Many got downright THRILLED and GIDDY at the prospect of a new lower class being introduced, the lowest of the low, who would have no rights whatsoever because they were selfish and didn't take the sounded great that this is newer lower class was going to be permenantly beneath and the worst part for them is they actually believed it. All I had to do was say NO. Some will have genuine remorse, others will be upset that the new lowest class was not placed beneath them as promised.
It's just sad we even have to think about this. It's sad how messed up this has made the world and how we all interact with each other. RIP to all the good innocent normies that were led astray by the bad shepherds.
Her, i feel bad for. I hear what you're saying about their superiority complex. The ones I dislike are the proud ignorant, who said "I don't care what's in it, i don't want to know what's in it. I'm just going to take it so we can back to normal." (There's one in particular I'm thinking of and I can't find the clip) And then pretended like people thinking critically were the fools and were holding everyone back. Those ones can kiss my ass.
Well, the smarter of us knew it was a ploy, not based on “good.” Everyone should have stopped trusting ten years before they did. Death is a tough consequence for ignorance.
The only ones I feel bad for are those who did some research and asked for doctor's advice, felt somewhat hesitant about it all but still figured it was better than NOT getting the jab.
I'm not talking about the pro-jab people. I'm talking about the folks who quietly made their own personal decision, and now they regret it.
Like, they tried. They just failed. They got bad information, bad research, bad advice. So their risk assessment led to the wrong conclusion. Happens all the time, in business and everything else.
Best case scenario, they'll have no side effects. Worst case, it may have cost them their health and their lives.
If you put it in your kids though, and weren't beyond-a-reasonable-doubt certain the danger was worth the risk, you're an irresponsible parent. My sympathy goes to your kids instead of you.
I never got it, and haven't been sick since before the pandemic (Covid, nor anything really).
Everyone else I know got it, and so far and just about everyone (maybe with the exception of a single person), has got sick in some way or another, whether that be covid (50-75% of them), or basic things like a cold or the flu.
On top of that, 1 person's having misc health issues, 1 person was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, my sister has had her period for 40+ days and is now severely anemic and on multiple medications (She didn't even want the shot to begin with, but is under 18 and was forced by my parents). I know one person who got covid 3 separate times, and another of his friends caught it 5x separate times.
I don't know of a single person who got it, was actually protected from the virus, and didn't get sick. I agree with you in the sense that the best-case scenario is not getting side effects from it.
I think that is an important point to make about the weaponisation of Good. Another one of the pieces of the puzzle clicked into place for me when I read your words.
For the past decade or so I have been confounded by the social media 'trend' of virtue-signalling, I am now wondering if that asinine, onanistic practice was celebrated and normalised as a key part of the depopulation plan. People very obediently progressed from adding:
"I stand with [[thing]]" and adding filters to their FB pages, to
posting images of themselves restraining their infants while poison was pumped into the arms of innocents (in a virtue-signalling way).
“For the past decade or so I have been confounded by the social media 'trend' of virtue-signalling, I am now wondering if that asinine, onanistic practice was celebrated and normalised as a key part of the depopulation plan. ”
Yes, it definitely was. An acute case would be the “refugees welcome” virtue signaling.
Agree. Not long ago I was one of the “fuk them, they get what they deserve”crowd, but I have tempered that substantially. We (ALL OF US) need to not ‘dance on their graves’. Many of them are literally walking dead. They are starting to wake up to that fact. I dont want the last words I speak to anyone be something smug or snarky. They are still human beings with families and friends. I personally now take solace in the fact that WE will eventually inherit most of their stuff. So … there is that.
Isn't lucifer/the devil/Satan/prince of lies supposed to be the deceiver?
I've see enough deceiving through the evil works of man that I've never been inclined to invoke a supernatural evil.
Lately though, I'm not so sure. It's like there is a King of Lies or Duke of Deception loose upon the cosmos. And not the ones in the D&d Monster Manual.
You can feel it. Practically taste it.
100% respect to people of faith. I don't know how you do it.
I think some people are in that perfect age group/environment where they've been gaslit and propagandized for so long that they don't think to question the "experts" and are real victims of being lied to. They just have never thought to question those in authority until now. It's gotta be a hard pill to swallow when your health is totally compromised.
Some older people I know who were in healthcare earlier in life are also propagandized in a similar way. The healthcare field was its’ own sham because of ongoing pharmaceutical fraud. We were taught to trust our doctors but many of them although smart in some ways, were just as deceived as the young people. When they play ads saying what all the bad side effects could be I have thought for years, how stupid do they think we are? And yet many just follow without question anyway.
Here’s the main problem: “I was led to believe.” Stop right there.
If people, anyone, any entity, government, religious organization, club, etc., lie to you, WHAT YOU DO NEXT IS IT UP TO YOU. She’s an adult. She offloaded her health onto a group that, she later learned, she couldn’t trust. She never required them to pass the trust test before she injected poison into herself. She acted first and now she’s asking questions later. She has it backwards.
I’ve wondered for the last couple of years how so much of the population has no general suspicion of groups acting in tyrannical fashion. Did they all grow up coddled, in completely safe environments that they’re so gullible, so naive, so wet behind the ears? Has no one ever done them wrong? Have they never been betrayed? Never been treated unfairly? Never been mugged? Never watched the news once in their lives? How have they made it to adulthood without a keen awareness that evil swirls around them at all times and in all places? How do they not have a shred of self-protection and self preservation? I would love to read a based sociologist’s take on this.
I sympathize with anyone who is vaccine-injured, but they made their own choice to be led to believe the vaccines were safe and effective. The information showing otherwise was publicly available but it took effort and awareness to find it and read it. These people trust authority implicitly and defer to it unquestioningly. They don't even try to think independently or analytically and want to be spoon fed information in sound bites. No one wanted to hear any explanations about what the 95% effective number really meant because they would have to think about numbers and arithmetic. This person wanted to virtue signal her hero status when she took the vaccine, and now she wants to shift the blame so that she can claim victim status. The picture showing her with her vaccine card shows her need for attention and approval.
I wonder this all the time. I think A LOT of it comes from the pharma drugs these people are all on. They seem to turn off any negative thoughts that could come from self analysis or something. All that goes in is football and dancing with the stars. Any logical thoughts go out the window
She's young and yet she got the vaccine in January. She mentions she has asthma and a heart condition. I guess this is why she got bumped up as a priority case.
Take a moment to consider what we all know now. These people who knew the vaccines would seriously injure and kill people, gave preferential treatment to young women like this who were already in poor health. That is an evilness beyond comprehension.
I was forced to take it after the gov ordered me fired a little over a year ago. I had a brief bout of bells palsy. A ringing/ pain in my ear for like 12 months or so and have high normal markers for clots. Fingers crossed that all the supplements I started taking a week before and continue to take to today. Fingers crossed, toes crossed
Without assholes like her lining up for the shots the gov would not have been able for force the poison on me.
I did and was fired. Unemployment was not allowed as gov declared vax refusal was a valid reason to fire you. Also my company didnt want to impose it, but the gov forced them. Yea I could have said no and packed the kids into the suv and lived under a bridge down by the river. You dont need a literal gun to the head to be forced. Also there was only like 5% unvaxed in my province. The gov had no problem fucking the last 5%. I figured death was better than ruining my families life. My kids and wife remain unpoisoned. Finally fuck you.
unfortunately yes. This country is turning into a complete shithole. castro Jr is destroying it and its full of cucks and cucks lite. Not too many real men left in canada. I feel like the odd one out here. I took part in the local freedom rallys, I donated to the truckers at gofundme and givegosend. My info was out after the hack of givegosend. I didnt give a shit about the threats from the cucks I got. But castro and freeland saying they were going to de-bank me freaked me out.
There are rainbow flags and stickers everywhere, the vast majority lined up for the shots and were smiles and happy to finally get them. I got chased out of so many stores because I refused to put on a face diaper (oh I have stories lol). Trudeau met with out premier and the next day mandates, masks and a vax passport was on the way. This country has very little going for it. My dream is to get the fuck out and move to a red state.
sorry but that's what you get for blindly injecting yourself with a substance because the TV said you should and doing zero basic research into the people making this stuff.
I am very sad for the sufferings as a result of these shots. My niece, who took the shots as a work requirement, just miscarried a very much wanted baby. I wonder if she will realize the harm she has done to her body.
They had asthma and congenital heart disease, and now they are saying the vaccine ruined their "healthy body"? Doesn't sound that healthy to begin with...
Elon should buy Reddit, next. He’ll probably find far deeper conspiracies against humanity, America and Earth, on that platform. Perhaps, he’ll uncover more info about the death of Aaron Swartz, too.
Other questions which could be answered: How deep is China’s spy network & influence on Reddit, exactly? Reddit has a crazy high population of NPCs, so, if Reddit has a bot network, how deep and sophisticated is Reddit’s bot network? How far did Reddit execs go to cover-up all known/unknown conspiracies?
Elon could easily afford Reddit’s parent company; it may be another waste of billions of dollars, but the inside info could be priceless, and that platform obviously needs some sunlight/disinfectant.
Obviously, Reddit needs an exorcism, too, but, for some crazy reason, I doubt Elon is capable of going that far.
I never took the vax. I took 1 covid test for work in 2021. I hope that didnt have the mrna on it. My blood pressure has been terrible. If I drink one beer it jumps up 20 pts. I hope I didn't damage myself with that.
If it makes ya feel any better, I remember reading a study about this in the early 90's. Alcohol can cause a rise in blood pressure, but it is not long lasting due to something called the 'slowpressor' effect (im pretty sure I spelled that wrong). Something to do with it working similar to a vasodilator or something... Sorry, it's way outside my purview/comfort zone.
Did you monitor your BP over an hour or two? I know mine goes up for about an hour after a glass of scotch.
I was banned AFTER Elon took over for flagging Valerie Bertonelli for impersonating Elon Musk's name/handle (like Kathy Griffin had done). I was immediately suspended!!! WTF???? I've been on 'read only' since. I lost all my followers and those I follow. I've appealed it etc and nothing has ever become of this. So Twitter ain't what people think. I know I've been very vocal on Twitter about vaxes and my support of Trump in the past but never did or said anything illegal. So I must've been flagged for sure.
While Twitter is in some ways improving -- or at least SEEMS to
The censorship is by no means over -- it seems Twitter's friends still get special privileges -- and AI algorithms are still shadow banning and censoring tweets.
Aaaaand…. We’re all playing right into their hands. The cabal wants us all to scream, “no more trust for our institutions and corporations and our government.” Then they’ll push us toward a new utopia, all planned by Schwab.
Pretty sure you got it backwards. Would be kinda difficult to push us if we didn't trust them. We should all make like the 1st Amendment audit community and start watching and recording everything these institutions do.
At least she figured it out, I guess
She seems sincere in all she said. Makes it sadder to me that they weaponized Good (albeit gullible) People's compassion against them.
There's plenty of jackholes who I'm OK with throwing the "I guess" at. She doesn't seem one of them.
I feel the same as you Root.
Many got downright THRILLED and GIDDY at the prospect of a new lower class being introduced, the lowest of the low, who would have no rights whatsoever because they were selfish and didn't take the sounded great that this is newer lower class was going to be permenantly beneath and the worst part for them is they actually believed it. All I had to do was say NO. Some will have genuine remorse, others will be upset that the new lowest class was not placed beneath them as promised.
It's just sad we even have to think about this. It's sad how messed up this has made the world and how we all interact with each other. RIP to all the good innocent normies that were led astray by the bad shepherds.
Her, i feel bad for. I hear what you're saying about their superiority complex. The ones I dislike are the proud ignorant, who said "I don't care what's in it, i don't want to know what's in it. I'm just going to take it so we can back to normal." (There's one in particular I'm thinking of and I can't find the clip) And then pretended like people thinking critically were the fools and were holding everyone back. Those ones can kiss my ass.
“can get back to normal”
Did NOT age well at all for them did it
That's a negative Ghost Rider. Unless your normal is a 165 resting heart rate and waking up dead. Then it's fine
Ultimately we did what we could for these people. We aired on caution when they made impulsive decisions.
We heeded them warnings but they did not listen. I've accepted the fact that most were going to take the shot regardless.
Only individuals who were willing to keep an open mind or had enough common sense to avoid the shot were ever going to choose the opposite.
Well, the smarter of us knew it was a ploy, not based on “good.” Everyone should have stopped trusting ten years before they did. Death is a tough consequence for ignorance.
The only ones I feel bad for are those who did some research and asked for doctor's advice, felt somewhat hesitant about it all but still figured it was better than NOT getting the jab.
I'm not talking about the pro-jab people. I'm talking about the folks who quietly made their own personal decision, and now they regret it.
Like, they tried. They just failed. They got bad information, bad research, bad advice. So their risk assessment led to the wrong conclusion. Happens all the time, in business and everything else.
Best case scenario, they'll have no side effects. Worst case, it may have cost them their health and their lives.
If you put it in your kids though, and weren't beyond-a-reasonable-doubt certain the danger was worth the risk, you're an irresponsible parent. My sympathy goes to your kids instead of you.
I never got it, and haven't been sick since before the pandemic (Covid, nor anything really).
Everyone else I know got it, and so far and just about everyone (maybe with the exception of a single person), has got sick in some way or another, whether that be covid (50-75% of them), or basic things like a cold or the flu.
On top of that, 1 person's having misc health issues, 1 person was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, my sister has had her period for 40+ days and is now severely anemic and on multiple medications (She didn't even want the shot to begin with, but is under 18 and was forced by my parents). I know one person who got covid 3 separate times, and another of his friends caught it 5x separate times.
I don't know of a single person who got it, was actually protected from the virus, and didn't get sick. I agree with you in the sense that the best-case scenario is not getting side effects from it.
Never got it eh? This might have something to do with that:
Covid-19 myths part 1
Rosenau Experiment
Rosenau experiments (extra information)
High Impact Flix: Contagions don’t exist
Bechamp or Pasteur A lost chapter in the history of Biology
Tom Cowan speech, july 10, 2021
Flexner Report
I think that is an important point to make about the weaponisation of Good. Another one of the pieces of the puzzle clicked into place for me when I read your words.
For the past decade or so I have been confounded by the social media 'trend' of virtue-signalling, I am now wondering if that asinine, onanistic practice was celebrated and normalised as a key part of the depopulation plan. People very obediently progressed from adding:
“For the past decade or so I have been confounded by the social media 'trend' of virtue-signalling, I am now wondering if that asinine, onanistic practice was celebrated and normalised as a key part of the depopulation plan. ”
Yes, it definitely was. An acute case would be the “refugees welcome” virtue signaling.
Agree. Not long ago I was one of the “fuk them, they get what they deserve”crowd, but I have tempered that substantially. We (ALL OF US) need to not ‘dance on their graves’. Many of them are literally walking dead. They are starting to wake up to that fact. I dont want the last words I speak to anyone be something smug or snarky. They are still human beings with families and friends. I personally now take solace in the fact that WE will eventually inherit most of their stuff. So … there is that.
Operative words from her posts: "led to believe..."
No, unfortunately you were deceived by people you should have never trusted. Trust your self above all others.
Deceived. Yes, exactly.
Isn't lucifer/the devil/Satan/prince of lies supposed to be the deceiver?
I've see enough deceiving through the evil works of man that I've never been inclined to invoke a supernatural evil.
Lately though, I'm not so sure. It's like there is a King of Lies or Duke of Deception loose upon the cosmos. And not the ones in the D&d Monster Manual.
You can feel it. Practically taste it.
100% respect to people of faith. I don't know how you do it.
Absolutely terrifying.
You can choose your own choices, but you can't choose the consequences.
Unfortunately it's too late for her.
I think some people are in that perfect age group/environment where they've been gaslit and propagandized for so long that they don't think to question the "experts" and are real victims of being lied to. They just have never thought to question those in authority until now. It's gotta be a hard pill to swallow when your health is totally compromised.
Some older people I know who were in healthcare earlier in life are also propagandized in a similar way. The healthcare field was its’ own sham because of ongoing pharmaceutical fraud. We were taught to trust our doctors but many of them although smart in some ways, were just as deceived as the young people. When they play ads saying what all the bad side effects could be I have thought for years, how stupid do they think we are? And yet many just follow without question anyway.
Exactly. They've grown numb or immune to it, so they just simply follow...
I don't understand why these victims are sad, but not OUTRAGED.
Here’s the main problem: “I was led to believe.” Stop right there.
If people, anyone, any entity, government, religious organization, club, etc., lie to you, WHAT YOU DO NEXT IS IT UP TO YOU. She’s an adult. She offloaded her health onto a group that, she later learned, she couldn’t trust. She never required them to pass the trust test before she injected poison into herself. She acted first and now she’s asking questions later. She has it backwards.
I’ve wondered for the last couple of years how so much of the population has no general suspicion of groups acting in tyrannical fashion. Did they all grow up coddled, in completely safe environments that they’re so gullible, so naive, so wet behind the ears? Has no one ever done them wrong? Have they never been betrayed? Never been treated unfairly? Never been mugged? Never watched the news once in their lives? How have they made it to adulthood without a keen awareness that evil swirls around them at all times and in all places? How do they not have a shred of self-protection and self preservation? I would love to read a based sociologist’s take on this.
Good times breed soft men.
I sympathize with anyone who is vaccine-injured, but they made their own choice to be led to believe the vaccines were safe and effective. The information showing otherwise was publicly available but it took effort and awareness to find it and read it. These people trust authority implicitly and defer to it unquestioningly. They don't even try to think independently or analytically and want to be spoon fed information in sound bites. No one wanted to hear any explanations about what the 95% effective number really meant because they would have to think about numbers and arithmetic. This person wanted to virtue signal her hero status when she took the vaccine, and now she wants to shift the blame so that she can claim victim status. The picture showing her with her vaccine card shows her need for attention and approval.
I wonder this all the time. I think A LOT of it comes from the pharma drugs these people are all on. They seem to turn off any negative thoughts that could come from self analysis or something. All that goes in is football and dancing with the stars. Any logical thoughts go out the window
I could only upvote you once, apologies for that.
Twitter still bans people for saying bad things about the LGBTQ community
Sounds like a market opportunity for someone to start a twitter clone that allows it
Ain't that the Truth.
Clif High predicted many of these "Walking Dead" will take justice in their own hands
That's fine as long as their isn't any misdirected hostility towards the rest of us who literally didn't do anything.
This is the reality none of them want to discuss.
She's young and yet she got the vaccine in January. She mentions she has asthma and a heart condition. I guess this is why she got bumped up as a priority case.
Take a moment to consider what we all know now. These people who knew the vaccines would seriously injure and kill people, gave preferential treatment to young women like this who were already in poor health. That is an evilness beyond comprehension.
I was forced to take it after the gov ordered me fired a little over a year ago. I had a brief bout of bells palsy. A ringing/ pain in my ear for like 12 months or so and have high normal markers for clots. Fingers crossed that all the supplements I started taking a week before and continue to take to today. Fingers crossed, toes crossed
Without assholes like her lining up for the shots the gov would not have been able for force the poison on me.
Someone has to say no first. Why didn't you?
I did and was fired. Unemployment was not allowed as gov declared vax refusal was a valid reason to fire you. Also my company didnt want to impose it, but the gov forced them. Yea I could have said no and packed the kids into the suv and lived under a bridge down by the river. You dont need a literal gun to the head to be forced. Also there was only like 5% unvaxed in my province. The gov had no problem fucking the last 5%. I figured death was better than ruining my families life. My kids and wife remain unpoisoned. Finally fuck you.
You're from Canada?
unfortunately yes. This country is turning into a complete shithole. castro Jr is destroying it and its full of cucks and cucks lite. Not too many real men left in canada. I feel like the odd one out here. I took part in the local freedom rallys, I donated to the truckers at gofundme and givegosend. My info was out after the hack of givegosend. I didnt give a shit about the threats from the cucks I got. But castro and freeland saying they were going to de-bank me freaked me out.
There are rainbow flags and stickers everywhere, the vast majority lined up for the shots and were smiles and happy to finally get them. I got chased out of so many stores because I refused to put on a face diaper (oh I have stories lol). Trudeau met with out premier and the next day mandates, masks and a vax passport was on the way. This country has very little going for it. My dream is to get the fuck out and move to a red state.
I dont wish these effects on anyone but individuals have responsibility to themselves, apathetic people get what they deserve, as does everyone else.
sorry but that's what you get for blindly injecting yourself with a substance because the TV said you should and doing zero basic research into the people making this stuff.
I am very sad for the sufferings as a result of these shots. My niece, who took the shots as a work requirement, just miscarried a very much wanted baby. I wonder if she will realize the harm she has done to her body.
They had asthma and congenital heart disease, and now they are saying the vaccine ruined their "healthy body"? Doesn't sound that healthy to begin with...
Elon should buy Reddit, next. He’ll probably find far deeper conspiracies against humanity, America and Earth, on that platform. Perhaps, he’ll uncover more info about the death of Aaron Swartz, too.
Other questions which could be answered: How deep is China’s spy network & influence on Reddit, exactly? Reddit has a crazy high population of NPCs, so, if Reddit has a bot network, how deep and sophisticated is Reddit’s bot network? How far did Reddit execs go to cover-up all known/unknown conspiracies?
Elon could easily afford Reddit’s parent company; it may be another waste of billions of dollars, but the inside info could be priceless, and that platform obviously needs some sunlight/disinfectant.
Obviously, Reddit needs an exorcism, too, but, for some crazy reason, I doubt Elon is capable of going that far.
I never took the vax. I took 1 covid test for work in 2021. I hope that didnt have the mrna on it. My blood pressure has been terrible. If I drink one beer it jumps up 20 pts. I hope I didn't damage myself with that.
If it makes ya feel any better, I remember reading a study about this in the early 90's. Alcohol can cause a rise in blood pressure, but it is not long lasting due to something called the 'slowpressor' effect (im pretty sure I spelled that wrong). Something to do with it working similar to a vasodilator or something... Sorry, it's way outside my purview/comfort zone.
Did you monitor your BP over an hour or two? I know mine goes up for about an hour after a glass of scotch.
Ya, mine is still high through out the day. 160s over 100 after drinking
All they do is whine on social media and put up GoFundMe’s though. Who contributes to these idiots?!
Poor Megan. I am glad that she is speaking up.
Something something and find out.
Do good research and find out!
She got a future in the next whoville hoovalation movie.
Should of listened to the 'conspiracy' theorists
Now the libs cry that it was still the right thing to do because “your heart is in the right place” or some bullshit. They still think it was good.
Little bit late for her....but hopefully her sacrifice will save some other people's lives.
I've noticed many young (teens / early 20s) people are complaining of an inability to eat properly without pain / sickness
Why are none of my friends who got the jab experiencing this?
Different batches. Not all the shots had the same amount of mRNA in them. Naomi Wolf talked about this last year on Bannon’s War Room.
I was banned AFTER Elon took over for flagging Valerie Bertonelli for impersonating Elon Musk's name/handle (like Kathy Griffin had done). I was immediately suspended!!! WTF???? I've been on 'read only' since. I lost all my followers and those I follow. I've appealed it etc and nothing has ever become of this. So Twitter ain't what people think. I know I've been very vocal on Twitter about vaxes and my support of Trump in the past but never did or said anything illegal. So I must've been flagged for sure.
Don't ask me how I knew, but ask yourself why you didn't know.
“Working, healthy body?”
This woman is an idiot.
I wish this was the Megan from the movie. Go do that little killer dance for Bill Gates and crew.
While Twitter is in some ways improving -- or at least SEEMS to
The censorship is by no means over -- it seems Twitter's friends still get special privileges -- and AI algorithms are still shadow banning and censoring tweets.
Aaaaand…. We’re all playing right into their hands. The cabal wants us all to scream, “no more trust for our institutions and corporations and our government.” Then they’ll push us toward a new utopia, all planned by Schwab.
Pretty sure you got it backwards. Would be kinda difficult to push us if we didn't trust them. We should all make like the 1st Amendment audit community and start watching and recording everything these institutions do.
In the free land of New Schwabia, you'll own nothing and you'll be happy!
#YDAK Your Doctor Always Knew