Majority of urban Japanese are the most blue pilled people ever. But there is a minority Japanese who are redpilled but like us, keep to their own groups
The mandates have been relaxed, but alot of people in Japan are still wearing them out of habit. Wearing a mask when you are sick was a thing in Japan (and Korea, China, etc.) even before the plandemic.
I live in Japan, and this is certainly true. Everyone here believes in the sparkly magical powers of masks to protect them, just as they believe the stupid charms bought at a temple attached to their steering wheel will somehow protect them as well.
I'm an American, born and raised in Arizona. I first lived in Japan from 2000-2002, during which time I married my old pen-pal from my college years. We moved to AZ lived there for nearly 10 years, had the multicultural experience of having our home broken into and our stuff stolen and the police not even giving a darn, and moved back here in 2012. Many reasons for moving back, both for wanting stable work and personal reasons. I much prefer living here, but this Covidiot stupidity is just mind-blowing. I've always known masks were stupid, but this superstitious believe in their magic powers to somehow protect people from viruses was never forced on me before. Now it is. I only wear one at work, under my nose so that I can breathe, and do not wear one outside of work. I've been pretty healthy for these past 3 years, but I did catch something in October. I had a very high fever for over 4 days that made me feel weird, but nobody could tell I was sick and even the little students who jump on me like koalas didn't catch anything from me. Since then, I've felt better than before. I don't care what I had. I just kept it a secret and nobody could even tell.
Well, if you really wanted to live here in Japan, you'd feel it pulling on your heart by now. I will warn you though that for me and many others, after living and working here for 2 years, moving back to America was a very painful experience, almost like the escaped slave from Plato's cave. People would ask me what it was like living in Japan, and after a while I realized it was best to just tell them "it was a life-changing experience" and leave it at that because how I would tend to answer the question would bore most people. For 10 years, I felt like there was a part of me I left behind. When I would return to visit once a year, I felt reunited with that part of me that stayed behind, and I felt whole for a few weeks. Then I'd return to the land of blubber butts, tattooed skanks, cretins, and people in line at the supermarket's register and complain to anyone within earshot about how slow the line is going.
In America, I worked overtime on evenings and sometimes weekends as necessary. Here in Japan, people stay late to appear busy because it's expected of them. As a teacher in Japan I'm exempt from that virtue signalling, but I did work for a company for about 8 months and I had the pleasure of sitting at my desk until at least 6:30pm pretending to look busy, even though there wasn't anything that couldn't wait until the next day, just to make the bosshole happy.
I've no idea if the work you do now cannot be done by a Japanese citizen, but know that unlike most of Asia, Japanese can't speak English worth crap as it is regarded more of a hobby than an actual means of communication. It's not like Singapore or Philippines where everyone speaks English. This can lead to some serious isolation issues. If you have questions about stuff, you can contact me directly.
Oh, I forgot to answer your question... This entire time, I have avoided masks. Most places don't say anything. Once at a grocery store, a woman came up and was all virtuous about masks and asked if I had one. I simply told her that I don't need one, nor does she. She had no response and I kept going. Sometimes I might say "you watch too much TV." Once I was refused service by a crepe truck. I was standing OUTSIDE and he still refused to serve me. I was about to plop 1700 yen on crepes, so I walked away. I didn't have one because I had just driven my daughter to get her hair cut and all I had been doing was waiting for her in the car. Last weekend I was in Utsunomiya with my friend visiting from AZ and went around everywhere without a mask and nobody gave any grief. Then we went into Yellow Submarine and a clerk came up to my friend and asked him to wear a mask, and he was surprised and suddenly compliant. If the clerk had approached me instead, I would have said, "Mask? Oh no! I don't wanna die!"
No, I'm talking about the omamori charms people buy, thinking that it will somehow protect them (except when it doesn't). A cross/crucifix is merely a symbol of faith. Using it otherwise is a sort of idolatry as far as I'm concerned.
I will wait patiently until "can't walk down the street". Time is coming soon. My rage will not be suppressed any longer then. Give it to to em Japanese, frens.
John Wick was always such a dumb movie to me. He goes on a revenge killing spree over a puppy. So unrealistic I could never suspend my disbelief.
People are losing their husbands, wives, children and elderly parents over a confidence scam and not one official pushing these jabs has been paid a visit by a bereaved family member. We humans are too kind.
To be fair, the puppy represented the last touch between his deceased wife and him and had huge emotional meaning. Plus, it was completely innocent. I went through a thought experiment once in which I asked myself what I would do if I was riding one of my horses and someone came up to brain it with a 2 by 4. I determined that I would shoot that person on the spot.
When people behave worse than animals, they can't claim the "human being" card.
The fact that you have to explain this to the brain dead is discouraging.
However, that does not detract from the other point made - which deals with revenge on those responsible for the genocide... at ALL levels.
I don't want those responsible to not be able to walk down the street, as the Q drop mentioned. I want them to fear for their lives... everywhere in the world.
Somebody needs to compile a rogues gallery of names, faces, and doxx information---including documentation of culpability---so it will be possible to recognize these culprits if they did walk down the street.
Japanfag here, again to chime in. The number has gotta be way more than 1,900. People just aren't making the proper connections because perhaps the adverse reactions were not immediate enough. More people are dying post-"vaccine" rollout than during the first year when it was supposedly at the peak of lethality. My wife works with a woman married to a teacher here at Usune-chuu. Their family has a shrine or temple or whatever, and funeral requests are through the roof. That teacher is not here today though. He got injected and now he's out sick with the WuFlu. They still don't get it. Surely the TV wouldn't lie to them, right? Meanwhile, I hear ambulances every day drive by, and we live in a small city.
Anyone who brings up East Asians having higher IQ on average than others can GTFO. Remember that Japanese people truly believed that Hirohito was a god and that the could seriously take on China, SE Asian countries, Korea, as well as the USA. You would think that after being nuked TWICE, Japanese would lead the world in not believing what their leaders and mass comunication tell them. No, instead everyone here still wears fearmasks and gets injected with the mystery sauce without question. Fools.I've enjoyed living in Japan because people are more civil, but they are also sheep.
Anyone who brings up East Asians having higher IQ on average than others can GTFO.
I go on /pol/ often and I keep seeing these "IQ" slide threads saying why are Asians so smart, while other nations are not as smart as Asians? blah blah.
On a side note, I'd love to visit Japan one day. I truly admire their culture, food and the environment! I love that they make it a habit to clean up after themselves no matter where they are but I think sometimes they really need to tone it down as there are custodial services that take care of that, like the Japanese fans cleaned up after themselves at the Qatar World Cup. I mean, nothing's wrong with showing respect but if there's cleaning services available for that, they should just yield to the cleaning services!
Yeah, don't get me wrong. I love Japan, but I've gone well past the culture shock curve and have since developed a healthy love/hate relationship with both Japan and the USA. I'll be here for life. I can put up with the effeminite, faggoty Johnny's Jr. ass-magnet singers on TV, but this mask crap is really getting on my nerves. I teach an adult English class and I asked them if they could name the two types of viruses that make the common cold. They did not know the answer was rhinovirus and coronavirus. So stupid.
Japanese are cleaner than most, except my hobby that has emerged from all of this bullcrap is taking photos of fearmasks I find lying about. I made a gallery on my site here:
Feel free to look around at the various galleries on there, as I've collected memes and such there too.
But nah, I don't go on /pol much, or 8kun. The captcha won't let me post anything or tells me the threads are closed. I don't get it. Plus there's too much to filter to find the really good stuff. Much of the pertinent stuff shows up on this forum anyway.
Wow that's a lot of masks on the ground! Here in Ohio, I've seen at least 5 so far, littered on the ground and I've been everywhere in this town for the last 2 years.
Interesting to see that happening in Japan, of all places, where they'd prefer to keep it clean. I'd think it would be like Hawaii, where you can't smoke a cigarette close to people and places and you can't just flick the butt away, you have to dispose it properly or get a hefty fine along with menacing glances from the residents.
As for the captchas and all, yeah it's weird and I don't post on any boards on 4chan, ever because I'm on clearnet, not even behind a proxy or using VPN so nah. I've been tempted to reply to someone's post but held my temptation back. If you ever consider going back to 4chan, I'd suggest installing 4Chan X extension, it makes the experience better and helps you with the filtering.
Thanks for sharing your photo gallery, I'm dumbfounded to see that happening! Also thanks for explaining your experience in Japan! I'm aware of the effeminacy there as I do watch anime but I still want to visit Japan. I know anime can be viewed as cringe by many on here as well as everywhere but hey, it's better than watching primetime T.V. shows, that's way more cringe than anime.
I'm a total anime fag myself. I just don't care for the vast majority of stuff from the year 2000 on. I prefer the old school stuff by far. Gimme epic space fleet battles over vacuous school girls talking about how flat-chested they are ANYDAY.
Japanese folks have trained for centuries in the subtle art of self-suppression.
And, they are polite to a fault. To a fault. But when they hit that fault, they lose it in a way that Europeans could only hope to match.
Europeans (ethnically speaking) release and express our emotions all the time. It's part of our culture. Even if you think you're not expressive, to a Japanese person, you're loud.
But the Japanese keep it all in, all the time, all the time. If the trigger is pulled, they will tend to go ballistic.
Of course, I'm speaking in generalized terms, but still...
When the cork finally pops off of the world citizenry - when they realize what these sick fucking animals have done to them and LAUGHED while doing it, there will be no fucking mercy. ZERO. FUCKING. MERCY. for them. ZERO.
My brother lives in Japan, and my mom speaks Japanese as well. I sent this video to see what they had to say about it to understand if the interpretation is spot on. I will report back.
Just like parents going up against school boards and calling out the board members for the filth they're forcing on children...
When these good people talk about the pain and loss that the lies and deception have caused, these sick fucks in charge COULD NOT CARE LESS. In fact causing good people pain and suffering, knowing that good people are being destroyed is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. They get off on others suffering.
These people in charge are psychopaths. They have no capacity for compassion, no moral or ethical compass, no conscience and if anyone thinks that by speaking out they're going to shame these beasts, they're sorely mistaken.
When the likes of Nanci Pelosi or her slimy nephew Gavin Newsom look out at the sea of suffering homeless they've deliberately caused in their cities, when Lori Lightfoot gets the daily reports of the number of citizens murdered in her city, made possible by deliberate mismanagement of that city and when these Japanese officials, hearing of the loss and pain and suffering, the incredulity of good people who trusted these officials to keep them safe (only to realize with horror that they were deceived) get this kind of feedback, the beasts get off on it. These beasts LIKE this. They like to know they're making people suffer and die.
These beasts aren't incompetent; this is deliberate. These Japanese officials aren't going home at night feeling remorse or shame. The nursing home resident-killing governor's like Cuomo and Murphy aren't horrified that they made bad decisions - they knew exactly what they were doing. Crimes against humanity.
People need to get away from trying to appeal to the beasts' "humanity" (sic) because these psychopaths don't have any. These types of videos are important for other good people to view, even for the sadly brainwashed sheep to view, but those psychopaths in charge have no shame. They didn't take the experimental drugs themselves, but they deliberately pushed others to take them. It's high time people come to terms with the fact that truly evil people walk amongst us - and they've inserted themselves into positions of influence where they can destroy all that is good. The nature of the beast.
"Japan is controlled by a third party" - 3 month old video on the channel.
Knowing what I know about Shinzo Abe. Knowing what I know about his political party, which won in an election that took place two days after his "death". And, knowing what I know about COVID in general...
I would urge Patriots a degree of restraint. I believe Japan is firmly in Patriot control. Parents have every right to demand answers, but be curious of which entities are holding up the megaphone and guiding where those voices are aimed. Maintain healthy suspicion before gleefully joining in the chorus.
The Great Awakening, sphere World Wide! These murderous turds aren’t going to be able to walk down the streets! Ever! I’m proud that Japan is finally joining the public fight! Let’s Gooo!
This is off the point, but I'm noticing more and more of words with asterisks in them.
What's going on with that? For example, the title has "killed" in it but instead, "k*lled". I also have seen "s*ic*de", "s*x" and some others. If it's there because they don't want to offend snowflakes, who cares?! But if there's a good reason for that, I'd like to hear them, like maybe to avoid censorship by the censor bots?
This whole debacle is moving in one direction only. Toward the truth. Nobody regrets NOT taking the shots. This nightmare appears to be solving itself.
Even the Japanese fell for the ruse of the COVID shots, and people are now regretting getting them
A promising sign that we may very well see a Second Nurnberg Trial soon
Majority of urban Japanese are the most blue pilled people ever. But there is a minority Japanese who are redpilled but like us, keep to their own groups
There is no other wake up call that is better than someone getting fucked up or dying from the shot. The ones who still deny it are not savable.
The mandates have been relaxed, but alot of people in Japan are still wearing them out of habit. Wearing a mask when you are sick was a thing in Japan (and Korea, China, etc.) even before the plandemic.
Yup, correct. Asian countries have been using masks for a long time during sick season.
In Korea, there is an annual dirty ass yellow dust that comes from the shithole China. Korean's use masks during this time.
But Asians are more prone to obeying than other races. This is why NWO wants to have 500 million of them because they are already obedient.
I live in Japan, and this is certainly true. Everyone here believes in the sparkly magical powers of masks to protect them, just as they believe the stupid charms bought at a temple attached to their steering wheel will somehow protect them as well.
I'm an American, born and raised in Arizona. I first lived in Japan from 2000-2002, during which time I married my old pen-pal from my college years. We moved to AZ lived there for nearly 10 years, had the multicultural experience of having our home broken into and our stuff stolen and the police not even giving a darn, and moved back here in 2012. Many reasons for moving back, both for wanting stable work and personal reasons. I much prefer living here, but this Covidiot stupidity is just mind-blowing. I've always known masks were stupid, but this superstitious believe in their magic powers to somehow protect people from viruses was never forced on me before. Now it is. I only wear one at work, under my nose so that I can breathe, and do not wear one outside of work. I've been pretty healthy for these past 3 years, but I did catch something in October. I had a very high fever for over 4 days that made me feel weird, but nobody could tell I was sick and even the little students who jump on me like koalas didn't catch anything from me. Since then, I've felt better than before. I don't care what I had. I just kept it a secret and nobody could even tell.
Well, if you really wanted to live here in Japan, you'd feel it pulling on your heart by now. I will warn you though that for me and many others, after living and working here for 2 years, moving back to America was a very painful experience, almost like the escaped slave from Plato's cave. People would ask me what it was like living in Japan, and after a while I realized it was best to just tell them "it was a life-changing experience" and leave it at that because how I would tend to answer the question would bore most people. For 10 years, I felt like there was a part of me I left behind. When I would return to visit once a year, I felt reunited with that part of me that stayed behind, and I felt whole for a few weeks. Then I'd return to the land of blubber butts, tattooed skanks, cretins, and people in line at the supermarket's register and complain to anyone within earshot about how slow the line is going.
In America, I worked overtime on evenings and sometimes weekends as necessary. Here in Japan, people stay late to appear busy because it's expected of them. As a teacher in Japan I'm exempt from that virtue signalling, but I did work for a company for about 8 months and I had the pleasure of sitting at my desk until at least 6:30pm pretending to look busy, even though there wasn't anything that couldn't wait until the next day, just to make the bosshole happy.
I've no idea if the work you do now cannot be done by a Japanese citizen, but know that unlike most of Asia, Japanese can't speak English worth crap as it is regarded more of a hobby than an actual means of communication. It's not like Singapore or Philippines where everyone speaks English. This can lead to some serious isolation issues. If you have questions about stuff, you can contact me directly.
Oh, I forgot to answer your question... This entire time, I have avoided masks. Most places don't say anything. Once at a grocery store, a woman came up and was all virtuous about masks and asked if I had one. I simply told her that I don't need one, nor does she. She had no response and I kept going. Sometimes I might say "you watch too much TV." Once I was refused service by a crepe truck. I was standing OUTSIDE and he still refused to serve me. I was about to plop 1700 yen on crepes, so I walked away. I didn't have one because I had just driven my daughter to get her hair cut and all I had been doing was waiting for her in the car. Last weekend I was in Utsunomiya with my friend visiting from AZ and went around everywhere without a mask and nobody gave any grief. Then we went into Yellow Submarine and a clerk came up to my friend and asked him to wear a mask, and he was surprised and suddenly compliant. If the clerk had approached me instead, I would have said, "Mask? Oh no! I don't wanna die!"
No, I'm talking about the omamori charms people buy, thinking that it will somehow protect them (except when it doesn't). A cross/crucifix is merely a symbol of faith. Using it otherwise is a sort of idolatry as far as I'm concerned.
The entire world did.
I will wait patiently until "can't walk down the street". Time is coming soon. My rage will not be suppressed any longer then. Give it to to em Japanese, frens.
User name does NOT check out.
You're thinking of Kim Jung Un. This guy is KimJung-Un :-P
Which makes me wonder. Was covid even an issue in NK? obviously getting facts from therenis tough. But surely they were not taking the wests evil jab!
No, Covid was never an issue in NK.
Kim Jung Un is a very patient guy.
John Wick was always such a dumb movie to me. He goes on a revenge killing spree over a puppy. So unrealistic I could never suspend my disbelief. People are losing their husbands, wives, children and elderly parents over a confidence scam and not one official pushing these jabs has been paid a visit by a bereaved family member. We humans are too kind.
To be fair, the puppy represented the last touch between his deceased wife and him and had huge emotional meaning. Plus, it was completely innocent. I went through a thought experiment once in which I asked myself what I would do if I was riding one of my horses and someone came up to brain it with a 2 by 4. I determined that I would shoot that person on the spot.
When people behave worse than animals, they can't claim the "human being" card.
This ^^^
The fact that you have to explain this to the brain dead is discouraging.
However, that does not detract from the other point made - which deals with revenge on those responsible for the genocide... at ALL levels.
I don't want those responsible to not be able to walk down the street, as the Q drop mentioned. I want them to fear for their lives... everywhere in the world.
Somebody needs to compile a rogues gallery of names, faces, and doxx information---including documentation of culpability---so it will be possible to recognize these culprits if they did walk down the street.
Japanfag here, again to chime in. The number has gotta be way more than 1,900. People just aren't making the proper connections because perhaps the adverse reactions were not immediate enough. More people are dying post-"vaccine" rollout than during the first year when it was supposedly at the peak of lethality. My wife works with a woman married to a teacher here at Usune-chuu. Their family has a shrine or temple or whatever, and funeral requests are through the roof. That teacher is not here today though. He got injected and now he's out sick with the WuFlu. They still don't get it. Surely the TV wouldn't lie to them, right? Meanwhile, I hear ambulances every day drive by, and we live in a small city.
Anyone who brings up East Asians having higher IQ on average than others can GTFO. Remember that Japanese people truly believed that Hirohito was a god and that the could seriously take on China, SE Asian countries, Korea, as well as the USA. You would think that after being nuked TWICE, Japanese would lead the world in not believing what their leaders and mass comunication tell them. No, instead everyone here still wears fearmasks and gets injected with the mystery sauce without question. Fools.I've enjoyed living in Japan because people are more civil, but they are also sheep.
Thanks for taking the time to share this.
You sound like you go on /pol/ often lol
I go on /pol/ often and I keep seeing these "IQ" slide threads saying why are Asians so smart, while other nations are not as smart as Asians? blah blah.
On a side note, I'd love to visit Japan one day. I truly admire their culture, food and the environment! I love that they make it a habit to clean up after themselves no matter where they are but I think sometimes they really need to tone it down as there are custodial services that take care of that, like the Japanese fans cleaned up after themselves at the Qatar World Cup. I mean, nothing's wrong with showing respect but if there's cleaning services available for that, they should just yield to the cleaning services!
Yeah, don't get me wrong. I love Japan, but I've gone well past the culture shock curve and have since developed a healthy love/hate relationship with both Japan and the USA. I'll be here for life. I can put up with the effeminite, faggoty Johnny's Jr. ass-magnet singers on TV, but this mask crap is really getting on my nerves. I teach an adult English class and I asked them if they could name the two types of viruses that make the common cold. They did not know the answer was rhinovirus and coronavirus. So stupid.
Japanese are cleaner than most, except my hobby that has emerged from all of this bullcrap is taking photos of fearmasks I find lying about. I made a gallery on my site here:
Feel free to look around at the various galleries on there, as I've collected memes and such there too.
But nah, I don't go on /pol much, or 8kun. The captcha won't let me post anything or tells me the threads are closed. I don't get it. Plus there's too much to filter to find the really good stuff. Much of the pertinent stuff shows up on this forum anyway.
Wow that's a lot of masks on the ground! Here in Ohio, I've seen at least 5 so far, littered on the ground and I've been everywhere in this town for the last 2 years.
Interesting to see that happening in Japan, of all places, where they'd prefer to keep it clean. I'd think it would be like Hawaii, where you can't smoke a cigarette close to people and places and you can't just flick the butt away, you have to dispose it properly or get a hefty fine along with menacing glances from the residents.
As for the captchas and all, yeah it's weird and I don't post on any boards on 4chan, ever because I'm on clearnet, not even behind a proxy or using VPN so nah. I've been tempted to reply to someone's post but held my temptation back. If you ever consider going back to 4chan, I'd suggest installing 4Chan X extension, it makes the experience better and helps you with the filtering.
Thanks for sharing your photo gallery, I'm dumbfounded to see that happening! Also thanks for explaining your experience in Japan! I'm aware of the effeminacy there as I do watch anime but I still want to visit Japan. I know anime can be viewed as cringe by many on here as well as everywhere but hey, it's better than watching primetime T.V. shows, that's way more cringe than anime.
I'm a total anime fag myself. I just don't care for the vast majority of stuff from the year 2000 on. I prefer the old school stuff by far. Gimme epic space fleet battles over vacuous school girls talking about how flat-chested they are ANYDAY.
They censor "died" and "dead"
What a fucking joke.
And "kill" and "shot".
Just like in porn videos
I don't get these folks
Oh, idk is it?
I can't finish watching this shit, the crying widow is wearing a cloth mask. I'm done with this facade.
Yeah, even when people are awake, they are still asleep
layers, like an onion.
Yes they are, the layers of onions still permeate through a mask like a fart in the wind....
These are so hard to watch, you don't need to understand Japanese to see the pain these people are going through.
Even when they're mad, they're polite. I'd be across that table and in their faces so fast, they wouldn't know what to do.
Japanese folks have trained for centuries in the subtle art of self-suppression.
And, they are polite to a fault. To a fault. But when they hit that fault, they lose it in a way that Europeans could only hope to match.
Europeans (ethnically speaking) release and express our emotions all the time. It's part of our culture. Even if you think you're not expressive, to a Japanese person, you're loud.
But the Japanese keep it all in, all the time, all the time. If the trigger is pulled, they will tend to go ballistic.
Of course, I'm speaking in generalized terms, but still...
That's tough to watch. Poor folks.
Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, warns about vax harms to the Japanese Ministry of Health
When the cork finally pops off of the world citizenry - when they realize what these sick fucking animals have done to them and LAUGHED while doing it, there will be no fucking mercy. ZERO. FUCKING. MERCY. for them. ZERO.
My brother lives in Japan, and my mom speaks Japanese as well. I sent this video to see what they had to say about it to understand if the interpretation is spot on. I will report back.
Just like parents going up against school boards and calling out the board members for the filth they're forcing on children...
When these good people talk about the pain and loss that the lies and deception have caused, these sick fucks in charge COULD NOT CARE LESS. In fact causing good people pain and suffering, knowing that good people are being destroyed is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. They get off on others suffering.
These people in charge are psychopaths. They have no capacity for compassion, no moral or ethical compass, no conscience and if anyone thinks that by speaking out they're going to shame these beasts, they're sorely mistaken.
When the likes of Nanci Pelosi or her slimy nephew Gavin Newsom look out at the sea of suffering homeless they've deliberately caused in their cities, when Lori Lightfoot gets the daily reports of the number of citizens murdered in her city, made possible by deliberate mismanagement of that city and when these Japanese officials, hearing of the loss and pain and suffering, the incredulity of good people who trusted these officials to keep them safe (only to realize with horror that they were deceived) get this kind of feedback, the beasts get off on it. These beasts LIKE this. They like to know they're making people suffer and die.
These beasts aren't incompetent; this is deliberate. These Japanese officials aren't going home at night feeling remorse or shame. The nursing home resident-killing governor's like Cuomo and Murphy aren't horrified that they made bad decisions - they knew exactly what they were doing. Crimes against humanity.
People need to get away from trying to appeal to the beasts' "humanity" (sic) because these psychopaths don't have any. These types of videos are important for other good people to view, even for the sadly brainwashed sheep to view, but those psychopaths in charge have no shame. They didn't take the experimental drugs themselves, but they deliberately pushed others to take them. It's high time people come to terms with the fact that truly evil people walk amongst us - and they've inserted themselves into positions of influence where they can destroy all that is good. The nature of the beast.
I've never seen Japanese this mad before, it's like a rare sighting. I shared this video w/ everyone.
"Japan is controlled by a third party" - 3 month old video on the channel.
Knowing what I know about Shinzo Abe. Knowing what I know about his political party, which won in an election that took place two days after his "death". And, knowing what I know about COVID in general...
I would urge Patriots a degree of restraint. I believe Japan is firmly in Patriot control. Parents have every right to demand answers, but be curious of which entities are holding up the megaphone and guiding where those voices are aimed. Maintain healthy suspicion before gleefully joining in the chorus.
If you've never seen a Japanese official get angry or upset you haven't paid attention to Japanese politics.
They have some huge brawls in parliament.
Looks civil to me, and it was 7 years ago. In terms of parliament fights, no one can touch the Taiwanese. - most recent was 2 years ago.
Yeah, Japanese parliament can act like unruly children. It's pretty embarassing.
YT took down this video, but I mirrored it on my Odysee channel just in case.
Thanks fren
how has shittube not pulled this video down yet
The Great Awakening, sphere World Wide! These murderous turds aren’t going to be able to walk down the streets! Ever! I’m proud that Japan is finally joining the public fight! Let’s Gooo!
This is off the point, but I'm noticing more and more of words with asterisks in them.
What's going on with that? For example, the title has "killed" in it but instead, "k*lled". I also have seen "s*ic*de", "s*x" and some others. If it's there because they don't want to offend snowflakes, who cares?! But if there's a good reason for that, I'd like to hear them, like maybe to avoid censorship by the censor bots?
This whole debacle is moving in one direction only. Toward the truth. Nobody regrets NOT taking the shots. This nightmare appears to be solving itself.
The civility of their society is diminished by the Pokémon font
"An angry Japanese man is my normal everyday baseline"... that's not a sentence I expected to read today🐸
Ditto. This guy was pissed!!!