It was a beautiful act of love towards the citizens and the country. MS13 is being unexisted in El-Salvador. Bukele has earned a 1 generation long Kingship as far as I'm concerned.
Ya, you can't be too safe, especially when you have kids. Carbondale area. Not that I want them here, but most ones I know are Christian and family type folks. You can never really be sure. Plenty of the gang types around too
They sent most of them here. Where do you think MS13 comes from? Its real easy to clean up your country when you have exported 90% of the worst of the worst to another country.
El Salvador = MS-13. What is MS-13? MKUltra'd hitman squad.
This is the backbone of the CIA. This is the ever-present threat that has always kept Clowns from Flipping. This is the why there has been so much resistance to a Border Wall. Anyone who grows a conscience gets Seth Rich'd.
While it is hard for anons to reconcile, crypto has been used to fund a lot of evil. El Salvador doesn't decide to accept Bitcoin as official currency on a whim.
Yes. Crypto is used for evil since day one but the USD is top crime currency.
There has to be a transition period.
General Flynn tweeted that btc is digital gold and the future. We need a headquarters for btc. I think it’ll be El Salvador. It means the savior Jesus Christ.
You are dumb as shit if you think Bitcoin is how they stopped ms13
President Bukele put his fucking foot down. Bitcoin has literally nothing to do with that.
Bitcoin has literally made el Salvador pay all their debts back.
Yup. And the US ambassador had neem making rounds to US cities for investment and repatriation of El Salvadorans. Also opening a bitcoin embasssy in Texas.
They rounded up all MS13. Thousands of them.
Latin America is pretty much removing the cia gang shock troops.
Everything is downstream from money. Fix the money and everything else starts to fix itself. Bitcoin fixed this.
But the president declaring martial law to round up all of the insurgents and hostile elements in the country also probably helped. Someone should try that here sometime soon...
My belief right now is that the martial law and nationwide takedown is going to take place against the backdrop of a Trump victory in 2024 that the Ds and RINOs refuse to accept. It will be the aftermath of 2020 in reverse, except this time the insurrection by the losing side will be real, and the President (Trump) will actually have grounds, legally and politically, to invoke the Insurrection Act.
Okay. Laws and Orders, Executive Orders, UCMJ, Military Justice act, FEMA documents and the continuity of govt plan, etc, tell a different story. FEMA just published the reconstitution directive, April 2023.
God bless everyone who loves to make everything a one-issue solution.
Bukele and his team (WH help?) did everything all at once and the people backed him up. He united military, markets and populace under Christ and waged open holy war against the biggest cartel of all, the alphabet agencies. I cannot imagine the spycraft behind the scenes to remove all the external infiltrators but they managed, while the streets were cleaned one gang member at a time. This was crucial for us, to remove the biggest source of deep state street enforcers.
Praying that this is part of the plan and it'll happen here. Just look at OUR cities...WE paid for them and scumbags ruined them. I hope Trump's plan for the homeless and revitalizing our country is a reality. As the Joker once said, "This town needs an enema"
Too much liberal bleeding hearts run the ideology of US prison systems. Does just incarceration stop many of them going back to crime again after getting out? I bet you the answer is no.
Here's my idea:
Feed them gruel 24/7. To get better food, they need to write. Write what they did was wrong, why, how it affects victims etc .. Writing slows down their cognitive process, and get them to use their brains, and emotions in a more positive way. More writing, they get TV time, extra yard time etc.... so they have a greater incentive. No writing, gruel 24/7.
Currently, US tax payers paying 58,000 dollars for each prisoner is ridiculous. Something has to be done differently.
It has to be part of the plan, because we already know MS13 stoked the deep state street enforcers, the organization of trafficking and drug running, funded and directed by our own rogue corrupt alphabet agencies
Uniting the people to remove the biggest cartel in the world is magical, fren. I've been reading their new for awhile now, it is real. Think back to the I heart NY era.
I doubt this very much, they may have greatly improved but there are still crimes of passion etc that just pop off from people who have never been in contact with law enforcement. If you told me it’s down 90% I could believe but zero is sus and sounds like state media
Very nice, if true. People wouldn't have to leave for a better country if the country they live in was safe. More South American countries need to follow this if they don't want their entire country taken over by criminals.
If you have strict and swift punishment rather than years of court cases and appeals, you get compliance. If you don’t expect and demand lawful behavior, you get lawlessness.
So why would the government of El Salvador put out that there where lots of murders? Wouldn't they rather let everybody think that there were NO murders?
Is this true? They used to be one of the worst in the world I think.
The President declared martial law and rounded up all the criminals. It was incredible!
It was a beautiful act of love towards the citizens and the country. MS13 is being unexisted in El-Salvador. Bukele has earned a 1 generation long Kingship as far as I'm concerned.
They all came to NY
I fear your comment is closer to reality.
Colorado too, in droves.
Always carry. Along with an extra mag or two. Golden here.
Ya, you can't be too safe, especially when you have kids. Carbondale area. Not that I want them here, but most ones I know are Christian and family type folks. You can never really be sure. Plenty of the gang types around too
Gang types in high rent district Carbondale? ;) Colorado has become such a shithole.
They sent most of them here. Where do you think MS13 comes from? Its real easy to clean up your country when you have exported 90% of the worst of the worst to another country.
Its a lot worse than that.
El Salvador = MS-13. What is MS-13? MKUltra'd hitman squad.
This is the backbone of the CIA. This is the ever-present threat that has always kept Clowns from Flipping. This is the why there has been so much resistance to a Border Wall. Anyone who grows a conscience gets Seth Rich'd.
While it is hard for anons to reconcile, crypto has been used to fund a lot of evil. El Salvador doesn't decide to accept Bitcoin as official currency on a whim.
Yes. Crypto is used for evil since day one but the USD is top crime currency. There has to be a transition period.
General Flynn tweeted that btc is digital gold and the future. We need a headquarters for btc. I think it’ll be El Salvador. It means the savior Jesus Christ.
Could you send me a link of the tweet? Very very curious as to the datetime that was sent!
As an aside, it is no coincidence that PayPal (originally started a month before Columbine.
This is a long ass link. But the tweet is on 2/01/2015
He called btc revolutionary destiny.
Thanks! 02/01/2015, that's further back than I thought...good memory!
I plan on reading the WSJ being linked. I can understand how his tweet would sound like an 'endorsement' of BTC at a glance.
Below are just some markers for the time period for better context
01/23/2015 Old Saudi King's death
01/25/2015 New Saudi King Salman left Obama on Red Carpet
02/22/2015 Podesta: “I’m definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.”
02/25/2015 Warren Buffett’s Secret to Staying Young: “I Eat Like a Six-year-old.” five Cokes a day, and this morning, I had a bowl of chocolate chip ice cream
With pasta and hotdogs right Warren?
This is another thought from the comments:
2015 I think. We’ve been in this soft ear for a while.
You are dumb as shit if you think Bitcoin is how they stopped ms13 President Bukele put his fucking foot down. Bitcoin has literally nothing to do with that. Bitcoin has literally made el Salvador pay all their debts back.
They made Bitcoin their currency to track criminals?
No. Just a step to get the boot of the imf off their throat. Won't play by their rules if you don't need their currency.
Not uh, not quite...
Again. Hard for anons to reconcile.
At least it’s easy to see who they are with their tats.
Here in SA we are number 3 in the world i think...
Kidnappings -- 10 826 in 2021/22...
Car-jackings -- 23 025 last year...63.1 per day...
Murders -- 23758 last year...65.1 per day...
No, it's not true. Their murder rate decreased by ~ 57% but it's not zero.
Yup. And the US ambassador had neem making rounds to US cities for investment and repatriation of El Salvadorans. Also opening a bitcoin embasssy in Texas.
They rounded up all MS13. Thousands of them. Latin America is pretty much removing the cia gang shock troops.
Ms13 came out of the coke wars.
Everything is downstream from money. Fix the money and everything else starts to fix itself. Bitcoin fixed this.
But the president declaring martial law to round up all of the insurgents and hostile elements in the country also probably helped. Someone should try that here sometime soon...
something something EO 13912
My belief right now is that the martial law and nationwide takedown is going to take place against the backdrop of a Trump victory in 2024 that the Ds and RINOs refuse to accept. It will be the aftermath of 2020 in reverse, except this time the insurrection by the losing side will be real, and the President (Trump) will actually have grounds, legally and politically, to invoke the Insurrection Act.
Okay. Laws and Orders, Executive Orders, UCMJ, Military Justice act, FEMA documents and the continuity of govt plan, etc, tell a different story. FEMA just published the reconstitution directive, April 2023.
God bless everyone who loves to make everything a one-issue solution.
Bukele and his team (WH help?) did everything all at once and the people backed him up. He united military, markets and populace under Christ and waged open holy war against the biggest cartel of all, the alphabet agencies. I cannot imagine the spycraft behind the scenes to remove all the external infiltrators but they managed, while the streets were cleaned one gang member at a time. This was crucial for us, to remove the biggest source of deep state street enforcers.
The CIA is going to be very upset when they hear about this!
El Salvador has Reached 82 Days with Zero Homicides in 2023! --
El Salvador's war in gangs was launched in March 2022 and since then more than 63,000 people have been incarcerated --
Praying that this is part of the plan and it'll happen here. Just look at OUR cities...WE paid for them and scumbags ruined them. I hope Trump's plan for the homeless and revitalizing our country is a reality. As the Joker once said, "This town needs an enema"
Too much liberal bleeding hearts run the ideology of US prison systems. Does just incarceration stop many of them going back to crime again after getting out? I bet you the answer is no.
Here's my idea:
Feed them gruel 24/7. To get better food, they need to write. Write what they did was wrong, why, how it affects victims etc .. Writing slows down their cognitive process, and get them to use their brains, and emotions in a more positive way. More writing, they get TV time, extra yard time etc.... so they have a greater incentive. No writing, gruel 24/7.
Currently, US tax payers paying 58,000 dollars for each prisoner is ridiculous. Something has to be done differently.
It has to be part of the plan, because we already know MS13 stoked the deep state street enforcers, the organization of trafficking and drug running, funded and directed by our own rogue corrupt alphabet agencies
There's been a few murders, but they'll kill anyone who talks about it. 😂
Uniting the people to remove the biggest cartel in the world is magical, fren. I've been reading their new for awhile now, it is real. Think back to the I heart NY era.
Have you seen the videos?
O.K. so I’m not the only one playing devil’s advocate.
I doubt this very much, they may have greatly improved but there are still crimes of passion etc that just pop off from people who have never been in contact with law enforcement. If you told me it’s down 90% I could believe but zero is sus and sounds like state media
Agreed. This sure sounds like propaganda to me. 100%? Impossible unless they are all praying at the end of the night holding hands singing kume Bai ya
many probably left to go to America
Very nice, if true. People wouldn't have to leave for a better country if the country they live in was safe. More South American countries need to follow this if they don't want their entire country taken over by criminals.
They shipped them to DC.
No murderers. Stable currency.
Sounds like somewhere I'd like to move to if they keep this up.
If you have strict and swift punishment rather than years of court cases and appeals, you get compliance. If you don’t expect and demand lawful behavior, you get lawlessness.
as soon as the fbia realize this, they will cause some to ruin the record. watch and see. BS post
Imagine that! One wonders how that could be. Oh, that's right, they're all here, killing with abandon wherever they please.
It would be difficult to make a credible claim of fear for refugee status in the US if there were no murders back home.
great point
Don’t jinx them
Shipped them all to new bedford ma. Easy peasy
Amazing !
Be careful what you celebrate. I believe El Salvador has pretty strict gun control.
They are all over here.
This sounds like propaganda
No... she jinxed it. Now something is bound to happen before the 10 days are up.
And you believe it?
And you believe it?
Why shouldn’t I?
Because it's the governments figures given to the MSM, that's why.
So why would the government of El Salvador put out that there where lots of murders? Wouldn't they rather let everybody think that there were NO murders?
Soon , caravans of people will be heading to El Salvador
Perhaps its time to storm their borders, kek!
They’re the largest satanic gang in the world. <<—-
This is what happens when you export them all to the USA with Biden help
You want proof that patriots are in control? No one in DC has accused Bukele of having WMDs.
Wow!!! I wish that for the entire world!!