I remain interested but skeptical. I lose nothing by taking all of it with a grain of salt. I gain nothing by going whole-hog believing. If disinfo is necessary, then none of it should be taken as gospel.
I’ve seen more damage at a frat house party than j6. The problem I have with it was trump pumped us all up to come out there implying some huge reveal or announcement. Only for it to be a nothingburger and then a trap. You can play the mental gymnastics but that’s a fact. I only avoided it due to sheer luck but had I my life would be ruined like so many people who did.
It was mostly undercover Antifa who were arrested. I don't know why some pedes keep forgetting that. Right after Jan. 6 there was tons of information about how Ashli Babbitt was a plant by the FBI, but all that has been memory holed and now pedes keep trying to turn her into a martyr, even though that's exactly what the DS wants.
There were two groups of Trump supporter. The free thinking ones ignore J6 that day. The other group is the non free thinking mainstream media controlled ones. You belongs to the latter. How did you escape?
You are not of the free thinking group. You don't have individual thoughts. Your opinions are basically worthless. Go back to your mainstream media for your daily lesson.
I just wish he would have had the rally somewhere other than DC, that’s all. Then those poor people wouldn’t be rotting away in prison. Should have been in Florida or another safe place. AND non violent crimes should have been blanket pardoned before he left office
He said vax which many people question. It is hard to accept that Trump is a genius playing 17D chess and accept that he pushed the vax but didn't know it would harm people.
I am aware of the situation at the time which was shut down the country for a prolonged period, a year or longer, or push the vax as quickly as possible. The shutdown option is a non starter so the vax option was all that was left.
Then that raises the question of mandatory vaxx. Trump never mandated it and that was a Biden thing once he was in. Trump promoted the vax but also left the decision up to the individual and did not support a mandate.
There are still some questions around this but I think Trump did the best he could with the options he had.
I think some people just don't know the order of things and how they went down. They just see Trump pushing the vaxx and that on its own is bad.
Without the vax we'd be all in lockdown until 2024. The vax saved the economy, saved jobs, and opened people's eyes to big pharma in a way that couldn't have happened without it. At worst it's collateral damage at a major battle. At best it's a huge redpill.
(((They))) wanted to lock us U.S. down for 5-10 years! It would have been one variant after another. It was a trial run to test us for control. Pure. Evil.
Collateral damage means unintended losses during combat, so yeah. Fortunately people weren't forced to take it at gunpoint. I risked losing my job, but thank God I did not. Others did though, instead of taking it. Not taking the vax was much easier than taking the mark of the beast will be, from Revelation. This was practice. If people failed, they have an opportunity to wake up and say no next time, if it comes in our lifetime.
He said HCQ too and the smart and well informed Trump supports caught that. Perhaps you aren’t one of those brighter and smarter one and that’s a personal choice. You had failed parents perhaps.
So I write a brief outlay of the time from memory really only to expand on a previous posters thought and now I am an idiot who had bad parents?
Dude, really? The fact that I missed certain points that actually weren't pertinent, we were comparing lockdowns and the vax, doesn't mean anything except that I didn't include it. You think you can ascertain someones upbringing or their intelligence from a few sentences on the internet? Get over yourself.
All my most hardcore trump friends ordered ivermectin from India including myself. Weird how none of us took the vax and boo every time trump mentioned it. Hmmm
Here’s the thing. Did you expect Trump to go against the whole deep State narrative and says “don’t take the vax”? A quote like that would do more damage. It’s war and there will be casualties. Do you agree? If not, please post a detail cause and effects of what you think will happen.
The vax may have been beneficial for old people? It comes down to a cost benefit for the individual really. If you’re old, you’re not really worried about fertility or even slow growing cancers (that haven’t developed) I don’t know, but I do know it’s not beneficial for young and most middle aged people. I also know a proper cost-benefit could never have been conducted given the lack of real information allowed out. It should have just been available for old people who want it, like I believe the shingles vaccine is only for older people, but mandated for no one, ever.
Keep in mind that many people who may be visiting here are doing so out of curiosity and haven't fully committed to believing in Q just yet. Most of the frequent users don't believe it's a conspiracy theory.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is the normie Q hangout for recent converts and hopium refugees escaping the cuckold clutches of the doomer fag clans at patriots.win. The real scene is 8kun. Everything else is, at best, downstream of research done years ago over there.
Voat was a solid middle ground between the autists and the normies, but wasn't needed anymore after Q stopped posting the moment the steal was solidified. The time for research and decodes was over. This is strictly a catch-up operation here at GAW for all of those that weren't following Q prior to Jan 2021.
I had a never done any social media before and didn't even know what 4chan was but one day almost 6 years ago I was reading a comments on a FoxNews article. One of the comments said' íf you really want to know what's going on you need to follow Q!" And I'm thinking who's Q?? Sure wish I could hug the Patriot that redpilled me!
That was the start of my learning curve which after digging led me to 4chan. WOW! My innocent eyes! 😸 Then, 8chan, VOAT and I was really lost when we lost VOAT so I headed back to 8chan chan. What a life changing experience...in the beginning I just lurked and after 2 years I finally started commenting.
There are a lot here who came after TDW got blackpilled after J6 and stayed for the hopium. I don't think Q is a scam, but I don't have to understand every drop and weird time theory to support the goal of saving the world.
Nope. Its been the JV on the field up until now. The precipice and normie awakening is on deck. I think as we move out of August shit gonna pick up real quick. Should be interesting.
yes bt i think the point he is making is that with his latest posts all of trump's narratives are essentially Q narratives. So if you still support trump over his latest comments you kinda have to support Q as they are in parallel and the same
Sure, but my point is that this only makes sense if you believe Trump is involved with whatever Q is, they don't just happen to be saying the same things, Trump and Q on the surface level are against the same things but believing in Q is believing in a white hat military operation, it's possible to be a Trump supporter and not believe that, I'm not saying that's true, I'm new to Q but I think there's something to it, at the least whatever it specifically is I do believe Trump supports it, I believe it's real I just don't think that every Q follower is necessarily interpreting it correctly, like I don't believe that we're simply "watching a movie".
I agree with you, he made a huge generalization. Trump and Q in general are talking about the same things, all the tiny details of what is true or false is still up for debate. We are never going to really know everything I don't think since this is a massive intelligence operation in a world war.
I don’t play chess, but in the games I have seen the pieces are pushed to the center of the board when that hits a point where the attack is made then pieces start flying off the board all at once.
I think that is where we are at now. Pieces are being taken off the board.
Move counter Move.
POTUS is basically picking the new congress. the shots Deep state raids maralargo. POTUS just called for a new election. Deepstate just got buttfucked on national television.
The first arrest will shock the world.
It will be POTUS the globalists will never be able to take POTUS down. Everyday the Biden admin fucks us all. People are waking up. It’s not POTUS they need to shut down. 2017 2018 half the country were worried POTUS would destroy us. Now they know. They have seen his results.he fought for us not Ukraine and China Iran. Americans. We desperately need a fighter. The American champion has been chosen.
The end goal of Q isn't that people trust or support Q. There is no onus to "support" Q, or even trust Q (in fact, Q said sometimes they present disinformation so blindly trusting them for no other reason than dogma would be ridiculous).
In fact, the public face of the Q operation has probably ended. Yes, the military is still going to clean up, but whether or not anyone believes that happening is literally moot.
Case in point, the last Q posts were presented in a flakey and confusing fashion, probably not by Q, and not much effort has been made to rectify that by the Q team. Why? Because it doesn't matter.
Either military intelligence and Durham is going to put the smack down on the cabal, or they're not. Whether or not you believe they are has no bearing on anything.
The Q operation is about spreading information. That information can spread independent of whether someone believes in Q. Example, Q likely caused the "Epstein didn't kill himself" meme to spread like wildfire. Would it hurt, or help, if you demanded everyone who shared that meme to swear to pledge allegiance to Q?
Do I believe Q is real? Sure. Do I believe Trump is behind Q? Sure. Do I feel the need to scold MAGA patriots who support Trump but don't believe in Q? No. Why would I?
The only people who have still not figured out that Q is legit are those who still listen to and get their information from the mainstream media. They are followers and just want to believe what the majority believe. They are sheep that do not realize that they are sheep.
Unfortunately, the alternative is that Trump is just playing along with the Q drops because he knows that does two things: 1) rallies support for him by those who are firmly behind the Q plan, and 2) causes MSM to go crazy about it.
I remain interested but skeptical. I lose nothing by taking all of it with a grain of salt. I gain nothing by going whole-hog believing. If disinfo is necessary, then none of it should be taken as gospel.
my thoughts exactly. Plus its just fun
Yes, but above all, be of good cheer. The WEF wants you angry. Deny them that. Laugh to the faces of these clowns.
They're called "Q Proofs" because they conclusively prove the link between Trump and Q.
Not beyond a reasonable doubt, but beyond any doubt.
The photograph of Trump exiting Air Force 1 taken from inside the plane that day convinced me along with the same time stamps.
“j6”?!?! Nice try, glowmo hobo
Not sure they can glow much brother! Kek
I’ve seen more damage at a frat house party than j6. The problem I have with it was trump pumped us all up to come out there implying some huge reveal or announcement. Only for it to be a nothingburger and then a trap. You can play the mental gymnastics but that’s a fact. I only avoided it due to sheer luck but had I my life would be ruined like so many people who did.
Trump said to protest ‘legally’, that’s the fact
It was mostly undercover Antifa who were arrested. I don't know why some pedes keep forgetting that. Right after Jan. 6 there was tons of information about how Ashli Babbitt was a plant by the FBI, but all that has been memory holed and now pedes keep trying to turn her into a martyr, even though that's exactly what the DS wants.
A legal protest is not a slaughter.
Sure tell that to the ones rotting in jail.
There were two groups of Trump supporter. The free thinking ones ignore J6 that day. The other group is the non free thinking mainstream media controlled ones. You belongs to the latter. How did you escape?
In other words you don’t have an answer
You are not of the free thinking group. You don't have individual thoughts. Your opinions are basically worthless. Go back to your mainstream media for your daily lesson.
I just wish he would have had the rally somewhere other than DC, that’s all. Then those poor people wouldn’t be rotting away in prison. Should have been in Florida or another safe place. AND non violent crimes should have been blanket pardoned before he left office
You fail to understand game theory fren. POTUS knew there would be bad actors infiltrating from 3 letter agencies and Sorus paid.
Sometimes you must show the people...
What makes you think there are people rotting away in DC? I don't believe that.
that’s an implication a glowie would make
By whom? Holyscmoly? Why are you speaking for the glowie?
He said vax which many people question. It is hard to accept that Trump is a genius playing 17D chess and accept that he pushed the vax but didn't know it would harm people.
I am aware of the situation at the time which was shut down the country for a prolonged period, a year or longer, or push the vax as quickly as possible. The shutdown option is a non starter so the vax option was all that was left.
Then that raises the question of mandatory vaxx. Trump never mandated it and that was a Biden thing once he was in. Trump promoted the vax but also left the decision up to the individual and did not support a mandate.
There are still some questions around this but I think Trump did the best he could with the options he had.
I think some people just don't know the order of things and how they went down. They just see Trump pushing the vaxx and that on its own is bad.
Without the vax we'd be all in lockdown until 2024. The vax saved the economy, saved jobs, and opened people's eyes to big pharma in a way that couldn't have happened without it. At worst it's collateral damage at a major battle. At best it's a huge redpill.
(((They))) wanted to lock us U.S. down for 5-10 years! It would have been one variant after another. It was a trial run to test us for control. Pure. Evil.
At worst, everyone who took it are dead soon. Or worse
Collateral damage means unintended losses during combat, so yeah. Fortunately people weren't forced to take it at gunpoint. I risked losing my job, but thank God I did not. Others did though, instead of taking it. Not taking the vax was much easier than taking the mark of the beast will be, from Revelation. This was practice. If people failed, they have an opportunity to wake up and say no next time, if it comes in our lifetime.
What you fail to remember when Trump pused the vax (which he had no choice) he said do your research, you will have to decide.
I am sure I missed a lot in that brief synopsis there. Wasn't on purpose.
I'm with ya!
He said HCQ too and the smart and well informed Trump supports caught that. Perhaps you aren’t one of those brighter and smarter one and that’s a personal choice. You had failed parents perhaps.
So I write a brief outlay of the time from memory really only to expand on a previous posters thought and now I am an idiot who had bad parents?
Dude, really? The fact that I missed certain points that actually weren't pertinent, we were comparing lockdowns and the vax, doesn't mean anything except that I didn't include it. You think you can ascertain someones upbringing or their intelligence from a few sentences on the internet? Get over yourself.
Yeah quite an undereducated to ignore facts. That’s using half truth. Half truth is used by undereducated because they obviously lack knowledge
All my most hardcore trump friends ordered ivermectin from India including myself. Weird how none of us took the vax and boo every time trump mentioned it. Hmmm
Here’s the thing. Did you expect Trump to go against the whole deep State narrative and says “don’t take the vax”? A quote like that would do more damage. It’s war and there will be casualties. Do you agree? If not, please post a detail cause and effects of what you think will happen.
He and Kaylee mentioned it several times.
History will remember him being banned for mentioning actual therapy like hydroxychlorquine and banned by the fascists. The fucking president!
The vax may have been beneficial for old people? It comes down to a cost benefit for the individual really. If you’re old, you’re not really worried about fertility or even slow growing cancers (that haven’t developed) I don’t know, but I do know it’s not beneficial for young and most middle aged people. I also know a proper cost-benefit could never have been conducted given the lack of real information allowed out. It should have just been available for old people who want it, like I believe the shingles vaccine is only for older people, but mandated for no one, ever.
It doesn't make sense that a Q board with a huge Q on the banner is full of users who think Q is a conspiracy theory.
Keep in mind that many people who may be visiting here are doing so out of curiosity and haven't fully committed to believing in Q just yet. Most of the frequent users don't believe it's a conspiracy theory.
That's not been my experience here. Most users on this site seem to pretty well aware of what is happening with Q.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is the normie Q hangout for recent converts and hopium refugees escaping the cuckold clutches of the doomer fag clans at patriots.win. The real scene is 8kun. Everything else is, at best, downstream of research done years ago over there.
Voat was a solid middle ground between the autists and the normies, but wasn't needed anymore after Q stopped posting the moment the steal was solidified. The time for research and decodes was over. This is strictly a catch-up operation here at GAW for all of those that weren't following Q prior to Jan 2021.
I miss VOAT.
4chan --> 8chan --> (Voat) --> 8kun --> GAW/PDW
Oh and fuck reddit.
Voat was home away from home.
This was almost my exact journey fren!
I had a never done any social media before and didn't even know what 4chan was but one day almost 6 years ago I was reading a comments on a FoxNews article. One of the comments said' íf you really want to know what's going on you need to follow Q!" And I'm thinking who's Q?? Sure wish I could hug the Patriot that redpilled me!
That was the start of my learning curve which after digging led me to 4chan. WOW! My innocent eyes! 😸 Then, 8chan, VOAT and I was really lost when we lost VOAT so I headed back to 8chan chan. What a life changing experience...in the beginning I just lurked and after 2 years I finally started commenting.
Take care fren!
Ridiculous. This whole "witnessing the end of the age on Earth" thing is such a trip. Glad I got the memo haha
Good to see a voat goat.
You, too fren! There are a few Voat goat's here! 😸
There are a lot here who came after TDW got blackpilled after J6 and stayed for the hopium. I don't think Q is a scam, but I don't have to understand every drop and weird time theory to support the goal of saving the world.
They're not users. They are lurking BlueAnons.
IMHO...We Aint seen Nothing Yet...😉😎Getting Extremely interesting...
Nope. Its been the JV on the field up until now. The precipice and normie awakening is on deck. I think as we move out of August shit gonna pick up real quick. Should be interesting.
It's been obvious to many of us that Trump and Q are tightly aligned.
We're getting close.
Yeah that's a fundamental aspect of this place.
You are ALWAYS right on time with the sauce fren! Well done! u/LBTrumplican2
Ignore all battle wins
2016 BQ
1 + 1 = 2
2 + 2 = 4
4 + 4 = 8
8 + 8 =16
2017 AQ
8 + 8 + x = ?
x = https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/164 + https://patelpatriot.substack.com/
8 + 8 + x = https://cdn.winknews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Trump-4.jpg
Great links for normies or newbies just landing here Chaos!
Impossible. PDW insists it's a LARP...
At this point, I'm more interested in knowing how they pulled it off.
This logic doesn't work, is it not just saying "if you believe Trump is involved with Q and you support Trump, you must support Q"
It's circular logic, it's arguing from the presupposition that Trump is involved with Q, which of course Q followers believe.
But you can absolutely think that Trump is not involved with Q and still support Trump.
No, he’s saying that there is evidence that Trump is involved with Q, that it’s not just a presupposition.
yes bt i think the point he is making is that with his latest posts all of trump's narratives are essentially Q narratives. So if you still support trump over his latest comments you kinda have to support Q as they are in parallel and the same
It’s forcing the normies to look or be left behind. The left behind will live in a lost state and it’s a personal choice.
No he's saying Trump and Q are saying the same things so how can you support one without the other when they are the same?
Sure, but my point is that this only makes sense if you believe Trump is involved with whatever Q is, they don't just happen to be saying the same things, Trump and Q on the surface level are against the same things but believing in Q is believing in a white hat military operation, it's possible to be a Trump supporter and not believe that, I'm not saying that's true, I'm new to Q but I think there's something to it, at the least whatever it specifically is I do believe Trump supports it, I believe it's real I just don't think that every Q follower is necessarily interpreting it correctly, like I don't believe that we're simply "watching a movie".
I agree with you, he made a huge generalization. Trump and Q in general are talking about the same things, all the tiny details of what is true or false is still up for debate. We are never going to really know everything I don't think since this is a massive intelligence operation in a world war.
I don’t play chess, but in the games I have seen the pieces are pushed to the center of the board when that hits a point where the attack is made then pieces start flying off the board all at once.
I think that is where we are at now. Pieces are being taken off the board.
Move counter Move.
POTUS is basically picking the new congress. the shots Deep state raids maralargo. POTUS just called for a new election. Deepstate just got buttfucked on national television.
The first arrest will shock the world.
It will be POTUS the globalists will never be able to take POTUS down. Everyday the Biden admin fucks us all. People are waking up. It’s not POTUS they need to shut down. 2017 2018 half the country were worried POTUS would destroy us. Now they know. They have seen his results.he fought for us not Ukraine and China Iran. Americans. We desperately need a fighter. The American champion has been chosen.
Everyday regular Americans are being dogpiled on.
It's one and the same, but yeah
The end goal of Q isn't that people trust or support Q. There is no onus to "support" Q, or even trust Q (in fact, Q said sometimes they present disinformation so blindly trusting them for no other reason than dogma would be ridiculous).
In fact, the public face of the Q operation has probably ended. Yes, the military is still going to clean up, but whether or not anyone believes that happening is literally moot.
Case in point, the last Q posts were presented in a flakey and confusing fashion, probably not by Q, and not much effort has been made to rectify that by the Q team. Why? Because it doesn't matter.
Either military intelligence and Durham is going to put the smack down on the cabal, or they're not. Whether or not you believe they are has no bearing on anything.
The Q operation is about spreading information. That information can spread independent of whether someone believes in Q. Example, Q likely caused the "Epstein didn't kill himself" meme to spread like wildfire. Would it hurt, or help, if you demanded everyone who shared that meme to swear to pledge allegiance to Q?
Do I believe Q is real? Sure. Do I believe Trump is behind Q? Sure. Do I feel the need to scold MAGA patriots who support Trump but don't believe in Q? No. Why would I?
Who is Q? Well....
a ghost??
military psywar
The only people who have still not figured out that Q is legit are those who still listen to and get their information from the mainstream media. They are followers and just want to believe what the majority believe. They are sheep that do not realize that they are sheep.
Unfortunately, the alternative is that Trump is just playing along with the Q drops because he knows that does two things: 1) rallies support for him by those who are firmly behind the Q plan, and 2) causes MSM to go crazy about it.
Amen to this.
Agree, I have believed this for quite awhile.
nevermind, that wasn’t you. sorry