Yes I saw it too, and it was clearer. I gasped when I saw it, hairs on my neck stood up. Let’s try to locate it, publish both videos here, Truth, everywhere
Curious... If someone does have a video and wishes to publish it (public domain and without claiming ownership or anything else), without tracing back to the original source, what would someone do?
Files can have metadata that can be hard to remove because you may not know what files have what data and you may not know how to remove the metadata. If anonymity is that important, get a cheap camera that you will toss in the trash. Do not give that device any information, date, Wi-Fi, names, etc. Display the video on one device, record it with the disposable device.
Go to a public Wi-Fi (restaurant, hotel, etc)
Make a new email account.
Make a new bitchute account (or other video platform) using the email that was just created.
Upload the video.
Never use those accounts again.
Throw out the camera.
Thanks for sharing, never seen this footage, nor the one in the post above. Wonder if we will ever get to see the whole truth on this. I want to know what happened to the planes & people that were supposed to be on those flights that day? Where those even real flights or did they fly the passengers somewhere else and kill them, maybe crashed the planes in some isolated area.
A comment under the video:
As a pilot, I watched lots of videos by very experienced airline pilots and they all said that trying to fly at 550 knots at or very near sea level was exceeding the maximum stress level of the aircraft by 100+ knots. An inexperience pilot who only flew and failed flying Cessnas would never be able to hand fly a 757 so close to the ground and that the turn he made to hit the Pentagon (550 knot descending turn) would stress the structure to the point of breaking up. Again, not a conspiracy theorist but looking for transparency. I spoke with a well know airline pilot who analyzes air crashes and he didn’t want even a piece of this case. He did tell me that despite the official accounts of the entire plane melting, that the engines and gear struts would have certainly been visible after the crash. It’s 20 years and long wars, why is there no additional information available to our citizenry?
I want Putin to make good on his threat to release the satellite data the Russians have on 9/11. I bet they have lots of information that the derp state desperately wants to keep hidden...
Doesnt it look way too big to be a missile? The pentagon is 3 or 4 stories tall where this happened. This white blur looks huge, like it’s at least 10-20 feet tall.
After it hit, wasn't there images and videos of the light poles still standing on the walkway up to the building? If it was a plane, the wings would have knocked them all down due to the wingspan size. This is from memory and it's been 21 years now, but I think it was in the documentary Loose Change.
That video makes it looks like it was just shot out from the building across from the Pentagon, and it looks like that building is higher than whatever is flying into the Pentagon, so it couldn't have come in from the right. Weird!
SCUDS are a ballistic missile. They go up, arc, come down. They dont terrain follow. A cruise missile terrain follows but didnt carry a warhead capable of the damage done that day. Not saying it wasnt a cruise missile with some kind of classified warhead.
Running on the presumption of a Cruise Missile used, could it have been used as an ignition source?
If I recall correctly it was a section recently remodeled, so what if "they" did the demolition charges (to a lesser degree) like they did with the twin towers and the Missile ignited/started the charges.
To be fair, this isn't "all of the sudden," I very much recall talking about the confiscating of 9/11 video footage back in 2004-2008. I was on the "9/11 was an inside job" train pretty early on, and so much of what we had available back then seems like it has been scattered to the winds or buried. I mean there are entire websites devoted to compiling evidence on 9/11, the Clinton body count, Sandy Hook, Columbine, etc... that have essentially disappeared over the years.
a plane cant physically fly at that low altitude at that speed at that angle. Even air force vets with 40 years experience say they couldnt do it yet a jihadi form a cave who could barely handle a cessna pulled off the most physics defying impossible feat in the history of aviation first try and hit his target perfectly?
The public are so gullible. We deserve what we get.
Better than the parking gate video, but I wish we had even a 10 second clip of this video just to give some more visual proof versus just 10 or so frames. To play devil’s advocate, I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard to just add that and a small amount of explosion on just a regular video of the Pentagon.
Where would that have been fired from? It looks like it was almost fired from the ground. Excuse my ignorance, but a plane firing missiles almost at ground level would have been seen by a lot of people, no?
.I dont was a Scud missile (Nato reporting name )Developed by Russia in the 1950,s, more likely it was a US,Tomahawk,Cruise Missile...unless of cause if they were to find some parts of the Missile with Russian,lettering on it they would have probably blamed Russia,.Remember Donald Rumsfeld the night before saying 1-3 Trillion dollars went missing or (unaccounted) for then low & behold that very part of the Pentagon where all the paperwork was kept, was hit ,by a " cough splutter " Plane , hit a specific part of the Pentagon it had to have been a guided missile ,the Scud was a basic fire and forget ,.Ballistic missile ,twice the size of a Cruise Missile, with an accuracy of about 50-70 metres,radius,.So definately not a Scud missile, also seemed like I was watching a really old video game and the lady in my opinion..wasnt really convincing,especially calling it a Scud missile, over and over,.you cant tell from that view what kinda missile it was,.its kinda all hazy like..!
PLUS the CCTV video from the gate shows orange and black flames, not the white puff like this video. PLUS why does it cut off at impact? I think they realized they couldn't fake the flames and smoke on video.
This missle was loaded and staged and launched from a cargo container across the way from the Pentagon. That was stated by a DC Cop who is no longer with us and a truck driver familiar with scene before and after the attack.
Q did want us to know about shipping containers being as weapons for a reason and think this is one of them.
totally agree with your observation,about the missiles trajectory,.i believe that it was fired low to the ground possibly from some kinda shipping Container, I know both China and Russia also have missiles inside shipping a former Millitary man with 27 yrs exp,.im gonna stick my neck out here and say that in the other video taken from the Guard House of ,the missile explosion it seems to me that it could quite possibly have been a Tactical Nuke,...
I think it might've been TNT instead of a missile. The missile is probably CGI, same as the CGI planes hitting the towers. That's why the quality is so shitty so people can't analyze it as well, the pentagon would definitely have better cameras than the 2 FPS one that was showed from the opposite side. I'm not saying that the towers falling were CGI, but they were taken down with controlled demolitions.
Assuming it's real though the "missile" is coming in so low I doubt they could shoot it almost along the ground like that, even if it could be done it wouldn't be very safe to do and it is probably against protocol because of it being so unsafe.
Yet another Rorschach blot. This video shows nothing clearly. The guardhouse video only shows one frame of what may be a sunlight highlight off the fuselage. American Airlines flight 77 was a Boeing 737-223. It is 155 feet long. If it occupied the frame for only 1 second, that would have been a speed of 155 feet per second, or 105 mph. I'm not saying that is the actual speed, but it won't be much different, and this does not correspond to the impossible speeds that some critics claim couldn't have been flown by a pilot. They found wreckage from the airplane (I saw the photo). There was no explosion, but the Pentagon's 4 floors totally collapsed where the crash occurred.
It was an airplane. Get used to it. Don't go dreaming up fantasy scenarios to prove the government is lying, when it is in fact telling the truth. I really get the impression that this community would literally deny the truth, if it got in the way of your paranoid hate-fantasies against the government.
The government has much to answer for, but only that which is true. And forget about them being "reptillians." Whether they are vampires remains to be seen.
If I counted correctly, this is only 7 frames, repeated over and over in a loop. It would be great if we could see more what came next? Also, video can be slowed and stabilized for better viewing, so are there any examples of this video other than this one?
Still looks like a plane to me, way too big to be even a scud missile. Only missiles even close to that large would be ICBMs. I really do not understand the necessity for it to not be a plane. They used planes on the twin towers just fine, why wouldn't they use a plane on the pentagon?
This video is absolute garbage. Can't conclude anything from this alone. Except that it was definitely not a ballistic scud missile, no matter how many times that dumb bitch says scud.
This video could be 100% edited fakery. What's the provenance? Who "filmed" this? Where's their testimony? Need a lot more than some dingbat saying scud over and over.
Of course it was recorded on a potato
Yes I saw it too, and it was clearer. I gasped when I saw it, hairs on my neck stood up. Let’s try to locate it, publish both videos here, Truth, everywhere
No fren, that would deserve it's own thread.
Thanks, actually, just after I posted that I found a new thread with the video.
Curious... If someone does have a video and wishes to publish it (public domain and without claiming ownership or anything else), without tracing back to the original source, what would someone do?
Files can have metadata that can be hard to remove because you may not know what files have what data and you may not know how to remove the metadata. If anonymity is that important, get a cheap camera that you will toss in the trash. Do not give that device any information, date, Wi-Fi, names, etc. Display the video on one device, record it with the disposable device. Go to a public Wi-Fi (restaurant, hotel, etc) Make a new email account. Make a new bitchute account (or other video platform) using the email that was just created. Upload the video. Never use those accounts again. Throw out the camera.
Helpful. thanks.
VPN too use cyber ghost
Thanks for sharing, never seen this footage, nor the one in the post above. Wonder if we will ever get to see the whole truth on this. I want to know what happened to the planes & people that were supposed to be on those flights that day? Where those even real flights or did they fly the passengers somewhere else and kill them, maybe crashed the planes in some isolated area.
A comment under the video:
As a pilot, I watched lots of videos by very experienced airline pilots and they all said that trying to fly at 550 knots at or very near sea level was exceeding the maximum stress level of the aircraft by 100+ knots. An inexperience pilot who only flew and failed flying Cessnas would never be able to hand fly a 757 so close to the ground and that the turn he made to hit the Pentagon (550 knot descending turn) would stress the structure to the point of breaking up. Again, not a conspiracy theorist but looking for transparency. I spoke with a well know airline pilot who analyzes air crashes and he didn’t want even a piece of this case. He did tell me that despite the official accounts of the entire plane melting, that the engines and gear struts would have certainly been visible after the crash. It’s 20 years and long wars, why is there no additional information available to our citizenry?
Thanks for this. Looks like a missile to me.
looks a bit like a remastered video game clip... and the tone of the woman's voice sounds like a career bureaucrat. who was told to narrate a video..
yeah she sounded board trying to sound interesting, but the video still looks like a colorized video game clip...
Clear as mud
I want Putin to make good on his threat to release the satellite data the Russians have on 9/11. I bet they have lots of information that the derp state desperately wants to keep hidden...
they should expose the moon hoax whilst they're at it!
All in due time...
Tomahawk missle.
It is WAY too big to be a tomahawk.
Doesnt it look way too big to be a missile? The pentagon is 3 or 4 stories tall where this happened. This white blur looks huge, like it’s at least 10-20 feet tall.
After it hit, wasn't there images and videos of the light poles still standing on the walkway up to the building? If it was a plane, the wings would have knocked them all down due to the wingspan size. This is from memory and it's been 21 years now, but I think it was in the documentary Loose Change.
Nope, try this angle:
That's literally the exact same video just mirrored...
That video makes it looks like it was just shot out from the building across from the Pentagon, and it looks like that building is higher than whatever is flying into the Pentagon, so it couldn't have come in from the right. Weird!
But with no wingspan...Airliners are as wide as they are long.
SCUDS are a ballistic missile. They go up, arc, come down. They dont terrain follow. A cruise missile terrain follows but didnt carry a warhead capable of the damage done that day. Not saying it wasnt a cruise missile with some kind of classified warhead.
Running on the presumption of a Cruise Missile used, could it have been used as an ignition source?
If I recall correctly it was a section recently remodeled, so what if "they" did the demolition charges (to a lesser degree) like they did with the twin towers and the Missile ignited/started the charges.
Pure speculative theory
Why not just blow up the explosives then if you don't plan on releasing any video anyways?
I stopped in my comment from saying that too. We dont know the truth about 9-11 or TWA 800.
Like giant bottle rockets.
We've known this for 21 years. Dark to light. How about some accountability?
To be fair, this isn't "all of the sudden," I very much recall talking about the confiscating of 9/11 video footage back in 2004-2008. I was on the "9/11 was an inside job" train pretty early on, and so much of what we had available back then seems like it has been scattered to the winds or buried. I mean there are entire websites devoted to compiling evidence on 9/11, the Clinton body count, Sandy Hook, Columbine, etc... that have essentially disappeared over the years.
Here's another:
From the Hilton on the other side of the Interstate.
This has been circulating for years and some retard posted it on bitchute for views. It's literally a gif used daily on 4chan.
Fucking hell, boomers.
I’ve only seen this clip for the first time this month.
When you find a good fishing spot, you come back time and again. Here this clip is again...
Someone remake this without the idiot's voice!
Thank you.
a plane cant physically fly at that low altitude at that speed at that angle. Even air force vets with 40 years experience say they couldnt do it yet a jihadi form a cave who could barely handle a cessna pulled off the most physics defying impossible feat in the history of aviation first try and hit his target perfectly?
The public are so gullible. We deserve what we get.
Here is a link with same video and in-depth analysis/discussion by anons four days ago here on gaw
Oh great, a recording of a recording. Thanks, it's really easy to see the pixel blobs moving at 7 frames a second.
So where is the explosion? Why cut it off just as it hits without seeing the results. Frustrating.
Better than the parking gate video, but I wish we had even a 10 second clip of this video just to give some more visual proof versus just 10 or so frames. To play devil’s advocate, I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard to just add that and a small amount of explosion on just a regular video of the Pentagon.
I wish I had known to save stuff offline back then.
Anyone got a link to this video?
Looks that way to me too; like it is from the building on the right of the view.
Terrible quality but I’ll play along. So if a plane didn’t hit the Pentagon, then what happened to Flight 77? Where is Barbara Olson?
By technical definition, a cruise missile is an airplane. Have a look at this angle:
Where would that have been fired from? It looks like it was almost fired from the ground. Excuse my ignorance, but a plane firing missiles almost at ground level would have been seen by a lot of people, no?
You don't need a plane to fire a missile. The missile isn't a scud either, which are land-based rockets, and damned big.
A surface-to-air missile? Maybe.
Shoulder fired? Nah, too big. Fired from a truck? No problem.
I’d say it had been fired from a truck mounted container.
Think of Al Qaeda as a government contractor.
They couldn't make due on their contract to hit the Pentagon, so the government took back that portion of the contract.
.I dont was a Scud missile (Nato reporting name )Developed by Russia in the 1950,s, more likely it was a US,Tomahawk,Cruise Missile...unless of cause if they were to find some parts of the Missile with Russian,lettering on it they would have probably blamed Russia,.Remember Donald Rumsfeld the night before saying 1-3 Trillion dollars went missing or (unaccounted) for then low & behold that very part of the Pentagon where all the paperwork was kept, was hit ,by a " cough splutter " Plane , hit a specific part of the Pentagon it had to have been a guided missile ,the Scud was a basic fire and forget ,.Ballistic missile ,twice the size of a Cruise Missile, with an accuracy of about 50-70 metres,radius,.So definately not a Scud missile, also seemed like I was watching a really old video game and the lady in my opinion..wasnt really convincing,especially calling it a Scud missile, over and over,.you cant tell from that view what kinda missile it was,.its kinda all hazy like..!
This is a ridiculous video. The "scud" isn't even hitting the building in the right place. Compare with this picture of damage:
PLUS the CCTV video from the gate shows orange and black flames, not the white puff like this video. PLUS why does it cut off at impact? I think they realized they couldn't fake the flames and smoke on video.
Seems like an awe fully suspicious trajectory of a missile. Was it fired from the ground?!
This missle was loaded and staged and launched from a cargo container across the way from the Pentagon. That was stated by a DC Cop who is no longer with us and a truck driver familiar with scene before and after the attack.
Q did want us to know about shipping containers being as weapons for a reason and think this is one of them.
Interesting. Any info on the cop that’s no longer with us (no surprise)
totally agree with your observation,about the missiles trajectory,.i believe that it was fired low to the ground possibly from some kinda shipping Container, I know both China and Russia also have missiles inside shipping a former Millitary man with 27 yrs exp,.im gonna stick my neck out here and say that in the other video taken from the Guard House of ,the missile explosion it seems to me that it could quite possibly have been a Tactical Nuke,...
So then what happened to that plane full of people? 😳
I think it might've been TNT instead of a missile. The missile is probably CGI, same as the CGI planes hitting the towers. That's why the quality is so shitty so people can't analyze it as well, the pentagon would definitely have better cameras than the 2 FPS one that was showed from the opposite side. I'm not saying that the towers falling were CGI, but they were taken down with controlled demolitions.
Assuming it's real though the "missile" is coming in so low I doubt they could shoot it almost along the ground like that, even if it could be done it wouldn't be very safe to do and it is probably against protocol because of it being so unsafe.
Here's a good video showing the CGI fakery of the towers.
Here's a good video showing how the towers were taken down with controlled demolitions. I couldn't find one without subtitles or with english ones so here's one with french subtitles.
Name checks out.
I guarantee you it's flat, I recommend watching this if you want proof(s).
Turn on the TV they hit the pentagon! They hit the fuckin' pentagon!
Yet another Rorschach blot. This video shows nothing clearly. The guardhouse video only shows one frame of what may be a sunlight highlight off the fuselage. American Airlines flight 77 was a Boeing 737-223. It is 155 feet long. If it occupied the frame for only 1 second, that would have been a speed of 155 feet per second, or 105 mph. I'm not saying that is the actual speed, but it won't be much different, and this does not correspond to the impossible speeds that some critics claim couldn't have been flown by a pilot. They found wreckage from the airplane (I saw the photo). There was no explosion, but the Pentagon's 4 floors totally collapsed where the crash occurred.
It was an airplane. Get used to it. Don't go dreaming up fantasy scenarios to prove the government is lying, when it is in fact telling the truth. I really get the impression that this community would literally deny the truth, if it got in the way of your paranoid hate-fantasies against the government.
The government has much to answer for, but only that which is true. And forget about them being "reptillians." Whether they are vampires remains to be seen.
If I counted correctly, this is only 7 frames, repeated over and over in a loop. It would be great if we could see more what came next? Also, video can be slowed and stabilized for better viewing, so are there any examples of this video other than this one?
Scud missile....cmon man this is why people will shit all over this.
Still looks like a plane to me, way too big to be even a scud missile. Only missiles even close to that large would be ICBMs. I really do not understand the necessity for it to not be a plane. They used planes on the twin towers just fine, why wouldn't they use a plane on the pentagon?
Are we all going to get Arkancided for watching it?
This video is absolute garbage. Can't conclude anything from this alone. Except that it was definitely not a ballistic scud missile, no matter how many times that dumb bitch says scud.
This video could be 100% edited fakery. What's the provenance? Who "filmed" this? Where's their testimony? Need a lot more than some dingbat saying scud over and over.
Her commentary ruins the video....SCUD? Missle yes...I don't see any wings....But SCUD?