UPDATE: Teen Student Who Brutally Beat 9-Year-Old Girl Will Now Face Criminal Battery Charges
The aftermath involving the savage beating of a 9-year-old girl on a school bus last week continues to unfold. One of the instigators responsible for the assault will now face criminal charges according to Miami-Dade prosecutors. TGP previously reported on...
Anybody beating a nine year old like that should be charged with attempted murder.
No question. Absolutely awful
Why? So he can be found not guilty and let go? No way. Charge him with what you can convict him on.
Didn't MSM report this case in such a way it insinuated white students beat a black race child?
Some used a stock photo of a white boy trying to hit a white girl.
Yeah I think it was Reuters, but I'm not sure. They used a generic headline about student violence and used a stock photo of a white kid making a fist at another white kid.
The author was a black woman, I believe.
The is NO black race....There is ONE human race...period. Geographic location and melanin content are not do not change this fact.
Your stats are misleading. Most of violent crimes are committed by black males, not black females. So its really about 6.5% of the population committing 51% off all violent crimes.
To add to that my fren cause you are correct. Inside that 6.5% it’s even lower. Black males from 1-7 years old do not generally commit crimes and the ages of approximately 50 to 80/90 years old are not committing the crimes. So it drops even lower.
The females are sometimes worse than males
Black females commit more crimes than white males.
I dont have any stats but they are pretty scary
Radical feminists use that same logic to claim that violent crime is not a race issue, but it is a gender issue, and all men are the problem. See how the faulty logic of sweeping generalizations works out?
Actually violent crime is more of a gender issue. Jordan Peterson did a great talk about aggression in males and females. They both have it, and if one was given a choice to choose between random pairs of males and females who was more aggressive, they would be correct 60% of the time if they chose the male. So in just normal people, there is overlap between the sexes but slightly more predominant in males. However, when it comes to the extreme end of aggression, violent criminal aggression, it is almost always predominantly male. Men and women are different. Radical feminist try to argue men and the women are the same, yet in their actions try to make women more masculine and men more feminine. And we all know when actions and words are in contradiction to each other... they aren't being honest with you.
Hopefully instead of name-calling they ask you to look at how we got here, but that might be considered CRT.
Forget to mention that (legal) African migrants are leagues more likely to succeed academically than the Native black population in America.
There are definitely races. What in the world are you saying? Humans are distinguishable from other animals as a race, but to say there are not differences between the races from genetic lineage is absolutely retarded.
Biblical view, all people are descendants of one of Noah's three daughters in law. Those people were together until scattered by God at the "Tower of Babel".
DNA is amazing.
Humans are distinguishable from other animals as a species, not a race.
Yes, there is no black race.
No, we are not all of the same race.
And no, there is NOT one human race.
There are many races...maybe hundreds, maybe thousands.
A race is an extended family. You inherit stuff from your ancestors.
Some people have ancestors with red hair. Such people have a tendency toward red hair.
Some people have dumb ancestors. Such people have a tendency to be dumb.
Where I grew up, we knew families.
And we knew which families were trouble. You'd see that last name and you'd keep an eye on the kid because you knew what was up with his family.
Race is the same as subspecies. Each race of human is a subspecies of human. Subspecies is defined as where it has evolved in its own separate environment and by adapting to that environment, it has developed its own separate morphological and behavioral characteristics, even though it is still part of the species and thus still able to cross-breed with other sub-species from the same species. (Even though that has negative consequences to the offspring). There are emotional differences, intelligence differences, hormonal differences, physical differences, etc. There are medicines that only work for one race or another, etc.
Hey my friend, I agree. I hate the race baiting folks that try to make people hate each other. BTW, I don't see color when I interact with others, I see one character and heart. I can attest that I raised my sons the same as none married a white girl. And all my dtrs in law are wonderful people and GREAT mothers.
Its a fucking animal, not a "teen".
The treatment for a rabid animal is applicable.
This should qualify for the extra nasty Hate Crime sentencing guidelines. Which never really seems to happen.
Haven't you heard? Only Evil Whites can commit Hate Crimes.
Now you have me curious what the percentages are of hate crime charges and/or convictions by race.
Unreal. If that was my child. All hell would break loose and real fast.
Same here.
Why is it only 1 of them? I watched the video, atleast one other thought to take a punch at that girl. I want those fuckers punished too, dont give a shit how old they are.
Hopped in this thread just to make sure others noticed it was more than one attacker. When I called the school the other day they also said “the student…” not students, when referring to the situation being handled.
this can be solved by each of those kids getting locked up in a padded room with nothing more than her daddy and a Louisville Slugger....
If the reporting in the article is true, then every employee with any level of supervision, from teachers, site police and administration need to be yanked up and slammed down hard for child endangerment.
I want to know why the bus driver didn't do anything.
You put your hands on a kid as a bus driver or a teacher and you are fucked. It doesn't matter what the fucking reason is you aren't even really allowed to break up fights. You're not allowed to stop them. You're not allowed to do shit. The parents who are raising the assholes are also assholes and so if their kid is held accountable they're the ones who usually squeak the loudest and act like the biggest fucking Karen's, and so the school bends over backwards to avoid a lawsuit from shaquaylude and to avoid being called racist, and these kids doing these things never learn basic accountability.
Oh look, another reason to home school. Seriously, I've lived through that same BS of the schools doing not a damn thing about violent thugs. Public schools are no longer viable. If we want to keep public schools an option, the parents must be 💯% involved in everything and control the happenings of said schools.
Beware white people.
When you are old and in the old folks home, this is who will be around you. In charge of your day to day care.
A similar thing happened when I was a kid. My older brother got jumped by two brothers. They were all way older than me.
My father went their house and when their father came to the door my father pulled him out and beat the shit out him in his own front yard right in front of the whole family and the neighbors.
When the police arrived they didn't press charges because if they had my dad wanted charges pressed against their sons as well.
Those boys never messed with anyone again that I know of.
If authorities and media do not handle this case appropriately, expect to see more beatings of white children by BLM sympathizers. This is part of revenge "reparations" for them.
Juvenile jail is for youth who have anti-social personality disorders, such as this devil-in-the flesh has.
But all white people are evil racists, of course, while all POC are righteous.
Why don't you say what really happened?
A black thug maliciously and with intent to do severe bodily harm, beat a young, White female child with no provocation, causing serious physical and mental damage. And no other person did anything to stop it.
It was, and remains, a race-based hate crime that demonstrates the inability of black youth to successfully co-exist with the White society they've been born into.
And frankly, would you have heard of something like this 10 years ago?
Until this is addressed, it will continue to get worse. Since then, we've a litany of White 5 year-old boys being shot in the face by black men, in front of their sisters; White boys being jumped in public school bathrooms, beaten and given brain damage, women and little children being run over in a Christmas parade...there are so many more examples, but it hurts my heart to retell them. You know the cases, I don't have to list any more than those.
This only ends when we collectively say "enough".
Wakanda Forever!
Send his ass to bangladesh to be a scribe or roll cigarrettes for food.
The school must be shut down if they are unable or unwilling to protect all students. This should not be a black or white issue it must be an accountability issue. 1). All students must be taught that there are certain behaviors expected of ALL students, 2). There must be zero tolerance for assault of any kind and the perpetrator of violence in any case must be expelled, 3). All children must be treated equally, 4) school officials that refused to be act expeditiously towards resolving these issues fairly must be fired.
While I think that kid should be punished fully for doing what he did what I was actually surprised to see that was left out of many of the video clips is the little girl attacking the smaller kid (seems to be similar age or younger than her) right across the isle. Don't know what happened before that whether or not she was attacked and was fighting back or if she started hitting him first but something happened prior to that. No clue if the lighter skin younger boy was related to the 15 year old but here is a clip showing what happened a few seconds before the beating.
Do you worry that you've seen more video than the ghetto's prosecutor?
The fact that charges are being brought in a Leftist-controlled municipality against a black minor for a crime against a white should relieve you concerns. Think.
Nothing wrong with asking questions. The only videos I can find with the earliest footage shows the Hispanic girl attacking the black kid that seems to be her age by smacking him repeatedly. That is then followed up by the 15 year old violently attacking her punching her in the back of the head and then the younger kid also hitting her. As far as I can tell none of them are innocent here. This is exactly what took place based on video. If the kid hit her first then she has every right to hit him back. But if she initiated the physical contact then she should at the very least get suspended. Call me old fashion but I'm just not a fan of girls thinking they can hit the opposite sex with impunity.
Those of us old enough to remember the crack baby epidemic, this is that black hat operation come into fruition.
Update: only because they have been forced to because of optics
He should face her father. F everything else
What matters again? I’m confused 🙄