Good point lol. It's weird that they preach diversity but really it seems they want everyone to eventually mix into one light brown colored one-world uni-race.
That'd be a good one. Make them believe they're responsible for their conditions by convincing them they didn't "sheeple" enough (i.e., didn't comply as much or in as timely a manner as they were commanded). (You just know it'd work flawlessly with many of them.)
Another fool who believes everything a politician tells him, he deserves every bad thing coming his way, the smug asshole.
He is now enjoying the karmic results of his malice towards all those who were right about covid all along and refused to be poisoned.
This is just the start, give it a year and those with now vaccine-destroyed immune systems will be dropping like flies from stuff medicine has never seen before in humans.
They did not take it to protect anyone, or because they believed it would help, or because they needed it for the job and thought it would help prevent them from being fired.
They took it because they wanted to signal their virtues, stick it to the "anti vaxxing" conservatives and, most importantly to them, lord over everyone who didn't take it.
So, Mr. White. Maybe the vaxed should be in quarantine so they do not shed on the pure bloods. After all it is those who took the Covid shot who are coming down with Covid and full of clots. Will blood thinners even break up these clots or will more develop, as fast as the blood thinner breaks up the present ones until you succumb to a pulmonary embolism, heart attack, or aortic aneurysm?
GOOGLE CHANGED THE STORY: When Whale's health issues went viral in the UK, it was reported as a vaccine injury. Now, if you Google it within the UK, the story is he's dying of terminal cancer that was diagnosed two years ago. All traces of vaccine injury have been scrubbed from the top results of Google and replaced by fake narratives.
"Trust the science", man. It's because the jabs REALLY only work to protect OTHERS (ex. grandma), and THAT (i.e., the protection given to the nonjabbed by the mudbloods' jabs) is precisely why purebloods are so healthy.
YOU, not being jabbed, (and, of course, Orange Man Bad) are the cause of his illness/suffering because you were not a good, obedient sheeple and did not do your moral duty to get jabbed to protect others .
He has stage 4 kidney cancer, so can't really be much worse.
He's still a big mouthed cunt, tho. His tweets are the typical UK bullshit about solving the problems on the micro. No mention of crypto-Jewish uniparty controlled by pedophiles.
Thanks for playing here is your coffin trophy you ass hole
This shouldn't have make me laugh but it did. I worry about myself.
Yeah but don’t you understand? The reason he got those blood clots is because I never got the vaccine shot.
It's an all or nothing vaccine designed to unify 100% of Earth's population.
Unify? What happened to diversity?
Good point lol. It's weird that they preach diversity but really it seems they want everyone to eventually mix into one light brown colored one-world uni-race.
Greyer shades of’ll be wonderful.
say the color of a robot?...hey if the shade of gray fits the fittees listen and do personality...kek
Shut it down, they know!
Unifying BY diversifying. Get with the picture.
So it was YOU!….YOU SUCK! /Sarc off.
He's probably blaming the unvaxxed for his blood clots.
You're right. His clots are Trump's fault! LOL
Orange man bad!
I hear you. And soon they will be dead. It's just Sad, mary911. 😮💨
Trump Clots TM
All people need to display their true nature is money or power.
We've got to start building better people.
Build back better people
Just one more little thin mint…
It is,,, wafer thin.
Mr Creosote?
If he could just connect the clots he'd get to the vax as the cause.
Its not so easy getting thru to cult victims
He's always been a whale sized asshoe
But, not for much longer.
He is proving my theory that in many cases the injections are a self-correcting problem...
Dark, fren. But also accurate.
"These blood clots seem like a problem that could be cleared up by making sure you're current on your boosters."
That'd be a good one. Make them believe they're responsible for their conditions by convincing them they didn't "sheeple" enough (i.e., didn't comply as much or in as timely a manner as they were commanded). (You just know it'd work flawlessly with many of them.)
Also this will have the effect of us hearing far fewer complaints, over time.
The problem can "take care of itself".
Another fool who believes everything a politician tells him, he deserves every bad thing coming his way, the smug asshole.
He is now enjoying the karmic results of his malice towards all those who were right about covid all along and refused to be poisoned.
This is just the start, give it a year and those with now vaccine-destroyed immune systems will be dropping like flies from stuff medicine has never seen before in humans.
“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.” ― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick or, the Whale
Check that one out:
Steve in comments. lol
People like this are the ones who deserve it.
They did not take it to protect anyone, or because they believed it would help, or because they needed it for the job and thought it would help prevent them from being fired.
They took it because they wanted to signal their virtues, stick it to the "anti vaxxing" conservatives and, most importantly to them, lord over everyone who didn't take it.
So, Mr. White. Maybe the vaxed should be in quarantine so they do not shed on the pure bloods. After all it is those who took the Covid shot who are coming down with Covid and full of clots. Will blood thinners even break up these clots or will more develop, as fast as the blood thinner breaks up the present ones until you succumb to a pulmonary embolism, heart attack, or aortic aneurysm?
Blood thinners don't do anything to these clots cuz they're technically not blood clots, they're clots made of weird white colored material.
I would imagine someone has put a piece of that under a microscope to see what it's made of.
GOOGLE CHANGED THE STORY: When Whale's health issues went viral in the UK, it was reported as a vaccine injury. Now, if you Google it within the UK, the story is he's dying of terminal cancer that was diagnosed two years ago. All traces of vaccine injury have been scrubbed from the top results of Google and replaced by fake narratives.
I find these Schadenfreude comments quite funny. Am I a horrible person?
Karma can be a bitch.
If the vaccines work then he's safe. Right? So why the fuss?
"Trust the science", man. It's because the jabs REALLY only work to protect OTHERS (ex. grandma), and THAT (i.e., the protection given to the nonjabbed by the mudbloods' jabs) is precisely why purebloods are so healthy.
YOU, not being jabbed, (and, of course, Orange Man Bad) are the cause of his illness/suffering because you were not a good, obedient sheeple and did not do your moral duty to get jabbed to protect others .
Clown world
Probably have him on coumadin... Rat poison.
Very apropos
Forgot your password?!
Are we best friends?
LOL what a piece of shit. I hope he suffers greatly.
This is the type of trash people here keep saying we need to forgive. Nah
I have this in response
God won't be mocked mouthy fuck.
Wow, write much..?
Oh how I love karma.
I hope your virtue signalling like a retard was worth it. Attention is the currency of these dumb fucks, in the name of soyience.
Dumb's gonna do what Dumb's gonna do.......
Can we assume his doctors are baffled?
This applies to this faggot:
Another booster should do it. The heard keeps getting stronger.
...and a skull full of feces.
He grateful for could be worse
He has stage 4 kidney cancer, so can't really be much worse.
He's still a big mouthed cunt, tho. His tweets are the typical UK bullshit about solving the problems on the micro. No mention of crypto-Jewish uniparty controlled by pedophiles.
They know, shut it down!
Comments to the Tweet about the jab are numerous. He's probably still in denial though.
Probably angry at the messenger and ignoring the message
Intubate him and give him remdesivir.
Dr. Kevorkian enters the chat.
So funny he went to jail for what Gates and Fauci do daily.
Doctors Baffled
He’s still baffled