
I was a self proclaimed atheist for almost all of my 20s. As well as heavily medicated for anxiety and depression (even misdiagnosed as bipolar at one point), I thank the Great Awakening for bringing me back to God. “Pray without ceasing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
✝️ Scripture 🕊️

Glad to have you back in one piece, Fren!🙏🏻
Good to hear it.
I was also an atheist from childhood and diagnosed with a mood disorder in my twenties, but since I've started believing in God, I've found I can take a much lower dose of meds. Thankfully.
I was misdiagnosed as bipolar which later was found to be a symptom of my Graves' disease. I'm only on meds for autoimmune stuff now and no SSRI/SNRIs. You should look into the supplement NAC, obviously do your own research but I've heard a lot of good things about people taking that instead of prescription meds.
NAC is amazing! Also just read that Vitamin D supplementation helps depression!
>Graves disease
>recommending NAC
Did you happen to have any other symptoms of fungal overgrowth? There's an anti-fungal, anti-mold, anti-yeast protocol that's been kicking around 4chan's /x/ board last couple months. Spoiler alert, NAC plays a major role.
If you look at the research in there, it's a whole different take on "bringing darkness to light". We're talking about the root cause of every major ailment in Western Culture. We're talking about the dissolution of LGBT as a "thing".
Oh I forgot to add. I can't remember where I saw this but it was in regards to virus leading to cancer and not fungus. It was with regards to "bubble boy" David Vetter. As soon as they did the bone marrow transplant from his sister his body become riddled with tumors and cancers after getting mono. And then it was found that her marrow had latent dormant Epstein Barr virus.
I have heard of that but not in the sense of fungus. I will be adding this to my reading list. :) I don't actually take the NAC myself, my husband takes it periodically.
So happy for you both! 🙏🎉
Awesome post! God works Miracles if we just open our hearts to Him!
same. i think Q/trump/whatever the fuck this is did this to a lot of people
No DEMONrats and evil did this.
I think a little of both as well with what @GoingCamaro said below. For me it was the pattern recognition of satanic stuff going around and weird matching dates (its way more complicated than that but I don't want to give you a dissertation haha).
Both? Yeah, both.
I also like that people are choosing so WILLINGLY and not because of shame or misguided community influence...
omg I love this lol
I realized after years of being atheist that science itself was a religion, and without any moral framework it's actually worse than most religions.
Religions have their problems, namely circumcision and some other elements, but science is worse because it enables ANY atrocity, so long as it can be "proven."
I'm still not religious, but I'm no longer atheist either. I'm agnostic. There is no other sensible way, nobody really "knows" and ESPECIALLY not the pompous atheist scientist retards.
Hang on to your hat, my fren. A Christian here. Been getting together to pray with others every evening. I've never felt God so close every day like now, since we started this about a year ago. And eye opening things are happening. Even a miraculous healing of cancer the size of a tennis ball that fell off, leaving no scar or any evidence it was ever there. As bad as the world looks, there's also a righteous undercurrent on the move with all the prayer going up. I do believe we all have a part to play, but God will intervene in a way that we'll know it was His love that saves us. He can take something horrible and turn it for good. And I feel that's what is coming for anyone who asks of Him.
Me, too! We pray for our world and all of the righteous fighting evil every night at 7pm central time. Been doing this since Hussein appeared on the scene 2007.
I think a lot of other people are, too. My family actually began praying for a cleansing of our judicial system over 30 years ago. We could see the rot taking over in our own little town, so we began praying for the whole US judicial system to become what God intended it to be--with no two-tiered system that allows the wealthy and connected to avoid real justice. I think we're getting close to seeing it begin.
How wonderful!
And I know you are correct because for years I've sent out emails and texts asking people to join us at 7pm daily and many replied that they already were like you! I feel sure many of God's children worldwide are praying for His Hands to move over our world and I know He is!
Blessings fren!
I've been praying along at 8:00PM Eastern time. Praying for others seems to bring blessings to the ones praying. I hope everyone here joins in. It is very powerful.
What’s the name of prayer group?
I also would like to know this!
Chariot wheel in Dead Sea or was it Red Sea. Noah’s Ark found (if that was proven) Many findings of sea fossils hundreds of miles inland. Skeletons of HUGE giants found worldwide that supposed fact checkers deny.
The city found underneath Grand Canyon in caves housing giant skeletons and Ancient Egyptian statues and sarcophaguses.my theory; The earth was much more land until the Great Flood of Noah’s day and God left the parts covered with water that had become most evil. Pangea us a term I have heard. I have also watched a documentary where the lead archaeologist who is a Christian believes Atlantis and Tarshish are one and the same and that he found it under a bay that has been covered in two ft of mud on a small island of Crete. He even used satellite sonar and descriptions detailing both to match and his team found many ancient artifacts on the surface. They cam’t sig until they find a safe way as under the mud is a massive picket of methane which could kill many for miles. My solution; evacuate everyone a safe distance, then shoot a missile to somewhere that’d release the methane without damaging anything.
Happy to hear that! God takes care of His children! Blessings to you and your family my fren 😁
Praise God!!!! Sending much love and prayers for a deepening and flourishing of your faith in Christ Jesus!! God is good!!
Beautiful. God bless you Fren
Glad you have returned to the fold my fren. Now use your incognito mode to bring others around :D
Welcome home fren!
Glad you stumbled back to Him, fren. Jesus is the ultimate red pill.
May God pour on you grace and mercy and blessings, and guidance for your covert mission!
I heard a saying once that your primary task each day is to make yourself happy in the Lord. It's easy to get mad, or fearful, or incensed, but this is all temporary, and we need to ask God what part WE have to play, and leave the rest to God.
I worked in mental health and am a licensed professional for what that is worth these days, which I humbly believe is not much, but I can really recommend anyone struggling with the stress of job, fam, and the GA all at one time can try a panoply of OTC herbs and natural supplements for it:
Kava - natural anxiolytic more effective imho than the Rxs.
Melatonin - natural compound that knocks out insomnia without a benadryl hangover in the morning. Also extends telomeres, which are key to the scaffolding of longevity.
3 Rhodiola - a mood brightener that is gentle and proven in the med lit.
St. John's Wort - just don't take too much but add other components in this list.
Organic MCT Oil - powder or liquid.
Ashwaganda - a nootropic that goes where it is needed: pain relief, inflammation reduction, healing and mood.
Turmeric - same effects as ashwaganda but more anti-inflammatory, which has a role in moods.
Passion Flower - I even grow these and they are a lovely plant whose leaves and flowers are edible and long known to promote relaxation and positive mood.
Ginko - med lit shows role in brain health.
Cayenne - anti-inflammatory e.g. also in the brain.
General liquid vitamin/mineral supplement - I like Maryruth's Liquid Vitamins.
In my professional contact, most people with mood related diagnoses come to us after a terrible diet of junk and processed food for years, with ETOH and soda a food group. Cleaning up their diet is a huge task. Getting them to eat a veggie at all is a big deal. I feel most psych diagnoses are malnutrition related, and not a single MD I've known ever took nutrition. And the nutrition course I had to take was woefully inadequate to the task. God Bless, hope this is helpful!
In the Almighty name of Jesus Christ, I bind and rebuke the Spirits of anxiety, depression, fears and confusion and oppression and mental illness. I command you to leave the members of this GAW family and their family members! Leave Nd Do NOT return. I slam that door on you and cover it over in the Almighty, Holy and Precious BLOOD of JESUS.
Amen to your powerful prayer Juls! 🙌
I’ve tried kava, ashwaganda.. pretty much every natural thing which didn’t seem to help when I was anxious. Only natural supplements that work for me are full spectrum cbd tincture made from hemp. Magnesium “calm” seems to have an immediate effect as well.
My husband has done a lot of research into what could potentially cause stuff like this due to him being diagnosed with autism. We found anecdotes of people taking ivermectin/HCQ and finding relief from different psychological symptoms. The basic short version of it is that we are all full of parasites and affected by them differently and our diets that are typically high in sugar feed those parasites (which is why American diets seem to be so much different than everywhere else in the world and we have the highest population of people on meds).
In no way am I insinuating that this is a cure or that you should do this, only that if you are interested its worth a shot. Does he take zinc and vitamin D?
Do you know if he experienced any trauma or was he like that as an infant? I'm fascinated by stuff like this right now because I want to know what happened to us as a species and how much of it was caused by the people we are fighting. Like did germaphobia exist in ancient times?
I'm so sorry for what your son is having to suffer through. I hope somehow someway he is able to find relief someday.
As someone who was constantly accused by my mom in my teens of being in drugs I had never taken and diagnosed with Bipolar at 19, the many years following were spent wasting time on counselors, doctors and meds for bipolar and the seizure meds they also used for Bipolar. It wasn’t until I finally found a doctor who gave me natural herbs and referred me on to Naturpath when she retired and moved away. May I add to your list Vitamin D3, Valerian Root and Cod Liver Oil which along with much of your list helped and got me away from the synthetic prescription meds that gave me notta but horrible side effects, plus spending more time in God’s word and in prayer. The faith I’ve had since I was five is all that has kept me alive.
Valerian was the go to treatment for melancholy before allopathic medicines came around, there has never been very many studies done on this at all.
I would like to mention Kalonji, black seed oil. This is the oldest medicine we know about, its the universal panacea.
And there is Shungite, a mineral with the internal structure of a molecule.
I hope this helps, blessings from another ex atheist to you.
Do you mean 5-HCT or 5-HTP?
Oh my thank you for this. I needed it today. I am so full of anxiety and worry but I was never an atheist. I have been this way most of my life. I asked for help and a sign and I see this.
Thank you.
Don't forget to use good coping mechanisms and good grounding mechanisms. My anxiety isn't gone but its far more manageable. Its obviously not one for one with anxiety but I find myself not getting anxious about sillier things and my anxiety from other things is easier to walk through. I still have days of agoraphobia but I don't feel guilty about it after I walk out of the cloud.
God is good!
Amen and Praise The Lord- It's ALL a scam..top to bottom- Evolution, psychology, diagnoses-ALL OF IT. This be Satan's realm. And bureaucracies are his enforcers
Beautiful post. Christ is King.
What a great testimony and a great drawing. Thanks for this. God be with you and yours always.
Welcome back! Praise God, what an awesome testimony you have!
Amen, brother. Amen.
God bless you, fren.
Praise be to God for that. I have a similar story, but I wasn’t Atheist, per se.
It took me a while to understand how to give my worries and anxiety to God, still working on that. Blessings to you and all our brothers and sisters here on GAW.
Welcome fren,their is a powerful book written by a Russian peasant,on praying without ceasing.
Called the way of the pilgrim.
Short book well worth the read.
I'm an A-Atheist, I don't believe in atheists.
Seriously though, there's no such thing according to scripture. Everyone knows God exists, they just suppress the truth in unrighteousness.
Meds remove God. Deliberately. Also confounds thought, common sense, and makes you I'll. You will never get better from a pill. You will need more pills however.
Well, God bless you my fellow patriot.
Praise God!! Amen
Seen a meme that said Feed your faith and your fears starve to death. So true- last couple of years that’s what I’ve been doing & my anxiety is nearly nonexistent! Trust in God is what’s been missing since Eden.
My husband actually hoped onto the Faith-train before I did and I saw the changes in him first.
Do you still take medication?
I do not take any SSRI/SNRIs. I take supplements (I can list those if you want) and my meds for my autoimmune disease. But even those I try to only take if I get a bad flare up.
Honestly, yeah I will take the supplements that you are actively taking, it may be some stuff that my own body could use.
Congratulations though God does work wonders, its nice to know that each and every one of us were hand selected by the Lord for some crazy reason. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would ever become apart of something so amazing.
Same as me as well mate. My triple vaxed mother ribs me for it as well. Nothing malicious, all light hearted. I tried my very best to not get the vax, but it wasn't enough I guess. I love her and I'm very afraid🙏. Good to have you on-board fren.
Welcome. I am relatively belty recalled back to God as well. I'm grateful for His goodness
So glad you made it into the light. It is has always been my belief that so many people these days are depressed, anxious and using Pharma drugs instead of God to find inner peace. When it is so simple to just say a prayer and give it over to Our Lord. You are a great example of that. Anything is possible with God. Continue to lean on Him when you need to do so. And you still have us here to pray for you, too.