Had a family member spend multiple days in the hospital recently. Luckily wasn’t COVID, still wasn’t good.
One of the nurses was telling the family member—after learning the fam wasn’t vaccinated—that even the doctors at our local hospital are finally starting to question the vaccines and their side effects. At least, amongst themselves and the staff. They aren’t at the point they’re speaking publicly about it yet. They have, however, told the administration there’s no way in hell they’re taking more forced boosters after what they’re seeing.
Apparently the jump in strokes is finally at noticeable levels. And they’re seeing people with weird spinal cord injuries/infections that, apparently, can only be linked to the vaccines.
Big news !! After millions have died directly from the VAXX, thousands within 24 hours of the jab, several doctors are noticing -- but still won't talk about it. Find me a more spineless group of gutless cowards.
Agreed. Like as the last tip of the titanic is about to go under water, the captain starts whispering about it possibly sinking
These people are tools. Drones. It makes me sad when I hear people still speak of doctors as if they are gods.
They're brainwashed pretty heavily. That's what happens when you're taught to memorize bullshit and worked like slaves in every area of modern medicine.
Bingo. When you are able to analyze the characteristics that school/college rewards, you see how the system is designed to push certain types to the top, And they aren’t the types most likely to be caring and compassionate.
Robotic. Obedient. Soulless.
...or they just realised they are not on the winning side!
OMG! I did a dive on the sinking of the El Faro after the Edmund Fitzgerald anniversary and that's pretty much what happened! How, in 2015, do you sail into a Cat 3 Hurricane? I was disturbed for days because there was a voice recorder on the bridge and you can read the transcripts. :(
Doctors can jump off a cliff. I would celebrate.
I'm NEVER seeing another doctor.
Well, a local cancer doctor just committed shive ethics week… so there’s that.
It takes the medically educated longer to acknowledge common sense. That's science.
Had a discussion with a doc about this recently. Also vaccine reformed. Very anti-evidence-based medicine as a holistic doc.
In their experience, you have to work very hard to go against the med school grooming of, “Science, Medicine, and the CDC know all. We know everything about disease and the human body. Anyone claiming things happen outside of the box we teach you is clueless and not as smart as you.”
The grooming is not that overt, but the ego inflation comes from the pedagogy and the system. The doc said even DOs give up the osteopathy mindset 90% of the time because of the conditions students have to survive.
Our doctors are brainwashed before they even get to residency, and it only gets worse from there. I’ve seen friends promise they won’t drink the kool aid/will work to reform the system when they get accepted to MD programs only to give into the propaganda before the end of their first year.
My friend’s daughter is in her first year at a DO Med School. She sends frequent screenshots to her parents (who are also doctors.) The woke shit and the indoctrination are mind-blowing. This woman is one of the strongest people I know. She walked away from one med school when they wouldn’t give her a medical exemption for the Covid shot, re-applied, beat the odds of getting accepted again, and found a school that accepted her medical exemption.
Because she followed/worked for some of the now-famous Covid-fighting doctors, some know her and encourage her to stay the course and graduate as doctors with her strength of conviction will be needed. But boy is she fighting not only the propaganda but her classmates who don’t even question. (She actually just keeps her head down and doesn’t say a word to them except for the classwork.)
I think I remember you posting about her before.
Your friend’s daughter is truly amazing! Far stronger than I am.
After experiencing multiple medical miracles through a combination of God’s guidance, doing my own research, and having three specific doctors be willing to also do their research and try things outside of the box, I was seriously considering going back to school to become a DO. I figured, if I was given a miraculous second chance, I should give back, heal other people, and work to change the system so others don’t have the same battle I fought.
Both docs told me not to do it. That the stress is too overwhelming, and you can’t change the system from within, no matter what you hope to do. That it’s already so different from when they graduated just a little over a decade ago that, if they were in med school now, they’re not sure they’d still be the innovative doctors they are today.
If we can rebuild after all of this is over—and remove the Pharma/Rockefeller influence on everything—I may still go back and pursue a medical degree. I just don’t have it in me right now.
TL;DR: more power to your amazing friends and their daughter for going against everything to try to keep healing people.
You make some excellent points. The system is so broke that it will not be fixed from within. That is just the reality. I ran head long into that system early in my career both in research and in clinical practice. Anything that did not line up with the conventional "evidence based" narrative was met with swift retribution and its own form of medical cancel culture. Many times, I was left to fight those battles alone and was frustrated in that challenging the status quo was anathema.
The only thing we can do is to establish parallel systems and rebuild when it finally collapses. I cannot imagine the BS that new students and residents have to deal with today. The pressure on them is enormous. I am glad to hear that there are a few holding the line. How to go about reeducating the indoctrinated will be the challenge going forward. They are essentially drug pushers and data collectors. Preventative care is all but a joke. They are not teaching how to provide health care that requires skillful diagnostic and treatment critical thinking. It is all data driven AI algorithm protocol case management.
For years I tried to do right by my patients and keep my head down. Since I could not educate my colleagues, I focused on educating my patients. I had been walking a tight rope trying to stay off the radar of the state licensing board. Things had been getting bad even before the Rona hit with the passage of the ACA. That legislation was in large part the scaffolding of the Covid medical tyranny we are witnessing now. Unfortunately, years ago when I was trying to sound the alarm on what they were trying to build, the warnings fell on deaf ears. I was ostracized by colleagues and labeled as "one of those."
Those trying to do the right thing and stay the course will need our support going forward. Patients themselves are going to have to start thinking differently about health care and how it is delivered. The insurance based system run by the unethical and the immoral that we currently have is broken. We are all going to have to try something different and think outside of the box. Patients and clinicians need to relearn healthcare from the ground up. Somehow, going back to the days of one or two providers caring for a community they are invested in using trade and barter, sounds like a good place to start.
Fascinating observation that ACA provided the scaffolding for Covid medical tyranny. I would love to learn some of the high-level points of correspondence.
Essentially the ACA shifted medicine into a data collection system that took the control away from clinicians and patients and handed it off to the bean counters and analysts. Diagnostic patient data collection and processing of that information has allowed for a more centralized medical control system versus what we had before. The transfer of patient information within the system is massive. This has enabled individuals higher up the food chain using computer models to establish what they deem are acceptable protocols for patient care based on this data collection. Patient care has slowly moved from the personal patient/clinician relationship to a more data driven one size fits all model better suited for cost considerations and efficiency than what is in the best interests of a specific patient.
The ACA laid the groundwork for this data driven system. Ask any physician in emergency care that has been around long enough to know what the old system was like. They will tell you that a huge amount of their time is now spent gathering the proper data that in the previous system used to be spent actually caring for patients. I knew many colleagues that packed their shingles away shortly after the changes of the ACA were implemented. For many, it was too much of a change from how they had been practicing for decades. Several of those practices simply disappeared forcing their patients into corporate care.
I realize that with progress comes change. Those that cannot change with the progress get left behind. But, change is not necessarily always for the better. I think when is comes to health care on this side of the passage of the ADA, we have lost far more than any perception of gain.
Thanks for your extensive reply. I recently had a go around with an ER. In hindsight I can see what you're talking about. It was insane. I had a slight head injury, and some abrasions. I was able to step into the ambulance, and converse with the attendants. Yet at the hospital it was full-on triage. They must have drugged me, because I had a full body CT scan I don't remember (there was a second I do remember that was for an old injury), and was fitted with a very uncomfortable neck brace. I was there for hours before getting the damn brace off, and walking out with a $15,000 bill.
We are going to need good doctors and nurses, etc when this is finally over!!
That is what we all tell her. Plus, she is super smart, uses critical thinking, and will be able to adapt to whatever medicine is after Rockefeller medicine.
That's pretty fucking sad. If you see something doesn't work, you try something else. That seems like if it doesn't work, just keep pushing it harder until it does work.
No no no. It means something different in medicine.
“Evidence-based medicine” is the asshole system we have that you can’t try something off-label/you can’t let people just try things if the FDA hasn’t approved it and you haven’t had a double-blind, randomized trial to study something.
It’s also insanity because you’ll have an “evidence-based” study for some new drug that is then given to large swathes of the population while the study itself is based on less than 100 people who fit the narrowest criteria imaginable for the human race. Ie: testing new blood pressure meds but the test patients can’t have MI, must have a very narrow range of HBP, can’t have other issues, etc.
It’s a massive reason functional medicine was created by Dr. Weil—evidence based medicine takes too long to complete and is shitty “evidence” of success when a trial does work.
That's why I take everything they say with a grain of salt and a long pause to verify whether I will accept their recommendations.
Spoke today with extremely smart cousin who is a top doc. He knows my family is no vax and respects our decision. He even offered to help me get meds for relative with COVID, but that was not necessary due to having the needed medicines in hand. Anyway, he said he had just gotten over COVID and it was mild due to his vaccinations and boosters. He is a good man. He will one day recognize the truth. He sees the goodness in people. When he wakes up this will hurt him deeply.
... no, it's majoring in indoctrination with a minor in baffleitis
tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe
I tried following the COVID science, but there was none, so I followed the money and found the Doctors.
Praying for this vile lie to be exposed. Horrified that my local med centre is still pushing the vax.
That's nice they're finally noticing but anytime within the most suspiciously number inflated pandemic and the hastily rushed poison that killed the 8 testing mice would of been better.
It's also nice they're not taking anymore vaccines but are they still going to poison our families that come to take it?
Will they mass protest and raise the alarms and stage a scene when they're about to lose their jobs to raise awareness?
Or will they stay silent and allow it to continue because they have bills to pay?
They need to make up for it somehow considering they have allowed and profited from 6,000,000,000 people being sentenced to an early painful death.
Imagine whispering but staying silent to the public at this point.
Talk about sticking your pencil neck, replete with stethoscope on it, straight the fuck into a noose.
Their sense of self preservation is as absent as their compassion.
Who's going to protest, the lemmings making dance videos when they were supposedly swamped with sick people?
There must be harsh reprisals, so people in the future will remember what happened to everyone that played a role in the genocide - so that it can never happen again.
It only took the retards 2 years to see what some fat kid in a basement saw coming 20 years ago.
All that education and they still aren't worth jack shit.
How many jabs deep are ya pal?
The key phrase here is starting to whisper, it should be standing up and blowing the whistle on this kill shot.
My internal medicine doc finally mentioned to me in May that we don’t know the long term effects of the jab. She also told me she was double jabbed but did not and would not jab her three kids.
But after saying that she said the flu shots were safe and I should consider getting the shingles and pneumonia shots. I replied no more shots for me!
They’ll get there eventually.
I hate this pandemic more than anything, but this—grueling slow—process of uncovering pharma corruption seems to finally be waking people up.
A co-worker was out Tuesday after being taken down by the shingles vaxx! I am still mystified -- he and one other fought off the mandatory jabs with religious exemptions, while I fought it off with legal paperwork threatening to sue every individual in the the entire command chain. The three of us had many pow wows where I dropped many red pills, which they seemed to swallow easily because of what we were going through.
Now he drops this absolute bomb on me. I mean, what part of the whole medical structure is corrupt and bought out did he not understand?
Also from PA. Even before Covid I had health problems (esp cardiac) so had lots of doctors. Once the plandemic started I told 1 of my docs I take C, D, E, zinc, elderberry and hawthorn and I tell my friends the same. He was the ONLY one who said keep telling your friends because we're not allowed to.
Now that was at the very beginning even before mask mandates. How is it that administrators already told docs what the can or cant advise?
What part of PA? Where I live it is an all on onslaught of pushing this. I have told more doctors no way in hell.
I went off about having to wear masks at doctors offices in hospital owned offices. The entire staff agreed and said this particular independent hospital said they will NEVER take masks away.
W PA, Beaver county.
In Allegheny. Beaver more conservative.
My experiences have been outside of Philadelphia.
I’ve also seen doctors in Philly even saying enough is enough. Not many, but some.
Wow not here.
Not since gerrymandered in with Allegheny.
You are right. I am actively trying to move from this horrible state.
The admins were probably given their marching orders from the CDC and the WHO. If they want to keep their job and license, they keep the status quo going.
When I was in the hospital having my baby, the nurses did not care if my husband and I wore masks at ALL. Even the OB docs that came in to talk to us had nothing to say about our lack of masks. I straight up refused to wear a mask while in labor and thankfully that was respected.
It’s insane that anyone is forcing women IN LABOR to wear a mask.
What do they do to newborns? Are there mini-masks?
Better late than never, I suppose, but...what took them so long to figure it out? 🙄
I hate to have to say it but it took them so long because they are STUPID!!!!!!
Came here to say exactly this ^ Now they need to stop going along with it and openly defy it like the rest of us have been doing all this time.
What state?
Which is why this was big news to me.
Figured it would take the second coming for these people to wake up.
Seriously? I live here they are all crazy and no one is talking like this.
I’ve now had experiences with docs in two different counties finally asking questions. Hope it becomes more public in your sphere soon.
Right? I see people getting boosted and still have fetterneck signs in their yards. Very blackpilling.
I wonder if the spinal cord issues are transverse myelitis? I know someone who was given that diagnosis. It's apparently a side effect of vaccines in general, not just the COVID shots.
Hmmmm definitely possible. Crazy about it being a side effect for all vaccines. Very concerning
It was extremely disappointing to me that so many in the medical field did zero research on the vaxxes yet promoted them. "I didn't know" doesn't fly because the info was out there- we found it and they have more access than we do. Really convinced me that: Doctors are good at passing tests but otherwise are nothing more than body mechanics. And I'm sorry if I've insulted any other group of mechanics by lumping docs in with them.
They are quite literally trained not to think outside the box.
Some are even punished in med school and residency for doing so.
You're right. Just another group of professionals who have locked their brains in the name of $$$$$.
Too little. Too late.
All the info was out there and publicly available. The effectiveness of Ivermectin and HCQ were already well established long before "covid 19" even started.
They either knew and shut up and followed orders, or they are incompetent.
Either way, accessory to mass murder.
The Gestapo shut up and followed orders as well.
My daughter works in a hospital and this is her last semester before officially becoming an RN. They’re all taking… docs, nurses, techs… all of them. She says the environment is horrible. Side note - just this week an Oncologist/Hematologist committed suicide at their cancer unit.
Oh my god. Awful all around
Yeah I wondered if they were starting to figure it out here in my neck of the woods. The place I usually go to for my primary care have been total Covid Nazis for two years. I had to go in twice recently for some routine stuff and they asked me at both visits if I wanted a flu shot and a tetanus shot, not a peep about Covid vaccines was mentioned to me, which I found really interesting since I’m pretty sure it’s on my chart that I’m not vaccinated.
The observational powers exhibited by this medical staff are ASTOUNDING!
It amazes me how irresponsible these doctors are. As if the cdc and the who are infallible. As a doctor dont you instinctively question and try to research shit before administering any kind of medication or vaccine? They just blindly followed. Trust the science. Funny they only trusted their side of science but not the other thousands of doctors from around the world who were against the vaccine. Even going so far to go to washington or posting videos that were eventually banned as well as other doctors getting their license suspended. Yeah thats not suspicious.
What BAFFLES me is that I know many who are vaxxed and they are fine. Some received it when they first came out. They are not sick at all.
Then other family members repeatedly getting covid and many with cancer.
They think they are fine.
Doesn’t mean there isn’t something brewing under the surface.
I also have a mix of experiences in my circle, though, just like you.
The toxicity of vaxx lots varied over time in a very controlled manner as measured by deaths in VAERS, most noticeably for Pfzer, but this was seen with other manufactures. There also appears to be coordination between the vendors, as if they were experimenting to determine the right mixture for whatever outcome they wanted.
Thank you.
Timid fucks. You guys are ridiculous. All of them More afraid to speak up than to save lives. Go learn to code.
I will never forgive the medical professions again. Every time I think of the dancing TikTok nurses during Covid, I seethes with hate!
took these professional idiots long enough to think for themselves instead of look the other way, maybe the money was too good.
Lol 2 years later and they are starting to notice now? How fucking retarded are these MDs.