Certainly the record executives were in the know. They love flaunting.
The artists, I'd hedge a bit. They would surely sell their souls to get that record deal and then promptly do what they're told to do. {Which is a problem in it's own right, but not what we're talking about here}
I'd be curious to hear what Alice Cooper would say about it since he's a fan of God now.
If any of the Bushes would repent, my money would be on Jeb. The look on his face at his dad's funeral when Laura opened up the envelope and showed him the contents said, he will turn on a dime, get down on his knees and beg forgiveness from the Good Lord while squealing everything he knows about everything.
I expect that at least some were totally unwitting to the one eyed symbolism and other symbolism. If a big time Hollywood photographer says “pose this way” or hold this rabbit most of them are going to say “okay.”
Tavistock? I was a bit devastated when I learned some of my musical influence was not from the Beatles, but from Tavistock. Theodore Adorno. It’s interesting that they disbanded when he died. When your songwriter dies, so does the group, but Tavistock continued right along with their social re-engineering work.
Damn. That is so blatant. Alice Cooper is a a Christian dude now. He says he is and does some ministry work. I hope he was used as a tool and didn’t design this himself.
The imagery here is undoubtedly Satanic and messages trafficking of children. We now know this. Did the band know this back then? The band in all probability hasn't a clue and signed onto the imagery after the idea was marketed to them. Many rock stars will say that they were used by the label company they contracted with. In the photo above, it's doubtful the band itself came up with this imagery. Many song writers don't have a clue to the marketing of their music. If you believe the lyrics are determined solely by the band, this is often not the case. The marketing of the songs along with the photo ops are done by the company they are contracted with.
For that time period, the person/house doing the covers were fairly important people in their own right. Roger Dean is a good example, as was Hipgnosis (graphic design studio)
Digging into that, this cover was done by Pacific Eye and Ear, which now seems to be just one guy who was the original owner. - Ernie Cefalu. He has some of the art here.
And also for that time period, Alice and his band were probably so drunk/stoned that they didn't care at all. It was all just "shock the Normies" for them.
I remember Alice Cooper well back in the early 1970s. I especially remember when the Million Dollar Babies album came out. Alice Cooper music and his stage act was very popular. I learned later on though that Alice Cooper wasn't into partying and doing drugs. His stage act persona was strictly business. He once commented on why Jim Morrison, who he was friends with, was destined to die. The reason, Alice said, was that Morrison couldn't separate his stage persona from his personal life. Still, what you said is generally true for rock stars. They'll listen to managers for promos because all they want is to sell records
One of my middle school teachers (1980) used to freak out ab playing Zeppelin backwards- is "devil music!" We thought she was cray, but now... maybe was on to something ;)
Yeah… no way around it those are panda eyes, as well as the ones Cooper sports.
At some point before during or after this photo shoot where he, a creepy sex depraved old man is grinning while awkwardly clutching a half naked baby, surrounded by so much money, white rabbits etc…
Him or his band mates must’ve stood back and said “wait wtf…. Why are we doing this? Why are people suggesting we put this out if not us?”
So the question is, what crimes against God did he commit, or was he really just an innocent naive kid? I’m sure if anything they were up to a lot of weird sex stuff…
I know nothing about him as a 30 yo but I can deduce the man and his music also…… marketed and sold debauchery to impressionable youths…… and it wasn’t the subliminal cryptic type not like like say Kurt Cobain and Nevermind it was in your face obnoxious.
Was that also just an “Oopsie” ?
Kind of reminds me of Nevermind Nirvana album come to think…. That’s a whole other story….
In Bloom tender age in bloom, bruises on the fruit, sell the kids FOR food? Or for FOOD…. Kind of puts a whole new meaning.
Kurt Cobain is a classic case of an empathetic artist being used by the agenda as an MK ultra puppet then ultimately discarded of to create legacy and attraction to suicide/death cult.
With what I know though was he really that sweet and innocent orrrr…. I mean the guy was highly intelligent he knew the double meanings, symbolism being used….
Many photos of Kurt and band flashing one eye symbol, Illuminati symbols….
Dave Grohl? Like what…. Thought the guy was the man my whole life….. but he sure did get popular and rise to mega fame quickly after….
And seeing him shill the vax and then a band mate who matches the description of Kurt suddenly dies…. After releasing a movie where he plays a POSSESSED SPIRIT KILLING HIS OTHER BANDMATES FOR THE DEVIL JACK BLACK TO GAIN MORE FAME AND POWER? AND CHOPS HIS HEAD OFF? To promote their album TEN total Freemason fuckery.
Check out the perfect painting of an evil menacing Dave Grohl reaching out with fingers spread in black and red that was passed in last concert stage by a “fan” and how quickly and awkwardly Dave remarks “I can’t have this though…. You know where this is going….. right above Hawkins bed….”
I like to imagine this is exactly what Hawkings saw the moments before his death, except it wasn’t the painting….
Courtney Love? How old was she dancing in those strip club st the behest of her Grateful Ded dad and her high end therapist mom?
Uhmm mk much?
Heck this links always fun…. Author is a little wild but I somehow can’t deny the web his spinning….
Follow the Yellow Brick Road! If you ain’t one of THEM you’d be GRATEFUL to be just DED!
Why did the refer to their fans as Ded Heds anyways?
Why make a current poster with panda eyes, associate with Depp who has visited Epstein island, wears an adrenochrome ring and is part of the black eye club. Lots of pedes here think AC is a true Christian
Similar to the Beatles with the bloody baby
Certainly the record executives were in the know. They love flaunting.
The artists, I'd hedge a bit. They would surely sell their souls to get that record deal and then promptly do what they're told to do. {Which is a problem in it's own right, but not what we're talking about here}
I'd be curious to hear what Alice Cooper would say about it since he's a fan of God now.
A lot of these people are Mk-Ultra slaves. Trauma based mind controlled from the day they are born.
So is George W Bush.
I believe a lot of these people sincerely believe they csn be active Satanists and saved by the blood of Christ.
What makes you say that about W? I figured he always was and is a tool of the cabal
If any of the Bushes would repent, my money would be on Jeb. The look on his face at his dad's funeral when Laura opened up the envelope and showed him the contents said, he will turn on a dime, get down on his knees and beg forgiveness from the Good Lord while squealing everything he knows about everything.
I expect that at least some were totally unwitting to the one eyed symbolism and other symbolism. If a big time Hollywood photographer says “pose this way” or hold this rabbit most of them are going to say “okay.”
Yeah I agree.
At some point they should figure it out, but early on they're just basically doing whatever the record company sets up.
Beatles "the butcher album".
Tavistock? I was a bit devastated when I learned some of my musical influence was not from the Beatles, but from Tavistock. Theodore Adorno. It’s interesting that they disbanded when he died. When your songwriter dies, so does the group, but Tavistock continued right along with their social re-engineering work.
alice cooper has returned to Christ. Forgiveness is paramount if you are to follow Jesus.
He should reveal all he knows.
Only God knows for sure.
He is a good guy. Same wife for decades and she goes with him everywhere.
Or that story is cover.
He and Dave Mustaine have moved to christ together. Dave has talked about Satanism and how he's seen it first hand and even did satanic things.
Ran into Dave at Sky Harbor in the late 90's....got his auto and chatted for a few min....very nice and cool dude...
Damn. That is so blatant. Alice Cooper is a a Christian dude now. He says he is and does some ministry work. I hope he was used as a tool and didn’t design this himself.
Yep. Also his dad was a pastor. Glad hes buddies with Trump and a Christian again.
He has definitely following God these days.
He's done a lot of positive things lately.
I don't think he had a clue what he was doing. He was told what to do and hold this baby etc. I don't think Cooper is one of them. He was just a tool.
He talked about having substance abuse problems in the 1970s, so he was probably in a haze, going along with weird ideas
The imagery here is undoubtedly Satanic and messages trafficking of children. We now know this. Did the band know this back then? The band in all probability hasn't a clue and signed onto the imagery after the idea was marketed to them. Many rock stars will say that they were used by the label company they contracted with. In the photo above, it's doubtful the band itself came up with this imagery. Many song writers don't have a clue to the marketing of their music. If you believe the lyrics are determined solely by the band, this is often not the case. The marketing of the songs along with the photo ops are done by the company they are contracted with.
For that time period, the person/house doing the covers were fairly important people in their own right. Roger Dean is a good example, as was Hipgnosis (graphic design studio)
Digging into that, this cover was done by Pacific Eye and Ear, which now seems to be just one guy who was the original owner. - Ernie Cefalu. He has some of the art here.
And also for that time period, Alice and his band were probably so drunk/stoned that they didn't care at all. It was all just "shock the Normies" for them.
I remember Alice Cooper well back in the early 1970s. I especially remember when the Million Dollar Babies album came out. Alice Cooper music and his stage act was very popular. I learned later on though that Alice Cooper wasn't into partying and doing drugs. His stage act persona was strictly business. He once commented on why Jim Morrison, who he was friends with, was destined to die. The reason, Alice said, was that Morrison couldn't separate his stage persona from his personal life. Still, what you said is generally true for rock stars. They'll listen to managers for promos because all they want is to sell records
Not to mention the looking glass and pocket watch. Further Cooper has long enjoyed wearing his top hat which is another masonic identified.
That's what context is for and in context of someone constant involved in symbolism I would say its safe to assume.
One of my middle school teachers (1980) used to freak out ab playing Zeppelin backwards- is "devil music!" We thought she was cray, but now... maybe was on to something ;)
Never like his music back in the day, so yeah, I didn't notice. LOL
This was 1973. And those aren't panda eyes. I went to church with Alice in the 90s. He's a good guy now. Stop with the over-reaching.
Over reaching…..
Yeah… no way around it those are panda eyes, as well as the ones Cooper sports.
At some point before during or after this photo shoot where he, a creepy sex depraved old man is grinning while awkwardly clutching a half naked baby, surrounded by so much money, white rabbits etc…
Him or his band mates must’ve stood back and said “wait wtf…. Why are we doing this? Why are people suggesting we put this out if not us?”
So the question is, what crimes against God did he commit, or was he really just an innocent naive kid? I’m sure if anything they were up to a lot of weird sex stuff…
I know nothing about him as a 30 yo but I can deduce the man and his music also…… marketed and sold debauchery to impressionable youths…… and it wasn’t the subliminal cryptic type not like like say Kurt Cobain and Nevermind it was in your face obnoxious.
Was that also just an “Oopsie” ?
Kind of reminds me of Nevermind Nirvana album come to think…. That’s a whole other story….
In Bloom tender age in bloom, bruises on the fruit, sell the kids FOR food? Or for FOOD…. Kind of puts a whole new meaning.
Kurt Cobain is a classic case of an empathetic artist being used by the agenda as an MK ultra puppet then ultimately discarded of to create legacy and attraction to suicide/death cult.
With what I know though was he really that sweet and innocent orrrr…. I mean the guy was highly intelligent he knew the double meanings, symbolism being used….
Many photos of Kurt and band flashing one eye symbol, Illuminati symbols….
Dave Grohl? Like what…. Thought the guy was the man my whole life….. but he sure did get popular and rise to mega fame quickly after….
And seeing him shill the vax and then a band mate who matches the description of Kurt suddenly dies…. After releasing a movie where he plays a POSSESSED SPIRIT KILLING HIS OTHER BANDMATES FOR THE DEVIL JACK BLACK TO GAIN MORE FAME AND POWER? AND CHOPS HIS HEAD OFF? To promote their album TEN total Freemason fuckery.
Check out the perfect painting of an evil menacing Dave Grohl reaching out with fingers spread in black and red that was passed in last concert stage by a “fan” and how quickly and awkwardly Dave remarks “I can’t have this though…. You know where this is going….. right above Hawkins bed….”
I like to imagine this is exactly what Hawkings saw the moments before his death, except it wasn’t the painting….
Courtney Love? How old was she dancing in those strip club st the behest of her Grateful Ded dad and her high end therapist mom?
Uhmm mk much?
Heck this links always fun…. Author is a little wild but I somehow can’t deny the web his spinning….
Follow the Yellow Brick Road! If you ain’t one of THEM you’d be GRATEFUL to be just DED!
Why did the refer to their fans as Ded Heds anyways?
I pray the man found God because I have a feeling he’s seen and been through some shit…. If not?
Off with his head. WAR.
Sorry off on a tangent, but relevant.
My point being I love Nirvana with my soul….. but nobody playing the game gets a free pass..
What kind of eyes are they?
black eyes. kek
He and his wife run teen centers now in Phoenix, AZ. https://www.alicecoopersolidrock.com/teen-centers/
I've met her and been inside one briefly. Didn't discern anything bad and she and I talked about Christ.
Not saying anything definitive but just adding some info.
https://greatawakening.win/p/16bj0bKrC7/by-their-fruits-you-shall-know-t/c/ This is a current poster, you want to tell me this honors Christ?
A Cooper is a barrel maker. Could the name Alice Cooper be referring to children for sale in barrels?
I’ve met Alice Cooper which is a stage name and I can assure you he doesn’t give a shit about being a tool. Addiction is a terrible beast
Not sure if related or relevant, but I noticed the other day that PETA's logo is a white rabbit
Now that’s sick. Also think of the panda for the WWF (world wildlife fund...panda eyes
Not quite as bad as The Scorpions' Virgin Killer album, but still bad.
OK, I'll bite. That should be "passed". The writer is an idiot. There, I did it.
He is currently member of the band "Hollywood Vampires" with Johnny Depp. He isn't a good guy or a real Christian.
Why make a current poster with panda eyes, associate with Depp who has visited Epstein island, wears an adrenochrome ring and is part of the black eye club. Lots of pedes here think AC is a true Christian