Have you tried this??? Twitter is being fake and gsy. Dave's site is an ssl only site and yet they list it as "HTTP". Even if you try to use HTTP it will redirect to HTTPS.
❯ nmap -A -T4 x22report.com
Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-05-24 19:07 PDT
Nmap scan report for x22report.com (
Host is up (0.069s latency).
Other addresses for x22report.com (not scanned):
Not shown: 995 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
80/tcp open http Cloudflare http proxy
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title.
443/tcp open ssl/http Cloudflare http proxy
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title.
5060/tcp open sip?
8080/tcp open http Cloudflare http proxy
8443/tcp open ssl/http Cloudflare http proxy
|_http-title: 400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 434.60 seconds
Bottom line is that it actually is a secure only site (https). It redirects to https automatically, so Twitter is being fraudulent by stating that X22 is an http site. To the best of knowledge on my end, when I did an inspection on site, this is what I found. Maybe others with an IT background may discover something else.
Would you really think that Dave, who promotes VPNs, would allow you to connect to a http site, ha... like all modern sites that have a large following, a secured site is necessary. Dave wouldn't want his follower's IP addresses easily identified by a malicious party via a "man in the middle" attack. This would be very easy if he allowed http access and didnt have a proxy.
2000 Mules video can’t be posted on Twitter either.. All I will say (to spare you guys the laundry list I’ve repeated over and over) there are a LOT of things indicating Elon is not on our side.
It's almost like transhumanists are inherently against us who would have guessed. People that share that dream like... elon and Noah. 2 sides of the same coin. It's literally like one gets marketed to the left and other right.
Aside from the fact that you blindly fall for the divisions they want you to buy into, did it ever occur to you that the best way to defeat the enemy is by using their own weapons?
Its far more fun to watch the enemy being decimated by the same money they pumped into Tesla, than anything else.
And dont forget, Elon (and everyone else like him) are characters. Dont confuse them for people.
Ok. Maybe he IS on our side? Didn’t he post the Durham boat Washington crossing picture and a gun on his nightstand? Or was that a fake post? Can’t remember exactly.
For me personally I am only for Elon until he is no longer useful to our side. Him being a Trojan horse has the double edge of waking more up. Once you feel emotionally attached and he tries to manipulate you with the decorum he's built, its time to let him go. He's no longer useful for us in this war.
Endorsing DeSantis means he's no longer useful to us.
ETA: I kind of think X22 is an AI program the white hats put daily info into. The format, the repetitive phrases, the fact we have never seen Dave and the military type schedule - six days a week, one hour, without fail. I don't care though. Give me the info!!
Yes, built credibility. I would not imagine any real anon does not pay attention to him. There are others out there but Dave is a stalwart. I only regularly watch X22 and AndWeKnow. There are some content providers I want to watch more, but when I see the 2 or 3 hour length of their videos . . . I have a full time job and need family time.
OP didn’t say it was censored, that it was flagged unsafe. That’s like arguing shadowbanning is okay because the tweet is still up there. Still extremely unnecessary, unless used for nefarious reasons.
Hiiiiii and welcome, you're listening to the X22 Report, my name is Dave and today's date is May 25th twenty twenty three and the title of the episode is, "Deep State in panic mode, excessive amount of phaggotry on display"
I like Dave but have not listened for quite a while. Is he still having a talk about your health first. That always made me chuckle, in a good way. He’s a dedicated man for sure. I admire that in him.
Musk does NOT care about free speech, freedom of thought, or freedom of press, or any other freedoms guaranteed to us. He only cares about one thing: money. Inside of that, he cares about making money off of taxpayer funds. Change my mind. Go ahead, I'll wait.
I just don't even think its enough to slow down our momentum, much less stop us. I also don't think its indicative of whether or not we can trust twitter or musk.
the yeesh was for how larpy that 'red alert' looked..
I am going to wait to see if Trump comes on Twitter tonight at 6 (same time as DeSantis announcement) then I think I'm done. All I do is get pissed off when I am there!
It's freer but still not free. He won't let Alex Jones back.
Yep, although Elon throws out some fodder for hope, he's likely another Alex Jones. And I hate to say that. I still kinda like them both. Alex Jones convinced me that 911 was an inside job back in the day. It was like a Redpill which made me question MSM. That road wasn't a bad thing for me because it marked the beginning of where i am right now. Ultimately it comes down to this question: who are these guys and who do they answer to?
If you're butt hurt then jump off the band wagon like most of the emotional reactors. "fuck Elon, he's not on our side" whaa whaa whaa!! Or you can apply the 72 hour rule and see what other info might come out before you reeeee like a reddit poster.
Any serious social media platform NEEDS to have algos and scripts that help filter potentially problematic coding, etc. Not everything is "mah censorship"
I never thought I’d see the day when the mods actually sticky something that doesn’t praise Elon or draws attention to his questionable actions… but here we are… Anyways, same thing that happens when you upload 2000 Mules video on Twitter!
Can't have upbeat anons broadcasting truth.
It's pretty standard for websites to warn about http links since the S in https literally means "secure" sigh
Have you tried this??? Twitter is being fake and gsy. Dave's site is an ssl only site and yet they list it as "HTTP". Even if you try to use HTTP it will redirect to HTTPS.
~ ❯ nmap -A -T4 x22report.com Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-05-24 19:07 PDT Nmap scan report for x22report.com ( Host is up (0.069s latency). Other addresses for x22report.com (not scanned): Not shown: 995 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Cloudflare http proxy |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title. 443/tcp open ssl/http Cloudflare http proxy |_http-title: Site doesn't have a title. 5060/tcp open sip? 8080/tcp open http Cloudflare http proxy 8443/tcp open ssl/http Cloudflare http proxy |_http-title: 400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 434.60 seconds
🔝🔝wish I understood all that🔝🔝 I tried to read it and my brain felt like a ball of wool unravelling all inside 🤣🤣
Guessing my son who is a Computer Programmer would have a laugh at me not knowing this basic thing
Ask your son what he thinks about it.
Bottom line is that it actually is a secure only site (https). It redirects to https automatically, so Twitter is being fraudulent by stating that X22 is an http site. To the best of knowledge on my end, when I did an inspection on site, this is what I found. Maybe others with an IT background may discover something else.
Would you really think that Dave, who promotes VPNs, would allow you to connect to a http site, ha... like all modern sites that have a large following, a secured site is necessary. Dave wouldn't want his follower's IP addresses easily identified by a malicious party via a "man in the middle" attack. This would be very easy if he allowed http access and didnt have a proxy.
my brain turns to drying cement when I read that, too,
my brain turns to drying cement when I read that, too,
Daves site is https this guys link on his twitter is http
not daves fault, not twitters fault, op's fault
I just posted Dave's site to twitter. No problems...
When I click the link, I get the warning. There's a "proceed anyway" option.
OK. This may have something to do with your particular twitter settings.
Fuck twitter then. Elon is starting to smell more snd more like a Trojan Horse. Remind me how did he make all that money again?
2000 Mules video can’t be posted on Twitter either.. All I will say (to spare you guys the laundry list I’ve repeated over and over) there are a LOT of things indicating Elon is not on our side.
It's almost like transhumanists are inherently against us who would have guessed. People that share that dream like... elon and Noah. 2 sides of the same coin. It's literally like one gets marketed to the left and other right.
Greg and the 2000s mules team is a grift.
Excuse me?
Anon did a big ol dive on Greg. A lot of the 2000 mules stuff was questionable.
Aside from the fact that you blindly fall for the divisions they want you to buy into, did it ever occur to you that the best way to defeat the enemy is by using their own weapons?
Its far more fun to watch the enemy being decimated by the same money they pumped into Tesla, than anything else.
And dont forget, Elon (and everyone else like him) are characters. Dont confuse them for people.
he actually make all his money with gov contracts from the trump era.
Ok. Maybe he IS on our side? Didn’t he post the Durham boat Washington crossing picture and a gun on his nightstand? Or was that a fake post? Can’t remember exactly.
Govt contracts
Supplying internet to nazi to help with ethnic cleansing.
Paypal... And manipulating Doge
The Crypto Time Traveler called it out back on February-9-2022
For me personally I am only for Elon until he is no longer useful to our side. Him being a Trojan horse has the double edge of waking more up. Once you feel emotionally attached and he tries to manipulate you with the decorum he's built, its time to let him go. He's no longer useful for us in this war.
Endorsing DeSantis means he's no longer useful to us.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and welcome to theX22 report . Let’s talk about health
I watch it 5 to 6 times a week and love it
ETA: I kind of think X22 is an AI program the white hats put daily info into. The format, the repetitive phrases, the fact we have never seen Dave and the military type schedule - six days a week, one hour, without fail. I don't care though. Give me the info!!
Now that you mention it - the dude IS like a machine!!!
Also explains why they never depict the audience as growing or shrinking
Dave has been around a long time, though. They started him way early in the game if that’s the case.
Yes, built credibility. I would not imagine any real anon does not pay attention to him. There are others out there but Dave is a stalwart. I only regularly watch X22 and AndWeKnow. There are some content providers I want to watch more, but when I see the 2 or 3 hour length of their videos . . . I have a full time job and need family time.
Ditto for me. Those are the only 2 shows worth my time.
Check out Bernie at Truth and Art TV. He's been around since 2012 and also on point. He does 1 hour shows 5-6 nights a week.
Daves show has been around for a long time.....but i totally know how you feel. Sometimes i wonder if hes an advanced AI also.
The difference is that under old twitter that would be the end of it. Under new twitter you can ignore the dumbass warning and continue
True, but I am sticking to my prior statements that if Elon starts turning, then I'm going to start going hard criticizing him.
This DeSantis arc is turning IMO.
You're watching a movie.
If we're watching a movie, we are still meant to hold the people playing villains to the correct standards.
Did it actually happen on Twitter???
OP didn’t say it was censored, that it was flagged unsafe. That’s like arguing shadowbanning is okay because the tweet is still up there. Still extremely unnecessary, unless used for nefarious reasons.
........if it's a LARP.......What's the big deal?
Dave is over the target too much, they got to shut that down. Keep up the great work Dave!
If you see the comments on his videos on Bitchute, imagine what they would be like on Twitter.
Oh brother. 🙄 If they ever pull that crap about GAW......
X22 is over the target.
Twitter is fake, phony, and false
oH nO! WhAt AbOuT mY hEaLtH?
Hiiiiiiii. Let's talk about your health. Clearly you need collagen supplements.
Quit lookin at my wrinkles!
Just stop eating plants.
Hiiiiii and welcome, you're listening to the X22 Report, my name is Dave and today's date is May 25th twenty twenty three and the title of the episode is, "Deep State in panic mode, excessive amount of phaggotry on display"
I like Dave but have not listened for quite a while. Is he still having a talk about your health first. That always made me chuckle, in a good way. He’s a dedicated man for sure. I admire that in him.
i just skip past it.
The ones in the middle are annoying, especially when they are right in the middle of a sentence.
Musk does NOT care about free speech, freedom of thought, or freedom of press, or any other freedoms guaranteed to us. He only cares about one thing: money. Inside of that, he cares about making money off of taxpayer funds. Change my mind. Go ahead, I'll wait.
We actually bought a couple of those, they are fantastic
Last comment I made was correct
************ R E D A L E R T ************
Stay tuned for further notifications regarding these matters.
because one domain was marked unsafe today? yeesh
Add rumble and 2000 mules if you wanna really yeesh.
I just don't even think its enough to slow down our momentum, much less stop us. I also don't think its indicative of whether or not we can trust twitter or musk.
the yeesh was for how larpy that 'red alert' looked..
Oh for fucks sake, lol. Thank God bit chute exists
Oh, come on, Elon. Get real.
u/#truthsocial this is the way
I am going to wait to see if Trump comes on Twitter tonight at 6 (same time as DeSantis announcement) then I think I'm done. All I do is get pissed off when I am there!
It's freer but still not free. He won't let Alex Jones back.
Won't let me back either, all for re-tweeting a meme
It's not our friend, that's for sure.
Yep, although Elon throws out some fodder for hope, he's likely another Alex Jones. And I hate to say that. I still kinda like them both. Alex Jones convinced me that 911 was an inside job back in the day. It was like a Redpill which made me question MSM. That road wasn't a bad thing for me because it marked the beginning of where i am right now. Ultimately it comes down to this question: who are these guys and who do they answer to?
AJ is work for both sides, pray for him to go completely white
EM is grey/black being use as White
RD black use as white & grey
JB black use as grey & black
If you're butt hurt then jump off the band wagon like most of the emotional reactors. "fuck Elon, he's not on our side" whaa whaa whaa!! Or you can apply the 72 hour rule and see what other info might come out before you reeeee like a reddit poster.
yeah like dave needs twitter
How can anyone or anything look real at this point? Everything is to confuse everyone ! That's a military operation at work..
X22Reports website says they aren’t on Twitter.
I just posted Dave's site to twitter. No problems...
Any serious social media platform NEEDS to have algos and scripts that help filter potentially problematic coding, etc. Not everything is "mah censorship"
Do we know how many people are working for Elon, now? I guess he can't reign in to every decision taken by "left-overs" of the old twitter guard.....
I never thought I’d see the day when the mods actually sticky something that doesn’t praise Elon or draws attention to his questionable actions… but here we are… Anyways, same thing that happens when you upload 2000 Mules video on Twitter!
I think twitter still has an algorithm problem. I hope that's all it is.
"Our feelings have been hurt."