Polls are clearly grounded in reality. In no way do they use polls to push fake news and propaganda. The polls said the Potato Chief is popular for... mysterious reasons so it must be true.
Polls tell me voters care about abortion way more than gas prices, the economy or tax hikes. That's why dozens showed up to protest in New York when it was overturned.
Polls tell me that despite record high primary turnout for the GOP, tons of school boards flipping to conservatives, and GOP poll watchers showing up even for local elections means it is the democrats who have the enthusiasm.
Trump packs thousands and thousands in Pennsylvania at his rallies, but clearly that's because a tiny minority agree with him. Biden pens in dozens of journalists in a gym which shows the majority is on his side.
Polls tell me that LGBT is super popular even though their rainbow merchandise mostly collects dust on store shelves and even liberals react to Pride Month with a "Ugh, not this again". Because everyone loves a whole month devoted to less than 3% of the population.
Polls tell me Christianity is a dying minority of 2.3 billion people that'll probably wink out in ten years.
I mean, I'm on reddit and not a pedophile. It is certainly a RARE occurrence lmao. I don't post much of anything since stuff I would consider neutral goes against the rules in basically every sub.
The waking people up part is funny. Were those people asleep six or seven years ago when Hillary called Trump supporters Deplorables? Biden just basically repeated that. It’s not news that commies are afraid of us.
It's all fake. Even the Reddit website. The site is roughly70-80% AI. It's worse than Twitter if you can believe it. I like to think that most of us here know what to expect, but after digging for the last 24 hours, I don't think we are nearly prepared for the information we are going to be getting our hands on in the next few months.
I am a threat to their tyranny. Always have been, always will be. But not conventionally. I say very specifically the government needs to be neutered, not overthrown. Fedboi faggot bots HATE that I say it this way, because one, it's not enough to justify an illegal search and seizure of my stuff and two, it interferes with their attempts to gaslight people because it's entirely reasonable and legal.
That is what should be our push at GAW and eventually PDW: snipping the government's balls off. NOT overthrowing it.
Saying that making America great is a threat to democracy is like saying that making North Korea great is a threat to communism and bad haircuts.
Here's a radical thesis and thought experiment:
...using the regular, normal definition of the word, which is rule by the People through elected representatives.
I know I'll get a boatload of downvotes and snarky retorts, but hear me out. It has to be said.
Instead of running from it or running it down, IMHO we need to run WITH the word democracy. We need to claim it. Reclaim full ownership of it away from the global communists, who are the least democratic people on earth. THEY are the ones destroying democracy. As usual, they're projecting that onto MAGA.
Our Republic—which in the coming age ought to be rebranded The Republic of United States of America—is BASED (!) on democratic principles. So, embracing democracy, owning it, championing it, and putting the word in our mouths is our right and our duty. It does not make us "Democrats". Just the opposite: Nothing could be further from democracy than the Democrats. THEY are the threat to democracy.
Words are power. We snatch away the bullwhip they've been flailing us with, and we use it to tie them up.
Starting right now this second, we all need to champion democracy as the embodiment of what we stand for, as a movement and as a nation: EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL, the rule of law, government by the People...you know...in other words,
Let’s start a “Straight Pride Month” in opposition to “Gay Pride Month”, then you will see how heads turn and smoke comes out of the Left’s ears! Also try White spaces only and all white universities, or better yet WLM in opposition to BLM. I would just love to see the reaction if someone proposed this on FB or a Twitter, or did it as a hoax and the MSM took it as truth.
Shit hole reddit speaks again... that place is filled with fellow circle jerking, sub humans, that shoot their propaganda loads in each other's mouths, and clap for each others participation. Bot filled facist fucks.
Based on how they are supposed (key word here) conduct these polls, a not so insignificant portion of Trump voters are saying the MAGA movement is bad for democracy. That alone should alert anyone with half a brain to how bogus political polls are.
Hahahahahahahaha. And here I thought there wasn't a group of people more out of touch than the world's Power Structure, Reddit goes and proves me wrong.
You mean only 6 out of 10 Reddit bots agree? Tsl tsk.
Polls are clearly grounded in reality. In no way do they use polls to push fake news and propaganda. The polls said the Potato Chief is popular for... mysterious reasons so it must be true.
Polls tell me voters care about abortion way more than gas prices, the economy or tax hikes. That's why dozens showed up to protest in New York when it was overturned.
Polls tell me that despite record high primary turnout for the GOP, tons of school boards flipping to conservatives, and GOP poll watchers showing up even for local elections means it is the democrats who have the enthusiasm.
Trump packs thousands and thousands in Pennsylvania at his rallies, but clearly that's because a tiny minority agree with him. Biden pens in dozens of journalists in a gym which shows the majority is on his side.
Polls tell me that LGBT is super popular even though their rainbow merchandise mostly collects dust on store shelves and even liberals react to Pride Month with a "Ugh, not this again". Because everyone loves a whole month devoted to less than 3% of the population.
Polls tell me Christianity is a dying minority of 2.3 billion people that'll probably wink out in ten years.
And those reddit polls are even more accurate!
43% of statistics are made up.
It's actually more like 70%, but only 43% of the time.
The other 61% they are accurate 65% of the time, +-3% margin of error.
Of course, that only depends on if you talk to people, then the variance can swing wildly.
60% of the time, it works every time.
Welp it's been a good run frens. I'm off to get my genitals removed and sign up for my CBDC account.
You have a knack in sardonic :D
A veritable symphony of sarcasm...
Sauce to share with others?
Good line up!
Anything on Reddit that’s not a bot is a pedophile
Looks like you offended a pedo. Here, take my updoot.
Thank you Based Citizen for being part of the movement!
One from me too.
I mean, I'm on reddit and not a pedophile. It is certainly a RARE occurrence lmao. I don't post much of anything since stuff I would consider neutral goes against the rules in basically every sub.
Which, if you think about it, means you're not on reddit.
True. But I do occasionally comment.
It's strange that angry words from a dementia patient... are believed by otherwise sane adults.
They polled the 10 people who actually watched it?
Well, that includes those who watched replays. I don't think that 10 people actually watched it live.
It's impressive, finding 100% of everyone that watched it.
galvanizing and waking people up?!?!?!??!
Reddit. You may be on to something.
The waking people up part is funny. Were those people asleep six or seven years ago when Hillary called Trump supporters Deplorables? Biden just basically repeated that. It’s not news that commies are afraid of us.
It's all fake. Even the Reddit website. The site is roughly70-80% AI. It's worse than Twitter if you can believe it. I like to think that most of us here know what to expect, but after digging for the last 24 hours, I don't think we are nearly prepared for the information we are going to be getting our hands on in the next few months.
I have wondered about this. What is it that is going to blow our minds?
Hm. Love the wording, because it can work both ways.
Yes, MAGA is a threat,... to 'their' democracy.
Because MAGA is a movement to 'save' our republic from their tyranny.
Is it not common for these idiots to use double speak? This speech DID wake people up.
I am a threat to their tyranny. Always have been, always will be. But not conventionally. I say very specifically the government needs to be neutered, not overthrown. Fedboi faggot bots HATE that I say it this way, because one, it's not enough to justify an illegal search and seizure of my stuff and two, it interferes with their attempts to gaslight people because it's entirely reasonable and legal.
That is what should be our push at GAW and eventually PDW: snipping the government's balls off. NOT overthrowing it.
Always replace the word democracy with “democrat party”. When you do this, everything starts to make sense.
The cringe is strong in this one.
Only 13 people watched it though
And most of that was us for the memes.
Who the fuck cares was redacted has to say
It's Joever.
And who's the guy in the picture?? 🤣
The most commonly seen Biden impersonator is an actor named Mr. Rodger.
Not making this up.
Watch the clip (under 2 min)
HONK HONK - All aboard! Next stop is Clownville!
Are they polling their friends in the bar again like that time before?
Must be Opposite Day
Saying that making America great is a threat to democracy is like saying that making North Korea great is a threat to communism and bad haircuts.
Here's a radical thesis and thought experiment:
...using the regular, normal definition of the word, which is rule by the People through elected representatives.
I know I'll get a boatload of downvotes and snarky retorts, but hear me out. It has to be said.
Instead of running from it or running it down, IMHO we need to run WITH the word democracy. We need to claim it. Reclaim full ownership of it away from the global communists, who are the least democratic people on earth. THEY are the ones destroying democracy. As usual, they're projecting that onto MAGA.
Our Republic—which in the coming age ought to be rebranded The Republic of United States of America—is BASED (!) on democratic principles. So, embracing democracy, owning it, championing it, and putting the word in our mouths is our right and our duty. It does not make us "Democrats". Just the opposite: Nothing could be further from democracy than the Democrats. THEY are the threat to democracy.
Words are power. We snatch away the bullwhip they've been flailing us with, and we use it to tie them up.
Starting right now this second, we all need to champion democracy as the embodiment of what we stand for, as a movement and as a nation: EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL, the rule of law, government by the People...you know...in other words,
It's over lol. Go home lol
They must have polled reddit trash
Let’s start a “Straight Pride Month” in opposition to “Gay Pride Month”, then you will see how heads turn and smoke comes out of the Left’s ears! Also try White spaces only and all white universities, or better yet WLM in opposition to BLM. I would just love to see the reaction if someone proposed this on FB or a Twitter, or did it as a hoax and the MSM took it as truth.
Shit hole reddit speaks again... that place is filled with fellow circle jerking, sub humans, that shoot their propaganda loads in each other's mouths, and clap for each others participation. Bot filled facist fucks.
Someone still needs to explain to me why people don't see the old Biden with blue eyes and this Biden with dark brown eyes. Duh.
I can give you two that aren't the body double explaination:
He's on serious meds with this side effect just to be able to speak in public.
There is a demon residing in him.
LOL thanks for clearing that up Reddit.
You got to love these retards and their alternate version of reality.
Based on how they are supposed (key word here) conduct these polls, a not so insignificant portion of Trump voters are saying the MAGA movement is bad for democracy. That alone should alert anyone with half a brain to how bogus political polls are.
"Salon" lol. That's why
Notice how they’re trying to commandeer our terminology? “Wake people up”
What's the sampling for that? 1,000 registered Democrats?
Hahahahahahahaha. And here I thought there wasn't a group of people more out of touch than the world's Power Structure, Reddit goes and proves me wrong.
Is this sarcasm? Yeah it is..🤣
Reddit is a faggot hive of bots and pedos. Also, that pic is NOT (never has been) Biden.
I love it. "Faggot hive of bots and pedos." 😁
They meant nearly 6 in ten democrats think MAGA is a threat. So 49 percent t of democrats are good with MAGA.
See that shit works both ways.
Also... nearly 6 in 10 voters want him impeached.
I'm so confused 😉
They didn't say 97%, so it must be true