Nope, they are compartmentalizing it because they are replacing Obama and other bad actors who have been oddly quiet for a few years. You can't have people knowing well known people are deceased. Just some food for thought.
Satan will do use centralized tech for MOTB. He is not all knowing and ever present so he will need the centralized control to implement what we know is coming.
I've never heard Satan described this way. I just realized, I've always just assumed that Satan knew our hearts and minds. I thought in this world he was omnipotent. You activated me almonds sir
Why don't these social outcast spend some time working on "Spell Check" like when i'm attempting to speak into my phone to compose a text ? Work on that you Morons.
LARP, the image is a disguised "merchant". Look at the replies with other disguised merchant pictures. Similar to the disguised pepe pictures I've seen.
Thanks. He mentions creating a follow up post over the weekend. If you come across that, could you share the link? I don't have time to spend on the Chans looking for these things
So, LOTS of money laundering achieved through creation of fraudulent PACs, Real Estate companies, etc. But at the very bottom of it all, these Deeds of Title and the like require the signature of a HUMAN BEING.
One of the ways this investigation into the racketeering has found success is in finding those signatures that either are an assumed name (usually similar to the actual person, i.e. Katelyn Hobbeson or what have you) or a signature of a person who does not exist.
How much easier does life get for the criminal class if they are able to utilize this technology to fraudulently extend the digital life of deceased people, in order to achieve motives of all kinds, such as (but not limited to) signing certain types of documents which require verification for money laundering purposes, or even for ballot signatures?
Depending on how they structure the AI, would it be possible for the technology to bypass certain security checks, such as 2 step verifications sometimes required to log-in to accounts to pay your cable bill, or do banking, etc.?
I mean theoretically, they could keep huge numbers of people who "died suddenly" alive digitally, and move money into any bank accounts that weren't closed by their family, friends etc. Hell, they could probably sign them up for NEW ones if the AI has enough personal info and can respond properly to security checks! So my point is, would this be a way to continue to fudge economic data and fake positive numbers for certain companies (cell phone, cable, internet, other auto payments?) even as the REAL POPULATION DWINDLES OFF?
They CLAIM this is just for social media, but I find ZERO legitimacy to their proposed uses. I have friends that have been dead for 10 years who still have active accounts on FB, managed by their family members usually. Obviously they don't log on to those accounts very much - maybe even just once a year for the anniversary of their passing or the deceased's birthday.
I think it would be VERY possible to infiltrate accounts like that with this AI to request a ballot for an upcoming election, sign up for a monthly subscription service, open a bank or utility account, and fund this type of stuff with a Venmo payment sent via another bad actor or zombie FB account - and of course, the AI would be able to accept it and continue to make digital footprints like this, all while running in the background and never making even the deceased person's family aware of it.
The AI could just hide all notifications and activity from those specific users in the settings, and then go on to continue living a digital life after death without anyone who knew the person during their life (and would thus be aware that they were no longer alive) ever becoming aware of this going on.
If someone figured it out, the motive of "helping someone grieving the person's passing" is what they will excuse the AI's presence with. Using technology like this, especially as we are headed into a period of experiencing extraordinary mortality across the globe due to the death jabs, could have massive implications. They would be able to keep entire company balance sheets afloat, win elections, and fudge a holy host of vital data points (not the least of which being population data usually derived from either Census bureau or insurance companies) to keep the propaganda machine working to deceive the public.
One of the BIGGEST ways we've been able to become privy to the epidemic of death and injury happening is through the insurance industry - not JUST life insurance, but auto policy, disability claims, homeowners insurance and a whole range of policies that, y'know, living people take out. With this tool they could continue to fund the policy via a backdoor and never alert the public to the dramatic dropoff in population, not to mention keeping the financial system from collapsing due to the sheer number of workers dropping off a fucking cliff.
Welcome to the future, where we resurrect people online to keep the system going. Its UNSPEAKABLY evil.
Quality response. And even more challenging a task than thwarting identity theft. If the bad guys used insurance company products to keep a deceased person’s financial life alive…how much more difficult will it become to tease out the dead from the living?
It seems there will be a point that we must return to showing up in person for financial transactions? House titles, mortgages, loans…?
Just a note: Life Insurance carriers are now required to do checks against the SSI Death Index. Policies with lots of cash can live off the cash. I used to work for an agency that had been around for several decades, and when they used to generate more paper for annual statements, you would see policies that had been inforce for YEARS and the ibsured was very old. The key was the policy was purchased when the person was young and therefore the premium low. You would look at the age of the insured and think does this person even know they have a policy. Then I realized what was happening.
This is part of the reason they are now required to run the check; to ensure the beneficiary receives the benefits. The complaint was the company not paying out the benefits when they accepted the premiums. Most claims are because the beneficiary notifies the company, but what if you don't know about it? If it lapses because the client is dead, oh well. This is to prevent that.
This happened when my FIL passed. I did all the final paperwork, but I missed an old policy he had as a retirement benefit. I think it was like $5K. But one day, it showed up in the mail for my MIL.
But as to your overall thesis, it is rather chilling plausibility.
The 3rd season of Westworld featured a more advanced form of this technology. You could have phone calls with it. Also, Max Headroom toyed with this idea.
If they do this to my deceased son's fb page, I swear I'll sue the mfrs. His page is frozen in time, whatever they call that. It should stay that way.😡😥
With billions of people the world over digitally interacting with one another, and billions of people the world over who have been injected with an unknown experimental substance ...maybe an attempt to cover for the soon to be deceased?
'Did you hear about Mary?'
'She died last Month'
'She couldn't have. I was talking with her yesterday' ...
Big Tech is now certifiably insane. I've been wrestling with how humanity deals with Big Social.
On the one hand, it has delivered the most comprehensive brainwashing attack humanity has ever seen. That seems to be too terrifyingly powerful a weapon to be allowed to exist. I sometimes think that social media is worse for humanity than Fentanyl is.
On the other hand, without this place (a Social media site), I would never have found my brothers and sisters and I think I would still be totally in the dark about what is going on. That seems like a gift from the angels.
I can't work out how we square those two perspectives off.
Back in the mid-2000's I was dating via a paid chatline, and what an adventure that was! But when that started dying out because of online sites, I being thrifty, checked out the Craigslist personals. I met 2 actual ladies, BUT I got a lot of bot messages. They seemed to key off whatever you sent them, but not exactly, several to a few back and forths before I realized... I'm sure they were some kind of scam. This was some type of AI, not a person.
There's another scam using people that is current to Cragslist involving rental properties and I almost got scammed. They advertise a home for rent with real pictures and they have a legit phone number for a Real Estate company. Thank God they only got my e-mail and phone number. I was cautious enough to cover up details of my credit score. They have you go to a website where you get your credit report for a dollar by signing up, then when you try and cancel their website freezes up. I disputed the next months charge and canceled with my CC company sending me a new card with a new number. That company is a side scam, but will not fight anyone that disputes.
The main scam is probably off shore and they clone a legit companies number and make a private server that seems to go with the legit company. When they were persistent in wanting more info, but sketchy on setting up an appointment to view the property I started investigating. The legit real estate company was a canadian firm that has no business in the USA and their website was nothing like the one the scammers had set up. Still to this day I get scam e-mails, and texts/calls from where they must have sold my info on the dark web, luckily they only had a phone and e-mail.
The use of AI is already happening when you apply for jobs. They advertise an online interview but what really happens is that it is a fishing expedition to obtain name and email address which is sold on the dark web.
Yeah, almost everything is a scam. For jobs, I look online on indeed. I'm retired and only look for secuirity guard jobs these days and I figure out by reading the posts if its suitable then apply in person.
Could make sense if there was martial law and daily life wasn't going on as usual/people not able to have physical contact. Unless you see the person how can you 100% confirm it's them on the phone, video, etc.
What if two AI's scam each other and they set up a universe of fantasy that goes on into the distant future? Just more television? How many AI's could be in on the mutual fraud?
this could absolutely be done. This AI shit is already being used to create commercial fiction - regular sci-fi and mystery and even romance stuff that you buy in the bookstores. The AI is trained on other fiction and you just give it a prompt, and it gives you more fiction in the same style.
Creating FB posts in the same style as a particular individual is no different from creating fiction. What's the difference? You bet this could be done, with an individual or an island or a whole town. No one would know that that person, or his town, are gone as long as the AI keeps creating new posts in the same style as those people.
Interesting area will be copyright as AI generated content is not copyrightable.
If you claim copyright on AI generated content it could be a form of copyfraud.
Not many are aware of this but should get interesting.
Also AI should not be given IP rights as trolls could generate countless permutations of speech etc to extort. Becomes a free speech issue as political copyright trolls could generate millions of “works” just to be able to issue take down notices in speech they don’t like because it is “copyrighted “
Until they never get a phone call answered? The world would know if a whole island was gone. You wouldnt be able to get a flight to see a loved one. I mean meta isnt the real world yet i think.
Couple AI like this and deepfakes and you have a recipe for something truly sinister.
I would advise everyone to rewatch the original Max Headroom film '20 Minutes into the future'.
One of the goons who goes around recycling people for body parts mentions about having computer generated politicians that were completely under your control, and that was in 1986 (Commodore Amiga and Atari ST territory).
Take over real accounts that don’t look like bots.
Prevent feeling that many accounts of vaccinated people suddenly stop posting. Helps them to prevent “Are they dead?” questions from normies.
Makes it harder to create a website with links to people profiles who died of vaccine.
They can keep using these accounts for their nefarious purposes.
But they didn’t thing about one thing:
We Are The News: The real people know who has died and their friends are able to identify these account and expose at scale. It’s not as easy cheat as dead people voting. The same website with the list of such accounts (links) can be created … or leaked by Meta employee.
Here's the plot, shadowban everyone. Social media ceases to exist but nobody knows it. Instead of a forum for people to communicate it becomes something akin to television with an illusion of interactivity. Plus, the controllers can use it to identify problem individuals based on their posts.
This immediately made me think of a video I watched with the remote viewing guy on YT who said he "saw" in one of his sessions where there was a lab and they were doing things like "disappearing" people; said he had a bad feeling about this. The drawings he did about it reminded me of on Star Trek when Kirk and the gang would get transported out to where ever they were going. One minute you're there, and then you fade away and are gone. Imagine they could zap you away to wherever it is they send you and then use this AI to make everyone thing you're still here.
They’ve forbidden communication between people working on different things.
That makes the criminal responsibility way easier to determine. Only the people that the author of this post is reporting to are able to connect the pieces of work and they’re the ones that should be under constant criminal investigation and surveillance.
The thing is - it was NEVER a good idea. It's absolutely sick. People die. Deal with it. We all will die. It's part of life. It's not natural to try and keep someone alive digitally. It's just a mirage. All fake. And it encourages people to live in a fake world.
We're already in fake world. We have kids saying they're whatever they "feel" like and society is pressing us to accept this unreality. TPTB do NOT accept reality. They want to become GODS. They want us to enter their BRAVE NEW WORLD.
DO NOT CONSENT. If you do - you will perish. You will NEVER know God.
Problem can be easily solved if you have a will designating your executor to remove all your social media sites. But you should keep a list with updated passwords just in case.
I kind of get it but don’t. If I lost my loved one, I wouldn’t want my last memories fake interactions.
Cp0707, is the team working on this aware or the potential uses outside of this use case? Are they all in full support or are you the only smart one figuring it out?
There's already an app like this that's been out for awhile though, I remember hearing about it on one of those "darkest things on the internet" type videos on YouTube a few weeks ago. It was an app for talking to AI of a deceased friend or family member supposedly to help with the grieving process, according to the video. They were saying some guy used it to talk to his "wife" for like 6 months after she passed before moving on.
They are trying to use AI to replace GOD.
Nope, they are compartmentalizing it because they are replacing Obama and other bad actors who have been oddly quiet for a few years. You can't have people knowing well known people are deceased. Just some food for thought.
My guess is it’s more to cover up depopulation goals of the vax, food shortages, toxic waste, black baggings, etc.
This is also my thought
Good reasoning. This is exactly the sort of thing a fucking Commie would do.
Thank you I was going to say it
I sort of wonder if the beast or its prophet might end up being an AI
Satan will do use centralized tech for MOTB. He is not all knowing and ever present so he will need the centralized control to implement what we know is coming.
I've never heard Satan described this way. I just realized, I've always just assumed that Satan knew our hearts and minds. I thought in this world he was omnipotent. You activated me almonds sir
The image of the beast is given power. Sounds a lot like a hologram. People will believe this person is a real person. They won't be.
Why don't these social outcast spend some time working on "Spell Check" like when i'm attempting to speak into my phone to compose a text ? Work on that you Morons.
Yeah! That irks me to know inn.
Spell check has often led me to discover the wide array of hotels and motels.
Spell check and grammar check frequently insist on changing from correct to incorrect usage. Like most tech, they are anti-user.
"seemed like a good idea"??!?!?
I know, creepy as hell.
If this is real, which I doubt, the insider needs to go to O'Keefe.
[This is true for anyone that is in a similar situation]
O'Keefe is currently untethered.
Take a look at this tech out of Israel
LARP, the image is a disguised "merchant". Look at the replies with other disguised merchant pictures. Similar to the disguised pepe pictures I've seen.
Thanks. He mentions creating a follow up post over the weekend. If you come across that, could you share the link? I don't have time to spend on the Chans looking for these things
When I read this post....
And then I look at this
So, LOTS of money laundering achieved through creation of fraudulent PACs, Real Estate companies, etc. But at the very bottom of it all, these Deeds of Title and the like require the signature of a HUMAN BEING.
One of the ways this investigation into the racketeering has found success is in finding those signatures that either are an assumed name (usually similar to the actual person, i.e. Katelyn Hobbeson or what have you) or a signature of a person who does not exist.
How much easier does life get for the criminal class if they are able to utilize this technology to fraudulently extend the digital life of deceased people, in order to achieve motives of all kinds, such as (but not limited to) signing certain types of documents which require verification for money laundering purposes, or even for ballot signatures?
Depending on how they structure the AI, would it be possible for the technology to bypass certain security checks, such as 2 step verifications sometimes required to log-in to accounts to pay your cable bill, or do banking, etc.?
I mean theoretically, they could keep huge numbers of people who "died suddenly" alive digitally, and move money into any bank accounts that weren't closed by their family, friends etc. Hell, they could probably sign them up for NEW ones if the AI has enough personal info and can respond properly to security checks! So my point is, would this be a way to continue to fudge economic data and fake positive numbers for certain companies (cell phone, cable, internet, other auto payments?) even as the REAL POPULATION DWINDLES OFF?
They CLAIM this is just for social media, but I find ZERO legitimacy to their proposed uses. I have friends that have been dead for 10 years who still have active accounts on FB, managed by their family members usually. Obviously they don't log on to those accounts very much - maybe even just once a year for the anniversary of their passing or the deceased's birthday.
I think it would be VERY possible to infiltrate accounts like that with this AI to request a ballot for an upcoming election, sign up for a monthly subscription service, open a bank or utility account, and fund this type of stuff with a Venmo payment sent via another bad actor or zombie FB account - and of course, the AI would be able to accept it and continue to make digital footprints like this, all while running in the background and never making even the deceased person's family aware of it.
The AI could just hide all notifications and activity from those specific users in the settings, and then go on to continue living a digital life after death without anyone who knew the person during their life (and would thus be aware that they were no longer alive) ever becoming aware of this going on.
If someone figured it out, the motive of "helping someone grieving the person's passing" is what they will excuse the AI's presence with. Using technology like this, especially as we are headed into a period of experiencing extraordinary mortality across the globe due to the death jabs, could have massive implications. They would be able to keep entire company balance sheets afloat, win elections, and fudge a holy host of vital data points (not the least of which being population data usually derived from either Census bureau or insurance companies) to keep the propaganda machine working to deceive the public.
One of the BIGGEST ways we've been able to become privy to the epidemic of death and injury happening is through the insurance industry - not JUST life insurance, but auto policy, disability claims, homeowners insurance and a whole range of policies that, y'know, living people take out. With this tool they could continue to fund the policy via a backdoor and never alert the public to the dramatic dropoff in population, not to mention keeping the financial system from collapsing due to the sheer number of workers dropping off a fucking cliff.
Welcome to the future, where we resurrect people online to keep the system going. Its UNSPEAKABLY evil.
Quality response. And even more challenging a task than thwarting identity theft. If the bad guys used insurance company products to keep a deceased person’s financial life alive…how much more difficult will it become to tease out the dead from the living?
It seems there will be a point that we must return to showing up in person for financial transactions? House titles, mortgages, loans…?
Just a note: Life Insurance carriers are now required to do checks against the SSI Death Index. Policies with lots of cash can live off the cash. I used to work for an agency that had been around for several decades, and when they used to generate more paper for annual statements, you would see policies that had been inforce for YEARS and the ibsured was very old. The key was the policy was purchased when the person was young and therefore the premium low. You would look at the age of the insured and think does this person even know they have a policy. Then I realized what was happening.
This is part of the reason they are now required to run the check; to ensure the beneficiary receives the benefits. The complaint was the company not paying out the benefits when they accepted the premiums. Most claims are because the beneficiary notifies the company, but what if you don't know about it? If it lapses because the client is dead, oh well. This is to prevent that.
This happened when my FIL passed. I did all the final paperwork, but I missed an old policy he had as a retirement benefit. I think it was like $5K. But one day, it showed up in the mail for my MIL.
But as to your overall thesis, it is rather chilling plausibility.
Like an episode of Black Mirror.
The 3rd season of Westworld featured a more advanced form of this technology. You could have phone calls with it. Also, Max Headroom toyed with this idea.
If they do this to my deceased son's fb page, I swear I'll sue the mfrs. His page is frozen in time, whatever they call that. It should stay that way.😡😥
So sorry for your loss fren.
With billions of people the world over digitally interacting with one another, and billions of people the world over who have been injected with an unknown experimental substance ...maybe an attempt to cover for the soon to be deceased?
'Did you hear about Mary?'
'She died last Month'
'She couldn't have. I was talking with her yesterday' ...
Big Tech is now certifiably insane. I've been wrestling with how humanity deals with Big Social.
On the one hand, it has delivered the most comprehensive brainwashing attack humanity has ever seen. That seems to be too terrifyingly powerful a weapon to be allowed to exist. I sometimes think that social media is worse for humanity than Fentanyl is.
On the other hand, without this place (a Social media site), I would never have found my brothers and sisters and I think I would still be totally in the dark about what is going on. That seems like a gift from the angels.
I can't work out how we square those two perspectives off.
Back in the mid-2000's I was dating via a paid chatline, and what an adventure that was! But when that started dying out because of online sites, I being thrifty, checked out the Craigslist personals. I met 2 actual ladies, BUT I got a lot of bot messages. They seemed to key off whatever you sent them, but not exactly, several to a few back and forths before I realized... I'm sure they were some kind of scam. This was some type of AI, not a person.
There's another scam using people that is current to Cragslist involving rental properties and I almost got scammed. They advertise a home for rent with real pictures and they have a legit phone number for a Real Estate company. Thank God they only got my e-mail and phone number. I was cautious enough to cover up details of my credit score. They have you go to a website where you get your credit report for a dollar by signing up, then when you try and cancel their website freezes up. I disputed the next months charge and canceled with my CC company sending me a new card with a new number. That company is a side scam, but will not fight anyone that disputes.
The main scam is probably off shore and they clone a legit companies number and make a private server that seems to go with the legit company. When they were persistent in wanting more info, but sketchy on setting up an appointment to view the property I started investigating. The legit real estate company was a canadian firm that has no business in the USA and their website was nothing like the one the scammers had set up. Still to this day I get scam e-mails, and texts/calls from where they must have sold my info on the dark web, luckily they only had a phone and e-mail.
The use of AI is already happening when you apply for jobs. They advertise an online interview but what really happens is that it is a fishing expedition to obtain name and email address which is sold on the dark web.
Yeah, almost everything is a scam. For jobs, I look online on indeed. I'm retired and only look for secuirity guard jobs these days and I figure out by reading the posts if its suitable then apply in person.
Could make sense if there was martial law and daily life wasn't going on as usual/people not able to have physical contact. Unless you see the person how can you 100% confirm it's them on the phone, video, etc.
Ask them something only the real person would know, or perhaps trick the AI into saying something the real person wouldn't know about.
There can be a checkbox that pops up and asks them, though. We have the technology.
Are you a human? Check the box…
Is Hillary still twittering?
What if two AI's scam each other and they set up a universe of fantasy that goes on into the distant future? Just more television? How many AI's could be in on the mutual fraud?
this could absolutely be done. This AI shit is already being used to create commercial fiction - regular sci-fi and mystery and even romance stuff that you buy in the bookstores. The AI is trained on other fiction and you just give it a prompt, and it gives you more fiction in the same style.
Creating FB posts in the same style as a particular individual is no different from creating fiction. What's the difference? You bet this could be done, with an individual or an island or a whole town. No one would know that that person, or his town, are gone as long as the AI keeps creating new posts in the same style as those people.
Interesting area will be copyright as AI generated content is not copyrightable.
If you claim copyright on AI generated content it could be a form of copyfraud.
Not many are aware of this but should get interesting.
Also AI should not be given IP rights as trolls could generate countless permutations of speech etc to extort. Becomes a free speech issue as political copyright trolls could generate millions of “works” just to be able to issue take down notices in speech they don’t like because it is “copyrighted “
Until they never get a phone call answered? The world would know if a whole island was gone. You wouldnt be able to get a flight to see a loved one. I mean meta isnt the real world yet i think.
Couple AI like this and deepfakes and you have a recipe for something truly sinister.
I would advise everyone to rewatch the original Max Headroom film '20 Minutes into the future'.
One of the goons who goes around recycling people for body parts mentions about having computer generated politicians that were completely under your control, and that was in 1986 (Commodore Amiga and Atari ST territory).
If Meta is doing this now imagine what darpa r&d has been doing for a long time…
'We're watching a movie' ??
I remember Max Headroom. Wish somebody would rerun the show somewhere. It was dead on about a lot of things we're seeing now.
How to kills millions of people with nobody noticing it
Their goals:
Take over real accounts that don’t look like bots.
Prevent feeling that many accounts of vaccinated people suddenly stop posting. Helps them to prevent “Are they dead?” questions from normies.
Makes it harder to create a website with links to people profiles who died of vaccine.
They can keep using these accounts for their nefarious purposes.
But they didn’t thing about one thing:
Here's the plot, shadowban everyone. Social media ceases to exist but nobody knows it. Instead of a forum for people to communicate it becomes something akin to television with an illusion of interactivity. Plus, the controllers can use it to identify problem individuals based on their posts.
You will like this song:
It’s not my preferred kind of music but it has so many truth bombs for certain type of young generation that I actually started to like that guy.
Hey, check out Samson. Best patriot rapper out there, some young mullet kid from the midwest. I dont like rap either.
This immediately made me think of a video I watched with the remote viewing guy on YT who said he "saw" in one of his sessions where there was a lab and they were doing things like "disappearing" people; said he had a bad feeling about this. The drawings he did about it reminded me of on Star Trek when Kirk and the gang would get transported out to where ever they were going. One minute you're there, and then you fade away and are gone. Imagine they could zap you away to wherever it is they send you and then use this AI to make everyone thing you're still here.
At some point we're going to have to outlaw AI to save ourselves.
Maybe it's too late. Skynet is operational.
Dead Internet 30000.
how about this one,
an intern is told that gels he develops for blood bags absorb plasma
30 years later, it is reported the gels were used to transfer the covid virus between primates for 'research'
They’ve already been doing this for awhile now. Hillary for one is not who is using her social media accounts.
Crazy romanian shaolin movie director w/ faraday backpack warns AI gets loose by 2029
That makes the criminal responsibility way easier to determine. Only the people that the author of this post is reporting to are able to connect the pieces of work and they’re the ones that should be under constant criminal investigation and surveillance.
The thing is - it was NEVER a good idea. It's absolutely sick. People die. Deal with it. We all will die. It's part of life. It's not natural to try and keep someone alive digitally. It's just a mirage. All fake. And it encourages people to live in a fake world.
We're already in fake world. We have kids saying they're whatever they "feel" like and society is pressing us to accept this unreality. TPTB do NOT accept reality. They want to become GODS. They want us to enter their BRAVE NEW WORLD.
DO NOT CONSENT. If you do - you will perish. You will NEVER know God.
Would've thought this was already going on in secret.
I got to admit that the name of the project is pretty clever for what their trying to do.
Problem can be easily solved if you have a will designating your executor to remove all your social media sites. But you should keep a list with updated passwords just in case.
I kind of get it but don’t. If I lost my loved one, I wouldn’t want my last memories fake interactions.
Cp0707, is the team working on this aware or the potential uses outside of this use case? Are they all in full support or are you the only smart one figuring it out?
I smell DARPA
Nice story bro. Horse shit.
There's already an app like this that's been out for awhile though, I remember hearing about it on one of those "darkest things on the internet" type videos on YouTube a few weeks ago. It was an app for talking to AI of a deceased friend or family member supposedly to help with the grieving process, according to the video. They were saying some guy used it to talk to his "wife" for like 6 months after she passed before moving on.