Are you RIDE OR DIE or just another fair weather supporter? I left this comment on a GA post about doomers wanting to stop supporting DT and the movement if things don’t go the way they expect… I offer this thought. Dooming is easy. Nothing worth doing is ever easy. Stay the course.

I'm "ride until I die"...
Yup, too many butt-hurt fair weather "supporters" who, it turns out, are nothing more than doomers and gloomers who expect decades-/centuries-old problems to be fixed in short order, can't seem to think strategically and are throwing tantrums because EVERYTHING didn't go as THEY had expected and the plan hasn't been disclosed to them (and everyone else).
Yeah, it is literally crying wolf. Eventually you just quit caring about their "announcements". Biggest thing I hated about the military was the 'hurry up and wait' modus operandi. You end up developing a whatever attitude where nothing gets you excited, rushed, or angry because everything is just BS. Getting to that point with this stuff now. Wake me up when something actually happens.
So by downvoting me does that mean you'll stop or does it mean I'm being too "doom and gloom"? {What phrasing! Tolstoy would be envious!}
Wasn't me
Is it dooming to request you stop saying butthurt henceforth?
It's grade school level buffoonism
Doomism is A waste of energy
You think my statement was doom?
Or more about respecting the English language?
There is, literally, no other path. It’s this or kiss freedom, sovereignty, and all their synonyms goodbye forever. Or at least until John Conner
/‘Khan-ah/ is born.
1776 America or bust.
Ride until I die Trump supporter. Ride until I die Constitution supporter. I am not ride until I die Republican supporter.
Same! I am a patriot!
Unshakeables. Hell yea.
Reminder to all Patriots:
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.
Thomas Paine - An American Crisis
The American Revolution and the deeds of the Patriots who fought it, whether by pen or by sword, echo through the mists of time. Their wisdom shines through and once again leads Patriots to the correct path towards Freedom, Liberty and Justice.
The American Crises was published two days before Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas Day 1776 followed by the Battle of Trenton and defeat of the Hessians. Washington had this read aloud to the troops on the day before the battle.
Do you really believe our Founding Fathers would have beat around the bush like this?
I can’t imagine they took their time telling the pro British Americans that they had won. Pretty sure they told them here’s the first ship out of town if you’ve got a problem because we have a country to rebuild!
Why did he lie to us about changing history and all the related memes?
Spot On!
Indeed, misinformation is necessary and involves anons spreading the information rapidly to throw off the cabal.
We get Bread when we don't keep asking for more... seems that way at least...
Q team knows us well, some of us are more autistic than others, but we all play a role. Some people shout loudly from the rooftops, others spread information in a more discreet manner.
If anyone is offended by this, consider this...
Q is a secret organization, and pulling strings much as the cabal does, the difference between the two is this....
Q is the continental Patriots during the Revolution, and the Cabal is like the Roths and the British Crown. Clearly, one side is evil, and the other is mostly Good.
Ride AND die…together.
Hell yeah, ride till I die!! We're a band of brothers.
Sure I get emotional sometimes and get discouraged, but where the fuck ya gonna go? Once your awake you can't unsee everything going on. Once your awake, you know that aren't other people in government you can trust.
Ride till we die brothers!
I accept this. I am too old, with a disabled husband to take care of. Not much use. I had hoped for the sake of my grandchildren for a good future. I was hoping.
I love the man and what he did for us. He will always have my respect. I am very sad. Camelot lost, again.
I won't stop supporting him even if his "big announcement" tonight is nothing at all, but we're all tired and weary and we need SOME kind of win, no matter how small, to assure us that things are being taken care of. If we have to wait until January 2025, or heck, maybe even January 2029, I think a lot of us will be very disappointed and annoyed. There would thoroughly be nothing left of our country.
Again, not dooming, just so tired and in need of some good news for once.
Yep. Not dooming. But realistic.I caught myself having hope for tonight. But really - it's probably going to be some big ol' nothingburger. Doesn't mean I don't support Trump. This world was always kind of a piece of shit. And Trump risked and gave more than I have. Only so much he can do.
This. So sad.
Amen fren!
The things we sweat and swear about, the things that take too long and cost too much, the things that make you crazy and break your heart are worth more to you than something that just falls into place. If it's really worth while you have scars to show for it. Here we are trying to make sense of another blow to our collective sanity. And I couldn't ask for better company my Frens.
Well said!
I regret that I only have but one updoot to give!
Agree with all the positive posts below... I'll add: WHAT OTHER LOGICAL CHOICE IS THERE?
Ride until death do we part Kek. :)
If God and Donald J Trump are for us....who can be against us?
Simple as
I’m with Trump until one of us dies.
I boarded the Trump train long ago, I’ll ride it to the end
Yes. Me too.
Ride or die.
Bingo! To hell with giving up!
I am No Sunshine Patriot. I even have a Ride or Die tattoo :)
We ride, what other choice is there, it's not in me to give up.
Ride all the way to victory. Seems his announcement has brought out the FINO's (Frens In Name Only) types who say if he says something I don't feel is on par with what he's saying it is I'm done! Good! Go over to PW where you will have more company than you will know what to do with. Trump all the way because I trust him.
I’m all in
Agree wholeheartedly. When I saw all the posts about how crazy this announcement is going to be last night, I thought back to when Trump said “we won’t give our enemies warning”. Based on all the hype around tonight, I’m thinking it has to be a tactic to get the deep state to stumble and make a mistake on something. We’re watching their every move and if we can get them to choke and mess something up, then that’s another piece off the chess board, closing in on checkmate. Everybody’s always talking about how these big announcements turn into nothingburgers, but there’s a lot we can’t see, so until everything is finished and we get to see what was happening behind the scenes, we’re just as in the dark about this as anybody.
I pray you are right
He'll always have my support
This. But still sad.
Optics are crucial. Even if 45 announces running in 24, the main purpose will be for optics. Sure, he's gonna run in 24 regardless, but some of the derp staters will interpret that as 45 "giving up on 20 and 22". No way will that happen, it can't happen. Trust Trump till the end. There's nobody else like him. 45 til I die!
I dont know why people get all pouty about any of this. Is it not worth it no matter how long it takes? Everyone really want to run back to the rinos cause its taking a little time to right the Nation? I thought not. So why get off the MAGA/America First train? That train is why we have gotten this far and is why we will continue to grow. Leaving will send things back to the stone ages. This is our best shot at fixing things and we have to take it.
I can understand the instinct, for lack of a better term, for some to 'run home to the rinos'. It is familiar and they have talked a good game for a long time. But for me personally, CV was the game changer. While everyone's basic rights were being trampled on, small business was being destroyed, etc., they were impotent. By choice. They. Did. Nothing. The very things they proclaim to stand for, they ignored, yet they will pull out the flag and use people's patriotism and love of country to stay in power. It is like a bad boyfriend who constantly comes back and says things are really, really going to change this time, pinky swear. Sorry, not putting on my makeup to cover the bruises for you anymore.
Remember the movie Major League? When the Indians are trailing, 2-0, late in the final game, the player Pedro Cerrano, who is into voodoo, swings and misses at two pitches because he can't hit anything other than a fast ball? And the entire season, he has been defending his beliefs?
Jobu = RINOS
False analogy, no one I’ve seen is asking to “run back to the Rhinos”. It’s actually the COMPLETE OPPOSITE. Basically it’s like this,, JUST DO IT Q!
You had me until you stated “I’m not giving up or withdrawing my support for any of this until he himself says it’s over”
I believe in this movement, but if I take you at your own words you would follow someone off a cliff if they told you to.
One of the most appealing parts to this movement is we are encouraged to be freethinkers and our only true Master is God. I agree there is something happening that is greater than all of us, but the path we were told to get there on was not one lead by any one man. And, if we start promoting that way of thinking then who’s to say we don’t end up in this position again once it all over?
I’m ride or die. I would hope all of us are. Knowing what we know now, there’s no going back. ALL. IN. Now with a son in this world, I’m even more “in” than I was before.
Vaxxes and voting... two things that will separate the piss from the water.
Never quit
Where the hell is the billion likes button when you need it?
to me it can be only victory or death, both of which are fine to me. I will at least be able to tell the almighty that I chose the right side.
Amen brother 🙏
I can't even tell you how deep I'd be dooming, if I hadn't come across the GA materials, the Q stuff, etc.
Doomers can suckle on Mike Obama’s moose knuckle.
There can only be one. I’m with Trump!
Q that Doomer.