There is still some markers missing. One of it is the crashes of the stock market. And the resident at that event must be be Biden. Rough times ahead for the US and the world.
Either they are getting deleted because potential truths or re-a certain level of cognitive dissonance is necessary to maintain any sense of narrative continuity
Well, at least it’s clear now that this is nowhere near being close to over. The plan sounds like it is to take us all down hard. Strip us of our jobs, property, assets and human dignity for a couple more years. Then we will be softened up enough to be receptive to rounding the criminals up. Just going to resign myself to it.
And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.
Give up on judgement and anger and make your side of the street immaculate. But practice doing it WITHOUT telling anyone about it, and without being resentful towards those that aren't doing their fair share of work in your estimation.
Keep in mind, that he can't say anything about anything that might be going on now or in the future. Also, he needed these talking points to fall on the eyeballs and earholes of brand new people, who are watching the networks! He was able to serve some red pills to people who don't attend his rallies. If he had spoken about election fraud, all the networks would have turned off the feed. This is why, I'm sure, that he seemed a bit different than usual.
If anything, he seemed pissed that he could not let it rip! He said more than enough to communicate exactly what is going on if you paid attention: China interfered in 2020, 2022 happened as it was supposed to in that it only needed to fire Nancy and take back the House to start investigations for the normies, and 2024 will be stolen more obvious than ever to the point that something will have to be done.
I agree… I am extremely emotionally, intelligent, sensitive and perceptive, and he really seemed angry / pissed off / concerned more than I’ve ever seen him.
Incalculable amounts of change will happen in the next two years - it is the fundamental nature of our universe. But as for the type of change you are specifically referring to, nothing big or dramatic. Yet he will win nonetheless (guaranteed against Biden, and in all likelihood against Harris). I want to be clear though, that's only in a General election - I can't guarantee Trump safe passage through the RINO primaries.
So few of the normies register as even 'yawning' on the scale of awareness. This throws enough shade for some real cleansing to be done - I mean arrests of the kind of people who would normally be on the Fake News by now slagging off this speech.
Gitmo is in Cuba. :D Word was she was cooperating with the White Hats for a lighter sentence then last week or so she was set up in an assassination plot against Trump and she fell for it.
I heard him use the words victim, tired and angry to describe himself. Sounds like Art of War where he’s seeming weak and defeated when it’s really the opposite.
He never said "most important speech". He said "one of the most important days". We have no idea what is happening behind the scenes, especially when this speech almost seemed like a distraction.
Yeah right I guess he did say 'most important days' so that's gota mean something right there. Like I said earlier I like to see what happens in the next 24 hours or so...
Thanks for correcting me on that... Most interesting indeed :)
I fully expected a speech like this. What I wasn't expecting was this: in one part of his speech, he mentioned a "storm". Soon after, he used the phrase "My fellow Americans". I feel like he was saying, "We're close, but we're not there yet."
I'll take that as my daily hopium-lite and keep on movin' along.
He mentioned the storm a couple of times, but yes, that's the impression I got. He was telling those of us in the know - us on this board, for example - to hold fast.
My point was less about the number of times he mention "storm" and more about mentioning a "storm" in close proximity to "My fellow Americans", but we understand each other. Hold fast. NCSWIC.
SO ... the votes all magically came in and they voted for McCarthy all before the speech? I think the stable Genius did what he and Q said he would do ... we will get the TRUTH over the next couple years but no one will go to jail - hence, "they won't be able to walk down the street." and "the end won't be for everybody."
We get the truth. Watch out for Skull and Bones day, 03/22/2023 or 322/223 - think mirror day. Shit is gonna get wild!
Think about it ... he was gonna say some shit tonight if they didn't give the house to the Republicans. Some shit that had already been declassified. The reason he wasn't overly excited and making more claims is because he won. The truth comes out with the house. No one goes to jail - but the truth does come out and there is no way he doesn't win in 2024 because of it. No one goes to jail. They compromised. We won. It still gets rough. But remember - the cabal plan to recreate the bible is that we all unite against them - and then - then they get to unleash hell on us. Amazing to be alive right now.
The main point of this speech is the hell America is going to experience over the next two years before they are ready to take back their country. I'm sorry for everyone who is freaking out, but the reality is that the US is simply not ready. The vast majority of Americans are still happy, carefree and lazy. Nothing has touched them and they are not the least bit interested in dealing with reality.
Deal with it - we have to go through a lot more before the majority of Americans will allow themselves to accept the truth. If it happened right now, the majority of Americans would be "shocked by the unprecedented attack on Democracy" and all that crap.
Yes, I wanted him to throw a bone. I wanted him to tell us that stuff is about to come out. Instead, he warned us - we might be heading to WWIII and we are about to experience two horrible, painful years.
Sorry - the country is not ready. The military is not going to do it for a whining, fat and lazy "electorate" who will then simply throw it all away a few years later to more of the same.
My bellwether litmus test whatever you want to call them normie friends still don't want to pay attention to anything political. They refuse to talk anything political wondering what they can even do to make a difference. They won't vote. They won't get involved in the school boards. They don't care that the school made their kids wear masks or their jobs made them get vaxxed. They just enjoy their sportsball, kids play dates, bar hopping, and whatever other social events the government is now allowing them to do again... Not sure it'll ever change.
What is different between Brazil's recent election and the US midterms that their military felt it necessary to intervene but all of the suspicious stuff here (150% turnout, voting machines didn't work) didn't trip our threshold? And we even have NSA and Space Force cyber command in our arsenal.
Huge difference - mandate. The Brazil military has the specific, delineated responsibility for the oversight of their elections. Ours does not. Remember, Brazil was a military dictatorship until very recently. In their transition of power, the military retained control of the elections.
So, for Brazil, intervention by the military is routine and ordinary. In the US, it will be perceived as a coup by all normies.
True. The problem is that it will last only a few cycles before the same idiots vote in the same scum idiots and we'd be in the same mess all over again.
Do you not understand we are in a silent war against China and ourselves (Deep State / Establishment / Special Service of the Executive Branch)? If we overtly deal with the election fraud now we go to war with China due to foreign interference, however, Democrats conspired with them as they were orchestrated by a Globalist cabal. TRY EXPLAINING THAT TO THE NORMIES.
That alone is why we are where we area and why it has to be this way. Who knows how this will all resolve, but it is bigger than just US or Brazilian elections.
If the military was about to take control, I don't think Trump could be the one to announce it. There would be instant accusations that he was staging a coup. The military would need to take action independently and they would be the ones showing the evidence. I do think there were comms to us though.
I find it interesting that he mentioned Nancy "on her way to another country" and Joe Biden not showing up at that meeting. ("They're still looking for him!")
That kind of jives with what Milspec Ops Monkey was saying regarding an unusual number of passenger aircraft heading to Guantanamo from various places around the US. I'm not positive, but I think he said they were coming and going from military bases.
Something just felt off about the whole thing. Settings the stage for whats to come?
Well, technically Gitmo is "in another country," so... 😆 🤞I can only hope that was what Trump was referring to about Nancy is "headed to another country" meant.
Yes, he has to remain neutral just as he has since 2020 or these people will never see past the hate the news media built up about him for the last years.
Trump has to play the part of the responsible leader trying to unify and heal the country. He has to go about his regular business, show he is planning for future events such as the 2024 election. He cant be involved in arresting cheating political opponents. He cant be seen as a tyrant/dictator. It's the military's job to collect evidence and take action if they observe treason. You wanted trump to command the military to make massive arrests during a speech? The optics of that and to the rest of the world may have negative consequences for his image.
Trump will be the person that needs to pick up the pieces and rebuild the Country after the military takes action. He shouldn't be connected to what is about to happen. The military should intervene based on their duty to the country, oaths they have sworn, and because of the evidence that they have collected. Not because Trump said so.
I found it very interesting that he said when I am inaugurated. He didn’t say when I am elected. I guess he may show the real results and maybe not go through another election.
Trump wasn't suggesting we execute drug dealers here. He was pointing out that extreme consequences for drug dealers mean China doesn't have a drug problem. He was also pointing out that China stops drug sales in its country, but enables those responsible for sending Fentanyl to our country, killing our citizens and destroying the lives of many.
Literally so confused. He's not dumb, why would he say things like that and also retruth Q memes? There must be something else that happens today, it's the only thing that makes sense yet nothing has happened.
Didn't pick up on much of anything except his tune changed on pure election fraud like others noticed,
He did say we have to fight to save America, so that seems like something big changed his possible path.
Not dooming, but that is the lowest energy speech I've ever seen him give. He didn't act like he had any intention of doing anything he was saying...maybe he knows that it will never get to the actual election in '24 and what a shitshow we have to go through before then? Idk, but that performance didn't excite anyone, imo.
Agreed! Almost sounded like he didnt want to be there, didnt want to make that announcement, like he doesnt want to concede (by announcing his run he is basically conceding) but is being pressured to...
I know I've written this a few times now, but a "normie" that came in the room when I was watching the speech commented on how good he sounded...calm and collected.
Maybe this speech and the tone he gave it in wasn't for us, but for them?
He said the storm isn't here but is coming. Bunker down because the best that is yet to come still needs the worst to happen first. I was blackpilled until that very last part before and including the "my fellow Americans" parts. Fuck. 2 more years of accelerating down.
There is still some markers missing. One of it is the crashes of the stock market. And the resident at that event must be be Biden. Rough times ahead for the US and the world.
I hate to say this, but I feel betrayed.
Don't. You haven't been.
The Satanic Leftist Pedos tell people how to feel. Not Patriots.
Don't be an ass.
Didn't he say (in terms) 'I'm announcing my run for the office of President ...'?
He didn't finish this with: "in 2024".
He said candidacy and the official paperwork clearly says 2024. Not to mention he said explicitly Biden will be in for 4 years.
Counted about 140 comments just now..... far from 1110...???😃😃😃😃
I wondered the same thing... where are all the comments???
Either they are getting deleted because potential truths or re-a certain level of cognitive dissonance is necessary to maintain any sense of narrative continuity
Well, at least it’s clear now that this is nowhere near being close to over. The plan sounds like it is to take us all down hard. Strip us of our jobs, property, assets and human dignity for a couple more years. Then we will be softened up enough to be receptive to rounding the criminals up. Just going to resign myself to it.
And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.
Give up on judgement and anger and make your side of the street immaculate. But practice doing it WITHOUT telling anyone about it, and without being resentful towards those that aren't doing their fair share of work in your estimation.
Keep in mind, that he can't say anything about anything that might be going on now or in the future. Also, he needed these talking points to fall on the eyeballs and earholes of brand new people, who are watching the networks! He was able to serve some red pills to people who don't attend his rallies. If he had spoken about election fraud, all the networks would have turned off the feed. This is why, I'm sure, that he seemed a bit different than usual.
If anything, he seemed pissed that he could not let it rip! He said more than enough to communicate exactly what is going on if you paid attention: China interfered in 2020, 2022 happened as it was supposed to in that it only needed to fire Nancy and take back the House to start investigations for the normies, and 2024 will be stolen more obvious than ever to the point that something will have to be done.
Thank you for pointing this out!
I agree… I am extremely emotionally, intelligent, sensitive and perceptive, and he really seemed angry / pissed off / concerned more than I’ve ever seen him.
No doubt.
Actually, Trump is going to win in 2024. No steal unveiled necessary.
Not necessary to win? What will change between now and then?
Incalculable amounts of change will happen in the next two years - it is the fundamental nature of our universe. But as for the type of change you are specifically referring to, nothing big or dramatic. Yet he will win nonetheless (guaranteed against Biden, and in all likelihood against Harris). I want to be clear though, that's only in a General election - I can't guarantee Trump safe passage through the RINO primaries.
No, it wasn't. It was a reminder peppered with hints for us to hold fast.
... "Nancy is on her way to another country" ...
Overall impression of the event?
So few of the normies register as even 'yawning' on the scale of awareness. This throws enough shade for some real cleansing to be done - I mean arrests of the kind of people who would normally be on the Fake News by now slagging off this speech.
Gently, gently catchee monkey. TTFP*
*Trust The effing Plan
Gitmo is in Cuba. :D Word was she was cooperating with the White Hats for a lighter sentence then last week or so she was set up in an assassination plot against Trump and she fell for it.
Perhaps heading to Gitmo for the final gavel? :D
He also said, "She was .... fired" and I was hoping it meant ... ready ... aim ... fired!
Trump didn't mention DeSantis or Lake even once and FOX was extremely ambivalent, bordering on hostile after the speech
Murdoch already made it known that he and his stations would no longer be giving Trump the same backing.
Remember what the DOJ said they'll do if Trump announces that he's running in 2024.
Trump is daring them by announcing so soon!
I heard him use the words victim, tired and angry to describe himself. Sounds like Art of War where he’s seeming weak and defeated when it’s really the opposite.
What the hell happened? 😳 One of the most important speeches in history? Never dreamed this would be a campaign rally for normies. Something is amiss.
He never said "most important speech". He said "one of the most important days". We have no idea what is happening behind the scenes, especially when this speech almost seemed like a distraction.
Thank you for the correction. You're right. We don't know what's going on behind the scenes.
It sure did
Yeah right I guess he did say 'most important days' so that's gota mean something right there. Like I said earlier I like to see what happens in the next 24 hours or so...
Thanks for correcting me on that... Most interesting indeed :)
Not "almost" to me. I do think it was a distraction from the real plan.
If it's on TV, it's for the normies.
Perfect summation. Agree 100%.
No networks carried it.
Yea but it is lighting up social media, unbridled engagement on Twitter.
I fully expected a speech like this. What I wasn't expecting was this: in one part of his speech, he mentioned a "storm". Soon after, he used the phrase "My fellow Americans". I feel like he was saying, "We're close, but we're not there yet."
I'll take that as my daily hopium-lite and keep on movin' along.
God bless, Frens. 🙏
He mentioned the storm a couple of times, but yes, that's the impression I got. He was telling those of us in the know - us on this board, for example - to hold fast.
My point was less about the number of times he mention "storm" and more about mentioning a "storm" in close proximity to "My fellow Americans", but we understand each other. Hold fast. NCSWIC.
Yeah, I think he was trying to make sure he got our attention.
100%. He got mine, that's for sure!
Yes and he usually says My fellow citizens, tonight he said My fellow Americans.
And no one has made us a killer meme with that yet! I wish I knew how. Lol
I'm not a meme maker either, my jokes are usually too dumb
SO ... the votes all magically came in and they voted for McCarthy all before the speech? I think the stable Genius did what he and Q said he would do ... we will get the TRUTH over the next couple years but no one will go to jail - hence, "they won't be able to walk down the street." and "the end won't be for everybody."
We get the truth. Watch out for Skull and Bones day, 03/22/2023 or 322/223 - think mirror day. Shit is gonna get wild!
Think about it ... he was gonna say some shit tonight if they didn't give the house to the Republicans. Some shit that had already been declassified. The reason he wasn't overly excited and making more claims is because he won. The truth comes out with the house. No one goes to jail - but the truth does come out and there is no way he doesn't win in 2024 because of it. No one goes to jail. They compromised. We won. It still gets rough. But remember - the cabal plan to recreate the bible is that we all unite against them - and then - then they get to unleash hell on us. Amazing to be alive right now.
Dang left for ten minutes, comments were 615 now at 1,030. 🐸😊
1K Comments, those shills, and doomers are working overtime.
You think they get paid by the minute or the comment?
Fuck off, doomer.
I said fuck off, doomer. You're not fooling anyone.
Blah blah blah - enough already. Stop coming after me just because you're incapable of seeing past your own nose.
They can get ahold of themselves or get out.
We need to find a happy medium between dooming (for those who are truly upset) and hivemind.
Have some damn compassion. Good lord.
I have compassion, but I don't believe in wasting it on people who are hellbent on seeing the worst in everything.
The main point of this speech is the hell America is going to experience over the next two years before they are ready to take back their country. I'm sorry for everyone who is freaking out, but the reality is that the US is simply not ready. The vast majority of Americans are still happy, carefree and lazy. Nothing has touched them and they are not the least bit interested in dealing with reality.
Deal with it - we have to go through a lot more before the majority of Americans will allow themselves to accept the truth. If it happened right now, the majority of Americans would be "shocked by the unprecedented attack on Democracy" and all that crap.
Yes, I wanted him to throw a bone. I wanted him to tell us that stuff is about to come out. Instead, he warned us - we might be heading to WWIII and we are about to experience two horrible, painful years.
Sorry - the country is not ready. The military is not going to do it for a whining, fat and lazy "electorate" who will then simply throw it all away a few years later to more of the same.
My bellwether litmus test whatever you want to call them normie friends still don't want to pay attention to anything political. They refuse to talk anything political wondering what they can even do to make a difference. They won't vote. They won't get involved in the school boards. They don't care that the school made their kids wear masks or their jobs made them get vaxxed. They just enjoy their sportsball, kids play dates, bar hopping, and whatever other social events the government is now allowing them to do again... Not sure it'll ever change.
What is different between Brazil's recent election and the US midterms that their military felt it necessary to intervene but all of the suspicious stuff here (150% turnout, voting machines didn't work) didn't trip our threshold? And we even have NSA and Space Force cyber command in our arsenal.
Huge difference - mandate. The Brazil military has the specific, delineated responsibility for the oversight of their elections. Ours does not. Remember, Brazil was a military dictatorship until very recently. In their transition of power, the military retained control of the elections.
So, for Brazil, intervention by the military is routine and ordinary. In the US, it will be perceived as a coup by all normies.
So? They're normies, as long as the power stays on and The Voice is airing new episodes they're not going to do anything.
True. The problem is that it will last only a few cycles before the same idiots vote in the same scum idiots and we'd be in the same mess all over again.
Do you not understand we are in a silent war against China and ourselves (Deep State / Establishment / Special Service of the Executive Branch)? If we overtly deal with the election fraud now we go to war with China due to foreign interference, however, Democrats conspired with them as they were orchestrated by a Globalist cabal. TRY EXPLAINING THAT TO THE NORMIES.
That alone is why we are where we area and why it has to be this way. Who knows how this will all resolve, but it is bigger than just US or Brazilian elections.
I wonder if we're ever going to hear what Space Force witnessed during the midterms...
Good points, war is long
I don't know if my Blue Balls can hold out for a Duece
If the military was about to take control, I don't think Trump could be the one to announce it. There would be instant accusations that he was staging a coup. The military would need to take action independently and they would be the ones showing the evidence. I do think there were comms to us though.
I find it interesting that he mentioned Nancy "on her way to another country" and Joe Biden not showing up at that meeting. ("They're still looking for him!")
That kind of jives with what Milspec Ops Monkey was saying regarding an unusual number of passenger aircraft heading to Guantanamo from various places around the US. I'm not positive, but I think he said they were coming and going from military bases.
Something just felt off about the whole thing. Settings the stage for whats to come?
Well, technically Gitmo is "in another country," so... 😆 🤞I can only hope that was what Trump was referring to about Nancy is "headed to another country" meant.
Yes, he has to remain neutral just as he has since 2020 or these people will never see past the hate the news media built up about him for the last years.
Trump has to play the part of the responsible leader trying to unify and heal the country. He has to go about his regular business, show he is planning for future events such as the 2024 election. He cant be involved in arresting cheating political opponents. He cant be seen as a tyrant/dictator. It's the military's job to collect evidence and take action if they observe treason. You wanted trump to command the military to make massive arrests during a speech? The optics of that and to the rest of the world may have negative consequences for his image.
Trump will be the person that needs to pick up the pieces and rebuild the Country after the military takes action. He shouldn't be connected to what is about to happen. The military should intervene based on their duty to the country, oaths they have sworn, and because of the evidence that they have collected. Not because Trump said so.
Yeah, that tracks to me.
Gotta fix 2020 and 22 or he won't be elected, we'll be finished.
I found it very interesting that he said when I am inaugurated. He didn’t say when I am elected. I guess he may show the real results and maybe not go through another election.
He said pretty clearly I’m asking for your vote
Any day now
I was hoping he meant drug dealers as in fraudulent pharmaceutical companies.
Trump wasn't suggesting we execute drug dealers here. He was pointing out that extreme consequences for drug dealers mean China doesn't have a drug problem. He was also pointing out that China stops drug sales in its country, but enables those responsible for sending Fentanyl to our country, killing our citizens and destroying the lives of many.
Yes. I heard that and it caught my ear. It was uncomfortable.
Q mentioned he was working with Xi and Putin.
I, for one, don’t care who does the executing of the drug runners
How does this go down as the most important day in American history, again? Not even dooming, I just don't see it.
One of the most important days, and I don't think it's because of the speech; it's because of what the speech distracted anyone from noticing.
Just two more years!! LOL Not even dooming either!! :-)
Unless it was a giant misdirection but i dont see it.
Literally so confused. He's not dumb, why would he say things like that and also retruth Q memes? There must be something else that happens today, it's the only thing that makes sense yet nothing has happened.
That we are aware of...
That was … low energy. Boilerplate.
So I think we’re at that point of the movie when I go out to the lobby, get a soda, and just catch up on some texts and emails.
You have a great username! I get the reference.
Definitely not
all war is deception.
Didn't pick up on much of anything except his tune changed on pure election fraud like others noticed, He did say we have to fight to save America, so that seems like something big changed his possible path.
Not dooming, but that is the lowest energy speech I've ever seen him give. He didn't act like he had any intention of doing anything he was saying...maybe he knows that it will never get to the actual election in '24 and what a shitshow we have to go through before then? Idk, but that performance didn't excite anyone, imo.
Agreed! Almost sounded like he didnt want to be there, didnt want to make that announcement, like he doesnt want to concede (by announcing his run he is basically conceding) but is being pressured to...
Didn't excite us, but I bet it made the normies see him as calm and collected.
That's the feedback I'm getting from them
It seems unreal to us that this is what they are saying.
Wasn't Bill Maher just recently saying that DeSantis would be better than an "unhinged crazy" guy?
He was calm and collected tonight for them to see...not just hear what he's like from their fake news sources.
I dont think any of us who feel let down need to start a post with 'not dooming'
Just my two cents
I agree, I mean WTAF. Even the flags looked like they didn’t give a shit.
This is the first time I've listened to Trump where he sounded... old. I'm not sure how to describe it. Low energy, poor enunciation... idk.
I'm bummed.
It could be that it was more for the normies that normally don't listen to him.
He came across as calm, cool and collected from what they normally hear as him being "crazy".
Contrast it with Biden's September 1st speech in Philadelphia. Tone. Color. Presence of marines.
Who seems like the crazy one?
75 Between Biden's and Trump's speeches.
Q Drop #75
"By the time POTUS returns from his trip the world will be a different place."
Well... that aged well. If this is POTUS's return, the world is CERTAINLY a different place.
"why is the timing important?"
Hell if I know. KEK
Huge difference.
I know I've written this a few times now, but a "normie" that came in the room when I was watching the speech commented on how good he sounded...calm and collected.
Maybe this speech and the tone he gave it in wasn't for us, but for them?
He said the storm isn't here but is coming. Bunker down because the best that is yet to come still needs the worst to happen first. I was blackpilled until that very last part before and including the "my fellow Americans" parts. Fuck. 2 more years of accelerating down.
Yeah that’s what I heard too. I really hope the precipice is worth the view.
Waste of time...
I think something happened before he came on that he wasn't expecting.
Maybe the military said they couldn't support him. Without them he is powerless.
Maybe not that they wouldn't support him or that it's not time...Q always mentioned that he had to remain neutral for optics.
I've been following Q since the beginning... now am in tears for all the time, hope and prayers wasted ..sssoooo disappointed.
No you haven't you have a zero post score and a 179 post score on an account that's made over a year ago, try harder glowie.
It was NOT a waste! Grow up already!
Ended on a high note with all the storm comms.
Onto the next datefag... Q clock ends at Christmas iirc.
What in the fuck was that?
Well i was hoping for more excitement, still love Trump tho :)
Seem to me he's talking Present Tense for us Future for Normies.