THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES ANONS! What day is it today? It's June 21st! Why is this significant? It's the Summer Solstice! The BRIGHTEST day of the year! What was John Durham doing today? Why was the 21st of June chosen for Durham's presentation? SYMBOLISM is very important! 🌑 DARK --> LIGHT! ☀️
🌑 DARK --> LIGHT! ☀️

Worth noting from the symbolism perspective. Trump is 77 years and 7 Days old today
And POTUS said "21" three times yesterday to Bret Baier.
Isnt it amazing!
That's deep
Probably the most significant day in the entirety of Paganism.
"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so." Paganism is worship of the creation, not the Creator. I would say as mankind intellectually evolved, the seed for seeking a higher meaning and to see the Divine. was planted first. We are born with the knowledge and thirst for God, we came to that naturally. Once the Law was given, it explains that none of Creation is sacred unto itself, and should not be worshipped, as it came from God, and did not make itself, there is but one God. Nor are we supposed to trash his Creation, but we are not to make idols of it.
It's a significant day in... Orbital mechanics. :D
But it can be enjoyed be all. Pagans, Christians, Muslims, Pastafarians, humans, cats, dogs, young, old...
Well I guess not by vampires though. They either combust or sparkle, depending on flavor.
r/PreserveMF: you need to flip it… this Christianity-based-on-Paganism…Jesus was the word and the word was God…in the beginning God spoke and all creation was formed. So Pagans, instead of embracing that God was at the beginning, they make up stories of creation (in rebellion to God Almighty and Jesus as Lord) which have inklings to the true story of Jesus and creation. I heard that there are religions that have a flood story too. Those humans, since Adam and Eve, have rebelled against God and His authority and so have taken to create their own stories like what you mentioned. But Jesus was from the beginning and His is the only story that will save your life and your soul. Do with that as you choose.
Abit hard when writings on krishna predate Jesus I think you need to think bigger. Jesus is a bigger story than even most Christians allude too.
You’re missing my point. Jesus was before the beginning of time. Does Krishna say that too? I’m not talking about when He came to earth in human form. I’m talking about the triune God being from before the earth, universe was formed. Genesis 1:1. That’s where I stand.
Agreed I'm just stating that texts about krishna are older and many parralells with jesus and his message, keep in mind Hinduism went through a turmoil where alot of people denied the other gods and only worshipped krishna.
Not to denote Christianity? How does that not? If you document that the Jesus story just so happens may be a blending of the stories of many pagan gods that came before him, does that not cast doubt on the authenticity of Jesus?
Many possibilities i however do not believe that there were any pagan gods they are just stories of our ancestors. When it comes to Jesus this is something else and you dont have to go as far as to say Jesus is not authentic.
The oldest deity we know of is the Indo-European Dyḗus ph₂tḗr (lit. "father daylight-sky-god"). I am very sure the God of the Bible is one and the same, and Jesus is his Son. Who was there during our early stone age tribal days, huddled in caves hiding from lions? Who was there when we were surviving on the Eurasian steppes, taming the horse? It was He, Dyḗus ph₂tḗr, Deus Pater, our Father.
Edit: everyone who downvoted me are enemies of humanity imo. The name of Dyḗus ph₂tḗr is literally the precursor to the Latin "Deus Pater", which means G"od Father", and yet you downvote this?! Imbeciles.
That is not everyone's history but yes you are right it is a story that goes way backkkkk
Note, when I say oldest, I do mean OLDEST. Dyḗus ph₂tḗr is older than all the Hindu gods, and older than the taming of the horse.
You gotta understand it was called different things in different places.
By this logic we’ll be going from light to dark for the rest of the year.
That is correct.
Inflation report in the next month may come in hot and we know two more rate hikes may happen. And when that happens the markets tend to react negatively when Q3 signals significant slowing which is why Sept to Oct is a trepid point for the stock market.
Are you talking to us anons? Or the desk trading team at your hedge fund?? Seriously. I comprehend (not necessarily agree with) about 99.9% of the posts on GAW that I read. But I read yours twice, just now, and I still think you intended that post for your account on the sub-Reddit "Options Trading."
Keep in mind this is global. Q speaks of the cleansing of the entire world. Antarctica, the seat of a lot of the cabal evil is now going from dark to light. Symbolism still fits.
Oh, so the Cabal goes out of their way to fly thousands of miles to a lifeless rock that’s -80 degrees to conduct their business. Instead of, you know, meeting in America/Europe, which they already live in and control.
Let me know when NESARA kicks in and we all magically get a cash payout from the Vatican’s stash of gold.
They always say Jesus is the reason for the season, but as far as I know it's axial tilt. 😁
The pyramids aren’t long lasting because of math, it’s because they’re made out of stone and inhabit an arid climate. Even so they have sustained significant damage; their outer white limestone casings stripped away and their interior treasures looted. You’re looking at a hollowed out skeleton of what once was.
Also, the earth receives exactly the same amount of sunlight year round. Local seasons are caused by the earth’s tilt, which causes the same amount of sunlight to be spread over a different part of the earth at a different angle.
If you’re going to base your ideas in what’s “natural”, you may want to brush up on your grasp of the natural sciences first.
We also just came out of Moon dark (June 18) and are waxing to the Light.
I don’t care. Justice delayed is justice denied.
The White Hats need to release something that will actually wake the people up. Why are we still FUCKING AROUND? My patience is worn out.
There was a story yesterday about a Chinese market where they tortured dogs, including stolen pets, and ate the dogs alive - saying that the adrenaline made the flesh taste better.
That's amazingly horrifying and it affected a lot of people, but I also wondered if it was a lead-up story as to how children around the world have been farmed for adrenochrome etc.
Horrible. I haven’t seen that video, I feel for those animals the anguish they went through while these demons were killing the others.By the way, I saw a video in TS where the Chinese were selling babies just born. They were pilling them up in a table like chickens. When I saw it I said to myself the world is lost. I got really really sad and started to cry.
Most people just cannot envisage true evil, it's one of the reasons it takes so long to educate them and how it's so easy to pull the wool over their eyes - they actively participate in ignoring atrocities.
Agreed 💯. What these people do not understand is if we become a communist/corrupt country people will know what really stress is all about. See in Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea, the Natzis, etc., the military killed a lot of innocent people for nothing so they don’t even know what stress is.
People say this so much, but I've never seen a good reason as to why. If it's the truth, then show it. Delay only makes it seem like it's just smoke and mirrors
The reason why is the human brain’s natural self defense mechanism, called Cognitive Dissonance. Too much info, too quickly, that refutes what the brain understands to be true triggers the brain to shut down to all of the new information. It has to be a gradual awakening, drip by drip, and can’t be forced too quickly. The public is waking up, we can can see the tide shifting, but it has to go at a pace the sleeping masses can digest, not at the pace we want.
I call it the plastic memory effect. Tell someone the truth and if it affects them too much they will gradually go back to 'not knowing it' unless they come to the truth through their own efforts to some extent.
edit: reverse that :) memory plastic effect
Exactly. They are people I know that they do not even want to know about what is happening because they get real sick with stress imagine the things you and me have seen they will probably put them in a hospital.
Oh hush. If there are people who won't accept it, fine. Plenty of others are mature enough to see facts and understand that what they believed before isn't the real story.
Also, that's not what "cognitive dissonance" means.
Just like with aliens and UFOs. The govt has kept them secret (only recently admitting they exist) out of fear that the general public would "freak out" everywhere if they were told that among the quintillions of planets in the universe, others besides our own harbor intelligent life.
Good call, @Qanaut.👏
GEOTUS Arrest, Hunter paddy slap and today Durham, you may be on to something
That’s cool connections, but what did he say that matters? I was working and in meetings all day.
I thought the most important thing he said was that he didn’t press charges on anyone basically because it was classified and sounded like it went up through the military to do so; if I interpreted that accurately.
He also connected dots of insight into five eyes and Italy’s assistance to help uncover how that happened.
Laid some shade on pencil neck. That was great.
Maybe most important is he confirmed that Hillary paid for the dossier and it was totally bogus and the FYI leadership, once confirmed in writing it was bogus, didn’t share that with anyone below Comey and a few others. Hiding exculpatory evidence, wow. Someone’s head should roll for that. Which means he connected the dots to a fake dossier to illegal use of our FISA system at the highest levels.
However what was odd was Matt G grilled him too, I expected the radical left to go nuts, and they did, but Matt chewed him apart for not investigating so many things he was asked to investigate. Which, my interpretation to that was, he did investigate but anything classified had to be left out of the report (which he clearly explained that was the case earlier, report today was only declassified information), so I think Matt was wrong and it was done and Durham will be exonerated someday. But Durham sat calmly and said his team basically wouldn’t agree with Matt’s assessment. That’s why I think he did do his job but he couldn’t talk about it. Because it was going to the military to prosecute.
Good question. From what I saw, nothing too exciting.
I was just rather taken aback at how squeaky and high pitched his voice is. I was expecting a deep booming authoritative voice from all the badass gifs n pics we post here 😅
He sounded to me like a lesser form (compared to RFK, Jr.) of spasmodic dysphonia.
That was my first thought! I was expecting a low voice.
Guess you missed this, https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPnpT5HM/did-you-travel-to-italy-with-wil/c/
Yeah. I saw that, but I'm still not excited. We've been hearing about sealed indictments for years. It's a nothing burger unless something actually happens. Dudes talking is not something happening imho. I want to see an action movie and this is like a drama or chick flick.
Some people get to share this opinion and have it upvoted 9-0
Then there's other people :p
Mostly just rehashing stuff we knew months ago. Had a couple entertaining exchanges with some Dems and once again made Schiff look like an idiot. Granted it’s not like that’s hard.
Petro-dollar broken.
Covid plandemic thwarted.
They wanted to kill billions and deaths were only in the millions like the flu that it was.
Trump said 2024 is the final battle... Just be patient.
Note: Winter solstice for 49% of the planet. Shortest day of the year, down under.
Other note: It's a coincidence of history that the globe has always been conceived of as North = Up.
As you can see here, this is a correct representation of the world, with certain island continents in their correct and rightful position. :P
but everyone's hair would look like it was standing upright! /s
So..... you're telling me that you northerners have your hair pointing..... DOWN?!!??!
That's just weird.
It doesn't sound as if you are feeling very positive today fren.
Please refrain from posting doomy comments though.
Sometimes we have to go through the darkness to get to the light!
Shut up and get on your feet.
We're counting on you!
I'll rotate with this theory! Perhaps that is what Q meant by Durham : )
And the Jim Caveizel movie about Child trafficking comes out in about 2 weeks.
July 4th. Good symbolism versus their evil symbolism. Love it!
Yes. And the movie is called Sound of Freedom.
It’s a rare movie that’s released on a Tuesday
There are no coincidences Anons. Just like in Qanaut's title.
Today is the summer solstice…what a coincidence https://truthsocial.com/@JuliansRum/110583025666533861 more symbolism
What does it say? Do you mind sharing a screen shot if you have time?
Only 20 hours of oxygen left and banging heard during search for missing sub.
23.5° Planet tilt?
The real number is probably 23.4394° like the Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn.
Which would mean the complementary angle to form a right angle would be...? 66.5606°> 66.6°
I remember someone else talked about this on this board earlier in the year. In any case we start to see an acceleration of events during this time frame.
“August is traditionally a very hot month”
Trump’s b.s. trial, the next phase happens in August..
What is up with all the purple, red and black and checker board every where are they speaking with out speaking???
Coincidences are possible to a point. Probabilities and statistics dictate that coincidences become impossible beyond a certain point in this 5th Generation War.
I choose to believe that everything we see play out in this great game of Black Hats and White Hats is not a coincidence!