I read this topic on here about 3 months ago and decided to give it a try. In the last few years my wrists and certain finger joints began to ache 24/7. I'm in my early 50's and always have been very fit, active, and health conscious and know my body very well. I also have suffered from osteoarthritis in my lower back for decades due to injury.
I started with 1/4 teaspoon of borax in my morning shake after workout. Drank my normal 2 litres of water by lunch and then added another 1/4 teaspoon to plain water for my afternoon 1.5 litres.
Within a week my wrists and fingers were about 60-70% better and I could feel something happening in my back and knees. At first there was some different areas of mild discomfort (and this is expected as the calcium deposits break up) and now they are pain free after about 3 months. There are many other positive health effects with boron supplementation as well as antiviral, anti-fungal plus anti-tumour properties. Check it out:
How the hell did I miss this??? Ive had brutal arthritis after 30 yrs in the Army.
This starts tomorrow.
Your bones build up calcium deposits which cause inflammation. That inflammation causes the body to attack the joint’s. The boron dissolve’s that calcification and remineralizes the bones, so it makes your bones stronger too. So no source of inflammation, no inflammation, so no inflammation no autoimmune attack on your joints, now your body can heal. Take for five days on and two off. Takes about three months to really notice, but other benefits are noticed in the first week. Try boron and magnesium “epsom salt” in your bath water too. Heals you for five bucks….. not bad. God gives us everything we need to be healthy, big pharma doesn’t have anything to compete.
Please give an update in a month or so.
Absolutely. Im also gonna mix small amounts into my chicken and rabbit feed.
You probably shouldn't be eating chicken and rabbit feed.
Almost time for that 1 month update. Gonna hold you to it, fren.
Yep. Gonna make a post about it. Will tag u in the title 😁
u/farpointpatriot Link/update? I got a box with no intent to cure anything in particular, but am curious for firsthand accounts.
My thinking on these sorts of cures is to try a very small amount while I'm healthy (Sherlock Holmes style) so I can know if it has an effect on the baseline.
I did not follow through like I intended. I found something that worked incredibly well. I did a 3 day all water fast. On day 4 most all of my major aches and pains just vanished. Yes, I lost weight which helped relieve the stress on my joints, but no way I lost enough to account for all of it.
Autophagy is a very VERY real thing. My addiction to sugar made day 2 a brutal experience, but I made it (82 hours in total). After that I went to a strict Paleo diet for about 6 weeks. Its shocking how the bodies machinery functions much better when you remove trash from your diet.
Starting tomorrow right here with you, frog. Let's go!
I know you are busy cats, though I just found this post & recalled seeing something about ingesting boron a few months ago here.
I wanted to know how it has helped you? I saw my box stuffed away being another project I worked on & am planning to start next week.
Best of luck! I hope it works perfectly!
How did it go for you?
I stuck to it for about a week. The texture of the borax was too much for me. I do 3 day water only fasts every 2-3 months and that is a game changer. It sux big time, but holy cow do I ever feel like a million bucks afterward. Also, as an interesting phenomenon (probably unique to me), by day 3 I could smell images 😂
I’ve always heard that 3+ day fasts are the way to go. Big reason for reluctance to lean on even minerals and supplements. Still playing chemist with simpler chemicals at that point. Might be ok for a kickstarter, though.
“The Kingdom of God is within” comes to mind.
Thanks for the report. Good to know.
For the curious, in the US at least, you can get 20-Mule Team brand Borax, which is pure borax. If they have it, it's in the laundry section.
You mean this is literally already on top of my wash tower??
Yup. If you read the borax conspiracy, it will tell you why the box has a lot of scary messages. A few years ago, I had a teaspoon / day regularly. Didn't do much for me at the time, but I've never had cancer either. Or arthritis.
I’m finding black seed oil to be helpful too.
Yes, I've been taking 2000mg a day for about a year. I told my mother, she's been taking it for about 6 months. She had knee surgery 5+ years ago and said her knees have never felt better. Also said her health is the best it's been, she is 67
I take 1/2 tsp of that everyday....thinking about the Boron also...Vitamin Shoppe carries it...read what the Australian doctor did and what happened to him...WOWZA!!!!
Me too. Half a teaspoon with a tablespoon of raw honey 3 times a day.
Thank you for this! I have never heard of https://www.earthclinic.com/ before.
I just started bathing in Apple Cider Vinegar since there are a lot of chemicals / endocrine disruptors in cosmetics. I have more energy, mosquitos aren't bothering me and not feeling stressed. I'm about 1.5 weeks into this. Also saw it's good for joint inflammation. ??? I'll keep the borax in mind. Thanks for sharing.
How do you did this? I mean, it's some kind of dilution, right? A few cups per bathtub, or do you have a fixed %?
100% no dilution in a spray bottle on a rag. Wet skin, spray, wipe my skin down. Only complaint from spouse is it stinks bathroom up so I open the window while I shower. Some girl on TikTok swore by it fixing a myriad of health issues and helped her lose weight. I spent 13 years injured by Gardisil and just fixed all my health issues this past year. I'm up for trying anything and so far, I don't have anxiousness, fatigue...I'm curious how I will feel in a month.
In the article
What article are you referring to? Because it's not in the article linked by OP.
It tells several methods and how much. Not sure what you're reading.
You can actually rub it on your skin too and it stops cramps and the like. Its the Amish cure for cramps and stomach acid.
Thanks for sharing
I can agree with this.
Borax has been helping me since I broke my spine, back in 88. It works well with all joint pains and is long lasting. Tastes slightly salty, sweet and soapy.
Its good stuff.
Cut out SUGAR. No cookies, cakes, sodas, or anything with sugar. I found that after a couple of weeks on a Keto diet my achy knees were a lot better. Sugar is an inflammatory agent and will make all your joints painful, especially if you are older in age. Youths tolerate huge amounts of sugar but anyone over 50 will notice their joints beginning to hurt more with an increased sugar diet. Lay off the sugar for a couple of weeks and see if your body reacts positively to the change.
I did and it didn't
Ok first Ty my fren for posting. For the last 3 months been in pain “ice pick” jabbing under kneecap feeling. A couple of weeks ago had an Mri I have a meniscus tear but also diagnosed with osteoarthritis. They said this knee would just progressively get worse and eventually all my joints would have the same. First I refuse any type of surgery as I dont trust docs or hosp for anything. I want to go natural route. I have never heard about this before but have a box of borax pretty much on hand all the time for laundry. If you were here my fren I would kiss you! Ty ❤️🧀
Please post in the future how it goes for you. I had same issue with my knee and felt some discomfort at first like grains of sand under knee caps but all is gone now.
I will. I am going to start today! Im soooo appreciative of this info
It was an answer to prayer to find this for me as well. It seems I keep finding key things I need to help family or myself over the last couple years on this forum. My life has been greatly helped by the people here.
Yes we have great people with so much knowledge. I agree the things I have learned have opened my eyes to so many things. I am eager to start this and see the difference. Be blessed today my fren!
How did this go for you?
I didnt do it like I should have but I do think it helped. Ive been taking cell salts for a couple of weeks and it seems to be helping. Ive been slowly cleaning up my diet so going to incorporate this into my daily schedule
Thank you for the response. I am doing what I have seen on this board & taking 1/4t in the morning & at night.
I figure I will know within a week or so if anything is getting less stiff & sore.
Hope you update with your experience :D
borax kills insects, this isn't a good idea.
I think the boron is bound differently in soil, It might not just there as borax. I don't think it is quite that easy to repair the soil because it'll kill the small creatures before it gets bound.
I'd experiment before just watering your garden with it.
depends on volume, you don't need alot to have it start breaking down naturally in the soil. Too much of anything is bad, however if you can find a sweet spot there might be benefits.
Water rusts cars... yet we need it to live. The reason borax kills bugs is listed below. Has nothing to do with being same for consumption by humans.
That deleted comment which I was replying to was about somebody sprinkling borax on their garden to replenish the boron content of their soil.
I take borax myself for injury related arthritis.
We supplemented our apple trees with borax.
I use boron tablets as in UK you can't buy pure borax ....don't take them every day as I don't have arthritis now.
I take boron capsules almost daily. I understand it helps detox fluoride.
I don't know about that sorry. i drink spring water and use it for cooking as it is really bad to use fluoride water in cooking.
I am not sure that fluoride doesn't pass the blood brain barrier like aluminium causing neurological problems....it certainly is a neurotoxin so I try to avoid wherever I can
Why are dentists pushing it? Even though my insurance covers them, I have been refusing fluoride treatments for the last few visits and the staff look at me like I'm a wacko.
Flouride is terrible for you. It weakens you’re teeth and bones, by taking up the same role in them as boron does. If you are boron deficient, your body will easily take up the flouride and incorporate it into hard tissue. Boron is what you actually need. Your teeth are made out of a borosilicate, with calcium and phosphate strengthening them. You have probably never seen fluorosilicate glass, because it’s so weak that it’s not very useful for much of anything. But almost everyone knows what Pyrex is. Pyrex is borosilicate glass, and it has a reputation for being VERY strong, because it is. Using fluoride weakens your bones. Consuming borax regularly strengthens your bones and protects you from the bone-weakening effects of fluorine.
I read they use the real natural fluoride not the industrial waste they put in water etc.
Non fluoride toothpaste is made. I got some at Walmart. Burts Bees brand.
Iodine is good for Fluoride detox, IMHO
I found this study. I don't know the veracity of these scientists.
From other general info pages, it sounds like taking Boron is safer than Borax. But then, I saw that Borax is just Boron with sodium and oxygen. So, idk. Im not a scientist. Either way, Boron seems like a good chance to take if you have arthritis.
I bought some on ebay.
I did consider that but boron pills are not expensive and I was concerned I might overdose!
I made up a solution using 150ml hot water and a gram or so of boron and then took it daily for a while with a single dose from a 5ml calpol syringe. It was a low dose.
This morning I just took maybe a 1/10 teaspoon or less and just licked it off the teaspoon.
Search Ebay.co.uk Borax powder is readily available and so cheap.
Decalcification of the pineal gland is noticeable after a week of borax. How do I know? Vivid dreams every night and even when I take a 15 min nap. Three friends report the same after using.
Dreams require good REM sleep. If borax helps you to sleep, then you'll have dreams that you wouldn't otherwise.
Does anyone know what the side effects are to taking Borax? I use it to kill ants so I don't think it would be good for us humans. How would you even know of the side effects down the road. Not sure I'm willing to digest it. Perhaps soak the arthritic area but not ingesting it. Thanks anyways for the suggestion.
Borax is such fine powder, the bugs crawl through it and it suffocates them because they cant breathe through their abdomen anymore. Source: Florida Man
Also ants etc. cant pass gas and it creates gas and they explode/die. That is what I heard and why I used it against ants
If I recall correctly, borax is approx. 1/5 as toxic as table salt. You can look it up in toxicity tables.
It’s less toxic that salt.
I'm glad to see so many found this helpful :)
I've been taking borax for 2 months now. It has cured my constant knee arthritis after only 2 weeks. CURED. My pain was due to a shredded meniscus (the donut of knee cushioning) and it was removed 30ish years ago. It became normal to be in constant pain and have kinda grinding and the knee wasnt really smooth. 2 months later I have not felt one twinge of pain!! Also the grinding has 90% gone and the knee operates smoothly!! holy shit!! Even when I try to induce pain there is nothing. I can sit cross legged for 20 minutes before it becomes only uncomfortable where it used to only take 5 minutes for painful. I had some other arthritis which is too new to tell if the borax helped or if it just went away. However the knee pain was consistant for years. I dont sense any negatives. The treatment I'm taking is 1/4 tsp for male or 1/8tsp for female. Gotta dissolve it in tiny bit of hot water. Then put it in a 32oz (more water is fine) water bottle and drink throughout the day. 5 days on 2 days off.
Thanks for sharing
That's amazing! So glad it helped you so much.
Has anyone ever taken this for gout? I eat clean, but still have high uric acid levels.
Drink Black Cherry juice for gout.... I mix a 1/4 cup with 1.5 cup Fizzy water. Makes the best Cherry Soda ever......
I sprinkle borax on my toes if my athlete's foot flares up,
Look up a supplement called MSM and thank me later
Or watch documentary “The Universal Antidote” on rumble. Interesting.
I found out about it through a guy named David w gregg. He was a chemist who researched medical problems from the chemical level after he retired. That and lysine helped my fiance with chronic fatigue syndrome based on the advice on his website (we didn't have medical care at the time, and my fiance was practically bed-ridden at the time). I stayed using it after I got a job pushing carts at Wal-Mart to keep my joints from hating me lol
It helps when you're doing strenuous exercise (working out, labor-related jobs, etc)
Just be warned, when you start taking it, you may notice two interesting side effects, both of which should pass in about a week even if you keep taking it.
you may get diarrhea
your urine may turn food-coloring yellow. It's an alarmingly bright color, but don't freak out. Lol
I initially tried Borax 1/4 tsp but after 3 days my side was hurting, so I backed off for a while. Then tried it again..same thing...
However, I think I found out what caused it. The massive amount in such a short time was a shock to my system.
I SHOULD have taken the 1/4 tsp Borax with 33 oz/1liter of water and sipped it over the whole day. 5 days in a row and 2 days off.
I'll report back in a few weeks...
u/Quantachyon please check back.
Got my box of Borax and am trying just the tiniest bit to test for reactions. I am not taking it in pursuit of any sort of cure, but rather to check for harm/side effects.
u/merf Yup...
1/4tsp in a 33oz or ( for women 1/8tsp in a 33 oz) sipped over the day.
Seems to have worked, I don't take it daily after about a month or so...
I Maybe take a pinch in 28oz or so every week or twice a week.
As another note: IMO... YOU CAN HEAL OSTEOARTHRITIS ... I took two scoops of Collagen and 1500mg Glucosamine 1200Chondroitin and 1000mg MSM daily and went from a level 3 in one knee to a 1 and from a 1 to a zero IN 4 MOS !
(not medical advice, but it worked well for me. )
One question re: ingesting Borax that raises a concern is the affects of it on the estrogen levels in females. Anyone have data or even thoughts/comments on this? Post menopausal or women with edtrogen sensitive cancers would need to consider this potential.
I wonder if this would help with my sciatica? Got some research to do!
I have been taking borax for two months 4 disc shattered in my back bad knees pain free now even my neck is good
Is there a specially produced kind or any borax will do?
Any Borax should say on the box 99% pure.
I have had some kind of skin fungus for years that antifungals have heat managed but would flare up. I started putting dissolved borax on it daily and now it seems to be gone. Going to keep it up but this is a good alternative medicine.
Also if you’re into this stuff check out. Chlorine Dioxide aka Trump Bleach
Me too, vivid dreams, muscle tone, chelation, increased bone density, mental focus and arthritis relief. Take with iodine and magnesium and you have something awesome.
how much iodine and what kind? I have providone iodine in the medicine cabinet for mouth wash and nasal spray. I don't think it's good to digest. And how much? Dosage always seem to be a problem for me. I have been using the borax for a week now and the swelling is down and so is the pain. Thanks for your help.
I use nascent iodine, you can purchase it on Amazon. Usually the dose is four or five drops. I’m so happy for you.
Thank you. This is going to help when I start this week.