Read through this and I’m seeing nothing about winds pushing it to NYC.
On the day of the explosion, winds were blowing in the direction of Canada and the Great Lakes.
As someone who lives in PA, but not close to where this happened, I’m very worried and angry.
But I haven’t seen a solid breakdown from anyone yet on how this stuff is going to dissipate in the atmosphere.
Also—chickens, fish, and small mammals were affected first because this stuff is quite dense, so it stays closer to the ground. As animals either in water or shorter than humans, they were going to get hit first
Sorry for the misspelling. It's Bhopal. At my age, I don't always remember exactly events from 40 years ago. I also recalled it as a chlorine leak, and apparently wasn't wrong about that. Here's a news story from the time.
Wow! Thank you for this eye opening article. I’m praying for the people of Ohio, Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas. God, please protect them. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
I will post it again. We know someone from railroad also. I have to be careful of what is said.
My husband's son lives there and was evacuated. Norfolk Southern had a meeting there last night. They are really screwing with these people. The people are afraid they have no idea how safe it is.
They knew the bearing box on the axle, called a hot box, was on fire 30 miles before this town. The railroad told them to keep going don't stop. We know this for fact.
They have lawyers and the people of the town will nor let it go. His son is like a dog with a bone.
“Officials said they had decided to initiate a controlled burn of vinyl chloride due to the risk of tanker cars exploding. They warned, however, that it would send toxic gases phosgene—used during World War I—and hydrogen chloride into the atmosphere.“ WOW. Okay.
A controlled burn should have/would have taken care of the gasses going into the air, I believe. This could have just been a burn--period. I don't know if hydrogen chloride and phosgene would burn "off" and not be harmful after being subjected to heat. This guy sounds mad and who wouldn't be to see something like that. Who knows what problems they will have in the near to far future?
I did copy this from a phosgene chemical website, it doesn't sound too good:
Phosgene is not combustible.
Containers may explode when heated.
Ruptured cylinders may rocket.
Phosgene (CG) is non-combustible.
When heated to decomposition, phosgene (CG) produces toxic and corrosive fumes (hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, and chlorine).
For small fires, use dry chemical or carbon dioxide.
For large fires, use water spray, fog, or regular foam. Move containers from the fire area if it is possible to do so without risk to personnel. Do not get water inside containers. Damaged cylinders should be handled only by specialists.
For fire involving tanks, fight the fire from maximum distance or use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles. Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after the fire is out. Do not direct water at the source of the leak or at safety devices; icing may occur. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety devices or discoloration of tanks. Always stay away from tanks engulfed in fire.
Run-off from fire control may cause pollution.
If the situation allows, control and properly dispose of run-off (effluent)
The 2022 movie (White Noise) was shot around Ohio and is based on a novel by Don DeLillo. The book and film follow the fictional Gladney family – a couple and their four kids – as they flee an “airborne toxic event” and then return home and try to resume their normal lives.
“The first half of the movie is all almost exactly what’s going on here,” Ratner said Wednesday, four days into their evacuation.
It is, but it's on the eastern border by PA. Pittsburgh is not far considering it's southeast of the derailment and straight downriver of the blast zone. The Beaver river leads straight to the Ohio river, which essentially leads straight through the country towards the Mississippi and to the gulf. We've already seen fish dead in the waterways near this disaster, so the implications are disastrous.
Could be the Seymore Hersh substack about the US and Norway taking out that pipeline that they desperately want to go away. None of the major mainstream players are covering the story in Europe or here in the US. The timing of those damn balloons are suspect as well. But your theory of distraction and diversion are well founded.
I am leaning towards this being nothing. I have seen time and time again how something like this is blown up and nothing comes of it. I wont be panicing much from this. Will i go outside? No, but i wont be screaming toxic rain
Well PA mother fuckers better speak up if they are experiencing health problems with wild life, pets and themsleves. Hoping I have a few hours to evac once I hear.
I will post it again. We know someone from railroad also. I have to be careful of what is said.
My husband's son lives there and was evacuated. Norfolk Southern had a meeting there last night. They are really screwing with these people. The people are afraid they have no idea how safe it is.
They knew the bearing box on the axle, called a hot box, was on fire 30 miles before this town. The railroad told them to keep going don't stop. We know this for fact.
They have lawyers and the people of the town will nor let it go. His son is like a dog with a bone.
I do not dought it is a shitshow. I do not dought how severe it is. My issue is, how can the msm be covering up so well? Their vack are broken. We have twitter, facebook is breaking. Why is this not all over the internet? The cabal can not possibly be able to censor this that well in 2023. And my next ussue is timing. This happened on the 10th correct? Why are we hearing about it now? And NY is in the clouds warpath and nothing from NY. This whole story is not adding up to me.
What is funny is his son said the news is there 24/7. He called them to report the truth they won't call back.
It was the railroad negligence. The government is suppressing it. I saw the photo of the axle. Believe me his son gave it to lawyers. Someone could lose their job if they find out this was given.
At the meeting they are in damage control. Yhe people are not letting thus go.
I believe u. I believe this is a massive problem. I just cant grasp how there is massive censorship. We were gaining internet ground. And this incident hit 2 days ago. The plume has come and gone past ny by now. Does maine know anything?
Interestingly there's nothing in that incredibly long article that related any of the legal issues they prattle about to the actual train crash. There was a burning axle box apparently, which was ordered to be ignored by administration. Brakes don't help when the bosses override the engineers. The engineers didn't disobey the orders. Then, instead of doing safe cleanup, the administration again overrides normal safety and environmental concerns and does the cheapest, most harmful thing they can. And the media covers for them, on order from the deep state.
The article is trying to point fingers at everyone involved, without evidence.
Train derailment can be to create an awareness of “pollution” that can be blamed the excess deaths in various areas where they want to speed up the depopulation, not necessarily caused by these toxins, e.g. “Watch the water”. They can do killing in many ways but they need something to be blamed on.
Pair it with all the attacks on the food producers and everything else.
Then they build huge fences in Washington, and label the protestors of this shit "terrorists". And thee lowest scum of our species buy into the bullshit, and take the side of the very people who want to kill them the most.
Not that I'm going to dismiss this, but I am going to insert the joke that this is close to Pittsburgh and to get a clear blue sky here is like getting Allegheny county to vote red.
Sorry I really meant it as a joke. There were alot of claims (not here) that PA and NY should watch out for poor weather. My family lives in pittsburgh, I live about 30 min east of pittsburgh. I swear its almost always gloomy here, but yeah the past few days have been clear blue skies.
Search 'strange cloud formations' you'll see clouds like that.
I'm not saying he's not right, I have no clue. But if just the look of the clouds is all he has to support his claim I would want something more. For example, he does not talk about smelling anything. If those clouds have burnt material in them you would think you'd smell a little of it.
This threadapp should be stickied
Agreed !
Read through this and I’m seeing nothing about winds pushing it to NYC.
On the day of the explosion, winds were blowing in the direction of Canada and the Great Lakes.
As someone who lives in PA, but not close to where this happened, I’m very worried and angry.
But I haven’t seen a solid breakdown from anyone yet on how this stuff is going to dissipate in the atmosphere.
Also—chickens, fish, and small mammals were affected first because this stuff is quite dense, so it stays closer to the ground. As animals either in water or shorter than humans, they were going to get hit first
And now they're doing ""Burn Pits"", which changes the Chemicals into something akin to Mustard Gas....
Two words - American Bopal. If you're too young to know what that means, look it up. Now.
I got ya fam....
Spot on, never heard of it. Thanks Harkk
Carry On!!!
Bhopal Disaster
Sorry Dicyanin2C, I didn't see your post, I must have been reading the wiki article : )
That was a huge one, Bopal.
Sorry for the misspelling. It's Bhopal. At my age, I don't always remember exactly events from 40 years ago. I also recalled it as a chlorine leak, and apparently wasn't wrong about that. Here's a news story from the time.
Wow! Thank you for this eye opening article. I’m praying for the people of Ohio, Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas. God, please protect them. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Why in the fuck would they burn it in the first place?
Cause black hats are in panic/desperation mode
Nothing to do with black hats.
I will post it again. We know someone from railroad also. I have to be careful of what is said.
My husband's son lives there and was evacuated. Norfolk Southern had a meeting there last night. They are really screwing with these people. The people are afraid they have no idea how safe it is.
They knew the bearing box on the axle, called a hot box, was on fire 30 miles before this town. The railroad told them to keep going don't stop. We know this for fact.
They have lawyers and the people of the town will nor let it go. His son is like a dog with a bone.
It is a shit show.
Was it a controlled burn or did it just go up with that bad flaming bearing box??
It’s supposedly a controlled burn.
“Officials said they had decided to initiate a controlled burn of vinyl chloride due to the risk of tanker cars exploding. They warned, however, that it would send toxic gases phosgene—used during World War I—and hydrogen chloride into the atmosphere.“ WOW. Okay.
And they cry about climate change and how cow farts are destroying the planet.
A controlled burn should have/would have taken care of the gasses going into the air, I believe. This could have just been a burn--period. I don't know if hydrogen chloride and phosgene would burn "off" and not be harmful after being subjected to heat. This guy sounds mad and who wouldn't be to see something like that. Who knows what problems they will have in the near to far future? I did copy this from a phosgene chemical website, it doesn't sound too good: EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Phosgene is not combustible. Containers may explode when heated. Ruptured cylinders may rocket. FIRE FIGHTING INFORMATION: Phosgene (CG) is non-combustible. When heated to decomposition, phosgene (CG) produces toxic and corrosive fumes (hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, and chlorine). For small fires, use dry chemical or carbon dioxide. For large fires, use water spray, fog, or regular foam. Move containers from the fire area if it is possible to do so without risk to personnel. Do not get water inside containers. Damaged cylinders should be handled only by specialists. For fire involving tanks, fight the fire from maximum distance or use unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles. Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after the fire is out. Do not direct water at the source of the leak or at safety devices; icing may occur. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety devices or discoloration of tanks. Always stay away from tanks engulfed in fire. Run-off from fire control may cause pollution. If the situation allows, control and properly dispose of run-off (effluent)
Well, that shit has to come down somewhere, and it looks like almost everywhere North of that area is about to get WW I style Gassed....
I'm thinking this was INTENTIONAL, and not at all an accident, since BlackRock and Vanguard are major stock holders in that Railroad....
""Controlled Burn"" = Oxymoron....
Because police hire those only just smart enough to follow orders.
Because burn pits worked so well in Iraq. /s
It was either burn it or let it explode. Honestly not sure which would be worse.
This is Not Good At All Frens.
The American Chernobyl
WW 3! DS vs USA
I didn't realize they made White Noise into a movie.
I bet it's pretty shit 💁
It's actually a fantastic book. .... Anything DeLillo in general is worth reading. Though White Noise is amoung my favorites.
"California deserves whatever it gets. Californians invented the concept of life-style. This alone warrants their doom."
-- Don DeLill, White Noise
He was considered a top contender for the Nobel prize for literature until they gave it to Bob Dillon 🤦
Mao II is also HIGHLY recommended reading.
That someone would set fire to that mess is beyond comprehension. Where's HAZMAT?
I thought this was Ohio.
It is, but it's on the eastern border by PA. Pittsburgh is not far considering it's southeast of the derailment and straight downriver of the blast zone. The Beaver river leads straight to the Ohio river, which essentially leads straight through the country towards the Mississippi and to the gulf. We've already seen fish dead in the waterways near this disaster, so the implications are disastrous.
It is the western border of PA.
Pittsburgh is over am hour away.
It is, but the winds can carry the toxic cloud across Pennsylvania all the way to New York.
The town is miles away from their state border, check it out on a map and think about how weather usually blows
Stay safe fren
Yeah, we expected something crazy to happen. I feel sorry for Nyers.
Could this be the Sky Event??? Really makes you wonder.
This was two days ago...
Edit: six days ago...
They flat out lied. My husband's son lives .8 miles from the epi center, less than a mile. They were not evacuated until two days later.
Fucking Shapiro told PA residents nearby to stay in place in their homes.
Who writes these lies?
More evidence that the police are the enemy. They are the standing army the Founders warned us about.
Why else do this if not to mass-poison as many people as possible? They should get the rope too.
Could be the Seymore Hersh substack about the US and Norway taking out that pipeline that they desperately want to go away. None of the major mainstream players are covering the story in Europe or here in the US. The timing of those damn balloons are suspect as well. But your theory of distraction and diversion are well founded.
Whwn it hit ny? Any ideas
Pretty sure the jetstream would hit coastline within 8 hours. Im in NYC :'( itsupposed to rain tonight. Rain clouds are in DC atm. Is it time to evac?
I am leaning towards this being nothing. I have seen time and time again how something like this is blown up and nothing comes of it. I wont be panicing much from this. Will i go outside? No, but i wont be screaming toxic rain
.....almost like we are being trained to not panic....
Well PA mother fuckers better speak up if they are experiencing health problems with wild life, pets and themsleves. Hoping I have a few hours to evac once I hear.
Agreed.....also would be a good time to start monitoring the water in the ohio river and its watershed.
I dont recall other derailments being a toxic chemical. Its usually gasoline. I hope it dissapates in the air
I will post it again. We know someone from railroad also. I have to be careful of what is said.
My husband's son lives there and was evacuated. Norfolk Southern had a meeting there last night. They are really screwing with these people. The people are afraid they have no idea how safe it is.
They knew the bearing box on the axle, called a hot box, was on fire 30 miles before this town. The railroad told them to keep going don't stop. We know this for fact.
They have lawyers and the people of the town will nor let it go. His son is like a dog with a bone.
It is a shit show.
I do not dought it is a shitshow. I do not dought how severe it is. My issue is, how can the msm be covering up so well? Their vack are broken. We have twitter, facebook is breaking. Why is this not all over the internet? The cabal can not possibly be able to censor this that well in 2023. And my next ussue is timing. This happened on the 10th correct? Why are we hearing about it now? And NY is in the clouds warpath and nothing from NY. This whole story is not adding up to me.
What is funny is his son said the news is there 24/7. He called them to report the truth they won't call back.
It was the railroad negligence. The government is suppressing it. I saw the photo of the axle. Believe me his son gave it to lawyers. Someone could lose their job if they find out this was given.
At the meeting they are in damage control. Yhe people are not letting thus go.
I believe u. I believe this is a massive problem. I just cant grasp how there is massive censorship. We were gaining internet ground. And this incident hit 2 days ago. The plume has come and gone past ny by now. Does maine know anything?
You realize who owns this railroad? Yhe government also is deeply involved in the railroad.
You do realize the Fake News covers truth up? Trust me I am seeing first hand the lies. The picture if the axle is unbelievable.
No idea. But definitely could come that way for sure.
Interestingly there's nothing in that incredibly long article that related any of the legal issues they prattle about to the actual train crash. There was a burning axle box apparently, which was ordered to be ignored by administration. Brakes don't help when the bosses override the engineers. The engineers didn't disobey the orders. Then, instead of doing safe cleanup, the administration again overrides normal safety and environmental concerns and does the cheapest, most harmful thing they can. And the media covers for them, on order from the deep state.
The article is trying to point fingers at everyone involved, without evidence.
911 was to justify the war against “terrorism”.
Train derailment can be to create an awareness of “pollution” that can be blamed the excess deaths in various areas where they want to speed up the depopulation, not necessarily caused by these toxins, e.g. “Watch the water”. They can do killing in many ways but they need something to be blamed on.
If only we'd have built more pipelines.... Train cars are so 19th century. ;o)
And sometimes trains just derail because most people are fucking idiots.
These people need to get out of the laboratory and do some field research on this site and communities downwind
This was a planned chemical attack....
Pair it with all the attacks on the food producers and everything else.
Then they build huge fences in Washington, and label the protestors of this shit "terrorists". And thee lowest scum of our species buy into the bullshit, and take the side of the very people who want to kill them the most.
Not that I'm going to dismiss this, but I am going to insert the joke that this is close to Pittsburgh and to get a clear blue sky here is like getting Allegheny county to vote red.
Sorry to burst your bubble but I am in Allegheny County. It has been sunny for days. This is over an hour away from East Palestine.
Sorry I really meant it as a joke. There were alot of claims (not here) that PA and NY should watch out for poor weather. My family lives in pittsburgh, I live about 30 min east of pittsburgh. I swear its almost always gloomy here, but yeah the past few days have been clear blue skies.
I know sorry. I hate it hear. Actively trying to move. It is gloomy mist of the time.
Thank GOD we're at Florida right now.
Search 'strange cloud formations' you'll see clouds like that. I'm not saying he's not right, I have no clue. But if just the look of the clouds is all he has to support his claim I would want something more. For example, he does not talk about smelling anything. If those clouds have burnt material in them you would think you'd smell a little of it.