Be thankful that God spoke to you in whatever way to prevent you from taking the shot.
But understand He didn't do that for YOU!
He did it so YOU can be used to reach OTHERS and bring them to HIM.
Be thankful - and use it.
BTW - I get that it is very easy to be angry in this - I have dealt with that and I still deal with that - thankfully to a lesser degree now.
But I still get pissed when my family members, whom I want to look to with respect, don't care to research anything for themselves - or after having hours of discussion with me and my wife - hearing all of the data that we point them towards, still, in that moment of fear - run to the "trusted authorities" despite everything they seemed to be finally understanding...
I get it.
But that does not mean you just throw them in the garbage and go admire yourself in the mirror.
God gives some people insight, discernment, spiritual awareness, etc. for different times. You got it for this time for this reason - and that is not to hold it to yourself and feel special about it.
Be thankful - and use it to reach others. Otherwise, you are burying your resources (Talents) in the ground. And we know how the master responded to that servant in the Bible...
Matthew 25
14 "Similarly, it is like a man going on a trip, who called his servants and turned his money over to them.
15 To one man he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, based on their ability. Then he went on his trip.
16 "The one who received five talents went out at once and invested them and earned five more.
17 In the same way, the one who had two talents earned two more.
18 But the one who received one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground, and buried his master's money.
19 "After a long time, the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them.
20 The one who had received five talents came up and brought five more talents. "Master,' he said, "you gave me five talents. See, I've earned five more talents.'
21 "His master told him, "Well done, good and trustworthy servant! Since you've been trustworthy with a small amount, I'll put you in charge of a large amount. Come and share your master's joy!'
22 "The one with two talents also came forward and said, "Master, you gave me two talents. See, I've earned two more talents.
23 "His master told him, "Well done, good and trustworthy servant! Since you've been trustworthy with a small amount, I'll put you in charge of a large amount. Come and share your master's joy!'
*24 "Then the one who had received one talent came forward and said, "Master, I knew that you were a hard man, harvesting where you haven't planted and gathering where you haven't scattered any seed.
25 Since I was afraid, I went off and hid your talent in the ground. Here, take what's yours!'
26 "His master answered him, "You evil and lazy servant! So you knew that I harvested where I haven't planted and gathered where I haven't scattered any seed?*
27 Then you should've invested my money with the bankers. When I returned, I would've received my money back with interest.'
28 Then the master said, "Take the talent from him and give it to the man who has the ten talents,
29 because to everyone who has something, more will be given, and he'll have more than enough. But from the person who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away from him.
30 Throw this useless servant into the darkness outside! In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'"
I don't look down on others who think differently than I do and who make choices I'd never make. But I do have healthy boundaries, which prevent me from getting bogged down in their drama and conflict, which I want nothing to do with.
Came here to say this, but you’ve already said it for me. Thank you. I have several family members and friends, who are vaccinated, I love them just as much as I did before. Christ tells us to love one another. This is the problem with the left and the right, they want to dig their heels in and command us, choose a side and cost division. I refuse to be a part of the uniparty.
Agree, almost everyone in my family got jabbed, I love them and they love me. I've tried to make them think twice before taking it but unfortunately they told me they "trust the science". The good thing is almost none took the booster after realising they all had covid after 2 jabs and I was and still am healthy, never got covid. Nobody wants to talk about jabs in my family anymore, I can see they are not happy for taking it, I can feel their pain. How can I now turn my back to my own family? Tell them I have nothing to do with you? This isn't the way to be, I am sorry, I disagree with this post, quite strongly.
As Christians we should believe that all can be forgiven through the blood of Christ. But they must be repentant and see the error of their ways. That is what we are here for. Once they realize their grave mistake, we lead them to Truth. God is merciful and understands our weaknesses. It is why He gave us the greatest gift in His Son Jesus.
I agee with most of this, but there is one distinction I would like to make. There are plenty of people in this world, especially non-english speaking, older generationm who simply do not have the ability to research on their own and figure out if they are being lied to. If their doctor tells them this is a good thing to take, they do it.
I really cannot hold these people in the same category as the others.
Some people live simple lives and aren't up with all the things happening. Not everyone goes online. My wife is from the Philippines, and few of the people there are aware about what's going on in the world. Hard to worry when you feed 8 people on 7 bucks a day. I tried to wake a few people up there when I lived there.
I also know a few good people here who took the vaccine early on. All I can do is pray for them, and hope they can detox or they got placebo.
The older generation should benefit from the wisdom that came with being lied to for decades. It’s the young people, the “wet behind the ears” that don’t know better. They have no reason to believe that big institutions lie all the time. Old people know how the world works, and have a better handle on institutional deceit, than young people. Having said that, naïveté knows no age. Some people are born dumb and stay dumb.
Many of those old people have no alternative source of information. My 85 year old mother, who gets all of her news from the television and still has a newspaper subscription, is one of them. She could not comprehend that the vax was a control mechanism, even though ironically, she had been reading a book that analyzed how the ordinary German population complied with Nazi policies.
My caveat is this: There were people who took the shot for the sake of others. They were not sheep, they were not cattle, and it wasn't
mah this, mah that
Which implies a self-centered, self-concerned focus (and in very many cases, probably rightly so).
Fully awake, at one point I myself, living in crazy lockdown central of crazy nation of crazy planet, reflected on whether I might have to take one for the team, for the family, where none were injected, but the prospect of being unable to travel, shop, gain even basic living needs might require accepting the poison pill.
If someone needed to do it, then better I than my young adult children, who have their entire lives to live, n'est pas?
Gratefully, that dark shadow passed, but at the time.....
Indeed, this has not been a black or white issue. Our eyes should open fully to all kinds of hardships endured by common people, of various stages of awake/asleep.
Agreed (and I might speculate that the one person who downvoted my comment has no conception at all what the people of Danistan lived through during 2020/2021).
Calling people traitors for being vaccinated is such a hot take that I hope you enjoy the hellfire for turning on so many of your fellow humans and casting them aside like that.
Perhaps you should go find some plains to live on, without shelter. Because shelter is the innovation of humans. Maybe you should throw your phone into the ocean, because God gave us a voice to talk to each other directly.
No? What's that? Not willing to live without shelter, without electricity, without your phone?
Don't preach about "trying to piss in God's face" when that wasn't anywhere on anyone's mind, but you KNOW the Bible tells you to love your neighbor and are willfully throwing that to the wayside.
Not over the target at all. You are extolling the same eugenics mindset of our enemies, preaching that the weak deserve culling because they are weak or less intelligent. It is the doctrine of the antichrist and I want nothing to do with it.
did you read the Q drops, where Q tells us how STUPID the enemy is? or how EVIL they are? It's not eugenics to stand our ground/protect children from stupidity.
Conservatives have died from the vaccine. To assume conservatives haven't taken the vaccine and aren't suffering from its effects is willful retardism.
We have a greater rate of unvaccinated, but many are still vaccinated. And many who were vaccinated have come over to our side after the fact.
And always remember if you are being raped just lay back and enjoy it.
Many people that took the jab just prayed they would be alright, but not taking it meant abandoning responsibilites to feed, house, and clothe their families.
I see shit like that, and it makes me think the OP is some little single asshole that doesn't have a commitment in the world, and mommy and daddy to fall back on if shit goes bad. Grow the fuck up.
Yup. I don't believe in punching down. That's not what this movement is about. I can't blame someone for being brainwashed. I've been "awake" for nearly 18 years. That doesn't mean I don't learn something new and go deeper down the rabbit hole even within the past year.
As an Anarchist, I don't believe people should have to be politically aware. People shouldn't have to spend 5 hours a day digging into Q, deep state cabals, technocracy, transhumanism and what not. It's not realistic when people have full time jobs, children, friends, family, errands...etc.
I would rather people spent that time improving their lives rather than trying to change a system that is corrupt to the core when you could easily be led astray through controlled opposition. It's a full time job figuring this shit out and it's still nearly impossible and places you in a situation of perpetual powerlessness. This stress will shorten your life. Granted getting suckered into taking the jab has similar consequences. There are no solutions, only trade offs.
God's Will is almost certainly not you painting every single person you can find who got tricked as evil just because some actual evil people made you justly mad.
Joe down the street living paycheck to paycheck being threatened with losing his job as he tries to support his young children did not sell you out to our overlords, but you sure are selling him out.
I'm just trying to bring a little balance of perspective here.
There's a movie quote, "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."
I think this perfectly encapsulates Anarchism. When you're playing politics, you may as well walk into a casino and play Roulette. You're walking into their house and playing a game they invented. Good luck.
If you believe the solution to government is political, maybe you've been suckered into a false dichotomy? Maybe there are other perspectives, philosophies, and solutions that you'll never see talked about on ANY talk show.
I'm not protecting them. I would suggest we learn ways/skills to live outside their rule, at least partially. I know Anarchists who do just that. It's a lifestyle change, for sure. Thankfully, the internet helps.
My solution of asking people to disengage from politics and focus on their own lives would sap power away from the elite. Think about it. If people live empowered lives then they won't feel like a victim that needs big daddy. Also, people who vote are not fully informed. Nobody is fully informed. It's not possible. The "Get out the vote" campaign hinges on the uninformed coming out to vote. Government is a faith based institution.
Years ago, I was having a conversation with my wife, about the times we are presently in. And, I told her that one day she would have to choose a side, and remaining neutral, would be siding with evil, by default.
I have more commitments and responsibilities than most could possibly manage but didnt bend a knee. Major difference between being a actual victim and making a choice. Personal responsibility is what that is. Rape is against your will, forced. Losing a job because of threats and coercion is entirely different. Not even in the realm of analogical there.
Would you pull the trigger on a loaded revolver to your head or lose insurance or job or whatever the threat was? Being grown up is being and taking responsibility for personal choices. Cant fulfill commitments if you're dead or physically impaired, irreparably injured.
The weak are always going to be making excuses to justify their weak behavior. Arguing with them is pointless.
The injections are literally poison, killing people slowly in a variety of ways. That is reality.
People either refused to take the poison, or make excuses to justify their decision to take the poison. End of the day, none of the excuses matter. Dead is dead.
People either refused to take the poison, or make excuses to justify their decision to take the poison, or they did neither because your false dichotomy doesn't reflect reality.
I think experiments like this are necessary for the deep state. It gives them an idea of what percent of the global population is ready for the mark of the beast.
but not taking it meant abandoning responsibilites to feed, house, and clothe their families
Not really, it meant they'd have to find another way to feed, house and clothe their families
There are other jobs, did they even try looking? Did they even offer ANY resistance at all?
Yeah maybe it won't be such a prestigious company, maybe it won't be such a prestigious position, maybe the salary won't be as high and the family will have to adapt.
It's not easy, but it's a choice, and it takes courage to make it, they didn't have it.
Gonna have to disagree here. My dad has cancer. My mother is a nurse practitioner. In order to keep getting his treatments and not drown in medical debt, they needed insurance. She didn't want it, but to keep that insurance, she had to take the first 2.
So fuck off.
Eta: GAW should stop extolling the virtues of God. Not a good look considering some of you.
Why can't we find 1 person who isn't jabbed or plagued by personal/emotional turmoil who disagree? Your stance comes down to "well you are right but MY SITUATION was different". Hey buddy, my entire fucking household lost their jobs. Nobody feels sorry for you. Stop trying to use your mom to Virtue Signal for the fucking jab of all things.
I'm not virtue signaling for the jab you fucking moron, I'm calling out op and this stupid 4chan post pretending like life isn't fucking complicated at all and is just black and white.
Fuck off prick
As a matter of fact, Q isn't much better than the DS in this regard, allowing this shit to happen, and giving the normies they wanna wake up a Hobson's choice like this. Maybe they really are just sitting on all they have because they like the power too.
Such a smug and simple minded and heartless answer to what was for so many, an impossible dilemma. Don’t bend the knee and lose your means to feed your family. Don’t bend the knee and lose your means to keep the lights on. Don’t bend the knee and lose your medical insurance. No. This isn’t “over the target”. We are the sheepdogs…we do our best to fight off and eliminate the wolves; we don’t blame the sheep when the wolves overpower them in highly coordinated and sophisticated attacks.
really? so these people were all trying their 'best' but still have no idea people are dying? do they not notice or pay attention? how is blindly believing doing their 'best'?
people have really lowered the bar on what it means to be a citizen in America.
People can't change their mind after being vaccinated? Some got it early because they saw how the wind was blowing and after Trump "lost", knew they needed to ensure that they kept their jobs. Some got it because they were scared because every possible authority or expert told them to be.
You only need one injection to be completely outcast and treated as lesser for life by some of you fucks, but minds change and information changes. Deaths weren't credibly shown anywhere these people could have seen it. Unlike us, normies do not let their lives revolve around this addiction to information we find ourselves in here.
this 'addiction to information' is exactly why Q CHOSE autists, maybe a lot of you here aren't on the spectrum. not sure; but we didn't have to justify & explain this much at voat. other anons just understood; we're in WAR, no time for 'feelings'
Also, Q has given us 5 years to prepare for this, so people Should be comfy by now, not chaotic and confused.
and yes, of course people can change their minds/that would be a good sign; that they HAVE a mind to change.
but many don't, they're 'empty' like the tares in the Bible. and probably why Thomas Jefferson chose to include that parable in his compararitvely short book; Jefferson Bible.
So how many more kids need to die to justify Johnny keeping his lights on? Because the people who you are speaking on the behalf of, still lost their jobs, still died, still killed their kid. But thank God they kept that medical insurance. Some kids can never ever play the sport they love ever again, but thank God their parents bent the knee so the lights can stay on. Rather than remove them from the school and move (because thats really hard and id rather give my kid permanent heart damage than have to move). These are the people you defend and you pretend like theyre the victims. People like you are more concerned with keeping an open mind and an open heart that you actually blatantly ignore evil. Rather than call out objective evil. You'd rather turn into a politician and try to advocate on the behalf of the "accidently" evil.
Well I understand this, but that’s not my intent or where I’m coming from. I hate what so many people became as a result of this attack on the world (on either “side”). I fear for these people. I fear for the losses I potentially face (almost everyone I love). I want the TRUTH to finally become undeniable to the masses, so that WE THE PEOPLE can once again be unified against our common enemy instead of pitted against ourselves in a self destructive death spiral. I want HEALING of this planet, not further division and spite and tribalism. Maybe I’m naive.
I understand how bitter a pill it is to swallow, and I have to reeeaaallly get in touch with my spiritual side in order not to hate the ones who behaved this way (and out of every single person I know who got jabbed, only two belong in this category - all the rest simply believed the fear porn or were under coercion), but being effectively deceived and brainwashed by the masters of deception and brainwashing who control all the messaging is not a crime punishable by mass death and shouldn’t be seen as such IMO. And if it is, I lose my wife, my brother, my dad, most of my friends, all of my extended family. So instead of looking forward to that suicide-level devastation I pray for treatments/cures for the vaxxed.
Then we agree 100%. I have been overwhelmed with worry about the worst case scenario (death), and I’ve seen plenty of people cheering that on as “deserved because so stupid”. Reckoning and apologies, yes absolutely.
yep, or figure out that omicron = moronic. have no patience for people who aren't the least bit curious. especially when they can rattle off every detail of their latest TV show🙄
White pine needle tea. They need to learn a lesson, but also remember Christ. Could be a great redpill opportunity. We need as many on our side as we can get.
Both my ex and I taught our kids what it looks like to stand up in the face of tyranny. We will not bend, we will not break and we sure as hell WILL NOT be molded into your world views!
This can't really be applied to those who got vaxxed in the early days of its release when the only information we had was that covid was a killer and taking this vax was a heroic thing to do. That period didn't last long, but there are those people who fall into this category. I think the defining point is whether they got boosted. Not vaxxed myself, just my thoughts. One other thought is, I find it pretty incredible that the globalists would murder their own base of support. It doesn't seem like a good plan to convince your voters, representatives (professors, activists), and militant sectors (BLMantifa) to inject themselves with poison. Such crazy times we are living in, truly defies belief.
Not every vaccinated person took that side, and it was partially the push by the vaccinated against the mandates that helped us keep going.
Not one vaccinated person in my life, of which there are many, ever believed that anyone should get it against their will or better judgement. They didn't wish ill on the unvaccinated, they didn't try to lord over us. They just took their injection and went on with their lives, and I went on with mine.
By treating those people who stood by us despite not seeing it the same way we did as less than human, you are cheering on the depopulation agenda and that makes you a Godless heathen.
The job threat was tough. People depended on people with jobs. Wives, children, husbands. I made the right choice to fight it and hold out, but I’m not judging people who would lose everything if they lost their job. However, all of them likely wish they’d have fought a bit longer and harder. I agreed that they gave in too soon.
With how inflation has been rising? A lot of people losing their jobs as our government continues to destroy our economy?
It's clear that had they lost their job, they wouldn't be able to support their families. Many still did. Many unvaccinated who acted irreplaceable are too.
And some of them are just naive enough to trust their television sets, and thought they had to take the shots to stop the spread and keep themselves healthy.
Truth is often harsh.
^ Exactly this.
Be thankful that God spoke to you in whatever way to prevent you from taking the shot.
But understand He didn't do that for YOU!
He did it so YOU can be used to reach OTHERS and bring them to HIM.
Be thankful - and use it.
BTW - I get that it is very easy to be angry in this - I have dealt with that and I still deal with that - thankfully to a lesser degree now.
But I still get pissed when my family members, whom I want to look to with respect, don't care to research anything for themselves - or after having hours of discussion with me and my wife - hearing all of the data that we point them towards, still, in that moment of fear - run to the "trusted authorities" despite everything they seemed to be finally understanding...
I get it.
But that does not mean you just throw them in the garbage and go admire yourself in the mirror.
God gives some people insight, discernment, spiritual awareness, etc. for different times. You got it for this time for this reason - and that is not to hold it to yourself and feel special about it.
Be thankful - and use it to reach others. Otherwise, you are burying your resources (Talents) in the ground. And we know how the master responded to that servant in the Bible...
Matthew 25
14 "Similarly, it is like a man going on a trip, who called his servants and turned his money over to them.
15 To one man he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, based on their ability. Then he went on his trip.
16 "The one who received five talents went out at once and invested them and earned five more.
17 In the same way, the one who had two talents earned two more.
18 But the one who received one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground, and buried his master's money.
19 "After a long time, the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them.
20 The one who had received five talents came up and brought five more talents. "Master,' he said, "you gave me five talents. See, I've earned five more talents.'
21 "His master told him, "Well done, good and trustworthy servant! Since you've been trustworthy with a small amount, I'll put you in charge of a large amount. Come and share your master's joy!'
22 "The one with two talents also came forward and said, "Master, you gave me two talents. See, I've earned two more talents.
23 "His master told him, "Well done, good and trustworthy servant! Since you've been trustworthy with a small amount, I'll put you in charge of a large amount. Come and share your master's joy!'
*24 "Then the one who had received one talent came forward and said, "Master, I knew that you were a hard man, harvesting where you haven't planted and gathering where you haven't scattered any seed.
25 Since I was afraid, I went off and hid your talent in the ground. Here, take what's yours!'
26 "His master answered him, "You evil and lazy servant! So you knew that I harvested where I haven't planted and gathered where I haven't scattered any seed?*
27 Then you should've invested my money with the bankers. When I returned, I would've received my money back with interest.'
28 Then the master said, "Take the talent from him and give it to the man who has the ten talents,
29 because to everyone who has something, more will be given, and he'll have more than enough. But from the person who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away from him.
30 Throw this useless servant into the darkness outside! In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'"
I would expect no less from a Paladin. Little lacking on the "angry", though.
LOL - I save my wings until the right time.
I don't look down on others who think differently than I do and who make choices I'd never make. But I do have healthy boundaries, which prevent me from getting bogged down in their drama and conflict, which I want nothing to do with.
Came here to say this, but you’ve already said it for me. Thank you. I have several family members and friends, who are vaccinated, I love them just as much as I did before. Christ tells us to love one another. This is the problem with the left and the right, they want to dig their heels in and command us, choose a side and cost division. I refuse to be a part of the uniparty.
Agree, almost everyone in my family got jabbed, I love them and they love me. I've tried to make them think twice before taking it but unfortunately they told me they "trust the science". The good thing is almost none took the booster after realising they all had covid after 2 jabs and I was and still am healthy, never got covid. Nobody wants to talk about jabs in my family anymore, I can see they are not happy for taking it, I can feel their pain. How can I now turn my back to my own family? Tell them I have nothing to do with you? This isn't the way to be, I am sorry, I disagree with this post, quite strongly.
Also, there's shedding, apparently, so the OP's argument is not valid.
As Christians we should believe that all can be forgiven through the blood of Christ. But they must be repentant and see the error of their ways. That is what we are here for. Once they realize their grave mistake, we lead them to Truth. God is merciful and understands our weaknesses. It is why He gave us the greatest gift in His Son Jesus.
80%? Where do you get that number? Gaslighting bullshit.
Look it up where? CDC? FDA? CNN? Lol look it up.
I agee with most of this, but there is one distinction I would like to make. There are plenty of people in this world, especially non-english speaking, older generationm who simply do not have the ability to research on their own and figure out if they are being lied to. If their doctor tells them this is a good thing to take, they do it.
I really cannot hold these people in the same category as the others.
Some people live simple lives and aren't up with all the things happening. Not everyone goes online. My wife is from the Philippines, and few of the people there are aware about what's going on in the world. Hard to worry when you feed 8 people on 7 bucks a day. I tried to wake a few people up there when I lived there.
I also know a few good people here who took the vaccine early on. All I can do is pray for them, and hope they can detox or they got placebo.
The older generation should benefit from the wisdom that came with being lied to for decades. It’s the young people, the “wet behind the ears” that don’t know better. They have no reason to believe that big institutions lie all the time. Old people know how the world works, and have a better handle on institutional deceit, than young people. Having said that, naïveté knows no age. Some people are born dumb and stay dumb.
Old people are glued to the mainstream media, and represent a large portion of their audience.
Many aren't aware they're being lied to,.and end up being too stubborn to realize it.
Many of those old people have no alternative source of information. My 85 year old mother, who gets all of her news from the television and still has a newspaper subscription, is one of them. She could not comprehend that the vax was a control mechanism, even though ironically, she had been reading a book that analyzed how the ordinary German population complied with Nazi policies.
My caveat is this: There were people who took the shot for the sake of others. They were not sheep, they were not cattle, and it wasn't
mah this, mah that
Which implies a self-centered, self-concerned focus (and in very many cases, probably rightly so).
Fully awake, at one point I myself, living in crazy lockdown central of crazy nation of crazy planet, reflected on whether I might have to take one for the team, for the family, where none were injected, but the prospect of being unable to travel, shop, gain even basic living needs might require accepting the poison pill.
If someone needed to do it, then better I than my young adult children, who have their entire lives to live, n'est pas?
Gratefully, that dark shadow passed, but at the time.....
Indeed, this has not been a black or white issue. Our eyes should open fully to all kinds of hardships endured by common people, of various stages of awake/asleep.
Agreed (and I might speculate that the one person who downvoted my comment has no conception at all what the people of Danistan lived through during 2020/2021).
I agree. Absolutely
How is this reply related to the point Imade?
Calling people traitors for being vaccinated is such a hot take that I hope you enjoy the hellfire for turning on so many of your fellow humans and casting them aside like that.
Your constant association with every vaccinated person as "violent" shows your hand, that you are not a man (or woman) of God.
God gave us free will to improve ourselves.
God gave us free will to invent technology.
Perhaps you should go find some plains to live on, without shelter. Because shelter is the innovation of humans. Maybe you should throw your phone into the ocean, because God gave us a voice to talk to each other directly.
No? What's that? Not willing to live without shelter, without electricity, without your phone?
Don't preach about "trying to piss in God's face" when that wasn't anywhere on anyone's mind, but you KNOW the Bible tells you to love your neighbor and are willfully throwing that to the wayside.
Not over the target at all. You are extolling the same eugenics mindset of our enemies, preaching that the weak deserve culling because they are weak or less intelligent. It is the doctrine of the antichrist and I want nothing to do with it.
did you read the Q drops, where Q tells us how STUPID the enemy is? or how EVIL they are? It's not eugenics to stand our ground/protect children from stupidity.
The enemy meant the perpetrators of this fraud, though, not the victims.
yes, but have to look at who's's not the conservatives.
So that should mean the people behind it, aren't liberal.
unless someone has a good explanation why the liberal vaccinated are dying/unvaxxed aren't?
who's benefitting in the end?
'Who' are the perpetrators?
Conservatives have died from the vaccine. To assume conservatives haven't taken the vaccine and aren't suffering from its effects is willful retardism.
We have a greater rate of unvaccinated, but many are still vaccinated. And many who were vaccinated have come over to our side after the fact.
not sure what your point is? doesn't make sense to argue with what Q has told us, repeatedly...
Not everyone sees those drops or believes in them.
This was an attack on the population from all avenues of attack, and to attack ourselves further does no good.
You are just cheering on the depopulation agenda at that point, and news flash: we're next.
agree^ think we're witnessing the separation of the wheat and the tares...
Not all vaccinated believed in the vaccines, and it's outlined in this very post.
God specifically tells you NOT to turn on your fellow man.
Blame the victims.
And always remember if you are being raped just lay back and enjoy it.
Many people that took the jab just prayed they would be alright, but not taking it meant abandoning responsibilites to feed, house, and clothe their families.
I see shit like that, and it makes me think the OP is some little single asshole that doesn't have a commitment in the world, and mommy and daddy to fall back on if shit goes bad. Grow the fuck up.
Yup. I don't believe in punching down. That's not what this movement is about. I can't blame someone for being brainwashed. I've been "awake" for nearly 18 years. That doesn't mean I don't learn something new and go deeper down the rabbit hole even within the past year.
As an Anarchist, I don't believe people should have to be politically aware. People shouldn't have to spend 5 hours a day digging into Q, deep state cabals, technocracy, transhumanism and what not. It's not realistic when people have full time jobs, children, friends, family, errands...etc.
I would rather people spent that time improving their lives rather than trying to change a system that is corrupt to the core when you could easily be led astray through controlled opposition. It's a full time job figuring this shit out and it's still nearly impossible and places you in a situation of perpetual powerlessness. This stress will shorten your life. Granted getting suckered into taking the jab has similar consequences. There are no solutions, only trade offs.
You are legitimately unhinged and fucking retarded.
You seriously think every vaccinated person are "monstrous enablers" and "violence promoters"
Do not pretend to follow God. Because you do not.
God's Will is almost certainly not you painting every single person you can find who got tricked as evil just because some actual evil people made you justly mad.
Joe down the street living paycheck to paycheck being threatened with losing his job as he tries to support his young children did not sell you out to our overlords, but you sure are selling him out.
I'm just trying to bring a little balance of perspective here.
There's a movie quote, "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."
I think this perfectly encapsulates Anarchism. When you're playing politics, you may as well walk into a casino and play Roulette. You're walking into their house and playing a game they invented. Good luck.
If you believe the solution to government is political, maybe you've been suckered into a false dichotomy? Maybe there are other perspectives, philosophies, and solutions that you'll never see talked about on ANY talk show.
I'm not protecting them. I would suggest we learn ways/skills to live outside their rule, at least partially. I know Anarchists who do just that. It's a lifestyle change, for sure. Thankfully, the internet helps.
My solution of asking people to disengage from politics and focus on their own lives would sap power away from the elite. Think about it. If people live empowered lives then they won't feel like a victim that needs big daddy. Also, people who vote are not fully informed. Nobody is fully informed. It's not possible. The "Get out the vote" campaign hinges on the uninformed coming out to vote. Government is a faith based institution.
Years ago, I was having a conversation with my wife, about the times we are presently in. And, I told her that one day she would have to choose a side, and remaining neutral, would be siding with evil, by default.
I have more commitments and responsibilities than most could possibly manage but didnt bend a knee. Major difference between being a actual victim and making a choice. Personal responsibility is what that is. Rape is against your will, forced. Losing a job because of threats and coercion is entirely different. Not even in the realm of analogical there.
Would you pull the trigger on a loaded revolver to your head or lose insurance or job or whatever the threat was? Being grown up is being and taking responsibility for personal choices. Cant fulfill commitments if you're dead or physically impaired, irreparably injured.
The weak are always going to be making excuses to justify their weak behavior. Arguing with them is pointless.
The injections are literally poison, killing people slowly in a variety of ways. That is reality.
People either refused to take the poison, or make excuses to justify their decision to take the poison. End of the day, none of the excuses matter. Dead is dead.
People either refused to take the poison, or make excuses to justify their decision to take the poison, or they did neither because your false dichotomy doesn't reflect reality.
I think experiments like this are necessary for the deep state. It gives them an idea of what percent of the global population is ready for the mark of the beast.
Not really, it meant they'd have to find another way to feed, house and clothe their families
There are other jobs, did they even try looking? Did they even offer ANY resistance at all?
Yeah maybe it won't be such a prestigious company, maybe it won't be such a prestigious position, maybe the salary won't be as high and the family will have to adapt.
It's not easy, but it's a choice, and it takes courage to make it, they didn't have it.
To me it shows a lack of awareness. Simple as that.
My internet Mentor Tai Lopez always used to say, Awareness is the number 1 ingredient to success. I would agree.
Gonna have to disagree here. My dad has cancer. My mother is a nurse practitioner. In order to keep getting his treatments and not drown in medical debt, they needed insurance. She didn't want it, but to keep that insurance, she had to take the first 2.
So fuck off.
Eta: GAW should stop extolling the virtues of God. Not a good look considering some of you.
GA is becoming a grounds for dumb assery.
I'll leave it at that.
I mean if you take a step back, listen to how they refer to themselves now.
High and mighty.
Instead of actually red pilling, they circle jerk on a forum.
They ban those who question things.
Post topics about how much cooler they are than others, or more awake or blessed or intelligent or whatever fucking term you wish to put here.
And this is the retarded shit I'm talking about.
Not new here, this account is a year old and my other one I lost is around 2 years old.
Creepy_Ginger n case you wonder.
Also, what? Everyone that questions is a newfag, doomer, shill, whatever fuck word you make yourself special?
I'm not even Christian, I'm the type of KID that belives most religion are here to pacify you.
God isn't going to favor one kind over another.
This is a conversation about us and Not God anyways, keep on track boomer.
Bunch of smooth brain internet tough guys is what it's turning into.
Why can't we find 1 person who isn't jabbed or plagued by personal/emotional turmoil who disagree? Your stance comes down to "well you are right but MY SITUATION was different". Hey buddy, my entire fucking household lost their jobs. Nobody feels sorry for you. Stop trying to use your mom to Virtue Signal for the fucking jab of all things.
I'm not virtue signaling for the jab you fucking moron, I'm calling out op and this stupid 4chan post pretending like life isn't fucking complicated at all and is just black and white.
Fuck off prick
As a matter of fact, Q isn't much better than the DS in this regard, allowing this shit to happen, and giving the normies they wanna wake up a Hobson's choice like this. Maybe they really are just sitting on all they have because they like the power too.
Will they continue his insurance if she dies?
Truth can hurt but it still needs to said.
“He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” ― Thomas Paine
Such a smug and simple minded and heartless answer to what was for so many, an impossible dilemma. Don’t bend the knee and lose your means to feed your family. Don’t bend the knee and lose your means to keep the lights on. Don’t bend the knee and lose your medical insurance. No. This isn’t “over the target”. We are the sheepdogs…we do our best to fight off and eliminate the wolves; we don’t blame the sheep when the wolves overpower them in highly coordinated and sophisticated attacks.
really? so these people were all trying their 'best' but still have no idea people are dying? do they not notice or pay attention? how is blindly believing doing their 'best'?
people have really lowered the bar on what it means to be a citizen in America.
People can't change their mind after being vaccinated? Some got it early because they saw how the wind was blowing and after Trump "lost", knew they needed to ensure that they kept their jobs. Some got it because they were scared because every possible authority or expert told them to be.
You only need one injection to be completely outcast and treated as lesser for life by some of you fucks, but minds change and information changes. Deaths weren't credibly shown anywhere these people could have seen it. Unlike us, normies do not let their lives revolve around this addiction to information we find ourselves in here.
this 'addiction to information' is exactly why Q CHOSE autists, maybe a lot of you here aren't on the spectrum. not sure; but we didn't have to justify & explain this much at voat. other anons just understood; we're in WAR, no time for 'feelings'
"be the autists"
Also, Q has given us 5 years to prepare for this, so people Should be comfy by now, not chaotic and confused.
and yes, of course people can change their minds/that would be a good sign; that they HAVE a mind to change.
but many don't, they're 'empty' like the tares in the Bible. and probably why Thomas Jefferson chose to include that parable in his compararitvely short book; Jefferson Bible.
So how many more kids need to die to justify Johnny keeping his lights on? Because the people who you are speaking on the behalf of, still lost their jobs, still died, still killed their kid. But thank God they kept that medical insurance. Some kids can never ever play the sport they love ever again, but thank God their parents bent the knee so the lights can stay on. Rather than remove them from the school and move (because thats really hard and id rather give my kid permanent heart damage than have to move). These are the people you defend and you pretend like theyre the victims. People like you are more concerned with keeping an open mind and an open heart that you actually blatantly ignore evil. Rather than call out objective evil. You'd rather turn into a politician and try to advocate on the behalf of the "accidently" evil.
Well I understand this, but that’s not my intent or where I’m coming from. I hate what so many people became as a result of this attack on the world (on either “side”). I fear for these people. I fear for the losses I potentially face (almost everyone I love). I want the TRUTH to finally become undeniable to the masses, so that WE THE PEOPLE can once again be unified against our common enemy instead of pitted against ourselves in a self destructive death spiral. I want HEALING of this planet, not further division and spite and tribalism. Maybe I’m naive.
I understand how bitter a pill it is to swallow, and I have to reeeaaallly get in touch with my spiritual side in order not to hate the ones who behaved this way (and out of every single person I know who got jabbed, only two belong in this category - all the rest simply believed the fear porn or were under coercion), but being effectively deceived and brainwashed by the masters of deception and brainwashing who control all the messaging is not a crime punishable by mass death and shouldn’t be seen as such IMO. And if it is, I lose my wife, my brother, my dad, most of my friends, all of my extended family. So instead of looking forward to that suicide-level devastation I pray for treatments/cures for the vaxxed.
Then we agree 100%. I have been overwhelmed with worry about the worst case scenario (death), and I’ve seen plenty of people cheering that on as “deserved because so stupid”. Reckoning and apologies, yes absolutely.
God bless you and yours right back, fren :)
yep, or figure out that omicron = moronic. have no patience for people who aren't the least bit curious. especially when they can rattle off every detail of their latest TV show🙄
Was this event the sowing of tares amongst the wheat?
White pine needle tea. They need to learn a lesson, but also remember Christ. Could be a great redpill opportunity. We need as many on our side as we can get.
Hopefully, they get a second chance. A harsh lesson it is.
In war, information war or military war, one mast take the position of "would I want them in a fox hole with me behind enemy lines."
This summarizes my beliefs as well. Very well said.
I disagree with not being friends with the easily coerced, I will be friends with whomever I fucking please.
Both my ex and I taught our kids what it looks like to stand up in the face of tyranny. We will not bend, we will not break and we sure as hell WILL NOT be molded into your world views!
Perfect song for how I feel👉🏻 enter text
Exactly! You have a price and can be bought. The only knee you should bend to is Jesus.
Wow, there are a lot of high and mighty people responding here.
This can't really be applied to those who got vaxxed in the early days of its release when the only information we had was that covid was a killer and taking this vax was a heroic thing to do. That period didn't last long, but there are those people who fall into this category. I think the defining point is whether they got boosted. Not vaxxed myself, just my thoughts. One other thought is, I find it pretty incredible that the globalists would murder their own base of support. It doesn't seem like a good plan to convince your voters, representatives (professors, activists), and militant sectors (BLMantifa) to inject themselves with poison. Such crazy times we are living in, truly defies belief.
As far me, I refuse to coddle a group of people who sided with those who sought my destruction just because I didn't want a needle stuck in my arm.
These are the people who I wouldn't so much as piss on if they were on fire.
Not every vaccinated person took that side, and it was partially the push by the vaccinated against the mandates that helped us keep going.
Not one vaccinated person in my life, of which there are many, ever believed that anyone should get it against their will or better judgement. They didn't wish ill on the unvaccinated, they didn't try to lord over us. They just took their injection and went on with their lives, and I went on with mine.
By treating those people who stood by us despite not seeing it the same way we did as less than human, you are cheering on the depopulation agenda and that makes you a Godless heathen.
My wife had to have treatment for cancer. The hospital mandated she has the jab.
So tell me again why she was weak, stupid, or whatever.
Because there is ALWAYS a choice.
Integrity is Belief + Discipline. Character is Integrity + Wisdom.
Wisdom is gained through life experience. This is why elders used to be held so highly.
Best thing for them is to read the Bible. It makes one more aware of worldly powers.
A lot here need to reread the Bible instead of casting out their fellow man.
The job threat was tough. People depended on people with jobs. Wives, children, husbands. I made the right choice to fight it and hold out, but I’m not judging people who would lose everything if they lost their job. However, all of them likely wish they’d have fought a bit longer and harder. I agreed that they gave in too soon.
With how inflation has been rising? A lot of people losing their jobs as our government continues to destroy our economy?
It's clear that had they lost their job, they wouldn't be able to support their families. Many still did. Many unvaccinated who acted irreplaceable are too.
I wonder how the the author of this had to give up for not being vaxxed?
And some of them are just naive enough to trust their television sets, and thought they had to take the shots to stop the spread and keep themselves healthy.
This is the dumbest fucking thing ever printed.
Polio survivors
Absolute crap