Sooner or later, Jeb will be sharing with the rest of the class what he learned from his envelope, and why he had a heart attack right there on the spot at Daddies funeral.
I didn't want to create a new topic for this, but speaking of Brian Cates, he says they were warned about inserting all the fake ballots in PA but did it anyway. He says keep an eye on Allegheny County. He's asked who's going to enforce it and says military courts.
That's why I didn't want to make it a new post. If somebody else wants to go ahead. I know Cates has had exchanges with Greg Phillips on Truth so maybe he knows things.
He’s going to announce that he has a big announcement on the 22nd, but that the big announcement is that the announcement isn’t an “I’m running” announcement. Stay tuned for next weeks cliffhanger!
He should already realize how stupid of an idea it is to announce running for presidency after all that lost momentum. I'd have bought it if the red wave really came to fruition. I have a foot out the door until he shows actual results.
If you are interested in Canadian connections, the Great Lakes and underground railroad are a good starting point. They shipped the past mayor of Racine off to avoid additional scandals and scrutiny leading up to the 2020 elections using the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities Initiative. They must control the water.
Why would Foxconn Industrial Internet require 7 million gallons per day? What is Microsoft doing in Lake Michigan? How do corrupt businesses that sell poison gain such unusual land and water rights? Who dumps chemicals into the water?
He replaced another criminal and pedophile mayor, and was replaced in a rigged and illegal process with the current mayor who is likely stepping down to avoid scrutiny about rigged elections and corrupt dealings.
The lodges determine who is advanced to positions of authority.
Brian Cates is usually wrong about things like this. He has 0 inside knowledge and shouldn’t be taken seriously when he expresses unfounded wishful opinions as facts.
Hey, my whole base who saw gigantic fraud in 2020 and 2022, I’m running again without it fixed! This time let’s get quadrillion the voters to the polls to out match their fraud!
This is exactly what will happen. There is just too much copium flowing here. It becomes fantasy at some point. I am still open to theories and ideas but some people are expecting too much at this point.
Man, I can't believe I forgot about the possibility of Trump dropping a declassified MOAB! Doh! I would live to see the MSM collectively shit their panties all over the screen.
Either he's going to reveal the cheating that took place and the proof behind it, or he's going to reveal absolutely nothing because he's trying to draw the dems/DS out to do something. But I do agree it has nothing about him running in 24.
He's going to announce his EO-13848 regarding tampering with our elections wasn't all bark and no bite and get ready for the pain China, FB, Google, Twitter, etc...
or stumpin for his latest 45 with his new hit "We caught them" and on the other side my old favorite "We have it ALL".
No no it's about EO 13887 ~ Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States.
or maybe he going to tell us that he has sold all of his possessions and gave it all to the poor, just to have treasure in heaven.
Jesus said to His disciples, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, it is difficult for a rich man [who clings to possessions and status as security] to enter the kingdom of heaven. No, probably not that.
I’m pretty convinced it’s not 2024 announcement. All Trump does is misdirect. What if he is trolling the media again just to bring attention to something about Durham? Like maybe that day we get indictments for Russiagate. That’s a fairly likely scenario.
If it really is the words we are expecting to hear, we should see some weird shit with air and troop movement this week.
Gotta be related to the new GOP Congress. Probably pushing his MAGA agenda as if he is President. If the GOP follows it, great. If not, then when the economy tanks further he can point and blame them. He is going to build a MAGA Congress over the next 6 years. Those that don't follow his agenda will get opposed in their next election.
I would love it if they would just straight blast the normies with proof of everything. I know their brains would melt.🤯 Maybe just showing the voting cheats for now would do for now
Wait, there's more to weed out! Is Trump gonna let the unipartiists, Pompeo and Desantis, steal the GOP primary? Or has enough been done to out their true goal, to oust Trump. That ticket is being outed as the play of Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy... a "red steal" because they can't arrest him. There must be a catalyst event, and in my opinion, it's too early. 45 didn't carry those documents around the world [Mar a Lago raid] for nothing. He's going to show us what he showed them. Think MBS, Putin, Xi, etc etc etc even Little Rocket Man.
What if he announces that he will be the next speaker of the house? I know he said he was not interested in doing that. But it would be a typical Donald Trump troll.
I can't venture a guess on anything other than a run. That, of course is the general assumption, but it would be very much like Trump to be using media speculation about a run for the presidency as cover for something else.
Maybe he’ll reveal the envelope content from Bush Sr. Funeral.
I think people would pay good money to hear what was in those. 😄
It was a picture of BIG MIKE'S BIG JACK.
Is it an Anteater?
Love your user name. Do you have a brother named Chodus?
Pay per View
Sooner or later, Jeb will be sharing with the rest of the class what he learned from his envelope, and why he had a heart attack right there on the spot at Daddies funeral.
That was no heart attack! He had a Nadler attack. Dude shit his drawers after reading that message!
"Please clap...."
He would generate more revenue doing that than people can imagine. $19.95 a pop.
This would be amazing. Better not be senior coupons to the Golden Corral.
Never been to one of those, my wife refuses to go there, says it's for old people. Hint, we were both born in the 50'
Would LOVE this!
Think about where we are. We jave come so far. We endured so much. We have become seasoned hard mofos ready to battle.
I'm just waiting for that one special little tweet.
We did. And the most important thing I've learned is elections don't matter- it a scam.
We don't need to "elect" someone to rule over us. We are a free people, let's start acting like it.
Do the right thing, take care yourself & protect your community and refuse to be "ruled over" by anyone. No one is the boss of you.
I'll choose go out like Ruby Ridge NOT Venezuela.
This anon gets it!
Maybe he'll just speak those words we've all been waiting for.
If you're thinking what I'm thinking, it has something to do with precipitation, eh?
Why do you think I’m getting wet?
Like just go up to the podium and pull out his phone to tweet it
I didn't want to create a new topic for this, but speaking of Brian Cates, he says they were warned about inserting all the fake ballots in PA but did it anyway. He says keep an eye on Allegheny County. He's asked who's going to enforce it and says military courts.
That's why I didn't want to make it a new post. If somebody else wants to go ahead. I know Cates has had exchanges with Greg Phillips on Truth so maybe he knows things.
He ran Greg's account while he was locked up. I'd say he knows some things.
Thanks, I didn't know that.
I think you should make a new post and add Mastriano apparently has not conceded yet, maybe there's still something to be uncovered.
That sounds fun.
It sounds necessary.
Absofuckinglutley necessary
He has the Epstein Island list. 😎
He’s going to announce that he has a big announcement on the 22nd, but that the big announcement is that the announcement isn’t an “I’m running” announcement. Stay tuned for next weeks cliffhanger!
He should already realize how stupid of an idea it is to announce running for presidency after all that lost momentum. I'd have bought it if the red wave really came to fruition. I have a foot out the door until he shows actual results.
One Word would do it:
Why don't we all just post RACINE, WISCONSIN as a Truth Social post every single day? 100s to 1000s of us should be able to start something.
How about "Racine, you know?"
All help to Expose the Root is appreciated.
If you are interested in Canadian connections, the Great Lakes and underground railroad are a good starting point. They shipped the past mayor of Racine off to avoid additional scandals and scrutiny leading up to the 2020 elections using the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities Initiative. They must control the water.
Why would Foxconn Industrial Internet require 7 million gallons per day? What is Microsoft doing in Lake Michigan? How do corrupt businesses that sell poison gain such unusual land and water rights? Who dumps chemicals into the water?
He replaced another criminal and pedophile mayor, and was replaced in a rigged and illegal process with the current mayor who is likely stepping down to avoid scrutiny about rigged elections and corrupt dealings.
The lodges determine who is advanced to positions of authority.
Just like Jan 6, I think what it is isn't going to be what we think it is... (which is his running – which I don't think he'll do anyway)
So, this sounds more plausible than anything else.
But, they'll do everything within their power to make sure that never gets out. So, it'll be interesting to see what happens that day.
Brian Cates is usually wrong about things like this. He has 0 inside knowledge and shouldn’t be taken seriously when he expresses unfounded wishful opinions as facts.
maybe. . It may also be something Mundane, to throw the blackhats off..
Make them expend some more ammo, for sure.
He will reach out to us about our car’s extended warranty
His theories are cool but I don’t t remember a single time he was right.
You guys do this to yourself. He is going to announce his run for 2024 and possibly his VP pick. Thats it dont get your panties in a wad.
Hey, my whole base who saw gigantic fraud in 2020 and 2022, I’m running again without it fixed! This time let’s get quadrillion the voters to the polls to out match their fraud!
Spot on bro
If he announces his run I am gonna yawn so hard it will make Eeyore look like Tigger.
This is exactly what will happen. There is just too much copium flowing here. It becomes fantasy at some point. I am still open to theories and ideas but some people are expecting too much at this point.
Man, I can't believe I forgot about the possibility of Trump dropping a declassified MOAB! Doh! I would live to see the MSM collectively shit their panties all over the screen.
Either he's going to reveal the cheating that took place and the proof behind it, or he's going to reveal absolutely nothing because he's trying to draw the dems/DS out to do something. But I do agree it has nothing about him running in 24.
He's going to announce his EO-13848 regarding tampering with our elections wasn't all bark and no bite and get ready for the pain China, FB, Google, Twitter, etc... or stumpin for his latest 45 with his new hit "We caught them" and on the other side my old favorite "We have it ALL". No no it's about EO 13887 ~ Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States. or maybe he going to tell us that he has sold all of his possessions and gave it all to the poor, just to have treasure in heaven. Jesus said to His disciples, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, it is difficult for a rich man [who clings to possessions and status as security] to enter the kingdom of heaven. No, probably not that.
I like this idea...i wish!
I’m pretty convinced it’s not 2024 announcement. All Trump does is misdirect. What if he is trolling the media again just to bring attention to something about Durham? Like maybe that day we get indictments for Russiagate. That’s a fairly likely scenario.
If it really is the words we are expecting to hear, we should see some weird shit with air and troop movement this week.
He's going to announce his candidacy for speaker of the house
I hope whatever it is, it makes Democrats super upset.
Wonder if he’s going to announce and DeSantis will be his vp. This would break the Trump vs. DeSantis narrative msm is pushing.
Gotta be related to the new GOP Congress. Probably pushing his MAGA agenda as if he is President. If the GOP follows it, great. If not, then when the economy tanks further he can point and blame them. He is going to build a MAGA Congress over the next 6 years. Those that don't follow his agenda will get opposed in their next election.
If we gotta wait 6 more years then holy shit fuck that
Before the election President Trump said vote Republician even if they are RINO's. We will deal with the RINO's later.
I think that later may be 1 week later.
Ive started to get used to the pain lol. I expect he will be announcing a new rally date. Its fine Im in this for the long game.
My fellow citizens...
I would love it if they would just straight blast the normies with proof of everything. I know their brains would melt.🤯 Maybe just showing the voting cheats for now would do for now
It might not be a bad idea to expose the criminals before he announces his eminent return. Either way, I want to see both.
Wait, there's more to weed out! Is Trump gonna let the unipartiists, Pompeo and Desantis, steal the GOP primary? Or has enough been done to out their true goal, to oust Trump. That ticket is being outed as the play of Paul Ryan & Kevin McCarthy... a "red steal" because they can't arrest him. There must be a catalyst event, and in my opinion, it's too early. 45 didn't carry those documents around the world [Mar a Lago raid] for nothing. He's going to show us what he showed them. Think MBS, Putin, Xi, etc etc etc even Little Rocket Man.
Watch Trump announce that he won't run in 2024. What a twist.
Maybe he will do both. That would be most awesome.
What a list of wonderful possibilities! I don't know which of them (if any) are true, but I can damn well dream, can't I?
What if he announces that he will be the next speaker of the house? I know he said he was not interested in doing that. But it would be a typical Donald Trump troll.
The only thing keeping me going is the fact that President Trump would not be rallying across the country if he was giving up on us!
The best would be an announcement by the military of arrests and martial law.
Maybe details of the Iran deal and where all the money went. Rumors thats what the FBI was digging for.
I can't venture a guess on anything other than a run. That, of course is the general assumption, but it would be very much like Trump to be using media speculation about a run for the presidency as cover for something else.
Well Cates really knocked it outta the park on Sussman and Durham so I’m sure he is spot on here as well!