wave.
ABOUT DAMN TIME. He should be in jail.
Somebody get his passport.
Or at least restrict his travels to countries where we can still extradite his facist ass.
Ncswic faucist
He just wants to spend more time with his bats and beagles.
Fauchi = Dead man walking
Wax the ropes.
Why wait? Do it Now!!
Run away, murderer. You're still going to prison.
Wow, this motherfucker is just getting away with murdering people since the 1980s when he pushed the AIDS propaganda in order to collect all $$$ funding and now he’s cashing in after convid. People aren’t angry enough for this criminal to be able to do what he’s about to do.
Fauci stepping down? I hope he then steps up as in stepping up the gallows very soon afterwards.
Hope as he steps down he falls down a flight of stairs then stacy abrams comes falling down right after and flattens him kek
Not before he's publicly exposed and the atrocities he committed fully revealed for all the covidians to see.
Then Stacy Abrams can come in like a wrecking ball!
Down is the right direction…
Someone just needs to clip the strings on his golden parachute to hasten him…home. 🔥👿🔥
I mean he did the job. Operation completed. He got millions no doubt. Now it’s time for him to retire. And have fresh babies delivered and relax, watch the sun set while he rapes kids.
If he’s First out, hopefully he is first to the rope.
As a private citizen... he's allowed to plead the 5th. Simple as
That’s just protecting him from self-incrimination. It doesn’t protect him from the damning evidence that’s been collected against him.
whos the freak show thats going to replace him