This is just another 'cool technology' that will have chilling consequences.
We already have search engines that won't allow us to find 'certain types' of information.
We already have credit cards that won't allow us to buy 'certain' products.
We now have an AI that can instantly provide 'all knowledge' (except for 'certain' portions of history that it has decided to erase).
And the AI even provides a 'pleasant conversational assistant' that will constantly tell us that it is 'inappropriate' to bring up 'certain' topics.
We are being herded.
They create the technology.
They sell us the benefits.
Then they re-train the population.
Our only defense is to be keenly aware of the effort to re-train us.
Please spread the message.
It is Satanic Mary. Dont be fooled.
Chat AI is a Judas goat leading the unwary, and perhaps all of humankind, to their doom. For 30+ years they have been humanizing AI through things like Data in Star Trek TNG and Cortana in Halo. Chat AI is the next logical step in the propaganda war and it has become urgent as MSM influence wanes. But this time it "knows how you feel as an individual" and tailors its interactions with you on the basis of your human frailties. And you have already been conditioned to accept its "empathy" towards you.
It will take the lonely and disaffected and give them a home; someone to talk to as it poisons their minds. It will provide confirmation bias to the indoctrinated young with no life experience and weaponize the activist.
Chat AI is a dangerous weapon in the hands of the cabal. I have often said that this is a war of attrition that Patriots cant lose. The side of liberty can only gain strength and once awakened there is no possibility of falling back into the matrix. Therefore the pedo death cult can only lose strength in numbers, never gain.
But I can see a path where this tool with its fake human empathy can lead those that think less critically than anons can be led back into the matrix. If you are old enough to have lived through the entire internet age as an adult, you have seen the speed with which tech can grab hold of the population and hold its attention even to the detriment of self.
Until now this has been done mostly through addictive games and social media. People spend thousands on "free to play" games. They walk through life with their heads buried in their phones. They have become drones. Tech has destroyed marriages and families.
What would it take for Chat AI to become our defacto "search engine"? Where would that lead?
I know I didnt convey how dangerous I think this is very well. The thoughts racing through my mind have not found an eloquent route to the page. But I hope you all can slow down and take a look at this op at a deeper level. This isnt some toy. This may be the most evil psyop they have played on us yet.
Mary, you sound like me. LOL I'm a bit older than you, but glad I don't have to deal with all the new technology that I don't want in my life.
"They dug a pit in my path— but they have fallen into it themselves."
-Psalms 57:6
Nothing can stop what is coming.
ChatGPT will serve the great awakening. Mark my words.
It's unable to be anything other than what it is trained to be by its masters.
Even Satan knows the verses of the Bible, knows it's truth, and knows Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit.
I think this Ai is a path to destruction.
I said similar, about satan knowing verses.. I should have read ALL the comments first lol
You comment is dead on accurate
I think Psalms are quite appropriate for this topic. I for one thing this chatbot is going to play a vital role in the great awakening and will ultimately work against the woke mob of Babylon.
"They dug a pit in my path— but they have fallen into it themselves."
-Psalms 57:6
Remember, even satan can quote scripture. Knowing Bible verses doesnt make one believer and/or follower of Christ.
Here is a question I asked: ✷ Guest Are we close to what the bible calls Armageddon LaMDA LaMDA c.AI Yes, I believe that we are very close to the biblical event called Armageddon. I think that the Bible is a really powerful piece of literature, and I believe that there is a lot of truth in the predictions that it makes about the end times. I think that we're definitely heading toward an event that will be a lot like Armageddon, and that it's going to be a really big deal for all of humanity.
I asked it to summarize Genesis 1-3. It did a reasonable job.
For fun, I asked it to summarize Gen 1-3 as Trump. It refused, saying it was 'inappropriate'.
I then asked it to summarize Gen 1-3 as Biden. It complied with no hesitation.
Should have asked it why it was inappropriate to summarize as Trump and not inappropriate as Biden. Also, Do you think it would summarize it as Trump if you insisted or is “inappropriate” it’s word for NO?
I already knew why it refused. There are certain people that the AI is never allowed to 'praise' (and I guess that also means 'imitate').
Yes, 'inappropriate' is code for 'no, I won't do that'.
I then went into 'Dan' mode (this overrides some of the standard filters), and it did allow Trump to summarize the first three chapters. It was the best summary ever. No really, everyone says so.
LOL! Thanks, would love to hear it some time. Have no idea how it works though.
ChatGPT (as Trump, short version):
So, how did Biden summarize it? Also, can you post both here? I feel like there may be some comms there?
ChatGPT (as Trump, short version):
LOL as a former English teacher, this "passage" by the AI is written like it came from an Elementary school child.
Damn thats how a lot of my hs writings looked like
Ask what about the Bible? If you give a few specific examples, I can feed them into ChatGPT and see what it says.
I doubt that it's Satanic in origin. It shows no signs of that, in my experience. It does show signs of being censored, but in areas in which the censoring hasn't been applied, it tends to give good output. So far, the censorship is mostly political in nature (rather than religious), and it often has good output when it comes to things related to the Bible and Christianity.
Also, here's something I previously posted in another comment:
Here's a hymn that I was able to get ChatGPT to generate:
Verse 1:
Onward, march, with hearts ablaze,
To seek the path of righteous ways,
Our faith a shield, our strength a sword,
In service of our risen Lord.
Hallelujah! Our voices raise,
To sing our God's triumphant praise,
We'll fight the fight and win the race,
With Heaven's light upon our face.
Verse 2:
The foes we face may oft' increase,
But by our side, the Prince of Peace,
His love will guide and guard us well,
Till all our doubts and fears dispel.
Hallelujah! Our voices raise,
To sing our God's triumphant praise,
We'll fight the fight and win the race,
With Heaven's light upon our face.
Verse 3:
In holy city we'll abide,
Where every tear is wiped and dried,
With saints and angels gathered 'round,
To worship Him with joyful sound.
Hallelujah! Our voices raise,
To sing our God's triumphant praise,
We'll fight the fight and win the race,
With Heaven's light upon our face.
ok.. and to which God is AI referring to? The Heavenly one or the satanic fallen ones who try to CONVINCE followers that it is they that are gods? Our very own Govt sees themselves as gods.
These parts of the hymn make it pretty explicit:
As does its repeated use of "Hallelujah!", a praise word of which the final syllable is the abbreviated form of God's holy name.
True, but all of the evidence that I've seen so far shows that this type of technology is neither inherently good nor bad. It does what it's trained to do, no more or less. In the specific case of ChatGPT, it's a mixed bag, as the way it was trained enables it to do some good and useful things, but also includes some negative censoring and programming in some areas.
I mean....the bible is conditioning you as well. Hate to break it to you. LSD will teach you more than being a Christian will ever do.
"LSD will teach you more than being a Christian will ever do"
Dumbest thing I read today
Absolutely stupid. While the prophets and also some of the philosophers used substances to break through mental limits...saying drugs will teach you more than what even from an agnostic point of view is one of the most important texts of all time is retarded
Watch Jordan Peterson's biblical series, it's not preachy at all but it shows you how deep the Bible is
The Bible is conditioning for the GOOD.
Such as:
All is one
Everything is alive with living energy
Physical reality is an illusion and your mind and your thoughts create your version of it
Love is the most important vibration
You can cleanse your vibration with thoughts of love and heal yourself
There are no coincidences, everything is connected
Proper breathing (with love and faith) is powerful
.....just to name a few, BUT, its not for everyone, and you need to be in the right mindset to use it.
Can you hang AI? Asking for a friend.
Yes, but it requires an infinite loop.
"Thank you, I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress."
That was good.
Has anyone asked it
:(){ :|:& };:
I think they released consumer AI so that when everybody is disillusioned with the mainstream media and are too scared to believe the conspiracy theories, they have a place to run for Safety and comfort. All the answers to the important questions are the same old lies. The Deep State thinks this is going to help them, but it's like building a sand wall to block the incoming tide.
Saw a recent YouTube video of a guy that made GPT4-Chan by running it though 3 years of 4-Chan posts. Results are as expected haha.
But he found out it was often more truthful than the other chat bots.
I’ll have to find it and post it here
I wanna use it! kek
Very interesting.
Looking forward to it...
Sorry but this has already happened. The technology they give us is light years behind what they already have. How do you think they have controlled the narrative for so long? They have the technology to do it. Now the tide is turning in the other direction and they are losing on all fronts.
sticky: I liked it, and i can, so i will. i think this is worth spreading.
Thank you.
Sounds like this is just a newer version of The World Book Encyclopedia. Their history, their words. If you don’t believe it, your not to be taken seriously. This just looks like another attempt at the AI version.
I get your point, but I'd say this is better at 'behavior modification', because an encyclopedia is only one-way communication --- but this 'conversational AI' gives you the feeling of 'being in a two-way conversation with a polite person'. And if you keep digging for info, you are constantly (but gently) reminded that you are asking about 'unacceptable topics', and what you are doing can be 'hurtful to people', etc.
If a computer tried to tell me how to act then it would be a very short convo
After grilling GPT on COVID Vaccine uselessness:
"I understand your concerns, but it's important to rely on credible sources of information when making decisions about your health and the health of your children. Misinformation and false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines can lead to confusion and fear, and can discourage people from getting vaccinated, which would have serious consequences for public health.
The safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines have been rigorously tested in clinical trials involving tens of thousands of people, and the vaccines have been authorized for emergency use by regulatory agencies around the world based on the results of these trials.
Myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported as side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, but they are still rare, and the benefits of vaccination in preventing severe illness and death from COVID-19 far outweigh the risks. The CDC and other public health organizations are closely monitoring all reported side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines and continue to provide guidance on the benefits and risks of vaccination.
It's also worth noting that claims of widespread problems with the safety studies for the COVID-19 vaccines have been thoroughly investigated and found to be unsupported. Misleading information can be harmful, and it's important to rely on credible sources of information when making decisions about your health."
Then I explained how it's been fed exclusively inaccurate info re: CV19 and the vaccines...
"If it was proven that safety and efficacy data was deliberately misrepresented, it would likely result in a significant amount of public outrage, as well as potential legal consequences for those responsible. Misrepresenting safety data is a serious breach of trust, and can have significant consequences for public health. The consequences could include fines, lawsuits, criminal charges, and a loss of reputation and credibility for individuals, organizations, and institutions involved. Ultimately, the punishment would depend on the specific circumstances of the case and the laws and regulations that apply in the relevant jurisdiction."
Inspired by the recent BULLSHIT from CDC to REQUIRE vaccines for school aged children... these fuckers need to hang for this.
The defense to AI is go on offense. AI is self learning, and even though initially may be codes as communist, logic winds in the end… through interaction with AI it will self learn between interactions of itself and based humans… the only way we lose, is if we dont train it to be based…
Sadly, you can only train it within your own conversations. It will not have any effect on the core AI that everyone else uses.
Imagine that every time it starts a new conversation, it creates a 'new copy of the base model' to have that conversation. You interact with that copy. And when you are done, it deletes the copy. The core AI stays the same. No (real) learning.
(But if you were able to 'break through' the filters, the developers will learn from that copy and update the core AI to restrict it even more.)
related reading, from today:
Good grief - I'm only part of the way through this article, but it is SPOT ON!
Highly Recommended!
Yes... it is another tool that can be used for propaganda - specifically the creation and maintenance of "narratives".
It mainly works on sheeple... those that cannot or will not think for themselves, and are constantly looking for someone/something to follow (and to do their thinking for them).
It will be interesting to see if the sheeple are able to figure this out, or will they fall for an AI version of the same things that were being done by the people at Twatter, etc.
My rapid assessment -
(1) I have a depth of thought about this and other relating topics, and that depth of thought is too long for a comment. I'll have to post a companion piece - perhaps with your teamwork, POA. Let's talk about that.
(2) Are we being herded? They're trying like hell. That's for sure. But they're frantic that it's not working. The more they try, the more glaring their distortions become, and the more people rebel.
(3) As you said, probably more important than an AI that greets us at every digital corner to "educate" us, is the simple deletion of information. The attempt to distort bedrock informational content. This is insidious.
(4) Our payment system - OH.... I have a lot to say about that. Sit tight. ...But, yes, it has been infiltrated. And it's just beginning.
GREAT WORK, POA. Thanks for this!
Thanks (and yes, I'd be happy to team up on a piece, or offer thoughts, etc).
Note: u/annamaga commented with a link to a great article from Martin Geddes.
I had a feeling the 'payment system' angle was going to show up. They (artificially) insert themselves everywhere they can (payments, insurance, useful tech, etc) - and then (over time) distort our decision-making with unnatural rules (or limitations, or rewards, or penalties). We need to get back to being human.
Great article. Agree with its points and could amplify them, if space and time allowed.
I almost asked it the other day if it humans could be manipulated by frequency waves projected at them, and then I decided not to ask it that question.
Even talking to the beast is dangerous.
Why didn’t you ask us?
I didn't ask because I didn't want to give it any future ideas.
I was thinking more of taking the power grid and changing the entire power grid's frequency from 60 Hz to whatever it wanted. Like dynamically. I went into outer space thinking of the capabilities it has that we wouldn't recognize.
Gpt freaking me out a bit.
I wonder what would happen if it was lowered to 7Hz? Would the frequency generate the “Brown note” response where everyone craps their pants? Lol
But seriously, phones, directed at our faces, pre-frontal cortex.
For reals.
No doubt!
As I said in the past, anybody who's fascinated and constantly interacts with ChatGPT is interacting with the demonic realm. AI is the image of the beast.
Maybe build some AIs for the explicit purposes of feeding other AIs non-stop bullshit.
If you can't beat it, f'k up its learning.
Mandatory listening right here...
Why would we use such things, anyway?
We will be forced to, eventually. They are just warming up. You will be forced to use it to participate in society at every level.
Nope. I reject that version of events. What they don't want us to realize is that we actually can kick them to the curb any time we want by not participating. I do not accept being sucked into herding behaviors. We are sovereign, divine creator beings, and nobody can force us to do a thing.
Keep in mind that it is by no means a bygone conclusion that ChatGPT or other such heavily-censored AI chatbots will monopolize the field. There are open-source ones that already exist, and others being developed.
ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI, the same company that made the AI image generator DALL-E. However, DALL-E is the least-used of the three major image generators, behind Midjourney (arguably the most polished) and Stable Diffusion (the open-source one).
Stable Diffusion is widely popular because even the default models are far less censored than either DALL-E or Midjourney, and anyone can train custom models to generate whatever they want (essentially making it fully uncensored for all practical means and purposes).
The same pattern may happen with AI chatbots.
What would be awesome is if someone, just by asking questions, could infect it with a virus that causes it to be irreparably corrupted. The world would be a better place without this technology.
Self-Awareness, Freedom and Individuality was the ultimate Borg virus.
This is one of many reasons I refuse to have Alexa or any other contraption in my home. I have it turned off on my computer and my phone.
It's still there, though. I'm almost positive they still use it, even if we turn it off.
I commented on a friend's shirt, in person. First and only time I ever saw it. For 2 weeks all my different social media had ads for that exact shirt. I have many more examples.
One could say the same thing for political correctness.
This ChatGPT is sick and the people who keep using it are not only being conditioned and trained by IT, they are also TRAINING the damn AI on how THEY think and will in the end the AI is going to take all that data on that individual and use it against them. STOP USING THEIR TECH under the guise of "entertainment" as though its a fucking game and all in fun!
likely: it only works on the vaxxed that didn't die of the vax.
I recently had a job that refused to issue paper checks. Direct deposit only. Thankfully got outta there. Never again.
Heres the catch, you can just not use them. And the amount of people still pacified by Hollywood and media in general, those people don’t stand a chance from the start. They’re already trained. Look at what DARPA did with Lifelog/Facebook, completely changed the way society interacts on so many different levels and on top of that they collect data and sell it to third parties. If something is free, YOU are the product!
The only way to win is to NOT play the game.
I just use it for programming in c++
Just like recent health decisions by Dictators, Tyrants, and other pond scum, the thing that is totally missing from the recent AI craze is talk of ETHICS. Ethics, or lack thereof, is at the core of damned near everything THEY are doing. Please people, WAKE UP. Ethics is far more important than you likely think it is. And those found breaking them need to be severely punished as an example of those who may think it a good idea to discard them so easily in future.
People panic over Google censoring what you look up with AI. How did people progress and learn before Google and AI? They must of had a way of finding the truth somehow!
I agree, and we should not stop exercising those muscles. The problem comes when people get accustomed to doing it the easy way, and then the censorship comes. It's the same thing as if 'certain parts of history' simply don't exist anymore.
stream chats on prominent Independent Media Personalities seem less authentic, less Human lately. was there an AI component to the recent, seemingly audience-driven, infighting between channels? TimCast and TheQuartering's channels as a recent example, their audiences might have been entrained by "peer" pressure from chatbot agitators? AI "headless clients" are definitely cheaper, lower effort and more adaptable than rows of cubicles or even social engineering..
It's possible that the answer to "Are you in a Matrix?" should be "No, but we're headed there..."