Always that same "grateful" line. It's like someone else is typing them all up for these goobers. It lends credence to the idea they are getting gibbed and tried.
Grateful to me means they are behind grates of iron -- AKA behind bars.
Either it is some kind of hidden language or meaning, or Democrats are not allowed to write their own tweets if they get covid. Even if they are as powerful as an ex president.
They are given a script. Puppets. Actors.
The million dollar question is who controls that script? The good guys? Or the WEF?
Letting high target boomers run their own Twitter would be total meltdown. They'd use their bank password as their Twitter password and then instantly get social engineered, hacked, etc.
The "state" manages these people on Twitter. Hence the same scripted tweets.
I got "COVID" about a month ago. I had mild symptoms, but I was fine and kept busy at home. I'm grateful for not getting the "vax" and endless subscription of boosters. I urge all unvacinated to stay unvacinated, especially moving towards swearing in new congress members so they can start investigating big pharma.
I just got over it and I felt like I got hit by a truck. I’m young and healthy too, so it was a bit out of left field. I think Ivermectin really kept it short for me as there was really only one terrible day out of 5.
Gosh does any normal nobody post about every sprain, cold, hammerhead, bout with explosive diarrhea, hang nail, trip to the mail box, late night beanie weenie snack, or late period they have?
Then why do we care if that bag of utterly floppy dicks has the sniffles?
Why do these assholes all have to tell us when they are sick. Who cares!!!!! I have never in my life seen something so stupid, and cannot believe they are still pushing this pro-vaccine bullshit
Okay, so now it’s just too much. Does the same person control all of their twitter accounts? At first, I thought they were all just doing a vaccine commercial, but now I’m convinced this is comms.
It would be interesting to compare tweets of each account before and after this message. Could this message be a kind of marker for when military has taken control of the account? Like that recent tweet from the girl from Who’s the Boss about Volkswagen. That seems too perfect a set-up to not be intentional. Even the way Ye came out against Balenciaga a few weeks before their pedophile campaign, then suddenly here they are issuing an apology for pedophilia. It’s like an Information War roll out. Even this Supreme Court case they featured seems like a set up for the next part of this narrative, as if White Hats wanted to draw attention to that ruling for their own narrative purposes. When Q said we were watching a movie, I think that might be what he meant. That the military had already taken over and this was all a scripted debrainwashing campaign. Looking back since Q started at all the various news cycles and narratives, doesn’t it all seem so perfectly scripted for awakening?
Wow, I was grateful for my friend helping me get some ivermectin, and for not being vaccinated when I had some illness that made the rapid tests I don't believe in turn positive.
I was uncomfortably sick for like, a day. Cold for a week.
Always that same "grateful" line. It's like someone else is typing them all up for these goobers. It lends credence to the idea they are getting gibbed and tried.
Grateful to me means they are behind grates of iron -- AKA behind bars.
It’s bizarre however you slice it.
Either it is some kind of hidden language or meaning, or Democrats are not allowed to write their own tweets if they get covid. Even if they are as powerful as an ex president.
They are given a script. Puppets. Actors.
The million dollar question is who controls that script? The good guys? Or the WEF?
The code I’ve heard is that covid positive = under investigation, and vaxxed = lawyered up
Remember when Hill-Dawg "caught COVID" and was grateful to be vaxxed and boosted? Pepperidge Farm remembers....
Or our good pal Obama....
I've seen countless other politicians and others saying what is effectively the same thing. It's like they're all given a form on what to say.
Must be given a script to follow....not impressed.
Letting high target boomers run their own Twitter would be total meltdown. They'd use their bank password as their Twitter password and then instantly get social engineered, hacked, etc.
The "state" manages these people on Twitter. Hence the same scripted tweets.
That made me laugh
Hope this is code.
These people all sound the same and say the same thing when they "catch COVID". It's weird.
Cult like, scripted, or both.
Oh my goodness, so these faggots are still working this hoary, whore-y script?!? Even when they get the coof for the third, fourth, fifth time.🤣
They really can't (and don't need to) read their audience.
wE dOn'T cARe!
I guess he thinks people care.
I almost forgot who he was.
I propose we refer to him as "Limp Willy" moving forward.
I got "COVID" about a month ago. I had mild symptoms, but I was fine and kept busy at home. I'm grateful for not getting the "vax" and endless subscription of boosters. I urge all unvacinated to stay unvacinated, especially moving towards swearing in new congress members so they can start investigating big pharma.
I just got over it and I felt like I got hit by a truck. I’m young and healthy too, so it was a bit out of left field. I think Ivermectin really kept it short for me as there was really only one terrible day out of 5.
You are grateful for ivermectin and adrenochrome, you douchebag.
Gosh does any normal nobody post about every sprain, cold, hammerhead, bout with explosive diarrhea, hang nail, trip to the mail box, late night beanie weenie snack, or late period they have? Then why do we care if that bag of utterly floppy dicks has the sniffles?
I see you don't read FB.
Why do these assholes all have to tell us when they are sick. Who cares!!!!! I have never in my life seen something so stupid, and cannot believe they are still pushing this pro-vaccine bullshit
Setting up his exit story?
That "grateful to be vaccinated..." little requisite chanting at the end of all these failed inoculations, kind of creepy.
Comms from a Billy look alike.
Give it to your wife, give it to your wife!
Very odd, like how the MSM all share the same phrases simultaneously.
Okay, so now it’s just too much. Does the same person control all of their twitter accounts? At first, I thought they were all just doing a vaccine commercial, but now I’m convinced this is comms.
It would be interesting to compare tweets of each account before and after this message. Could this message be a kind of marker for when military has taken control of the account? Like that recent tweet from the girl from Who’s the Boss about Volkswagen. That seems too perfect a set-up to not be intentional. Even the way Ye came out against Balenciaga a few weeks before their pedophile campaign, then suddenly here they are issuing an apology for pedophilia. It’s like an Information War roll out. Even this Supreme Court case they featured seems like a set up for the next part of this narrative, as if White Hats wanted to draw attention to that ruling for their own narrative purposes. When Q said we were watching a movie, I think that might be what he meant. That the military had already taken over and this was all a scripted debrainwashing campaign. Looking back since Q started at all the various news cycles and narratives, doesn’t it all seem so perfectly scripted for awakening?
Hard to get interested in the jab when the people pushing it are all sick.
Gosh, is it possible for Bill to get on the Clinton’s hit list for Christmas asking for a friend/Hillary
The testifying line, Bill finally pulled through!
Wow, I was grateful for my friend helping me get some ivermectin, and for not being vaccinated when I had some illness that made the rapid tests I don't believe in turn positive.
I was uncomfortably sick for like, a day. Cold for a week.
It always sounds like virtue signaling with these people.
Like his jab was the real deal that's making so many sick and dead, yea sure.
Y’onow, I had forgotten how entertaining Twatter comments were.
Head to the island Bill. It will take care of what ails you.
I don't believe for a moment that any of these serpents got the death jab. So, there's that.
What is this latest Covid-19 information on Twitter? Can anyone check? Last I heard, they were stopping this nonsense.
Probably the clap again.
Excellent news Bill.....would much rather see you hang from the end of a rope instead...