That right there. Regardless of anything else, he never forced it. Businesses did, schools did, sports orgs did etc. When putting something into your body, you don't just blindly listen to a person and obey, you use discernment and you pray.
Also Trump had no way of knowing it was safe because there wasn't time to do adequate testing. NO ONE had that knowledge, not Fauci, not the W.H.O., not the F.D.A., not the Pharmas.
NO ONE could tell you it was "safe."
I mean they did SAY that, but no one could be sure.
It was the main reason I didn't take it. It was impossible to know.
You can't really defend it, because we don't really know why he promoted it.
We think we know, but that then gets lumped into the 'Q conspiracy' box and I suspect you wanted to provide information without referencing 'The Plan'.
edit: Just for clarity, my guess at this part of the plan is that the alternative would have been much worse. I don't see Trump setting out to hurt people, but he might have had to compromise in order to direct a specific outcome which harmed less people than would otherwise have been the case.
However this is hypothesis and we don't have proof - yet.
If Trump couldn’t even get people to go along with HCQ, how could he ever get people to go along with a “the vax is poison” narrative? All that would have done is drive the establishment and the left further into their mandatory vax position, and made it much more difficult for the people who didn’t want it to not take it. By staying essentially neutral (aligning with th status quo), he removed himself from the equation and allowed many anti-Trumpers to resist the vax alongside ourselves.
I think the best argument is free will and free choice. Additionally, Trump promoted our personal freedoms and was pointing out that we trust science and we need to be critical thinkers. Has Trump ever been dumped yep and I know he said if he lost it all, who would be around. I know I am paraphrasing but he also supported hand washing and common sense and NOT to be fearful of living our lives. Sorry, I don't have the videos but I know someone else does. I have found with many who feared losing their jobs and took it have " buyers remorse" after being so ill. I have always said I support everyone's making their own choice and my personal immunity and that in the three years, I haven't gotten COVID and didn't get the jab. So many at my work, have woken up and refused to get any boosters and regret their decision to follow the crowd and not think for themselves
He appointed RFK Jr to investigate the safety of vaccines the day he was inaugurated. Kennedy hit a brick wall ad could not get any information from anybody during his attempted investigation.
It’s not just that he actively “hushed” people and basically told them to shut up at the Bill O’Reilly onstage interview when they booed him for promoting it.
This is war, people die in wars. Trump had a choice, promote a vaccine that would end the lockdown or face having the country locked down for YEARS. The latter would have been MUCH worse.
With the help of podcasters "Just Human" and "Burning Bright", I'm starting to see Trump with a different bend. Trump has said he is there to take the slings and arrows. And he certainly has. He and his family also have a long history of working with the fbi (with his hotels, etc..). What if he was put there (like this community claims) to take all this abuse, in order to normalize this sort of oversight on the formally untouchables like Obama/biden/bush/clinton gang. What if taking the slings and arrows on a rushed vaccine is part of the deal? I mean..."Operation Warp Speed" as a name has always struck me as a comically stupid name for a medical injection to try to put in every human's arm in the world. In other words, perhaps Trump is falling on his sword so that these globalist health institutions will in the future have better oversight?
He got us out of lockdowns and didn't support any mandates. He has to keep up appearances while everyone figures this out for themselves. As soon as the danger is made public Trump will stop.
I think it's purely optics and some sort of strategy
Also remember that this pandemic was pre planned and was meant to last 10-15 years, Operation Warpspeed rapidly accelerated the timeline in which the inoculators had less time to plan, and rehearse and also had to react to people like us calling them out every stop along the way. I know there’s a better way to articulate this thought, if anyone wants to add to this be my guest
This also exposed the evil of Big Pharma, the medical complex, the AMA, AAP, ANA, medical journals, the media, FEMA, FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, UN, etc. It sets the stage to demand justice and defunding. It opens the minds of the citizenry to research, question and not accept on blind faith. It opens parental minds to question giving any future vaccines to their children. It exposed the corruption of our schools and school boards-they too are puppets of the government.
It also showed that there is a strong correlation of vaxxes being used to cull and cause damage to human beings as early as they are infants. When the media started to push SADs it is clear that the concept of SiDs is meant to cover up huge crimes against humanity.
I wouldn't do it the same as a new mom with what I have learned in the past 3 years. Already have turned it around. My kids due for meningitis vaccine but I don't intend to move forward on that. The what ifs haunt me but I trust the Lord and His design for our immune system Over that of man and his design.
It basically was an emergency break applied while the car was going at full speed. The sudden stop forced a lot of people to wake up from the NPC brainwashing propaganda.
he could not stop it. pushing the vaccine made the left go on record saying they would not take a trump vaccine. then they had to turn around and own it. it was the only play he had. pushing them made them to eat every bit of what they did and are doing to us. he had to be one of us. he had to be lied to like all the rest of us.
it is a simple idea to think he had any other choice. they managed to shut down the entire world with the media and branch covidians. it wasn't just America. if trump said the vaccines were poison you would have had 10 other world leaders saying they weren't. (because that is what they did and still are doing)
there are no words in language he could have said that was going to stop it. but he took control of the narrative planted the seeds of reality. we are dealing with some of the most evil people to ever exist. the end will not be for everyone. its incumbent upon us to hold everyone of those mf accountable.
Yes I can explain. There is a lesson to be learned here. It doesn't matter what Trump or any other leader says, if you don't do your own homework you're just being a fool. I'm sorry for all those who took it; they exhibited leader worship whether they realize it or not. I am responsible for myself and my choices. Not a leader. Only the strong will survive. I had to really process this and its so sad.
This is the truth 100%. We also learned that rules and laws with the plandemic can be bent or broken on a sheer whim and are not grounded with reality. Also, I feel like we have to go back to a spiritual center like trusting in God for example because these human rules and laws failed us during the plandemic. A lot of people reverted to an animalistic state instead of being guided by principles laid down by Jesus Christ long ago.
I agree. This whole experience has turned so many to God… including me. Never had much faith before but that has all changed. I pray for my friends and family daily for them to be healed.
Btw, saw where there could be a correlation between ppl that have taken the flu shot for many many years and were more likely to get the clot shot without question. Maybe something to that. My wife’s BFF is married to a nurse therefore got the flu shot annually. They were all on board with the clot shot and couldn’t believe we were against it.
Yes, I saw studies regarding covid and the genes of certain groups.
But even as I have a lot of studies the last years regarding the rona, with these studies I fail to comprehend the content. I go blank while reading, it confuses me and can not conclude about what I read - very weird.
But perhaps somebody else finds something and reports about it.
I saw something about how either the clot shot or Rona affects different blood types differently too. Can’t remember if it was both or one. I’m O+, not vaxxed and haven’t gotten sick since before the vid started and am in public all the time. Not even a cold.
Had Trump been anti-vax, then the whole vax debate would be further confused by whether you are pro or anti Trump. He took himself out of the argument.
I just say I don’t agree with 100% of everything Trump says. It proves you’re not a robot just blindly listening to him and you’re thinking for yourself.
Precisely we do not follow blindly and this is all much greater than President Trump with the fight against the DS/globalists. With what we have seen go down with the plandemic and theft of elections worldwide it is clear as day this is not solved easily overnight or with just one man (eg President Trump, ).
If Trump ---who came out with the HCQ and other remedies had gone against the vaccine, every Covid death would have been blamed on him. This is what I was told and it is believable. He never PUSHED them.
If Trump went against the narrative, they could have taken it to the extreme with political attacks and alignment. They would have used Trump's denial of COVID and naysaying on the vaxx as an argument to force it. Trump's "Warp Speed" program was designed to rapidly roll out the vaccines (which I think we developed and produced in advance of "COVID")... and furthermore, I don't even think COVID is real. Or ever was. I think they WANTED to launch a virus, but it was intercepted and the entire scamdemic was the most $$$$ PR campaign ever produced.
If it wasn't for Trump caving to the fake narrative and speeding up the vaccines under Warp Speed, he would have never gotten it under the EUA. It would have all been fully authorized and approved on a slower time table, and then mandated. All while we were locked down.
So, while it seems counterintuitive, Trump "Red October'd" their COVID BS against them and prevented endless lockdowns + a mandated vaccine that would have killed 10x more people by now.
Sad to say, but, I think this was his only play. Just my $0.02 opinion.
Following anyone blindly is hard to defend. Many a test were designed to push the faithful to the edge. I believe this was one of those times. I love Trump, but he does not do my thinking for me.
Having a “quick” solution in the form of a vaccine helped us avoid pandemic lockdowns that would have lasted decades. Look at us 3 years later, people are still clinging to masks and going for multiples of boosters.
These vaccines were already manufactured and waiting in the sidelines. Think about how long it would take to manufacture and bottle (under sterile conditions) the billions of doses it would take to inoculate the world. The deception was that this bio weapon was stockpiled. Warp speed, IMO, was an operation to get the cabal to move play their hand before it’s time.
There isn’t a good answer for your friends mom. It truly is that she should think for herself. Question everything means exactly that.
Imagine the outcome if 95% of the modern world refused. Now imagine if that same 95% stopped accepting the lies of these assholes and got involved in the governance of their lives?
Pray for the world to move towards the light and to stand up!
It sped up their plans so they were rushed, and it was / is noticeable. They were going to “slow the spread” as long as possible, to keep the c19 as the main culprit. Now that there is a physical reason, people caught on quickly, disrupting the entire genocidal process.
Trump: ""You have to understand, there are the pros and cons," said Trump. "Some reports [say] that it's the greatest thing that's ever happened and we saved tens of millions of lives. Then you'll read other reports [that] say there were some problems with the vaccine...but relatively small numbers."
"But you know, you have many reports that say the vaccines save tens of millions of lives," he continued. "That without the vaccines you would have had a thing...where perhaps 100 million people died."
What if he is right? What would have happened, if he had warned about the poison? We know what happened to us!
Don't we know that some batches were different? That some have no problems after the vaxx, others have?
We hear all the reports of 'injuries' and 'died suddenly', but what if the vaxxes were o.k. for 80%? Do we have the final numbers?
We should do some digging what this "warp speed" really meant in detail, whether 'good' batches are connected to special production facilities.
Also there were several reports about medical staff giving only saline soution vaccinations. (German nurse with 5.000 'faulty' vaccinations). How many of such reports were there, worldwide?
My wife works in healthcare so basically had to get it. She said she trusted getting it because of Trump saying it was one of his greatest accomplishments.
Perhaps at the time there was a plan to vaccinate with harmless normal saline shots, but something went awry? Trump did say it is your choice. The deep state shot him down on alternatives: hydrochloroquine, chlorine dioxide, light therapy. And guess what, it turns out they are all helpful, anti-infectives. Trump also wanted people to do their own research, not simply follow the government, hospital, doctor and media directives.
I do not bother defending Trump, I defend freedom of choice on the matter, only. If Trump said to jump off a bridge, I would tell him to fuck off too. I voted for Trump and will do so again as long as his stance remains Freedom to choose for myself if I want to put poison in my body or not, including vax, smoking, junk food.
People KNOW that junk food is poison but, still eat it, same thing IMO. The problem is that, "everyone" keeps pushing Vax and "safe and effective" and refusing to even have the known side effects printed on the insert that anyone getting vax can read for themselves before taking it or not, they have silenced people who had loved ones who died from it, people injured from it and you get NO assistance if you are injured. WAY too many people who took it because it was promoted as helping the world are now unable to work and live normal lives and are being told to shut up and sit down, YOU DONT MATTER.
Trump said to.....then why aren't we all vaxed? Reminds me of this: if all your friends jump off the bridge, you gonna jump too? At what point are people responsible for their own choices?
If you look into the stats based on the amount of shots delivered vs the amount of shots the companies said they previously could make… It seems likely a high percentage of the first batch with placebos. This is why they needed to push for the boosters (which I never heard Trump speak hopefully about).
Also people need to realize that before any of this Covid stuff Trump was two things. He was vocal about big pharma being a money grabbing machine that put profits over people. And Trump had been a “right to try” guy way before any of the Covid bs. He leaned towards people deserved the right to decide if their situation warrants taking a risk. For the first round of the jab, people should have had the attitude the it’d only be worthwhile risk to consider for a 85+ year olds who were stuck in crowded nursing homes.
And lastly, they would have strong armed way more people into way worst situations if it wasn’t rushed out before they had all the time they wanted to perfect their evil plan.
I've always figured he knew the vax had been ready to go long before covid.
There was no "getting it out in record time." It was sitting there waiting for the start of things.
Bad actors wouldn't release the vax for 3-5 years after the start of covid and they would keep the world as their hostage the entire time. So he disrupted their plan.
It seems like a band aid "slow versus quick pull" kind of thing.
Warp Speed is a wargamed, game theory, cold calculation of potential outcomes. I believe the Q team knows exactly what resources were at the Cabal’s disposal, and took a cold hard look at potential mortality figures. Consider the possibility that the jab injuries and deaths will be less than the mortality of the other potential threats/bio weapons the black-hats at their disposal prior to 2020. By allowing the cabal to go full-tilt on the vax agenda, it allowed for us to exercise free-will and discernment. Individually. That would not have been the case with an Ebola, Marburg, or global thermo-nuclear war.
It was a crap sandwich, but at least we got to chose weather or not to take a bite.
Trump may have had to support this course of action, lest the bad guys drop a more lethal hammer.
they were entirely prepared for him to resist. anything he could have done to fight it had already been prepared for by our enemies. they weren't prepared for him to slam the pedal to the floor. --it's like that moment in a movie when the hostage being forced to drive speeds up and crashes the car.
they had a roadmap for the other path. nazi germany. a little at a time. just a little more. don't want to disappoint your neighbors and family. there is a reason this statement exists:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Trump didn’t mandate it, didn’t force it, nor use coercion. Gave us his opinion and let us use free will and free choice.
This...and total lockdown for years would be the end of life as we know it, and in the end, with a vaccine that was much more efficient.
That right there. Regardless of anything else, he never forced it. Businesses did, schools did, sports orgs did etc. When putting something into your body, you don't just blindly listen to a person and obey, you use discernment and you pray.
Also Trump had no way of knowing it was safe because there wasn't time to do adequate testing. NO ONE had that knowledge, not Fauci, not the W.H.O., not the F.D.A., not the Pharmas.
NO ONE could tell you it was "safe."
I mean they did SAY that, but no one could be sure.
It was the main reason I didn't take it. It was impossible to know.
Exactly what I say as well. The low IQ look I get is precious.
You can't really defend it, because we don't really know why he promoted it.
We think we know, but that then gets lumped into the 'Q conspiracy' box and I suspect you wanted to provide information without referencing 'The Plan'.
edit: Just for clarity, my guess at this part of the plan is that the alternative would have been much worse. I don't see Trump setting out to hurt people, but he might have had to compromise in order to direct a specific outcome which harmed less people than would otherwise have been the case.
However this is hypothesis and we don't have proof - yet.
If Trump couldn’t even get people to go along with HCQ, how could he ever get people to go along with a “the vax is poison” narrative? All that would have done is drive the establishment and the left further into their mandatory vax position, and made it much more difficult for the people who didn’t want it to not take it. By staying essentially neutral (aligning with th status quo), he removed himself from the equation and allowed many anti-Trumpers to resist the vax alongside ourselves.
I don't disagree, it's certainly a possibility.
I don’t know a single anti trumper that resisted the vax lol
I think the best argument is free will and free choice. Additionally, Trump promoted our personal freedoms and was pointing out that we trust science and we need to be critical thinkers. Has Trump ever been dumped yep and I know he said if he lost it all, who would be around. I know I am paraphrasing but he also supported hand washing and common sense and NOT to be fearful of living our lives. Sorry, I don't have the videos but I know someone else does. I have found with many who feared losing their jobs and took it have " buyers remorse" after being so ill. I have always said I support everyone's making their own choice and my personal immunity and that in the three years, I haven't gotten COVID and didn't get the jab. So many at my work, have woken up and refused to get any boosters and regret their decision to follow the crowd and not think for themselves
I just wish he would have hooked up with Robert Kennedy Jr. Evidently there were talks but nothing became of them.
He appointed RFK Jr to investigate the safety of vaccines the day he was inaugurated. Kennedy hit a brick wall ad could not get any information from anybody during his attempted investigation.
It’s not just that he actively “hushed” people and basically told them to shut up at the Bill O’Reilly onstage interview when they booed him for promoting it.
This is war, people die in wars. Trump had a choice, promote a vaccine that would end the lockdown or face having the country locked down for YEARS. The latter would have been MUCH worse.
With the help of podcasters "Just Human" and "Burning Bright", I'm starting to see Trump with a different bend. Trump has said he is there to take the slings and arrows. And he certainly has. He and his family also have a long history of working with the fbi (with his hotels, etc..). What if he was put there (like this community claims) to take all this abuse, in order to normalize this sort of oversight on the formally untouchables like Obama/biden/bush/clinton gang. What if taking the slings and arrows on a rushed vaccine is part of the deal? I mean..."Operation Warp Speed" as a name has always struck me as a comically stupid name for a medical injection to try to put in every human's arm in the world. In other words, perhaps Trump is falling on his sword so that these globalist health institutions will in the future have better oversight?
Yep. Operation “warp speed” did it for me.
He got us out of lockdowns and didn't support any mandates. He has to keep up appearances while everyone figures this out for themselves. As soon as the danger is made public Trump will stop.
I think it's purely optics and some sort of strategy
Also remember that this pandemic was pre planned and was meant to last 10-15 years, Operation Warpspeed rapidly accelerated the timeline in which the inoculators had less time to plan, and rehearse and also had to react to people like us calling them out every stop along the way. I know there’s a better way to articulate this thought, if anyone wants to add to this be my guest
This also exposed the evil of Big Pharma, the medical complex, the AMA, AAP, ANA, medical journals, the media, FEMA, FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, UN, etc. It sets the stage to demand justice and defunding. It opens the minds of the citizenry to research, question and not accept on blind faith. It opens parental minds to question giving any future vaccines to their children. It exposed the corruption of our schools and school boards-they too are puppets of the government.
It also showed that there is a strong correlation of vaxxes being used to cull and cause damage to human beings as early as they are infants. When the media started to push SADs it is clear that the concept of SiDs is meant to cover up huge crimes against humanity.
Exactly. I do not believe any childhood vaccines are good.
I wouldn't do it the same as a new mom with what I have learned in the past 3 years. Already have turned it around. My kids due for meningitis vaccine but I don't intend to move forward on that. The what ifs haunt me but I trust the Lord and His design for our immune system Over that of man and his design.
Exactly. Great decision!
It basically was an emergency break applied while the car was going at full speed. The sudden stop forced a lot of people to wake up from the NPC brainwashing propaganda.
he could not stop it. pushing the vaccine made the left go on record saying they would not take a trump vaccine. then they had to turn around and own it. it was the only play he had. pushing them made them to eat every bit of what they did and are doing to us. he had to be one of us. he had to be lied to like all the rest of us. it is a simple idea to think he had any other choice. they managed to shut down the entire world with the media and branch covidians. it wasn't just America. if trump said the vaccines were poison you would have had 10 other world leaders saying they weren't. (because that is what they did and still are doing)
there are no words in language he could have said that was going to stop it. but he took control of the narrative planted the seeds of reality. we are dealing with some of the most evil people to ever exist. the end will not be for everyone. its incumbent upon us to hold everyone of those mf accountable.
Well said!
Yes I can explain. There is a lesson to be learned here. It doesn't matter what Trump or any other leader says, if you don't do your own homework you're just being a fool. I'm sorry for all those who took it; they exhibited leader worship whether they realize it or not. I am responsible for myself and my choices. Not a leader. Only the strong will survive. I had to really process this and its so sad.
This is the truth 100%. We also learned that rules and laws with the plandemic can be bent or broken on a sheer whim and are not grounded with reality. Also, I feel like we have to go back to a spiritual center like trusting in God for example because these human rules and laws failed us during the plandemic. A lot of people reverted to an animalistic state instead of being guided by principles laid down by Jesus Christ long ago.
I agree. This whole experience has turned so many to God… including me. Never had much faith before but that has all changed. I pray for my friends and family daily for them to be healed.
Btw, saw where there could be a correlation between ppl that have taken the flu shot for many many years and were more likely to get the clot shot without question. Maybe something to that. My wife’s BFF is married to a nurse therefore got the flu shot annually. They were all on board with the clot shot and couldn’t believe we were against it.
Yes, I saw studies regarding covid and the genes of certain groups.
But even as I have a lot of studies the last years regarding the rona, with these studies I fail to comprehend the content. I go blank while reading, it confuses me and can not conclude about what I read - very weird.
But perhaps somebody else finds something and reports about it.
I saw something about how either the clot shot or Rona affects different blood types differently too. Can’t remember if it was both or one. I’m O+, not vaxxed and haven’t gotten sick since before the vid started and am in public all the time. Not even a cold.
That's interesting about the effects on different blood types; had not heard that. I wonder where my blood type fits in.
Thank you all for all the great comments. I love this board.
He did not have the data and kept promoting therapeutics, whole no ine else would. MSM said all the meds don't work and are dangerous.
I'd tell this person our problem is the MSM, to the point of putting citizens in danger.
Oh, tell this person you won't remind them that Trump made Pence Covid Czar.
Had Trump been anti-vax, then the whole vax debate would be further confused by whether you are pro or anti Trump. He took himself out of the argument.
Great perspective
Free will and free choice. Don't be a dummy sheep follower.
I just say I don’t agree with 100% of everything Trump says. It proves you’re not a robot just blindly listening to him and you’re thinking for yourself.
Trump promoting the vaxx is a good way to show we as his supporters don't do everything he says, dispite the msm narrative that claims otherwise
Precisely we do not follow blindly and this is all much greater than President Trump with the fight against the DS/globalists. With what we have seen go down with the plandemic and theft of elections worldwide it is clear as day this is not solved easily overnight or with just one man (eg President Trump, ).
If Trump ---who came out with the HCQ and other remedies had gone against the vaccine, every Covid death would have been blamed on him. This is what I was told and it is believable. He never PUSHED them.
If Trump went against the narrative, they could have taken it to the extreme with political attacks and alignment. They would have used Trump's denial of COVID and naysaying on the vaxx as an argument to force it. Trump's "Warp Speed" program was designed to rapidly roll out the vaccines (which I think we developed and produced in advance of "COVID")... and furthermore, I don't even think COVID is real. Or ever was. I think they WANTED to launch a virus, but it was intercepted and the entire scamdemic was the most $$$$ PR campaign ever produced.
If it wasn't for Trump caving to the fake narrative and speeding up the vaccines under Warp Speed, he would have never gotten it under the EUA. It would have all been fully authorized and approved on a slower time table, and then mandated. All while we were locked down.
So, while it seems counterintuitive, Trump "Red October'd" their COVID BS against them and prevented endless lockdowns + a mandated vaccine that would have killed 10x more people by now.
Sad to say, but, I think this was his only play. Just my $0.02 opinion.
Meanwhile "definitely not a shill" beating the dead fn horse for the 40th time with the exact same question
Following anyone blindly is hard to defend. Many a test were designed to push the faithful to the edge. I believe this was one of those times. I love Trump, but he does not do my thinking for me.
Having a “quick” solution in the form of a vaccine helped us avoid pandemic lockdowns that would have lasted decades. Look at us 3 years later, people are still clinging to masks and going for multiples of boosters.
These vaccines were already manufactured and waiting in the sidelines. Think about how long it would take to manufacture and bottle (under sterile conditions) the billions of doses it would take to inoculate the world. The deception was that this bio weapon was stockpiled. Warp speed, IMO, was an operation to get the cabal to move play their hand before it’s time.
There isn’t a good answer for your friends mom. It truly is that she should think for herself. Question everything means exactly that.
Imagine the outcome if 95% of the modern world refused. Now imagine if that same 95% stopped accepting the lies of these assholes and got involved in the governance of their lives?
Pray for the world to move towards the light and to stand up!
It sped up their plans so they were rushed, and it was / is noticeable. They were going to “slow the spread” as long as possible, to keep the c19 as the main culprit. Now that there is a physical reason, people caught on quickly, disrupting the entire genocidal process.
I just commented this in another post, but here with your question I should have placed it:
The other post was regarding this article (msm!!!)
From the article:
Trump: ""You have to understand, there are the pros and cons," said Trump. "Some reports [say] that it's the greatest thing that's ever happened and we saved tens of millions of lives. Then you'll read other reports [that] say there were some problems with the vaccine...but relatively small numbers."
"But you know, you have many reports that say the vaccines save tens of millions of lives," he continued. "That without the vaccines you would have had a thing...where perhaps 100 million people died." What if he is right? What would have happened, if he had warned about the poison? We know what happened to us!
Don't we know that some batches were different? That some have no problems after the vaxx, others have?
We hear all the reports of 'injuries' and 'died suddenly', but what if the vaxxes were o.k. for 80%? Do we have the final numbers?
We should do some digging what this "warp speed" really meant in detail, whether 'good' batches are connected to special production facilities.
Also there were several reports about medical staff giving only saline soution vaccinations. (German nurse with 5.000 'faulty' vaccinations). How many of such reports were there, worldwide?
My wife works in healthcare so basically had to get it. She said she trusted getting it because of Trump saying it was one of his greatest accomplishments.
Perhaps at the time there was a plan to vaccinate with harmless normal saline shots, but something went awry? Trump did say it is your choice. The deep state shot him down on alternatives: hydrochloroquine, chlorine dioxide, light therapy. And guess what, it turns out they are all helpful, anti-infectives. Trump also wanted people to do their own research, not simply follow the government, hospital, doctor and media directives.
There is nothing to defend.
I do not bother defending Trump, I defend freedom of choice on the matter, only. If Trump said to jump off a bridge, I would tell him to fuck off too. I voted for Trump and will do so again as long as his stance remains Freedom to choose for myself if I want to put poison in my body or not, including vax, smoking, junk food. People KNOW that junk food is poison but, still eat it, same thing IMO. The problem is that, "everyone" keeps pushing Vax and "safe and effective" and refusing to even have the known side effects printed on the insert that anyone getting vax can read for themselves before taking it or not, they have silenced people who had loved ones who died from it, people injured from it and you get NO assistance if you are injured. WAY too many people who took it because it was promoted as helping the world are now unable to work and live normal lives and are being told to shut up and sit down, YOU DONT MATTER.
Trump said to.....then why aren't we all vaxed? Reminds me of this: if all your friends jump off the bridge, you gonna jump too? At what point are people responsible for their own choices?
I think Trump wants to stay neutral now and let people come to their own conclusions
The people on the other side would never see it as bad if Trump said it was
Its like what has been repeated many times here
“People have to see for themselves”
If you look into the stats based on the amount of shots delivered vs the amount of shots the companies said they previously could make… It seems likely a high percentage of the first batch with placebos. This is why they needed to push for the boosters (which I never heard Trump speak hopefully about).
Also people need to realize that before any of this Covid stuff Trump was two things. He was vocal about big pharma being a money grabbing machine that put profits over people. And Trump had been a “right to try” guy way before any of the Covid bs. He leaned towards people deserved the right to decide if their situation warrants taking a risk. For the first round of the jab, people should have had the attitude the it’d only be worthwhile risk to consider for a 85+ year olds who were stuck in crowded nursing homes.
And lastly, they would have strong armed way more people into way worst situations if it wasn’t rushed out before they had all the time they wanted to perfect their evil plan.
I haven’t read one comment on this thread just gonna drop this… President Trump did tweet 26 👈🏼 times about therapeutics!!!!
"It had to be this way."
I've always figured he knew the vax had been ready to go long before covid.
There was no "getting it out in record time." It was sitting there waiting for the start of things.
Bad actors wouldn't release the vax for 3-5 years after the start of covid and they would keep the world as their hostage the entire time. So he disrupted their plan.
It seems like a band aid "slow versus quick pull" kind of thing.
The quick pull betting the lesser evil.
Just a theory.
Warp Speed is a wargamed, game theory, cold calculation of potential outcomes. I believe the Q team knows exactly what resources were at the Cabal’s disposal, and took a cold hard look at potential mortality figures. Consider the possibility that the jab injuries and deaths will be less than the mortality of the other potential threats/bio weapons the black-hats at their disposal prior to 2020. By allowing the cabal to go full-tilt on the vax agenda, it allowed for us to exercise free-will and discernment. Individually. That would not have been the case with an Ebola, Marburg, or global thermo-nuclear war. It was a crap sandwich, but at least we got to chose weather or not to take a bite. Trump may have had to support this course of action, lest the bad guys drop a more lethal hammer.
they were entirely prepared for him to resist. anything he could have done to fight it had already been prepared for by our enemies. they weren't prepared for him to slam the pedal to the floor. --it's like that moment in a movie when the hostage being forced to drive speeds up and crashes the car.
they had a roadmap for the other path. nazi germany. a little at a time. just a little more. don't want to disappoint your neighbors and family. there is a reason this statement exists:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller
Without Trump's vaccine we would still be under strict lockdowns.