**Artemisinin** = The WINNER of the 2015 NOBEL PRIZE FOR MEDICINE
Also known as **Artemisia Annua**, this plant cures drug-resistant Malaria, has efficacy against Cancer and now (according to Miles Guo) potentially COVID-19. I've been taking it since 2018 daily as a cancer prophylaxis.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️

Artemisia Annua also called Artemisinin is a miracle plant.
I have been taking Artemisinin daily since 2018 as a cancer prophylaxis since I was diagnosed with Stage III. There are many studies currently in process to determine if this works against cancer. So far the results have been impressive.
So, after learning about it, I began taking it and have had no further cancer and I did not ever get sick with a cold or flu since then. Caveat: I take about 22 different vitamins, and supplements daily to ward off the various bad guys. Collectively they seem to have done a good job.
Now, besides having efficacy for cancer, it also is massively successful for the drug-resistant Malaria strains which were killing about a million people a year.
This is what the Chinese doctor who found this drug wanted it for. Because of its success, she won a Nobel Prize in medicine in 2015 for her discovery.
Here is another poster's video by the same Miles Guo:
In the above video, Miles Guo speaks of an Artemisinin 'cocktail'. Maybe he is referring to Artemisinin-based Combo Treatments called ACTs, which are being used with success against other endemic illnesses in 3rd world countries.
Google these articles:
"Investigating the Efficacy of Triple Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapies for Treating Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Patients Using Mathematical Modeling"
"Nobel Prize: Ancient Chinese Remedy Helped Scientist Win"
"Repurposing Artemisinin and its Derivatives as Anti-cancer Drugs"
"An overview of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 properties of Artemisia"
REMEMBER - We know Anti-parasite medicines work against COVID, don't we? (Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin). We know that Malaria is considered a Parasite. I think Cancer is linked somehow to parasites.
So, why wouldn't this anti-parasite drug work for COVID like the other two??
Do not underestimate the anti-fungal properties of your stack. Congrats on your results against Cancer by the way!
Specifically, Candida (yeast) encases cells in biofilm as to hide themselves, which messes with cell communication and can trigger over replication (Cancer).
Anti-fungal PDF that's been making its rounds on 4chan's /x/ boards last couple of months. A different meaning to "bringing darkness to light".
That article looks interesting. I will take a look at it.
Rapid Virus Recovery by Thomas Levy is another good read.
He treats biofilms with nebulized hydrogen peroxide.
Agree with you about fungus.
What I have studied about fungus scares the heck out of me.
I am surprised we lasted this long with all the fungus that can kill or control us.
I wouldn't be surprised if the top of the food chain on this planet is fungus.
Thank you, looks like some great info here.
WOW!!! Thank you so much for that!
Are you taking it homeopathically or herbally and if so in what form and potency? If you would ever be so inclined, I would love to know what supplements you are taking. I always find it intriguing when people are able to utilize natural healing protocols. Are you under the supervision of a doctor and if so, what kind, or have you put together your own protocols. You are a perfect example of utilizing known, common knowledge to heal.
I have done my own copious research for many years. All supplements that I take is done by my own direction and for my own prevention purposes. I try to search out the best, safest brands and try to eat organic whenever possible. My doctors have always been apprised of my choices and none seem to take any issue with them.
The only doctor I see right now is my endocrinologist for my once annual well-check for my low thyroid. My cancer docs know I will not get radiation or chemo, and since I am still 'OK', they've stopped soliciting me for follow ups. No money to be made, I guess!
Most of the supplements are quick dissolving vegetable capsules or gelcaps.
Here is what I take daily:
Vit A (25,000 IU)
Apricot seeds, bitter (10 organic kernels) = B17= Laetril (cancer cure)
Artemisinin (425 mg) (cancer cure)
B1 (100 mg)
B3 (500 mg)
B12 (1,000 mcg)
Beta HCL Super Enzymes (2 caps before meals)
Biotin (10,000 mcg)
Co-Q10 (300 mg)
D3 (10,000 IU)
DHT-Blocker (2 caps)
E (400 IU)
Fo-Ti (He Shou Wu) (1/2 tsp organic powder)
Gingko Biloba (120 mg)
Ivermectin (per weight 1x every 2 wks) (cancer and COVID cure)
K2 (2,600 mcg Super K2 formula)
Laktoferrin with Colostrum (1 capsule 3x week)
Magnesium Oxide (800 mg)
Melatonin (12 mg)
NAC - N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (600 mg)
Quercetin (800 mg)
Turmeric (2400 mg)
Zinc (50 mg)
~ Previously took Fenbendazole 3x per week for 18 months (1/4 tsp powder)
~ I drink home brewed tea with my own distilled water every day.
~ I eat organic citrus off my trees when in season
~ I no longer use chemical hair dyes or fingernail polish
I'm glad you're doing so well. Truly. I had a very rare 'old person's cancer' in college and refused the top doc in the field's rec. They wanted me to be a case study. Said cut it out asap! My family thought I was insane at 20yo (not so much now) but I'm so thankful I had the intelligence at that age to understand radiation and chemo was poison. They did me dirty in the OR as retaliation for refusing but I recovered fully and have made it my mission, like you no doubt, to know more about my body than the indoctrinated doctors. Our regimens are very similar. And I also do not see any licensed healthcare professional regularly. Only trauma care at this point. No makeup or dyes either. It's what's best. It's what's right. Good luck and Godspeed.
Thank you. I wish you the best.
What did those quack ghouls do to you in the OR? And you also didn't have the tumor/s cut out?
You are wise beyond your years! Thank goodness you didn't do the burn & poison protocols.
What happened in OR?
You should also research Oregano (Thymus capitatus). This is a natural antibiotic and anti-parasitic. Oregano is found high up in the mountains and has been documented to grow through stone! I take 6 drops of Oregano Oil Tincture daily.
I have taken it many times, especially during my 'cleansing' period about 8 years ago when I was doing a bone-broth organic vegetable soup program to 'flush out my gut'. It's just not in my rotation at this time. I will say that in my case, I did not see any results with it. I went through numerous bottles of it. Many people do get good results, though...
Thanks for the list. I wonder, though, do you think there would be any of these pills or powders which would fight against each other? Or do they work in harmony? My only fear would be taking one pill and the chemical make up of that pill might become "poisonous" when combined with the chemical make up of another pill. I know you've been healthy for a few years using this treatment, but what about another person's reaction to the same pills? Not trying to be a Debbie downer, or tossing shade on your experience, just trying to make sure your protocol will work for everyone with no chemical reaction. I'm no chemical engineer nor even close to being a medical professional, just a common American who has a out of the ordinary question. Keep up the great work on telling every one about a cancer cure that doesn't require chemo. I'm in agreement that cures can be found outside of hospitals. Heck, Joe Tippens comes to mind. A three month death sentence and he cured himself with Fen-Ben. That says a lot. Your story of a positive outcome his very encouraging. Please do not take my question as a knock on you or your outcome. I'm just curious if there might be any possible interactions with so many pills. Thanks. God bless.
Every person has a different genetic makeup and different health status. All I can say is, start out with a few and take them for a while and if you do OK, add a new one and wait a couple of weeks before adding another.
Soon, you should know which ones work for you.
Each of these herbs and supplements are known for particular benefits.
Maybe you don't need all of them.
I take 10,000 iu vitamin D3 and 30 mg zinc but I also drink cocoa to replace the copper, which zinc depletes.
Did you ever consider low dose naltrexone for your low thyroid?
Not sure if you’re a candidate because I’m new to taking it myself, but it’s been amazing for a lot of my endocrine issues thus far.
I have not. I will research it and see what I can learn. Thanks.
Wow! Thanks for the list.
May I ask about the Ivermectin. Do you take that as a prophylaxis? I had covid once and no vax, however, I suffer from lack of taste and smell. I am wondering if Ivermectin would help with it.
I have a dresser drawer full of horse paste and prescription pills. Bought them back when the market was closing around access. I like to be prepared.
Thanks again for the info.
Yes, I take the Ivermectin as a prophylaxis. I bought a bunch of horse paste, too and have about 25 boxes left.
Ivermectin is so multi-purpose that I feel comfortable taking it to ward off the parasites, viruses, etc., that I may encounter.
Re: your loss of taste and smell - I would recommend considering doing a few things for yourself. Start with:
~ Do a gentle sinus rinse with distilled water and dissolved Himalayan salt each day. Help your sinus and back of throat stay fresh by flushing away any imbedded particles that shouldn't be there.
~ Utilize cotton balls soaked in isopropyl alcohol to hold near your nose to inhale the vapors to kill off any residual virus.
See: Possibility of Disinfection of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) in Human Respiratory Tract by Controlled Ethanol Vapor Inhalation by Tsumoru Shintake
~ Purchase some XLear grapefruit seed nose spray for your sinuses. See:
Potential Role of Xylitol Plus Grapefruit Seed Extract Nasal Spray Solution in COVID-19: Case Series
Good luck. Let me know how it goes.
Super helpful information. I will definitely keep you in mind.
I am getting tired of everything tasting rotten.
I have an interesting observation on the loss of taste and smell. Since I lost both it has been pretty consistently unpleasant. However, when I traveled to another city in the same state, my taste and smell came back with a vengeance. I could not get the food into my mouth fast enough. When I went home, all went back to "abby"normal. My theory is that the issue is tied to flora in the locations. Thought I would share.
Wow. Now that is an interesting twist. Maybe your living environment is harboring some sort of microscopic allergen or particle that is continuing your sinus inflammation. Think about what you could do to eradicate it from the interior spaces.
Consider: Super deep cleanings of the floors, carpets, windows, surfaces? Washing the walls? Cleaning the air ducts? Running an Oxiclean load into your dishwasher and washing machines? Spraying isopropyl alcohol on the fabrics of the furniture and into the air to kill the pathogens?
I don't know - but you are onto something. Figure it out and report back!
I too take Artemisinin, along with other supplements. This is interesting, the last doctor’s treatment for cancer follow’s this theory. Interestingly fungal outbreaks are almost always found in cancer tumors, the assumption is that the weakened body from cancer causes it. He theorized it is a fungal outbreak that is the cause and cancer is the body’s attempt to fight the fungal infection. When cancer metastasizes to other parts of the body it is not cancer cells but fungal cells or spore’s colonizing other parts of the body. It seems mistletoe is a promising anti-cancer treatment, this makes sense as mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on trees, so mistletoe would probably grow on a weakened part of the tree and produce substances to inhibit the growth of fungi as it would complete for dominance. https://www.bitchute.com/video/wblUq6RZ57F6/
What brand do you take and where do you get it?
There are many good brands out there. I order online from various places. I first ordered the raw herb to make tea from China when I was first diagnosed with cancer. The tea was very strong and I drank too much in the beginning and made myself short of breath. (The herb goes after the iron in the blood cells and essentially dissolves the skin of the cell in the process.)
But that is exactly how it helps vanquish the cancer by doing the same thing to the cancer tumors (which crave iron) by dissolving the skin of the tumors, exposing the tumors, which then surprisingly triggers our immune system to recognize it as an invader and attack it.
Since I understood exactly how this herb would work, I was expecting this and when I got breathless, I stopped drinking the potent tea and switched to a smaller capsule dose.
The brands I've take are:
Swanson Full Spectrum Artemisia Annua, or
Absorb Health Artemisinin capsules, or
Biovy Artemisimax Artemisia Annua capsules
Let me know how it goes for you.
Thank you!
Where do you get yours? Also had stage 2 cancer last year. Take a bunch of things including fenben and b17, iodine etc. Happy to add any other potential anti cancer natural product b
I order them online at Swanson or on Amazon. (My previous comment gives brands).
Remember! Fenbendazole ONLY WORKS IF TEAMED WITH THE 5 specific VITAMINS.
In the mouse trials Fenbendazole alone did not shrink the tumors. It only worked when teamed with these at the same time: Vit A, Vit B, Vit D3, Vit E, K2, & Zinc. Later iterations suggest adding Turmeric to the protocol.
So this is what I took specifically for Cancer per the Merck trials/Joe Tippens:
Fenbendazole canine dewormer 1 gram per packet (3-days per week)
Vitamin A 25,000 IU (daily)
Vitamin E 400 IU (daily)
Vitamin D3 2,000 IU (daily)
Vitamin K2 2,600 mg (daily)
Zinc Picolinate 50 mg (daily)
Turmeric/Curcumin 2,000 mg (daily)
B12 1,000 mcg (daily)
Biotin 10,000 mcg (daily)
I take all those too.
Cures Malaria, Cancer and Aids, good against parasites, viruses and bacteria.
Has anyone noticed that almost every antiparastic medicine out there cures viruses and cancer? 🤔
Makes you wonder...
Stickied for the great post content. Thank you Anon.
You are welcome!
I bought wormwood as a substitute for hydroxychloraquin at the beginning of the plandemic. I took it when I caught a flu like illness during that time.
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
In april 2020, president of Madagascar said fuck off to the WHO before giving artemesia to the population.
Seems he learned from the Pandemic 2 memes.
Good for him!
I've recently been studying Artemisia after learning about it's effectiveness with "Covid-19". Apert from Artemisia annua, there is also Southern Wormwood (Artemisia abrotanum L.) Which is also an effective medicine.
A study on Artemisia annua/covid-19
For gardeners out there, it seems Artemisia annua could also be used to treat root knot nemotodes.
Very good additional articles.
My only question. Listening to the video about this. He states that there are multiple plants in the Artemisinin strain. With that in mind and looking at the commercial products that are out there. Is there a particular brand or place or product that is the right one. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The Artemisia Annua is the one that won the Nobel Prize in medicine. Many companies make it. Look at reviews and potency and pick from your instinct. Read about how it works so you understand what it is doing in your body. Then you'll benefit without overdoing it.
I have several other comments on this post where I discuss it more.
My wife, who goes to a naturepathic doctor, recommended this for her (but I'm not sure what). When she told me about it, I thought it sounded like some antibiotic :)
I need to find a naturopath doctor.
lol I was skimming and thought it said "Antisemitism"
I was like, Dude doesn't hold back!
artemisinin bookmark - thanks
Thanks for posting that information. I greatly appreciate your knowledge that you have shared, thanks again, fren.
Sure thing!
Sagebrush has quite a bit of artemisinin in it as well. So I wouldn't worry about availability too much, we have several states that are covered with it.
Huh. I didn't know that.
Helicobacter? I had that bacteria in 2002 and it has been a nightmare since. Even though doctors told me I do not have long time ago I do not believe them. The actors aka = doctors based my health and everyone’s health in tests which I do not believe anymore. I will find nd the Artemisia tea and start that. Even though I took ivermectin and now I have been taking NAC 100% oregano oil and black seed oil plus milk thistle tea almost per two months, I will add the new one to my diet.
No, I did not have H. Pylori.
Helicobacter Pylori is a bacteria that causes ulcers. You can get rid of it with a combination of two or three antibiotics. A specific test will tell you if you have it. If you do, you should not wait. Get rid of it!
Now, were you asking about the Beta HCL? This is Hydrochloric Acid + Betaine + Papain + Bromelain for better digestion. I suspect that I don't produce enough stomach acid and I am supplementing extra digestive enzymes to assist.
Re Artemisia tea - if you get the real deal from China in a powdered form and steep it for tea, it is very potent. It will literally go after the iron in your hemoglobin, which is how it renders the tumors vulnerable by dissolving their protective outer skin. I drank that for a couple of weeks and literally got dyspnea (shortness of breath) and low platelets temporarily and had to stop drinking it! But, I knew what was happening and acted to fix it. Soon it was back to normal.
I just take a capsule every day now, which is a much smaller dosage.
The actors made a lot of tests since then and nothing. I do not have stomach problems at all now but I am saying that I wanted to take this just in case, but my weight is 74 pounds after the bioweapon COVID plandemic ( not the jab) Do you recommend this artemisia in drops? What do you think? Actually I had shortness of breath until my protocol of oils and NAC, I am getting better but I was really sick after I got the plandemic and now I am eating much much better including red meat
74 lbs. is a very low weight. Do you mind sharing your height, age and gender? What was your normal weight before you got sick?
I might be able to answer better if I have a little more information.
Besides wanting to regain your weight, what other complaints do you suffer?
The Artemisinin that I take is in an easily swallowed vegetable capsule. The brand I buy is Swanson Full spectrum Artemisia Annua. I am currently taking only one capsule per day right now as a preventative, but took more when I initially was diagnosed with the cancer.
Eating red meat and other protein such as eggs, cheese, etc., will help put the muscle back on you, as will exercise if you are able.
Tell me more if you want and I'll brainstorm with you.
Do you do not-medical-advice advice for people to help themselves with natural supplements and foods?
I'm not sure what you are asking. Could you clarify?
You're offering help to Godisglory1, would you offer help to me?
Sure. How can I help?
I am 5 &4 height, female and 54. I think also might be my diet because I have allergies from milk to fruits, you name it, I have to be careful what I eat. I have been taking NAC Oregano oil and black seed oil for almost 2 months because I had a lot of allergies and congestions but few days ago I got these horrible headaches and had to stop the protocol and drink a lot of water and still have the headaches. Also i noticed I have in my both eyes in each eye like sort of spot and got worse when I got the headaches and the color changed from brown to yellow. I am afraid might be the Billirubin maybe? the prunes? God bless you and thank you for all.
Hello Godisglory1, the prunes are not at fault here. Continue eating them. Continue drinking water and other hydrating liquids - soups, juices, broths.
Caveat: I am not a medical doctor. I am only a dedicated and concerned friend and researcher who is happy to give you my opinion, however, please follow up these symptoms with your choice of trained specialist.
BROWN SPOTS TURNING YELLOW - If I am understanding the situation, your brown eyes are turning yellow? Or, is a spot in the eye itself? Where in the eye? In the whites (sclera) or in the colored (iris) part?
If it is the whites (sclera) turning yellow, you may have jaundice which means your liver is not filtering your bilirubin properly. A blood test is in order. There is also the possibility of hepatitis which is a contagious disease which also is a reflection of an inflamed liver. This should be addressed right away by an Internist or Hepatologist.
If the brown spots are actual 'spots' on the whites or colored parts of your eye, they should never be taken lightly. These are called conjunctival nevus, which may be nothing more than a 'freckle' but may instead be cancerous - conjunctival melanoma. A visit to an ophthalmologist is in order ASAP.
HEADACHES - Your headaches can be caused by many things. Where on your head does it hurt? How bad does it hurt? Do you often get headaches? Is this unusual? How long have you had them?
Now, headaches can be from any of a number of causes. They can be due to a neck vertebrae being out of place from a poor sleeping position or poor posture while working or sitting. They can be from going without caffeine (rebound relaxed vessels) - or - too much caffeine (constriction). They can be a migraine caused by food allergies or stress. They can be caused by a sinus infection and sometimes they happen because you have been constipated for several days.
But, they can be from something much more serious such as a brain tumor or aneurism.
If you are having severe headache that won't quit, I might suggest you go to the emergency room to have a doctor there look at your head to rule the worst options out.
I wish you could get yourself to a Naturopath or someone willing to spend some time getting to the bottom of these symptoms. Good Luck!
For sure is constipation cuz I have not gone like a normal person goes and about the eyes is not jaundice the 2 spots that I have are turning smaller in think it is sugars. The scieras are whites just that I have the spots there and I already have been in the ophthalmologist My headache is gone because I stopped the sugars and the oils. Thank you for all info. I have to eat super clean and fresh and drink a lot of water which I don’t do, also am going to see a new actor aka doctor in November someone recommended him. He is more nature kind of actor but still a “doctor”. Let’s see what he says. God bless.
Good Luck to you!
I believe it is also known as wormwood.
No that is a different drug. Similar botanical name, though.
Wormwood also known as Artemisia absinthium is an herb used in the alcoholic drinks vermouth and absinthe. Its oil contains the chemical thujone, which may be poisonous if taken in too high of a dose.
Annua is known as ‘sweet wormwood.’
Absinthium is ‘bitter wormwood.’
Thanks for the clarification. I know wormwood is used as a dewormer and also has cancer fighting property. Bitter tasting and like you said, poisonous if taken too high of a dose.
Found in the Bible.
Also known as wormwood.
So basically, it's alot like ivermectin?
Well, they do have some similarities in the things they can cure, however their method of action is completely different.
It's kind of like saying a gun and a knife are the same because they both can kill people.
wow, I just found 5kg for less than 100 bucks: https://boxnutra.com/products/sweet-wormwood-powder (I know nothing about this company but that sure looks cheap to me. I think it's the right stuff, right???)
I don't know anything about that company, but it does appear to be describing the same product. Seems like a really good price. When you buy in bulk, you would be exposing all of the product to the air every time you open the big bag to take a dose and it might cause the whole bag to go stale (possibly?) Might be important to immediately separate it into several small containers that are kept in a cool dark area to protect its freshness. Remember, you don't have to take very much to get the job done!
But certainly, the price (if genuine) is really good.
Good point, I bought a few KG bags & will break one up to start. They got Vitamin C for a ridiculous $5. pound & other deals. Figure I'll try & see. Worst case I'm out a few bucks
Where do I get this?
Many online places sell it such as Vitacost, Swansons, Amazon, etc.
I just found 5kg for less than 100 bucks: https://boxnutra.com/products/sweet-wormwood-powder (I know nothing about this company but that sure looks cheap to me & I think it's the right stuff.) I found this with just an internet search. (After searching I noticed that "sweet wormwood" is one of it's many names`) You can search too but this one seems very cheap imho
Zazzee is a trade mark of Dexterity Health, LLC
An Israeli company located in Bet Shemesh and registered in the jurisdiction of New Jersey (US).
Its available on Amazon......
Saving & sending this valuable info to everyone! God bless you CasuallyObservant and all here! 🙏
You are welcome fren!
Hey great thread.
I was able to grab Provita Artemisinin Pro 50:1 extract...
For yourself, would your dosage be different with this product from what you use?
Thanks you for all the information you have provided here.
Your pills: 1 capsule = 100 mg "from Artemisia annua 50:1 extract QCE* 5,000 mg"
My pills: 1 capsule = 425mg "Swanson Full Spectrum Wormwood (Artemisia Annua) capsules feature 100% pure artemisia powder from aerial parts"
So, I will be honest and say that I don't know what the 50:1 extract means, it seems it is more potent. But I don't know for sure if that means 100 mg = 5,000 mg.
Thanks again. I appreciate your candor and time.
Of course!
Anyone know if any of these cures help kill C Diff (Clostridioides Difficile)? Or what does cure it?
This is a recent recommendation:
An antibiotic, fidaxomicin (Dificid®), targets the C. diff bacterium effectively while preserving normal gut flora. Dificid® is more effective than other antibiotics in preventing recurrences.
I dunno, if ever there was a billionaire grifter, it might be Miles Guo
What does he get from any of this? His information puts no money back in his pocket. A grifter usually benefits in some way. How does he? You can buy the product yourself from anywhere.
Since I know the product is extremely potent and kills many terrible pathogens, I can't see how taking it would benefit anyone but the person who takes it. Certainly not Miles Guo.