DISCUSSION: With a little over 10 days left to go until the Midterm Elections, what possible Deep State or Cabal countermoves do you foresee in our future? How might the Deep Staters and Cabalists attempt to derail the upcoming elections, or prevent a new Senate and Congress from taking office?

They just did it in PA with finding 255,000 ballots mailed to unverified voters. Let that sink in. Over a quarter of a million ballots were sent to people who are not confirmed by a ss# or driver's license as even existing. This is enough to change every position to dem in the state. Lawsuites have been filed, but I already feel like my vote has been negated. PA needs everyone's prayers right now.
They know they will lose, so they intentionally insert something to void the election. They want chaos.
At the very least, person in charge of this quarter million vote mistake should be fired! Lawsuits are coming.
Tried for treason IMO.
It's no mistake
Don't forget the acting SOS told the county's to ignore the SCOTUS and count ballots with no date or signatures.
This is were those responsible need to go to jail for a long time.
Fast trial & death penalty.
My fear is their plan might be to start a war, or nuclear false flag that would then start a chain reaction of martial law across the globe. With this in place they can use it to keep control and establish that anyone who is against the state is a danger to society and must be dealt with.
I hope our boys in uniform are ready to do what is necessary, not what they are told.
To all branches of the military, remember your oath.
Agree. I think its something much larger and encompassing than school shootings. Does anyone think the looming diesel shortage and low levels of the Mississippi river are coordinated?
They have known about the approximate time of the diesel shortage since the day Biden started robbing the reserves. I remember hearing a date months ago when they predicted the diesel to be depleted. Of course, this won't happen until right after the election.
I figured that...after the election. Thx
The low levels on the Mississippi have directly impacted me. Barges cant get upstream so Portland cement is becoming rare. No powder, no concrete. No concrete, no certificates of occupancy.
Im looking at the drought maps but I cant trust them to be accurate. Whether this is natural or by deliberate action, I dont know. But its gonna hurt. Could doom the housing industry, and down stream the mortgage lenders, not to mention the middle class homebuyers, to chaos and bankruptcy.
I work in the river transport industry on the Mississippi/Ohio as well… HUGE issues. Barge delays, etc. All the boats run on diesel….
You will have to get it by rail then.
575 pounds of portland to make 1 cubic yard of 6 bag concrete. That covers an 8 by 10 at 4 inches. The average house, including basement, garage, driveway slabs, basement walls and foundations is probably 350 yards of concrete.
Rail simply isnt efficient enough to bring that volume, that far. And the diesel costs also play into the equation. So the concrete materials suppliers are getting 5 trucks a week. That isnt nearly enough to finish the road construction they have going on let alone keep the housing and commercial construction industry running.
YES!!! They know they’re gonna lose…
But they arent in control. They might try something, but theres more of us than there are of them. I doubt they have much of any power to have that happen in a real nonwindow dressing sort of way. It's just going through the motions to wake the normies.......
Concur. I don't think they will let this vote come to pass.
and that Silly bitch Milley asked for a separate oath, despite everyone enlisting who had already pledged their oath to their country.
I firmly believe that not only is The Best Yet to Come, but also that Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. Nevertheless, this does not prevent the Deep State from throwing all of their ammunition at us in the coming days in a futile attempt to stave off The Great Awakening.
With that said, lets gather around the Theory Board and hash out the moves and countermoves that may play out in the coming days!
This we must do with caution. I don't want to give them any idea.
Double edge sword if you know what I mean.
National Turkey shortage is happening.
Oh no. Prime rib for thanksgiving...
Now if there's a horseradish shortage we're going to have a fucking problem.
The truest thing said on this website.
Adapt and overcome.
After the gov't announcement of the turkey shortage, I asked about it at Walmart. I was told they are marking the turkeys down and they haven't even received any of the large shipments yet. Turkeys are cheap and abundant at Walmart this year.
One crisis proved to be fake news. This one could have been perpetuated by the Turkey lobby.
Darn Big Turkey to hell.
Smoked turkey is delicious i need to go pick up a few then
Biden to sniff the kids at the dinner table
Wife just got a shady Brook 20 lb turkey at the local Walmart for 98 cents a lb….
Enjoy the big bird.
Yup not a turkey in sight in SE Michigan. Im gonna kill my own if I have to poach the mother fucker.
They run through my property daily. Got my eye on the one nice, fat jake…
Don’t have to, though. I’m in SW Michigan, btw. Deep, rural SW. Plenty in our stores.
Given what Turkeys symbolize, I'm all for it.
My money is on false flag nuke in Ukraine
False flag school shootings in "mass" numbers, more covid "scares" with more lockdown measures, which in turn leads to more mail-in-voting, more mules running ballot dumps doing dirty work, maybe the death of some rando black person to spark race tensions again leading to antifa and blm riots and lootings, etc, ad nauseum.
Your guess is as good as mine, but the cabal is not going to go quietly into the midterms, and they're especially not going to quietly go away if conservatives gain control in a number of areas.
I'll take a giant False Flag for $500 Alex.
That's my biggest guess. Still trying to play the gun control narrative card. Either that or something happens with "abortion rights" in some state somewhere and it gets everyone riled up, even though abortion is not even what 5% of voters think is the most important issue right now.
It's crazy. I see ads from various democrat candidates. The number one thing they focus on is abortion. Any pro life candidates are deemed dangerous. Yeah, it's about what the elites will lose as to why they're focusing on this.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there won't be lockdowns in the next two weeks, nor a massive wave of more school shootings than usual.
The possibility of a black person being executed in the street by the State without a judge or jury for crimes that do not carry the death penalty is of course always on the table.
I don't understand believing that the other side has rigged the elections and just are straight up stealing votes and changing numbers - and also that they are planning a November surprise. The former is more direct and controllable and efficient than the latter, which in scenarios like mass rioting to protest unlawful executions by the State, could break in multiple directions. You don't need both, that's overegging the pudding and playing your hand a little broadly.
That's my theory, at least. Excitement will come after Election Day, not before. Only one way to find out of course.
We can be certain they will be game enough to try them all. Desperate is as desperate does.
You won my heart with ayyylmaos! I love the little critters!
I love these!
Okay, I have “dirty bomb” goes off in Ukraine, followed by a massive MSM push that “Russia is going to hit us next because we’re helping Ukraine”.
Which “forces” everyone to use mail in ballots because if we conglomerate at polling stations it’ll be easy for Russian sleeper cells to kill us all.
cancelling elections somehow. if not, tank the economy in march
All I know is they're running out of time so buckle up
Which movie is it?
Communications Interruption is my guess.
We have possible UK sabotage of fiber optic cables. We have hacking today on New York post.
Blame will go to Russia, Ukraine will be involved. And somehow trump and his supporters will be pooped on somehow because of it all.
Smear Trump and his endorsements to the max using MSM.
Extreme, Outlandish, and False information will be put out on MAGA candidates in key states hardcore.
Pennsylvania is frauded with 240,000 unverified ballots being sent out. I am expecting a fight in Pennsylvania if some sort.
In any case, just some thoughts.
i'll take the ' over ' on a stock market crash
What if they were do dumb that tjus is the plan? They funded MAGA candidates in the primaries thinking their people would have an easier win against MAGA Republican candidates.
They were wrong. Now what if they did make it so there was close to a 90% win for Republicans & they are the ones hacking the servers to show it came from Russia & only helped Republicans?
Republican voters wouldn't stand for it on pure principle & would demand a hand recount along with Dems. Dems still lose, but bad actors have already shown Russia a threat & they aren't squashed so badly.
Many tracking the election my see hackers using VPN or from rented buildings in Russia. Hacking IPs were tied to CIA buildings in other countries in 2020 weren't they?
Now this makes me wonder about the data lines being cut in the UK. There is no way to restore them before the election unless they use Musk's network for high volume data.
This is all lining up a bit too well...
I need to start tracking this stuff on my PC instead of my phone. Too many great posts have been deleted by accounts that left this platform.
I think they will try to cheat the contested elections with the narrative that the surprising results are a referendum on Trump rather than one on Biden, the economy, the border, covid, Ukraine, etc.
If that doesn't quell the Red Wave, then they will start a war with Russia, using a false flag dirty bomb in the US, and use that "war" to declare that seating the new Congress is dangerously destabilizing at such a time.
Do you know there are no Qposts for November 8th? I thought I'd check to see what Q says on election day, but nothing. But here are some interesting finds leading up to the 8th:
Qpost #4948 on 11/2/2020 with this tweet -
Biden's early vote lead is not enough & they know it.
Dems plan to call @realDonaldTrump's Election Day surge a "Red Mirage" to delegitimize his wave of support.
They'll try to create a smoke screen post-Election Day, even running TV ads to cast doubt on Nov. 3 vote.
Be ready.
These qposts are from a search of "false flag" in November:
Qpost #112 on Nov. 5, 2017 - https://qposts.online/post/112
Qpost #97 on Nov. 2, 2017 - https://qposts.online/post/97
Qpost #47 on Nov. 2, 2017 - https://qposts.online/post/47
Qpost #38 on Nov. 2, 2017 - Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?
Why is that relevant?
To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?
Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.
Think logically about the timing of everything happening.
Note increased military movement.
Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.
Note false flags.
Follow Huma.
Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.
The calm before the storm. - https://qposts.online/post/38
Qpost #35 on Nov. 1, 2017 - https://qposts.online/post/35
I don’t know why anyone thinks that everything that they have done to cheat won’t be used again. Nothing of substance has been done to prevent it. They are already floating that results may not come in for weeks. During that time riots start. Perhaps ballot’s are destroyed or stolen in the Malay .Also shortages of ballots in heavily Republican areas , staff shortages in same.
Gonna chime in here with a massive Antqueefa peaceful riot disguised as Patriots.
Glowies! Do the fake space aliens NOW! Pretty please! You can use Fetterman as a model. He is way scary and does not even vaguely look human.
Will the deep state have a come to Jesus moment?
I upvoted for "Gay Frogs" right near his face.
Nothing, because it was over b4 it started. Meaning, we’re watching a highly scripted movie that is many times more evolved than most ppl “who post” give it credit, “mais quelque chose me dit que c'est quelque chose que tu sais déjà”.
We might be told something happened, but it’s going to be smoke and mirrors just like Ukraine. Hell, at this point I’m doubting Uvalde even happened, there’s just too much weird shit surrounding it.
The strangest part to this conversation is if you asked the ppl in this thread if Ukraine is real they’d say “HELL NO””””. Yet, those same folks are making predictions that the deep state/cabal might have the power to do all sorts of crazy shit to try and stop the mid terms from going red.
*If they couldn’t stop the Ukraine situation then it’s doubtful they have any power left. I mean, 400k indictments is definitely enough to take out a whole army of those clowns!
They will ignore any election result that is not in their favor
I think...
I'm sure there are other things they'll try as well.
Surprised no one has mentioned the obvious yet, the arrest of Donald J Trump.
Think about it... Their entire narrative has been how terrible and potentially violent MAGA is and what better way in their minds to set them off than for them to arrest DJT? They'll claim something ridiculous like failure to comply with their subpoena or possibly something about classified documents, all charges WE KNOW are bogus but it won't matter because they want us to nut up so they can declare martial law and postpone the elections
Internet disconnect and banks going down.
I don’t see mass/school shooting on there. That’s the demonrat go to.
Dirty bomb or EMP
False flag nuke/dirty bomb for 300 bob.
Massive voter fraud that dwarfs the Cabal's fraud efforts of 2020. They simply have no choice in the matter. Do not be surprised if the red wave is a red ripple.
What matters is how we respond.
Traffic Gridlock and paper ballot shortages. Also one million late mail in ballots again in PA. Will AZ allow it?