We should crowd fund a company called Nikola and build Internal Combustion Engine conversion kits for Tesla’s. The consumer can have a choice for their 8 year old cars... drop $30k on a new battery, or $5k on an ICE.
You're on to something. Make an after market kit, throw an inverter in it to charge like the car is meant to, mount an alternator or generator to the wheel hubs like some of the hybrids have, you'd at least extend the vehicle's potential range.
I don't mean to be rude, but that doesn't mean anything. It has been called that to induce artificial scarcity - scare people into believe it's a finite resource, and you can set the price. JP Morgan has allegedly been suppressing the price of silver for a long time, who knows what the real price should be?
By the way the term "fossil fuel" was made up by J. D. Rockefeller. He told his "scientists" to use the phrase from an authoritative place to make Oil seem scarce. when it is the 2nd most plentiful liquid.
I read a Russian scientist got necked for revealing "fossil fuel" can be created easily and artificially with heat, pressure under vacuum, Iron oxide and calcium carbonate isotopes. Probably one of those conspiracy theories though.
The word fossil needs to be dropped....Oil generates daily and is not a one and done like some scientists state. It is also not from decaying dinosaurs.
If it "was" from "decaying dinosaurs," we would probably be close to using it all in actuality. With all the shit we've built, so much plastic bullshit, we would have probably run out by now and we'd be scratching our asses trying to figure out what to do next.
Bio diesel is actually pretty easy to make and can be made with algae grown in vats, which is then pressed, quite similar to making olive oil. It is then extracted by adding a few chemicals to separate the diesel and sent through a washing process. It can also be made from other plant sources as well, algae is just more efficient. There are videos on YouTube detailing the process using basic tools. It can also be extracted from vegetable oils.
Fact is, the earth constantly produces oil. Never runs out and "fossil fuels" is another bullshit term manufactured by globalist to induce regulations.
Science is now accepting that oil is also an abiotic process and not just decaying matter. I suspect maybe both are true but mostly a product of processes deep in the earth we don't understand. The Carbon Cycle is much more than we currently understand no doubt.
Yeah I am pretty surprised at that Nature article. This has been an underground topic for a long time but to see a western scientific journal recognize it is great.
Here is a start. If you want to dig more, look up abiotic oil. http://www.viewzone.com/abioticoilx.html
The process has been recreated under lab conditions in Texas.
Wait.... so you're telling me that..... I mean that.... you say that the rich and powerful barons may actually be corrupt and... you mean.... lying to us all this time?
Frankly, I'm shocked.
Wait, no I'm not.
<end of dramatization>
Thanks for this excellent GAW gold. Brilliant. Thank you!
Highly recommended as a brilliant red pill to introduce normies to the wonderful world of "what you didn't realize about the world and how it actually has been run".
Non-political, dealing with themes many nominally lefties can relate to: corporate corruption, environmental issue (oil), etc.
Chevrolet made the Volt with about 55ish miles of electric range before you use gas. They killed it after not ever advertising it and dealerships not wanting to sell them. Served the purpose of 100% electric around town and gas whenever you needed it.
It’s amazing how hard they drove that Volt concept into the ground. My favourite is the concept car they developed to get the government funding vs the car they actually produced. You can’t convince me they didn’t tank it on purpose
I was going to buy a Volt for $18k a few years back, until I sat in the seat for ten minutes
I'm tall and trim, 6'3", 170
Seat was rock hard, and the bolsters squeezed the shit out of my hips til they started to ache
Tesla was a no go because no sun shade (I shit you not...the sun just gets to roast the flesh off your face and skull, forcing you to wear a hat at all times), and no spare tire - told the guy to get back to me when they finish making the car
Hybrids take additional cost and engineering and it's hard to produce anywhere near the same distance that you could get on electric before turning to gas.
Interestingly, and Elon clearly knows this, rising gas prices and the attack on all "fossil fuels" will hurt his bottom line long term, as the electrical grid can't handle a country full of EVs and certainly raises the cost of energy tremendously since he understands the limitations of technologies like solar to produce.
This ultimately makes an EV less attractive, and may continue to make it less attractive long term when your power company asks you to keep your power usage down and gives you a lower price or credits on your next few bills for not charging there.
Essentially, EVs are for nerds. Gas is for utility.
Neither are all that great for long term future technologies, as both have limitations and good use cases.
EVs can get more torque on the wheels and also distribute torque more asymmetrically as needed which is useful.
Gas on its own splits the energy burden across multiple resources and that in itself is already invaluable.
How about the farmer I read about a while back. He developed a truck that ran on water. That was quickly squelched by the government. How about someone developing a car that runs on the byproduct of garbage? That would solve our landfill problems.
That car can go anywhere in the US and Canada just using the awesome Tesla Supercharging network.
This guy is carrying that gas to power your moms BumbBlaster 3000.
Get your story straight
Those turbo powered electric cars are so sexy. Especially driving down a mountain road, you can make it all the way down the hill on regen and turbo generator alone. Take that fossil cars!
True, but a ATM only about 4% of American homes are powered by solar. And it would take a giant size array and a big eyesore to power a home fully and charge up a couple of family autos. It might fill up the roof and yard too, and drain a bank account. And that is assuming good sunlight.
The on car solar is hardly worth having as for example the Toyota Prius Prime kicks out 180 watts and on a good sunny day would add a whopping 3.8 miles of driving range for a full day charge.
Maybe in the future when they unveil Tesla's free energy machine it would start to make sense.
Until then it just sounds good until you think about it.
Another downside of solar is it is continually getting better so 2 years later your fancy new solar home is less efficient than the new stuff. It's like having a 10 year old iPhone on your home you can't easily replace but are still making payments on.
I mainly like solar for "free" power in SHTF situations where you can't get access to fuel. People should also have a propane tank and generator out back if they're really trying to prep.
Solar, lots of batteries, as well as hydroelectric from a running water source. There are kits you can put together yourself on a riverbank. Who wouldn't want free electricity? Add in a well and a satellite dish and you're completely off the grid, and can tell the power and water companies to go fuck themselves when they inevitably come to bother you.
Look up " thorium car". 1 gram can produce the same output as tens of thousands of barrels of oil. Uses no lubricants and is projected to run 1 million miles...with no refills.
It's only when an unforeseen event causes a meltdown, which is not only rare already (as there have been few in decades of use) but also protected against with new standards of construction, operations and maintenance.
Nuclear waste material (from reactors) is stored on-site in heavy metal containers, and this is the only real problem. Those containers are expensive and space is not limitless.
Deep ground disposal is also good. But we are still looking at radioactivity for hundreds of years in some cases.
Look up some videos by Kirk Sorensen, he's a huge advocate of Thorium reactors and explains how they can be used to burn nuclear waste to zero radioactive potential. His view is also that the long half life of some radioactive isotopes makes them less harmful than those with short half lives, as they emit the same amount of radiation but spread out over a much longer period.
Unfortunately (fortunately if it was allowed) Thorium is relatively common, so TPTB can't get their monopoly on it and have buried the technology to the best of their ability.
Tell that to the people who live in the general area of Fukushima or Chernobyl.
These are meltdowns. One due to a natural disaster to a facility not equipped to stand against it, and the other caused by corruption. I suggest you get educated.
Nuclear facilities run every day all over the world, and you can list two instances.
You mean like the ones that exploded at Fukushima a few years back?
You're literally retarded.
Hundreds of years?
Plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years.
At that rate it might be environmentally safe by around the time the Sun burns out.
Nuclear waste with a long half-life can be recycled via thorium reactors and brought down to..yes, hundreds of years.
You have no knowledge of anything nuclear, so perhaps you should get educated.
Again, when you reference two facilities with a myriad of problems and one with a natural disaster, you're showing how actually uneducated you are on the subject.
Who cares about the electric grid being able to keep up with demand, all that matters are feeeeelings about electric cars, who cares what it takes to make the batteries, the only thing that matters is feeeeelings.
Does anyone want to do the math? That looks like its about a 5000W generator. How many miles per gallon of gas do you think he is getting? Bonus question: How much CO2 does a gasoline generator produce per KWH compared to a typical natural gas power plant?
Thanks Michigan.
According to several sources, a 5000 watt gas generator burns about 3/4 gallon per hour. If the generator can produce 5kw/hr it would take 16.4 hours and 12.3 gallons of gas to charge up the Tesla batteries.
If the Tesla can travel 290 miles on a charge, the maximum gas mileage with the portable charger would be 290 miles/12.3 gallons = 23.6 mpg.
I don't believe this would happen in reality. The 290 mile range is probably under ideal conditions and toting a big non-aerodynamic load on the back of your vehicle isn't ideal.
Winder how much that range drops if you choose to (gasp) turn on the AC? Or even the heat - would probably be an electric heater. I wouldn't think these are water cooled , are they?
Get rid of fossil fuels! Go green! End fracking! End drilling! No more new gas car sales! Go electric! Save the environment! Climate change! Shut down the pipeline! Reduce carbon footprint! Zero emissions! Electric is the future! Electric is more convenient!
with a gas engine with no pollutant filter on the back l o l I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK
Except the batteries. The innards are mined by slave labor overseas. The cars are "assembled" in America.
No it can travel anywhere in the US. There are only two charging stations in my whole county, and they probably don't fit Teslas.
The only person I know who owns a Tesla is a multi-millionaire. And he had to be on a waiting list for a year or more to get his Plaid. They claim the wait time is only a few months now. I'll never have enough money to buy one.
The material for the batteries can be recycled at almost 99%. That means that in like a decade mining will not be necessary. Where as oil is always needed.
It's simple math bud. The transportation system had to evolve into EVs for everything...
Even Jordan Peterson tells young people to buy tesla shares. You should too and just hang on for 5 years minimum...
But the windmills and solar panels cannot be recycled. Oil will never run out. Oil is the most concentrated portable source of power around, outside of nuclear. And the windmills require oil to operate and diesel-powered ships, trains, and trucks to get the windmill parts on site for assembly by more diesel-powered equipment. On top of that, I live down the road from one of the larger windmill installations in the US, and not one bit of that electricity is available to anyone in my state, especially not for cars. The fields of solar panels in my area also ship their power north to another state.
I'm pretty sure most "investments" in the markets will be toast soon.
I will be keeping my car for many years. Electrics will never really catch on until there are places to charge them, and they charge more quickly than hours. There are currently only two car chargers in my whole county. No one needs to travel with an electric car in my area.
Nuclear actually is portable. There are nuclear ships and submarines. I believe current tech could produce nuclear 18-wheelers. Thorium can be used to power autos in the future. There are lots of articles, such as this one: https://getjerry.com/electric-vehicles/nuclear-powered-cars-future-of-evs
Yes, there are many dead zones that need work. Also I agree that Tesla, ramping as fast as it does, cannot fill in the whole market. Other EV makers have to jump all in in order to make the change quickly enough.
To me the dream of powering my car on solar roof panels is what the future is all about. Hopefully Tesla figures out the manufacturing issues with the new 4860 battery asap.
The EV credits, etc are bullshit IMO. Also cutting down oil manufacturing is moronic as even Elon said.. we need more oil not less. Fucking lefty fucks are destroying the economy on purpose.
A hurricane comes. There's an evacuation. The interstate is a parking lot. And eventually all the electric cars run out of juice with no possible way to get them away from the hurricane.
Or there's a blizzard. The roads are packed with electric cars. The road becomes impassible. People freeze before long. Batteries don't last long in the cold and heaters really run down batteries. A gasoline car can be shut off and run only occasionally to keep the car warm enough for survival for a very long time.
I think you'll be waiting pretty much forever before you get an electric car worth anything that will run on solar panels on its roof. You can cover an average size car with solar panels and get perhaps enough energy to go 3 MPH, if the car has super low rolling resistance. If solar panels were 100% efficient (though impossible), the car might reach 25 or 30 MPH, not even fast enough for in town driving.
The only electric car powerful enough to be worthy is the Tesla Plaid. I know a millionaire who owns two, because they take so long to charge up, he keeps one on the charger while he drives the other. Over $100,000 each plus a year wait was easy for him, since he already had gas powered fast cars.
There's a reason gas power has been around so many years and wasn't touched by the previous electric cars of 100 years ago. It's portable, concentrated energy.
When the highway is a parking lot an EV uses almost no energy at all.
With an EV you can have full tank every morningm (if you are smart enough)
A good tesla wall charger can garge around 70+KM per hour so if used properly it is overkill
Sunroof with powerpacks can power everything and store more... in commiefornia this would be a no brainer. There are lots out there.
The batteries already blow up on their own, and not just in EVs. Yes - let's make them even less stable by recycling them and creating refurbs. Should be a BLAST.
So you are trying to say lithium batteries don't blow up, and that countless electric cars haven't just started burning? That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off.
They can catch fire, however compared to gasoline cars the number are not even close. What you are seeing is the media over-reporting every tesla crash out there. They do this over and over to create FUD. Don't fall for it.
I agree with some of what you said for holding stock shares and such, but only until people get wise to the electric car/ less carbon ponzi scheme at least. Recycling still needs to have new material reintegrated back into the process to make it viable again. Look at your plastic bags, paper products, pretty much anything recycled. We will never escape mining minerals or having to add fresh raw material back into recycled items. Laws of Thermodynamics and Stoichiometry make it where there will never be a 100 percent recovery rate for recycled materials. Mining will never end IMHO. Carbon isn't the enemy anon, greedy corporate interests are the problem.
One of the original Tesla founders left to make his own company whose sole purpose is to recycle lithium batteries. They have achieved high 90s and believe that 99% will be possible very shortly.
The lithium doesn't dissapear.
Maybe mining these materials will continue, but not at the scale that we are witnessing.
Fuck cars and the auto dependent hellscapes which have destroyed both our towns and our countryside. Fuck cars and sprawl and fucking gridlock traffic and line cutting dickwads and buying gas and paying a thousand bucks a month for a fucking car and thinking that’s freedom of some kind when you can’t even walk down your own street without getting run over. Cars are great but when we build our towns so everyone needs one for every fucking thing they want to do well then you get what we’ve got which is places that are really no place at all. So fuck all cars not just Elon musks suped up fucking Ford probe remakes.
We should crowd fund a company called Nikola and build Internal Combustion Engine conversion kits for Tesla’s. The consumer can have a choice for their 8 year old cars... drop $30k on a new battery, or $5k on an ICE.
I'm in.
Ha... I think someone has to do it. How hard could it be? Basically just have to do what that guy in the pic is doing, but put it inside the car.
You're on to something. Make an after market kit, throw an inverter in it to charge like the car is meant to, mount an alternator or generator to the wheel hubs like some of the hybrids have, you'd at least extend the vehicle's potential range.
This guy did a LS swap, though it's eighties fugly brown.
It actually was a pretty neat car - if you remove the battery, Tesla's are very light (the body and chassis is aluminum).
This is the way. Modern problems require modern solutions.
I like your thinking.
It's not "fossil" fuel.
I don't mean to be rude, but that doesn't mean anything. It has been called that to induce artificial scarcity - scare people into believe it's a finite resource, and you can set the price. JP Morgan has allegedly been suppressing the price of silver for a long time, who knows what the real price should be?
It's not a finite resource if it can be created.
Yes I do, been biting my nails for almost 30 years. It's soooo fucking hard to break.
By the way the term "fossil fuel" was made up by J. D. Rockefeller. He told his "scientists" to use the phrase from an authoritative place to make Oil seem scarce. when it is the 2nd most plentiful liquid.
I read a Russian scientist got necked for revealing "fossil fuel" can be created easily and artificially with heat, pressure under vacuum, Iron oxide and calcium carbonate isotopes. Probably one of those conspiracy theories though.
The word fossil needs to be dropped....Oil generates daily and is not a one and done like some scientists state. It is also not from decaying dinosaurs.
If it "was" from "decaying dinosaurs," we would probably be close to using it all in actuality. With all the shit we've built, so much plastic bullshit, we would have probably run out by now and we'd be scratching our asses trying to figure out what to do next.
I think someone also developed "biofuel" by using algae. Basically making the fuel we use today but in a lab.
Bio diesel is actually pretty easy to make and can be made with algae grown in vats, which is then pressed, quite similar to making olive oil. It is then extracted by adding a few chemicals to separate the diesel and sent through a washing process. It can also be made from other plant sources as well, algae is just more efficient. There are videos on YouTube detailing the process using basic tools. It can also be extracted from vegetable oils.
Would that require some modifications to the car/engine?
Российская дезинформация.
I don't speak Russian but, judging from the cyrillic pronunciation, that probably says "Russian disinformation".
Some of those letters look Greekish, too :)
Fact is, the earth constantly produces oil. Never runs out and "fossil fuels" is another bullshit term manufactured by globalist to induce regulations.
Here's just one of many links: https://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/we-are-not-running-out-of-oil-earth-produces-crude/
This is true. We were supposed to run out of fossil oil in 70 80 and 90 etc.
This is true^^^^^^^^
I've seen that info - meme, but I wanna see sauce.
I don't doubt it's true, but sauce is sauce. All the best dishes come with saucy sauce.
(To repeat something without having relished the sauce is merely idea-worship.)
from MordenGeists link above
Science is now accepting that oil is also an abiotic process and not just decaying matter. I suspect maybe both are true but mostly a product of processes deep in the earth we don't understand. The Carbon Cycle is much more than we currently understand no doubt.
Thanks for this excellent GAW gold. Brilliant. Thank you!
Yeah I am pretty surprised at that Nature article. This has been an underground topic for a long time but to see a western scientific journal recognize it is great.
Here is a start. If you want to dig more, look up abiotic oil. http://www.viewzone.com/abioticoilx.html The process has been recreated under lab conditions in Texas.
Wait.... so you're telling me that..... I mean that.... you say that the rich and powerful barons may actually be corrupt and... you mean.... lying to us all this time?
Frankly, I'm shocked.
Wait, no I'm not.
<end of dramatization>
Thanks for this excellent GAW gold. Brilliant. Thank you!
Here is another article about abiotic oil. https://www.newhumannewearthcommunities.com/what-is-hidden-is-reveled/oil-is-not-a-fossil-fuel-the-real-science-of-abiotic-oil-and-serpentinization
Thanks for this excellent GAW gold. Brilliant. Thank you!
Pre oil was detected at Mt. St. Helens soon after the explosion.
Artificial scarcity artificially raises the price on whatever it is you're trying to sell, whether it's metals or stones.
Well, yeah.
But talking about rockerfella, one of the first <external world> red pills I ever swallowed was "How Big Oil Conquered the World (Corbett Report)"
Highly recommended as a brilliant red pill to introduce normies to the wonderful world of "what you didn't realize about the world and how it actually has been run".
Non-political, dealing with themes many nominally lefties can relate to: corporate corruption, environmental issue (oil), etc.
Elon is supposed to be smart? This shitty car can apparently be turned into a hybrid for under a grand and he's not cashing in on it.
Chevrolet made the Volt with about 55ish miles of electric range before you use gas. They killed it after not ever advertising it and dealerships not wanting to sell them. Served the purpose of 100% electric around town and gas whenever you needed it.
It’s amazing how hard they drove that Volt concept into the ground. My favourite is the concept car they developed to get the government funding vs the car they actually produced. You can’t convince me they didn’t tank it on purpose
100% shot themselves in the foot for quick profits.
It was probably to raise their fleet fuel economy for EPA purposes... so they could sell more inefficient SUVs.
Similarly, Ford built the truly God-awful C-Max which had like 12 miles of electric range...
I was going to buy a Volt for $18k a few years back, until I sat in the seat for ten minutes
I'm tall and trim, 6'3", 170
Seat was rock hard, and the bolsters squeezed the shit out of my hips til they started to ache
Tesla was a no go because no sun shade (I shit you not...the sun just gets to roast the flesh off your face and skull, forcing you to wear a hat at all times), and no spare tire - told the guy to get back to me when they finish making the car
Keeping my 8-cylinder RWD sedan, thanks
Hybrids take additional cost and engineering and it's hard to produce anywhere near the same distance that you could get on electric before turning to gas.
Interestingly, and Elon clearly knows this, rising gas prices and the attack on all "fossil fuels" will hurt his bottom line long term, as the electrical grid can't handle a country full of EVs and certainly raises the cost of energy tremendously since he understands the limitations of technologies like solar to produce.
This ultimately makes an EV less attractive, and may continue to make it less attractive long term when your power company asks you to keep your power usage down and gives you a lower price or credits on your next few bills for not charging there.
Essentially, EVs are for nerds. Gas is for utility.
Neither are all that great for long term future technologies, as both have limitations and good use cases.
EVs can get more torque on the wheels and also distribute torque more asymmetrically as needed which is useful.
Gas on its own splits the energy burden across multiple resources and that in itself is already invaluable.
Both are run on high carbon emissions anyway.
How about the farmer I read about a while back. He developed a truck that ran on water. That was quickly squelched by the government. How about someone developing a car that runs on the byproduct of garbage? That would solve our landfill problems.
Car running on garbage was already invented by Dr. Emmett Brown. He invented the Flux Capacitor in 1985.
Name checks out.
The garbage car exists.
Burning real garbage or are you saying a lot of cars are carnage!?
Some guy put a contraption that turns garbage into fuel onto his car.
This is the way we should be doing. That, and turning insects into motor fuel instead of human fuel.
That car can go anywhere in the US and Canada just using the awesome Tesla Supercharging network. This guy is carrying that gas to power your moms BumbBlaster 3000. Get your story straight
You know nothing
My mum has the new and upgraded bumblaster 3500 and it runs on an integrated windmill.
Those turbo powered electric cars are so sexy. Especially driving down a mountain road, you can make it all the way down the hill on regen and turbo generator alone. Take that fossil cars!
I have said this since day one.
Where the hell do they plan to get the electricity to power 100 million new vehicles every day?
It would probably require doubling the number of power plants required to keep the grid up.
Coal or nuclear? You are doubling the amount of dangerous pollution either way!
And on top of that the law of thermodynamics tells us that a conversion of energy types results in a loss of energy.
The only damn thing electric cars can result in is more pollution than internal combustion engines.
What great ideas will these Einsteins come up with next.
IMO it only makes sense if you have solar + powerwall in a sunny area for a commuter car. You still need gas to not take forever on a trip.
Then when your roof or your batteries go nuts you get to watch everything you built burn to the ground while the fireman take your wife for a spin.
No thank you. I will take a V8.
Your username is well chosen. V8's reportedly have lots of vitamins, enjoy.
This comment gibs me diarreah
True, but a ATM only about 4% of American homes are powered by solar. And it would take a giant size array and a big eyesore to power a home fully and charge up a couple of family autos. It might fill up the roof and yard too, and drain a bank account. And that is assuming good sunlight.
The on car solar is hardly worth having as for example the Toyota Prius Prime kicks out 180 watts and on a good sunny day would add a whopping 3.8 miles of driving range for a full day charge.
Maybe in the future when they unveil Tesla's free energy machine it would start to make sense.
Until then it just sounds good until you think about it.
Solar roofs are coming... Tesla to the rescue again. Never bet against Elon
Nobody should buy a Prius, that's for sure.
Another downside of solar is it is continually getting better so 2 years later your fancy new solar home is less efficient than the new stuff. It's like having a 10 year old iPhone on your home you can't easily replace but are still making payments on.
I mainly like solar for "free" power in SHTF situations where you can't get access to fuel. People should also have a propane tank and generator out back if they're really trying to prep.
Solar, lots of batteries, as well as hydroelectric from a running water source. There are kits you can put together yourself on a riverbank. Who wouldn't want free electricity? Add in a well and a satellite dish and you're completely off the grid, and can tell the power and water companies to go fuck themselves when they inevitably come to bother you.
Look up " thorium car". 1 gram can produce the same output as tens of thousands of barrels of oil. Uses no lubricants and is projected to run 1 million miles...with no refills.
Nuclear pollution functionally doesn't exist.
It's only when an unforeseen event causes a meltdown, which is not only rare already (as there have been few in decades of use) but also protected against with new standards of construction, operations and maintenance.
Nuclear waste material (from reactors) is stored on-site in heavy metal containers, and this is the only real problem. Those containers are expensive and space is not limitless.
Deep ground disposal is also good. But we are still looking at radioactivity for hundreds of years in some cases.
Tell that to the people who live in the general area of Fukushima or Chernobyl.
It's still leeching out at Chernobyl and slowly draining into the Pacific in Fukushima.
You mean like the ones that exploded at Fukushima a few years back?
Hundreds of years?
Plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years.
At that rate it might be environmentally safe by around the time the Sun burns out.
Look up some videos by Kirk Sorensen, he's a huge advocate of Thorium reactors and explains how they can be used to burn nuclear waste to zero radioactive potential. His view is also that the long half life of some radioactive isotopes makes them less harmful than those with short half lives, as they emit the same amount of radiation but spread out over a much longer period.
Unfortunately (fortunately if it was allowed) Thorium is relatively common, so TPTB can't get their monopoly on it and have buried the technology to the best of their ability.
These are meltdowns. One due to a natural disaster to a facility not equipped to stand against it, and the other caused by corruption. I suggest you get educated.
Nuclear facilities run every day all over the world, and you can list two instances.
You're literally retarded.
Nuclear waste with a long half-life can be recycled via thorium reactors and brought down to..yes, hundreds of years.
You have no knowledge of anything nuclear, so perhaps you should get educated.
Again, when you reference two facilities with a myriad of problems and one with a natural disaster, you're showing how actually uneducated you are on the subject.
Nuclear waste with a long half life that is dispersed into the environment cannot be recycled into anything, you dimwit.
And OF COURSE I am referring to catastrophic failures. It is the catastrophic events that cause the serious issues.
The current situation at Chernobyl is Plutonium 239 has pollinated the environment 100 kilometers in every direction, WITH NO END IN SIGHT.
And Fukushima is leeching a cocktail of radioactive poison into the Pacific day and night, WITH NO END IN SIGHT.
They have happened AND THEY WILL HAPPEN as long as nuclear facilities continue to operate.
You have to worry about radioactive danger when a plant suffers a catastrophic failure.
Which I've covered. Facilities have far higher standards of every aspect than they ever did before, because we learned from the mistakes of others.
Even the Fukushima incident has been used to better prepare for those types of natural disasters.
Also, it's not just a "catastrophic failure", as there are precautions in place to prevent any radioactive leakage.
I should've specified that I was specifically talking about Fukushima.
Who cares about the electric grid being able to keep up with demand, all that matters are feeeeelings about electric cars, who cares what it takes to make the batteries, the only thing that matters is feeeeelings.
Solar roofs/Powerpack combos. That is the answer. And as Tesla ramps up the 4860 batteries manufacturing the price will fall.
Does anyone want to do the math? That looks like its about a 5000W generator. How many miles per gallon of gas do you think he is getting? Bonus question: How much CO2 does a gasoline generator produce per KWH compared to a typical natural gas power plant?
I'm too tire to math at the moment, but here's some numbers if someone wants to calculate it.
290 mile range
82 kilowatt hour battery
I agree it's likely a 5000 watt generator
Thanks Michigan. According to several sources, a 5000 watt gas generator burns about 3/4 gallon per hour. If the generator can produce 5kw/hr it would take 16.4 hours and 12.3 gallons of gas to charge up the Tesla batteries. If the Tesla can travel 290 miles on a charge, the maximum gas mileage with the portable charger would be 290 miles/12.3 gallons = 23.6 mpg. I don't believe this would happen in reality. The 290 mile range is probably under ideal conditions and toting a big non-aerodynamic load on the back of your vehicle isn't ideal.
... and the neighbors will LOVE that generator running non-stop for 16 hours ... except for when the power goes out.
Math is racist, so I heard... Kek!
Does it at least reduce its own battery discharge by charging from an alternator? Or is this not feasible?
This looks like the exact model... https://amzn.to/3x1clKu
Winder how much that range drops if you choose to (gasp) turn on the AC? Or even the heat - would probably be an electric heater. I wouldn't think these are water cooled , are they?
Understood, but they still create heat that must be dissipated. That heat could d be captured to heat the cabin in cooler days.
Get rid of fossil fuels! Go green! End fracking! End drilling! No more new gas car sales! Go electric! Save the environment! Climate change! Shut down the pipeline! Reduce carbon footprint! Zero emissions! Electric is the future! Electric is more convenient!
with a gas engine with no pollutant filter on the back l o l I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK
"back firing"
hahah. I get it.
Oh, forget it.
Doesn’t beat these cars🤣 Carrying generator to run the window unit AC.
lol... the coal burner needs gasoline!!!
That’s just a fossil fuel car with extra steps!
Everyone is wasting their time discussing why electric cars are bad instead discussing why the Globalists want people owning electric cars.
(Hint: You won’t be driving shit w/o their say so.)
I saw coal miners pushing an electric car. Probably not what you meant by "pushing" .
Buyer’s remorse.
Tesla with Factory installed option.
Looga ME
Just don't look at my ass end
Almost like it was planned to show the green initiative leeds to failure...
The car pictured above is backed by Tesla's Supercharging network. That means that it can travel anywhere in the US and Chinada.
Pick on all the other shit EV's. Tesla's are revolutionary and they're taking over the world.
Oh, and they're the most American-made Vehicles around.
Except the batteries. The innards are mined by slave labor overseas. The cars are "assembled" in America.
No it can travel anywhere in the US. There are only two charging stations in my whole county, and they probably don't fit Teslas.
The only person I know who owns a Tesla is a multi-millionaire. And he had to be on a waiting list for a year or more to get his Plaid. They claim the wait time is only a few months now. I'll never have enough money to buy one.
The material for the batteries can be recycled at almost 99%. That means that in like a decade mining will not be necessary. Where as oil is always needed. It's simple math bud. The transportation system had to evolve into EVs for everything...
Even Jordan Peterson tells young people to buy tesla shares. You should too and just hang on for 5 years minimum...
This comment will age well.
"oil is always needed"
Yes, and an energy source is also always needed for EVs, battery materials aside.
Check out the Tesla powerwall/Sunroof combination. The new 4860 battery will change the world.
But the windmills and solar panels cannot be recycled. Oil will never run out. Oil is the most concentrated portable source of power around, outside of nuclear. And the windmills require oil to operate and diesel-powered ships, trains, and trucks to get the windmill parts on site for assembly by more diesel-powered equipment. On top of that, I live down the road from one of the larger windmill installations in the US, and not one bit of that electricity is available to anyone in my state, especially not for cars. The fields of solar panels in my area also ship their power north to another state.
I'm pretty sure most "investments" in the markets will be toast soon.
I will be keeping my car for many years. Electrics will never really catch on until there are places to charge them, and they charge more quickly than hours. There are currently only two car chargers in my whole county. No one needs to travel with an electric car in my area.
Nuclear isn't portable though....
Nuclear actually is portable. There are nuclear ships and submarines. I believe current tech could produce nuclear 18-wheelers. Thorium can be used to power autos in the future. There are lots of articles, such as this one: https://getjerry.com/electric-vehicles/nuclear-powered-cars-future-of-evs
Yes, there are many dead zones that need work. Also I agree that Tesla, ramping as fast as it does, cannot fill in the whole market. Other EV makers have to jump all in in order to make the change quickly enough.
To me the dream of powering my car on solar roof panels is what the future is all about. Hopefully Tesla figures out the manufacturing issues with the new 4860 battery asap.
The EV credits, etc are bullshit IMO. Also cutting down oil manufacturing is moronic as even Elon said.. we need more oil not less. Fucking lefty fucks are destroying the economy on purpose.
I don't want an electric car.
A hurricane comes. There's an evacuation. The interstate is a parking lot. And eventually all the electric cars run out of juice with no possible way to get them away from the hurricane.
Or there's a blizzard. The roads are packed with electric cars. The road becomes impassible. People freeze before long. Batteries don't last long in the cold and heaters really run down batteries. A gasoline car can be shut off and run only occasionally to keep the car warm enough for survival for a very long time.
I think you'll be waiting pretty much forever before you get an electric car worth anything that will run on solar panels on its roof. You can cover an average size car with solar panels and get perhaps enough energy to go 3 MPH, if the car has super low rolling resistance. If solar panels were 100% efficient (though impossible), the car might reach 25 or 30 MPH, not even fast enough for in town driving.
The only electric car powerful enough to be worthy is the Tesla Plaid. I know a millionaire who owns two, because they take so long to charge up, he keeps one on the charger while he drives the other. Over $100,000 each plus a year wait was easy for him, since he already had gas powered fast cars.
There's a reason gas power has been around so many years and wasn't touched by the previous electric cars of 100 years ago. It's portable, concentrated energy.
When the highway is a parking lot an EV uses almost no energy at all. With an EV you can have full tank every morningm (if you are smart enough) A good tesla wall charger can garge around 70+KM per hour so if used properly it is overkill Sunroof with powerpacks can power everything and store more... in commiefornia this would be a no brainer. There are lots out there.
For your last point, see "who killed the EV"
The batteries already blow up on their own, and not just in EVs. Yes - let's make them even less stable by recycling them and creating refurbs. Should be a BLAST.
THis is the biggest FUD ever. Keep spreading it.
So you are trying to say lithium batteries don't blow up, and that countless electric cars haven't just started burning? That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off.
They can catch fire, however compared to gasoline cars the number are not even close. What you are seeing is the media over-reporting every tesla crash out there. They do this over and over to create FUD. Don't fall for it.
I agree with some of what you said for holding stock shares and such, but only until people get wise to the electric car/ less carbon ponzi scheme at least. Recycling still needs to have new material reintegrated back into the process to make it viable again. Look at your plastic bags, paper products, pretty much anything recycled. We will never escape mining minerals or having to add fresh raw material back into recycled items. Laws of Thermodynamics and Stoichiometry make it where there will never be a 100 percent recovery rate for recycled materials. Mining will never end IMHO. Carbon isn't the enemy anon, greedy corporate interests are the problem.
One of the original Tesla founders left to make his own company whose sole purpose is to recycle lithium batteries. They have achieved high 90s and believe that 99% will be possible very shortly.
The lithium doesn't dissapear. Maybe mining these materials will continue, but not at the scale that we are witnessing.
Owning TSLA shares is not the same as owning a Tesla car.
Owning both is the way to go!!!
Elon, is that you?
Oh hi!
This is what zealotry looks like. At war with reality.
Imagine thinking that EVs catch fire more than ICE cars... That is a mental illness
Fuck cars and the auto dependent hellscapes which have destroyed both our towns and our countryside. Fuck cars and sprawl and fucking gridlock traffic and line cutting dickwads and buying gas and paying a thousand bucks a month for a fucking car and thinking that’s freedom of some kind when you can’t even walk down your own street without getting run over. Cars are great but when we build our towns so everyone needs one for every fucking thing they want to do well then you get what we’ve got which is places that are really no place at all. So fuck all cars not just Elon musks suped up fucking Ford probe remakes.
You sound fun.
Stop tailgating faggot