I know it isn't obvi, but these sick assholes make plans on top of plans, inside of other plans, with extra contingencies, and then wrap shit up in an onion of cryptic communications....
Then when they meet, they really get to it, just looking for ways to kill off all the other humans....
It's almost as if as Children, they never had any Friends and the only way they know how to participate in Society is in a Psychotic Murderous way....
According to Miles Mathis, what our Sun is doing (as measured by daily sunspot activity) is highly influenced by what the planets in our solar system are doing. This is especially true for the gas giants. On 2/2/2020, Miles Mathis posted a paper that predicted the current solar cycle would see a peak in average monthly sunspots of around 200 on 1/1/23. He predicted this peak would be followed by another peak of around 250 on 1/1/27. The NASA prediction for this solar cycle is vague with a peak that is way below either of these Miles Mathis predictions.
Current sunspot counts are tracking much closer to the MM predictions than NASA's. You might find this paper, and others by Miles Mathis interesting: http://milesmathis.com/goody.pdf
He also said that its not possible for aircraft to fly inverted despite knowing about angle of attack. He went on to say that there are 5 different theories of flight and that no one really knows how aircraft fly.
Bro the sun has been going nuts lately. Solar cycle 24 was one of the lowest-activity cycles ever measured, and Solar cycle 25 is already peaking in intensity, to reach maximum around October 2023.
An interesting fact about the Sun: as the Sun reaches the extremes of its solar cycle, the rate of intensity change increases greatly, which is where CME's and solar flares are most common (at peaks) and where it is most likely for the Sun's magnetic field to reconstitute itself into a more unstable field for the next cycle. (at troughs)
It's strange. All the scientists in the world can't figure out why the Sun's gravitational field becomes more unstable towards the end of the solar cycle, when most of the magnetic tension is relieved. Only something guided by God's hand could do that.
You would be amazed at how far removed and compartmentalized entire fields of Science are into 'Royal Societies'. Most of our astronomy knowledge comes from blackboxes that spit out data, not dad and son's playing around with a telescope.
Donβt be a NASA denier bro. The cabal infiltrated every single organization but mysteriously left NASA alone to be pure and uncorrupted. Anyone who questions NASA should be censored on all social media and booted out of the banking system or something. This has nothing to do with Klaus Schwab announcing worldwide power outages and Cyber Polygon at the WEF. Donβt be a polygon denier bro.
You will understand immediately why the books were preserved by being transcribed on corrosion resistant bronze plates and why the Catholic Church worked so hard to destroy all the evidence
Don't trust me, trust God and his word. The firmament is the foundation of the material universe, not a bubble barrier in the sky
Is it off base to say that it seems that most scientists don't totally understand how and why the Sun does what it does? Seems to me that's not an unfair characterization.
With so many brilliant minds working on this question, could it be that the frustration is due to an incorrect, or incomplete Solar model?
Are you familiar with the theory of the 'Electric Sun'? Prof. Donald Scott has done some excellent work on the model
Is it off base to say that it seems that most scientists don't totally understand how and why the Sun does what it does?
I think it's fair to say that most scientists don't totally understand how ANYTHING in nature works.
When I was a sophomore in high school my class was informed by our physics teacher that everything about physics that could be known was known. That's when I knew I was being taught by a doofus.
I was taught in school that my car runs on decomposed dinosaur bones (makes suggestive wanking hand gesture) and that the end was nigh because of a giant hole in the ozone layer (again, a wanking gesture).
More like anticlimactic change because 25 years later I'm still here wondering "is this it? Very disappointing" because everyone told me growing up that my house would be underwater and all the rest of the buildings and trees would be melted due to sulfuric acid rain.
checks Great Barrier Reef
Oh, interesting! It's at its best state it's been in decades. Guess all those celebrities are getting beachfront houses so they can marvel at its glory!
Wouldn't it seem likely that we've burned up all the dinosaur bones that ever existed? I like James McCanney's explanation better. Hydrocarbons in the ground derived from the tail of a comet that Earth passed through. The bible described it as Brimstone.
I had a friend in HS that was worried that when we got older there wouldn't be any new music as all the songs will have been already discovered. Don't know why your doofus teacher reminded me of that, but it did.
Of all the celestial objects, the Sun (and stars in general) are the most mysterious. Somehow, billions if years ago, hydrogen-poor supernova remnant gas formed a ball of hydrogen which exploded to life as a ball of blazingly hot plasma, cooked by the neverending cycle of fusion. And somehow, hydrogen plasma, despite having few magnetic properties, has created a magnetic field extending to light-years away.
Within all of this, unknown forces divide and stretch the magnetic lines and form sunspots, which create flares and CMEs. None of this is well understood. Scientists have spent billions trying to learn about the forces if nature, and have discovered little. Nobody knows how Gravity works, only that it is and does.
Trust the science! And NASA! I honestly canβt believe grown ups still blindly believe this corrupt gov agency. Letβs keep paying those scientists billions! Basic common sense is lacking here. Please research this lie. Itβs embarrassing.
Elon is waking people up to that nonsense too. He is building and launching 2 different types of reusable rockets (soon to be 3) in what, 10 years, when NASA has been at this since the early 60s?! and all their shit is uber expensive and thrown away at each launch.
Is there still a sun? I have only caught glimpses of it in the last 6-12 months. Its either cloudy, hazy, rainy or foggy. If there's a blue streak in the sky its got a plane trail through it for about a half hour. Then its all clouds. This is barely being exaggerated for East TN. Vitamin D is in extreme shortage.
If I never see the sun how could this possibly affect me??? /s
God has been demonstrating His power through wind, earthquakes, unusual events, Egypt type plagues etc so that when He finishes off the cabal in short order very soon, the whole earth will realize nothing but God could have saved the righteous from the wicked ... and then the whole earth will be filled with His glory and we will know a brave new world!!
I can't wait for everyone here to discover the next big lie, that gravity does not run the Universe but electromagnetism does. This means no need for magical black holes and dark matter, just dust, plasma and electrical charges. Red shift is a lie, galaxies birth new ones and are not just one off entities that slowest die, oh and the sun is powered externally by Birkland currents, not a nuclear furnace that will run out. The Thunderbolts Project on youtube is a good place to gather info about the true universe.
So just wonderingβ¦all the information you know or get about the sunβ¦where does that information come from? Is that your personal understanding? Do you have a large telescope in your backyard? 48 years on this planet and not one day has passed when I said, that must have been a sun burst. I just have questions. Please let me know. Seems lots like 1969, we landed on the moon.
Don't mean to make you nervous I think we will be in the clear - however we are entering the Solar Maximum and will be potentially be dodging a bunch of flares and CMEs over the rest of the cycle, about a year or so.
Solar storms are a non-issue as they are unpredictable.
It's a misdirection, look up Randel Carlson and Graham Hancock. You wanna talk about a reset, think no one will remember your global civilization reset. 12,800 years ago, the earth ran through the stellar debris in the Taurid meteor stream causing a cataclysm that erased almost an entire era of human habitation on this planet.
Helped with religions and governments after, they burned of the library of Alexandria, defaced and destroyed ancient monuments and generally misattribution of existing structures(that couldn't be destroyed) belonging to those who re-inhabited the areas, along with "science" dogmatically teaching a provably false history of human habitation on this planet. Why, I guess the cabal wants us to believe we are the first technological civilization, and accepting that a reset happened, would be opening up the question of if it could happen again.
Some time ago, a 65 page document was declassified relating to the matter, but it cites a pole shift as the cause, though they only guess, or maybe another misdirection.
It all depends of where it touches down, with a bit of luck it could take out some very important servers such as Aladdin. Or on top of Davos just kill off a few monsters fitted with pacemakers
Would be similar to the Carrington Event - not saying this one would be but that was a big X Class CME, which are rare but not impossibly rare. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event
The activity of the sun has far more effect on our climate and global temps than anything we humans have ever done. We are like flies on this planet.
if they find out different they will simply change the definition of planet. Worked for 'vaccine' and 'recession'.
And racism.
And Pluto.
Is there a shot for that already?
Even just a Unicron head floating around in space is scary.
The sun heats up the Earth? Thatβs crazy talk, your racist somehow for some reason I canβt explain.
Probably very accurate. And what our Sun is doing is determined by what the galaxy around us is doing.
I think it's a cover for Klaus's ""Cyber Attack""....
The cabal might use it as cover for a communications blackout, but solar storms are a very real threat to civilization.
I know it isn't obvi, but these sick assholes make plans on top of plans, inside of other plans, with extra contingencies, and then wrap shit up in an onion of cryptic communications....
Then when they meet, they really get to it, just looking for ways to kill off all the other humans....
It's almost as if as Children, they never had any Friends and the only way they know how to participate in Society is in a Psychotic Murderous way....
According to Miles Mathis, what our Sun is doing (as measured by daily sunspot activity) is highly influenced by what the planets in our solar system are doing. This is especially true for the gas giants. On 2/2/2020, Miles Mathis posted a paper that predicted the current solar cycle would see a peak in average monthly sunspots of around 200 on 1/1/23. He predicted this peak would be followed by another peak of around 250 on 1/1/27. The NASA prediction for this solar cycle is vague with a peak that is way below either of these Miles Mathis predictions.
Current sunspot counts are tracking much closer to the MM predictions than NASA's. You might find this paper, and others by Miles Mathis interesting: http://milesmathis.com/goody.pdf
He also said that its not possible for aircraft to fly inverted despite knowing about angle of attack. He went on to say that there are 5 different theories of flight and that no one really knows how aircraft fly.
Miles theory on the Tate/ LA Bianca murders is what Dave@X22 calls very interesting.
So more Climate Change deaths lol
Let's watch the "CLIMATE EXPERTS" have fits on the weather patterns changing!!!!! Going to love sticking it too them!!!!!!
Bro the sun has been going nuts lately. Solar cycle 24 was one of the lowest-activity cycles ever measured, and Solar cycle 25 is already peaking in intensity, to reach maximum around October 2023.
An interesting fact about the Sun: as the Sun reaches the extremes of its solar cycle, the rate of intensity change increases greatly, which is where CME's and solar flares are most common (at peaks) and where it is most likely for the Sun's magnetic field to reconstitute itself into a more unstable field for the next cycle. (at troughs)
It's strange. All the scientists in the world can't figure out why the Sun's gravitational field becomes more unstable towards the end of the solar cycle, when most of the magnetic tension is relieved. Only something guided by God's hand could do that.
Is it really the sun? Or is it just manipulated data to give the illusion we're about to see a magnetic storm?
WEF planned to shut off our internet
this exactly
Break out your tech and take your own measurements.
You would be amazed at how far removed and compartmentalized entire fields of Science are into 'Royal Societies'. Most of our astronomy knowledge comes from blackboxes that spit out data, not dad and son's playing around with a telescope.
...and much doesn't. Break out your own tech and take your own measurements.
Your lack of awareness of how contemporary Science is performed promotes Dogmatic Faith in Scienceβ’
Stop being a lazy bitch and take your own measurements.
Donβt be a NASA denier bro. The cabal infiltrated every single organization but mysteriously left NASA alone to be pure and uncorrupted. Anyone who questions NASA should be censored on all social media and booted out of the banking system or something. This has nothing to do with Klaus Schwab announcing worldwide power outages and Cyber Polygon at the WEF. Donβt be a polygon denier bro.
You need to read the Kolbrin
You will understand immediately why the books were preserved by being transcribed on corrosion resistant bronze plates and why the Catholic Church worked so hard to destroy all the evidence
Don't trust me, trust God and his word. The firmament is the foundation of the material universe, not a bubble barrier in the sky
Why does the atmosphere thin the further up you go?
Oh you almost got me crafty troll I actually almost replied to that.
Good one lol.
Totally agree.
Is it off base to say that it seems that most scientists don't totally understand how and why the Sun does what it does? Seems to me that's not an unfair characterization.
With so many brilliant minds working on this question, could it be that the frustration is due to an incorrect, or incomplete Solar model?
Are you familiar with the theory of the 'Electric Sun'? Prof. Donald Scott has done some excellent work on the model
I think it's fair to say that most scientists don't totally understand how ANYTHING in nature works.
When I was a sophomore in high school my class was informed by our physics teacher that everything about physics that could be known was known. That's when I knew I was being taught by a doofus.
I was taught in school that my car runs on decomposed dinosaur bones (makes suggestive wanking hand gesture) and that the end was nigh because of a giant hole in the ozone layer (again, a wanking gesture).
More like anticlimactic change because 25 years later I'm still here wondering "is this it? Very disappointing" because everyone told me growing up that my house would be underwater and all the rest of the buildings and trees would be melted due to sulfuric acid rain.
checks Great Barrier Reef
Oh, interesting! It's at its best state it's been in decades. Guess all those celebrities are getting beachfront houses so they can marvel at its glory!
Ooo does that mean I can bust out my Aqua Net hair spray again?πΈ
This thread made me laugh even though I haven't had power to my house in 2 weeks!
I have a can of Aqua Net in my cabinet. Still (fairly) cheap & still works, even though that aerosol is killing the ozone layer!
You can make oil with pressure. Crazy insane like its the lubricant under the continental plates type of depth but its hardly non renewable
Wouldn't it seem likely that we've burned up all the dinosaur bones that ever existed? I like James McCanney's explanation better. Hydrocarbons in the ground derived from the tail of a comet that Earth passed through. The bible described it as Brimstone.
100%. But you should trust the science, you anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-clot shot racist bigot. /s
Bro the science is settled. Cause thats how science works.
I had a friend in HS that was worried that when we got older there wouldn't be any new music as all the songs will have been already discovered. Don't know why your doofus teacher reminded me of that, but it did.
Makes sense to me...similar points of view, just on different topics.
Hooooooly shit lol
When you leave God out of the equation, nothing makes sense.
Of all the celestial objects, the Sun (and stars in general) are the most mysterious. Somehow, billions if years ago, hydrogen-poor supernova remnant gas formed a ball of hydrogen which exploded to life as a ball of blazingly hot plasma, cooked by the neverending cycle of fusion. And somehow, hydrogen plasma, despite having few magnetic properties, has created a magnetic field extending to light-years away.
Within all of this, unknown forces divide and stretch the magnetic lines and form sunspots, which create flares and CMEs. None of this is well understood. Scientists have spent billions trying to learn about the forces if nature, and have discovered little. Nobody knows how Gravity works, only that it is and does.
Here's a fun playlist you might enjoy - the Thunderbolts Project, Welcome to the Electric Universe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9brYReflH3A&list=PLwOAYhBuU3UfgHHzUZ-Ss4CY_YWIu39Nu
That? Far too glib and hermetic.
Yeah, that's where all those billions of dollars go. Towards "science".
Trust the science! And NASA! I honestly canβt believe grown ups still blindly believe this corrupt gov agency. Letβs keep paying those scientists billions! Basic common sense is lacking here. Please research this lie. Itβs embarrassing.
Elon is waking people up to that nonsense too. He is building and launching 2 different types of reusable rockets (soon to be 3) in what, 10 years, when NASA has been at this since the early 60s?! and all their shit is uber expensive and thrown away at each launch.
NASA gets - what? - something like $80 million dollars every single day?
Audit the FED?
How about Audit NASA?
The sun is an exotic vacuum object, or it could be uncountable numbers of very small EVO's.
I've followed the Thunderbolts project and the works of Ben Davidson. I'm quite familiar with the electric sun theory
I've heard this once per year for like 20 years. It's like an annual Y2K.
Its an exotic vacuum object.
Chuck Schumer said that it is a
Coronal mass erection
Stop inciting an erection!
Tinfoil me thinks this is the cyber blackout. Moass inc
Hedgies r fuk
Link to original video - he does a daily update, worth bookmarking and seems to fit in well here on GAW: https://youtu.be/eYr538ewgOA
I'd love to see flat-earthers explain THIS one.
Everything will be fine. Always is.
But, but, Pravda has said over and over again that driving an SUV has more of an effect on the Earth's climate than that giant ball of fire ever will.
Is there still a sun? I have only caught glimpses of it in the last 6-12 months. Its either cloudy, hazy, rainy or foggy. If there's a blue streak in the sky its got a plane trail through it for about a half hour. Then its all clouds. This is barely being exaggerated for East TN. Vitamin D is in extreme shortage.
If I never see the sun how could this possibly affect me??? /s
Ball earth is a lie.
NASA are LIARS and mods posting this shit know they're sowing division.
Just another excuse to scare the populace. "Give us more money or die!" - NASA
God has been demonstrating His power through wind, earthquakes, unusual events, Egypt type plagues etc so that when He finishes off the cabal in short order very soon, the whole earth will realize nothing but God could have saved the righteous from the wicked ... and then the whole earth will be filled with His glory and we will know a brave new world!!
I can't wait for everyone here to discover the next big lie, that gravity does not run the Universe but electromagnetism does. This means no need for magical black holes and dark matter, just dust, plasma and electrical charges. Red shift is a lie, galaxies birth new ones and are not just one off entities that slowest die, oh and the sun is powered externally by Birkland currents, not a nuclear furnace that will run out. The Thunderbolts Project on youtube is a good place to gather info about the true universe.
So just wonderingβ¦all the information you know or get about the sunβ¦where does that information come from? Is that your personal understanding? Do you have a large telescope in your backyard? 48 years on this planet and not one day has passed when I said, that must have been a sun burst. I just have questions. Please let me know. Seems lots like 1969, we landed on the moon.
Spaceweather.com and their YouTube channel has been speaking the truth and the future is going to be very rough.
Eyes open - no fear.
New stuff to be terrified of for the sheeple.
Good. I'm due for another colossal mass ejaculation.
A bullshit excuse to cut power?
So weird I randomly watched the film Knowing tonight about a CME destroying earth having no idea about this
Don't mean to make you nervous I think we will be in the clear - however we are entering the Solar Maximum and will be potentially be dodging a bunch of flares and CMEs over the rest of the cycle, about a year or so.
The end of that movie killed the rest of it.
I've heard this thing several times the past few years, nothing ever happens
Huh, might this be related to the "prediction" by WEF clown Schwab and why he is not attending Davos?
It looks like a frowny sad face.
i see George soros.
Based on the second link, we should be in the clear this time. I wonder what clipping that one will do - eyes open!
It does sound like we are just at the start of the active solar cycle, so it's worth keeping it in mind as we get into the summer etc..
Nice link - just like the lower graph. Thanks!
For anyone who wants to learn more.
Solar storms are a non-issue as they are unpredictable.
It's a misdirection, look up Randel Carlson and Graham Hancock. You wanna talk about a reset, think no one will remember your global civilization reset. 12,800 years ago, the earth ran through the stellar debris in the Taurid meteor stream causing a cataclysm that erased almost an entire era of human habitation on this planet.
Helped with religions and governments after, they burned of the library of Alexandria, defaced and destroyed ancient monuments and generally misattribution of existing structures(that couldn't be destroyed) belonging to those who re-inhabited the areas, along with "science" dogmatically teaching a provably false history of human habitation on this planet. Why, I guess the cabal wants us to believe we are the first technological civilization, and accepting that a reset happened, would be opening up the question of if it could happen again.
Some time ago, a 65 page document was declassified relating to the matter, but it cites a pole shift as the cause, though they only guess, or maybe another misdirection.
Thing is, I'm not worried about this.
Beetlejuice went supernova, that is coming too
Well said!
Sounds like this one won't be the 'big one' but it's worth keeping an eye on
It all depends of where it touches down, with a bit of luck it could take out some very important servers such as Aladdin. Or on top of Davos just kill off a few monsters fitted with pacemakers
Would be similar to the Carrington Event - not saying this one would be but that was a big X Class CME, which are rare but not impossibly rare. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event